The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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    IV 11 I A SG K I! E AL lstate 51
.' ' ' FOR ' -'
I?;r.O-.H acre, richest of anil. '"
fr jit land. S acres finest "I piling " -
rial Inn
Will - exchange
proner'y vip io $10,('i. - r - ' .
14400 -10 sere, fine Improvements,
fine soil, all in cultivation. mile to
: Reedvllie. Mortgage $2400, at Pr
cent Trade en'iitr for bouse. "d '"i
lf.f.00 10 acres, a- 'r. old L.Ln mm
stnlmit and standard spple trees and
$ 009 bungalow, fine large ",l
,-atlon on 4th st line 12 miles i out.
AMU take $'000 in rortUnd vryfrl'A
Snoo40 acres, very fine OOP's nd.
M In culthatlon. 4 mile to S. P. K.-K.
station, now achoolhouse irrojl
4 brand new Improvements and 3 county
rt J."ho 20 acre alt In cultivation, fine
pple Innd, H mil to 8. P. R
tl..n. store, flouring mill and new ."J"
jiouKe serosa road. , Take home in i-on-
. - iznon so seres In g ood fir timber,
wood worth 11 S00, fine fruit land, only
H mile to station on 8. P. R. '(l,Ml
, and store do".- . : - - .
$500l acres at Donald on Oregon
n. it read for MOW.
Ji'00 cords of wood. 2 good sets of
buildings, wood will pay for property,
liovse and Jot In Portland.
' HI I let' ry Wd g.
jlHieres fine apple land at "Est acacia, all
cleared, will exchange for house ahd
,Jot In city, up to $1000; price 13000.
; 4 room house, 100x100, corner. In Mon-
tavllla. will take good rooming nousa
tip to about $i00, balance easy terms
price, 1600. ( , .
One t chicken ranch, good 7 room
house, price f (150, will take house closer
in up to ZiUU, balance terms,
Koult in room house In Montafllla
to exchange for a. young team weighing
if"U vr Mier.
CZnnA vnrant lot on Alberta L, to e
cliange for . heavy work, team, harnesa
and wagon; about joo. -
41( Orcgonlan bldg.
M- 704.
in trade for Portland property up to
ItSOO in value. K. K. Fulton, Journal
compoalng room. ' ' , ' ' ' M '
irUF.S. Kastern Oregon; wnrm
Isnd: want a home In
lr-lngton or
some good location.
must be worth
iant to dPal With tne wnn.
rail evenlnga at 73 7th at Phone -A-
VTlU, e(l you anything -i".nJ
anything you have. 322 ITenry bldg.
1125 REED French piano check for ant
t .Toimnni ior iuiuiiwripi'".
C n. P.. 44 Zna et.
J -HON A GRAPH and 60 records for au
tomatic shotgun or pump gun. Thone
F.Rt 2409.
TATCOR-MADK ault wanted in exchange
for Job printing, or half cash and
rrlntlng. E-414. Journal.
tl25PIANO CERTIFICATE for sale or
trade for anything you have of value.
F-415, Journal. v ' ' ' 1
VOULD like to trade A-l talking ma
chine for good organ. Portland Pho
noitrarh Agency, 350 Alder. - ,
P1ANOUA to exchange for painting, pa
perhanglng or cement work. K-301,
yOll SALE, trade or loan, genne oriv
lug mare. Phone Woodlawn. 2434.
Tte have purchaaera for good lota In
Alberta diainct ' 1
420 Swetland BUlg,
. Wanted
Wa have aome buyers for vacant prop
erty on W-W car. If you have any
thing ot eell come In and aee us.
193 Morrlwon Ht
LIST your property with us for Quici
Carter-Duan Co.
Dealers and Brokers in Real Estate.
R20 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
JiAVli cash buyers for acreage close In
that can be platted. If your price la
reasonable, call on or aaareas. -.
U O. STONE. 503 Commercial Block.
M.-AVTirii I jits In Swinton. FairDort
Kenton and adjoining additions. Ad-
clrena N-406, Journal
LToT your property with
(18 Board of Trade Bldg.
V ANTED To buy hi uioOt In Upper or
Lower albino. kvo price una paruo-
ilars in first answer. K-us, journal.
SO acre farm 4 miles .from railroad
atatlon and boatianoung, H mue to
school,. ' 6 room house, barn and out
houses, 100 bearipg fruit trees. 12 acrea
under cultivation, e head stock, wagon,
harness, small tools, 200,000 feet pf
timber, living water, X2600. v ,
40 acre farm, , 3 mllea from town.
4 room house, bearing orchard, 16 acrea
under cultivation, 18 acres seeded to
pasture, living water, good road, mile
to school. $2000.
17 room boarding house and one acre
of ground and all furniture. $4000.
To trade for civ property, SO acrea
unimproved land. 4 miles from Kelso.
Kelso. Wash. i
90 acres, 6 room house, sinalr barn,
rood well, good wagon, harnesa, hay,
f rain; 6 mllea , from Molalla '.Corners.
Vtll trade for good resident property in
I-ortland. ,, Price $3500. -
45.75 acres, 20 acres In cultivation,
well. 3 spring, some small trees, fair
house, . good barn, granary and two
chicken houses, 5 miles from Oregon
City on R. V. D,; 3 horses, 3 cows, 1
calf, farm toolis $4000, cash. ,
D. K. BILL & CO.,
Masonic Bldg.. Oregon' City, Or.
; 140 acres, IS acres irt cultivation,
. buildings poor, 65 acres can be cultivat
ed easy; good fruit land, running -water,
S mllea out Price $46 per acre. Half
Grocery store for sale at invoice;
good location. Also a livery barn. A
good business. For sale cheap.
Seventh and Maim End of Suspension
Bridge, Oregon City. Or.
5'OH SAT.E About 6000 acres of choice
farming land lu the Willamette val
ley, about 18 miles from Portland and 2
miles of electric line; proposed line
v will cross part of land, which is under
survey now; about 300 acres under cul
tivation. J ? Phono- Tabor 127 S, Tuesday
from 10 a, m. to Wednesday i p, m., or
sdarcHS A 1 Brainard sU Portland,
4r. ".'Will sell part or all.
160 ACRES-in J00 or 60 tracts, good
orchard land. 4 acres cleared, 2000
cords of timber on -good road, near el
ectric line. On 6 -acre tract ' well im
t roved; one 2 acre ; tract all cleared.
