The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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Serious Charges . Are Made
. Against K. H. O'Brien of
-Wallowa Reserve. ' ,
I1 Baker City. Or.. Feb. 12. 1 rouble be
k tween the sheepmen of this section snd
Mho forestry offlcals ha reached an
' acuta stage and thera ta every proba
bility ttmt the grievance of the Baker
Union Counties' Wool Growers' associa
tion will bo appealed to th' officials at
Washington! , ' '
A meeting wa held In thla city yes
terday between K. ir. O'Brien of tha
Wallowa reserve, and District Forester
Chapman, and tha wool grower of thla
eectlon.' The growers allege that last
year the officials agreed to allow on
the Wallowa reserve 125,000 sheep from
Wallowa county ana" 180.000 from Baker
and Union rountle. but only . 65,000
sheep were admitted from Walla Walla
. and 9,000 from Baker and Union coun
ties. .The sheepmen now ask that the
original limit ha established again and
the larger number of aheep admitted.
Serious charges are made agalnat H.
K. O'Brien of the Wallowa reaerv. the
heepmen believing: and'lntlmattng that
Mr. O'Brien's buaineaa Interests, hia re-
.latlonahlp commercially, aoclally and
financially are of such a nature that he
ta unduly Influenced In tnattera pertain
ing to theVange. The aheepmen de
manded of Mr. Chapman that they have
a hearing on these allegations and that
'he give a decision. All complaint were
reduced to writing and Mr. Chapman
took the caae under advisement. It la
generally believed that the meeting,
, which ended yesterday' afternoon, Is
merely the foundation for an appeal by
the aheepmen - to the department at
'Washington. , .--,;.' '.;'- .
(Culled Press Leae4 W Ire. I J: '''
Stanford University, Cat, Feb. 13.
' With his skull laid open and his. brain
mutilated. John Andrew Bergstrom, pro
teaaor of education In Btanf ord unl-
rt-w na tn emi-toroor in a Palo
Alto -hospital. Hla Ufa, hanging by a
thread may be saved, but til sight will
be gone.:-' ' ' '.'-. .,-';' - ' . ' '
m.i.rt i.i.ha at first little need-
ted, attacked, professor Bergstrom about
a year ago. When time brought no re
lief, Jie stayed doggedly at hia work,
fearing that an operation or prolonged
. absence might necessitate a discontinue
'ance Cf'hls work. '; - ' f- - . '
The pain finally became Intolerable,
'and two month ago Professor Berg
Strom went under the knife. - It was
found nebeaaary to probe hla skull, and
In the operation hla brain, for a score
of years the highly trained store house
of specialised knowledge for which he
has become a national authority, suf
fered'. Injuries f row which. 1 wl11 never
' recover. v , :. '.
For two montrs Professor Bergstrom
has put up a wonderful 'tight for life.
There U still hope that he may win his
battle, but at best he can be but a
''shadow of his former self, and bis Ufa
will be on of darkness, t
Mclnryre & Heath Tomorrow Night.
i Beginning tomorrow (Sunday) nia-nc
and contlnuina; - Monday and, Tuesday
nlshta, with a special price matlne
-1 Tuesday afternoon, Klaw 4 Erlanger
'will present the liavorlte black face
comedian, Mclntyre and Heath, at the
BunGftlow theatre, in their latest mus
ical play success, "In, Haytt," - Beat
, now selling at theatre. v .. ,,
,y Acrobats Supreme.
Supreme In the acrobatic world are
the MontroBe troupe of even first clas
. . athleter who- are headlnar-the- bill at
the Grand.) Thl program will close
with the Sunday night performance.
The Montrose acrobat have a specialty
which . la novel, and differ from the
common act of athlete. .
-"" 1 ''' m' :
. Blake's Mole a Wot.
. Gales of laughter sweep Pantages
thl week:' whenever Maud Hee Haw
make her appearance. ' Maud' Is the
original mule seen In tha funny paper,
and ft substantial prize la offered at
every performance to any. one. who can
ride ber for a minute. , .
Last Tim for 'Deadwood Dick.",
Deadwood Dick will flre eSI last shot
for the last time at the Portland to
night, and If you., haven't - een thl
' splendid melodrama you have missed
one of the treats of the season. Every
body 1 pleased with the member of
the new stock company. ' .
Monkey Act Is Full ot Fan.
A fine collection' of well trained mon
key, presented by j;. W. Clark, on the
' bill at the Orpheum this week, offer
a unique novelty, giving a varied enter
tainment. In which they really do every
thing but talk. The intelligence dis
played by these wonderful' little ani
mals Is truly marvelous. V.,
--s. ii n i . y-'.A.'tV; a
"Wildfire" .Tomorrow. ;
"Wildfire," tlje famous' racing5 com
edy, will be the attraction at the Baker
theatre all next week, starting tomor
row matinee. 'Little Will -Archie Is
still In his famous character of "Bud,"
the stable boy and beautiful Pauline
'Hall is playing tha widow this season.
s ' Inut Time Tonight.
V The closing performance of the pow
erful and Intense play "The Right of
Way," will be given at the Baker to
night. This is the dramatisation of
Gilbert Parker's widely read novel, and
presented- by ft- strong J New York com-
.'pany.j : j.. f: v.
(Sprcial PldpntaB to The ooril. ' '.
Castlerock. Wash.. Feb. 12.-r-This city
Is threatened -with , an epidemic of
smallpox. A young-man of this city has
bffen afflicted with It, but did not know
lt'and as he ,was not very sick, kept
working In ft shingle mill on the west
side where ft number of people are em
ployed. . Several children hi the family
where be Is staying are also said to
have jt, but have been going to school
right along until today, and were only
prevented by the fact that the parents
finally became auspicious and called Dr.
