The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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William M. Roberts, Philadel
phia Man, Built First Combi-
nation Bridge in Country,.;
4 riilladelphla, Kfb. 12. One hundred
7ars ago today William Mllnor nob-
it., one of the most famous engineers
.t.d bride builders of his time,' was
l.orn in this city. ancestors wers
(junkers who rame to America with Term
in He received Ma early education
m viuaker school and then took a pe
.inl I'oiirx In mathematics under FrO-
j-nr Joseph Koberts and In architect
tur I drawing at tha Kranklirt Inatitute.
In H2& he Joined the engineering corps
under Sylvester Welch. In building the
Union Canal of Pennsylvania, Ten
ytjara later he became, chlof engineer of
Ilia Lancaster & ranruau,
Kor !: vears he waS engaged In dealgn-
Ing and .building railroads and canaJa In
Pennsylvania and other states and waa
one of the atrongest advocatee of the
v adoption of the standard gauge or leet
V tnehea instead of one six fwt He
was the planner and builder of the flrat
.. mi.iniiinn brides, for:, railway" and
Uphway purposes In tha United States,
lie waa engaged In a professional ca.
' parity to build rallroada in Braill and
after eight years In that country lie re
turned to the United Statea and for 1
yeara waa engaged In important engin
eerin work- mostly hydraulic and rail
road work. From 1868 to 1879 ha waa
chief engineer Of the Northern Pacific
' railroad. Ha returned to uracil in
. and acted as engineer for the govern-
ment. - ;
Tn Juna 1887 he married Annie, daugh-
-.' tcr of Chief Justice John B. Gibson of
. Pennsylvania, who died in 1867, leaving
alx children. In November, 1868. ha
married Adelaide Beelen of Pittsburg,
- Pa., with whom ha had threa children.
He died at Soledad, Brazil, on July 14,
) utu . . - ; : - .-:
' Dayton. Ohio, reb. 11. Harmony"
' was tha watchword of tha big gathering
of KepubUeaa leaders assembled hera to
day for tha, annual convention of tha
Ohio League of Republican cluba. It la
' a dull day when politics ara not aunmr
"'. lag at a lively rata In Ohio, and today
tJ.ey toiled away at a livelier rata than
" vsval. Iu responaa to an urgnt call to
" "celMXtelber," leadera of tha aeveral rao-
tlona of Ohio Republicans, together with
j a large number of tha rank and file, ral-
lied In force to push tha harmony Idea,
Much enthusiasm waa displayed and tha
hops that many a hatchet will ba burled
"and old feuds forgotten seems more
than likely to ba realised as a result of
the round-up. i ..- .'. ..-
Candidates for tha governorship were
. discussed, but only informally, Tht
main idea from now on will ba to get
! the strongest man available to ' run
against Judsort Harmon, the Democratic
incumbent, who la. certain of renomlna
tloiw Tha Republican leadera recognise
the neceplty of defeating Harmon for
another term as governor in order that
ha may not becomo. a formldabla figure
for the pf-mocratio presidential nomina
tion in 1812. ' If he should be reelected.
he undoubtedly would be a atrong fig
ure at the next Democratic 'presidential
convention..- If defeated, ho would prob.
ably not be. The Ohio Republican lead-
era would not like to see the presidential
campaign with William H. Taft of Ohio
and Judson Harmon of Ohio leading tha
two tickets, especially If Harmon should
be made governor twice So. they are
bent on accomplishing . hla political
downfall In time, . "
Endowment for Temple rnlverslty,
Philadelphia. Feb. 12 Announcement
as made at the exercises in honor of
Founder's day' of Temple university to
day, that an endowment fund of more
than 835,000 had been, raised by tha
joint efforts of the board of trustees
end the alumni, which 1 fund Is to be
used to place -the-unive-rslty trpxm g
sound financial basis. The university
which was founded on a small scale by
tho Rev. Dr. Russell H. Conwell, pres
ident of the university, 21 years ago,
has now a faculty of 223 instructors
and an enrollment of 8500 young men
and women. The number of Its grad
uates has reached a total of 66,000.
; Dalles Hospital Nurse Dies.
' CSpeel' Dlnpttch to The Journal,)
TlrtXfolles, Or., Feb, 12. Miss Nellie
Phay. a nurse at. The Dalles hospital,
died In that Institution yesterday after
an Illness of four weeks. Her home was
In Hood River, and the body will be
taken there for burial.
. Syrup of Figs and. Elixir ot
j Senna appeals to the cultured
land the well-informed and, the
j healthy because its component
f parts are .- simple and wholc
;some and because it acts with
fout disturbing the natural func-
tions, as it is wholly free From
j every objectionable quality or .
substance.' In its production a
j pleasant and refreshing syrup,
f of the figs "of California is unit
'ed with the laxative and car
! minative properties of certain .