These are targains; must be sold this
month. '-': For particulars, write Orland
Zeek, Oresham. R. FV !,. No. 3.. .
SO. Mr- special bargains in farm lands,
well, located; easy terms. 203' Wash
! at. Office room 26i
wrHEilX will ariive in Portland Mon
)y morning, o cIotk.. See Sunday
,!iv.i, -.-.,'..-- .
let. balance shout rewy T-. ' . iiT
mile to town .n Oregon J'rlo I In.
JK.jno - acres, exceptionally
nit, all In high state of culUvatlon
1 1 n... ....i .n lilt at. linn. riant at
l or
1'OU SALE, exi.nange or rent, . 1224
"acres, clx'ic whit land, Gilliam co..
Or U H. tinith, riww 16, Hamilton blk.
a-. ; " - v ' -', .. ;A '';
Kow la coming the time when
. vou are thinking of that Utile
"fruit farm, where you ran liava
plenty of fruit" to uoe and ell;
have your frewh Jersey row. with
plenty of cream, milk and butter,
and cackling liens, laying 8o cent
eaga, and ralalng everything In
i your garden and he Independent.
, We have Jut aurh a place In a
ROt.MNO LAND. 10 . acrea of
hearing orchard. I ACUEH In cul
tivation, balance In hruah and
p.iature; old bulldlnga. only 1
mile of railroad atatlon, 4 mtlea
Of good town of, 6000 people:
might trade It for unincumbered '
Portland property.
110 Second St
Best Buy on .Market
,7 acres, all fine level land. 0 "
erea under thorough state of cul
tivation, balance easily cleared,,
comfortable and necessary, farm :
buildings, place fenced and cross ,
V fenced, family erchard, well and
- fine running stream year round,
1 mile from school, new electric
'. carllne. I miles from good conn
try town and 5 miles from Van- "
couver, on good level, graded
' road, Including peraonal iiroperty, '
team.' 10 milch cows, l bull, 1
yearling heifer, hay rake, mower,
heavy ami . light .wagons, new
buggy, single and double har
ness, cream separator and -all
small tools on place, all for only
SRU00; $4600 cash, balance at t
fier cent Interest. This la abao-.
utely the cheapest buy on , the '
market. Never was offered for
sale before and will aell to the
first party thateea It. .
1 Thompson & Swan,
, Cltlsens -v National .Bank bldg.,
Vancouver, "Wash., and 110 2d at,
. Portland, Or.
Mc. ft II. Mc. & H.
AH. Mc A U.
. Fill
10 acrea, all good land, and level, S
acres .In cultivation, balance , brusn,
easily cleared, the best aoll. no rock, all
fenced, good well, also living water,
email hulldinga. air new, one horse I
years old. 10 head or cowa. cream aep-
nrator, and other farm tools.' Only 4
miles rrom town; price, tz&ou. Terma.
lie. ft H. Mc. ft H. Ma ft H. Ma ft H.
73 acrea. 66 acrea in cultivation, bal
ance fine timber, all fenced and cross
fenced, fine aprlng water, , family or
chard, fine t room house, large new
barn and all outbuildings, one team, har
ness; wagon. , nacK, mower, rake, har
rows and all other farm tools, all hav
and grain, 8 head of milch cows, 1 bull.
Place only . 15 mllea from Portland,
This la a fine- rarm, can ana see me
at once. Price, $8600. Terms.
McAnuity & iiornDacK. ..
(17 Main St., Oregon City, Or.
Me. ft H. Mc. ft H. Mo. ft II. Mc, ft H.
Stock, Fruit or Dairy Ranch
'160 acres, all good rich land; 17 1
acres under cultivation and -in .j"
crop, 120 acres in pasture, balance '
' in green timber, . 80 acres land
very easily cleared, being in old'
' burn; 80 acres fenced and cross
fenced, 41 room house, Z large
barns and' outbuildings, trout,',
stream on the place, good family-.'
orchard, on main county road 1 Vt
. miles from good railroad town on
N. P.; R. F, D. tnailj telephone In .
house and only' 2Q miles ; from
"heart of Portland.. Including
milch cows, 3 heifers, good heavy
work team,-driving horse, light
and - heavy harness, r 2 hogs, 60
chickens, cream separator, spring
wagon, farm wagon, buggy, 2 har
p rows, one a spring tooth, all tools,
crops, etc., for only $6000; $4000
cash, balance on terras.
Thompson & Swan
Cltlxena Nat. Bank Bldg.r Vancou
ver. and 110 2d St. Portland.
Pries $1500 Small ' chicken po
ranch 51i htmVs f mm
depot at Newberg, Or., 6 W
; room - house, shed and .
barn, 2 chicken houses, .O
cold storage house. city jil
water, welf and creek on rf; 18 assorted fruit ;
trees In bearing; a fine eH
place to 1 raise chickens;
will make easy terms, or J
exchange " for " Portland J0
- real estate; vacant or im- hh
proved. H-t
Gibson & Holhday S
304-6 Gerllnger Building.
Bargain in Eight Acres
80 acres all' fine, rich, level
land, 65 acres of which Is heavy,
green saw timber, 4 acres cleared,
11 , acres beaver dam, sawmill on
place adjoining, owner of which
wants to buy timber, timber esti
mated at 2,600,000 feet;- land ad
Joining held at much higher
figures that have no timber; price
,if sold soon only $5000: timber
alone worth price asked; land situ
ated 11 miles from Vancouver oa
good road,..-.,--. v.
Thompson & Swan
Citizens National ; Bank bldg.,
Vancouver, Wash., and nO 2d st,
Portland, Or,
16 acres 6 miles from Oregon City. 14
miles from Portland; IT acres in culti
vation; a new house and barn. Gopd
well, all srood land, no waste. 400 fine
young apple trees Just beginning to bear.
otie mue irons store; jana an fenced.
Price., with some- personal property.
$2500. Terms. $1800 cash.
A 10 acre, tract of land 4 miles from
Oregon City, all good rich land. Price
$600; $zuu cfiuen wu nanaie tnis.
20 acres' 4 miles from Oregon Oltv.
all good land, - some timber on place.
Frice izuu, easy terms ana long time
if wanted. -This is a chance for a good
home on very small amount of money.
