rilD OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 22, 1910. 5T. 1IELEHS WILL TAKE FULL CARGO when running around the. harbor this morning' with the harbormaster, Captain J. Spejrr aboard, was hardly recognis able In her gala Aran: and presented a very .mart appearance. The Manning has flags flying from every available point and ah look., like a miniature mn-o-wr In holiday attire. Other ves sel, which have their flag up are the teaser Alliance and Rose City. ......... a '.'-, . - ' " MAIJIXE XOTKS ; ' ' Astoria, FebV 23. Arrived down, dur ing the night, steamer J. Marhoffer. Ar rived at 7 and left up at 8 a. m., ateam- Dodae ; Steamer ' Wll Take Cooa Bay. Feb, 21Arrlved. .teamer ' . - - , I AlHanro frnm1 Port lnrtrl . t . Urain UarDO rrOm Here 10 San Pedro, Feb? 21. Arrived, .teamer Butt Francisco,' Feb.- 21.-Arrived at I p. m., steamer J. B.. Stetson, from Co lunibla river. Arrived at 6 p. m ateam ef Santa Maria, front Portland. Astoria, Feb.' 21. Arrived at "p. m steamer Coaster from Ban Francisco. Astoria, Feb. 22. Capo line down; no lara. Kan Francisco... .Feb. 2 Jf4 f Of ft home?, Here il One. that MJ.?!?..?;::SlSrrcS H wU1 ppi you.' itW-ix 'Ity. Ban JTranclsco.., March. . f .1 large rooms- 3 down and 3 Tacoma and Return With; After discharging' a large cargo of ' general freight here, the Dodge steamer (bar report , St. Helens, Captain tamleson, will take! Tides at Astoria. Wadnesday-rlllgh a run cargo or wheat to Tacoma and water, 1J9 a. m 7.1 feet; 12;40 p.. in., will return to Portland wrth a cargo of I 8.7 feet Low water, 7:06 a. m., 2. feet; eeal fronv Paget Mound. Bhe arrived in 1 7:31 p. m .. feet,' " tha river this morning, carrying- 2200 1 , '. . , '."'... .., . tone of cement and general merchandise! " ALONG THE WATKRHlOXT irom can jrancisco, anawui prooaoiy ; "r"v? up on'Knl- . , .J. '., ' Carrying cargo .for Portland, the aii oroer-na. oecn piacea wnn me American-Hawaiian steamer Falcon, owner of the steamer for 'the transpor- captain Sehage, sailed yesterday from tatior, of a cargo of wheat to the Puget gart Ftkncc0, She had aboard about sound port an as soon as her, cement j00 tong ot tfew. y0rk freight and 100 i,i "7 v '? "J" . : ""."" tons of bonded goods from Europe. - r.,..,? r."lu ". "I. I - It is expected that work on Mhe T j'Jr w .. ' " . v"""1 eteamor Sue H.v Klmore, Captain !?.t!?B.a 'B-6Ki1r '?n,!:ri:tf Schrader. will be 'cOmpleted and that ii. M" V V ' 7 I e will be ready to sail from Couch -,.u J I w. w - ,tret dock for TU amook Thursday, will take on a full cargo of coal for ..,, n,i,.K ' p.rtT.Hj snM T. i The gasoline scuooner Oshkosh, Cap trTh-..-. T.T i-w-Nathan, will sail tomorrow night ner the steamer will proceed to take on I u . ,,,,, a cargo of 1.800.000 wet of lumber for '?"Um w'th iu 1 c8r of b. rr.n . ' . . I general -mercnanoise. -r Carrying passengers and general -Carrying passengers and freight the freight; the Dodge steamer Northland. t:m schooner Northland, Captain Captain Erickson. will arrive In the river Erlcksen, will be In the river tonight tonight and will probably be at Couch 'rom Bn Franelaco. ' , treet dock In the morning. Bhe will , with a full cargo of freight and a load lumber out for San Frahciscg. . I Mrht passenger list, the steamer RoAi- oko, captain uunnam, win sail tomgui rTTWlWT1rTllwpl-I.lnIl?o', San Pedro and way porta. WVVJUl . , A W- M A.J. Jl 1 Aft ,JU, 1 i . Carrying cheese and general cargo TMa1 Offlrii R F A P f!n IWIvm thee teamer Golden Gate. Captain Han- LJ . C f' VU ,loceve,' aen. will be due to arrive at Oak street Prints of Beaver and Bear. , dock tomorrow morning, and will aall Blue prints , of the new Harrlman again tomorrow night with a full cargo leamera, eeaver .ana near, were ra- or general rreignt. eeirea at tne local orncee or-the San iAtn with 600 barrels of aaphaltum, Franolsco A Portland Steamship com- Nj on, of hay and '7 tons of general pmny . ima morning rrom xne ixewport merchandise, fhes" team schooner wewa Bnipouuamg ft uryaocic company, Thomas tt, Wand. Captain Johnson, ar- in. puiwre. ineDiue pnnw give e-1 rived at Oak street dock last night taiier drawings- or the two steamers, ghe discharged 1100 tons of cement at t J"" BV w accommeaauons ,xor jit Astoria before coming up., She will load iirst ciasa ana ius steerage - paaaen- lumber at, Goble and Rainier for . San gera. ine eieamers are eacn reej i Francisco - inng trrer ati, ir reel moiaer peam, ana drart load Is 1. feet, with a freight . Tm . w capacity of 000 tons, while if loaded yia Lntted Wireless.) to a draft of 25 feet they are capable ' 8- Asuncion, Feb. 21.Off Cape of carrying 8000 tone. - Blancd, midnight; weather fine, expect The Bear, which sailed from New rrlv Tacoma daylight. York with caran for Rdn 1 S .8. Falcon, Feb. 82. Left San Fran will be due to arrive In that. port aboutcl8CO at 0:20 o'clock; sea -smooth, all Anrll IS. and th Tleaver. whlrh was wen due to sail from New York yesterday with' cargo for Portland, will probably; fce nere about. April 26. 