Campbell, the, ejty health officer, who
on examination at once pronounced the
disease smallpox' and placed the family
under quarantine. The cases so far are
very mild; but may develop Into a viru
lent form In some cases should It
spread, as was the case three years ago,
when this city had such a visitation.)
However, everything possible It being
done by the rlly ami county officials li
prevent a recurrence ' of the experience
at that time.
Albany, Or,, Feb. 1J. As soon aa the
weather will permit improvements will
be made on several buildings In the
bualnes section of Albany. C. IL Bur
graff will erect another etory over hi
building on Second street, ' which will
he occupied by the Bell Telephone com
pany. The new atory will contain sev
eral office room and four-room apart
ments, with steam and . modern" equip
ments In all detalle. , -
J. W. Custck will add another atAry
to the Dawson drug atore building.
The amall building oft Broadalbin
street at the rear of the bank will be
torn down and a two-atory office build
ing will be erected In their atead. The
building will have .modern equipments,
including all the conveniences, with
steam heat.
.New Hnlldlng at Engine.
Eugene. Or.,' Feb. 12 The concrete
blocks fr the new1" restaurant which
T. H,, Kill jwtll build for the A. L,
Smith company near the depot have
been delivered. The foundation U al
ready In.
i i .. j
Monday, feb. 14, Is V
; j Opening Day '
Next Sunday' papers will hold
a lull-page aruiolincement there
will be burning- interest in it
for YOU. v , ' , :
. ;Watch for it. .'. - . f '
'.' '.
See our beautiful colored en
largement of the Reed Institute
site, on exhibition in; our windows
it is wortb your while. . .,
'"'- board' of Tradle l Bldg-."
' - - ' . ONCEL'
838-40 ' Chamber 'oi Com
merce Bldg Portland, Or. ;
THe one best place In Portland to buy.
Geographical center and most desirable
residence property In the city.
. Seeing Is believing. Better go and
see the many, choice residence under
construction and the Improvements going-
on. j ?
The Oregon Real Estate Company
Unless you Invest money. . People Jthftt
are. satisfied with a small rate of in
terest on their money, never realise
much from their savings. Treble the
Interest would -not do Justice to the
rapid Increase in values that ft small
Investment would make for you in Greg
ory Heights. Come today while you can
still get lots as low as $175 and up;
easy terms; Bull Run water, cement
sidewalks and curbs. Office at the end
of .the Rose City Park cariine,
11 Per Cent Investment
Can be made 16 per cent In
i , -WNoh Hill anarttnent house seo-
'-. tlon. Sure to Increase In value.
: Chamber of Commeroe.
Fire Insuriaqce
Xieal Xstaxe ana Mortgage xoana, vor.
4th and Oak Bt., Henry Bldg. Phones
Alain U8, A-tl.l. no uavo uivuc i
loan. . i . -
300 acres, 240 in high stat of culti
vation: part set to clover, balance open
pasture, a few trees, a fine creek, many
springs, on a splendid road; - one-wile
from town; splendid improvements; 76
per acre. See photo and owner.- v
-' ' -- GEO. E. : WAG-GOSTXB, .
.,'.-. 8li3 Board of Trade. ,
You CariDot Make Money
We must know at once, if
you get in on this -platting
acreage. It will make you
two to three hundred per
cent on amount invested.
If you have some idle
money and mean business,
call on us and we will give
you the best money-maker
in the city. It. is in city,
close to car. .
Don't put off No phoning.
Brong-Stcelc Co.
1 , 110 Second Street .
HKATireii BEronx
A larite high pressure area tretche
from HrltlBh rolumblii southeHKtward
to Missouri and a storm of majkel en
ergy has moved fom the lower MIhcIs
slppl valley northeastward to the mid
dle Atlantic atatea. Light precipitation
has occurred In tfce north I'uclflo states,
being iu the form of snow east of the
r- . ...Jt l. I 41,. Wll.
I v anv ni. iiiiii 11 to , 11 m .1111 inm in v
lamette valley and 1'uirei oouna coun
try. General precipitation has occurred
everywhere east of the Mississippi river,
being mostly In the form of snow in
the iorthern states "snd rain In the
.aoutnern slates. In the New England
and middle Atlantic states the precipi
tation was exceptionally heavy and was
generally accompanied by high winds.
The lndlcatrons are for rain in west
ern OreRon and Washington Sunday,
, with probably, fair weather In eastern
Oregon and rdaho. The winds along
ins coast will increase ana veer num
the east to the southeast.
i Max. Min. Preclp.
Atlanta, Ga 8a,- 2 ..1J
Blaine. Wash. .... 28 ' ,
BoIbo, Idaho k...... S I '.04
Boston, Mass 80 , S4 , , 100
Buffalo, N. T ! .' 14 J.04
Chicago, 111 8 14 ; T.
Cincinnati. O 80 . IJ ' .41
Denver, Colo. 8 .24 ' T.
Detroit, Mich.,.,.,,. 28 s 18 - .20
El Paso, Texas 62 ' S3 1 .00
Galveston, Texas ... 48 43 , .00
Havre, Mont ....... 30 18 -00
Helena, Mont. 82 24 .00
Jacksonville, Fla, .. 68 42 ' .14
Kallspell. Mont ... 32 ,18 .00
Kansas City, Mo. ... 88 . 8 , .00
Knoxvllle, Tenn, ... 84 28 . .93
lAi Angeles, Cal.,... 72 64 . ,.0')
Marquette, Midi... 24 . . 22 , . .82
Marahfleld. Or. . 60 , 44 . ...
Memphis. Tenn. ...- 38 30 .13
Miles City. Mont. .. . 28 10 .00
Montgomery. Ala. .. 44 82 , .28
New Orleans, La,. 44, -'.88., v....