Call on ,
Postoffice hide.. Oregon City, Or.
fcHLfctit-tt. . -
Reliable Information on OREGON and
fine bargains. . Descriptions, prices
and booklets furnished on application.
BUREAU. . - ' -.. f . -.- ?,:-
: ' 606 Board of Trade Bldg. -r: - ;
; 84 acres situated - on - the Eetacada
carline. Land lies beautifullyi 30 whole
acres cleared; black loam soil; a stream
through the place: 3 springs; buildings.
63SOO cash will handle. - D-419, Journal.
F-'.RM FOR SALE Cheap if taken at
once. L, W. Hlbbcrd. 747 Northrup. .
40 ACRES In cultivation, 20 mora fenced.
pBHture, large outrunge, 8 miles Port
land, H mile stutloii. Apply 7511 Kust
t'mu li mornlnffs and after 7:30 p. m.
F'ftRTlKNT iaciva, I in sfraw herries;
houe, barn, etc.; take Ainerta car,
get off Kllllngaworth sve., go U mil
euat. -Call Stindiy, C. F. Slemsvn.
8PITZENHKI5G Rcappooan orchard lands
- in 10, 20 and 30 acre tracts are selling
to many level headed buyers who know
a good thing when shown, oniv . mues
from Portland, on railroad. 1'tlce $aoo.
$400, $500 per tract. BKTTEK HURRY
and o with us by appointment.
fall or write for full particulars. Lib
eral terms.
$10-311 Corbett bldg.. Portland. Or.
Merrlt I'alnvr, Kales Agents.
IIS ACRES, 70 In cultivation, hal. pas
- tut-e and timber, all fenced and
cross-fenced, good $ room house and
barn 1.0x60, all in fine condition, good
variety of fruit, fine mountain spring
piped to house aird barn, all Tolling
land, deep, rtch soil; the kind the best
for , A PPLES or WALNUTS, or any
other kind f fruit; 4 miles to good
town; price, . i my nrm. nuis
Warren A Stster, McMtnnvtlle. Or, ' .
, The New South V
169 acres. 100 In besrlng orchard, 40
raadv for rlantlnc: best of pear and
apple land; good buildings. .There Is a
bli Income from this. Price and terms
most attractive. : -in unuwua- vauoy
has tfie reputation. r j
21 Board of Trade bldg.
FOUTV acre fruit and nut farm.'worlh
tmnn nr xrrr nn account, of health.
la offered for 30 days by owner for half
value. It I Austin, Vancouver, tvaan.,
R. I. NO.yil
10 ACJtES. near Medford. Choice oca
tinn 1400 . Rarraln. $100 down, bal
ance three years without Interest $1$H
Washington at,, room an. ,
Jim Hill's surveyors are now
working In this rich valley. Good
locations near this survey are as
sured all who go, NOW. Weath
er permltlng we will go by auto
rwlthout extra charge.) , Open
evenings. Get our booklet.
PFSHON ft HAWK. Surveyors.
, 407 Lumbermen's Bank Bldg.t
BFhXIAL ratea given thla week to par
ties locating on 320 acre homesteads
In Ijika or Crook countlea. We have lo
cations on the coast reunquisiiraenis
,2dvantsge of Oregon A. book of 33
pages, explaining what each ot the 84
counties Is bet adapted for. also the
amount of government land open to
h.n.iUiH nn a man attached 21138,
,n.,in. ail nw tnwns. including east-
kern and Central Oregon and counties In
different colors, drawn aown o jaiiunrj
1. 1S10; Wtest map in u. d.
26c. stamps or coin. Nlmmo ft Kuney,
13 Hamilton bldg.
CENTRAL Oregon homesteads that you
don't have to live on. located in beau
tiful valley; no stumps or rocks; plenty
water ana wooa; penuum. , tuuniucn,
stores. P. O.i and 3 railroads now being
completed price - $1.26 per acre. A
Woman, wneiner marriwu Krwm v
take one of these 320 acre claims. Spe
cial homesteaders' , excursion leaves
Thursday February 17. Come with us
to the land of sunshine. Write for de
scriptive book. Central Oregon Devel
opment Co., box 614, Portland,, Or., ox
call 223 Ablngton bldg.
WE con locate you on 820 acres of rich
.government land in S.,E. Oregon, In
the section about to be opened up by
the Hill and Harnman tines ana sugra
Ing the best opportunity left in the U.
S. to get a homestead; our agent has
been on the ground four years, knows
.1,- A,.nirv thnmuehlv and leaves with
a party of. locators about February Jy
consult Mm at our office.
146 Second St .
THREE homesteads aajgining. u
jolnlng fine land as there is In Tilla
mook county. .,".. ' '
THREE homesteads adjoining, . near
town of 1500. High school and fine lo
Vv'tT'can locate you In Lincoln. Kla
math, Malheur, Harney, Lake and Cook
counties: ..-.,..,-
" - . ' : i : s rn
VE want 3 more parties for to go this
' trip to Tillamook county for 3 home
steads which are very fine. Also 4
more parties for homesteads In Crook
county, which are the best in the coun
ty; we will send out both these parties
right away this week.'
,.-'.-"'.' 610 Dekum Bldg.
320 ACRE homestead land locations for
$60; locations guaranteed or money
refunded. Address jk. u, u., tiotei unris
man. Silver Lake, Or.
WE ARE locating 32u acre claims, near
Lakevlew. Or., close to railroad.
W. B. HARTLEY. 411 Swetland bldg.
WILL locate you on best homesteads in
Crook county; fee reasonable Phone
East 4890. 661 K. AnKeny. ,
THE opportunity of a life time, for
homesteaders; act quick. 610 Swet
land. '
- .28
4,000,000 ft. yellow fir timber, In Stlets
relinquishment can be scripted; 6,
000,000 feet yellow fir In Yamhill coun
ty, very cheap. , -. .
. 610 Dekum bldg. . 1
AM going to leave Portland;? am bound
to sell the cleanest little rooming
house proposition in market; 15 house
keeping rooms, all rented; 2 years' lease,
rent $32; walking distance, in best neigh
borhood; price $676 cash.. Owner. 556
6th st. ' - ' ' "" -' " ; : " ;' '
EIGHT' nicely furnished rooms cheap,
Air ohpan. If taken this week: rent
$17, all rooms rented; will clear $25 per
month above rent and your room free.
641 1st st. .
