; , , ; V tHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENlIO,, FEBRUARY 18, 1910. 13 NEW TODAY. An Oregon FARM FOR ONLY $50 WRITE OR CALL AT ONCE. OREGON INLAND DEVELOPMENT CO. 838-40' Charpber of Com merce Bldg., Portland, Or. NEW TODAY. .$6500 Beautiful 8 Room Bungalow Home; has fireplace, furnace, den, buffets, solid oak floors, cross veneer doors, finely in ished and beautifully built. Has every convenience you could de sire. Part cash. Knapp-Roberts Co. 524 HBNRY BLDO. M. 3261 SOLD The Oregonlan this morning reported the 1 of aouth half of the block bounded by Bast 2d, E. 3d, Taylor and Salmon by FUher. Thoraen Co. for $46. 000. This H block Is not filled. We have the north half of same block which la filled at a cost of $6000 and can do urer it for what was paid for the un filled half. It must be bought however on or before Monday. A VTTMBSB Ol 00&TAX.US FEOFLS WHO KAYS BOUGHT X.OTS XV XI&LVUJt THOtOTOH OOOIDB TAYLOR, SELLING! AOTXTTB, MAT BE in XXJ&JDSTEJJ I IT THB XjXTXXS BEIOW, WHICH IS WJUTTEJI TO US. BINTOW. A SALEBMAW OI I X. NO LAW H BOW. BT A MA WHO HAS SETTLED AT XXUVAHV KB Mr. Ronton, ' ', -.. Dear Sir In regard to tha(V portion of HUlman tAwnalt that you: want to know or, It runs land back to the mark you will see on the plat, and there is a nmtnrougn not one hair as n&a as- on the eaet side. On "A", at, there, is. a gradual slope clear to top. "W St., you cannot' go over, "C" at.,' you can (111 ve over with a wagon. I hauled wood down there this winter. The men at this community are going to clear upland make e wagon road up "G" St., clear over to- Main St.. soon. The rest of the streets clear over to "Q," are pretty bad, cannot get over them with teams. The rljn roe It runs as the pencil mark shows. The ajid west of the mark lays well ana an gooa lana, aiso mat tying norm lies' fine and la' good land. Anywhere east of the eroasmark is easy of access to the .top, all that lying north of biarked out rim is fine lying and good land. All the' blocks you have sold are In nice lying land. The lateral tnat rurnisne water to me runs through 86 and 6 as marked on plat. "There are about 4Q0 acres of as' fine eying land for a town sit As can be found anywhere, and it is my opinion HUlman has as good a chance for making a town as any point on the line.. I think the big reports that 'have been, aent out are through Redmond's fear and Jealousy more than anything else. HUlman has a larger and a better territory to draw from to make a town than any other town along through, here and Redmond knows It and that is what has scared her. If ever there is a spur run to Prlnevllle from one of these R. R. It will be from Hill man as it is the only available place and also the closest place there is to build front. I believe this will voice the opinion of every man in this locality. Tours with best wishes for HUlman, (Signed) D. C, HALL. . 1 11 1 I ' $45,000 It baa 300 feet of trackage. 100 on E. Id, 100 E. 3d. Here is an excellent opportunity to make a substantial profit. Don't waver. Come on in and secure a good thing. dOSEPHffi JOHNSTON 12-1 Lafayette big., Washington and th. Union Avenue Bargain Adjoining cor., north-of Skidmore, $3250 If taken before. March 1st. Cement walk and curb paid for, consequently street assessment $60 less than on adjoining lots. Investigate and yon will find that this Is from $250 to $500 less than the mr.rket price. $1750 cash, bal. 2 years. A. Vester 109 Oregonlan bldg. Why Invest in Cana- dian Lands? Look at This 160 ACRES OF A-l FRUIT LAND $6.00 Per Acre YOUR OWN TERMS Oregon Inland Development Co. 838-40 Chamber of Com merce Building, Portland, Or. wkatiieii itEroxrr A Ismail low pressure area Is central over p urea? mu l.aae tinain ana an other low presaure area ' i passing; to sea off the New England coast. Two high pressure area are noted In the western etates; one la central over the Dakota and the other Over the lower Mississippi valley.. Light rain has fallen on the Pacific coast as 'far south 'as Sacramento and moderately heavy snow has occurred In eastern Washington, eastern Oregon, northern Nevada, north ern uian. jciano, Montana ana Wyoming. Precipitation hea htsim hum In the At lantic and east gulf states, moatly in th form of snow eccpt on the south At lantic coast. A severe cold wave pre vails In the lower Mississippi valler, ! Wher the line of freexlnor temperature has reached the coast of ' Texas nd Louisiana.' Unusually low temperatures also prevail in tha Dakota and Minne sota, the lowest being 88 degrees below aero at wuiiston, N. 1J. . The conditions are favorable for occa sional rain with possibly some snow in western Oregon and western Washing ton tonight and Saturday. Clearing weather Is indicated for tha reaion east of the Cascade mountains, with lower temperatures In southern Idaho. ' . Temp. Max. Mln. Preclp, itEAL1 ESTATE TRANSFERS Bismarck N. D.... 2 88 Blaine, Wash........ 32 14 Boise, Idaho....;..,. 