4 ; . Kansas City, Pn Franofaco. . . . Feb. ,28 ,. Heg-nlar X.lnrs Dne to Depart. Roanoke, San redro..;.... Feb. 22 Nil H. Klmore, Cooa Bay. .Feb.' 22 amona., uoos Bav Feb. 2 Rosa City. Hun l'rn(isfin......l-'eb. 2 Alliance. Cons Rnv . . Wt 9 I Oeorre W, Hercules Kansas City, Vessels In Tort. I S0!,1?u..f; Fr- bk'1 Nortn Bnk JT. 8. Wand, Am. as. .Oak St St. .Helena, Am. n On wy up Ramona, Am. aa.. ?Foot ,tavls Unroulea. Nor. sa. . . ....... AlunUn Vlritlnia, Am. sch. ........... ..Presroit Olt'liaffrlc. Hr. ......Inmin.PniilMti Klamath. Am. aa .. n in.i..a Crlllon, Fr. 'och, , . , .Merai-y Yosemlte.e Am., as ....-St Johns paginaw. Am. sa. i .Oak at. yv. rs. t-orter, Am. ss. ..Lin nton Berlin, Am. Sh. ................. .Ooble Henry Vlllard, Am. ah. ........ .Astoria 8t. Nicholas, Am. eh,,. ..Astoria Keiourn, nr. Uk. . , . . . ,. .Inman-Pcmlsen Poltalloch, .Br. ah. ;N. Pac. X Ca mver t.iyae, nr. ss.,4,,..N. p. Lbr. Co. Henrlk Ibsen Br. ss.. .St. Ikilens Altalr, Br. bk Jefferson St. Brabloch, Br. bk. St Johns Iwnna Franceses, Br. bk , .Astoria triwBt iegouve, Fr. bk.. Columbia No. 1 Leyland Bros., Br. ah. ........ 3t Johns Manx King, Br. sh. . . . v. . Jefferson 6U , Ba onta With Cement and General. Arctic etream. Br. ah ......... t ... .Tyne ........... . .Glasgow .Hamburg NEW' TODAY1. Would you like 'an attractive two atorjr modern bungalow Bayard. Fr. bk.. .: "'" . ' -T" ' ' . nimDurg Claverdon, Br. an.. .............. .Tyne Thiers. Fr. sh Antu.rn ura, q Arvoir, rr. Mti, Antwerp Tltanla, Nor. ss..,.. f . , . .Antwerp Crtllon, Fr. sh .Antwerp Augustus, Ger. as . ; , Antwerp Heria, Nor. ss. .Antwerp KUoellaneoaa Tonnare to Ayrlve. VI XlA,. mm r i..., mm.., mniuno uienarrric, Br. ss Com ox J nJi r. yoKonama Hercules, Nor. ss.. .San Francisco Irene. Am. schj... ...8an Pedro W. B. Flint, Am. bark Seattle BOWdOln. Am: as ..Ran Fmnrl.nn Casco. Am. as .......... Wn Vra Geo. W..Fenwlck, Am. ss.San Francisco up. ' Beamed ceihntri downstairs. piaster : paneled dining room, witq buffet; living room has, bookcase, fireplace and built in seat; nice large kitchen, with pass pantry; basement has cement walla and floor; each of the three bedrooms has ample closet room, and there is a large broom closet Jn the hall. This is located in Rose City Park, within a block of the car,, and can be bought of $4000 $800, xash. ( : " -; ' HARTMAN -ft THOMPSON, ; ' . ' Chamber of Commerce. Wanted, Money to Loan We have a number of appllcante for very aeairaDie mortgage loans ranging from S50O up. we can place your money on well aecured mortgagee at , 7 and 8 per cent net Our 22 years' ex perience In mortgage loans la at your service. X. X. TXOMPSOXT CO , tteal aetata aad TU Iasnrance. ' 4th and Oak. Main (084: A-8827. ' REAL ESTATE TKAXSEEtlS Point-View Real Kstata company . to K. , O'Jhira. lota 0 and 10.,- ' . .block 2, Polar View....,., .. ?26 Rciia V. IJndHfy and hufihand to . .CIjarlea'A. McOUI.' lot IS, block 14, South St, John 808 1U7SLNES3 CAIUJS WFnnrNO earde. W.'O.. Smith Co Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash In art on ale. . ' tRr0S8 aults for rent, all slaoe. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark et y CIARKW BROS., florla'ta; fine flowor and floral oenlrrm. IR Morrison at MEET1JVG OTCES 41 k FPU SAMS KEL ESTATE IB . IK) YOU WANT A HOME? . ' New, modern 8-rom cottHnn. , . . ,2,50 Now, modern 10-room cottage. , :,2f0 Now, modern 6-room cottage.... 2.o New, modern 6-room cottHKe 1,760 'nw. morlArn 4.rffin rottHue..... 1,100 New.- modern 4-vnoin . coHukc. , ... ., J. 000 Npw. inoilurn 4-room otlufto, . . " 9"" You can have your choice -of thp cottages on the Inatallnipnt plun a little down, then like rent. . They are all clowe to tho carllne and ready to move Into at oiure. Take Mount Scott car to Mlllnrd ave then aak fur Joe Naah, In office No. 27, WEATUEIl REPORT MARINE INTELLIGENCE. . BCTLER COMES FOR LUMBER - ' Berula liners OnV to Arrive. . Roanoke, Sad " Pedro. .. . . .. . . . .Feb. 21 Alliance, Cooa Bay .Feb. 23 George W. Elder, San Pedro. .. .Feb. 27 Rose City, San Franclaco .......Feb. II Santa Clara, San Franclaco. ... .Feb. 2 27 A Portland Druggist's Success Rather than await the ordinary meth od a of introduction, urared tha Dr. How ard Co. to aecure a quick sale for their celebrated specific for the cure of con stipation and dyspepsia by offering the regular SOc bottle at half price. In addition to senirtar a nn Jinttln of Dr-Howard's specific for 2c they nave ao much ralth in the remedy that they will refund the money to any one whom It dooa not cure. When, your bead aches, your stomach does not digest food easlty and natur ally when there Is constipation, specks before the eyes, tired feeling, giddi ness, bad taate in the mouth, coated tongue, - heartburn, sour stomach roar ing or ringing In the,eara. melancholy and liver troubles1. Dr. Howard's .spe Hfie will rtire you: If It doee not,-. It win not cost you a cent. . Woodard. Clarke A Co. have the agency In Portland for Dr. Howard's Specific for Constipation and Dyapepala. A storm of moderate enerrv. at ptea- ent. has made its annearance off the Ore Ron and northern California coast. and has been effective in deflecting the pronounced coia wave mat tnreaienea yesterday to . cover this district, the area