'plants known to act most bene-.iicially,-
on .the human system, "
Uvhen its gentle cleansing is de
.sired. . To get its-beneficial ef- '
Jfects, always -buy the genuine,
Hor sale by all reputable drug
gists ; one size only, price
jiifty cents a bottle. -'. The name
of the company California
(Fig Syrup Co. is always plain
ly printed upon the front'of ev
jcry package of the genuine. .
jPjeasaut (?ereshj.Berieicial.
li)urfrt yp
i' Baptist. '.
n-.t TH'hlta Tamola. Twelfth and
Taylor. Hev. John Uentflen acting tma-
tor, 10. "One Accord" prayer wmin
services. 10;10 and T;S0: Lib e sohool 18.
y. V V.. 6. Topics. "The t'onrilct of a
Ro.ii" "Reaping the Whirlwind, or the
Jisrvrsi or uruRtn iiu""
a c.u.htii 'mil Via at Ankenr:
Rev. 1L 8. Black. 11 "and 7:io; 12: H. Y. P. T'.. 8:80: evening
nrmnn li Mr. Mi-Claretl. -
Central East Tweutietn ana Anwnjt
10:30 and 1::0: a. Ji; x. y.. yv,
srinona by Rev. fi. E. Dooley or encna-
lls, Wash.
in,.,. 11 mnA 110: . 8.. 8:48: B
v i i'. :au: sermons by Rev, B. C
. Highland Alberta ana ", nn-, r
A. Keonard. pastor. 11 and 7:80; B. .
P, U., 8:S0; fi. B., 10.
Seliwood Tacoma and Eleventh. Rev.
r kr i1.nMtnn h,RtAr 11 krid 7:10: n.
8.. JO; Y. H. U.i:a0. Topics, 'What Is
Thst to Thee t "Bin Separating,, Krom
CalvaryEast Eighth and Orant, Rev,
J. N. Monroe. 11 and 7.80; & 6, JO; B.
Y. P. U :80. 1 ' , .
. lminaiiuol Mead and Second, Rev. A.
R. Mlnakcr. 10:30 and ,7:30; A ft 12;
B. Y. P. V., 8:80. ; ,t ,
Oraoa Montavtlla: itev. juDrri
Patch. 11 and 7:80: 8. li
T T a. JA
University Park Rev. It V, Cheney.
8. 8., 10. 11 and 7:30; B. T. P. u., 7.
Sunnyalda (German) irorty-nrsi anq
Hawthorn; Rev. C, JTeldmath. ,11; a. e..
8:46. - ;
ki Ti,n. rmnw nv. Karl Keld-
meth. 8. a, 8:48; aervicea, 11 and 7;0;
Bt Johns Rev. C. L. Owen, 11:80
and 7:80; 8. 8., 10; B. Y. P. u
Chinese Mission 02H w
8., 7. Pastor. Rev. Fung Chalc
Flrat German Fourth and Mill;
Rev. J. Kratt 11 and 7:30; 8. B., :.
Second German Morris sirepi anu
Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Buermann, 11
and 7:10: 8. 8.. 8:46. -
Eaat Forty-firth atreoi corner m
Main; Rev. A. a Walts. It and 7:w:
R Y, P. U.. 8:45. Tonics, -The Secret of
Killing the Pens," "How to Hinder a Re
vival by Rev. F. E. Drak.
Lents 8. 8- 10; 11 and 7:30; B. Y. P.
U.. 8:30.
Mount Ollva eevenin ana -yr"ii.
Rev. B. B. a -Johnson. 11 and 7:80.
Swedish Iloyt ana riiieeniu, jt.
Erlck Bcherstrom. 10:4e ana
a 8., 11: a Y. P. U:. .
Tabernacle Bast Koriy-rirsi ana Col
gate; Rev. F. E. UarK. ll ana .v,
6. 8.. :46. ' ' ' '
Tt,irA Wnntt anil Vancouver. Rev. K.
Bcnweaier, n mu . '
rrasnytartan. -
vtrmt Tw.lftn ana Alder. Rev, Wll-
11am Hiram Foulkes. 10:30 and 7:30; 8.
8., 18:10; C E., 8:30. Tcmlca, "TtU ng It
to the Generation Following, Bclf-
ssterv "
Mlzpah Eaat Twelfth . and Towel's
Rev. Harry Leeda, 11 and 7:io; , iw.
Cai'vaVy Eleventh and Clay. Rey.
Thomas Holmes Walker. 10:30 and 7:46:
Bible school, noon. Topics, "The Word
Which Came From God?' "The V alus to
Many of the Valor of One," .
Fourth Flrat and GIbbs; Rev. Donald
Mackenrle, 10:30 and 7:80. 8. 8.. 12; C.
E.. 8:80. Topics, "Four Distinct Epochs
In a Man's Life." "Four Type of Men."
Hawthorne park-rTwelfth and East
Taylor; Rev: E. Nelson Allen,10:30.
80: B. ., J; " v.av. lupitD,
Seeking tha wrs Eternal, ' evening, -a
Btereonticon iecturs -on ins , ioiy
Forties eeuwooa ana unnmnotin.
Rev. Harry H. Pratt;. 11 and 7:80; 8. 8,
0 (J, v'.av.
t 1 Cleveland and Jarrett:
Rev. J. E. Snyder, 10:80 end 7:30; 8. 8.,
18:15. ,...) . ' . . ...
v;ninese J ib yt ni. d.,
Westminster East Tenth , and Weld-
lerr Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:80 and
Marshall 8treet-r-Marshall and North
Seventeenth: Rev. C W. Haya. 11. 4:
8. S.. 10. A 7:80 service In the Finnish
lahguflgs."-'---'"-- ' " w
Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty-
man;. Rev. Edward M. Sharp, n ana 8;
8. 8., 10. "
BDOkane -Avenue East ' Seventeenth
and Spokane: Rev. D. A, Thompaon, 11
mnA 7-an- fl, R. 10: C. B.. 8:80.
Third East Thirteenth and Pine;
Rev.; William Paraons. 10:30 and 7:46;
8- S.. 12. Topics, "Ths Bin of Doing
Nothing," "Polite Rejections -.-of the
Gospel' " ; . " - '
Hope Montavilla, East . Seventy
eighth, street. Rev. Henry I Nave.,
a 8., 10; 11 and 7:80. - ' .
