10 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 20, 1910. TOEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TdDAY NEW TODAY. NEW TODAV. NEW TOD A. NEW TODAV. Stop 1 Dancing TO THE BAOTXlfB MTTSIO OT A XAlTX&OBD BT E0TJBIO OUK ' PLAIT, AWD.TOU CAH THEW . 1 KB ST CONTENTED XV . TSX FA MILIAR , , TTTKB OF Home, Sweet Home W will Rid tub In buying or build- trig your own home by allowing you to pay for It In small monthly Install ment. Qur return payments are only S1.26 per month on ouch J 100 borrowed, which will pay up the entire nuiount of loan and lnterent In 108 months. The privilege, however, is Riven of paying up at any time. Interest only being charged for the. number of years that loan. la retained. .... w will allow you 3 Der cent Interest n. all advanced payment you make i while Davlug up. your loan.. We also irtva you 0 day of grace on your monthly payments without a fine. Can you ask anything fairer? The fact that we have been able to qualify n all the southern and western states is certainly an evidence or strength and reliability. We are rated with Bradstreets, In Portland, and refer you . to the Jackson bank, or any other bank in Jackson, Mississippi, where our head office Is located. ' We have other moneys to loan on city and farm property from 6 to S per cant; also real estate for sale In Tort land and Roseburg. ' Call or write WALKER & AGEE Areata for the Jackaon Loan k Trust Co. C18 ABZBOTOB BLDO, POBTXAWD. MOSIER HILLS IN HOOD RIVER DISTRICT We have a few choice 10 and 20 tcre tracts . 1 IN MOSIER HILLS that we can sell you at from $25 to $100 per acre, with small payment down and balance on easy monthly or yearly payments. Don't miss this op portunity to gef an income for your old age. I. A. Mason, who used to be a mail carrier in the Portland postoffice, now lias an orchard which he says brings him in $500 per acre net on an aver age every year. This is not boom talk, but an actual experience of a city man who went out on to his fruit ranch. What he has done you can do if you will follow his example. - It will only take about three hours to run up and look it over. You may not get a chance like this again. These lands are going fast, and prices are --advancing alt the time. So don't de lay. Call at 516 Beck building, or East Hood River Land Co., Mosier. Or. IJONESMORE Lots are 50x100 $500 to $700 Easy Payments. Complete Abstract. Warranty Deed. On Montavilla Carline. GEO. D. SCHALK Main 392, A-2392. 228 Stark St. SOLD The Oregonian this morning reported the sale of south half of the hlork bounded by East 2d, 15. 3d, Taylor and nmT!.J5.y KshS,r- ,Tflrsen Co- for 45.-! .IT ?, rIok J" "ot J"1- have the north half of same blork which ' if fi f.11 a 10S ot S0"(! an! ran f,- iui VJT ?. wa? r?lf for the un" imea Jiaii. it must be Ooueht how PVIT I on or before Monday. I $45,000 It has 'JCiti feet of trackage. 2d, 100 K. 3d. inn on K Here is an excellent oppo-tunlly to 1 make a substantial profit. Don't waver ! Come on In and secure a good thing. S2-3 Lafayette big., Washington and 6th. I FOUR SALESMEN WANTED Brighton Beach Co.1 . APPLY SUNDAY ! i Between 10 and 12 j 412r413-414 Lumber Exchange! Second and Stark Sts. J Oh An Oregon FARM FOR ONLY WRITE OR CALL AT ONCE. OREGON INLAND DEVELOPMENT CO. 838-40 Chamber of Com merce Bldg., Portland, Or. 1120 Feet Waterfront $20 PER FRONT FOOT TRACKAGE CAN ARRANGE EASY TERMS Shepard-Mills Co. 214-215 Board of Trade Fruit Tracts 900 Acres 1100 Acres Both Within Six Miles of EUGENE $50 Per Acre CHESTER H. STARR 1022 Board of Trade MAKE A START You can buy lots In Gregory Heights at $176 and up by raying $5 down and I2.B0 per month. This Is an easy way of getting these lots which will surely double In VRlue while you are paying for them. When you look back and see the opportunities you have neglected don't It make you want to begin right now? Come out and look at the prop erty. That will not cost you anything. Office on the addition end of the Rose City carline. INVESTMENT C0.o,f Holladay Home 8 rooms, reception hall, den, bath, furnace, fireplace, buffets, panel dining room, hardwood floors, terrace porch around house; on corner, one block from 'I" car. This is a very cheap buy at $10,000, and on very easy terms. Knapp-RoberU Co. M. 3263. 524 Henry Bldg. ,olIa ay s ion The one best place In Portland to buv. Geographical center and most deslrabie residence property In the city, Seeing Is believing. Better go and Ree the manv choice residences under ..unci I rnol iri anH the Imnmi'.mdntu ing on. The Oregon Real Estate Company ! 254 GRAND ATS. PORTLAND, OR. Removal Notice Ward Realty Co. HAS MOVED FROM 305 ABINGTCW BLSQ, To 809 Lewis Bldg. $1 samara uraa A FARMS-WANTED If you have a rood farm at a fair prli-r, Rinl want to soil It. lint it with us. Buyers looking for farms close to Port land. MAGINinS LAND & J3TVXSTMEJI CO., 316-317 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. Mortgage Loans j city property at repsonable rates. CZJLSK-COOK COMPANY. 