The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    in:: o;:i:c;o:; daily jouknal. roivTLAiiD, Saturday lvlning,. February 12, 1010.
cams will
Will Bet Anybody a Kelly They
Are Contenders for Coast
: , . Pcnnapt. : '.
They can gay what they want about
my baseball "team this year,". said. Man
ager Walter JlcCredle this morning,
"but I'll wager anybody ft new hat
that my men will' be In the running
from the start and that we'll finish ,ln
the front rank. I know I have a young
team this year, but that bet g oes, Just
the name.;''- ' ' -
This remark waa ' In recpnnse to ft
suggestion that the ' dope showed hi
men to be light hitters. Mac Is mora
than merely, confident that his .team
will ba In tha running; he ia enthusias
tic over their chances. Bluce Mao haa
been on tha coast ha haa hern one-two,
Mcent In 1907, whfn he was forgetful
enough to sell off all his atar playera.
That year hla recrulte proved to ba
frosts and ha finished last, although he
probably spent mora money on the club
than In any other year. ; . . '
MoCredle haa won and deserves tha
reputation of being the greatest devel
oping manager among tha minora. He
Is to the minora what the astute Connie
Mack la to the majors, lie rarely mis
takes" ft man, although at tlmea ft' good
one slips through hla fingers. Ilka
Ilolna Fernoll, Billy. Bloomfield and Koy
WllletL But these boys profited moatly
ty the tutoring they received , under
' Mao. ' - -'' '' ' '. "
i .' . .VWfcy He lost tha Bag. v : -
i "No one can ever make ma beUeve Pfl
not have won the pennant last 'year had
I had Pearl Casey, and Bobby" Groom
with me." continue Mac. "Casey la tha
greatest second baseman I have ever
seen on this coast, and he has mora
baseball brains than all tha rest of them
combined. Losing those two men de
prived me of the championship. Couldn't
I have made the rest of them look like
haystack leaguers, though, had I been
poHscssf'd .of Cnsey'a . brains and aklll
and Bobby Groom's Slants?. ' -
"Last year I had to worry along with
three pitchers Iiarknosa, Carson and
Garret!. Onrrctt'a physique caused rae
a lot of worry, for I had to nurse tha
llttla fellow along and pltrhThlm when
Jk was Just right Wheu no pitched ha
was wellnigb, unbeatable.
; '"That made me use" Ilarknesa ' and
"Carson )n so many games. When Hark
nas la going good there is no team
Uiat-can beat him. Ho ia big and strong
and he nover shirks. Ilarkness . will
make good with Cleveland. Why? ". Be
muse he has everything1 a pitcher needs.
Let him take good care of himself, and
I look for him to make Hie beat, record
of any pitcher that haa gone from tha
Coast league.; ,
. J reels tare of Speck. ;. '
.''"I feel more sure of Harkness than
I do ft Carson, although I believe Ai
has It In hint, to etick If they give him
worker,' but ho is mora serious than
iiirat,yy7iyyTTtii Tibichfl.mnca
of tha successful twirler. Carson rare
. ly apeaka on the field except to hla own
mates, while" Harknesa la alwaya ktd- j
ding hia opponents.; .He doesn't play
for hla average Ilka a. lot of them, and !
that's another thing in Jiis favor. Ha
, is Just boy,, enough; to. take .' things as
'tUpy come.Vt Jv'S," .H - i -7'But
to get baekto tha teamN Just
-wilt until, the season is: nearln an
and and see where-my team Is stick
ing. ; This :y W I have Casey again, and.
I liave some other rood ones. Ana that
,hat bet goes with anyone."
' Bacramehto, Cal Feb. 18. beacon
Van Buren, tha veteran outfielder, will
wear a Sacramento uniform during the
forthcoming aeason,- according to word
received here today from Cliarlla Gr
ham of tha Senators. j
' Van Buren started out With tha Port
land club and has been: on' tha coast
for years. Last year he was with the
Stockton club of , tha California : State
leagues -having. ? switched' from tha
Korthwestern league last season. . He
batted .277 last year.
i, a dispatch was received here from
Cincinnati stating, that , reinstatement
to tha -list of eligible players was, de
nied to Monte-G. Ffyle by the national
commission. This practically means
that Pfj'le will . bo compelled to play
'Vtutlawv ball and that his services can
not ba secured by Walter MoCredie of
Portland. ,
Pfyle admitted to tha commission
that he played with the Stockton out-
1 law team when he was tinder contract
with tha New York Nationals, but da
fended himself by extenuating ijircum-
. atatjees. , ' -. .(.-,?, Zry'j!1: '
j Joe-'Acton-iOtiC 1n'evtTihu
Joe Acton, the , world -famous wresN
; ler of a few year ago, who was seri
ously, ill,' Is now, much, better, and his
' physician says ;he will be able , to: ba . on
the streets In a week If he continues
his present rate of Improvement
Cil J-JV-L'Li-U . , , ,, .