New York. N. Tt. . . . 82 22 . .88
NorroiK. vs, ....... o
North Yakima, Wash. 44 80 . T.
Oklahoma, Okia ... ei ,
Omaha, Neb. 24 . t .00
Philadelphia. Pa. ... 84 ' 22 - - .70
Pittsburg. Pa. 88 18, 1.08
Pocatello, Idaho .... 82 , ' 18 T.
Portland. Or.,..,,... 42 89 - .03
Roeeburg. Or. . 8 . 48 .v- ..00
Sacramento, Cal'.. i. 68 - 44 '.JO
Bt Louis, Mo. ...... 40 ,:. 14 It, -02
Bt Paul. Minn 14 r5 - -2?
Salt Lake. Utah .... 43 ,. 22 .01
San Antonio Texai 84 i; . 84 .00
flan Franrfisco. Cal,-.'8 48 .00
Seattle. Was i ..... 44 . ; 84 .00
Siskiyou. CftL ..48 84 .00
Spokane, Wash. .... 38 . 24 .00
Tatoosh 11., Wash.. 44 40 .00
Victoria. B. C. ...... 44 ". J4X T.
vvaiii tw i4a bom , ; -, 1 Z
Wiishlnjcton, D. C.t. . 83 V, J4 , .62
"' ' v
Alfred Moss, 132 Union ftvSnue, 22,
and Zllla Lewis, 20. . ' ' ' -
Lew Margan, 205 Lincoln street, 21,
and Blanche Ztrell, 19. . .
M. E. Meyer, 412 Alder treet, II, ftnd
Jslla Swlck, 24. -;
Bernhard Holders, 109 Eighteenth
Street, 26, and Matilde Felske, 22.
PRIVATE) loan on short terms, note
or other-good securities, In Soms from
$10 to $200. Inquire Jack C. Mayer,
1 Wimawi ave., city
WADDING carda W. O., Smith Co
Washington bldg corner r 4ta and
Washington ts.
DRESS suit for rent all slea Unique
Tailoring uo u piara su
CLARKE BROS., florists; flneflower
and floral design. 889 ?orHson t
BELLINGER To Mr. and Mrs. Emmet
Bellinger,. Portland hospital, February
ISBERcU-To Mr. and Mrs. ' Henry 1s-
berg, 313 Fourteenth stnget, February.
8 & boy " r ' . - v
GOSSERTo Mr. and Mr "William
Gossef, 669 East r Couch street,- Feb
ruary 11, a girl, . : ''i
LEWIS To Mr. and Mrs. Glfford M.
Lewis, 614 Jefferson street, February
7, a boy. : . i ' y
HONSBERGER To Mr. and Mrs.
Joshua Honsbergef, Portland. Or,
January 28, a boy. .
HEGLER-To Mr. and Mr. N. U. Heg-
ler7 Firland station, February 8, ft
boy.- '-1 . -
ELLIOTT To Mr. "and Mrs. Rdert
Elliott. Sixth street. February 2, a
boy. ,. " '
PINKERTON To Mr." and Mrs. H. E,
Plnkerton, 417 East Eighth .-? street,
January. 6, a boy.
STROM To Mr. and Mrs. Erio 8trom,
Grenberg. Or., January 8. a boy.
THORNTON To Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
E. Thornton, 691 Locust street, Janu-
ary 28, a boy.
MATHEWS Alexander Mathew. 1838
I von street, t'ebruary H, age 18 day;
premature birth. (." . ; 1 -z .
WEBBER Rachel Webber. Portland
, sanitarium, February ; Id, ago 61;
myocordltia. ' A .
MANCIET Evelyn Manctet. 188 Car
uthers street, February 10, age 27 ;
tuberculosis. ' '
MILLS Mary M. Mills, 04 East Fifty
third ; street, .February 10, age SO;
WELKER Prentice Welker, Lents, Oti,
February 9, age 6; pneumonia.
RERRES Frank Serres, 8U-Vtecent's
sanitarium, February 9,. age 2. years;
scarlet fever.
CLARK Maude Clark, 410 East Tenth
street, February 8, age 21; tubercu
losis; - - - -
MAX M. SMITH, florist 160 6th st- op
posite Meier ft Kranka Main 7215.
OREGON" lodge, No.. 101. A.
F. & A. M. Spe7ial communication'.-'
this (Saturday)
evening at 7:30 o'clock, Ma
sonic, temple.v E. A. degree.
Visiting brethren cordially, In
vited. By order W. M. -A.
M. W. A., Rose City camp 6466, meets
Monday evenings. Selling Hlrsa Blag
West Park snd Washington. F. J.
Darlington, clerk, 226 Alisky bldg. Phone
Main 60Z8.
HALL -for rent, 245 W N. 17th, corner
Marshall; lodges, meetings, dancing
SCnOOi; price reasunaniB. xvain uh;
R. N. -A., Oregon Rose camp, meets
-Wedaesdav evenlnes. Alisky hall. 3d
BIIU mviuowu
R. N. A., Marguerite camp, meets every
Thursday evening In Savoy hall. East
Burn aiqg iirggfc nvcuup.
LOGUS halt 30x75, afternoon and even
Ings. 91 Grand ave., cor. K. Wash.
HALLS for Vent - Drew bldg., 162 .2d
St., nfar morriBun.
EAST SIDE funeral directors, suceess
ors to F. S. Dunnlng.Inc. K. 62. B-3S26
EDWARU HOLMAN. undertaker. 228
3d St Lady assistant Main 607. , . .
' funeral i)ii;ncror,3
Zellcr-Byrncs Co. iWKK
phoni-s; . lmly 'iisslstant Most "modern
e tntillluiirnt In city. '!
Dunninp & Alclintce'r'nif.
very detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430,
A-4.V.S. I.adr SMHlstant
eaut aide umlpriaker.
dy runlstant n-lkHH;
71. 428 F.nt Allr.