ROOMING houses, any size at prices to
suit; we buy, sell and exchange.
813 .Henry oiag.
TEN room house all firtl, I block from
Grand theatre; clearing over $50 per
month; price $600, part cash; snap, by
owner. Call 62 N. 6th.
in room house cheap. If taken at once:
no agents wanten. iw'n jt bi.
or 'bond.' try us';MONEY SAVED for
YOU. , For a QUICK sale, list your
stocks with us. - Call or write Wm. K
Davidson ft Co.. Lewis bldg. '
DIAMOND core drilling. Test borings
for " foundations, minerals and build
ing materials; contracting. 316 Worces
ter mag. - wooniawn ii ( ,-.
MINING and industrial stocks: tele-
fihone snd other bonds bought and
d. C. 8. Fletcher, 125 Ablngton bldg.
BUY Calumet Buena Vista copper stock,"
10c share; nothing better. 209 Allsky.
If you . wish . to - buy or sell mining
stocks, call on J. B. Purcell. 310 Oak.
NICE little delicatessen and lunch room
." for sale cheap, at Archer Place.- Come
and See it. Take Mt Scott car. " .
WANTED Lady partner, for rooming X-41 6, Journal. ; -1 f
WANTED rartner in chicken ranch ;
everyitnng rpaqy. , r -tii. journal.
10ro business cards. $2; 600. $1.!6; 200,
? TCo. 'Rose City Prtntery. 19214 3d st
ttY ownel", 8-room boarding and rooming
V house; must be sold for $400., 252 7th.
llO0OivNaw stock aeners! merchsn
diss, located In best town in Willamette
vallev: . will sell at in voice, take one
third Jncome property, - - .
431 Lumber Kxchange. '
FOR ' -RALE Old established bakery.
Including lot SOxIfiO; 7-room hmiae.
cement bakery 30x46 ft.'; atore. ware
hAimn and harn on lot: two new fur
nace ovens 10x1$ inside, mixer and cake
machine, electric light, hot , and cold
iii,r: rentad store in beat business
pari or City, wun rut
furniture, doing gnoci miBiness in
cream, soda -water, conrectionery una
bakery goods; two horses ana -wagons.
Price J50i. Address i. (.awiru, n.u
gene, nr,
( V.i iiaTt-ri DiRk' .
The unprecedented rush for Olmsted
Fark property that has been felt dur-
tne- the bast few weeks Is a concrete
Illustration of the universal opinion
that is held of this unmatchable home-
site tract v , '
There-are still some beautifully lo
nmtA fhntc nlncea left.
Olmated Park Is unquestionably the
property your property. See It buy it
- Board of Trade Bldg. '
Motion Picture Theatre.
For sal cheap, complete eonlnment
for motion picture theatre as follows;
800 folding chairs, electric piano, picture
machlnea, etc. Call 62 Washington
or phone Main 3468. - .
FOR SALE An old established cloth
Ing, dry goods and shoe" business, can
be bought on easy terms If bought be
fore March 1. Stock about $18,000.
Excellent corner location. Address P.
O. Pox 876, City,
Loirsrers. Take Notice
Complete logging and wood plant out
side the city limits for sale; 20.000.000
feet of timber. Cssh' $5000; balance
terms. Call Home phone A-2678. -
Cash sales over $80 dslly; lo
long lease:
Call 371
reasonable if taken t once.
Russell st.'
$1200 grocery, $1000 cash, balance easy
payments; doing a good paying busi
ness; has 6 modern living rooms, con
nected with . store. , Address - B-410.
Jotirnsl. ; .
MAN wanted with life insurance experience-
to travel and appoint agents.
Must qualify to secure position. Give
age and business produced. X-2J87,
Journal. ' ' , 1
WAXTED- Young man with $700 to go
In partner with young man in confec
tionery; -swell opening; out of city. E
412. Journal. 1 '- ' '
NICE little delicatessen and confection.
ery for sale, cheap, If taken at once;
must sell on account of other business.
Call 331 S. 1st st
WANTED Partner with $1000 to take
third Interest in smau laundry, do
ing good business; object, to enlarge
plant- N-4US, journal,
POOL ROOM Neat tables, downtown,
. cheap rent This Is a money maker;
can be had at a bargain if taken at once.
$01-2 Lumber Exchange. ' " .
CLEANING and pressing place for aale;
goodjbusiness; neaiesi. oesi appearing
shop in city; fine district; investigate;
long lease. 17 N. 16th.
LADY wishes to meet middle aged man,
with money, who would invest, as
partner In rooming house; will pay well j
on Investment Y-414, Journal. !.
OTHELLO will arrive In Portland Mon-
dav morning, o ciocg. , aee ounaay
Journal. . ,
litnri " A'SNAP'tt?- TAKEN AT ONCE,
22 room hotel, - furnished, at Long
Beach; terms. Y-413, Journal.
vn Rent Barber shon. Jn suburb:
new tubs, heaten, etc .803 Rothchlld
FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery,
fine location, good living rooms; rent
150 month. Phone East 6256.
FOR 8ALfc-Cafeteria, all complete. 128
6th at. ' ' ' "
PORTLAND Trust company bank; 8 per
cent Interest paid on
- savings ,ac-
counts. 3d and OaK sts,
1 WILL rent my bakery in good country
town to a aood man. ; Address E. J.
Boyle, Woodland, Wash.
PORTLAND Trust Company bank; small
- check accounts received. ia ana ua.
To sell lots for $&0 on easy terms;
close In on electric line; Improvements
including water and sewer in and paid
for; good commission. Call at 432 Mo
hawk bldg. ' .-' ' ''', ' ' . .' '
WANTED Salesmen; many make $109
to $160 per month; some even more;
stock clean, grown on reservation, far
from old orchards, cash advance week
ly; choice of territory. Address Wash
Ington Nursery Co.; Toppenisn. wasn.
MEN WANTED To prepare for rail
way -mail examinations. commence
ment salary $600. Preparation free.
Franklin Institute, Dept 308L, Roches
ter, N. Y. - - ' ,:- " '
BTRST-CLASS meat cuttef to start
; market at Grays Crossing. Building
now ready. Take Mt. Scott car to Grays
Crosslns-. Ask for J. H. Chapman.'
WE aid our members . to . secure em
ployment Constant demand for young
men of ability and integrity. Special
Employment Membership., Y. M. C. A.
