THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY- 18, 1910. 17 BIIITIIS troHSU-To Mr. -arm Mrs. JTalden Foss. 1818 Stockton, etreet. February 12, boy. ., . D WTPfTC To Mr. and Mrs. William "V. Dwlek,' 117$ Boston avenue, February . , a Doy. ' - ' . BHERRETT To Mr. and Mrs. William Sherrett,- 543 Karl , street, February JO, a boy. . .. , ; ' COHN To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cobn, ' 643W Second -street, February 2; a V boy. .. - ' ' ' . " DEATHS CAR VINES8- Augusta Carvlness, -248 - Tillamook street, February 16. gg" 23; '.heart disease.- , ,! ,1'-'V "' TOBIN William Tobln, Medford, Or., . February 12, age 80; pneumonia. WILKINS Infant Wllklns, 65J. Fourth street. February 12, age 5 days; heart actions from birtn. . ... GEBHARDTAnna Gebhardt, 848 Fourth street. February 15, age 74; heart disuse. ... BELUNOKft-Baby " Bellinger,- 1015 Williams avenue, February 12;, inanl- UBALD Sister" Ubald, Columbia univer sity, February 13, age 80; tuberoulo- DARRAH Ltllle Iarrah. Good Sftmarl tan liosplUl, February 18, aged 20; no cause. . , WILLIAMS Bessie Williams. Belltng ham. Wash., February 4, aged 36; tu berculosis. ' . L .AH. MON1SH Mona Cordelia Moriish, 3030 Front street, aired 6 months; Inanl-, SLOANMary" Sloan, 178 North Seven teenth street, February u. agea- tv hemorrhage. . ' NpIIIm Miller. Good Samarl- tan liosplUl, February i3, aged 22; shock from premature birth. ' O'BRIEN Marv O'Brien, 430 Salmon street, February 18, aged 73; hemorr LALLY George Lally, 20 McMillan street. February 11, aged 89; pneu monia. 1 oitHTts Thnmnn Curtis. Good Samari tan hospital, February 18,' aged 42; pneumonia. POlt SALE KEAL ESTAtfE 10 , - Snaos '. . 5 room modern cottage, 11250;. $100 uuwn, fit, monthly. .. room - modern bungalow on easy payment, $ZleO. : M .. 8 1 roprt home, modern house, 12500 win ibko nair in trade. ,-; , TIMRRR vnn BA1.V.. ' m 4'4 sections In Eastern Oregon, 4000 io section, yeuow pine. ,-. j " ACREAGE.' 10 acres close in, . cultivated, build Piao. Frio 18000; half cash. .OHIO & IDAHO REALTY 'CO., 25. Russell Bldg., 186H Fotirth St. New modern Mnma nnA ra,.antlnn hMl, tinted walls, paneled dining room, until curaei, uutcn Kitonen, nice oath and lavatory, sleeping-porch, gas ' ami electricity, piped for furnace, full ce meht basement, laundry 1 trays', double wans and floors, two block from Haw tnorne, restricted section with fine homes all around. Price 33200. . Terms u perr month and Interest. Corner Ev 34th and Hawthorn Ave. Tabor i 16. UNUSUAL" But" MAX M. SMITH, florist 160 5th it- op- noslte Meier ft Frank's. Main mm. FUNERAL NOTICES. FOWLER At the home of his daugh ter. Mrs. F. P.,Rawson, 114 B. 5tb st.. February 15, Rev. Thomas Stafford Fowler, aged 72 years 25 days. Funeral will take place from the Supnyside M. E. church, Thursday, February 17. at 2 fm. Friends respectfully Invited. In erment Rose Cltv cemetery. Remains at the parlors of the East Side Funeral Directory East Aider and East Sixth y sts RniOOS Fehruarv 15. Florence Eliza. beth Jennie BriTs, ed 8 years 11- months, beloved daurhter or Mr. ana Mrs. Dr. 8. D. Briggs, of Cleone, Or. Funeral will take place from the Crema torium Thursday, February 17, at 11 a m, Friends respectfully. Invited. Take Sellwood car. . Remains at the par lors of the East Side Funeral Directors, Bast Alder and East Sixth sts. frnif i nfiT tn thin nltv Fahruarv 11)10. Mrs. Anna C. Gebhardt agreoVi 74 vears. Beloved motner or a. k. ueo- hardt. Funeral services will be held at Holman's undertaking parlors; an Thurs day, February 17, at 2 p. tn. Interment Kiverview cemetery, frienas respect fully Invited. 115. I ' 74 V New 5 room bungalow, closa in on K. 81st st., 2 blocks from car. Every con- nice cherry trees; price $2400, , $300 cash. Foolish to pay rent when you can ouy mis on sucn easy terras. (U 31) PORTLAND RHALT1 & CONSTRUC TION CO. Phone Marshall 646. A-7183. 802-8 Lewis Bldg. Best Location tMt Wa have a few good lots fr $450, a quarter down, balance at 6 per cent. Seven lota for $760, quarter down." STEWART ft ZlRBEL, 4th and Oak sts. . 04 Lewis bldg. ' Slx lots with, river frontage, motor Doai lanaing, z gooa nouses, one o ana one 2 rooms, $ miles out, cheap, with gooa terms. . ' HICKOK. . 423 Board of Trade. ' ''-' Irvinton Park $450 Six lots. 50x100. must be sold week. HOWARD LAND CO., 420 Swetland bldg. this mm rr 81600. This In a hnrc-aln: 1 acre, or A larre lots, with B room house, lots of berries and small fruit trees, arnall barn and chicken house, whole aciv fenced chick en tight; part cash, or will consider lot as part payment. ' CAKKHUi, 517 Gerlinger bldg. MM-A STMT Tou can buy lots in Gregory Heights at 175 and up by paying it down ana $2.50 per month. This Is an easy way of getting these lots which will surely double in value while you are paying for them. When you look back and see the ODDortunities you . nave neaieciea don't It, make you want to bealn right now? Oome out and look at the prop erty That will not cost you anything. Offica'on the addition end of the Rosa City carline. KKKKKKKKKK T MY MM G. A. Hlbbard. the man eho give results.