J. P. Fialsy Sea "ii'df-V-
Iady attendant. Main 9:
1M A-223G; lady
Phones C-2114 and A-4441.
PACIFIC Title-A Trust Cn.. the loading
abwtrectors. 104-6-8-7 Kallltig bids.
5?orthwit Hi'Hy (jo. lo Alios
. tJenftlelwn. lots 3, 4, block 4.
..lder HprliiKS ...I' 600
Lena U. I'bIiiht and husband to
Mary Peronto, lots 10, block
2. Ilardlman's addition 1,200
Wllber Berry and wife to L. A.
I'lkbr. lots 13, 20, block I,
Kdcndale 8.000
John M. Pltlenger and wife to
James SHrsfUld, lot 13, block
104, Irvirigton ... '1,600
Irvington In v. Co. to J. J, Arm-
strong, lot 14, block 24, Irving
ton .
Rose City Park association to ,
soar Johnson, lot 1, block 188, '
Rose City Park . v 100
Edward . Noiiman and wife to
. . Anna C tuhmeer, ot 8, block
2. Castle Ann addition ....... 1.100
Ellxabeth 'Beaureifard and hue--
v band to' Anna M. Hmlth, north'
half of lots 1, 2, hlock 70, 6uu
nyslds Third addition ., 1,700
Laurel hurst Co. to M. Lawler,
lot 16, block 17. Laurelhurst. .- 800
Title Guarantee 4V Trust Co. to . -Nora
A. PUlshtiry et al lot 1,
2. block 24. Hns'tnere 1,100
Western Oregon Trust Co. -to A.- ,
Cowpcrlhwaite et al. lot 1.
block 1, Creston........ ...... 125
Charles O. Carlberg to George fi. -Allen,
lot 12, block "A." Cher- .
rydale '. - 1,080
G. S. Allen and wife to Charle
O. Carlberg, lots 1, 4, 6. 8 and
.10. block 12. Waverlelgh
Height . .'.'.,...'... '.......-i.. 1.676
B. W. . Nunnally to George W.
Bate, Co., bankers, lot 16,- "
block, 15, Holladay Park adUl-, . ,
tlon . . 7.600
J. 8. Tlce and wife to Mary Ross, w
west 40 feet of lots 6 and' 6,
- block . Arleta Park No. 3.,-. 1,100
Mary L. McCarthy to Jame IV
Hennessy et al. undivided half
- of lots 7 snd 8, block 30, East
Portland . ... t 10,500
Walter V. White, administrator,
to same, lots 7 snd 8, block 20,
East Portland 10,600
8, L. Hammer to .Charles A. Nel-
. son, lots . IS and 16, block 22, -
' Berkeley addition 600
Leroy R. Fields to Jay H. Upton,
lot , diock lit, l arier aaai-
tlon to East Portland.
James Dsrt snd wife to Levt
Heller, lot 8, block 8. Center
addition to East Portland....
Viletta L. Peterson and husband
to gusan F. Lafollette, lots 1
and 10. block 2, Bonadalr
Philip Blumauer et al, executor
to Ernest O. Palmer, lot 1,
block 2, Blumauer's addition..
Earl C. Bronaugh and wife to
1 1
Husie Hiz, lots l, x ana s, diock
9, Arbor Lodge ..............
Charles Clemens et al to Weber
. W. Frazee, lot 3. block 2, El-
berta .
M. M. Dwyer to Paulena Eklund,
-lot 3, block '14, Creston'. ....... ,;
Edward Lyons arid wife to W. P.
( Bodway, lot 3, block 2, Lyon
' addition . '
Emma L. Welch and husband to
' T60
-v Joseph "A. gellwood, lot 6 and
7, block 12, Kern Park........
Laurelhurst company to Hollli
E. Alger, lot 4, block 6, Lau
relhurst Same to Morton D. Alger, lot 6,
block-6. Laurelhurst
John Olsen and wife to Benja-
mln L. Cain - et al., lot 11,
block 9, Lincoln Park annex...
Portland Trust company to E.
O. Eaton, lot 2, block 100,
Walter Applegate to George E.
Reed et al., lot 8, block 1, Al
bina Homestead . . .
L. A. Eaton and husband to same,
lot 11, block 1, Alblna. Home
stead E. B. Holmes and wife to Martin:
.-RekdahL lot 88. block 0, Pen
insular addition
C. W. Priest and wife to Harvey
Simmons, lot 6, block 28, Ross
mere addition ............ i . .
T. M. Kelloca- snd wife to John
Held, west half of lots 1 and -
J. block 62, Vernon
Annie M. Jenlson and husband to
William C. Campbell et aL, lot .
8r-block-A, Portsmouth villa
extension ,
N. D. Fowler and wife to Collna
Campbell, east half of block 12,
carters addition to Kast fort
land; also tract adjacent, . i . ...
R. W. Wrilbur and wife to Kingo
Shlrota, 6 acres beginning in
; Base Lin road 20.1.1 chains
. east of northwest corner of
: V Emanuel Himmons' donation
land claim, section 8, township
1 south, range 2 east
&t. L. Holbrook and wife to Ame
. lia C. Murphy, lot 3. block I.
Court Place, St Johns. ........
Charles L. Bos and wife to Con
rad Elle, lot 1,. block 38, Pied
mont .........
Casper Gettman and wife to Con
rad Elle t ai,f lot z, diock zi,
Lincoln Park .......... ... . . .
Simon IL Guild and wife to A.
. Clara Gate, iots. biock ?t. Ar
: bor Lodpe , . .................
R. 8, McFarland et al. to F. H.
Wlggln, north 83 1-3 , feet : of
lot 10, blotk 8, Rochelle.
