The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 17, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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Structure Built by Government
J Burned to GroundFiremen
. ArV Unable to, Reach It.
v": V Ton of broken plaster, twisted Iron
and partly burned timbers ars all that
" remain of tha old Government building
. at tha Lewis and Clark . fairgrounds
this, morning. Fire, supposed to' have
started through carelessness or , fclth
. criminal intent by hobos, broke out In
' .the building shortly before 7:30 last
night and completely,, destroyed the
building. ',.''' '
' Froparty Of Bead Estate.
v Tha Government building was the
property of , the Amanda W. Reed e?
tata and was valued, at close to $60,.
000. It was-tompleteiy isolated on xne
peninsula opposite tho fairgrounds and
bad absolutely no fire protection. No
' Insurance was carried, on the building.
- When , the fire was discovered It was
burning In tha center of tha building.
It worked In . both directions far out
the wings, and this morn!ng nothing
' remains but the foundation of two con
, ' crete fountains near tha base ,of tha
two towerai -
.The fire department made every if.
fort to get out to the fire but to no
avail Tha bridge which formerly con
nected the peninsula with tha. main
' building 'caa been torn down most of
the way ocros and all that gives foot
ing Is the flume being built to carry
the dirt from Willamette Height down
into. Guild's lake. The other way of
reaching there, by the Northern Pa
olflo track, was unavailable to the fire
engines, whllo the f ireboatv could not
get close enough to extinguish tho
flames. The building burned from 7:30
till after midnight-
- - "v" Pretty Spectacle.
The fire furnished a ..beautiful spec
tacle to the-residents Of Willamette
HelgUts and the people who, took the
pains 'to go out to tha. edges of Guilds'
lake. Flames shpt high in the air from
the Tiighly Inflammable structure. The
big towers en each end of the building
fell with a crash about 1:30,' shooting
the flames high in the air. '
' The fire, is, supposed to have origi
nated from the carelessness of tramps.
The building and the vicinity are said
to ba a 'loafing place for hundreds' of
tramps; A day watchman, F. Matin,
made one trip to the building yester
day morning. ' He strained his ankle
climbing across the flume and did not
return in the afternoon, aa was his
According to Jaka Baker, acsldent
of the peninsula, hundreds of visitors
pass his home every fay trying to reach
the buildlns and he saw no one un
usual pass yesterday. lie says that the
flamea were 'burning fiercest directly
in tire middle of the ouildlng when he
first saw them. He had much trouble
savfpg his little home Just east, of the
building and, owing to a favorable wind,
was able to do-, so.
1 101 ITIlifi Mr A ImP
I lliMlllili f I Urn A
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. i J ' fContlnued From Page One.) -
Multnomah Club Officer. ,
, Walter A. Holt has been elected pres
ident of the Multnomah club, with E. E.
Frank as vice-president Colin V. Dy
ment as secretary and Bert Allen treas
urer. , Allen was secretary last .-year.
Dow Walker wa re-elected superin
tendent ' '
holders; H. IL Hyde, manager of the
Taooma' and Olympia Gaa companies,
and Isaao MUkowitch, attorney for the
company; - ''
Q real Btrnggle promised. " ;
They are preparing for a hard fight
for control of tha Vancouver. North
yakjma and Walla Walla plants. In
prospect Is the greatest struggle of all
for control of the Seattle Lighting com.
pany of Seattle, Wash., which up -to the
present time has not been for sale. '
H. M. Byllesby & Cov bought the
Olympla Gaa & Power company for $55..
000. - Among competitors were Brewer
& Seymour of ,.TgQma, Wash., owners
of the" Grays 'Harbor Gaa company ot
Aberdeen, Wash., who are understood
to represent the General Electrlo com
pany. Brewer Seymour's highest bid
, Local interest is felt In the sale of
the Olympia plant' for tha reason that
many Portland people were formerly
Interested In it Walter S. Dole, former
manager . of the Portland Gaa c6mpany,
with E. M. Kennard, onoe connected
with the same concern, organised the
Olympia company about three years
ago, and erected a plant , ,
, Beoelver Appointed. ,
About elghf months ago tha company
went into the hands ., of a receiver
Among Portland people who figured In
the bankruptcy proceedings was Ches
ter Murphy of Portland, who acted as
referee. - --
According to positive Information re
ceived about $60,000 will be expended in
Olympia on Improvements to the. plant
which wU be operated from Taooma,
where about $500,000 la being spent on
the Byllesby gas-plant; V
It Is intended to late'r erect the main
generating plant in Tacoma, and pipe
the gas to Olympia, 22 miles distant
"After paying a large sum of money for
the Northwestern Gas company at Ev
erett Wash., 30 miles north of Seattle,
the Byllesby company la now spending
about $250,000 on Improvements.