WANTED Good sober young man to
learn driving and repairing automo
biles. Apply at once to 62 NT 7th, corr
ner Davis " ' Vn-.:'"':;' ": ' "'-"" '"',';;;''
811 McKay Pldg. Phone Marshall .697.
ALL kinds of ranch help wanted; also
3 -lady housekeepers. Inquire at the
Madras Employment Office. Frank H.
Frstt, prop,
WANTED Wide awake carpenter, to
aniirit amontrst fellow workmen, easy
money; you can make $30 a week. 13402,
Journal. '' . ", - ."
WANTED Men to buy $3.00 sample
hats, now ,ww rent, in oe-
ment is the reason, nais cieaneu ana
reblocked, 60c. -The Hattery. 815 Alder.
MOTION picture
earn $35
weekly: learn business in short time;
easy Inside , work;, lessons reasonable.
School 526 Wash, st.
WANTED Salesman with $300 to take
-interest in .paying wholesale busi
ness. Give phone, Y-4n, journau - -
CHEF headquartera and,- helpers. : Cali
fornia Wine Depot, 285 Yamhill, next
to Journal.
. . flavtimc.
teacher to give me lessons.!
P. Florres, 28
Burnside st
TAILOR who will exchange lady's or
gentleman's tailoring for first class
dentistry, X-419. Journal. '
MAN to sell, deliver rruit trees and
. shrubbery: must have reference. . Ad
dress or call 181 Falling. :
BARBER wanted, first class man. Takd
Mount Scott car to , Lents. R. L,
Kortright. ; " ' --. '' -y:---': r.A: "v- ."''
OTHELLO will arrive in Portland Mon-
dav. morning, ; 8 o'clock.
See Sunday
journal. .--.:. .
BOOKKEEPING, private tuition in
, bookkeeping given by an accountant
801 Merchants' Trust bldg. 6th ft Wash
ANTED Men and women desiring
homesteads in Oregon without living
on them. .Call 206 4th st
MAKE money corresponding for news
papers. Particulars for stamp. Syn
dicate. MlddleportN. Y. i
HARNESS makers to work on light
work, P. J, Oronln ft Co., 129 1st st.
WANTED Mn-rto have their shoes
half soled for 60c. 222 2d st.
DESIGNING taught; evening classes;
terms reasonable. -H-41 8, Journal.
bvsim:ss chancks
. i 1
V1Mti,i.ii.u .,.1l.,i ,nn fur the XT,
S. Marln coirs, between tne siren uv
19 anil aft: mimt lift native born or nave
flrat pfiit-s; monthly pay $16 to $3;
ririltloi.kl rnmiunnallnn r-OH 1 1 I It 1 fllOll.
clothlngA quarters snd medical attend
ant frA. After $0 years' service can
retire wltl 75 per rent or pay aim al
lowances. Service on board ship and
ashore In all parts of the world. Apply
at New Grand Central hotel. Portland. Or.
to-date bonk on sawing, grading, tal
Hlnir tnanfftlnv anil flunrlnit Oregon
pine, capacity of vessels and other val
uable Information for sKlliea mm men.
shipowners and officers, on sale by J.
K. (Jill and leadlnc hook stores, or mail
ed for II. bv author. 11. Brereton. Box
1158, Tacoma
i. I f V work'f or airca when 1 ran teach
you how to estimate sny snd all class
of biilldlngs In a very, short time; tn
chance of a lifetime to learn the moat
modern method of estlmstlag; you can
become first rises contractors In a few
weeks for a few dollars; day snd mgni
rlaanes. B-404, Journal.
CT5TriTTNO salesman wanted. Must be
first class, enercetln man. able in
write cards and dress windows. Si
fit ri
pe. sle man. 25 to US vears. preferred, re
manent 'position In exclusive clothing
store; snlary $100 or over, irrnromi
. -win., , M "
Box K. Pendleton, Or.
WANTED Ten first-class pharmaclats;
must be realsfered In the state of
Oregon and thoroughly conversant with
the drug business; good posltlonsi to
competent i men. Apply to Mr -Ai'Ii.
Specht ou our premises on Monaay.
Feb. 14th. The Owl Drug Co. '...
ENE RG ETIC young n'en who are per-
tiy located In city, witn or wun-
out - experience, transient floaters
nt. Hosiers or
Baltimore Dairy
oarers need not apply,
Lunch. 287 vNssli. sr.
WANTED For pur toilet article depsrt-
ment, 4 or n nrst ciss experiencfn
salesladies: good positions to right par
ties. Apply to A. R. Speclrt on our
premises, on Monday, February 14. The
Owl Dru g Co. '
'AN T Eli ImmedlatMy. neat woman
housekeeper for country. St Louis
Employment Agency, 246 ft Washington.
Main 2039. A-4776. -NEAT,
willing girl, about IS or 16
vears of ae. to 'assist with general
housework and help care for baby. Ap-
blv at once In person.- 875 E. Everett.
WANTETl Young lady with $700 to go
n partner in confectionery wun juuhk
man with pest or.' reiereni-ea; swcn
opening out of city. E-411, Journal. -
TEr?OGRAPlTERS taking our special
day or evening orin. any 'system. w
place In positions.'" JEclectm Business
ni versity, 628 Worcester bing
SALESLADY wapted. Jewelrv souvenirs
and post -cards. Apply sis worrisou
st. after 10 o'clock Monday.
OTHELLO will arrive In Portland Mon
day morning, 9 o'clock. See Sunday
WANTED Young widow for house
keeper; also matrimony., v-i, .iuur-
WaKTB'IV-Girls.- Apply Aldon Candy
- Co..' I2tn ana unaan sts.
WANTED Experienced lady on pants.
204 SlarK St., room i.
WANTED Middle aged woman or
Widow ror-generai nnmeworn, m mi,
GIRL for general housework, first class
wages. 4u r. x a i-n bu a-., irimBwi.
ATTENTION One bint of milk merged
Into one pouna or ouuer. - nuimciiui
new discovery. rniuj-"i hi.uihm.
makes S pounds In 2 minutes. No chem
icals used. Pure food absolutely. Gets
Just as hard, looks the same, use tne
same, ana is iweom uu m . m .v. .--
creamery butter. A godsend to vry
family. Four cents a pound. Think
what this saves In one year. 25 sworn
testimonials, juusiraiea circulars, mu
agents' credit terms sent free to any
one. Family-slxe machine sold on pay
ment $1.00 monthly.' Family' Butter
Merger C0 8 Henry st, Brooklyn,
N. Y. ' "
bit roMirN wanted to take our caa
weekly selling choice nursery stock.