Kenllworthr-East Thirty-fourth and
Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson, 11; 8. a
12 Y P. 7. - ' '
kiliard Avemie Rev. John A. Town
send: services, 10; 8, 8.,' 11:16.
Anabel Rev. John A. Townsend. Serv
I... 11.3a nrl 7:4E: 8. 8.. 10:16.
Trinity Dakotattreet, Ray. A. Robjl
rrnson. 7:45 p. m.; C. il. 8:48: a. 8., 11.
Vernon wygant . ana . ,asi nine
teen th; Rev. George W. Anns, 11 and 8;
8. 8.. :46; C. Eh 7.
;v V : Methodist."';;:;', 'Z
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young,
D. D., 10:30 and 7:30; S. 8., 12:16; E. U,
8:30. Topics, "The One Man, From
the Pit to the Palace."-
Grace Twelfth and Taylor. Rev. John
H. Cudilpp. D. D-. 10:3ir-end :30; 8. S.,
12:15; Jefferson Street mlsslon, 3:80; H.
K. :S0; morning address by Rev. J. R.
Knodell; evening address by Dr, Tud
lipp, on '.'Lincoln, Our Great Commoner."
Trinity East Tenth and Grant; Lewis
F. Smith. 11 and 7:30; E. I. 6:30; S. S
Flvst 'Norwegian-Danish Eighteenth
and Hoyt. Rev. H. P. Nelson. 11 and 8;
' -v- I - ?'
Services at
Sucstive Questions on
Sell ool Lesson ty
IMInlsters. Bunilny school teachers and others Interested are Invjted to writ
The Journal briefly their vicwa as to the worth of, these "questions, particular
ly. If they ronslder them of value In their work
Thf IntmnatloiiBl Newspaper Bible Study club Is for rurposa of pro
moting In an unfettered way amont the musses, a wider study of tha BH'.
the baaal truths of Chrletlnnlty. and the problems which enter Into v' V.! tl
life. It la composed of all thoae who Join a local club, and take up the mii
course herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. All who hae not
joined are warmly invited to do ao and to compel for tha priiea. -i
j , Conditions of tna Contest.
I." Each contestant, or hia or her family. must' ba a: iulmcrlber to this
paper. In order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible
Study club and this local rlub. .. .
- t. Kach contestant In this local club muat anawer each of the written ques
tions for 62 consecutive weeks, commencing Sunday, March 14. and the an
swers muKt all be in tha possession of thle paper within two weeks or. ma
close ofils 1'' -rnut hfl ,nBwered separately, and the paper written on
one aide only. No answer must exceed 200 word; in length and may ""'
Each answer must hava tha nam and addreaa of the writer at tha bottom
4. The anawera must ba delivered to this office, and they w 11 be roll at ed
at the close of tho contest and forwardd to headtiuartera for independent ex
ainlnatlon'by competent examiners. Tha prlxes will then be awarded 'I--Ing
to tha hVhest number of marks, won bjf mombera of Tha International
Newspaper Bible Study Cluo. . " ,
First Series A gold medal to each of tha first five contestanta. j
Becond Series A. sliver medal to each cf tha next five conteatants. ,
Third Series A Teacher's Bible, prlca 5.60, to each of. tha next fivs con-
tUFou'rth Series Tha book "Tha Heart
of the next 36 contestanta. ' . . , . ' : .. , ,.
Kach medal will bo aultably engraved, giving the name of tha wlnnw and
for what It is awarded and in Ilka manner each Bible and book will ba In
scribed.. ., ' nrg-aa to take tip these studtes re
gardless of the degree of their education, aa the papers ara not alued irons
i .n. i . .,.r.nnint hut
cogency of their reasoned ideas.
tn uwvaafciiiins v a ws
February 13, 1810.
Worldllness and trust- Matt 8:1I-H.
Golden text "Seek ys first ths king
dom of God, and his righteousness, and
all these things shall ba added unto
you." ' Matt 6:33. . ..,.
Versa 18 What . would Jesus havo
every man to consider as nis cniet
treasure"! . (See Matt 6:33.) 1
What is the test ss to what a man's
treasurs Is, or that which hs values
most highly? , .
If Jesus hers does not forbid a man
to provide in the present, for ths future
temporal needs of himseir ana larnny,
what is it hs does forbid?
Verss 20 What is Implied In laying
up treasurs in heaven, ana now is it
done? . ; '. v - '. :
Verss 21 How would you demon
strate that "where your treasurs Is,
tilers will you hearths also"? .
Verses 22. 21 Tha "eye" Is what ths
body sees with and distinguishes one
thing' from another; what Is ths fac
ulty of ths soul which answers to ths
eys of the body? ;
.If ths Judgment is biased and ths
eonaclenca perverted, how ' would that
affect ths views which a man may have
of moral and spiritual questions? .
Verse 24 What does ths word "mam
mon" stand for hers?
Why is it impossible for a man to
"serve" both God and "mammon"?
vWhen a . man's ' chief : dependencs Is
upon money, what God does hs worship?
Verses 26-27 Why is our temporal
welfare sssured - If ws depend wholly
upon ood? ' '
What ars tho natural affects of anx
Ministers, Sunday school teachers and. others interested ara ' Invited to
writs The Journal briefly their vlewa as to ths worth of these "questions,"
particularly If they consider them of value In their work. .
S. 8, 10; Y. P.. M.. 7. : Servlcs In new
church. a
Bunnyslde Eaat Yamhill and Thirty
fifth; W. T. Euster; 11 and 7:: 8. S.i
9:60; - E. L., 8:46. Topics, "Walking
With the Man of Gslilee." .