Will Spend $350,0001 '-'
It was further announced today that
about $260,000 would be spent on the
Cops Bay plant which was purchased
several weeka ago, and whlchYwill be
extended- to take in all he cities on the
bay. . Twenty ' miles of malnf will be
laid. v-....., -. . ., . .. ,
H. M. Byllesby & Co. form one of the
largest concerns operating gaa and elec
trlo lighting plants In the United States.
The company has a monopoly on k and
electrlif companies in the new state of
Oklahoma, and has plants scattered
about In all sections of the country. In
dependent of combined interests, it 1s
backed by a coterie of Chicago bankers.
Marks few Bra.
Invasion of tha western field on such
an extensive scale, by the Chicago con
cam marks a new era in Its upbuilding
by eastern investors. Flans under con.
sideratlon by tha Byllesby company conj
template the purohase of plants In as
many Faclflo coast seaport towns as
possible.. With the exception of Walla
Walla and North Yakima, no attempt
is being made .to get possession of the
lighting plants of Inland- cities.
Within the next few daya tha Van
couver plant will bs sold to either tha
Byllesby interests, or the General Eleo
trio company.. Each edmpeny Is playing
ah open game of finance. After the
closing of the Vancouver deal, bids for
the North '-Yakima and Walla Walla
plants will be submitted.
Journal want ada bring result. '.'
AdrJ to Attractiveness of Food Show
I 1
To make a perfectly delicious cake without eggs
Is one of tbo achievements ot Crescent Baking
. Powder. The .ingredients, of Crescent are crystal
llzed white of eggs and acid phosphate. Only the
freshest eggs will crystallize, while phosphate Is
not only the greatest known leavener, but aone
and tissue builder of known medicinal value. Thus
the superiority of Crescent Baking PowderVfor
, cooking and baking is evident
Here Is the recipe for the cake without an egg:
.Three oupe flour, one eup (user, twe Uaipoonful of
CrcrU Baking Powder, halt cupful' raUtna. one tea
apoonfut cinnamon, one taaapoonful olovaa, one taapon
ful vanilla, one-half eup lard with imall ptaea of butter,
one and one-half eup milk. Filling and ictng IX re
Qulrad. Uncooked candy is a Maplelne product It la a
dainty and melting contectlonery smooth and
soft to the palate, of a rich flavor unlike, any other
candy made. We give the recipe as follows;
One fa', one-naif teaapoonful Uaplalno. one teaapooa
ful cold maahed potatoaa, 1 lb. powdered sugar, one-balf
. cup broken nut.
To tha tt add tha Maplelne and colli maahed pota
toes, lift Id the powdarad sugar until It formi a atlff
paata, add nut, turn on breadboard and knaad ta pew
dared sugar to proper sUffneaa.
To a praotloal baking test of the above produots
vlait the food show at scaler ft Trank's.
hi ''
'-. -41'
pur pork sausage
The Columbia Brand Haras, Bacpn,
Lard.Pork Sausage arell backed by
U. S. Government Inspection and bear the
Inspector's Stamp, which stands for
' Patronize Home Industry'
' - Pioneer Packers of the Pacific
Portland, Or.
fit J. B. GOFKLE
at the
Pure Food Show
Awarded Gold and Silver Medals Iewis and Clark
19.05, Gold Medals A.-Y.-P. 1909
V. U LI : LI 0
S9 06 8 6,89 thrown Away Annually
; f i In Rubber Goods
ffl-I Ceiieite
; FIX-IT will jnend your ht-water bags, china, crock
ery, earthen ware) bisque, pea'rf, cut glass glassware.
With" FIX-IT Celluloid Cernent you can mend your cel
' luloid goods, such as barrettes, combs, etc. '
... Bf 'can save the price of a new ar-'
tide. . FIXIT is guaranteeiWateffrroof. -..
For salety all Dru, Department and Hardware Stores.
See our two booths at Pure Food Show or call at our
office, 625 HENRY BLDG., for a practical demonstration.
We mend all. rubber, glass and china goods. Prices
' reasonable.
;; .