of high presasre centering, appar ently, this morning over eastern Mon tana, where temperatures much below sero are being experienced. The ther mometer registered 28 degrees below sero si rteiena, Mont., tnia morning at o O'clock. -At Portland the temperature was 27 degrees, but dropped to 22.6 at 8 a. m. Moderately heavy rain and anow has fallen within the lant 12 hours In weBturn Oregfcn and northern California, due to the advance of the Pacific coast- atorm mentioned above, and rain or snow was falling In tho region affocted this- morning. Over eastern Washington and Idaho only i iiciu . inuv ifurnes nive occurreu. Winds are generally brlxk and from tne northeast. Northeast atorm warnings were ordered displayed at 6:30 o. in. lust night at all atatlons north of the month of the Columbia river, and this morning these are conllnuod, while at the remaining atatlona along the Oregon coast similar orders have been received, ao st present warnings are displayed at all stations In thia district Conditions are favorable for rain or anow throughout this district tonight STOP! LOOK!! LISTEN!!! Al Kndnr Temple. A.' "A. O. N. M. 8., nitatn extenda the glad hand of Arab hos pitality to'' Its ! members ' and sojourning , Hhrlners, and cordially Invitea all to Join In the MJDWINTEU OKRKMONIAl which la to be held on Saturday, the fifteenth dnv of the second month, Safar, 1328, A. It, corresponding with the 2(ith fliy of Feb ruary. 1910. It hath bpn decreed that all the faithful ahall gather at the An cient Shrine of Al Kuder to comfort tile many unregenxratea, who, for the first time In their Uvea, are seeking to Join the caravan for pilgi'linngn acrone the' hot sands of the deaert to the Holy City. Remember: Tho bualneaa aeaalon for receiving petition and balloting will bt( held at the Masonic Temple, corner i West Park ami Yamhill, on Frldav even ing, February 25, at 8 e'clock, sharp; the ceremonial and banquet at the sufne- piaco on Bamraay evening, renrtury 26, beginning promptly at 8 o clock. All pe titions inuat be In tho hands of the re corder by Frldev-noon. WILLIAM H. OALVAISl, Potentate. B. O. WHITKHOI Sr Recorder. u v& Johnaon at., near 14th: beat buy In the wholesale dlatrlct. Hue us at once. if ca- SON Lewis Bldg. Marshall 439, . , WE BUILD TO PLEASE. We build more houses in one month than moat contractors in a year. We can afford less profit. It will pay to son u a. .If you on a lot. we build, any terma to suit. . ' PORTLAND RKALTY & CONSTRUC TION CO.. 802-3 Lewis bldg., ,4th and Oak. FOXt SALF. KLA I. 1 4 J A t 1800 2 lota I ft Kin' if Hi., in. it ,.. T. , hr mtlliiutis tu the c'l s ; wmV i "eiH-nt; f, ft ,.stl Will i Hi. Il,' on,- 11800 tot.4 In Terra. -i? l'm k; mi '; ", them on a corner; fine level Un. ' terms, ,. 13300 X room house li'v Pt. Ji)linn, oh - -'; the Willamette l.lvd., will i.m alileY Heivaae, rut over lands or , ' ' ' form In trade. . , 13000 L'o ncrea. near Collins Hm Sprlnan; 10 acres cleured and In young , orchard; there sra almot , 80,000 jevt of good lumber on this .n fact In building. 9000-tJood It room houee In the" heart of Irvlngtun. H block from lrr Ington car; large lot; tenon: This IH ti HIIHp. t $1350 Fine cigar and ronfectiomrv stand In one of tha iet buililioKa in town. This plaeo la' a money maker, and is aettlnir better everv day: 81(MM cuph will hxnille. MAOIN.VlS LAND fc 1XVKSTMKNTCO.. ttlfi-817 Lewla bl.lg., 4th and nk.. T" $500, and ; tip UlOffufUlT InJOW'l 1VANHOK Lodge, No. 1, KnlglUM i of Pythian, regular (ncetlng every TiieadHv night In their Castle Hall. Kleventh and Alder atreeta. Work in the Knight rank. Visit of Frank Muticfec. grand chancellor; L. R. Stlnaon, grand keeper of rceoiila mid neala, and oth r fraud offlcera. Dlntrlct convention. Re reahmtnta, E. M. LANt'K. K. II. A S. f toitiijj lAliniwl Cozy Cottatrc On Falling street, affl this modern 5 room cottage with pantry and hath; equipped wIWi hot water heatln plant, has 50 feet of Iron fence, concrete base ment. BcweriiKe. sidewalk and cement walka aroiiiid house, 70 choice rose hushen, 4 per and cherry trees full bcerlng; nrlee $1500,' ownfr will con sider jiart trade. Tlio McCarthy Co., 403-404 Hothchlld I'ldg 1 The meat sightly lota on the Heights and are within one mile of Portland pos toff Ice. 8A F PC $75011- New Portland Heights home, on cti'rllne; beautiful view; JBOOO will buy It, K0o will handle it; must ho sold this week. IWNKR. 511 Bmird of Trade, DON'T forget tonight. Feb. 16 Whist and diwice at . George Washington camn. W. O. W.. 128 11th 'nrlaes: 2 iioura' danc'lrir: Bn $5500 Handaome iMKien. TioiiTtf tn tlam for Ifxr. A. Cleveland ' , 527 Chamber of .Commerce. House Bargain v 6 room, modern, beautiful corner, SO . xlon, Marguerite' ave., near Hawthorne,. 300 down, , -, v . . . room bungalow, half block to car; " new, modern. 200 will handle it room bungalow, 2 blocks to car,;, all modern hud elegant, large lot; $300 down. ." 