8t. ;John Rev. F. N. Bandefur; 11
and 8: E. L.. 7: a. o.. 10. .
Knworth Twentv-sixth and Savler.
Rev. Charles T. McPherson; 11 and
T no; S. 8.. 8:46: E. L.. 6:30. Tonics.
"Triumphant Faith," evening addreas
by Rev. W. B. Hoiiingsneaa. .
Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kai; 11
and 7:30. . ' ..-
Centenarv East Ninth " and Pine
Clarence True Wilson. D. D..' 10:30 and
7:30; E. L.. 8:30; 8. .. 12:16. Topics.
"Tho 8ecret of Phenomenal Success,"
"Characters. True ana icaise."
Laorelwood Rev. R. E. Myers; 11
and 7:30: 8. 8., 10; E. L., 6:30.
Central Vancouver avenue and Fargo
street. Rev. C L. Hamilton, 10:80 and
7:30: 8. 8., 12; E. L., 8:30, Special
music bv MS. cart v.
Norwegian Danish Corner Vancouver
avenue and BkldmorS streets: Rev. C.
Japanese jwissjon iti uiui iu
teenth. Rev. Eilsen Rlbara, 8:30 and
in. h. s.. -sn. - '
Hwertish Rorthwlck and Beach.' Rev.
John Ovall. 11 and 8; 8. S., 10; E. L., 7.
Tnnlnn. "Tha Llfht that Leads to BUG
cess in Life," "A Scene From ths Store
house of Jiomory. . ' t
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt
fi a WaAH! 11 and 7:20. u
Second" German Btanton and Rodney,
Rev. E. E Hertzler, 11 and 8; 8. S 8:46;
E. L., 7:30. :. :' " ' -
Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma,
Rev. Lester C. Poor, 11 and 7:20; J. E.
L.. 2:80; E. L., 6:S0.
The filinton-Kellv Memorial Thlriy.
ninth and -Powell, Rev. Ernst . Leon
Jones; 8. S., 8:46; 11 and 8: E. L., 7.
Montavilla Kast ras ana iignieenin
streets. Rev. Haroia UDerg; ii ana b;
8. 8.. 10; class meeting, 12; E. L., 7:18.
Woodlawn wiuiam .j. uougias; ii
nrt 7 R 8.. 10: K. Ij.. 6:30.
University f&ric uawson ana jtisks,
Rev. W. K. jeriryi J.; u w ' ,
African Zlon Thirteenth and Main.
Rev. W. Matthews; . 11 and. 8: 8. S 1;
Mount Tawsr tuasi mane ang dixit
first. J. W. McDouaall: 11 and 7:80.
Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen
ter, p. A. waiters; ii ana , o. n., au;
Lents Heventn ana uoraon, jriev. w,
Boyd Moors. 11 and 8; 8. S., 10; E. I,
Woodstock J. D. Voce; II and. 7:80;
SS 10; K. i. :bo. r
I Catholic -
St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth
and Davis Most Rev. A. CHrlBtle. D. Dl
ti maaa. S. 8 and S. . Hlirh miu unil
sermon, 11. Vespers, instruction and
benediction, 7 :B- -
St. Joseph's (German), Fifteenth and
rniich Rt. Rev. James Rauw. v. a.
Low mass, '8. High mass and Sermon,
8t. Francis. East Eleventh and Oak-
Rev. J. H. Kiacic. low mass, s, 8:80
and 9:80. . High mass and sermon, 10:80.
Veiperq, : instruction . ana oeneaiction,
St. Lawrences',' Thh-d and Sherman-
Rev. J. C. Hughes. , low maas, , 7 ana
8:80. ''High mass and sermon, 10:30.
Vespers and benediction 7:80. '
Asenslon Montavilla, . Rev. " ' J. ; P.
Fltepatrlck. i- Mass and sermon, In
chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
St. Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savler
Rev. E. P. Murphy. Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and
benediction, 8:30. -I,
St. Michael's- (Italian). Fourth and
Mill Jesuit Fathers. - Low mass, 8.
High mass and sermon, 10:80. Vespers
and benediction, 7:80,
6t Stephen's. Flrty-eecond and East
Taylor Rev. W. A, Waltt. tow mass,
8.80. High mass and sermon. 10:80. -
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams
and Stanton Rev, W. A. Daly, Low
mass, 6, 8 and 8. i High mass and ser
mon, ; 10:30. Vespers and benediction,
7:30. . .-.'", ., v-
Holy Rosary. East Third and Union
Very Rev. A. S. Lawler, Low mans, 6,
7 and . 8:30. ' High mass and sermon.
10:30, Vespers and benediction. 7:30.
Sacred Heart, , Mllwauicle Rev. Gre
gory Roble, O. S. B, Low mass. 8. High
mass and sermon. 10:80. Vespers and
benediction, 7:30. ' -t- - -
Holv Cross, University Park Rsv. J,
P. Thlllman. C. 8. C Low mass. 8:80.
High mass and sermon. 10:30., Vesoers
and benediction. A. ' , . .
Holy Redeemer, Portland andyan
eouver 'Rev. Ed K. Cantwell. C. 6SR.
Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon,
10:30. Benediction. 4.
St Andrew's, Ninth i.rA Alborta :
Rsv. Thomas KJernan. . Low mass, 8.
tl)e 13ortlan6
the Susday .
Rev. Dr. T. S. Linscott
ct Christlanlty, pries 11.80. to aach-
. Troin tna Dotni or view oi tun
ious cars upon a man's ability to maka
proper provialons for ths future, and
upon his present peace of mind?
