1010. 12-- yalley today, and whlla the mercury did not reach the record mark of the winter, the clouds arc hanging low. and a bit terly1 cold wind la blowing- The mer cury dropped to 11 1egree last night and accompanying conditions made tha nlKht the worst of the year.. There is between . six ' and eight Inches of snow on the ground.. , ' - " Crop are perfectly protected by the covering of unow and little apprehension la felt by the farmers. , Train service has not beett hampered, a ,th snoir Js not deep enough to eaoae any delay. The danger hera ia when the thaw comes. It Is reported , that the anow in the mountain is nearly two feet deep at the headwaters of the atreams flow ing through the valley. ' Worst l)ajr at Hood Klver. , (Bpeelil IHlMfca to The JUrl.) ' Hood River, Or.. Feb. -tt With a cold wjnd from the east today, a heavy snow an4 the thermometer t it above sero, Hood River is having some of the coldest weather of the year., Te therV mometer fell' to,'l above lafe,t night! foreign Consuls Who Took Part in i-iun. ia uunuri, am in, cyan are not rar enough advanced to bo injured: and trawberrlea are well protected Dy the covering' of anow. .Hay is scarce at 130 a ton. Farmers are 'running abort of feed. . Train .eerylce la good today, ,. ' Balmy Skies at Medford, ' ' ISpeclaJ PlnpntrlK to Tbt Jnorusl.k - nj?-,a4 A s-... n m. , ... ... luemuiu, ur., c ew. x ypictu aoutn- ern Oregon weathes,prevaila here today. The skies are balmy, and a touch of spring la-In the air. Temperature at I a. 'in. waa It. By 9 o'clock Jt ranged around 40. , ' J .. . in N i m i -" .'!. v . - Balem, Or.. Feb.-22. A steady snow storm settle over the city early today, fhe tempereturels several degrees be low the freezing point. Snow, had fallen to i depth of about 4 Jnehes tip to 12 o'clock with no indications of cessation. Budget Alone. May Escape ' Deadlock, and That Only in Modified Form Asquith's : Days Apparently Numbered. THE " OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY . EVENING. FEBRUARY 22. LIBERAL PROGRAi'.l Rose Planting Exercises This Afternoon (Catted Prv r.e .1 Wlre.l London. Fb. 22. The 40 parliamen tary momlxm of the babor party today joined with the KoyMllstH In oppualng the Liberals and the program outlined by Premier Asqulth. fpeaklng for thf party. George N- Humes, the Lahorite' leader In purtimiil. declared on the! floor of thf house that thf l,aborlten ; would demand si limitation of thf honsf of lords and the taking up of thp veto, bill before the consideration of the budget. Barnes apoke for Irish home! rule and opposed an Increase In navel ( expenditure, i An alliance between the O'Hrie-n fsc-' tlon of the Nationalist party and thf, 'limrvaflvM was hinted at today In I n Interview had by William Stead with O'Btien. The leader of the amailei j wing: of the Nationalists is regarded, as being unsympathetic wlththe poll-j clea of John Redmond.' Jn his Inter view O'Brien said: ' -,'H seems beyond the power of the. j Opposing parlies to remove the house i of lords. I would UKest that the j Irish parly mlRht get aometnlnK from th-.CoieertittT'P. and ihai If is ht-1 ter to obtain temporary seml-Hclf gov- j ernment from them than to get noth ing at all from the Liberals. " - London, Feh. 22. Premier aiu i t U Is pljvylng a lone hand. His downfall la predicted, even by Ills own Liberal press, unless he acquiesces In the de mands of hla party's former allies in the legislative program. The premier la ac-cueed of tricking both hla own party and the Nationalists and Laborites. v It la charged that his promises regarding the order In which Important legislation wuuld be consid ered could not all be kept It is apparent that the Nationalists will not support the Liberals In the legislative program the Liberal leader has outlined, unless lie agri-ew to imme- "dltft borne Tutfrfor trr-land and the abo lition ft the veto power of the house Of lord. The Nationalists apparently have the future of the present parlia ment In their hands. Kven the Liberal . press T support rnff trc attKwle they have assumed. The Liberal leaders had hoped that a compromise with the allied parties might be effected. The demand-of John Red mond, leader of the Nationalists, how ever, has removed practically all hope, iand a crisis In the situation Is belied to be Imminent. - Balfour, Then Diasolntion. Several conferences among the Lib erals were held today. The fact that what happened behind closed doors ws not made public has resulted in a gen eral prediction that unless Premier An qultH resigns oe will be voted out of of fice wlthlre three weeks. A rumor was current today tnat ma premier was actually preparing hla res ignation. This, however, was denied promptly. Should Asouith reslfrn, is is thought the premiership would be offered to Arthur Balfour, a conwrvative. How long Palfour could retain control if he accepted is a' matter of conjecture. It It not thought he could last more than a ; few ' days, after which parliament would