6 Board of Trade Ball ding'. POOR urn Who Invest in Menfone Can make as big a per centage on their invest ment as is made by With their thousands. Lots $3 cash, $3 per month. Take the car to Lents. Agents on the ground. C0WPERTHWAIT & CHRISTENSEN Lents. J. J. 0EDER, Agent Grand Avenue and East Ankeny Street. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. OWNERS Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce WE ARE headquarters for TIMBER LANDS FARMS ORCHARDS TRACTS FOR PLATTING AND SUBDIVIDING ONE ACRE OR THOUSANDS "IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE OUR LIST." HARTMAN & THOMPSON. CHAMBER COMMERCE BLDG. Mortgage Loans RICH MEN Lowest rate and terms to suit. Special j rates for business properties. Funds ! loaned for private: Investors. M..E. Thompson Co. BmI Estate and rire Xnrutanc, cor. 4th and Oak. Main 6084. A-3327. Place Tour Fire Insurance fth ui. Here Is Your Chance TEN ACE TRACTS At Your Own Terms Was fortunate enough purchasing 500 acres of land that I am enabled to put it on the market at a price with terms that makes it the lowest priced good land on the market today. Have cut it up in o 10-Acrc Tracts , Only 9 miles from Port land, 2y2 miles north west of Metzger sta tion on Salem electric, 2Y2 miles south of Bea verton station on Hills boro electric and 1 miles from S. P. R. R. This soil is the very best, no rock or gravel; ideal for fruit, berries and truck gardening. With the excellent shipping facilities and a clamor ing market easily and quickly reached, a com fortable living can be made from one of these 10 acre tracts. Our price to start with is $12 Per Acre Name Your Own Terms At the above price with such terms, these 50 tracts will not last long. First come first served, so be among the first and reserve a tract to your liking. From an investment standpoint, acreage cannot be beat, especially close in acre age. While you are cultivating the land you are reaping a reward from the crops and meanwhile your land is constantly increasing in value. Do not let this opportunity slip by, but ack quickly. Call at our office and get the full particulars. J. H. SHIELDS 205 Gerlinger Bldg. 2d and Alder. Main 8430 BUY INSIDE PROPERTY LADD'S ADDITION Being only 12 blocks to the river ana tne Dusiness cen ter; you can walk it in 15 minutes. Ladd's Addition is a high class residence prop erty with its wide boulevards and 14 foot alleys,- with : reasonable building restric tion, where all improvements are made and paid for, such as asphalt pavements, ce ment walks, sewer, water and gas, with a good car service and only 10 minutes' ride to the business center. Don't fool yourself and class Ladd's Addition with outlying suburban additions, where improvements are only promised to you, as yet. Buy as close to the business center as you can get where values are less liable to fluc tuate. Go and see the hun-' dreds of palatial homes which have been built and are now building in Ladd's Addition. Prices range from $1800 to $2200 for choice lots; 10 per cent cash, 1 per cent monthly, with 6 per cent interest; a discount al lowed for all cash. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. Also Agents on Ground. es Moines Addition $8000 .OO EIGHT ACRES, OR 52 LOTS, in this fine tract, which lies ad joining the 300-ACRE TRACT just sold by J. A. Strowbridge es tate to Jacobs-Stine Co., and V2 miles east of that most beautiful Eastmoreland (REED INSTI TUTE). To see this tract of land, take Gresham or Cazadero cars at East Morrison and East Front streets, get off at BELL STA TION, go directly north J4 mile, and you are in DES MOINES ADDITION. These prices are going to advance in this long-neglected, beautiful residence sub urban portion of country. J. W. OGILBEE ROOM 11, 145 FIRST ST. NEW FLATS Corner, Seventh St., West Side, close m, four flats; income $125 Terms. $14,500 Russell Street 50x145, leased for $100 per month. Half cash. $ 10,000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. idem Home See that splendid 7 room house, E. 16th and E. Stark sts.. (N. W. corner) and then get" price and terms. It's' a beauty, Is near both grammar and high school and in easy walking distance to business center. ( MALL & VON BORSTEL , 104 KE COSTS ST. a wrracBE a comTAX.ii noru WHO XATX BOUGHT XX MJXJ.VUX THBOUGX COOrXB TATLOK, 8BU2KO AQEJCTB, VAT M ZBTBBX8TXO XX.. TBS LSTTSB BZtX.OW, WHICH 18 WBITTEW urn. BSBToar, musxav or J. X.,B01UJT BOB. BT A MAY WHO HAS SXTTUBP AT BXU.KAB. SB BATS I Mr. Benton, , . . Dear Sir In regard to that portion of Hlllman townslte that you want to know of, it runs land back to tha mark you will see on tha plat, and there la a rim through not one hair aa bad as the east side. On "A"' at., there Is gradual slope clear to top. "B" St.. you ' cannot co over. "C" at., you can dtlve ; over with a wagon. I hauled wood down there this winter. The men at this community are going to clear up and make a wagon road up "C" St., clear over to Main st., soon. The rest of the atreets clear over to "Q," are pretty