30 22 Boston. Mass. .. 34 ' 20 Charleston, 8. C, .. 70 60 Denver. Colo... 28 12 Galveston, Texas... 36 24 Jacksonville, Kin..... 78 64 Kansas City. Mo. v. 22 12 Lewlston, Idaho. ... 84 28 Los Angeles, Cal... 82 44 New Orleans, La... 70 26 New York. N. Y 3S 28 North Head, Wash... 44 36 N. Yakima, Wash. . 33 22 Philadelphia. Pa. ... 48 28 focatello, Idaho,... 88 14 Portland, Or....... 60 34' Roseburg, Or 64 44 Sacramento, Cal. .. . 68 '44 St. Louis. Mo 14 4 8t Paul, Minn 2 14 Ban Francisco 68 46 Seattle. Waah 42 36 bisklyou, Or 40 32 Spokane, Wash 24 10 Walla Walla. Wash. 86 24 Washington, D. C. . 48 24 MEETING NOTICES M. W. A., Rose City camp 6468, meets jviviiuay Bveuifjgv. oeuiuv niroa xiuu. TX7 - .4 Tl' u I in 1 Darlington, clerk. 228 Alisky bldg. Phone 3111 111 BViO. MAKE A START You can buy lots in Gregory Heights at $175 and up by paying $5 down and $3.60 per month. This is an easy way of getting these lots which will surely double in value while you are paying for them. When you look back and see the opportunities you nave neglected don't It make you want to begin right now? Come out and, look at the prop erty. That will not coat you anything. Office on theaddltlon end of the Rose City, canine. I INVESTMENT CO. OAK LEAF CLUB. Dance every Tuesday eve. at E. B. Hall, 37th and Hawthorne. Invitations can be secured at hall, or phono Tabor, mi. REGIMENTAL dance, given by W. O. W. regiment in W. O. W. temple, 12S 11th, Saturday night, February 19, 1910. Luca orchestra. Gents 50b; ladies 26c. R. N. A., Oregon Rose camp, ineeu Wednesday evenings. Alisky hall, id and Morrison. R. N. A., Marguerite camp, meets every Thursday evening in Savoy hall. Bast Burnslde street and Grand avenue. LOGUS hall, 30x6, afternoons and even- inps. si H Grand ave., cor. K. wash. HALLS for rent. Drew St.,- near Morrison. MAKKIAGE LICENSES Leon E. Story, Woodstock, Or., 30, and Mary Monroe, 25. James McDonald. Olvmpia. Wash.. 23. and Lorlna Jackaon, 19. John Strom. 838 Castle avenue. 29. and Hanna tiundiuextt 18. WKUPfNG card, W. G. Hmlth St Co. Washington bldg., corner 4tb and wssnington ats. STRESS milts for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring i:o.. o stark et B. C. Bell and wife to Robert . flhaw, southerly. 33 feet" of lot " 2. block 2. suhdlvlHlon of east half of block Z, Portland...... $.000 I me uuarantee & Trust company to Caroline C. Hay, Jot 7, block 8. Dover Glen Harbor Realty company to Oscar Reren teen, Jot 2 Wook 7 Glen Harbor Arvllla U. gwalne to Leo A. Lar field, lot 8f block 17. Cltv View Park 2.000 Portland Realty A Trust' company . to Alice Bnyder, lot , wock l, Clileago . .i.k : 160 Title Guarantee & Trust company to. "ioyd Riiyeu, lots 13 and 14, blouk 12..Berkelev:.. 800 E. F. Emerson et al, to Ifihernla Savings bank, lot S in aubtllvl- slon of block 2, Alblna, known as lot 3, block 2, Albina. . . . : . 7,000 M. Flclschner and wife to J. D. Kennedy, lot 0, block J, Ken nedy addition ,, . . . 250 Rasa City Park association to Hugh H. Haxlett et al.. lot 4. " bltck 1J. Rob City Park 7.09 Tary M. Finn and husband to Hallle L. Remluglon. lot. J, , block 81, Sollwood 00 T 1 1 Xk T Mmninu In nilva, 1.. 2 Roe, lot 8, block 39, Roaamere. 800 J Clara B. Watkins and husband to 2 A. Binger and W. Rnsnek, lot .70 a. block 4. Lester Park 800 1.12.1 Marv G. Hart and husband to 8. ""l A. Olseh, lota 3, 4, block 23, .00 Katharine 650 24 K. Stone and wife to William H. , .00 gtone, lot 16. block 83, Setlwood 600., 08 T. 8. MiiDanlel and wife to Ralph .00 K. Blnco. lot 8. block 2. Brush's I 1.04 Second addition 1,000 .34 S. J.' Barber and wife to John .01 Corliisli, part of. lot 8, block T, 3i, city " .75U 28 Alameda Land company to Ar- ' .06 thur W, McCain, lot 2,. blouk 18, Alameda Park 3 .01 Moore Investment company to .01 Frank H. Hailing, lot t. block .14 66. Vernon 0 .00 George I. Brooks and wife to .01 Alma L. Handeaker et.al, lot .14 l, block 76, Holladay'a addition . 6.000 .16 W. H Nunn and wife to Leopold 24 B?rtler. lot 3. block 20, North 32 Irvington 600 .20 Dor W. Savage and husband to Acnes V. Lester, lots 6 anri 6. 4 I 'Riverside Homeetead annax. . . 1,800 Mary E. King and husband to B. J. and Charlotta Nelson, lot 2, i block 16, Elizabeth Irving's ad dition 3,600 Ibex Land company to, R. II. Thompson, lots 1 and 2. and fraction of lota 7 and S, block i 104. Caruther's addition to ('a- . ! ruther'e addition and all of lot 8, hlock . Cole's addition Harriet J. Mansfield to Alexan der II. Kerr, north half of lot 2, block 312. city Bloore Investment company to Mary A. Brauer, lot 6. block t . Vernon 700 Amelia Zwiener and husband to P. T. HU1 et al. lot 11,' block 2, Bosedale addition 1,000 Hubert Kuhlk and Wife to same. lot 8, block 2, Rosedah- addition 1.200 C. A. Hoy and wife to J. R. Runkle, lot 6, block , Mayor ; Gates addition 3,400 1 Do,,.. tlffm.n I. Kilt. bldg., 162 2d" telstadet, lot 21, block 1. Have- I lock '. 