probably be dissolved. If parlia ment were dissolved a new election, of course, would be necessary. In this event it Is deemed almost certain that the. Asouith wing- of the Liberal party would be eliminated. This would1 make pavld Lloyd George, father of the Brlt- Top row Chile, A. J. Vejar; Japan, Y. Nuniano; Peru, Charles M. Harn-to; Norway, Kndre M. Cederbprg. Bottom row Great Britain, JameH iildlaw; France, C. Henri Labbe; Italy, Charles F.'Candrani; Sweden, Valdeniar Udell. How to Make Better Cough Syrup Than You Can Buy A full pint of rough syrup enough to last a family a long jlme can be made by the recipe given below in five minutes, for only 54 cents. Slniph? as it Is. there 1 nothing better at any price. It usually stops a deep seated cough In 24 hours, and Is a splendid household remedy for whooping- cough, colds, hoarse ness, bronchitis, etc. Take a pint of granulated sugar. add half pint warm water and stir about two minutes. Put two and one half oz. Pinex. in a pint bottle and fill up with syrup. Take a teawpoonful every one. two or three hours. It keeps perfectly and the taste is pleasing. The chemical elements of pine which are very healing to mem branes, are obtained in high pro portion In Pinex, the most valu able concentrated compound of Norway White Pine Extract. None of the weaker pine preparations will work with this recipe. Your druggist has Pincx or can easily get it for you. Strained honey can be used In stead of the syrup, and make? a verv fine honey and pine tar rough syrtip. Some of the best known drug gists hre, as Laue-Davis Drug Co. (distributors), and ot hots think so well of the above pre scription that they guarantee it to ' arlvn. perfect satisfaction or re fund the purchase price. ish budget, the nominal leader of the Liberals. All Lost but the Budget. I'nder the chaotic, conditions prevail ing, It' is apparent that the only legis lation possible is the passage of the budget. Kven this, although some ac tion concerning It In view of the dis turbed condition of business growing out of the uncertainty surrounding Its fate, is regarded, as Improbable. It Is certain now that the budget can not pass without some Conservative support. Enough Nationalists. Labor- .Hes and Liberals will vote against it, If It is introduced ahead of the veto bill, to mAke its passage by the Liber als alone impossible. In view of the tangled government finances caused by the budget contro versy, it is imperative that some com promise be reached whereby the budget may be passed. It Is probable that this will be effected. After the budget is passed, persons who are conversant with the situation and who are able to interpret the signs declare confidently a deadlock will ensue. After the deadlock Lloyd-George is expected to resign as chancellor of the exchequer and Winston Churchill the home secretaryship. HO Indies at La Grande. (Special DUpntcli to Tlie Jonrjral.) La Grande, Or., Feb. 22. At 12 o'clock today the Jocnl O. R. & N. of fices could not 'announce if truffle would be resumed on the Joseph branch this afternoon." The train lias been here awaiting word from Wallowa canyon, whero drifts exist, to learn if the train could be sent out to the Isolated Wal lowa county with any degree of safety. Traffic on the main line of the O. R. & N. wtiH resumed today on the regular schedule, but It commenced to snow and blow again at noon and another tleup Is feared. Kreight commenced to move slowly this morning and there Is general relief. It is more than probable that it is only temporary. Thirty inches of anow had fallen yes terday afternoon here during the month of February and it lias commenced again today with lesa than 12 hours' break since Saturday morning. Fear Thaw at Walla Walla. (Special Dlptch to The Journal.) Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 22.- The worst storm of the year is on in the ORfeGON PHIZ PAINTED WHITE PY WEATHER MAN (Continued From P: ge One.) the flakes were very fine and it is not piling up. According to the official weather observer, 15 inches of snow has fallen during this month. It IB impossible now to predict the extent of the damage. Unless hiRh winds prevail, causing the snow to drift there will be little danger of crops be ing harmed. As each day shows no In dications of a break, stockmen are grow ing more and more alarmed, as the 11m l)ed supply of hay will not carry the cattle and sheep much farther. All trains today are delayed but so far as learned, none are actually blocked. Trains Stalled In Colorado. (rutted Pre Iwd Wire. Buena Vista. Colo.. Feb. 22. Traffic in western Colorado Is blizzard bound today. Midland passenger trains are stalled at Haver, Bath and 8ol1ar, and two freight trains are blockaded at Haver. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francii European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Jtew gteel'and brick structure. Furnished at cost of (300,600. Every comfort and con venience. On carlines transferring ail over citr- Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet ilh nap of Sin Francisco Fall Continues at Baker. (Special I)lotoh to Tlie Journal.) Baker City, Or., Feb. 22. There is no sign of abatement in the storm that has I been causing trouble here the last four ! days. About three Inches of snow fell yesterday and a light snow fel yesterday and a light snow Is falling today, but no. damage is reported. The O. R. & Nt is having no trouble with snow here, but in the Sumpter valley is suffering continual grief. A heavy snow In the mountains tied up the trains and thre days were re quired to open the tracks. , One train due here at fi o'clock last evening came In at ft this morning, after the engine had run out of water and the crew had melted snow. The O. R. & S. refuses to accept t-Httle and perishable freight. The absence of extreme cold has pre vented much suffering as -the coal sup ply is short again The minimum temperature was 10 above, with a slight thaw about the middle of the day. To Masquerade Tonight Thousands will attend the Washing ton birthday celebration at-the Exposi tion RiitS: tonight. A grand colonial masquerade on kates. Masks for sale at the rink. Doors open, at " o'clock. Frat for 8004) 'spectator'. , Prices for costumes wlfl be .awarded. Street care stnp at Exposition Rfnk's door tonight for tbe Ma; -masquerade. " US it 'j'tm i It &fl Mfflslc Haigry , Mms StocH Snffers in Ayaaco. (SneriBrilt)feh to Tbf Joamal.) j The Dalles, r.. Feb. 22.- A brisk east wind lias prevailed here tne past 24 hours and this morning the minimum temperature was 20 above. Snow has j been falling steadily all forenoon and the local forecaster predicts snow for 12 hours to come. Train service has not been interfered with seriously, though all trains are running late on botb the O. R. & N. and North Bank. Heavy snow drifts on the Columbia Southern yesterday caused several hours delay In the arrival of the North Bound trainy. Ktock in the southern part of Wasco county are suffering because of the cold and scarcity of feed. In the vicinity of The Dalles there Is sufficient bay to carry all stock or another month. Gre&t Annual Clearance Sale at Bilers The Money Saving Event of the Year Terms as Low as $ 1 .50 Weekly v Many familjes in this city and state, whose means would ordinarily deprive them of the refining influence of music, have found it possible, owing to the terrific reductions, to secure a fine piano in the Annual Clearance Sales at the House - of Eilers. In the vast number of Pianos offered the high character and splendid condition and the re markably low prices these annual "CleanUp" events are without an equal. No matter what your preference is, no matter what make or tone or style you desire' or whether your choice is a Kimball, or a Hobart M. Cable, or Steinway, or Lester, or Story & Clark or Eilers or Emerson, etc., or whether you wish to invest $124, $275 or $350, you can effect in this Clearance Sale a saving large enough, to pay you for a thorough musical education of the entire family. But all that can be said or written will not do full justice to this really great event. To fully appreciate this extraordinary opportunity one must personally see the instruments, test them 'criti cally, note their excellent condition (some nearly new) and littleness of price. If you have the remotest idea of securing a Piano within the next year and can pay $3.00 or $2 50 yes, $1.50 a week, don't let another day go by without investigating this Clearance Sale. ' . The Quickest action is necessary, however, for at the present rate the remaining fine values, which have been unmercifully reduced, will surely be snapped up in short order. Arrange to come the first thing tomorrow morning. (Store closed this afternoon Washington's birthday). lheb risto $3.00 Hat Derbys and Soh Felts Derbys and Soft Felts The Best Hat Value Ever Offered for the Price. ALL STYLES, ALL COLORS. Sold Only By Us. 31 1 Morrison St., 0pp. Postofficc To-day the art of making good co coa is still a secret. You may never learn the secret but you can al ways get the co coa ask for 13 r mmJ ifrt COCOA S T,Y Oft mm 353 Washington at Park Street REMEMBER "Money Sack" if not exactly as represented and entirely satisfactory. Furthermore we will accept any Piano or Organ purchased in this sale toward purchase of a costly Checkering or Kimball or the genuine Pianola Piano, or any high-grade Piano, any time within one year and allow you every penny paid.- Could anything be fairer or more liberal? , "-.... " 1 Always pure and, wholesome. Made from the best beans the earth yields. Dont ask merely for cocoa ask for GhirardelWs. Cocoa' Fact No. 30 The cocoa bean m its natural state con tains a large percent age of oil, wnich is highly nutritious but is too rich for many. This is pressed out and is known as ccl coa butter, a val uabTe commercial product inenttoytefounah otmr reriaence . Tmke HosmCiiy ParkorMonUytlU car to the property. , r lQftcewth?jrouncb r ,