What Is ths only effeotual curs for
the common malady of anxious cars?
What ars ths chief evils of anxiety?
Why is dependencs upon Ood Impossi
ble, while we ars filled with anxious
care about our temporal needs?
Verses 28-31 In considering ths lilies,
their freedom from toll, their growth
and their beauty, what lessons may we
learn of personal and perfect trust, in
God for our raiment?
What Is ths tendency of perfect trust
In Ood upon our habits of self-help and
general industry?
If a person trusts wholly in God. as
Jesus commanded and practiced, why Is
he as sure to bs as perfect in his sphere
as a lily in its sphere?
Seeing that God Is to all of us what
tha most loving father is to his chil
dren, what effect should that fact have
upon our peace of mind concerning fu
ture temporal needs? -
What Is ths root of all anxious care?
v Verse 12 What Is tha fundamental
difference between a saint and a sinner?
Verses 13, 84 WHAT REASON CAN
PROVIDED FOR? (This question must
be answered in writing by members of
the club.) ,''- '-.
. J-eseon for Sunday, February 20, 1810.
The Gslden Rule Temperanco Les
son.'. Matt 7:1-12. -';'- "
High mass and sermon, 10. Vespers. In
struction snd benediction. 7:30.
St. Ignatius, Forty-second and Powell
Valley road Rev. F, Dillon. "8. J. Low
mass, 8 and 9:30. Mass, sermon, and
benediction, 10:80.
: St Stanislaus, Maryland and Falling
Rev. C SeroakL Low mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10.. : .
".V.;"V' -' JSplscopaL
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Rev.
A. A. .Morrison. 8 and 11. 7:30; 8. 8,
9:45. .
' Bt. Matthew's. First snd Caruthera
Rev. -W. H. M. Breck, Holy Communion,
1 ;o: service ana sermon, ii;.o. a. iu.
i Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen, ths
Martyi' Thirteenth and Clay, Rev. Ii
M. Kamsav. Holv Communion. 7:20
prayer and sermon, 11 and 7:30; Sunday
school, 10. Bishop Scaddlng will offi
ciate at all services. Evening sddress
to the Brotherhood or st Andrew Dy M
J. M. Lock.
Church of Our Savior Woodstock.
ii and a.
Rt David's East Twelfth and Bel
ont Rev-. -Henry- Russell Talbofc -Holy-
communion. a. :it; noir com
munlon and sermon, 11. - Prayer and ser
mon. 7:45
i St r Andrew's, Portsmouth - Holy
eucharlat and sermon. 11: prayer and
sermon, :au; o. ., 10 a. m. i
All Batnt's. Twenty-fifth and Savlsr.
Rev, Roy -Edgar Remington. Service
and sermon, 11: S. 8., 12:16. Sermon by
Kev. W. R- fOweiL , i
St'; Mark's. Twenty-first and Mar.
shall. Rev. J, E. H.. Simpson. Holy
eucharlst. T:30 and 11; B. 8.. 9:46;
matins and litany. 10:16; evensong. 7:si,
8t John's Church Multnomah and
Tavlor. 11 and 7:30: S. B.. 10.
Good . Shepherd uranara ana Van
couver. .Rev. John, Dawson,. 11 ana
7:80: 8. fl.. 9:46. - i ' '
Grace Memorial. East - Seventeenth
and Weldler Rev. Georg B. Van Wat
ters. Prayer and sermon, 11; S. S., 10.
Ascension Chanel portiano Heights.
St. 'Psul Woodmers. Rev.'J. C. For
vthe: 11 a. m.i 8. 8.. 9:45.
BisnoD Morris Memorial cnapei, uooa
Rnmnrltiin hnanltai. Rev. William R-
powell,' chaplain. Holy communion,
7 a. m.: ward services. 8: prayer and
sermon, 7 :i p. m. 1 -
,'1 s 1 fr. ' 11 1 " ' '
St James' English West Park and
Jefferson; J, Allen Leas, 11 and 7:46;
S. 8., 10; L. L., 7 p. m. Topics, .para-
dlBe Lost" "EJvs Beguiled' ;
Bweaien lmmanuei wineteenin . ana
Irv nr. 11 and 8: 8. 8.. 9:46
Norwegian tsynoG East xentn ana
Grant; Rev. O. Hagoes, 11 and 7:46; 8.
B., 12:10.
Betania uanisn 640 union svenus w,
Rev. J. Scott, 11 and 8: S. 8.. 10; Topics,
"Ths Antlsaloon Question," ''Ths Devil's
Failure." ;.
United Norwegian 48 N. Fourtesntn;
Detmar Larsen. 11 and 7:30: 8. B 9:45.
9:30. - '
Zlon s German Chapman and 8ai-
nion: H. H. Koppelmann, 10:15, 7:46; B.
S. 9:18.
St Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clinton. Rev. A. Krause, 10:30 and
7:30: 8. B.. 9:80.' ' . '
' Trlnifv German fMtssourl. synod)
Williams' and Sellwood; J. A. Rlmbach.
9315 J H. 8., 10J 7:30. -
St. Johns Peninsula avenue ana
Kllpatrfck; . 3 p. m.
sweaisn Ausustana Koaney ana
Stanton; Rey. H. E. Sandstedt, 10:45
and 7:45; a. B., 9:80.