Central Trust and Investment
company to D. A. Dlnsmoor ft
' al.. lot 8, block 4, Colonial
' Heights . .. .. . ....
John Hawes and wife to George
A. Marsitau et ai lot i. ojqck
2. Strongs addition 13,000
Title Guarantee & Trust company
.' to Nora A: Phillsbury, lot 23, -
-'block 24, Berkeley 100
John M. Plttneger and wife to
, Bertha Shaver, lot 15, 16, bfock '
$3, Irvington ................. 8,000
D. J. Quimby and wife to Elisa
beth Carrlgair, lot 11, block 8,
: Ina Park ........ 475
Mary A. Run yon to William
Bibelhausen et al., lot 8. 9,
Ublock 11, subdivision Rlvervlew
addition ...... .i.......... 2.Bno
ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander ab
stract office. 413 Corbett bldg. Msln
Certificates of title made by the
- Title A Trust company, Lewis bldg.,
4th and Oak. r
LAWYERS Abstract & Trust Co.. room
Board of Trade bldg.; 'abstracts s
W. R, HAIZLIP CO. (Inc.), aostractora
First class work, 827-8 Corbett bldg.
PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, 3 per
cent Interest-paid 0 saving accounts.
8d and OaK sts
GOOD six room house, lot 60x100, good
location; bargain If sold soon. 965
oantenpein ave-
GoOD 6 room -bouse with .attic and 4
lots on Willamette boulevard. F. H.
Pagller, soz Henry ptag.
HARD up must sell 2 desirable West
moreland lots op 18th' st near Bybee;
east front-'-.- Fnone wooftiawn tis,
BT OWNER New ,6 room, bungalow
- with new furniture; this Is fine and
,,v'tn handle, "hone C-1298. , . -
OTHELLO will arrive in Portland Mon
day morning, oqiock. , oes eunaay
WEST ,Sld lot, 60x100, walking " dis
tance. Box X-416. Journal.
PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, 23
MODERN 4 room bungalow by ownerj
all or half e.ggh. "Woodlawn 2046.
PORTIiAND Trust Company Bank., small
chock accounts received. 3d and Oak.
CHEAP lots in Highland. Thone Wood
r lawn 823. - 625 Killingsworth ave.
) 650 60 bj- K0 nn Delaware Ave.,
rii-ar Kllllngsworlii avc,
t 650 fio liy li) on J'rcscott st, near
1'Httnri ave.-
700 For lot 17. block 2. Hancock
Htreet addition. This Is an x-(i-llont
buy. 'J'lin owner met
with an accident, and limtructa
me to jolt this lot at oiue.
I 60087 1'V KB f-'t on Molnmn St.,
- near tv-kl-y tlreii soImmiI: water
iimln in street; terms, l0 down,
10 per month, - , .
31750 Nice corner, ion by 100, on Mis-
. KIh-IhI ave., rtu feet ceiiu'nt
. walk In and pnld for. and 10U
, " feet of street Improvements to
. to be paid by buyers. A go"l
opportunity for a builder to put
, ii Holne Iiouhoh to sU or rent.
$ 86050 by 100 on Mlnncbota sve.i ce
ment walk, sewer, etc.. In and
paid for. ,
$i:60 V beautiful esut front lot on Al
bliia ave.. south of Shaver St.:
..'. strret Improved with crushed
rock; Improvements all paid.
325005 room bonne, nearly new, on ft
-lot 60 by 100, juar the Jefferson
high school and cnrline.
$3450 6 room . strictly modern bunga
low, near Ruswell street; term
$6no cash, balance easy pay-
ments. ' , '
' 848 Mississippi sv.-:-' '
Woodlawn 202. - - Home, C-2006.
Worth Inspection
6 roohi bungalow on Et IM, near
Clinton, paneled dining room, buffet
swell fixtures, elegant hath full bHe
ment cment floor, laundry trays, full
attle. Thla houe I romplete in every
detail. Don't look farther. Price $2800;
$1000 cash. (C14) ... ; v . .
" ' " . ' ' ' -
Bargain, on East Flanders 'at. Two
story , house, rooms, modern In every
respect: lot 60xioo, pretty, lawn, cherry
trees, $3800 $1Q00 will handle It. D3)
East, Washington st corner, new 3
story 6 mom bouse, paneled - dining
room, buffet, full basement, cement
floor, laundry trays: $500 cssh. (All)
- - TION CO.
- Phone Marshall 848, A-7183. '
902-3 Lewis Bldg. ' .
80 acres, 30 In cultivation, fine water
power, good flour mill, roller process,
store With tock of mdse., wagons,
horses, cows, etc., all goes for only
$9000. Easy terms.
10 acres, mostly In fruit near Oregon
City; good house, barn, horses and
wagon; $6600, ' f
, $ acre near carlln for $1700; term.
,1 acre,' 6 room house; $1000.
- '
, 320 acre suitable for cutting Into
mailer tract.
If you want good property, ee u
Near H. P. Depot. Oregon City, Or.
ii ii 11 H H II H HTl H Hll H H H H
H : $6000 NOW. . ' - H
H An exceptional opportunity H
H to gain a 8H acr piece of H
H land, beautifully located, 20 , H
H minute from heart of Port- H
H land. An Ideal spot, unusually H
H cheap. See thla whether for a H
H boms or an Investment; H
H '' 623 Board of Trade. ; H
The unprecedented rush for Olmsted
Park property that has been felt dur
ing the past few weeks Is a concrete
Illustration of the universal opinion
that is held of this unmatchable home
site tract. , . '.
There are still some beautifully ) lo
cated choice piece left '."'
Olmsted Park Is unquestionably the
property your property. Pee Jt rbuy It,
Board of Trade Bldg.
