The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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    UP'liiG SIEEL
Pittsburg & Gilmore . Crews
Lay Two Miles of Track-
Daily. .
- (flperUl DUpateb ta The JourmH
falmon City, . Idaho, Feb.' 13. The
trerk laying machine on the Pittsburg
& Oilmore railroad has left the new
town of Isadora and la down the Lem
hi valley toward Balmon City, laying
an averaee of two mllrs at track per
ly. This rata of speed will bo main
tained' until t; cornea within IS mllps
of the city, after which lta progress will
be 'somewhat slower. Put It will reach
Fort Iemhl the latter part of February,
and allowlnc for all probable delay, tha
steel will be spiked Into Salmon City
not later than the first of April.
The theory that this Is s II1U road
Is So well grounded that it will admit of
no further dispute. The tremendous re
sources back of the movement are mat
ters of marvel, and the tenacity of the
construction force during most frigid
conditions . la most admirable- , The
company has all this winter spent
money like water, and It Is safe to say
that. If this work had been -defefed un
til milder days 10 cents would have
done s much as a dollar has accom
plished in the w inter campaign.
Comprehensive System Planned.
The progrsm appears to be to build a
completed system f railroad lines and
feeders, about aa followsr A road-from
Boise to Butte, connecting there for
all Montana points, as well as for. ths
Twin Cities, Duluth, 'Winnipeg and Chi
cago, It will traverse jCuster and Lem
hi counties, and mske 6almon City
chief division point There will be built
a ' railroad from some place on the
Northern Paclflo In Montana via the
Beaverhead- river crossing Into Idaho
at the Lemhi valley, thence to Balmon
ru tM am Aaxrn h Ralmon and Snake
rivers to Lewlstonj thence to Puget
sound. A branch line will tap the fa
mous lead-sUvsr-copper districts of Gil
more, Bprlng Mountain and Birch creek.
Another will ascend Big creek In Lemhi
county to serve the copper mines of ths
Blackbird district. ' Another- will be
built to Dixie. Elk City ana vainas rru
rle and the suggestion Is plausible that
the Paclflo ,.A Idaho normern. wm u
extended to the Balmon rover. - '
M' Basr' All Winter -.'
"f The cast winter has been a record-
beater in severity, yet notwithstanding
the hindrances from eold and snow the
Pittsburg Gilmore company nas nso.
atwint l&oo men at work, and the ,or-
anfii imr of this enterprising com
psny has not lost a day by reason of
h - wither. The cause of tha mid
winter huTry is a mystery to all at. Sal
mon. where the roost plauaible explana
inn la that the Pittsburg & Gilmore
i. rtt.rmihftd to beat the 8hort Line In
to the upper stretches of the Salmon
river In Custer county, where a prodigi
ous tonnage' awaits ths Invading rail
road. : ", ''.'-TV.
i ' ' w " '
nDCM PI IIPHnilsF , V v
- (apeclM WPtch te The loweeM . !
n ,. lAahn Fph. ia. The
railway" cluo house has been' formally
" opened. Mr. - Bancroft, general 1 man
ager: J. F. Dunn, superintendent of
motive power; Mr. Brown, superinten
dent ot car service, and several other
officials' were here from Salt Lake and
delivered addresses. A large -.number
of employes with their familfes and
friends gathered to celebrate the event.
The building supplies a- long -felt
. . v ..4 i. rtl-r aonrectated
by ; the employes. It - contains In the
basement.. In addition,; to the furnace
room ; and "heating . plant, a lunch
room and kitchen, toilets and shower
and tub baths snd commodious store
rooms. On the first floor are the bil
liard room, barber shop', lounging, room,
reading room, office and parcel room. .
n,.-i.niil( -r tnnr- is -dtvlded"lnto- bed
rooms And has accommodations for 80
neonle. It Is for the exclualv use of
Short Line employes and will be con
ducted In: first-class manner.
the doublo track, of the Northern Pa
clflo Is rapidly approaching ' Kelso on
the south. Cravens & Murphy,' Who have
tha contract have their , steam
shovels at work - filling dump wa
gons with dirt from the railway
company's land west of the track.
The fill on tha west side Is completed,
and the work on the east side Is almost
completed. For over a mile below the
old Wallace residence a new track, has
been laid. The hew double track will
be fully five feet higher than tha pres
ent grade, or high enough to, be In no
danger from damage by June freshets,
c .. ii 'j , 111 ; - ,, " ""' -y
Shade Treea for Courtyard,.