OutfU free. Capital City , Nursery Co,
Balem. Or.
FEMALE . . v. 20
10,000 POSITIONS .
r. last vear: men and wo
men learn barber trade In weeks; beln
to secure positions; graduates earn $15
to $25 cegiyjy expert insiruciur; ivvim
free: write for catalog. Moler System
Of Colleges. 8 N- 4th St.. portlana.
Kir.MT SCHOOL for shorthand, book
keeping,- typewriting, arithmetic,
rrammar. etc.: positions assured- to
those competent Electic Business Uni
versity, 629 Worcester blk.
WANTED 3 more
puptts to complete
class in school of designs.. Terms rea
sonable. H-417, Journal.
, C. R. Hansen & Co.
Main ,of flee. 26 N. 2d St. Portland.
Ladies' department, 7th and Wash, sts.,
upstairs, jt'oniana. t.
424 Front Ave., Spokane.
87-89 4th st, San Francisco, -:'
- Established 1876.
CO., headquarters for R." R. work.
K d st. - -V---t
-.v; .municipai
" i MAIN 8666. A-6624 '
ENGINEER, stationary and locomotive.
wants situation m plant or mill or
from 100 to 1000 horsepower; do own
repairs and show best reference. M-404,
Journal.- - '
WANTJiD About 40 acres , with small
house and barn, 8 or 10 miles from
some fair town, on milk route and good
road: not over xaooo. Bmitn-wagoner
Co., 811-312 Lewis piqg.
WANTED Several vacant lots that are
offered at a bargain; preferable Wa-verly-Woodstock
- or Alberta district.
Smith-Wagoner CO., 311-312 Lewis bldg.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and as
, sistan-''bookkeeDer . now emnloved
wishes position with lumber "firm; ' oth
ers - would be considered,' Main 8277.
YOUNG chauffeur would like position
as driver: steady young- man: sneaks ana rrC....
tt, - , -v j t n T I
S IN.GLE man wants, place on farm or
i fruit ranch ; soDer ana expenenceu.
X-4 13. Journal. ' ";
EXPERIENCED laundry driver would
like position where there is a chance
to produce results. n-4ia, journal. .
MARRIED man wants Job on ranch or
.. will xrent Address x-ni, journal,
and 'call E. 3353.
t'OK excavating, lawn
clearing, plowing, etc .
lawn 247.
, grading, lot
Phone Wood-
CARPENTER and builder; new or re
pair work; day or contract -Phone
Wood lawn 1236. - - -
WANTED City lots to clear, basements
and ditch to dig, by contract. Z-410,
OTHELLO will arrive in Portland Mon
day morning, 9 o'clock,-' See Sunday
Journal. - ' - . .
OUNG man employed during day wants
work of any kind after 6 p. m. O-406,
Journal. ' : - : ' r.
WANTED Place in country for boy, 16.
to work-for board; can milk.
Journal. n -
YOUNG man wants work of any kind,
.- carpenter by trade. Z-413, Journal.
EXPERIENCED nurse wishes more en
gagements; maternity .- a specialty.
B-l!8r2r ' - '
WOMAN wants work by hour.
66 Main.- ,. " t -
rVlTUA 1 ION WAX f El i i:m : ale
A IDY wlahes one or more children
lo caro for, good borne in country, 3
mllea from town, Barnes road, noni
schiml; write. It. PJ'-J'J' Im. 1imi.
MH'liI.E aKwtiiuVHrt would llk situa
tion to take cat of ae.l nerson. iik-i1
couple, paralysis, consumption.
0TilELlO will arrive In I'urtUml Mon-
day morning, o'clock. Sen Sunday
Journal. '.
S,pUN'ilHdV wishes position In office
iir telrphone exchange; some . experi
ence.' ' Phone TalMir 41. i "
f"'?rrjFl-KNTf7okkeirier wishes posT.'
tlnn. best of City references. Z-4I1,
Journal. . '
HjriMTWAlHTH. 75c; skirts. $2 50: Trln
. ccks, $r. .00 snd up; work guaranteed.
Main 57i6. "
NICELY furnished alcove rom, with
piano,. snliHhle for two or more; al
larga front room. $4 wenk and up. 226
12th, near Salmon. Free bath,' phone.
audi-ForTum HOTEL.,- -
208 H .td. near Taylor; clean, warm
i:t r.n k tin: tnn uhy nt.
transient solicited; convenient and com-
fortanle, . . .
Yamhill Sts. Nico rurnianea rotii
rooms, steam heat, rree pnone, usui
and hath.; also a housekeeping rooms,
gaa ranges . , ,
NJCELY furnished alcove. alHo i two
other rooms. In large, peautirui in-
vate home; everything modern, nnn
within walking dlctance. Phone A-67S3.
WELL FURNISHED front room, mod
ern, every convenience, very rei-'mi-
ble. 482 Wsshington St., Opp. i'pri.
Isnd theatre.
La RGB newly furnished fron t- room.
modern: bath ana tonei, wtimii
tanee. 84 uer week. Home Jhone A-iSJtt,
or call st 427 M on tgoni ery st- t ' .
?i:ki'.PTNG noWU with kitchen prlvi
Ipsvs: alsn slnaln room for Rentleinen;
clean, quiet, modern residence. t2.Mor
rison, near imn. .
FINELY furnished room, private fam-
llv, exclusive nelghhorhooo; an con
veniences; resaonahla rates. , xm. jisi
St., off Wsshington.- - '
Mill MMM Vi!ft'
6th st, rooms
up per week.
Free phone and bath. Main 7764.
NICE,, large, bright and pleasant room
for rent; centrally located. 92 N. 11th.
cor. . Burnside. - '
TRANSIENT rooms for traveling peo
ple. 7 blocks from postoffice; modern;
also other rooms. 211 12th st.
ELEGANTLY furnished front room, use
of piano. 282 Va Park, near Jefferson.
Main 2403. ' .
LARGE front room wll slcove, suitable
for 2 or more; 19 minutes from post-
offlce.- Main 1762. 455 6th. ;
416 7th. corner Hall. 1 nice .furnished
room, furnace heat, gas, - bath and,
phone, walking distance.