bad. cannot get over them with teams. The rim rook runs as the pencil mark shows. The land west of the mark lays well and Is good land, also that lying . north lies fine and Is good land. Anywhere east or the croasmark Is easy or access to the top, all that lying north of marked out rim Is fine lying and good land. All the blocks you', have sold are In nice lying land. The lateral that' furnishes water to me runs through S8 and 6 as marked on plat. There are about 400 acres of as fine lying land for a town site as can be found anywhere, and It Is my opinion Hlllman has aa srood a chance for making a town as any point on the line. I . think the big reports that have been sent out are through Redmond's fear and lealousy more than anything else. Hlllman has1 a larger and oetter territory to draw from to make town than any other town along tnrough here and Redmond knows It and that is what has scared her. If ever there Is a spur run to Prlnevllle from one of these R. R. it will be from Hlll man as It Is the only available place and also the closest place there is to Duiia rrora. I believe this will voice the opinion of every man in this locality. Yours with best wishes for Hlllman, . (Signed) D. C. HALL. INVESTIGATE OSSMER Before buying elsewhere it costs you nothing. Streets graded and graveled, cement sidewalks and curbs, Bull Run water in front of every lot, and ALL PAID FOR. No property bonded for im provements here. Building re strictions of $1500 and $2000. New houses constantly being built. Splendid car service. When desiring to build we will help you. Clark Cook Co. i Room 6 Board of Trade Building Mam 0407. A-3252 CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS Now on the market In o acre tracts. Planted and taken care of durlr.r 5 yra Spitzenbergs & Yellow Newtowns Kasy Payments. Ten per cent cash, $15 per month. The finest orchards In Oregon. We have challenged any orchard owner of the stats In the sum of ' $1000. Hard Cash, To show a better orchard In Four years than urs win be. Our tracts He ? 6 to 17 miles from the center of Portland. Railroad stations on the place. Electric line runninsr through place this summer. 1117 acres to selct from. Liberal discount for Bh. Warranty deed free from all incum brance. See the opinions of the leading: authorities In Oregon as to the adaptability of our land to' orcharding. Additional Information cheerfully given Some unplanted tracts for r.ile at reasonable figures and easy terms. THE OBOSSX.E7 OOMFAWT. 709 Corbett Bldg. Place Your Fire Insurance WITH Jno. P. Sharkey Co. Agents For GLENS FALLS INS. CO., Glens Falls, N. Y. SECURITY INSURANCE CO., New Haven, Conn. Don't Pay Rent Money to buy a lot and build a home at 5 per cent simple Interest. No se curity or cash required. Rent money will pay for honje. SECURITY BI.DO. 414 Hsnry Bldff. CO., A new and modern 6 room house, near Hawthorne ave. We offer -this as a real, bargain and can give possession at once. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 SECOHD ST. - $50,000 Choice buslnesB corner; 60100, Madison St., paying per cent net; watch the prices grow when new brtdgb is com pleted. DEMENT & KRIDER, 248 Madison sU A BARGAIN $3400 Union Bank TO 1 & Company Foreign Department Drafts to all parts of the world. Payments b y. money orders promptly exe- cuted. Foreign money bought and sold. Steamship tickets to and from all parts of Eu rope. on a u Subsequent Transfers After a certificate of title to a property has been issued, subsequent transfers are accom plished merely by hav ing the certificate ex tended down to date. No examination is nec essary. There is no un certainty about the title. It is quickly done and the cost is small. Title&TrustCo. Paid-up capital $250,000. LEWIS BUILDING Special Snaps ! $8,000 Prominent corner on Alberta street, with brand new, extra well built busi ness block, consisting of three stores and two flats. Rental value $1200. Only half cash required. $16,000 Corner Union avenue and Morris, 118Txl20, with four modern "houses. Income $76, leaving vacant corner .60x60. An unusu ally good buy. $8,500 Corner Union avenue and Shaver, lot 50x100. Trust 4-iiLai vaiuv puv, i Cl 1113. W . .. c uoddard & Wiedrick 243 STARK STREET KEEP YOUR EYE ON urnside Three of the choicest proper ties you will fincj on our list. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Any one will make you a handsome profit. "It will pay you to see us." Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of. Commerce 12 Minutes Walk From P.O. And the Portland hotel, a beau tiful 50x100 corner on -17th and . Market sts. The Improvements at preset bring a rental of $.30 per month. There is a mortgage against the place for $4000 at 5 ner cent; runs for 10 years, but. can te paid off any time. Balance cash. You can make $25,000 on this spec In 10 years if you have the courage and confidence to tackle it. In the meantime vou draw 6 per cent on your money. C. F. Pfluger & Co. Room 5 Mulkey.Bldg.. Cd and Mor rison sts. treet 1