Swedish Mission' seventeenth ana
Glisan: Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11 and 8;
S. S.. 10; Y. P., 5:30. ; .
Film Chanel Michigan avenue and
Skldmore, Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11:8. S.,
10. .
lmmanuei German Corner 16th ana
Leo (Sellwood). H. C. Ebeling. 10:80;
S. 8., 8:3,0. -
Grace . English (Missouri Synod)
Kerby and Fargo, Rev. Carl Haasold. 10
and 7:30; S. S., 10:30.
' Congregational.
First Madison ' and Park. .' Revf
Luther-R. Dyott. D.' D.. 11 and 7:45: S.
8.. 9:45. TodIcs. "The Kind of Yeoole
Needed irt Oregon,"; "Foroes That W4n,
as Evidenced In the Life of Lincoln."
Laurelwood Rev. William H. Meyer.
astor, 8. 8., 10:00: sermons 11 and
80. topics. - "Merer in- judgment. -
"Conscience." Z
Pilgrim Shaver and Missoon avenue.
ReV. Guy L. Dick, 11 and 7:80; S. S.,
:o; v. :", i"." '.. -,'-
Sunnyslde -East Taylor and East
Thirty-fourth, Rev. J. J. Staub; 11 and
7:80; 8t 8.. 10; C ' E, 8:80., Topics,
Hindering Weights and Sins,' "Llfe-
Lessons From ths Character of Abraham
Ht. Johns Rev. O. W. Nelson; 11 and
8; H. 8.. 10.
University Park Haven and Dawson,
11 mjkI 7.80: S. 8., 10; O. F.. 8:30.
IUshhIo Street Eaat" Seventh and
IUksmId Rev. Uenrge E. I'addack, 11
and T:4B; 8. fl, 10. .
Highland Kt Blxth and Prescott,
Rev. E. B. liolllnser, 11 snd 7:30; 8. 8.,
1: .Y. r. H. C. Ii. :30. Topics, "The
Kingdom snd Our Children," "Lincoln
Memorial Kcrvire."
First - German-Fast Seventh and
ptsnton. Rev. John H. ITopp; 10:30 and
7:30; S. 8.. 6:16; C. K.. 6:36. '
' TTnlted Brethrsa In Christ.
First Kust Fifteenth and Morrison.
Rev. Russell S. Showers. 11 and 7:30; 8.
8., 10; class of the welcoming hand,
10:80; C. 6:80. Topics. Missions."
and "Victory From Defeat.'
Radical filxth and Mechanic, Rev. Os
car A. Martin. 11 and 7:80; & a. 10;
C K I 3D.
'Third South Mount Tabort Rsv. C
D Ul.n.lilrH! 11' fl R 10.
Alherta . East Twenty-seventh and
Mildred, Rev. Ii, E. Emerlck, 11 ana
t:80; 8. S., 10. , -
Trsmont Wisdom and Curtis streets.
Rev. H. C. Shaffer; B. Bll, C K,
6:30; sermon, 1:10. ,
Christian. . ' '
Central Fast Twentieth and Sal
mon; Rev: J. F. Gorraiey, ana i;f
Rlhis school. 10. . ' - ,
t-u.i rnm T rV end COlumDiS.
n ... tr it P,rnr 11 mnA T:&0: 8. S..
"Chanaliig From Glory to
Glory." and 'The Boul s Return."
Kern Park Pitt ana wianurn. j.
A. Beely, 11 and 7:36; S. 8.. 10; c J,
Rodney Avenue itoaney na n'M
Thomas O. Picton. 11 and T:80; a. B..
i.n. i' v. 9 n m Toniea. 'Strength
ened by Dlfflcultiea," and "Ths Hair
Not Told."
Sellwood Eieventn ana .umui
10:30 and 7:46; C. E., :80. xora
munlon," evening. Mrs. Hunter of the
Christian woman s board mission wm
speak. ,,,;
Woooiawn Kev. Kawara nmH
and 7:30: 8. 8.. 10: C E., 7.
Gladstone Rev. A.
.' Mulkey; 8. &,
10. 11 and 7:80.
' United rsshytsrla.'
Ths Clhurch of tho Strsngers-Jrand
avs. and Wasco. Rev. a. .ar ia
10:80 and 7:80; B. Ji. insrpii'"
for ths deaf every Bunaay morning.
Topics. "God's Reigns," "Is .Mars ln-
hsbltedr .... - '
Hrt Sixth ana Montgomery, rtev.
Frank Ds Witt Flndlsy, 10:80 and 7:80;
R 8.. 12; C K, 6:80. Topica, won.
ins Together With God,- "Lincoln as a
Christian." . . ' .
Third East Thlrty-ssventn ana jiayi
Rsv. J. L. Acheson. 11 .and 7:30, & A,
10. "... " ',: - ; ' ,
' Waits BvaagsUcaL
First East Sixteenth and Poplar.
Rev. H. A. Deck.ll and 7:8?; b..b
10. Topics, "Ons Look from ins ias
ter." and "Ensnared by Far
Ockley Green ay na ,
Rev. J. Bowersox. 11 and 7:30: S. 8.
10: C. B., s:30. Topic, BMimi wm
Kingdom." Revival servicea
Becona irargo ana jveruy, u.
Poling, 11 and 7:30. -
Bt. jonn s iTsnnoi uu vuu,
C. P. Yates. 8. a, 10.;
Svanrsllcal Associations. V,
Flrsti German Tenth ." and Clay. F.
Bens 10:45 snd 7:45: 8. S., 9:80; Y. P.
7 p. m. Topics, "Ths Deity of Christ
to the Church at Laodlcea," and "Char
acter Building." - . . .V
rirst Kna-iiah East sixtn ana mr-
ket, F. p. Culver, 11 ana T:30; Y. P. A,
s:4u; o. a., jv.