- Let him handle your property. 609 Board of Trade CARD OF THANKS WE wish to thank. our many friends for- the kindness shown us duclng our late bereavement in the death of our husband and father. PHILIP 8ILCHER. MRS. CHRISTIAN SILCHER, And Family. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Zeller-Byrnes Co. .V'bm phones; lady assistant Most modern establishment in clt'. Dunning feMcEnteeSfS vsrr detail, 7th. and Pine. Main 430, A-4558. 'Lady assistant. i cniji The cast side- undertaker. LERln Lady resistant. B-188S; at 781. io Kast Alder. J. P. Finlcy & Son ltA Lady attendant. Main I; A-1518. ERICSON UI4DERTAKIN6 CO.. Mala 183 A-2231; lady asst. ROSE CITY CEMETERT. Phones C-2114 and A-4441. OODH 1 Ml Good home In Arbor Lodge will sell at a bargain on easy term. STEWART ZERBEL, ' 4th and Oak. 604 Lewis bldg. K buv K modern K $500 cash and $J5 a monthwill' K this brand new and strictly k 7 room house:, full base- K K ment; walks around house: lot K K 60x100; all level and seeded to K K grass; lot faces east; IV, blocks K K from carline. In a fine neighbor- K K hood. , Price $3000. K K J. M. KERR & C(JS. 311 Henry bldg. K K K KKKKKJCKKKKKK 111 w Own Home If you own the lot we will build you a home to suit your own plans and same as rent payments. Estimates free. SHOEMAKER INVESTMENT CO., 627 Henry Bldg. A-7434, Main 4465 FOR SALEREAL ESTATE 16 $ 550 60 by 100 on . Delaware ava, "T" Ml... ,1. . I 660 60 by 100 on Prescolt st, near . ... ' ration are. f 700 For lot 17,' block "8, Hancock Street addition. This is an ex cellent buy. The owner met with an accident, .and instructs . ... me to sen this lot at once. i $ 600 37 H by 89 feet on Holman St. near Ockley Green school; water iwnin in street, terme, aown, ji per montn. $1750 Nice corner. lOd hv 100. on Mis siempnl ave. 100 feet cement walk In and paid for. and 100 , feet of street Improvements to do paia ny ouyer. A gooa oppor tunity for a builder to put up . ... some nouses to spu or rent. 16050 by 100 on Minnesota ave.s e i ment .walk, sewer, etc., in and $1260 A beautiful east front lot on Al nina ave.. south of Shaver st. street Improved with crushed rnpii ' ImnraVAmAnti all rmn $2500 I room house, nearlv new. on lot 60 by 100, near the Jefferson Mian arhnnl nl rrl(n $3450 5 room strictly modem bunga. w, near Musseu street; terms . touu caan, balance easy pay ments. JAMES D. OODEN. 848 Mlsalaiilnnl ava woodlflwn 202. Home. O200K MfflFiei X" acres on Alberta St., corner on 8 sta,, 830 feet frontage, near car; furnish clear title; If you can't handle thft 2 teres I will sell you 1. Call. 722 Chamber of Commerce. John B. Matthews m mm ROOM NEW HOUSE, - LOT 50x100, OUTBUILDINGS. - Price $425 ' Bal. $3.00 Per Month See- Mrs." Bridit r fents Station: take Ml. Srott ar. Phone B-61I1. Ask for Bright Realty 300 D) m 2 cottages, renting for $45 per month, will sell for $400. STEWART & ZERBEL, 4th and Oak. 604 Lewis bldg. , EAST SIDE funeral directors, success ors to F. 8. Dunnlnr.Ine. E. 62. B-2625 jgs i bring in 12 per cent on the Investment. 613 Chamber or commerce. Opportune Buy 7 room bungalow, located best part of Sunnyslde; built by the owner for a permanent residence, no pains or ex pense spared In making it attractive and ubstantial; circumstances are such that it must be sold: lot Is 50x100: if you are looking for something good as well as attractive this will please you; only 14500. This place win rent wen and Alberta District $2300 for a new 5 room bungalow, of block from Alberta car, facing east; bath, toilet, lavatory, wood hoist, built in book canes, full concrete basement, porches, 2 closets for each bedroom, will paint and stain to suit customer If taken at once, $500 cash, balance terms. BLANCH A RD & CLEMSON. 316-16 Bwetland bldg. TEN acres .level, high, sightly, no rocks or gravel, half cleared and some fruit, near Sellwood. 6o fare, op county road, land across street sold for $800 per acre. This Is a gilt edge buy; no one but gilt edge buyers need apply; price $4760; $2650: -cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent A. Groener & Co., room 6, Cambridge bldjr. EDWARD HOLMAN. undertaker. 2d st Lady assistant. Main 507. Vernon Bung-alow $2100 for a new 6 room, just com pleted, full concrete basement; bath, toilet, hot and cold water, built-in book cases, porches; has a fine view of V Bl.VUU v TT I niiu .u,ri cliiu, m blocks from car. on corner; $500 cash, balance terms, BLANCHARD CLEMSON, 816-16 8wetland bldg. BALANCE SAME AS RENT Takes the swallest 6 room modern bun galow In the district. Nice high lot, 2x92. Come out today and be convinced f the fact that this Is a genuine good uy and something out of the ordinary ror tne price asked. SUTHERLAND & HUBBELL, S6th and Hawthorne Ave. Tabor '.'017. Open Sundays, 'new office. OLMSTED PARK. February is Olmsted month. February 1st ushered In an Immense selling move ment, and that 'movement has not abated. ' Great things are doing In OLMSTED PARK. Improvement work is going steadily on, and the whole addition Is taking on the appearance of a high class residence section. Tt is coming Into Its own. OLMSTED PARK is nefllng at away below sur rounding lot prices. See it buy It COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board .of Trafln.Blrtg., ToTtSsAL&R ESTATE 16 $500 and up Tha most sightly lots on ths Height no. are wjinin ona miio or Portland postorrice. Al Cleveland, 827 Chamber nf rVimmernA. $25,000810.000 cash, business corner, "flat and Income property, close m, on west side, 'tis paying 10 per cent. Could be made pay 15 - Der rent on Invpfitmnnt $1800 On terms. 