7 room cottage, nearly itew.i lot 10x '' ICiO. 4 blocks to car; artistic home: - 80 roue; bule, i,t.n lawiu fenced, lots of herrlea and fruit. $2'in0; half cash. ' ,' room house, large lot, nice lawn, nearly new, modern. $19i)0: half cash. IOWA -DAKOTA LAND CO., 418 .Swetlnnd bldg, ' : ";' H. A. FREDRI'Mr, Clerk. WALKIN'J diatanee. weat side, splen did value, for $3Bf)0. "$5D(rcas7rrttr hciudle. This is a bargain. M. W. A., Roae City camp 646, meets Monday evenings.- Selling Hlrsa Biau.. West Park and Washington. F. J Darlington, clerk. 228 Alisky bldg. Phone Main 6028. . ' OAK LEAK CLUB. Danee every Tuesday eve. at K. B. Halla 87th and Hawthorne. Invitations nan ha saelir.! at ball or nhnnA Tahlir and Wednesday, "-with brisk northeast 1 1147. NEW TODAY ..Feb. Sailing From San Pedro for Grays Harbor for Carjto. Advices received yesterday at Oak I Ramona, Cooa Bay treet dock from San Francisco state isat ine steam scnooner . jun nutter Ttyn AW T)T?n A'AOT? has sailed direct to Gray's Harbor forf IjjMJ UJ? A jHEjIJ ISUcJd a cargo of lumber for San Pedro and that the steamer F. S. Lood will corn's to Portland with.' the cargo which was J .Waw Tlesh-Oolorea rrodnet Taat Heabj to nave ceen Drought here Dy the But-f ana Hiaeg nun xmperrectloBa. . ler, the latter going to Wlllapa lo place H. T-. of the steam schooner Thomas L. Wand, .v -- peculiar feature- of. poslam, a nee yhich la now In th-rlarer with ,a cargo. jln d'ecovery, Is that it Is naturally On her "return to. San Francisco the j flesh-colored and contalna no grease, so " mm win gu unuer ncr annual inspec tion. . CARRIES 18,000 BARRELS that when used on the face for the I complexion, or for pimples, red noses, or any other Inflammation, blemishes, or cUecolbrations, Its presence' cannot Steamer Rottex-rana Will Discharge be detected. It can thus be applied Jn Cargo at Llnn ton Tanks. . - the daytime, the nature color1 of ;the' carrying oarreis or on the gkin being Immediately restored and .Associated Oil, company', tank Meamer th aotu(l, c rf Roaeerann arrived at K T Innlni. i.nlr. 1 ' p .top to discharge last nla-ht. Fiiointf h J tceompllahad in a few day.. It can wUl .be the tanker ratnt. n-o. b had of any pharmacist who sell. Canty, which sailed last nlgkt fromPur drugs. The Skldmere Drug com on xraijcisco wun oarreis or pany, and Woodard, Clarke ft Co.'. el' ' ir aru, store, make a specialty, of It company by the, Newport News Shin- Fifty cnt worth, will answer elthetf building & Drydock company was for the troubles mentioned or In curing launched at their yards' Saturday, Feb- ordinary cases of ecxema. Itching stops' Vila,., 19 '.ml mill Mwk.Ul.1 - :. ' j ' v'uwf'j isrry on to at once, this port. GETS BOXt'S OF 2000 Amount l'aid tor Quick Delivery of . . Steamer Bear. Ariy one who will write to the Emer gency Laboratories, No. 82 West Twenty-fifth street, Nw York, can se cure, by mall free of charge, a supply sufficient to cure a email ecxema sur fncii or clear a rnmnlexlnn nromlrtit The Newport .News Shipbuilding and I mrA fAmnvA rlmnlbi In wm 1,..A.. . -. . v. vv v v',1. ,1 , jibs ICLTHPn " IHint I L..... .1 n " -V. ' . nuun, ui f.vv uura me can rrancisco and Portland Steamship company for de livering: the eteamer Bear four das ahead of contractbtime. This vessel was contracted to be built in seven months under a penalty of $500 per day for every day appropriated by the builders over that time or the latter to have $500 a day for every day less than .even months.' .' - An Oregon FARM : . FOR ONLY $150 ; WRITE OR CALL AT v ONCE. OREGON INLAND DEVELOPMENT 09. -40 Chamber of 'Com- rncrce ..Bldg Portland, Or.' winds becoming high along the coast, sound ana straits. Forecasts. Portland and vicinity Rain or anow tonight and Wednesday, brisk northeast wind a. . Oregon and Waahington Rain or snow tonight and Wednesday, brisk northeast winds, high along the coast, sound and straits. Idaho Rain rr snow tonight and Wednesday. B AT Oregon Rose camp, meetu Wednesday evenings. Alisky hall, 3d and Morrison. R. A. A.', Marguerite carnp, meets every Thursday evening in Savoy hall.' East Burnslde street and' Orani avenue. sun's adilitfciii: t'.iKW. ti room new h ml morlern house in Sunnyalde; $J.Mo, i !' " h'lZ n" '' '''""Lnli'nm lot'i Walking distance, eaat aide; fine new terms; $-300. t, room house ana f, I I'M,,, , & " , stair..-3 Siinnysiile, worth mure; $lS0i. good 'It- lir,H,. ....... n;,n f.oft cash tie home adjoining JoiieHtnore. will ;. -l '0'??.- i"ts. ; ,-r.,. ' a, " . trade: SlL'fiH. sinall house and Kern Park, easy terms; $lono, lot f.(ix 100, K. 2Htli imd Wasco, terms. J. II. fcSTONK, L'lifi AltsKv Hlflnr. T'hone A -71 1?. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS NEW TODAY. FRUIT LAND ROSE CITl niHXGS FRC1T Priaco Steamer Haa Large Shipment -First of Season. " .; ' When .he arrived at Alnsworth dock at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Sgn Francisco, the steamer R,ose City had on board the largest amount of fruit and vegetable that - .he ha. had thia season. s.-s Besides 1000 toniof general freight the Rose City had 2fa tons of fruit and vegetables and Captain Mason said that although.' they have brought up email quantities at different times this win ter, this I. the first shipment of any importance, and that this Is the begin ning Of similar shipments. The eteamer had 180 passenger, on her trip up from wauiorma. .