THE temple, 343 H Yamhill st; oppo-
Slte Hotel Portland) furnished rooms,
$2" a week tip; transient
NICE light warm room, $2.25 per week;
10 minutes' walk from P. O. . 455 6th.
Msln 1762.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, each suit
- ble for two gentlemen, bath, phone
and heat. 193 N. 17th.
CLEAN comfortable rooms, good beds,
$1.60 per week, private , family, 196
N. 17th. Main 8202. , -
STOP The Plaza, 213 V Third st, is the
place to stay, where beds are -clean
and prices low. ' -
THE CADILLAC 28814 3d st; clcrii
neat comfortable rooms, $2 . and up.
Also housekeeping suites.
ONE single room, hot and cold water,
$2.60 per week; free phone and bath.
211 12th", also other rooms.- .
TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern,
private home; reasonable. 235 13th,
cor. Main. ' , ,
NICELY furnished rooms, bath, hot and
cold water, gas and electric lights.
208 South 17th st Tel. Main 7923.
THE BUTLER Nicely furnished rooms,
centrally located; very low rates. 403 V
FOR lady, coxy sleeping room, good lo
catlon;$6.60 per month. A-7246.
WARM comfortable room, clean and
homelike. 806 12th st Phone A-3946.
FIRST CLASS furnished rooms all out
; side, reasonable. 414 4th, st '
ELEGANT rooms, with every modern
convenience, beautiful grounds, nome
privileges, walking distance, one beauti
ful, auita. with gas plate, laundry priv
ileges. 90 East 8th, corner Washington.
East 1390. ' ' '.
ROOM for lady, wltK or without board.
. 1U priVt&lVJ lOJllllJ', O HitiiuiBB f wen
steel bridge. reasonable te,rms. Call
mornings before TO, -or evenings; . ref
erences. 358 Vancouver ave. .
A FAMILY of two wishes a nice couple
,to share a, modern well furnished 7
room house, . Holladay , addition, Z-417.
Journal. ' .-'-- - - - . -
SECOND STORY front, largo closet
modern; neat, clean; 1 block' steel
bridge; reasosable. 291 Crosby." ' - '
FURNISHED rooms; light heat, bath;
on carllne. $6 montn. 269 . argo t.
corner Williams avenue.-
WELL FURNISHED room, bath,
easy walking distance.; , 47 East
NEATLY, furnished rooms for young
men; modern conveniences. - bs luast
10th. Phone East 168. '
Stark, cor. -Grand. -East 8465.
892 E.
FOUR unfurnished rooms at 1st and
Hall sts. : -' ' '' '
HOTEL PORTLAND, ' European ., 'Plan
only; 8$. Jo oay. ,
BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Aider"
HAWTHORNE-Sunnyslde- district, con
venlent to both lines . (Thirtieth
street), homelike, clubllkeaccommoda-
tlons for two -gentlemen, living room,
fireplace, two baths. , Board ; optional.
elepnone laoor go
VERY pleasant suite of front rooms to
: rent suitable for 3 or 4 1 gentlemen.
modern, with, or without board. 475
Morrison. ',: ' ' - .- .
WELL furnished room, bath, light, mod-
ertl, privtt". jivjuic. wtur uum u. uu
Morrison between 17th : and Chapman.
Main 6222. . '
NICE -choice front room, well suited for
2 gentlemen; nrst. ciass taote Doard.
347 Clay, near Park.
ROOM and bfcard, clean private board
ing house;' home cooking; $4.60 per
week. 283 N. 16th st. -
LARGE room, suitable for two gentle-
men; first-class-, .table - board, 195
1 1 th. cor. Taylor. , " '
NEAT well furnished room, suitable for
2;. first-class home cooking.; 442 Jf.
fersOn, neariztnj
178 ELLA, - off Washington; well fur
- nlshedV rooms; -every convenience' of
home life; first class table board.
GENTLEMAN, desires quiet - furnished
room with private family; close in;
references given. G-415. Journal. -
ivVO suites of housekeeping rooms, $10
and $13, large and light. 656 6th St..
ONK ROOM light .housekeeping.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms, modern,
use of piano. 282 Park st Main 2403
noi&i:iu:rPiNa hooms
ALT A VISTA Nicely furnished hous-ke.-nlng
suites, itiewly' papt-icd snd
painted throimhout, .everything conven
ient, $2.1,0 wi'i'k up, corner lath '"
Pettvgrovr. 1 I It -snd 8 cars north pass
the u.ior. MHlnJth40.k i
Tlfi: H 1 1 Tl I K i t J. A N f--Ne w 1 y fu r iTjahel
housekeeping rooms, hot and cold wa
ter, rle.-trlo llghla, pras riiMges. free
hath and phene. lth or VV. rl
corner 27th and Thurman. A-41T4,
ln 20.VT '
iVii PLE uTlT "777
Consider cniiihlnntlon with stiltahls
parties to share expense and privileges
of nicely furnished 8 room cottage.
Phone Main K5. or lll ett 321 .
Foil jn;.NT Two large. plessitnt
housekeeping rooms, nnfiw nlslied; gas
range, light and heat furnished. 276 N.
22d st. Main S797.
312 Main-Housekeeping and sleeping
rooniB, alno honaekeetilng rooms at 374 .
Montgomery; gas, bath and phone. Main
2981. '
TWO large front. rooms, well furnished.
with pantry, gas or wood rane, light,
bath, phone,- water, walking distance.
412 1"ih. ",' f . '
ClVlCA'NT'tieat conneclTng sitlte of houn-
keeplng rooms: bath, running wHer,
gas; private home. 403 .4th. nar Har-
riwon st. ' "i
Vr:RT"TarKeL front room, ' well "flTted for
housekeeping, coxy, comfortable; rea
sonable. ist J2th. I'ftr. Ynmhlll. ;
AiriTltTilTe--5 rooms for-houhe-
keeplng, private home: . reasonabl;
bathgas, phone 408 Jefferson "t.
BUlTE of2 room a. aTmTTlngla rooni"for ;
housekeeping; free phone, bath, light.
436 Main. ' , ' - .
CIlOICK suite of 2 rooms for house- .
keeping, niodcrn, private home; reaoi-
able. 229 18th st. .-
184 Sherman.. South Portland, $ 1. 6
week Hp. laree, clean, furnished house
keeping rooms: parlor, laundry, bath.