8 room house, two lots. This la a big snap. $ 400 Very, choice cornar lot in Swln ton. cash, balance $7.60 per monrn. auuu un very easy terms. 6 room modern bungalow In Vernon. Several lots, In Alameda Park. SHOEMAKER INV. CO.. 627 Hi-ni-v hMo- Maln 4466. A-7434. ACREAGE 87 Mr. Investor Listen HERE ARE BOMB APTfTAT. Vin URE8: POPULATION. PORTLAND TODAY. IVV.UUU. FOR EVERY 160.000 INHABITANTS 6000 ACRES SUB-DIVIDED INTO 60k 100 LOTS, ALLOWING FIVE PKOPI.E TO A FAMILY WILL BE REQUIRED UK IN UTMJSK WORDS. 30,000 LOTS SEVENTY PER CENT OF THE POP ULATION OF PORTLAND LIVES ON THE BIDE. WHERE CAN YOU FIND 6000 ACRES ON THE WEST SIDE FOR SUB-DI VISION? YOU CAN'T GET THEM DESIRABLY LOCATED. . THE CITY WILL HAVE TO BUILD EAST. STUDY OVER THIS PROPOSI TION AND READ CAREFULLY THE APPENDED OFFERING. CLOSE-IN ACRES. Why buy hlgh-nriced lots for an In vestment from hiwh-brlced Dromotors. When you bah buy an acre for tbe same price and just as accessible; two years ago you could have bought acres In Ala meda Park and vicinity from $300 to $500 per acre; tonay these same acres are selling in lots on a basis of $4000 to 6000 per acre: the same is true of Rose City Park, Elmhurst, St. Johns and the peninsula; these tracts are practically all sold--out and the city is growing ery fast and must eventually extend east; I have some acre tracts, 1. miles east of Rose City Park, on the O. R. & N. track, that will sab run a suburban motor ..service and only 15 minutes out; this Is deep rich, mellow soli and no gravel: Tine view of the mountains and .oiumoia river; i win plant you one ree eaph of all kinds of family fruit: also berries and grapes, shrubbery of 11 kinds; In a few years you will have good country homesile, where you can raise all your own fruit and vegetable, have your chickens and cow and be in dependent of high "prices; If you wish one or more of these acres on easy pay ments, can at my ornce rrom 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.; will take you out In my uto. Rooms 28-29 Hamilton bldg., 131 Third st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 10 Very Cheap 60x100 on Qulmby St., between 22d and 23d. faces south. Price $5000, half cash, balance terms. 411 Henry bldg. Phone forenoons M. 6220 $50 CASH WILL BUY 60x112 lot on graded street, south front, rltv water, near eood car. 10 minutes ride from new bridge, cement walk tol be bonded; bal. of price $460, payable monthly. Complete abstract, perfect title. 616 Ablngton bldg. . Snap 100x100 on southeast corner of 13th and Yamhill, $65,000; great terms. 4tl Henry bldg. Phone forenoons M. 5220 IftVlNGTON QUARTER, $3750 100x100 on corner East 20th and Knott sts.; price for quick sale, $3760; .terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. PORTLAND Fine lot, on Rodney ave.. iHUST . near, Going, only 2 blocks CO. .irom union ve.pnwi h. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANI, S. E. cor. 3d and and Oak'ats. KTear Jefferson High School $1100 for a fine lot on Vancouver ave.; 1 M blocks from Walnut Park. If you want a bargain before the rise In values see this. Blanchard & Clemson 315-16 Swetland bldg. WEST SIDE HOME, 87500 8 rooms, modern, large verandas and sleeping porch, fine view of rlvar and mountains, on paved street. 1 block from car; garage; located on Willamette Heights; terms. H. F. PALMER-JONE8 CO. 213-213 Commercial Club Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. $6500 7 rooms, hsrdwood floors, bullt-ln buffet, 2 fireplaces, heated by hot wa ter, new and modern; faces east, hard surface pavement; all street Improve ments paid; terms. J H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Vk ACRE, WITH HOUSE, $1850 Right in town, on E. 36th, 2. blocks from car, house small, 2 chicken houses, 60 fruit trees, fine lot of berries, trees and bushes, in fine condition, fenced, fine garden; must hava H cash. Call 616 Ablngton bldg. PORTLAND $ Cheap Home Lot 60x100 and 4 room house. Ports- month. $900. 420 Lumber Exchange 200 down will buy a nice 7 room bun galow, H block to car station; all new and modern. Come quick or you will be too late. 41 awetiand bldg. 4 ROOM cottage, 2 lots, chickens, fruit trees, garden, etc., all fenced; a bar gain, $1400; terms; owner. Laurelwood Market. Mt. Scott car. WHEN you want a good house built at a closa pries see me. I am an up-to-date architect and general contractor. Plans free. Address D-897, Journal. ON W.- W.