1,6 00 ' H. Hainhlet and wife to Bertha ' j E. Goescr, lots 6 and fi, block i IS. Fairport addition 650 G. E. Stovull and wife to Hubert Morrison, lot 12 and north ln.d feet of lot 11, block t, Central. Alblna 775 Edward F. Peterson and wife lo Henrv Derlng, lot 3, block 13, Lincoln Park 700 R. Kennedy and wife to Portland Trust company, lot 23, block 1 Manlnwnnil nritlltlon 600 ! S. E. Huston and husband to FOn SALE REAL ESTATE 1 rll-l':""" $500 -and .up . . ' . InJlEulkiljil i Th most sightly lots on the Heights nd are within one mil of. Portland poyofflce. . FOR PALE KEAL iESTATE 18 A I Cleveland, 827 Chamber of Commerce, $25,000 $10,000 cash, bislnesa comer, ' nat an income property, close in. on west sldw 'Tls paying 18 per oent. Could be made pay 15 ; per cent on investment. -. ' $1600 'On'' terms. 8 room house, two lots. This I a big snap. $ 400 Very choice corner lot In -fiwln-fon. $116 cash, balance 7.60 per month. , $3000 On very easy terms. 6 room modern bungalow In Vernon. Beveral lots In Alameda Park. SHOEMAKER INV. CO.. . 627 Henry bldg. Main 4465. A-7434. 88760 - BV" IBaSTAULMEKITS New modern 6 room house wlthXall Improvement at less than It can M duplicated for. Large, open air sleeping porch," furnace, full cement basement, cement waahtuhs, best plumbing, largv complete bathroom, paneled dining room, with plate rail and beamed cell ing; piped and wired for gas and elec tricity, rear porch all latticed In, cornice very larc and attractive, big windows, plenty of sunlight. 60x100 foot lot, lies a foot above the sidewalk, full of fruit trees, also largo chicken houHe,,Phono evenings, East 728, or atoe daytime, B-1362 or Eaat 92. " m)Jtr- ACREAGE Best Buy in Portland $300 $300 down, balance Ilkr rent: 8 room strictly niodern bungalow. Just com pleted, on Kurt CarutherF, between 30th and 31st. 2 blocks from carllne; has full porch, fireplace, beamed celling, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcasea and china closet, gas and elec tricity; best of plumbing, full basement, and only $2800. ROSS. . 615 Gerlingcr Bldg.. 2d and Alder. Res. phone Tubor 14ti7. Phone Main 2801 Art Unusual Opportunity 6-room modern home, plastered and tinted, Dutch kltchon, built in china closets, cosy window seats, fine sliding and swinging; drors. two toilets; every thing that makes a home cozy and home like; . full basemelit, .wllli- stationary laundry trays; large, cony porch, with eobhla stone flnlKh, in front and rear; plate glass doors and windows; fine ni'KhS fixturen; double walls and double floors; -cement walks; only 2 blocks from car; price $3500. 1 Dirt Cheap '61 acres,' IS tnlles went of eniirthiii; 20 acres cleared, 20 "acre more t?;m!v cleared, good fl room - house, big barn and other outbtrlldlngs, well of Wutef on porch. Thl is. In a thickly Keitled district, store and school within a block; a good profit can b made In cutting np in small tracts. This to good buy; prim $75uo: $3600 cash,, balanc to auit at $ . per cent Interest. , . , Diamond Realty Co. Room 14. 303 'j Waahlngt)ff-t. 4 IKS 226' EASTERN EXCHANGE, Morrison HI , A-3670. M. 3022. WE BUILD TO PLEASE. We build more houses In one mith than most contractors in a year. We can afford less nroflt. it will pay to sea Uh. If you own a lot, we build, any terms to ault. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUC TION CO.. , 902-J Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. 100 25,000 you Own Home If you own the lot we will build a home to suit your own plans and same as rem payment, estimates rroc. SHOEMAKER INsKKU'MENT CO.. 527 Henry Bldg. A-7434. Main 4465 VERY ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, beamed ceilings,' bookcn.ea, paneled dirilrig--room, furnace, fireplace. Woll worth the money, ' $3700 $700 down. (D 14) Large 2 story 8 room house, near Hawthorne carllne. lot 80x107. full basement, cement floor, paneled dining room, buffet; houHo portly furnished, which Is included in purchase price of $3750 $500 ,ali. You can't afford to tnlaa It. ( B 1 ) t 1-10 acres. 3 acres In cultivation, 300 feet of carllne, good soil, $300 down, balnnce $10 per month, 6 per cent; prlct, $760. . v E. P. ELLIOTT &-SON, ' 7th and Main, end 'Suspension brldj. , Oregon CI t y, Or. - ;" PORTLAND Marshall 646. RKALTY & CONSTRUC TION CO.. A-7183. 