-,-..,. -OCKLAHAMA'S ENGINEER DIES Wri have for a ahort time a farm of about 800 acres, . 1 ? -miles from rail- brance. roaa siaiion, ana one or,-me oest towns in the valley; land around here has S CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS . Now on the market -n o acre traeta. Planted and taken care of duric- 8 yr. Spitzenbergs & Yellow Newtowns Easy Payments. Ten per cent cash. 215 Der month. The finest orchards In Oregon. We have challenged any orchard owner of the etats in" the sum of 81000. Hard Cash. To .how a better orchard In Four years than urs will be. Our tracts He 7 5 to 17 mile, ffom the center 'of Portland. Railroad atatlons on the place. Electric line running through place thia summer. . HIT acres to Belct from. Liberal discount for tsh. Warranty eeed free from all lncum- been selling as high as $250 per acre. We offer this at $130; all but 80 acres cleared and In-cultivation ; houe. barns and hophouse. This farm Is IV miles rrom the Oregon Kiectric, and will make one of the finest tracts for. sub division In the Btate; will consider buying in with others, and will subdi vide and handle for buyer if desired. Maginnis Land & Investment Co. 8,18 and 817 Lewla bldg.. 4th and Oak See the ODlnlons of th lanllnv authorities In Oregon as to the adaptability of our land to orcharding. Additional Information cheerfully given Some unplanted tracts for tile at reasonable figures and easy terma the cRossxmr ooHPAjrr. 709 Corbett Bldg. W. O'Bryan Waa for Manjr Years Y on O. Jl. & N. Boats. Ml.chael W. , O'Bryan, chief engineer on the Port of Portland towboat, Ockla- hama. died his home, 828? pnlmby street,' at ,6 o'clock teat night, aged-68, He I. survived by a twlfe, ; ' vi ' O'Bryan, who died 'after an Illness Of about .10 days, was for about 30 year, an lemploye of ,the O. R.; & N. company, working hla way up. from fire-! y man on their. different steamers to the j position' of chief an'aftieer.'r.-SVheh'.- that company sold 'the-' Ocklahama. to the Port of Portland last summer he .till remained on the- steanjer In the, capacity of . chief engineer. Funeral arrange ment, have not et Jeen made. . VESSELS FLV FLAGS Don't Pay Rent Money to buy a lot and build a home at 6. per pent simple interest. No se curity or cash required. Rept money win yay lur nume. SBCUHITT BZJ90. CO., .-,414, Henry Bldg.' 40 ' Cutter Manning and If arbor Patrol . ? Elector 7ay inHoljdajr Attirev f la honor of Wa.hlngton'a, birthday, the revenue cutter Manning and the harbor patrol boat Elidor are gaily deo- orated with all of the flags that thevj - - ' FINEST CRANBERRY LAND In the United States, located in i j Tillamook County ' THOS. B. WATT . 412-418-414 Lumber Exchange Bldg. V - Second and Stark Streets .Phones- Main 150, A-3463 SOLD The Ores-onlah Fridav mnrnlnr nnnrt. ed the sale of south half of the block bounded by Kant Zd. E. 3d, Taylor and Salmon by Fisher, Thorsen Co. for $6, 000. , This block is not filled. We have the north half of same block which is rtiiea. at a cost or 50oo and can de liver It for what was paid for the un filled half. 34S.OQO It has 300 feet of trackage. -100 on E. 2d, 100 E. 3d. - Here Is an excellent opportunity to make- a substantial profit. Don't waver. Come on in and secure a good thing. dOSEFHH.JOHHSTOIl - . - - - - 33-3 Lafayette big., Washington and 6 th. MAKE A START Tou can buy lot. in Gregory at 3176 and lip by paying-35 de $2.60 per month. Thia Is an a II Per Cent Investment .! Can be made 15 per cent In '.. "Nob .Hill apartment house sec tion.. Sure to increase in value. Only $5500 cash' needed. BAJtTMAST II THOMPSON,' Chamber Of Oommeree Heights down and eaav av. of getting these' lots which -will suralv double In value, while you are paying for them. When you look, back and see the opportunities you hare neglected don't It make you want to begin right now? Come out and look at the prop erty. That will not coat you anything. Office on the addition end. of the Rose cay canine. VJLNVESTriENT C0.?1 PACIFIC Title A Trust Co the leading apatractors. 304-B-S-7 Falling bid.. Moore Investment company to Ada EX Nickles. fot 6,. block 6. Vernon $ 1.000 C. H. Farrtngton et al to Anton Eckern, lot 8 and south 10 feet of lot 3, block 8, Wild Rose ad dition 1,800 William B. Schenker to J. P. An drews, lota 22, 23, 24, 25, 28 and 27 block 6, Oreenoe Heights 500 F. A. Raeco and wife to Ella L. TtiiRriillle lo 19 liloek 5. Tll- ton's addition 1,700 I Thomas P. -Wire and wife to Thorwald Kllnker et al. lot 10, hlnek A. Williams Avenue addi tion - 2,500 Moore Investment company to E. A. Carrel, lot 7. block 22. Ver non 600 Jennie E. Dresser and husband to Anna Colvig, lot 10, block 1. Irvlngton Heights 650 Med(a Proebetel and husband lo Anarew rroeostei, ioib a ana s, block 10, peninsular Addition.. 500 William Jones, tni8tee, to R. J. Grlesel, lots 8 and . block 6, Kenllworth, agreement 678 Elisabeth Cadwell et al to J. A. Pettlt et al, 46 acres beginning at quarter section corner be tween sections 9 and 18, town ship 1 south, range 2 east 30,000 Sarah A. Bowers and husband to -Gertrude E. Bowe. lot a 8 and 10. block 5. Tremont Place ... 