," - -. s.i , Tl. jAiirnal.s
rrtvhfi: Wash.. Feb. 12. F. B. Goet-
.i. Mrs. H. G. . Klrkpatrlck and Mrs.
s3!irt Tt. Ide. roDresentlng; the iCol-
1 viii Tmnrovement club, have secured
' the cooperation of the county commls-
! ainncr In a nlan of planting snaae trees
nd ornamental shrubbery about the
oourthouse square. 1
Highest in Honors B AUGER'S
aaaaaaBaagsjaaaBBJsjsjBaejBJsjBjB - - , , . '
ft I
Eastern Capital Jakes Up New
Projects Along Upper
Snako River.
(RpwUI pi.patrh te Tbs Joaro.1.1
Boise. Idaho. Feb. II. Applications for
a site lor a reservoir ina mf nsi';-'-
way for canals to be constructed on sn
Irrigation project In Owyhee county con
stituting JE.008 aores. has been filed In
the United States land offices Dy juage
J. H. Hawthorne, or St. raui. Minn..
who Is sasoclated with Washington and
Oregon capitalists. The promoters will
apply for a segregation under the Carey
This Is the second application that
has been filed with the local land of
fice covering land along the Bnake river
In Owyhee and Elmore counties. TJie
first was made some time ego by EL J.
Dockery, attorney for B. O. Jsyns of
New York City, for the erection of s
large dam on the Bnake rlver near Hall s
ranch, to . miles south of Mountain
Home. ' . . '
rastera CapltU Coming.
Mr. Jayne made the first move on
the pert of eastern capitalists to carry
out a plan to construct power plants
and irrigate about 200.000 acres of and
In Elmore county. This tract wUl. it
Is understood. Include a large part or
the land In the Great" Western Beet
Sugsr company's segregation.. It is
located between the Snake river on the
south, the Oregon Short Line on the
north, Medbury on the eest end Sunny
side on the west The sppllcatlon also
covered the ete cf a '"erY,r
well as the construction of the 0 foot
daTlie Hawthorne (application covering
the 16 000 acres of lsnd In Owyhee coun
ty will bring that project Into close
communication with the Serbrtdge coun:
Another project for this county, will
be installed by W. M. Pratt, formerly
of Rlgby. but now of Utah. . There are
approximately 6000 acre in the tract
which Is located In southern Owyhee
county. The state land board has
placed the price, at MO per acra ;' ,
WILL ISSUE $250,000
. i s rt.. tw m Tiia .lAttrnal.)
AbeVdnV wVshT Feb." li.-Mt.r the
.....n,tinn of 'a. memorial from tne
ih.,in chamber of commerce and ar
guments by a large delegation from the
cities Interested the county commission
ers have unanimously decided xo Issue
bonds to the amount of $250,000 to
build three proposed highways, one' to
the Qutnault country, one to Westport
and another rora the Elma'to the Thur
.... ,mtv un Theae roads will open
to Grays harbor great stretch of fine
.iM.itnrii , oountrv. considerable of
.hih ia settled. The road to West
win riva an automobile and wagon
road to South Paclflo beach. This will
be the most ' expensive : road to build
i involves the construction of a
bridge. ';'': '-- ".'''V " ' '
(SpecUl Dltpatch to The JoaroiiU f
Chehalla,. Wash..-Feb. 12 work?f
double tracking the Northern Pacific,
Great Northern and Oregon A Washing
ton's Jointly controlled track between
Chehalla and Kalama la going rapidly
on. Only one piece of right of way re
mains to b,' secured' and the' line
changes have all been decided, upon. The
Napavlne hlU is to be cut doTO and
the maximum grade there established
Is to be slightly under 1 P cm1- This
Is the greatest grade on the entire line
between - Portland ' and Tacoma. More
men and crews are to. be put on this
double track work In the near future.
Tha completion of thla work will not
be until late In. tha fall according to
,1 ' (Special Insuateh te Te MmU
Toppenish, Wash Feb. 12. Im
provements under way or contemplated
will place Toppenish-in the front rank
among the smaller cities of the state.
The town Is Installing a modern wajer
system, and the council will soon take
up the paving of Toppenish avemia. Tha
city has an electrlo lighting - system
and maintains a fire department, The
Northern Pacific will soon erect a, new
station costing $50,000. -Dr. Johnson Is
snlarglng his hospital and North Yakima-men
are arranging to establish a
creamery this spring. Mr. King haa
started work on his three story con
crete block. ' '
Concrete Block at CoqnJlle. .;
BdccUI DUpt tek to The JonraaU . .