ONEor two housekeeping rooms, in
modern private home; reasonable. 18S
14th, near Yamniil.
THE COLLINS. 60314 Al-ier.-neatly fur
nished housekeeping rooms, single or
n suits; phone, bath, central location.
NEWLY furnished houaekeeping suite
.-reasonable; free phone and bath.
646V4 WaaMngtonst.x near 16th.
CABRTLiGK "building. 3d and Morrison
St., furnished for housekeeping; very
desirable. Apply room 86.
Ntf'KLY furnished hnusekeebing suite;
private home; all modern. 108 17th
i-l- nesr Tsylor. ;
FRONT room suites, $2.50 to. , $3.60,
furnished for housekeeping. 245 .
N. 17th., cor. Marshall. Main 1181.
rooms; gas, electric ngnt, oatn.
Hall st
ONE very desirable alcove front room;
alsn one single room for housekeeping.
611 Everett St. '
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping
rooms, or one single room. 684 3d st.
SINGLEind housekeeping rooms $"OS
per week and np 629 Raleigh st. .
JUITCHELIv Housekeeping rooms; light.
gas: moderate. 7th ft Flanders. A-4076.
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms
. furnished complete. 186
N. 10th st '
Two nicely furnished housekeeping
rsorrs for ret.t. 295 10th st
FOR RENT 4 unfurnished housekeep
' Ing rooms; low rent. 727 1st st.
VERY desirable front housekeeping
rooms, strictly nodern home, furnace
heat electric lights, bath, laundry, sewing-machine,
piano.; on carllne. 681 E.
Morrison st.
TWO Urge front connecting, newly fur
nished rooms (cottage), fixed to sult,
separata- entrance; reasonable. 481 E. ,
Pine st. - '
$1.25 to $2.00 week, clean furnished
- housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath,
heat 408 Vancouver ave. .Phono East.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping r;
rooms, gas, bath, phone; reasonable ,., -rent
361 Williams ave., corner Broad- j
way. i " - - 1,1 ' J Ji ' i i- '
THE LAM BiiRT Housekeeping rooms... -,
$2 to $3; sfhgle , rooms, $1.60 to $3.
23 H Union sve.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping ,
-rooms; water, gas, wood, phone. 69,
E. $0th N. Phone East 4056.
392 E. Stark, corner Grand, $2:.60, $:5,
$30. FiOSt 64&.
FURNISHED housekeeping , rooms.,
, 864 H K. Oak st. . , -
461 E. Morrison st. nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; reasonable. '
WHEN yon move youll nee new fur.
niture. Buy Judiciously and your sav
tngs will exceed moving expenses,
v Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one
of the largest furniture houses la the
city in less than two yeara,
Looker shown s me coartesjr as huyr
Orsnd ave., cor. E. Stark st ;
Eat Ankeny and RUssell-Shaver Carg
paBS QUI owr.
A 1 7-room house, w ith basement aim.
"bath; East 29th st. and Hawthorne
ave.; $16 . month. Burrell Investment
Co.. 250 hi 8d st.
$18 Seven room house, luua. iiBe
sippl ave.; electrlo Uglits. hot and
cold water, bath,' etc. Phone A-2213,
or 605 McKay bldg.
FOR RENT 10 room, modern nouse.
B. 84th and .'Washington,; largo lot
fruit-trees. Speer A.-Co.,- 104)OV4 Bel
mont. Tabor 38,
COZY 4 room bungalow, bath, fireplace,
electrlo lights, woodshed, $10; H ."lock
from csr. C. H. Thompson, 128 3d st.
FIVE room house and woodshed. East
25tU St.. $9 a month. Call 1018 East
11th st. Nortn.
1 nice new 6-room bungalow on Portland
, Heights, only $25 per month. .416 Ore-
gonlan biag. Main typ.
trnrtr mnm, nottSffn. gas. bath:- 623 E.
Salmon. Inquire of owner, 137,1st st,
or.pntjnq jejuhl tvi
Independent Laundry Co.
PHONE MAIN 5123. r ' v - "'"' A-1023.
$10 month, neat clean, 6 room cottage
with barn, at Stewart's. Apply Jewelry
store, 565 wasningron si
ONE 6 room flat, in good order,- $16;
17 room house, plenty fruit and. barn, .
$18. 749 Mississippi ave,
FOR RENl" 6. room house, corner E. -9th
and Everett sts. Inquire 70S
fowell St.
FOR RENT House, : stable, 3 lqts,
Ai Taylor,
49th and
B-1516.- . "
t-intlRK. -5 rooms, bath. $16.
189' Mill
near Front st Max Smith, 88 N. 16th.
tOR RENT New 3 room house. Apply
410 Vancouver ave. . .
FIVE room dwelling $10; 4-room dwell
, ing $8. 418 Florence, near Alberta st. ,
FOUR room cottese, $10 Per month, 1
block from car. East 202; E-2020.
MODERN 7 room house for rent, right
- in aunnysioe. vnu pttonw i,
NINE ;ootn house, I7th st, $12.60
, month. Inquire 628 Irving st. '
6 ROOMS, completely . furnished, heart
- of city, rent $25. For information '
call 88 10th st, 1:30 to 4:30 only.
1 ROOAl house to rent ,nd fu in 1 1 u re
"for sale. A couple blocks . from
Grand ave. T-408...- Journal.;;' n.pft ::-t-.
FURNITURE of 12 rooma for, sale', $800;
terms. Call 128 N. 14th, from 10 to 4.
Main 3961.' V ;-';- --.r : -r' V' i'
FURNITURE, Axmlnster rugs, steel
range; or exchange part for stock or
labor. Phone Sellwood 806. .V
FURNITURE of 12 room house at bar-
- gain; am anxious to sell, j Call 105 E
6 thji t ' . '
Furniture or a 17 room rooming .
house for - sale; good location, long
lease, sit full; rent only $65. Call B-1395.
FURNITURE of 7 room house for sale,
veiy central, cheap, ' rooms all oc
cnpled: rent $30. Phorre owner, A-3313.
NICELY furnished, modern cottage, Just
paperea ana pamtea. rent or on Tosin
pays expenses; nice home. 345 Clay,
. t - i,