. $700 Terms
Carter-Dugan Co. l-
820 Chamber of Commerce.
Ready to move into; 2 good lots; you
ran get It for your own at the price of
$10 a month. Order the transfer man
to move you right in. Call at Greg
ory's office in Gregory Heights. Take
Hose City car, 3d and Tamhill.7 get
off at end of carllne. Office on prop
erty. - ... -
Brand new, rooms all large, hardwood
floo- and fireplace; lot 60x100. hi block
to car; will consider lot in Waverlelgh
Heights as part payment. Price $2800.
Call 2(ith and Clinton at office, or phone
Bellwoou 49. - Open Sundays. :
For Sale , ;
'. Houses, lots, acre tracts, on terms,
See Carl ' Hermes, manager Woodstock
Realty Co., Woodstock.. .Office 2 blocks
east, 73 pjock soum rrom ena oi w-v
cariine. Open Sundays. -
A Bargain
Sold by owner, 8 room house, east
front, corner lot, 77x100, and large barn
for $2600; 126 N. Taylor st, Laurel
wood station, Mt Scott car, : Phone
Woodlawn 2302. " ; , - -- '-. '' .- . -
Apartment Site
100x100, on northeast corner of Park
an Salmon sts., $58.000; , $26,000 han
dles 4t. 411 Henry bldg. phone fore
noons Main S220.
On St. John cariine $1500 cash.
Carter-Dusran Co.
820 Chamber of Commirce Bldg.
100x100 EAST 10th st, 2 modern 6
. : room house, full basements, bringing
$40 per month, . half ' cash, balance to
. 613 Board of Trade Bldg.
Apartment Site
100x150, corner of 1 4th and Mill sts.,
on 14th: house rents for . $100 a month.
Frice, $28,000; half cash, terms to suit.
411 Henry bldg. Phone forenoons M. 5220
5-ROOM well-built cqttage, lot 26x100,
on cariine. close in, $1350; $200 casn,
balance $10 or $15 per month; working
man, own your home: stop paying rent
618 Board of Trade Bldg.
Apartment Site
' 80x1 00, on Kearney St., between 21st
and 22d, faces south. Price $9000, terms.
4 11 Hen ryb 1 dg. Plionforenoons M. 5220
$475 Will buy 6 room modern bungalow,
m blocks from good cariine, balance
$15 per month: price $2500.
l3 Morrison nu
$30 CASH and $10 ft month buys new
6-room baugalow, cement foundation,
lot 60X100. Price $1350. v Inquire 221
Grays- Crossing, 2 blocks J south Mt
Scott cariine. '
BARGAIN 2 acre suburban home;
. buildings; 1 mile cast of Lents, on
Gresham or.fazadero cariine; $2090,
Terms. Z-tlS." Journal. f
IF YOU are going to. build call on. "Hill
& Slavlns.0 W'e furnish plans and
specifications free. Res. 389 Going ht
fnone wm
A magnificent 9-room liome, choice looa
tlon, . close In, Broadway- car;- only
$7250; every convenience. E. 273;
FOR SALE CHEAP A grocery store
building lot. 50x100, east side, R.-S.
car; get off Maryland ave. , 861 Mary
FOR SA1H 8' room modern hoiise, lot
fiflxlOO. 1t block from Alberta cariine.
103J E. 15tl N.
2 CLEARED LOTrf. It h fine small
treeo, SoxlUO each, -only $7i"0; about
third CBh. balance only 312 per month,
Including per tout Interest payment.
All street Improvements puld for and
in; cement walks' and curbs, graded and
graveled streets, city water, closer to
car and In front of the 10 sere tract
recently bought bv Columbia Trust V.
for 3U00tt an 'unimproved acre. Will
sell for lloi In 3 months sure, a Co
lumbia Trust Co.' -tract Is improved.
Phone Main 92fS3, or A-8485. Ak for
Mr. Sealiurg. 265 14th St., near Jeffer
son, and an appointment will be tniule
to show you thlw buy, .
126.000 I!iiaInH property ' and flat
. proposition, corner, pul ing 10 per cent
on Investment cau be mndo pay 15 per
cent; $10,000 will handle.
$8500 8 room modern bungalow, ex
ceptionally fine, on Willamette Heights;
E-7, terms. t
$15,01)0 Very flno home, on Willam
ette Heights; easy terms, or will con-
4 slder good property, , -
$2200 Now 6 room Cottle, close to
Station, 2 lots, fine place for chickens;
$,100 New 8 room modern bungalow,
Alberta; your own terms.
"' 627 Henry Bldg." -
Now set to walnut trees, the very fin
est soil, 1 mile of Mwn, located In the
famous Wlllametto vailoy- We Uke
rare of the orchard for 6 years and turn
It over to you In first cIhss- condition
without charge to you; very small pay
ment down and amall monthly pay
ments, Interest only 6 per cent; Walnut
land with 8-year-old trees In the same
vlelntty are refusing $600 per acre.
Start a small Investment that in 8
yeara will make you independent
Smith-Wagoner Co.. 811-81$ Lewis bldg.
- , $1800 New House
- . AYi Lots $1200
Both for. $2400 .
'Thlft 1 18 minutes out on Oregon
F.lectrlc. 6c fare. - It Is worth 33000;
reason for lmmllat sale; "no commis
sion to pay. See owner, J. V.j 405 Lum
bermen Bank bldg.
9rt Ai'liW HOME.
Here Is 20 acres with, 8 room house,
good barn; 20x40; 16 acres In orchard,
apples, prunes, cherrle. peaches, plums,
pears, 10 acre In hay and garden; good
well, also farm machinery and i some
stock. -Only 3 A miles from a. good
town on fine road In Polk county; 8J500,
about half cash. Smith-Wagoner Co.,
311-812 Lewis bldg. . '
, Fine Homes
" 7 room, modern, 20th century gas
plant, fine lawn, with roses knd shade
trees; acre; $700 down.