Coquljley. Or Feb. J J. Coqullle W to
have another modern brick building In
the very near future. , B. C. Barker &
Co. and Dr. James Richmond will erect
a brick and atone structure two stories
In height fronting on B. street Tha
building will have a concrete foundation.
Tha lower floor will be ocoupled by two
store rooms, one of which will bs oc
cupied by the Barker Jewelry company.
The upper floor will be fitted up M
office : rooms."?:-.':- :;--r- -
;. COC0A-- S
Has a world-wide reputation for
absolute purity, high quality and de
licious flavor, attested by 52 Highest
Awards at International and Local'
Expositions in Europe and America. ?
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
Established 1 780 ; DORCHESTER, MASS.
WkKTiif to? K)f JW K)f K MXlOMt
:cor; daily jou;::;al.
TO COST $60,000
(Speidil Dispatch to The Journal.)
"Wenatche Wash.. Feb. 12. A ISO.000
hotel Is to be erected In the central part
of th business section by Walter M.
Olive, J. A. Bcansen, A N. Conrtway and
j. w Qulgg.- This will give 'Wenatchee
one of the finest hostelrles In central
Washington. 'The building Is to be of
brick and will be three stories, the
lower floor for hotel purposes and
storerooms. - l
The Eagls Transfer- eompany Is pre
paring to erect a conorete sUbla at a
cost Of 116,000. W -:-' ' 'V
The Wenatchee department atora will
commence the erection of a new build
ing at Wenatchee .avenue and First
street at a cost of $25,000.
(Special Dlapatch to The' Journal.)
Coqullle. Or.. Feb. 13. The new build:
Ing of the First National Bank Is rapid
ly nearlng completion. ; The frame and
brick work on the building la completed-
and the Interior work Is well
advanced. The second storypf the
building lemucTf farther advanced than
la the lower floor, aqd will be In the
hands of the finishers during the early
part of next week. The store room will
be ready for occupancy perhaps before
tha first of March. -
Carrying of Mail Costs More. -:
(Special DIoetcn to The Jonrnal.)' .
. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 12.r-Postmaster
Russell has announced that 'the con
tract for carrying malls between the
depot and the, postof flee for tha next
four years has' been awarded to Fred
erick S. Wiles of B10 ,. Ward - Street
Wiles will receive nearly $80,000 under
tha contract or t about - double the
amount 1 paid :by -the ; postofflca from
1906 to' 1910. K v v. -:-,
Wiles will ' ba paid $19,745 a year,
beginning Jull, 1910, and ending June
$0. 1914. He has held the contract for
the last 11 years. ; '
Would Bridge Clearwiiter.
m.n.h ffA Th IovmLI
Peck. Idaho. Feb. 12.- A movement Is
on foot started by business men of
Peak, and the farmers in tha Peck sec
tion, to build a free wagon bridge across
tha. Clearwater mar.. r:, :;f-:
Work Up Lumber at Kelso. ,
Kelso, Wash,, Feb. The Western
Manufacturing company Is planning to
install a $$75,000 wood working plant
here this spring. About 50 men will
be employed, -
Krf XX Ksf
ronTLAiiD, satu::ay
Vk-ntfi rvtaat inonmntivn.. In usa at Kennewlck.
Raven Millldn Douudi of Bteel rails - la. material yards at Kennewlck.
Jr. p I
Robert Strahorn,' mysterious ' power
behind North Coast railroad.
New Transcontinental System
Plans Feeder Lines" In
. ' Washington.
(Special Dtapitch to The Jonrnal.)
Kennewlck, Wash., Feb.' 12. Transfer
Ot all the lands and property of ths
Priest Rapljls Railroad company In
v.iHma ' and Benton counties ; to tha
Chlcaao. Milwaukee & Puget r- Bound
Railway company puts Kennewlck on
the map as ; the terminal of the first
feeder of the Milwaukee system In the
atata. The deed transrenng- im yy
srttf ; haa been filed with the county
auditor. '
Thia ratlroad has been building from
West Beverly south to : the Hanford
district, and It Is understood will ul
timately, be. extended to Kennewlck and
to North xakima. t eoma njnvoi wjr
for these extensions haa been "secured.