450 i t'nlted Truat & Investment Co. to Flovd R. Kelgnner, ioi it, oiock . Ivfinhoe -. 160 B. M. Lombard and wife to Frank T. 111. . . . . C Klnlr 9 I-J U ' - JV. DIKCH, IVl W, " . -'- ' ' I lock 350 Bertha A. Koehler to Seth J. Story et aL lota 11. and 12. block 18. Berkeley 400 Clvde C. George and wife to Frank J. Mallnowski, south Vi lot 2 and all of lot 3, block 3, Miriam 1.425 Moore Investment Co. to O. T. Holt lot 5. block 12. Vernon... 500 Ida B. Burden and husband to Agnes B. Evans et al, lots 7 and 8, block 2, Hunters addition 2,500 Stephen Svbeldon and wife to Al bert D. Kendall et al, 14 acres beginning 80 rods weat. of southeast corner of northeast H of section 33, townsnip i north, range 4 eaat 1,250 T. R. Ratclfffe and wife to Catli arn M. Markwell, lots 8 and 9 and north 8 feet of lot 7, block 2, Beverly 1.450 J. B. Pilklngton and wife to Rob ert Q. Hofer. lots 10 and 11, block 1, Piedmont 5,000 University Land company to Stella Carter et ai, tot . diock 181, University Park A T. Huggins and wife to C. F. Clapp et al, lot 6, oiock v, Tre mont Park . T. E. Sauvie and wife to W. A. Carter et al, lots 11 and 12, block 1. Maxwell 1,500 J. B. Waite and wife to Charles Dlerke. west 60 feet of lots 1 and 2. block 292. city 14,000 John P. Sharkey company to J. Raymond O'Connor et al, lot 3, block 27, Waverly ; : 800 Otto Eastlund to A. A. Anderson. lot 16. block 84, Rose. City Park 625 T. G. & Tr. company to Mx Guthert, lots 1, 2 and :. block ' 19. Berkeley . . 300 Arleta Land company to Enall A. Bruckert, lot 6, block 14, Elberta ISO A. C. Mowery and wife to Fre.l M. Elohenlaub. lot 8, ttlocK '11, Citv View Park Louis Roaasco and wife.1 to H. W. ...... ... .a i . 1 . - J . 1 .. aimer, ioi i. uiutn-.i, iubihu wood addition 600 Alameda Truat company to M. G. Munlv, lots 9 and 10, block 9, Aianeda Park 2.000 Alameda Land -company to same, lot 4 and eaat of lot 3, block 1. Alameda Park 1,600 R. L. Stevens . (sheriff ) to Charles J. Andersoniots ana 7, block 18, Mount Tabor-Vina LOG US hall. 30x76. afternoons and even lnga. 914 Grand ave.. cor.' L. Wash. HALLS for rent St.. Drew bldg.. near Morrison. 162 2d DEATHS lots "f LOTS $30 EACH. New addition on Oregon City carllne. O'BBINE Al fiimltv renlilmire. R29 I excellent, soli. etoihI ii hire to keen chlek- Oulmby afreet. February 21. Michael lens, cow and grow garden truck; price William O Urine. aK'l fix ve;trs, lietoveil i l.iu per lot, 5,. or i (town, nainncc u Own Home if you own the lot we will build you a home to suit your own plana and same as rent payments. Kstlmatew free. PHOKMAKIOK INVKSTMKNT CO.. 6:'" Henry Bldg. A-7434, Main 4485 :. L. BAMBERGER ' Main 5124. 58 Chamber of Commerce, Homes for Everybody rooms, 04 Monroe St., "$3100. room, 7l Commercial at.. $3000. rooniH, itift K. Yamhill. $3600. - r. rooniH. 9119 Vernon ave., $2760. 7 rooms. (i0 Grand ave. N., $2800.. 6 rooms. 850 K. 10th. $2500. 3 rooms, cottage, 95 Nevada St., $1100. 5 room cottage, near Hawthorne, J2;im. - Clarke. 212 Aliskv bldg. 3d and Morrison. . hubiind. of Anna M. notice later. O'Brlne. Funeral MAX M posit Meier ft l-'rank'a SMITH. flirtt. 150 Bth L. op- Mln 7215. or .$3 month. National Realty & Trust Co., a ti ' i Wash. at . room 516. For Sale FUNEKAL niKECTOns V-ll Ti, ,...,, r", 694 Williams unci uuits phones: lady aalstant. establishment In city. ave., both Most modern n.i.-,;rv Af'Pnf -.-Undertakers lj uiititii v-v Mod verv Intntl 7th and Pine. A-4568. . Lady aaaiatant. ern In Main 430, LERCH 781 The cast slds undertaker. Lady resistant. B1888; Uatr K. 6th and Alder. ? P- WnW t . 'A'ret and a a m uiiwj w wuj j, Lady attendant. Madison Main 9; A-1698. A modern 7 room hotiae, iUI nice, large rooms, right up 'to 'date, furnace mid firephice; everything imaiern; right over here in the I.add's tract. 'J'IiIh will bear inventigation. Give iih a call. WKLLH & DCFI H, .10:! Cluih i her of Commerce. Muraliall Hli. New 5 room modern cottage orr K. HOtJi, 2 nloeks to ear. Call up SellwOod Vj him! I will tell von all about It. as I cannot explain the many good features -It Ikim in an ail. fcRICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. Main 6183 A-2235; lady asst ROSE CITY CRMETERT. Phones C-2114 and A-4441. KAST 8IDf5 funeral directors, "success ore to y. 8. Dunning.Inc, . 61. B-8826 EDWARD HOLM AN, undertaker J20 8d et I.ady aaslstant. . Afaln 607. FOB SALE -ItKAfe ESTATE 16 FOR SALE By owner, lot 26xt00, 8 room irotise, 15 minutes walk from P. O.. full cement basemetu. furnace; $4000 $2000 cash, balance time.. D-42S, Journal. jl $1950 $160 down, new. attractive" C room bungalow, 4Sth and linrrison; bath, lavatory, china closet. pantry, electrlcitv, basement. J. Hovyvrby. 320 2d at. Main IUmalow Bargain, $1700 . $ 4 Oil cK.-h, new imd moderu, rooms, wlUi Ij.ilh cabinet' kitchen, full base ment, vooil hoat, wired, for electricity, plaatered. china closet, 'walnacut with plate rail in dining room, lot 40x100, by owner. Tak Mt. 8cot car to Anahel station. 