Nice home on corner, east front full-
basement 2 lots; $500 down. ,
A. f". If ARRIS.
Lincoln ave.. Myrtle Park-Mount Scott
car. Fhonc euwooi 1 1 1
.'If You Are Looking for
Close In acreage, ft wheat ranch or small,
well Improved farm at low price, and on
most liberal terms, see me; 1 handle my
own properties.
T. O. EIrod
620 Corbett feldg.
East Side Snap -
8 room house, modern, 8 room down
and 8 up; also 3 large closets upstairs;
imvuvn nail, S.W i,,u . i , . ' b . . ,
full basement, fine yard and lawn, lot
vuxjuv on 1 ncinitmi pi., t umi-n iium
cariine, Price 33600 32600 cash, bal
ance terms. ... ' .
41V Henry bldg. Fnone forenoons m. ftzzn
FIVE acre rlKht on United Railway
-.- line, only 14 miles from Portland. The
Very finest land, all In high cultivation;:
party taking this now can maxo nair ins
price on the same off the land this year;
price $1600; $260 cash, balance $20 per
nionin. v esnmn- wagoner k,o., .
Lewis bldg. - ' -
i f For Said by Owner.
l-room modern residence, with 4 lots
Or V acres- in fruits and berries, wiiniri
3 block of large publlo school; 2 blocks
00 ear line; all city conveniences, eiec-
trio light, telephone. Bull Run water:
6c car fare; $4000. Xt089, Journal. 1
A Snap . ' -
60x100, on "Quimby St., - between 22d
and 23d, faces south. , Price $5600;-
cash, - balance terms. 411 Henry bldg.
Ftione rorenoons wain dzzo.
A FEW lots left in the most scenic ad
dltlon of Portland; Improvements, in
cluding water and sewer in and paid for.
Price $500; easy terms. 431 & 432 Mo-
naws: mog.
FOR SALE; Cheap: new modern Cali
fornla .7 room ; bungalow, with all
modern . conveniences; big yard, with
garage. For particular call 30 61st at
Mt. Tabor. Phone Tabor 1089. -
By owner; corner, 68x100, with resi
dence, 12 rooms, unfinished; 1 block
from Hawthorne car. Mrs. Davis, Phone
Main 9312; A-7172.
- L0t',.V.-v'-r'-iv-
Fine lot In Broadway addition, 80x100.
AH Improvements In. Can buy cheap at
your own terms. 609 Board of Trade.
$2300 will buy 4 room house, lot lOOx
189; lots or fruit ana lies s ieei
above grade; all cash; this is a snap.
193 Morrison st.
WHEN you want a good house built at
a close price see me. I am arv up-to-date
architect and general carpenter.
Plans free. Address D-397, Journal. -
WANTED Uncompleted contract, small
mortgages, cheap lots, etc, that are
offered at a bargain. Smith-Wagoner
ijo aiMi; iifwig mug.
SIX lots on Columbia boulevard in the
factory district of Kenton; price $300
each, easy terms. See owner, R. , B.
Care y,' office at peninsula station
MODERN -room house. $2500; fine new
6-room modern nouse, jouu, smau
cash payment, balance same as rent.
Phone wooaiawn
CHARMING 8-room home, every cgnve
nience; fine location, .Broadway car;
bsautlful floors, ; fixtures.. E, 273;
MODER 4 room nouse, lot 56x86;
can be made 8 rooms; close to West
moreland; genuine snap.': Phone Sell-
wood 869
FOR SALE $550; 1 acre, cultivated. 30
minutes' tide from Portland; 5 min
utes' - walk from car; terms. W-089.
SNAP Corner lot 67x100, on E. 24th
and Oilsan; warn ia sen cneap, as
owner is going to leave. X-2874,. Jour
nal. " ' . -
5 Riffil Real Estate, new
& lyjlUd firm, live methods.
quick results. List with us. 414 Mer
chants' Trust -bldg. Phone A-1367.
A first class building lot, worth $700;
60x100; make me an offer. 322 Henry
4 ROOM cottage, 2 lots, chickens," fruit
trees, garden, etc.; all fenced: a bar
gain, $1400; terms; owner. ; Laurelwood
Market. Mt. Scott car. - .
SEVERAL fine lots, overlooking- the
river, close. In; improvements paid;
close to car: easy terms. Phone Alain
Zl.-' - -'- .- " ' - ' ''
MUST sell 2 lots near Keed institute
aita. easy monthly payments; no in
terest 9 Jz!il2IlJ
$2500 CAlsil 6 room modern house, lot
. 60x320, Holladay Park. 738 Multno
mnh et. Phone A-6273. Main 4332,.
MUST sacrifice my Wuity in good Port
land lots at once; ; wlU consider trado.
F-410.' Journal.
BY OWNER 5 room- new, modern bun
galow at a sacrifice: terms. 1020 E.
SAVE commission and buy from owner,
a five room house. Investigate thla
niinf, . i.-i ii ' .mi" ii.
LOTS 3 left. $1250; fine location; ce.
m,nl vfllks. curb, fi blocks cur: hth.
snap. 1303 corpeit st.
level, 2 feet above walk. K. 273r C-lse1;.
PORTIAND Trust Company Rank, 3'4
; per .cent paid on SO day call certifi
cates. - 3d and Oak- sts?.
LOT in Oiikhurst, 'IioHp If taken tl once.
ffW B. 14th Ft.. N. Woodlnwn !4.
6 ROOM cottage, eniall lot. cheap,, close
In. lnaulie 510 E. Stark et
ion sam: r.i:ii, i , i
. .. -X I !;-: li
i jjvi
$15 Payments
LOT 60x100.