902-3 Lewis Bldg. On Hawthorne Ave. Between E 31th and Marguerite ave , 50x1 XS. If you ere looking for a snup, see this. 1 046 HAWTHORNE. Tabor 806. TEN acres level, high, sightly, no rocks or gravel, half cleared and some fruit, sear Hellwood, 5c fare, on county road, land across strePt sold for $800 per acre.. This In a gilt edge buy; no one but gilt edge buyers need apply; price $175u; $2650 cash, Lalance 3 years at 5 per Cent. A. Groener & Co., room 6, Cambridge blilg. unrestricted. $12,500, $6500. CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flower nd floral design. 289 Morrison t DEATHS Olmsted Park ' We want ia opportunity to PROVE that in po i ill of natural advantages l restrictions, improvements and price Utivuitu jtmvcw is iar in ine icau of adjomitfg properties. . OLMSTED PARK offers some lots as low as $950. WITH IMPROVE MENTS PAID. This fact alon means a saving of at least $150. Remember that OLMSTED PARK is the very heart of a large restricted area no cheap, common district bor ders it. - This means something to the man who wants real restriction. Columbia Trust Company Hoard or Trade Uldg. I Forced Sale On account of owner leaving the city on or me Dest quarter blocks, centrally located onrand avenue, ia to be sold . for 35 per cent less than adjacent quar ters. The present Income is $130 per month, with less than half the quarter block octupied. This is choice business property, full 100x100 feet. The price Will be withheld here and can be ob tained upon' Inquiry at our office. S J O OOO of the purchase price can lnd for three years at 7 per cent. This lsH the "best buy offered on Grand ave nue. Tnere is zia.ouu prom to be picked up by the purchaser of this property. jrpr lnrormarjon can on ClOHXEST ft BMXTH, , 401 MoXay Bldg. Union vc. PROPERTY fSSOO Union ave., corner Shaver, . 50x100; fine business block on half of lot; income $60. A splendid buy. Ooddard & Wiedrick 243 STARK ST. Wanted, Money to Loan We have a number of applicants for very desirable mortgage loans ranging from S500 up. We can place your money on well secured mortgages at 6. 7 and 8 per cent net. Our 22 years' ex perience in .mortgage loan 1 at your service. SC. X. THOMPSON CO., - Ral Estate and Tir Insurano. 4th and Oak. Main 6084; A-3327. J , KOBE Augustine Kobe. 434 Carter street. February 15. aae 81: hemor rhage. TALON Francis Talon, 2C6 East Twenty-fourth street, February 16; age 41; cancer. BENN Henry FI. Benn. 841 East Twenty-sixth street, February 16, 'age 67; hemorrhage. BRETTHANER Arthur Bretthaner, 831 East Sixth street. February 16, ugt 1; bronchitis. MARSH John Marsh. CryMa! Springs aanitarium. age 48; nephritis. DENNETT Murrel Dennett, Good Sa- maritun hospital, February 16. Re 26; Hemorrhage. ULIN Ernest UHn, Twenty-second and Roosevtdt ctreets. ace 9. February 14; fractured KkulK MAX M posit e Meier Frank. SMITH, florist 150 6th St.. op- Matn 7216. FUNERAL NOTICES. DOUGLASS At the family residence. Kern Park. February- li, Joseph Rob ert Liouglaap, aged 62 years, 7 months and 17 days. husband of Mrs. Annie Douglass, father of Leonard, Ross and Orvall Douglass and brother of James R. Douglass of this city, Martin C. Doualass of San Joae. Cal.. G. M Doutr- lass and Mrs: Angellne Hornback of Parsons, Kan., and B. F. Douglass of Neodesha. Kan. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at 11a. m.. Saturday. February IS. Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah ceme tery. Philip Jonep. 47xl'iO feet, b ginning on nortU Una of Jef ferson street, 29 1 feet westerly from Fourteenth 4,700 L. R. Bond and wife lo I.ouls Burkhardt et al., 3 acres In 15. 'Creswell donation land claim, isectioh 14, township 1 south, jranKe A east;, also lot 1M, l.;t margent Heights Ililiernia Savings bank to James W. Burt., lot 4"lock 6, SwHn addll ion '. . , R. L. Stevens, sheriff, to M. L. Grady, lots 20 and 21, block 14, Riverside addition 662 Swlnton Land company to Mag pie Butrlek, lot 10, block 24, Swlnton 400 M. C. Black and wife to A'nna M. Lcuhev, lot 5. block li. Portsmoutfi Villa extension... 850 James 11. W. Wilson to T. T. v Palmer, lot 3. block 4 RoHary. 76 O. Young to Fannie Olive Du Puls, lots 129 and 134, Arltta Park 3,300 Thomas R. Howltt to Augusta Conwav, 4 acres beginning 7"ii feet west and 761 feet south of northeast corner of the Plvmpton Kelly donation land claim, in township 1 south, range 2 east 3,500 E. H. Wills and wife to John Lahti. lot 6, block 8, WiUum bla 2.000 85xluo, corner, Nob Hill. 50x100, corner. Nob Hill, 100x100, close In, 617.000 60x85 and 60x100 on Park blocks, also lovely bungalow on corner for sxle SQl ARE 1 "EA L REALTY CO. 84 4th at. 819 Board of Trade Bldg. Look Here Now Nice home, Just back of Ladd's addi tion, $2300, $500 cash; big snap. South Portland homes. South Portland lots. East side home, east side lots. Nice home, K 49th. near Hawthorne. See us about this dandy buy. Krnnystde homes, WoothOoek homes, Alhlna home. 5 to 10 room' (louses, all well located; prices low; buy now. Beautiful Woodstock block, nothing better. Wuverlelgh HclghtB Jot, $675; great bargain. CLARKE & STONE. 