- carline, strictly modern 8 room house, fine view city and moun tains; easy terms. By owner. Sellwood 81- . . ' - PORTLAND Fine business lot on HI TRUST Glisan and 68th sts., CO. $1000; improvements in cluded In this price. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. cor. 3d and and Oak sts. IF YOU are going to build call on 'Hill A Slaving." We furnish plajis and specifications free. ,.Res.. 389 Going ht. f none c-avoo. 250 cash buys as nice a o room home as aay one TRUST wants; fireplace. full basement: modern In all CO. ways. Price $2800. Let us show you this, PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. oo r. 3d and and Oak sts. FOR SALE $560; 1 acre, cultivated, 80 minutes' ride from Portland; 6 min utes' walk from car; terms. W-089. Journal. THREE SACRIFICE SALES. Non-rldent will sacrifice large, dou ble lot jfn the Alameda-Rose City Park carllnor one 90x130 corner, and one 40x 100. waverleigh Heights, all closa to canine; terms. 6CHIEFFELIN & CO., sa Henry on FOR SALE BY OWNER Five room cottage, bath, cement base ment, large pantry, lot 50x100, fruit trees, roses, berries. garden, near Washington high and Hawthorne gram mar schools and new St. Francis church; easy walking distance to business cen ter; only $4000, half cash. Y-427, Journal. IrTTNGTON HALF BLOCK 100x200, including two corners Knott Bt., 1 block from car; this prop erty is above grade, Is level and has a magnificent view ;an Heal residence site; price $7500; terms. ft. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club B 1 tig. PORTLAND Prices in Rose City "Park" TRUST district are on the Jump. CO. We have several fine buys. Don't wait too long. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 8. E, cor. 3d and and Oak sts. Best Buv in Portland "$300 $300 down, balance like rent; 8 room strictly modern bungalow. Just com pleted, on East Caruthers, between 30th and 31st. 2 blocks from carline; has full porch, fireplace, beamed celling, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases and china closet, gas and elec tricity; best of plumbing, full basement, and only $2800. ROSS, 515 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. Res. phone Tabor 1467. Phone Main 2801 TWO new modern 4 room cottages, corner lot, $1100; inside lot $1000. $100 down, balance $10 per month. Thcfle are both snaps, all walls are tinted, patent toilet, pantry, closet and 4 nice rooms, front and back porch, nice shade trees; wlll-take anything of value for first payment. I also have 6 room bungalow for $1260. spot cash; 8 room cottage, $2000; 6 rooms and one 10 room, equally as cheap. See or write me at once. Take the Mt. Scott car. get off at Millard ave., ask for Joe Naph, owner. Suburban Acreage. 7 acres, 3 acres in cultivation, 4 acres can be cleared for $26 per acre; 6 acres of this land Is the verv best of apple land and 1 acre Is fine garden land: there are no buildings, but the land is within 8A miles of Portland and only H mile from both 8. P. and Oregon Electric jrallway stations. This would make a beautiful suburban home, and would soon return a profit on the money invested If froperly worked and the fruit and planted to fruit. We ear nestly ask that you Investigate this at our expense. - Stroud & Wi'sle, 484 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or. 57 irrvm Avn ten acre TRACTS. Only a few left; most desirable acre age buy on ma marxet. locatea on rr road, near station; close to Portland running' water , and" springs In abund anca: tli k lnam ollr.llOO Der acre Up easy terms;' particulars complete; from BROWN. 411 Couch Bldg. Benin Now Get a small tract now that l ready for cultivation. You can put this In once; price $850; easy terms. u. k. Pearce, 416 Henry bldg. Exchange real estate sj Good Snaps 6 room modern house and small store on lot 66x100 ItvSt John. For lots well located, up to $1000. Balance very easy terms. This is a snap. Price $2800. Grocery store, Lents, Invoice about $1000; lot 40x100, with living rooms in back; modern. Will take good inside property as part payment up to izuuu; balance payments. A bargain at $4000 Timber claim, 20 miles from Corvallls, 1 mile from C. & A. R. R. ; for Portland property. Price $3600. PACIFIC REALTY CO.. $20 Swetland bldg. Main 6872. 28 acres 1 mile south of Wood burn, on main county road, oil under cultivation. Property held at $200 per acre In that vicinity. A good buy and win not last, will exenange xor nonie in Portland. $400040 acres. In cultivation, bal nce good fir. will cut $1800 in. wood; ft mile to,S. P. R. R. station and store, 1 mile to good town and mill, 2 miles to another, new schoolhouse across road. Home in Portland. $2250 15 acres. 