Memorial S:ast Flchteenth and Tib-
betts, Morris Hevsrllng, 11 and 8; & &
lo. . . :;- - -. : ., ,.
' - ' Itss MsthOdlstvV: '-- '
First church East Ninth and Mill.
David M. Cathay, 11 and 7:80; S. 8, 10;
Y. P. M.. 1:30. , . ' -
Second church East Flanders, be
tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth
streets. Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. 11
and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; class mating, 6:30.
Olive Branch Mission -Second and
Ankeny. R. H. Knowles, superintendent,
t p. m. . : ' ' V.' -.' ' : l ..
St Johns 11 and 7 JO.
..' Valtarlaa. ...
Church of Our Fatner Yamhill and
Seventh. Rev- W. O. Eliot Jr.j Rev. IV
Is. Eliot,. D. D.. minister emeritus, 11
v. P. V ao-. ft. B.. 8:46: adult
class. 12:16. Topics, ''Man's Need and
Ood's Providence." and "A Religion
That Will Faca ; the Facts," Com-
munionatI?:lS; y ... !;y::
: " - . ' TJalTsrsaUs.
Church of the Good Tldings-i-Broad-
h anil most Twentv-f ourth: Rev. J.
D. Corby. 10:46: 8. 8.. 12. Topic. 'CThs
Success of ths Past, What Now r ;
JTrlsafls' OhtmTa.
Sunnyslds, Main and East Thirty
fifth. Llndley A. Wells. 11 and 7:80;
Blblo school. 10; C. a. 1:10. , .
Lents, Center street Myra B. Smith,
11 and 7:80; Elbls school. 10.
' " ' ' Xsfornsd.
First "German Tenth and Stark
streets, G. Hafner ; pastor. Services
10:46 a. tn. and 8 p. tn.; B. 8 8:80 a, m-l
Y. P. S. C. 7 p. m.
vj; '--"' Ohxisttas Sclsaes.
First Church of Christ Soottlsh Rita
cathedral. Morrison. and Lownslala, 11;
8: 8- S., 13; subject, of lesson sermon,
"SOUl." - 'I
Recond Woodmen's halL . East sixth
and Alder, Ml; 8; 8. 8., lit subject of
lesson sermon, "Soul."
IS. B. Charon south. , ,
TTnlon avenue and Multnomah street-
Rev. E. IL Mowre. 11 and 7:80: S. a. 10:
E. L., 6:80. Evening topic, "Amuse
ments.' . ,
Church of ths Brethren (Dunkards)-
Borthwick and Killingsworth avs. Rev.
Oeora-s C. Carl. 11 and 7:S0: b, b.. jo:
C. W. 8:30.
Churcn or wew xnougnt oemmr-
" il
6tops hnmediately if you use -
: Prlest S8c, 80c, and $t.OO. -
Geary Street, above Union Square
Jutt oppoilta Hotel St, Francis t
European Plan $1.60 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
ew steel and brick structure. Furnished at
' coat of 8300,000. Every comfort and con- ,
', venience. On carline transferring all over
city.' Omnibus msets trains and staamers.
. Send for Booklet with map of Sn Fraccisco
llltnih hall, Henry Vlotor Morgan.
h 1. in.
Bwucllsh Corps Salvation Army 430
Dunikide. 11. 4 SO and a.
Intt-r-Denninlnutlonnl .City Mission
6 1'Kth Slreet. A. Wells, sni.irliiteiiii
ent. 3 Bunday, 6 every evening In the
we k.
Mediums and Ministers' Association
AiKlltorliim bulhllng, 11. 8 and 1;4h.
Latter Lmy faints (Mormons) Kast
Tenth and Sherman. J. C Westergard,
preiildlng alder. 11 and 6; 8. 8., 10.
Volunteers of America 3b6 llurnslds
Street. 8:30 and 8:30.
Advent Christian Becond, between
ITall and Llnroln. E. Wallace Ehepard.
10:30 and 7:30.
Divine Truth Center 801 Allsky
buildinir. Rev, ThaUduus M. Mlnard. 11;
a. a.t li.
Church of Naxarene East Seventh
and Couch. Rev, A. . Kenrlcks, 11 and
7:30: 8. fl.. 9:45: Y. P. M.. 8.
New Church Society (Kwedonborgen)
Eleventh and Alder, Knights of Py-
tblns halL ly service ana sermon, ll
Watch Towr Society (Non-Heotarlan)
Odd Fellows' hall. F.nst Sixth and
Alder; 1:30; Usrenn Bible studios; 3:16
nresentallnn of Hlblx truths.
Center of ninrht. Thinking W, O. W.
temple, 128 Eleveritti and Aider streets,
Mrs. K. Sherman Olney; 8 p. m.
Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ
Of Latter Day Saints East Seventy-
sixth and Irving. Klder Walter Dar
ker, 11 and 7.80: a. 8.. 10:45.
Fellowship Circle SeUing-IIIrsoh ha
8. Dr. Davidson Buchanan of New '.
InndT Subject, ' "Science Explaining
Blhle Myslenes."
First Spiritual Society 109 Second
street Conference. 2; -lecture and mes
sages, 7:45. Memorial service,
Y.-W. C. A. Seventh and Taylor
streets. Fireside hour at 4. p. m.
Y. M.' C. A. City association. Sixth
and Taylor atreets, 11. W. Stone, gen
eral secretary. Meeting for men at S
o'clock will be address by Rev. W. O.
Rearer, on, "Confession. " .. Musis by Y.