2)2 Allhky Bldg.. .Id-Morrison. ji mm 480 acrea second erowth tlmlr: lies ;.' very well; good quality soil; stream of nice water; 0 miles cast of Estacada. A bargain If taken noon. MT. HOOD LAND CO,. 711 Rothchlld bid. Main 8510. $S AN ACRE. . 4S0 seres; good laving land; covered with second growth fir; running water; 9 inilei; east of Estacada; some cedar. If you are looking Tor 1 a Hrtap thll la tt. MT. HOOD LAND CO., 712Botlirhlh1 bldg. y FIVE AND TEN ACRE TRACTS. Only a few left; most deslrabls acre age buy on the market, located on rail road, -near station; clee-4 Portland; running water and spring In abund ance; black loam soil; $100 per cre up: easy terms; particulars complete from BROWN, 411 Couch Bldg. EXCHANGE ItEAL ESTATE S$ Good Snaps 6 room modern house and small lit ore on lot 66x100. In St. Johns. For lots well located, up to $1000, balance very easv terms. This Is a snap; price $2800. Dirt Cheap. 5 acres, all cleared, fine state of cul tivation, close to carllne; close to town: only a few minutes' ride from Portland, $126 cash balance easy. D. E. Pearce 416 Henry bldg. Grocery tore. Lents, Invoice about 810D0; lot 40x100. with living room In. back, modern. Will take good inside property as part payment Up to $2000, balance payments. A bargain at $4000. Timber claim, 20 miles from Corvallls, 1 mile from & A. R. R., for Portland property; price $3500. PACIFIC RliALTY CO.. 320 Swetland bldg. Main 59 1 1. A GOOD lot to exchange ror an automo bile. . ' Montavllla to ex- House and lot In change for acreage. A good lot, close in, to exchange for a team of draft horaua weighing at least 1800 lbs., with harness and wagon. First mortgage of $1500 bearing In terest due In 3 years and secured by farm, worth $3000, to exchange for equity in good modern, home. DON'T PAY RENT. New frame house, lot 40x100, for only $375; $100 down, balance $10 per month; I also new bungalow l block from carllne 3,000 for $60; lerma; less for cash. Take Mt. Scott car, see owner at Tretnont station i with blue ribbon on umbrella from 2 to JKO ! 4 p. m., Saturday or Sunday. TOMLINSON Februa ry W. at 160 tmcrson street. Isaac Newton Tom- llnson, aged 71 years, 11 months. 28 day$. Funeral services Saturday Feb ruary 19, at 10 a. m., from Zeller Byrnes company's parlors, 594 Williams avenue. Interment In Rlvervlew ceme tery. Friends respectfully invited to attend. Please omit flowers. ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander ab tract office. 413 Corbett bldg. Mala 88. CERTIFICATES of tlt!emade by tha Title & Trust company, Lewis bldg., 4th end Oak-. LAWYERS Abstract Trust Co.. room 6 Board of Trade bldg.; abstract a specialty. j Just Look at This New, modern 5 room bunpalow. on I E. 9th rit. near Falling, lot KOxloo, street Improvements all paid, only $2350; $500 cuh, balance like rent. I RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO., j 418 Board of Trade. I FOUR and five room houses, with baths, I just completed, full basement, wired. noi nu coia water, tuxiuu lots, one block from car; $1860 and $1200. at your own terms; 26 per cent off for what you pay down. Owner, Ed Miles, 5 doors south from cor, store, Main St., Lents. $700 WILL BUY fine lot In Holladay Park, all Improve ments paid, paved street, city water, : cement wain, porKeo, i root snove grade, i $1500 restrictions, fine neighborhood, balance of price JiJSO at 7 pet cent for ; 3 y-ars. Call lu6 3dBt.,rooiii 516. I FIVE acres on Culled Railway TTiTe, 14.! miles from Portland; the finest land, In high state of cultivation: Dartv tnk- I ing this now can make half the purchase ! price off the land this year. Price $1600, iii,0 cash, balance $20 per month. Smith-Wagoner Co . 311-312 Lewis bldg. A Home in Vernon 6 room cottage. Wnfls tinted. Built-in bookcase. Fireplace. Dutch kitchen. Full basement. Large attic and sleeping purch. Price right for home or investment. No agents. 1081 E. 18TH N. "A" CAR. A room hungalow on E. 35th, near Belmont; fireplace, furnace, S. E. ex posure, large lot, close to carllne; new; large attic: $500 will handle this. Best Iniv In this fine residence district. Phone Main 297. 