6 acres about ready for plow, 9 acres very fine- timber. small house, H mile of Donald, Oregon Electric. Home in Portland. SHOEMAKER IN V. CO., 627 Henry bldg. Main 4465. A-7434. A GOOD lot to exchange tor an automo bile. House and lot In change for . acreage, . Montavilla to ex- A good lot. close In, to exchange for a team of draft horses weighing at least 2800 lbs., with harness and wagon. ' First mortgage of $1600 bearing In terest due In 3 years and secured by farm, worth $3000. to exchange tor equity In good modern home. ROOM 416 OREGONIAN BLDG. M-7064 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS $1200 40 acres, one mile from 8 Estucada; electric car; 20 acres S very easily cleared, not to exceed S $20 per acre, balance, brush and S timber; two springs on place; will S exchange for vacant lots In Port- S land, or will take good team or 8 automobile in exchange. S J. H. SHIELDS. S 206 Gerlinger Bldg., cor. 2d and S Alder Main 84.10. S SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS What Have You ; to Trade For 7 room modern bungalow with every convenience; nice lot 60x123; V block from car in Piedmont? Price $6500. 4 room cottage, now renting for $iffyi n Snokane.' Price $1900. Vt KNAPP- Main 3263. ; WAXTKft REAL LSTATK a$ LIST YOUR PROPERTY Wil li VS. We have buyers for all kin. In of nOUftea and Irim ami are uiliie t to make qulcksale for von. urovidln TY "C0NSTRUC-- yoiir price Is right. POATIND REAL1 . ' e TION CO.. Phone Marshall 4. A-7183. 802-3 Lewis Bldg. your property with -- ... -' "GANTNER, ' 818 BoanJ of Trada bldf., and get results. - FOR SALE VARMS 17 ' 40 ACRES FOR $8600. 40 acres under hlghvtate of cultlva. tion, 16 mtlea from Portland, 4 inllu from railroad station and good country town. This place Is all fenced and cross fenced, fair house, good barn, good well; 4 head of first clasa milch cows, 1 and 2 years old; i pigs and 2 '.docen chickens: a large young team Jliat i worth $600, 1 yearling colt, wagon, mower, rake, plow and . all kinds of farm tools too numerous to mention. Price, only $6600 good terms. The first man that sees this placa will buy. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE' for 200 acres of logged off land within 26 miles of Portland, 4 miles from rart road and on good county road. This land lays practically level and has good stream across one corner. This would make an Ideal stock ranch, for tlier are several hundred acres adloln. Ing this property that is owned by tha railroad company that could ba used for outside range. Price, $1500. 130 ACHbs. 60 acres under cultivation. 14 acre slashed, and seeded. The balance In pastura; fair 6 room house, large barn. with water pined to house and- barn. This property Is located 20 miles- from Portland. 4 miles from railroad atatlou and in a thickly settled neighborhood; has 10 head of cows, span of hor that will weigh 1600 pounds; mower, rake, plows, harrows and. all kinds of farm implements. Price $8500 $300$ cash. . . . 40 ACRES FOR $1200. 40 acres, 16 miles from Portland. heavy black loam soil, good creek on th pl.ic .all level, no gulches, on ma'n graveled road, telephone, daily mail; about 2V4 miles from station, on elec tric road: some of the land easily cleared, balance good wood or saw tlm ber; when made Into wood will bring twice as much as the nrlce of the place: adjoining property with soma clearing, sold last week for $100 per acre. This property almost given awav-. Price $1200 $S00 cash, balance to suit Note the distance from the city.- M. E. THOMPSON COMPANY, . Fourth and Oak Sts.. Portland. Or. Main 6084 A-S32T 160 acres, all good, rich land: 17 acres under cultivation and In crop; 120 acres In pasture; balance in green -timber; 80 acres land very easily cleared, being In old bnrn; 80 acres fenced and cross fenced; 6 room house, 2 large barns and outbuildings; trout stream through place; good family orchard; on main county road. 1 miles from good R. R. town on N. P.; R. P. D. mall; telephone in house: arid only 20 miles from heart of Portland; Including 6 milch cows, 2., heifers, good heavy work team, driving horse, light and heavy harness, 2 hogs, 60 chickens, cream separator, spring wagon, farm wagon, buggy, 2 harrows, 1 a spring . tooth, all tools, crops, etc. for only $6000; $4000 cash, balance ok terms. Thompson & Swan CITIZENS' NAT. BANK BLDG, VANCOUVER, WASH., and . i. 110 2D ST., PORTLAND. OR. ' ROBERTS CO.. 624 Henry bldg WILL exchange or trade my equ4ty of !oo in new 4 room cottage, rencea, sidewalk front to rear, electric lighted. 2 blocks from car; will trade for lota or acreage, investigate tnis orrer. bee Wells. 414-415 Lewis bldg. 16 acres: 10 acres cleared. Dart beaver dam, a room house, small barn; have $2000 equity; would exchange for same amount Portland property, price $3ouu. CHARLES H. FRY. Beaverton. Office opposite 8. P. Depot. Warehouse Site LPractlcally block, over 80.000 square ieet, located on ranroaa. North Bank and terminal lines surround property. $75,000, Terms H. J. Wlnterhotham, room 7, 250 H Alder bld tflVlVfSTnw unMC ittnn 7 rooms, hardwood floors, bullt-ln buf fet, fireplace, furnace, cement basement. Bicpiug pwccii, just compietea; now and modern In av,rv fana narllnA- nfltA tXKAA. w- - ....... , u. (BtWUV. V.I 111.. H. P. PALMER-JONES-CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bids PORTLAND MUST BE SOLD 3 lots TRUST 100X100 In Ttnu Cltv CO. Park; snap, price 31100: $600 cash, balance $15 per monin. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 8. E. cor. 8d and and Oak sts. PORTLAND VIEW LOTS in OVER TRUST LOOK. Ona of the best; CO. $1000. . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 8. E. cor. 8d and and Oak sts. PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, 3 per cent interest' paid on saving accounts. 3d and Oak sts. . PORTLAND OVERTON ST., near 26th; TRUST full size lot This is CO. choice: $4500. PORTLAND TRIJST COxvIPANY, S. E. cor. 3d and and Oak sts. GOOD 6 room house with attio and 4 lots on Willamette boulevard. F. H. Pagller, 203 Hnry bldg. A-7624. FOB SALE -6 room modern house, lot 60xi00, H block from Alberta carline. 1032 E. 15th N. $00 ONE of the best lots in Piedmont a Vhot ball." Better run -for It. 480 Worcester bldg. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. liAUKKLHUKUT, ,, " IRVINGTON, ROSE CITY PARK. RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO., 418 Board of Trade. GOOD BUY. xiBou 7 room nouse,- lot lOOxiOO, on Mount Scott carline, part cash; this will bear investigation. . FARRELL. 617 Gerlinger Bldg. A FEW lots left in the most seenio ad dition of Portland; improvements,- In cluding water and sewer in and paid for. Price $500; easy terms. 431 & 432 Mo hawk bldg. . -PORTLAND SEE US about" TRUST co.- SIX room modern house, furnished, 210 Easr zsth St. n. nee owner. Take , Rose City car to Sandy road. 'PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, small check accounts received- 3d and t)ak. LOT lri lOakburst cheap If taken at once. 910 E. 14 th j st N. Woodlawn 89,4 ( ROOM cottage, small Jot, cheap, close In. Inquire 540 E. Stark at EQUITY 6 room bungalow south of Hawthorne! $226 downy $25 monthly. Including, interest. Z-422-; -Journal, noma built to suit in Villa mead, the addition for - nomebullders. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. S. E cor. 3d and and Oak sts. GOOD 6 room modern house lty blocks to Aiaerw car, ii:ast zvtn St., only $2400: small payment down, bal ance like rent. Call 204,Marquam bldg. or phone Main J820. . .; - " RARE BUY. ' """ Six rodm modern house, anap if taken this Week. Price and terms right. Also good lots In Hawthorne district. H&4 Hawthorne ave. - . Jiy . ; A CORNER, LOT ROSE CITY PARK. LAURELHUR8T. Lots In this beautiful close-in resi dence addition are now selling at a tre mendous rate. Get a good ona before the first advance tn price comes. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. , 212-2)3 Commercial Club Bldg. ALBERTA DISTRfCT. 6 room new modern bungalow, lot 50x ' ivv, ou rose Dusnes, Dath, both lights: $1260 cash, balance 2 years. A J. GANTNER, 618 Board of Trade Bldg. WTE BUILD TO PLEASE. We build more houses In one month than most contractors in a year. We can afford less profit. It will pay . to see us. ir you own a lot, we buna, any terms to suit. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUC TION CO., 902-3 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. Ten-Acre Tracts at Qinby We told you that we would &ell all of them this month. Sold 10 ydMorday. Still have a few, more left. If you want one had better see us fat once. They are only 10 minutes' drive from station. Price $100 to $160 per acre. Good terrna -'" Repass & Woodyard 300 Henry bldg. Main 5864. A-2532. 146x100 CORNER on Willis blvd.; value $2000; will trade for house and lot or good rooming house. 315 Swetland bldg., : I HAVE some good Portland real es tate and some A-l 1st mortgages to trade1 for some kind of business chance. See my agent at 15 N. 6th st, 20 acres of land, 6 room house; 4 acres In orchard, good spring on place, near Marshfleld. Will trade for any kind of business. See Peters. 16 N. 6th st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for a home, 20 acres, Sacramento valley, fine land. 10 acres olives, almonds and figs, 8 years old. full bearing. L-410. Journal. LOTS of LOTS $30 EACH New addition on Oregon Citv carline, excellent soil, good place to keep chick ens, cow and grow garden truck; price j:iu per lot, t or n down, balance yi or $3 per month. National Realty & Trust Co.. 3"6 fr wasn. st.. room 616 IRVINGTON oonni One of the best homes In Irvmgton, on corner lot 100x100; all Improvements in and paid. W. J. SMITH 488 Chamber of Commerce. Kenilworth Lots. We have a few splendid lots In Kenil worth. Bargaina. FARRELL, 617 GERLINGER. TOMORROW your last chance to buy nice inside lot in Piedmont for only $800 cash; building restrictions; can't duplicate this. Come tomororw. 430 Worcester bldg. $700 lot, near car; $160 cash House and will handle. FARRELL, 517 Gerlinger. SEVERAL fine lo ts, overlooking the river, close in; improvements paid; close to car; easy terms. Phone Main If You Are Looking for Close In acreage, a wheat ranch or small well Improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me; I handle my own properties. J. O. Klrod 620 Corbett Bldg. PRriND5oYOU WANT to i?e a real "BUNGALOW." It's TRUST being built on Hancock j and 44th sts., just 1 block CO. from the car. Worth your while to see It; price $4600. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S- E. cor. 3d and and Oak sts. $-10 A MONTH HOUSE. Ready to move into; 2 good lots; you can get It for your own at the price of $10 a month. Order the transfer man to move you right 1(1. Call at Greg ory's office In Gregory Heights. Take Rose City car, 8d and Yamhill, get off at end of carline. Office on prop erty. LIST your Improved and unlmnmvo, .property-with Adams & AppersoC"2a I Washington st FOR SALE--7-room bungalow, hi block from car and block from nubile school Phone Woodlawn 2650. Owner. . t PORTLAND Trust company Batik, 8U per cent paid on 30 day call certifi cates. 2d and Oslc sts. 1 FOR SALE; New 6 room house on Mt Scott line at Lents, $1400; $150 down $10 per month. 8-429, Journal. I WANT to sell my small equity in two tzj iota tcorner in rairport; worth Investigating. Z-427, Journal. WEST Side lot. ooxl0o7 walking' dia- tance: tow. a-i, journal. 100. facing; east.-on 4-SUi, 1 block 'from I PORTLAND. Trust Conipany Bank, 23 carline. years In Husiness. 3d and Oak sts. BUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO.. I MODERN 4 room bungalow by owner; 418-Board of Trade, all or half cash. Woodlawn 204L. HOME BUYER. 1)0 NOT OVERLOOK THIS CHANCE. $500 cash puts you In possession of 2 fine lots and well built 7 room house on E. Salmon St., all improvements In; nrlco $3750; well worth $4600; get up if you want a snap. P. FUCHS. 22Uj Morrison St. ' PORTLAND UNDER THE MARKET. TRUST 50x100 .lot. between Tll- CO. lamook and Hancock sts.. on 60th. Only $700. Ad Joining 'lots are selling for $750. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, Sr E. cor. 3d and and Oak sts. $2100 Fine modern bungalow, . lot 50x100, in restricted district; will consider lot In good building district as first payment, balance very easy payments. FARRELL, 617. Gerlinger bldg. IRVINGTON BLOCK - One block from Broadway car. Extra choice and cheap If vou ret it at nnca FERRIS, 8 Vashlngton Bldg, " ' irvingt6n lotsT" " Two of the best lota In Irvlngfctnwne on East 20th st. price $1300. and oh on East 22d at. price $1400;' terms H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. ' 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.' EIGHT acres, all under a high state of cultivation, new 4 room house, 24 by 32 feet, plastered and painted, new barn, 24 by 30 feet; land within 800 feet of a station on the Oregon Electric line. Price $2950, on the installment plan. 6 acres, M mile from electric line, 10c fare; 6 acres of bearing orchard, good 7 room house, good barn, Well, windmill and tank, water piped In house; well equipped for handling chickens. Price $7500, $2000 cash, balance on very easy time. MOORE INVESTMENT CO., 304-305 Henry Bldg. WILL TRADE 150 acre farm, a first mortgage or lots for any kind of busi ness and pay cash difference, rooming house preferred. Call 88 10th. STAR well drill No. 5 to exchange for what you have. 204 Mohawk bldg. A-4331. $1460 FIRST mortgage to exchange as first payment on close-In residence. . Graham 688 Prescott St. C-e554. pright piano, value atate or mortgage. WILL TRADE $350. for rei 7.-424. JournaLl you want'fo sell, buy or trade, see BEAVERDAM. 5 acres, all pure beaverdam. wl-th running water for irrigation; this tract Is the heaviest and deepest piece of beaverdam In the state, is in perfect state of cultivation and ready for gar- en. 11640 worth or onions were oro- auced nd sold from ona anu last year, jnis iana is ntuit up irontspur beaver cuttings atfd there Is none iet , ter. 1400 sacks of onions wera 6a- i i viii iu7 bu jui iiiujr, unii vi if kit,, Several beaverdam tracts in this local-" ity have sola for from $700 to $1000 per acre. This tract Is located 11 miles from Portland, mile from station on' the electric road and good country town on a macadamized road, lVi miles from R. R. station. Will sell for $300 par acre, t-3 down and balance to suit. - This place will not last at the price . offered. M. E. THOMPSON CO. ' 4th and Oak St. Portland. . Or. Main 6084 A-383T Fory-Acre Farm 22 acres In cultivation. 10 in nasttira. 6 In brush, ill level, good 6-room house. new barn 60x180; land well fenced, good wen, ranniy orcnara, teiepnone, rural delivery, schoolhouse across tha road; team, wagon and all machinery goes; location. 4 Wles from Ridgefleld, Wash. Price $4600, part cash, balance 3 year. .. Carter-Dugan Co. . 820 Chamber of Commerce. IF Shoemaker Inv. Co. Main 4465. A-7484. 627 Henry bldg. m mum 10 acre tracts, all level. In high state of cultivation, free 'from rock, on main county road, close to school,-14 miles from Oregon City; price $1800 rcn, half cash, balance 2 years at 6 per cent. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. Seventh and Main st, End Suspension Bridge. Oregon City. Five-Acre Tracts 8 miles from courthouse, on survey of Mt. Hood Electric road and only mile from electric una to xroutdaie; fine soil. Buv one of these and put In potatoes and you will get enough to pay for it the first year. Price $500 per acre; terms. Repass & Woodyard 300 Henry Bldg. M. 5SS4. A-2532. $1600 for Ten Acres 2 miles east of Gresham, 3 acres clear. 