SImonsori FIXJT r,I!fl. Co., Inc,
f , : ' Henry; Bldp.
: Some of the Returns
From 500 Saloons
. . ..
The Pure Food Show exhibitors have sent
200 aerograms from the roof of The
Meier Frank Store Annex. They go
in all directions. Keep your eye on the
prizes sent up every day.
Some of the Prize Winners:
Basil Ray, 287 Montgomery St .2 doz. Hires.
Mrs. G. W. Acres (Found Ladd's Add.)' 686 Elliott Ave.l qt. Tea Garden Syrup.
, Wilhelm Weiss (Found 30th and E. Ankeny St.) ..... 5 pkgs. Egg-o-see.
Hobart Barbour (Found near Steel bridge).. 5 pkgs. Egg-o-see.
Hestor Car, 220 Grand Ave . 4 lbs. Pan Cake Flour.
Melrin Wharton (Found E. 14th and Belmont St.) bottle Cough Remedy.
John Stone (Top of planing mill, E. 6th and Yamhill) . .5 lb. tin of Lard.
A. C. Ralph, 464 Grand Ave 1 pkg. Paradise Sodas.
A. C. Ralph,.464 Grand Ave. .5 lb. tin of Lard.
Gordon Smith, 632 E. Salmon St Clover Leaf.
Miss JSmma Johnson (Found in Cleone, Or.) 3 lbs. jCrescent Bkg. Pwdr.
CLarued, 1367 E. Taylor St. .. .3 lbs. Crescent Bkg. Pwdr.
Wilhelm Weiss, 32d and E. Ankeny Sts.- 6 cans Holly Milk.
J. Burnham (Found near E. 28th St) . 6 pkgs. Triscot.
Paul Wick (Found Bet. Stark and Oayon 6th St.) ... .6 pkgs. Triscot.
Geo. Slater (Found Cor. 6th and Mo rjrison Sts.) 1 gal, can Cottolene.
C. L. Smith (Found on McCullen St. SbrMtT;abor) . . 1 gal, can Cottolene.
Ralph McDonald (Found Park and Morrison Sfcs.) 1 gal, can Cottolene.
Chas. Robinson (Found 7th and Mor.), 986 Thurman St.l gal, can Cottolene.
A. Blockman (Fquhd 6th and Ankeny Sts). 2 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee.
C. C.' Ralph (Found 6th and Pine Sts.) 2 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee.
Mr. Morros (Found 3d and Washington Sts.) 2 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee.
Geo. Slater and Lee Seece (Found 5th and Pine Sts.). .2 lbs. M.' J. B., Coffee.
Mrs. John Zoller (Found near Cleone, Or.) . .2 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee.
Fred Barbogesto (Found Ladd's field) . .2 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee.
John Thompson (Found Ladd's field) . . . .2 lbs. Coledyke Bkg. Pwdr.
Geo. Seese (Found 12th and Stark Sts.) ............. Monopole Sweet Pickles.
: " : ' J ; ;
Wulbur Johnson, just this side of Linnton, caught a balloon containing an
order for five, pounds of Standard Biscuit Company Crackers.
In addition to the above, there were some 30 or 40 letters brought in and
Baking Powder Lxhibit
POSITIVELY pure and health
ful. The highest grade bak
ing powder on the market.
Manufactured in Fortland. Cakei
baked with this powder will raise
higher, are lighter in grain and :
will keep fresh fully three days
longer than if baked with other
powders. Money cannot buy any
better material than we are putting
into our cans. We justly claim to
have the purest and highest class
baking powder on the market today. Our Coledyke
goes out with a very strong guarantee, and if tlfte
quality is what we claim it is, our powder is deserv
ing of your support, as ours . is a home industry.
Price for one pound can, 35c For'sale at all gro
cers, a
Coledyke Baking Powder Co.,
39S N. Eighteenth St., Portland. Or. Phones A-3372; Main 5348.
jUAnrunnrsri'vni,yva aasssaa-.
I wmmmmmmmmm s
whose names were not left, and in some instances boys followed the balloons on
their bicycles? r
A Breath from
the Orient
Rich, fragrant, Satisfying
n o
"It Tickles the Palate"
Free Exhibit of Airships
One Farman and Seven Other Models
See Daily Papers About Boys Model Airship Contest
Call, See and Taste Them Nothing Nicer
Columbia Milling Co. " ;
t .... . - '
. ' V
. .... , ' . ,
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