M. j. a. or&nestra.
-Christian and Missionary Alliance
East Ninth and Clay. Services 10:30
and 7:46. R 8.. 12. Y. P. M.. 8:90.
Commons Rescue Mission 22 North
Front street. Special services, 3 and 8.
State Spiritualists' Association 201
Altsky hajl.- 2:80, address by Rev. J.
H. Lucas snd Rev. Sophia B. 8elp.
v 8oes S. P. Co. for $2000.
(Special Dispatch to The JoornaLi .
Eugene, Or., Feb. 12. Claiming to bs
ths victim oC mistaken Identity, James
McAvoy, who is In tha county Jail In
Eugene awaiting trial In ths circuit
eourt for shooting at a Southern Pacific
brakeman several weeks sgo, has insti
tuted suit in ths circuit court against
ths Southern Pacific company for 22006
damages because, hs says, hs was as
saulted by Brakeman Arthur Conway
on January 10, 1810. ;
"Had dyspepsia or indigestion for
years.. No appetite, ana what I did eat
distressed ma terribly. Burdock Blood
Bitters cured me." J. H. Walker. Sun
bury, Ohio, ,. ,
Don't let ths babv suffer from sets-
ma, sores or any ltohlng of ths. skin.
Doan'a Ointment rives - instant relief.
cures quickly. Perfectly sals for chil
dren. AU druggists sell it -
Constipation causes headache, nausea.
dlsxlness, languor, heart palpitation.
Drastio physics gripe, sicken, weaken
ths bowels and don't cure. Doan's Reg.
ulets act gently and curs constipation.
25 cents. Ask your druggist .
, -
Never can tell when touII mash a
finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or
scaia. tie preparea. nr. u nomas' i.cieo
trio OH Instantly relieves the pain
aulckly cures tho wound. .
' Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per
Day and Up European Plan - v , .
y Oregon't Greatest Hotel
350 ROOMS,' 104 SUITES.
. With Private Baths . . -NEW
11 TlWrT ' hm i
f": t
The House of Welcome"
Single $1-50 and up. Double $2 and
meets tu traint,
Portland's Newest and Most Up -
1 , 1
Proprietor -
rope an mam
. Modern '
THB . . fMv ay .
", iiiB-v-uirrH ott WASHuraToa
Only Roof .Garden
American atss to families
and Stuopsaa . . Ons Bag Vests All Trains
Sample Suites, with Bzths, for TravsUia Msa
ii " r ' ; y- f i f 1'
1 I '
i . . - 9
AO Inhalatioo fur
VhocpIni-Counh, Croup,
Uronchltls, Coughs,
Diphtheria, Catarrh.
.Cresolen Is a Boon to Asthmatlos.
li.. 11 not -in niir (ThIt to breath In a
rtrawlf tor ot tli brtMnf ,oa Uua
to tli a.dy lulo U '""tU ' . ,
tealene cur. b-u the air, rennrq
c.m.tut II Is Inralualile U motlw.
with small chilUran.
Thiaw ot a Con
antptlvs Tendem-y
will 11 ii 4 lmmHtit r.ilrt
from CouaUw nr lnflam4
Oonditlon of th thrnaa.
ttond poatal loT A
orl)t!t. Booklet.
Vapo-frraolrnn Co
Ml rultun Mre,
K.w Vork.
r will sharpsn any
IlfluTlnP rsr.or to keenest pos-
Onaranteei If rasorlne Is not satis
factory mall your razors to us and ws
will grind and hnne them fr of charge.
16c a rake at drug or hardware stores
or by mall.
avaiorins Co., SS Franklin tit, Mew York.
More peopts are taking Foley's Kidney
Remedy every year. It Is considered ths
most ettectlve remedy for all kidney and'
bladrlur troubles thst medical sclencs
can devlae. Koloy'a Kidney Remedy cor
rects Irregularities, builds up tlje ays
tern, and restores lost vltsllty. fckid
moro Drug Co.. 161 'Third Bt
All Rose City Park Cars run
through Laurelhurst Take car
at Third and Yamhill sts. Sales
men on the ground. Office 522
Corbett Building." ,J . : .' -
f7 f7-
f1 'n
I i I SSI If
jS-.yi-a V
I A.M. m M. 9 m Jw t t I
In ths heart of ths business and shopping district. ' Tha
. most modern and up-to-dats hotel In ths Northwest.
Local and long-dlatanco phonea in every room. Rooms
with private bath, en sul's and single. , Sample rooms.
Elegant cafs.--
Xnslo dally daring lanoh, dinner and after tho thea
tre, by ths famous Soarkes Orchestra. -
Bos meats all trains. -. Kates f 1 and mp.
hotel niBicnrai oo.
JT. J. Blohatdson, Frss. 1 Q. Bwstland, Sso. 8s Mgr.
up. Our omnibus
v , v
to - Date Hotel
Keadqnartsrs tot
Tourists and Com
mexolal Travelers,
Special rates mads
to .families ' and
single gentlemen.
Ths management
will bo pleased at
all times to show
rooms - and five
prices. A modern
Turkish bath ss-
tablisbment la tas
hotel.' - -U.
C Bowers, Mgr.
i : - sv III f )
', 1'1 JUUi
i ,&JaH
..i i. .mT!
t 3
tss.sayr.-i. V )
The leading hotel of Portland,1 opened July,
1909. Modern in every detail, fjurnished in
elegante. Most beautiful ' corner lobby in
Northwest, Commodious sample v rooms.
European plan. Rates $1.S0 and up. 'Bus
meets all trains. w. 14. BEWAD, Prop.