1 block south, first house cast, giee n roof Rossmcre Laurelhurst -Rose Citv District For buys in lots, phone, not Main, but Marahall 179, or A-2444, aak for Mr, Heeherg (2f.6 14th. near Jefferson), and an appointment will be made to atiow lots FOL'R lots for factory site, on O. R. & N. right of why, will sell cheap. Ring up VV'ooillawn 2fi59. ACItEACtE 37 VK have 2 very good 6 and 7 room houses In Piedmont close to car barns; $370(1 for the fi ami $t0ft(l for the 7. liartman & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. If Yoxi Are Looking for Close in acreage, a wheat ranch or small. well improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me; 1 handle my own properties. J. O. Elrod 620 Corbett Bldg. For, Sale by Owner, $4600 6 room house, on E. An'teny af., walk ing distance. liHndy to blah school, good neighborhood, on carllne, nice lot. FOR KAi.M BY. OR KG ON LANI'S INFORMATION BURBA U. 1 3 S acres. Willamette Valley, best of, of soli; ,100 In cultivation, 40 acres planted to fall wheat, good family or clwrd and amall fruit, good 4 room hotiHfl and outbuildings, 5 milch cows, band of goats, new carriage; everything goes with place; S miles to S. P. R. R., and good town; price $40 per acre. ' 101 acres, xll level and in cultivation; 85 acres planted to wheat and oats, 8 acres of commercial orchard, good con dition, i! living creeks and well water, lareo house, burn and outbuildings: 1 rniile to school, postoffice and railroad; 41) miles south or Portland; price $130 per srere, 'i cash, balance terms. 320 acres, 18 miles from Portland: 85 acres seeded. 15 acres green timber, family orchard, 10 yeara old: balance could bo put in cultivation for $7 .per acre: line house. new barna and all outbuildings;. 1 mile to school and posst officfj price, $50 per acre. 43 acres all under cultivation. Ilea level, fine black soli, 20 acres In fall fc-raln. 1 acre In kale, 2 acres family or- . chard, grapes, strawberries, etc.; ' 13 acres plowed ready for need, 3 aejres meut walks and basemen, furnace; must I beaverdam. good 6 room house, bant 30 sell al once; what terms do you want? . x4a, granary, smokehouse and all put- U'iiH u: B-2250. or Kasl 3705. 1 V sRvlna nWaf urntahBplan. 'a'nJ 1 OVVNKR MI'ST HAVE MONKY peciflcaUon. free6 KeZ w foingt j Jnd edueed the . price of thel, Phn, i" 9ds ! home from $460 to $3800 for a quid pnor.e '--', i sale: Choice corner 00x100. full base MODERN 5 I'oom house in ernoil. U I ,oni er.mhinatlnn llirlit fivtnres fir. block from car, with 1 or 2 Iota 50x I ,,iace', built in buffet In the tllnlng room 100: a snap for cash. .See Owner, 1073 Hlui everything first class. W. J. Smith, j 438 Chamber or commerce K. IRth st. X. tnilldlnga. living water, 2 wells; I mile to town and school,- on electric rail-, road. 14 miles from Portland $6500; terms. Details OREGON LANDS INFORMATION .BUREAU, 600 Board of Trade Btdjr. 1NTw. r,Wk fZ" ? t 1 FOUR and five room houses, with baths, ' th.nS .' ?n.. T. Alhortai just completed, full basemont. wired. I 50x101) on K. J Oth. See owner, , ,1()t ftl)(, c0(1 water. 4flxino lots, one BARGAIN house A ljso lo 965 E. 15th st N block from car; $1350 ami ? 1 aoo. at your NICK 4 room modern cottage, uni: block 'own terma; 25 per cent off for what you 450 from Mt. Scott carllne; price $1400; terma. Taggart, 416 Chamber of Com merce bldg. FOR SALK Corner 50x100. on carllne; 6 room house, only 8.1500; terms. G. V. GRIDLKY. 3.1S Chamber of Commerce. 160 j 10 LOTS on Macadam street to be sac rificed at im eacn in next row uavs. Investigate for yourself. B. E. You mana, owner, 709 Corbett bldg-. pay down, owner, iu antes. t doors south from cor. store. Main St., Lents. , ACREAGE. Flop 20 acre tract near G res ha in,' all well Improved; fine house, barn and orchard, a real snap; ono third cash, bal ance long time, B per cent; will tako goivl house and lot. Fine 7 acre trait, well located, on car line;,, new house and barn., orchard; a beautiful home: $6000; will take some l! iule. I hnn(!l! " u.i nii"uvcii, ynii 11 1 , i.fnl l.niiQe anil l.arn uri'lmnt and umull will trade for lnn 10 vicm lintlse llfl 'A hitR i iL. blocks from Russell and Williams 'la's; rental value $100 per month; price ave.: room for 10 flats: terms. Slnnott I only $000; half cash. ' & Slnnott 621-25 Chamber of Commerce. UUUUA tu ft v lhutcittt, A. CLEVELAND. If You Are Looking for Close-In acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well Improved farm, at low price and on most llneral terms, see me. Y,irJl,K.'irVZL 1. If'-ult; a real home; $3500 !.: I rltv pronertv. ; GILT EDGE INVESTMENT. Fine 4 acre tract, all in cultivation. Brand new business block on east no stone or gravel ;.Sn0 feet from sta shie. corner, consisting of 3 stores and 2i i tlon: $300 per acre, one third cash hine it) or 2ti acre tract, with good Iits. acreage and farms. 527 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. NOVV'S the time to get your paper hanging, kalsomliilng done cheap. Ad dress j. A. Stoiie.Ijt'nti,1 SATrXFICED to Hell, new ' house "tint finished; a good, buy; Investigate. A-430, Journal. , 243 Stark st. j FOR SALE Two fine corner residence 750 1 lots, near north Albina car barns; ... iirnJI. . ,,r terms. I' n u.imi n md i, FOR SALE Strictly modern bouse, on Fargo st.; fine lot; close to 3 car llnen; $260": by owner. Woodlawn 1.1X7. lots 12 and 13, bloc 42, Berke-f ley . " v'. , Robert Dunkel to John F. Logan, lots Z8, 28. 