Little work has been accomplished, fur
ther than the grading, but It is an
tinatad that 'with the Mllwaukea of
ficials backing up the line the plana
will be carried through immediately.
: rnnfrnctnra for the Milwaukee were
the first to take" up this i Una - and
formed tha corporation that secured the
right of way and did the building last
year. They then ; said that : th Mil
waukee" would eventually take over the
nrooerty. ' "
According to the plans of engineers.
the railroad" la : to-run along tn co
lumbia river as far as Kennewlck, con
riecting with the Northern Pacific and
North Coast there and another line will
be run from .- Saddle mountain, south
west to North Yakima, entering the
valley through the Moxee coulee. ;
The army Is experimenting In trans
mitting bugle calls long distances with
tneaastiones, " . - - "
evening,, fedhuauy 12,
SnH.I DliDateh te TBa Jonraat w
Kelso. Wash.. Feb. 12. The Western
Manufacturing company has sold Its ex
celslor plant here to the Portland Manu
facturing company of St Johns, Or. The
Aal includes over 000 cords of balm
and cottonwood, tha consideration being
The Western Manufacturing company
opened its excelsior plant about a year
ago. Lsst summer a woodworking plant
was added for the manufacture of box
snooks, lath and all kinds of finishing
lumber and It is this branch of busi
ness which the company proposes to
pursus with vigor henceforth.
Buys Auto Fire Engine.
(Sptrtal Wspatcs V JeoweU
-fiwiaton. Idaho. Feb. 11 The new
auto chemical fire engine is expeoted In
tha elty within a few days according to
Fire Chief Charles Ferris. In his month
ly report for January ha Included the
cost of the machine, $5875.
German Inventors hav turned out
what they term an auto yacht, a four
wheeled vehicle to be propelled over
smooth roads by sails.
The management of the Oregon Railroad' & Navigation Co.' and Southern Pacific Co. '(Ore
SSipXtMsmt in announcing that the low ratei from eastern cities, which
wnucljSst season, to stimulate travel to and settlement in Oregon, will pre
vail again this spring DAILY from March, 1 to April 15, inclusive, ... .
People ofi 0Feoin :,
'The railroads have done their part; now it's up. to you. The colonist rate is the great
est of all homebuilders. Do all you can to let eastern people know about it, and encourage
them to come here, where land is cheap and homebuilding easy and attractive. -
FARES CAN BE PREPAID at home if desired. Any agent of the roads named, is au
thorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point m the east
REMEMBER THE RATES-From Chicago $33, from St. Louis $32, from Omaha
' and Kansas City ?S5. This reduction is proportionate from all other cities. ;
WM:McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
Sale of Clarkston Company's
Holdings for $2,000,000
Reported. . "Idaho. F.b. ll.-Tbat
deal has been closed by whlcli the hold-
lnra of the Lewlston-ClarKSion oriciae
across the Snake river, the Lewlston
Clarkslon eloctrlo light and power
' plsnU. together with the Irrigation sys
tem and waterworks and nearly 400t
.. land tha mator portion of
m-hirh la under the company's two Irrl
ration anala. nssses to a New York
avnrilrata. ItlRI to be a fact '
! Strength Is given this rumor by th
fsct thst two sets of Incorporation pa
pers, drawn by the company's locsl
attorney, have been rorwaraeo wmiin
the last two weeks U K. H. Ltbby,
former DMsIdent of the Lewlstor:-
riarkatnn coniDanv. who has been In
the east since January. The first pa-
pers were sent back. It Is asserted, be-!
cause the name chosen for tha new
concern the Clarkston Land company
was not satisfactory, but the second
set. In which the name wss chaaged
to the Lewlnton-Clarkston Improvement
eompany. Is said to have bein accepted.
Mr. Llbby, : who. besides Charles
Francis. Adams of Boston, president. of
the company, is said t be the heaviest
stockholder, has been endesvorlng for
several months to dispose of his share.
Last November, however, he secured
a several months' option on a control
ling interest, and opnd negotiations
with New York cepltellst reported to
have bought thu company, and G. L.
Clark, sn agent, was sent to Investi
gate. After a, thorough Inspection of
the various enterprises connected with
the concern, including a trip toi the cn.
developed power sltrs ou tho (jr;td
Ronde river, he returned to New York
and was followed almost Immediate. y
by Mr. Llbby. . .
Want Motor Car Servlcev .