1,!M1EV 411 fl WETLAND BLDG. ROOM 416 OREGONIAN BLDG. M-7064 $9400 In contracts for sale, secured by $21,000 worth of fruit land. $7060: $20. acre grain ranch, seeded. $5000; sightly home, close in, west side. $1800; 80 acre beach property, partly platted. Till monk county. $2500; will 'add necessary cash and exchange all or part of above for Portland or valley real estate. V-429, Owner. Journal. . Even Trade Have cash grocery with 2 living rooms In back; will invoice about $800; will trade for vacant property. FRANK L. M' GUI RE, 518 Board of Trade. Bungalow Bargain, $1700 $400 cash, new and modern, 6 rooms, with bath, cabinet kitchen, full base ment, wood hoist, wired for electricity, plastered, china closet, wainscot with plate rail In dining room, lot 40x100, by owner. Take Mt. Scott car to Anabel station, 1 block south, first house east, green roof. 145x100 CORNER on Willis blvd.: valu $2000; wttl trade for house and lot or good rooming house. 316 Swetland bldg. I HAVE some good Portland reel es .tate ar.d some A-l 1st mortgages to trade for some kind of business chance. See my agent at 15 N. 6th st. W. R HAIZLIP CO. (Inc.); aDstractora. First class w;ork. 327-S Ojrbett bldg. LIT TLEFI ELD In this city, February 17, ar Ins late residence, 701 East Burnslde street. Dr. Hoaee R. Little- field, aged 83 years. 9 months and 29 days. The funeral services will be held at Flnley's chapel at 2 p. m. Saturday February 19. Friends invited. Inter ment Rlvervlew cemetery. PLACE TOUR IFire Insurance f WITS M. E. THOMPSON CO. 'lUsl Catata an Mwtnn X.oan. flnr. Ith and Oak St., Henry Bldg-. Phones Main 6084, A-3327. We have morfey to loan. - - ' Removal Notice Ward Realty Co. HAS MOVED FROM r 303 ABZ1TOTOS BLDO, ' " To 809 Lewis Bldg. IarmM-wantcd ' Jf you have a good farm at a fair Srice, and want to sell it, list It with us. uyer looking for farms close to Port i land. , --- - vLtatsnxxa u.itd tt uivxststeh co t ? 316-ilT Lfewis. bldg.;, 4th and Oak, r IRVINGTON room modern home on 11th t., $4800. CHAPIN & HERLOW , 332 Chamber of Commerce. FUNERAL- DIRECTORS . 711eI,. f"V 68 Williams uv.iivi-uiiiw vo, ave., both phones; lady assistant. Most modern establishment In city. Dunning & McEnteeutodearkn"n every detail. 7th end Pine. Main 430, A-4858. Lariy assistant. T 'CfffirPf 'fhe east aide undertaker. &&.ika LAOtJ assl 781. stent. B-1888: Baft E. 6th' and Alder. f P Pln1v & $.nn Third and Lady attendant. Main Madison 9; A-16SI. Main JSR1CSON UNDERTAKING CO.. i3,A-zzaa; lady asst. rose city Cemetery. Phone C-2114 and A-4444. .i'AST SIDE funeral directors, success- ore to F. 8. Dunnlng.Ine. E. 62. B-2525 EDWARD HOLMAN. undertaker. Id et Lady assistant Main 607. BIRTHS MURPHY To Mr. and Airs. Hugh Mur phy, 1034 Fourteenth street, February HENDRICKS To Mr. and Mrs: Alfr. Hendricks, 568 Junnly street, January zb; a ooy. LEWIS T Mr. and Mr. Chester Lewis, . 144 Sumner street, February 11; a glti. PR IDEA UX To Mr. and Mr. Edward Prideaux, 687. Sixth street, February 14: a boy. LOUIE To Mr, and Mrs. Chin Louie, 287 Everett treet, February 15 a girt. - . ELLIOTT To Mr. and Mrs. O. Elliott. -1189 Montana avenue. February 16: a boy. JONES To Mr. and-Mrs. Robert Joae. 590 Rural avenue. Kebrusrv 14: a srlrl. HUTCHINSON To Mr.1 and "Mrs. F. E. Hutchinson. 97 Bherrett avenue. Feb ruary 10: .a girl. '" . ' DEBENDETTI To Mr. and Mr. John Debendetti, Milwaukie, February 9; a in.. , . . . tORRISOM To Mr. etui Mrs fn Mnr. 1nrlf!i,(i;o2 Spokane ave.,-February 6; gui. .... . 3 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER PACIFIC Title & Trust Co.. the leading abetraetore. 204-5-8-7 Fall Ing bldg. Ti Ilia Swanson and htift'jand to i George D. Dunning, lot 8. block 12. Lincoln Park Annex $1,55Q F. A. Knapp et al to A. J. MV 'y Crum, lot 2, block 2, Myrtle 325 TV. S. Jacobson to N. A. LaRoche, lot 15, block 84. Rose City Park 600 T. S. McDaniel and wife to Blanche Allen, lots 4 and 5, block 2, Seldon Place 1,800 Frank O. Johnson-and wife to Stanislau Syrek, lots 4 and 6 and east 76 feet of lot 7. and west 36 feet of lot 1, .block 1. Ethel Lynn addition v . . 700 Portland Trust company, to Rob ert Gee. lots 10 and 11, block 11, Tremont Place. 220 Edward Lyons and wife to Annie Toker, lot 2, block 2, Lyons addition ...... I . 400 Julia Regner aid husband to Laura J. Johnston, lot ' 8. block 4; Klgffs addition, a subdivision of Marvsvllle ; 800 Title Guarantee A Trust company 10 uerma MQores vet al. lots 11 and 12. block.12. Rossmere. . 1.300 W. Bal man and wife to Sacah x Cohci. north i of lot 3. blockf - 305, lity .,.;. f.OOtjl FOR 8AIJS REAL ESTATE 10 $4600 fl room house, built by con tractor for own home, 50x100 lot, fruit, bearing trees, well kept lawn. East Morrison, walking dis tance. Could not be reproduced to day for $100U more money. $6500 8 room modern house, full lot. select neighborhood, very home like, 1 blck to Hawthorne- car, close in. HOMES, also vacant lots, business or residence, in different parts of the city. HABIGHORST B AGLET, 407 OerHnger Bldg. CHEAP HOME CLOSE IN. FIVE room plastered house, full base ment, lot 50x100, street improved, ce ment walks and newer all In and paid. On E.. 22U St.. close in $ 1 460, U cash. DEMENT & 1CRIDER, 248 Madison St. Main 6202. FOR SALE By owner, a snap price; best built and furnished 6 room bun galow in Rose City Park, 503 E. ,r?