30, 81. subdivision of lots 1 to 4, block 1, WThlt wood Court ; . . . Senera Smith and wife. to Arthur O. Jones, lot 10. hloc1t68, Car ter, addition' to PortlaTbl. ' Arthur W. Glese to Augt G. Guth. lot 12, block 2. Ge.e'a addition George R. Deardorff and wife to Addie Marvin, lot 8, block 1, . Madras 351 PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, 3 per 3d and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE bought and sold; buL nesa properties especially, r,. ft Hart SOfi Concord bfdg. Phone Main 64fT HANCUCIC STREET ADDITION. . Good residence lot. cement walk, wa tr, light: 4 blocks to quickest car ser vice in city. At-'.ny beautiful residences Kiln up all about It. Nothing down, monthly jiavinenls to suit. OWNER. Main 1963. Son Chamber of Commerce. See Us For acreage for platting; also cheap homes, vacant lots, on easy terms, (jpivs cross i Nn LANrn cn Take'Mt. Scott car to Grays Crossing, i acl"e tracts, timber, near carllne; wood worth from $1.25 to $1.60 stumpage; only $300 per acre, one third cash. w Fine acre tract near Lents: $1000; $250 lash; will trade for good Jot. . Fine, large wheat farm, SOU acres, In Morrow county, 2H miles from R. II! Ilea well and is said to tie the best of land for igraln; price $30 per acre; wtil trade, for good .city property.. Fine tract, 105 acres; carllne runa through place; fine for cutting in Sand 10 acto tracts; 25 acres cleared, house, and barn; only 12 miles from Portland; $175 rer acre: small tracts In that vl- ,' ffnity sell for $250 to $325 in 8 and. 10 275 PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, 3U per cent paid on 30 diy call certifi cate 3djmdJ3aksta: FOR SALE Five room modern bunga low. 19th and Alberta; -electric liuhta etc.; $2550. Terms. A-420, Journal " 100i MODERN 6 room house, 2 lots, barn. cneap; going away; terms. A. High land. Arleta, Or, K" 1,750 1,300 400 ABSTRACT8 of title. D. Alexauder ab stract office. 418 Corbett bldg. Main Certificates of title made fey the Title A Trust company, Lewi. bldg., 4th and Oak. LAWYERS Abstract A Trust Co- room 8 Board of Trade bldg.j abstract, a specialty. W. R. 1IAIZL1P CO. A FINK 8 room nome, good location. 2 DIOCKS uruauwav car; only fibt), very easy teriivs. E, 273, ('-1866. . SEVERAL choice lots, Sine location. $1300 each. E. 273, C-1866, PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, small check accounts received. 3d and yak. WEST SIDE lot. 50x100. walking-dis tance, $600 terms. P-423. Journal. Stop, Look and Listen Are you looking for lot bargains?!' $7nd buys my full Piedmont lot. Cleve-I land 'ave. Wednesday forenoon, 4,10 Worcf stei . I WEST SIDE BARGAINS'. CHARLESON & CO., . 411 Commercial bldg. Onion Land Snap 2ft acres of dandy, level onion land, near Ifillsboro; half mile to uregoii ' $.1600 will buy house of 8 rooms on I Electric and Southern Pacific: $15D corner lot within walking distance, full . worth of timber on place. rhla is au basement and bath. honest and pitiful ease -'Where owner OODDARI) & WIEDRICK must have money; It la a Kacrltice of "4:1 Stark st '$100 the acre; positively must be taken i at once, iit Ansay ontg.. i-Mnrrison. THREE room Itouse, dandy- full lot, flowers, fruit trees, berries, barn, shed, corner; $600; $250 cash, balance eas-y; can be rented at $6. This is a snap. Clarke, 212 Alisky bldg., 3d-Mor-rlaon. Phono M. 2407. PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, 23 years ln hvslnesssd. and Oak sta. LKKKKOOM 4o rent. Hickok. (,23 Board of Trade.- First claae work. 827-8 Corbett bldg (Inc.), abstractors. $2500 6 ROOM cottage, small lot, cheap, close tn. - Inquire 540 E. Stark st. Elega nt 6 - room Uunaaiow and lot 50x100. Sullwood. A-433, Journal. 100x100, fine improved grounds, with 7 room house, modern plumbing, water all through the house. Fine view of citv. mountains and river. Close to 2 carlines. $7000; cash. A-'432, Jour nal. . A BIG $10 OFFER. ' House and 2 good lota for $600; $60 cash and $10 per month. Call at office on Gregory Heights. Take Rose Citv Park mi- at 3d and Yamhill, and ge't off at end of carllne. FIVE AND TEN ACRE TRACTS. Only a few- lert; most desirable acrf age boy -on .the market. located on railroad- near -(Station; close to Portlands running water and springs in abund ance; black loam soli; lou per-acro up; easy terms; particulars complete f row BROWN, 411 Couch Bldg . CORNER 100x100 And 6 room house, corner East 13th and Beech sts.; 9 bearing fruit trees, small barn, henhouse, etc.;. reasonable, terma. Woodlawn 2i , 6 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS. Two thirds cleared, 1 mile from Lenta, one fourth mile from station. 8 hl'icii from school, goo'd- car e-vb e, good neighborhood; Price $3000 each tr' t. good terms. Owners phone Woodlawn S 7 5 FOR SALK 160 ftctea, 1 miles from H R. ; tj ready to be plowed; .-bargain. I at $1200. . . : -, . , - 338 Vrmwhef of -Commerca. TEN or 2ft acre, partly lmprov-,l, I building, 1 bav K-t U. .Mt Chance, 23i Union avu.. Kt ia I