(Hpaclil WiU t tb. Jonral. '
Eusene. Or- Feb. 1J. Citltens of
Springfield are petitioning the authori
ties of the southern racmo company
to nut a sasollne. paasenser car on to
make regular trlp from Springfield to
Eugene and side trips 'to Natron and
Makes Irofit on Farm.'
Huntsvllle. Wash., Feb. 12. 200 acres
north of Huntsvllle owned by.Lorepso
Hammer, has been sold to Ernest Stlni
mel and John Ellse for $14,000. Mr.
Hammer bought tn una a year ago
for $11,000. ,
- asassanaaa""" s"",,S"""w -
. IIm Curad la te It Dare.
pirn Olutmnt la uarant to r sBf esa
of Itchlns. JIHud. Blerdlns 4'T,0n P"
In in 14 aftVB. OT BJUUr J rviusiusju. wvi
No Mm is Stronger
Than His Stomach
A strong" man Is strong all ove. N msn sa b
strong who is sufferin Irom weak stomach with its
consequent indigestion, or Iron aim other diseasa
of tha stomach aad its associated organs, which im
pairs difestioo and nutrition. For when thestomsoh
is wsak or diseased thr is loss of th nutrition
t contained in food, which is th source oi all physical '
' Whi k man "doesn't feel just rifht,"
when ha doesn't lep well, hss an uncomfortable . ,, .
feelini ia the stomach after eatinf, is languid, nervous, irntabl aad depoaa.
aat, he is loiin th nutrition needed to mske strength.
Sac m mam hoald so Dr. Pre' Cofrfea -DlBconrr.
It cares ?! "of mtemtek -''"' ,
ordans ot diatBtloa nd matrlttoa. It tarlehB fe ftooef. 2
Inrtioraf tha Jlrtf, atraaitataa tha kldntr: aoarlhja
Yob ean't afford to sccept-a utnt oostniBi as substitute for lbi
alooholio medicine or now coMfosmon, not even though the urgent dealer
... thereby saak a little bi2r prone.
' ' ' - - - -
V ' - -aaaaaaaBassaaaaasaaasaaaaassaaaaaasasaSSassSlsaaasas
I U) " -SUNSET - (-s
Northern Pacific Plans to En
ter Tacoma Through Point
Defiance Tunnel.
.Tacoma. Wash., Feb. 12. Work pi
th construction of the Tolnt tefUnc
line of the Northern Paclflo will M
stsrted In the nar future. There n
remain but 100 feet of the m"-
of right of way to be suircl. Ti '
condemnation case asalnet TItlow to se
cure this narrow strip Is the first f
on the docket for the February term
of the federal court.
This project when completed will
mean the practical abandonment of t
old main line between Tenino and Ta
coma. Trains from Portland will loav.i
the present route at Tenino and fol
lowing the' west Side of the pentnauU
reach th city via route along the Narrows,-crossing
Point Defianc through
tunnel south of the smelter.. ThH
tunnel will be nearly 800 feet long en
tailing, on of the biggest features if
the cost of the nw line.
The Point Defianc line, a It N
called. Is two miles longer than th-
present route, but ths grade to be se
cured more than compensates, for tlm
extra distance. The crossing at Pa
clflo avenue, a constant menace !
traffic, will be done away with. TIim
construction of this additional 41 mile
by the Northern Paclflo will furnlnH
employment to a large number of men
who will mske Tacoma their hesdquar
tars. AS there are many Industries aloni;
th old line between Tacoma and IV
nlno the Northern Pacific will prob
ably maintain a good aervlce to tak.
car of the local business, while tl"t
main line trains will operate lit 3
coma over the new route.
If you saffer from bleeding, Itchlns;.
blind or protruding Piles, send meyo.!:1
sddress. and I will tell you how to mi
rouraelf at home by the new absorption
reatment; and will also send somo of
this horn trestment free for trial, wltlt
references from your own locality it
required. Immediate relief and perma
nent cur assured. Fend no mone', rut
tell others of this offer. Write loiUv
to Mrs. M. 8ummers. Box P. Jlotri
Dame, Ind.
Have you a weak throat? If ao, you
cannot be too careful. You cannot be
gin treatment too early. Each cold
makes you more liable to another, anl
th lsst Is slways the herder to cure. 1 f
you will tak Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy st the outset you will be savol
muh troubl.
iniruio&-a pnu. -
. and the -Great