(i st.. block to car; also 2 east front lots, lawn properties, rear rti'eo institute; cneap. .Ij Mason st. Wood lawn 1571. See Us For acreage for plaiting; aiso cheap homes, vacant lots, on easy terms. GRAYS CROSSING LAND CO.. Take Mt. Scott car to Grays Crossing. -ill Good 6 room house, fine lot, 60x100, within 1 block of one carllne and 3 blocks from another, and ' 6 from an other; street and sidewalk all improved; price $2250 $250 to $300 down, balance same as rent. GEORGE H. ECKLER, 310 Oak St. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Five room cottage, bath, cement base ment, large pantry, lot 60x100, fruit trees, roses, berries, garden, nea Washington Irian and Hawthorne gr: mar schools and new St. Francis chuch easy wanting aistance to business cen ter; only Jiuuu, nair casu. Y-427, Journal. RARE BUY. Six room modern house, snap if taken this week: Price and terms rlijht. Also good lot In Hawthorne district. 1164 Hawthorne ave. LOTS of LOTS $30 EACH New addition on Oregon CI'.V carllne, excellent soil, good place to keep chick ens, cow and grow garden truck: price $30 per lot. $5 or $10 down, balance $2 or $3 per month. National Realty 6 T r u st Co.. 328 & Wash. St.. room 516. WE are in a position to sell this at a snap. Houae and 2 lots, close to carllne, corner lot alone is worth the price of the two. Good location and good business cor ner; 6 room modern houae on Inside lot; snap at $3200. BROWN, 411 Couch. 20 acrts of land, 5 room house; 4 acre in orchard, good spring on place, near Marehfleld. will trade for any kind of business. See Peters. 15 N. 5th St. TEN acres Hood River apple land. $3o cash, balance easy; will take ' auto and first or second mortgage or Jot. . W-421. Journal. v WILL trade a fine residence In Port land for a well improved farm close ' to Portland or acreage, and will pay the difference. W-429. Journal. ; 80 ACRE improved farm, 38 in cultiva tion, to exchange for home on north east side; price $3o00. Dement & Krider. 248 Madison st. If You Are Looking for Close in acreage, a wheat, ranch or email, well improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me; I handle my I 1 620 ( O. Elrod STAR well drill No. 6 to exchange for what you have. 204 Molwk.bldg. A - 4 321. ; . , - $lT50 FIRST mortgage to exchange aa first payment on close-in residence. , A. Graham 588 FToeeott st. C-2554. WILL TRADE upright piano, value infto for real estate or.' mortgage. Z-424, 'Journal. . . IF you want to sell, buy or trade, eee Shoemaker lnv. Co., 527, Henry bldg. Main 4465. A-7434. HAVE a good lot in Marshfield to trade for piano. Addles Ira Barber, WIN lamina, Oregon. ' TRADE for lot. National cash register, 4 drawers: value $600. PWone Wood In wn 2434. ,. "' 'orbett Bldg. Near Reed Institute 12-Acre Snap LOT on Union ave., in business dis trict, $500; less than adjoining prop erty; price now good for a few days oniy. bldg. W. A. Hathaway, 10 Washington $12,500 Biiys--fineiy located Nob Hill property, almost new apartment houso, paying 12 per cent. Room 14. Washington Bldg. Kenilworth Lots We have a few splendid lots in Kenll worths. Bargains. FARRELL. 517 Gerllnger WHEN you want a good house built at close price see me. l am an un-to- daP architect and general contractor. Plans free. Address D-397, .lournal.- $2800 Nine fine lots. This Is half price. . Soe it. BROWN. 411 Couch Bldg. $10 A MONTH HOUSE. Ready to move Into; 2 good lots: you can get ijt for your own at the price of $10 a month. Order the transfer man to move you right in. Call at Greg ory's office in Gregory Heights. Take Rose City car. 34, and Yamhill, get off attend or carnue. erty. REO auto to trade for lot or house and lot: can pay difference. 418 Swet- I n nd bldg. WILL get you anything in trade for anything you have. 323 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE MISC. OR, "SWAP" COLUMN Hi LOT 60x100. Lorriiigton, for al or exchange for cows or horses. Phone C-2573. ' PIANOLA to exchange for painting, pa perhanglng or cement work. R-30V Journal. ' - . ,f WANTED REAL ESTATE 3t 2 ACRES, cultivated and fenced, with wood shack and furniture. Price $675. Six miles out, few minutes' walk from depot; Just the place for a thrifty lit tle, family, bachelor or old couple; (no speulators). M CARTHY COMPANY, 403-4 Rothchlld Bldj?. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. w hv buvers for all kind of. Office on prop- houses' and lot and are equipped to make a quick sale ror you, provming your price is right. PORTLAND REALTY St CONSXJtLO , TION CO,, , - 1 Phone Marshall 646, A-718S. 902-3 Lewis Bldg. $300 AND GOING1 UP. Several bargain lots, grade, water. gas. tine location; an opportunity tnat ame to me put us in a: position to give these at e. bargain. MONTAGUE. 