4 acre In strawberries, . house, cellar. barn, henhouse, woodshed, running water tne year round, on good road. I T , TV jonn luck 26 Henry bldg. 43 acres, all in cultivation, water front, bearing orchard, on good state rOad, Price $59 per acre. Located on Lewis river, t mues trom railway. Call room -4, 226 Mi Morrison at. HAVE a good lot In Marshfleld to trade for piano. Address ira xiaroer, wu lamina, Oregon V 1'" can trade your equity In property. furniture or anytning you nave. ii 6th st, room 3. AN equity of $1000 In a $1600 cottage In Cres'ton, to exchange for vacant lot. Room 202 Gerlinger bldg. MORTGAGE contracts to exchange for city property or acreage. 3 40 Cham ber of commerce. WILL tradt) house with or without fur niture for equity in a lot. Standard Investment Co., 235 6th st. REO auto to trade for lot or house and lot; can pay difference. 418 Swet land bldg TWO fine view modern house. lots, first payment on M-413 Journal. WILL trade my house and lot for land. Box 179. City. WILL get you anything in trade for anything you have. 32 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE MISC. Oil "SWAP" COLUMN 25 A FEW 20 acre lots left, tract 35 mlls out, $35 per acre, easy .terms. Own ers. DUNDAS ft FLETCHER, 234-5 Lumber Exchange. Main 6645. FIVE and 10 acre tracts laying between electric and steam R. R , less than Vt mile of station: price $360 per acre; terms. 183 4th st. ' LOT 50x100. Lorrington, for sale or exchange for cows or horses. Phone C-2573. WHAT have you to trade far dartdy Fisher piano, value $3007 K-410, Journal. Eighty Acres" ' 1 80 acres. 35 miles down th Colum bia, 25 acres in cultivation, some fruit, 4 miles to R. R. and boat landing, fin fruit land; $2000; half cash, balance I per cent WELL WATERED. Thirty Acres 1 3 miles from Mosler, 2 acres set to fruit, 4 room house, all furnished, on county road. WILL SELL OR TRADB. 401 Swetlarfd Bld. -. Cor. 6th and Washington. Dirt Cheap 62 acres. 12 miles west of courthousj 20 acres cleared. 20 acres more easily cleared, good 6 room house, bl- barn and other outbuildings, well of water on porch. This Is la's thickly - settled district; store and school within block; a good profit can be made in cut ting -up in small tracts. This Is good ' buy. Price $7600. $3580 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent Interest. Diamond Realty Co, 1 Room 14. 303H Washington' at. '; PIANOLA to exchange for painting, pa perhanglng or cement work. R-30L Journal. FOR SALE, trade or loan, gentle drlv Ing mare. Phone Woodlawn, 2434. LIST your property with us for quick sale. CarfoBugan Co. Dealers and Brokers In Real Estate. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. EQUITIES bought or exchange tnort gages, houses, contracts or timber claims. Boggess. 221 V4 Morrison st. room 5. - 80 ACRES suitable for platting into 5 and 10 acre tracts, close to steam and electric R. R.; price $130 per acre. 103 4th st. ' - 25 ACRES 4and near Beaverton. about 500 cords wood, 16 acres"Ivel, balance rolling, only $1100; some terms. Chas. H. Frv. Beaverton, Or. Office opposite B. P. depot ACRE tracts, on Oregon City carline, close to river; best of terms. 103 4th. WANTED Six or 7 room modern house, lot 60x100 or larger, with fruit trees; price not to exceed $4000; owners only. G. W. Grldley. 338 Chamber of Commerce. WILL buy on or more good lots on or near the Sunny-side or Hawthorne lines., . 4 lj Swetland bldg. . WANTED-S-From ovKner, . best buy be tween Morrison ahd Madison,' Front and Park sts. ' X-428. Journal. . WANTEIWReal estate, will pay cash. If riffWar! (Tienn. Now ti iha tima. tn sell, t: J. Leonard, 920 Board of Trade. ' In gton st G'fflca ntn, Oswego Farm A Bargain S3 acres, 18 acres m cultivation! more being cleared for plow, balance In good timber. A good house and barn, all fenced; small, orchard, plenty of water and level land; 8 miles from courthouse, and 1 miles from Oswego station, on a good macadam, road. Price $9900: $1600 will handle it; balance to suit buyer. 411 Henry bldg. Phone forenoons M, 8220 $2000 for 995 acres in Moro county, miles from Heppnor; 650 acres lit wheat land, 60 acres In alfalfa land; : can be irrigated: a creek through place; finest orchard In the : country ; small ' house and barn; $7000 down, balance JO years at 8 per cent. On sale at this , price for only a short time. Stltes As Co., 620 Union ave. N. East 4386.. ' Farms in Eastern Oregon From 80 acre t,o 1400; $10 per er and up. Carter-Dugan Co. 820 Chamber of Commerce. 160 ACRES, 7 miles from Kelso, Wnsh.'l 20 acres cultivated; no rock or gravel; plenty of water; 80 acres timber; all good fruit land. $20 sere-, on 'tarn s, If taken this week. J. D. Hayes tt Co., 303 Swetland bldg. ; 160 acres Improved farm. 20 inlfri'"ri Portland, at $100 jper acre; ftalf mile from 'S. P. railroad, t personal y kn-'w this to be a good trade. Beokwlth, Co lumbla Trunt Co.. 84 .4 th st, Port tend. 161 .ACRES, farm land, rnlles ft-il Columbia 'river -towtp, " with anuM bouse. $15 .jsre. ,-.-A-42n, Jftirtl SOME special, brstni1 frt J n.'S, well waled, easy term zij ytl I"