LA lit HO HAIt.V.- ,
M('H LAWN. '
, ON G 11 A I 10 1 STREET.
Come out today ' and see wht an
exIraiT'llnary good pluce'thl 1st f"i'
oniy 2Uo. ii is ine ocai duj i ,,-r
had for the money. ,
. East Side Investment Co.
87th and Hawthorn ave Tdlwr 1 117.
3 acres on Alberta st . corner en
I - sts., 830 feet - frontage ner
car; .furnish clear title; If yon
can't handle the J acre I wt'.l
sell you 1. Call.
752 Chamber of Commerce, .
John. B. Matthews
House and two lots In Gregory
Ilelghts, $800, on very easy terms. Come
fiuick if you want this.
214 Board ot Trad".
Walnut Parle Residence
Six room modern residence on
;, Williams eve., lot 62x100, corner,
lots of roses and fruits. This Is
a beautiful home. Price $4500.
300 Henry Bldg. . K
To move 8 of the prettiest building
sites In Portland.
Present contract expires, when present
price will advance 20 to 25 per cent
To buy a home for the "Little Fairy.
In Woodstock at $150 to $2200. On tho
ridge; terms. Other opportunities.
r v. vink. Woodstock.
W.-W. 'Car. Three t imes and sold.
FOR SALE One lot near KllHig ort n
, cariine. Inquire 1187 Omaha ave.,
Ockler Green. ' -' ,
We have 19 ten acre tracts ot tha
very best land in the valley. 15 min
utes' drive from Canby on a fine gravel
road. We are going to close thesa out
this month.. Prices , ., ,
Ranging from $100 to $l$0 per acre,
4 cash, balance 4 years at 8 per cent.
. If you would like to own one of then
tracts, see us at once, as they are all
going this month,
300 Henry Bldg. Phones M. 5851. A -2 5 3 3
NINETEEN acres, near canine at i'l
. gardvllle; Improvements, 8 rocm
houso, i large barns. - root houses,
chicken houses; in fact, all necessary
outbuildings; 2 wells with good water;
4 acres in orchard, all land in cultiva
tion. This is- surely a desirable subur
ban home; price, $6000. Terms. .
. 805-6 Lumbermen's Bldg.
' Phone Main 3148.
Choice acre facing on 2 streets;
will make 4 lots 40x137 each. 8 blocks
to cariine, . ' .
;-v'; k Sneer & Co. -v-"-'.'-
' - 1000 Belmont st. '
WE have a tract subdivided into B and
10 acre tracts, near Tigardville, all in
a good state of cultivation; lays nicely
for garden, etc.; price, .$250 per acre.
T$ITTlfI ' '
305-6 Lumbermen's Bldg. ,
Phone Main 3148. "
, Only a few left; most desirable acre
age buy on the market located on rail
road, near utatlon; close to Portland;
running water and aprlngs in abund
ance; black loatn soil; $1Q0 per acre up;
easy terms: particulars complete from
BROWN, 411 Couch Bldg.
. Seven ' miles from city hall. U
are cleared, good berry eolL M mile to
Oregon Eltfctric station; $460 per acrt.
Terms. 244 Stark' st.- ' - - - 5 - - - --- - -
A FW 20 acre lots left, tract 35 mils
out, $35 per acre, easy terms, ,Own-
B24-8 '. Lumber Exchange. Main f645.
We have eight 5 acre tracts, 10 miles
from Portland, all cleared, small house
on ; one tract; $150 per acre. - Terms.
244 Btarit st.
SNAP. 10 acres, 5 in cultivation; house,
barn, small orchard; $1600, $1100 casn,
balance 7 per cent. Owner. East 6890.
or F. M. vn ance. zaa unwn avw.
OWNER will sell 2 V, acres for $1000;
near Gilbert station on the EstHcad
cariine; 651 , P- Morrison st Phons
East 5374.
FIVE acres, 2 acres cultivated; on Ko
ter road; beyond Lents;- $1550; $300
down. ' ti8 E. Taylor.
50 acres of Irrigated land in 'Twin
Falls, Idaho? 160 acres fine farm wnd
In South Dakota, now rented for $:un
year? 160 acres extra good land near
St. "Lonis, Mo. Call after ' Monday, at
3''4 Washington st. Room 613.
A BEAUTIFUL all modern. np-todtrt
will trade for city lot or close in.
ape. , Phone Woodlawn 829. 62 lvllt-
ingsworth ave.
.., . ivmi i vnl,' u bki m 'Hn Moll.'. 1 '
cultivatedron Oregon Cltv cariine, for
i'ortianci proptriy.-- nw, 'J.
IF you -want to sell, buy or trade,
- Shoemaker luv: -o., eat jtimry iiu.
Main 4I5, A-7 4 J4. ' ' '
LOTS ia Marslil'icld. and. sms chsu l-i
t trade for Jots in city, or, what you
Have, I t, joiii ruti.
HAVE a good lot in Marshrield to tf-!;'
; for piiuio. Address Ira Barber, wii-
lamlna. Oregon.
WK ctv trade your equity m pruj.1
furniture or anything you have,
5th St., room 3. ;
TRADE for lot.- National ; '
4. drawers; valu $500, Phvne
lawn 2 4 "t 4
FOR Rl'NT -3 ttt-ivs. m.o. i -
. ,'ninll Klix-k, $,! m..l!, l M ' -M"
f.lack J22,JJ?Z.Vnu..J-,:r.'..
$'.M Silciidd il. rectrict. d ' ' -'
fin 'view, alt lnnf"encnt; 1 . .
for l.i.Hl'V F- J I . J-"!!. ii
WILL I ra. .r mv ln(i--. nf. i.l il f-,r ',.
. li'ix. 17 it, City.
Wi: -SALE' '