270 y, Washington St. 16 Wash. Bldg, FINE busintss lot 26x100 at Kern Park; double front; the price is right. FARRELL. 517 Gei-llnger Bldg. A SNAP West Side income property, $6600; 2 flats, new and strictly mod ern; walking distance; income $720. Jas. C. IjQgan, 328 ',3 Washington, Room 404. IF YOU are going to build call on 'Hill & Slavlne." We furnish plan and specifications free. Re., 389 Going ht. Phor.e C-2056. FOR SALE $560; 1 acre, cultivated, 30 . minutea' ride from Portland: 5 min utes' walk from car; terms. W-0S9, Journal. FOR SALE 7-room bungalow, U block from car and block from public school. Phone Woodlawn 2660. Ownr. MODERN'S room house. 2 ToTsTTaTrT, he.p; going away. Address A. High land, Arle.ta. Of. PORTLAND Trust Company Rank. 3H per cent paid on 30 day call certifi cates. 3d and Oak sts. A FINE 8 room home, good location. 2 blocks Broadway car; only $4760, very easy terms.. E. 273.-C-1 886. $50 BUYS 50x112 lot on graded street, south front. city water, nice and level, close to good carline and 10 minute ride from bridge, cement walk to be bonded, balance of price $450, payable $10 monthly; com plete abstract. Call 516 Abington bldg. rash S TVr M th Buys beautiful lot In Sandy Road dl- L, ..Dealers and Brokers in Real Estate. SZO t.narnoer or commerce ciug. trlct. Improvements free, no interest or taxes. Write owner. S-424, Journal. I WANT to buy a 6 or 6 room- bunga? low or niodern houso near Sunny side carllne. west of 40th st., not over $3000, Will pay $600 down and good monthly payments; 6 room S utory modern housi. near Hawthorne and 85th St.; price not to exceed $360O-t-$70O cash. Term.- Call 418 Board of Trade. . . ... LIST your property with u for quick sale. Carter-Dugan Co. I WANT to sell my small equity in two (2) lots (corner) In Fairport; worth Investigating. -t-'7, Journal. $6. CASH will carry a bargain lot in Westmoreland, close to carll ne. R'-42e, Journal. PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, 3 per cent jintecest paid on saving account. 3d and Oak $ts. BARGAIN 9 room house, cement floor and basement, near B. -20th ail Ever ett. $3500, half cash. Inquire 668 E. Tavlo WEST Side lot, SOxlOO, walking dis tairce: $600. X-416, Journal. PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, 23 years In business. 3d. and Oak sts. MODERN 4 room bungalow by owner, . all or half cash. Woodlawrtr 2046. t ROOM ootge, "email lot, cheap, .close In. Inquire i 640 E. Stark st ; LIST your Improved and unimproved property with Adams & Apperson, 261. Washington st READ ESTATE' free and clear of . in- cumberance to trade for piano. A. J. Krider, 248 Madison St. Main 6202. FOR SALE 6 room modern house, lot 50x100, H block from Alberta carllne. 1032 E. 15th N. - Alberta District -Lot $500 for a fine lot, facing cast, 3 blocks north of a car. Do you want it? BLANCHARD & CLEMSON, 815-16 Swetland bldg. Snap A 2 srbrv building on lot 60 feet, on Vernon and loo feet on Alberta; pavs $30 a month rent. 656 Alberta st. Woodlawn 2217. HAVE $5000 to invent In Portland resi dence lots. If you have one that Is good write full particulars; if your de scription suits win. look you up- at once. Owners only. T-420, Journal. WISH: to purchase 5 room California bungalow. Must-be up-to-date In ev ery respect. Can pay $10ihi down. Or wish somebody to build for jne. .Aa dresn R-423. Journal. i -': , ' - WANTED Uncomplete contrail. small mortgages, cheap lots, in Al berta or Woodstock.. that are offered t a bargain. Smith-Wpgoner Co., 8U-312 Lewis bldg. ...-"' rOR SALE At Portsmouth, a 4 room ..,.1 rtvlnn. n.fnA ocn. .iti give terms, or less for cash. Address ! LIT our Prv,lTXyl owner, 633 Johnson st. ON W.- W. carllne. strictly modern 6 room nouse. fine, view city and moun tains; easy terms. By owner. Sellwood 816. SEVERAL choice lols, fine location, $1300 ach, E. 273. C-1S56. PTnTTXTSNb Trust Company Bank, sinall check accounts received. 3d and Oak., iVVf':STSIDE lot, 50x100. walking dis tance. $600 tcrmS. T-12S, Journal, ACREAdrjt" 57 i 15 acres, Call at 29 Vi 12 liiilea froiiv-GOurthoU-se: a N. d s. MAIN 5748. A-5098. A. J. QANTNER, 618 Board of Trad Wd and get results. WANTED East eldo lot for home, atv uslnes -corner! give, location; no agents, 212 Alia Ky Bldg., 3 d a ri !'h , WILL buy one or more good Tots on m near the Sunnyside or IIUbim lines, i 45,1.8 Swetland bldg. - . - WANTED Real estate. W Hi ry - i 1t offered cheap. Now . t the lln.-e i selh T. J. Lefftiar.J)?') B-"m i ij t ' -A FTNE lot in Laliicliji'i, i,j cash; - answer quitii. Ir4;aJ i-numr, f