' -There is only one whiskey in the world that meets the ;
Cedar Brook test and that's Cedar Brook itselC 1 j j
Ordinary, whiskey may be aged 4 years and still bear
the government's green stamp,. But v v. ' ,
, 1847
.1 JK-
a , --S I
" v ( U'' '
).,': " ....... r-r N.' '
"'''"'' '' j ' '
i - - - t r '
Corvallis jQuintet MakesjWon
i'derful Finish but Washing-
: '-ton State-Is, Winner;'' 1
Oregon Agricultural Collega,. Corval
lis, -Or., Feb. 12.-r-m ona of tha most
jpectacular games ever seen on the local
floor -the Waahlngton State team, won
last night by, ft aoora of 27 tO24.'
.i3!lia-fealuie . of , tho game .,wa4 .tha
great comeback of the Beaver team in
tha second talf2ltli"a-acoro'if Jj'Ho
9 against them in tha first half. Captain
Jlorton's men won the. heart ; of every
fan by putting- up ona of tha gameat
fights ever seen here.- In this session
the light wearers of the orange piayea
rings .around tha giants rrom Pullman,
and had the gam .Jastajg three minutes
longer 0.;jLiC would hava won!. i f
f Waahlngton SUta ' collega gathered
only 6 points In tha second half,, while
tha Oregon. Agricultural collega tat
lied 15. . - '. ,-v. ,vi
j Captain Horton played ft brilliant
game for O. A. C. while Teddy Reed, hla
teammate, figured In all of tha passing.
Dalqulst and Englehorn were again tha
star for W- 8. C. r Kvenden took Keck't
place at center in tha second half, ana
held Englehorn better than var, scor
ing ona field basket, while tha big man
from Pullman could only get a goose
egg. TTTe score in detail and lineup; !
O. A. C W. 8. G
Heed ......... ..R F Lowery
Horton . ...Li F. ....... Dalqulst
Keen iiivenaen v. ....... xngienorn
Pugh ............ R G.,. Dewltt
Brooks, . Cooper. ..L G. .. . . . . Anderson
Fields goals O. A. C, Horton 6, Reed
1, Pugh I. Kvenden 1, Brooks 1; W. 4
C., Englehorn 4, Dalqulet 3, Lowery (2,
Anderson ' l.i ' Free, throws Horton '8,
fialquist 3. Referee Scott. Xaka For
est collega..,.,: . ..',,, ' . : - :- .
. . Kit. Angel Defeats Ashland.
Mount Angel, Or Feb. 12.- Ona of
tha" moat Interesting games aver wit
nessed In the collega gymnasium was
played hero last Thursday, when Mount
Angel beat Ashland, 28. to 6.' The col
lege, although outweighed, won on tha
merits ot its superb team work, and
accurate shooting. . Tha collega used Its
second team forwards 'Burns and Car
sonwho played? ft spectacular game.
Tha whole performance waa a triumph
of aclenca over "beef." ' Though tha
Ashland team used nine men- they suf
fered defeat to tha tune of 28 to 1. 1 i
:;kix Crucial ; 'Game Today. .
' Mnltnomah'a ehahca at tha handsome
Bilvercup emblamatid of :tna ioccer
football championship of the city rests
rth" the game s this afternoon between
the club eleven and tha- Nationals on
Multnomah field. - By defaatlnrtha Na
tionals tha club -wlli have a chance ,tc
taka on . tha crack Queens Park .team,
wthich has the edge on the others. Tbe
gamo starts at 3 o ciock. . , .
in Bond
- 1909
is aged from 6 to 8 years in charred',
, oaken casks. ; It is above government
' ' requirements. Cedar Brook is made th
. same today as it was in 1847.
r-V You miss the best till you try it. t
a W, H. McErayer's Cedar Brook DiitlHav, Lawrccctborst, tj.
IUnrr. True.:, ; '
HcIJ, Bir.rr.Snil
manage a team thlt. year ;
Football Rules Likely to Under
: go Startling Changes When
; Committee Acts.': ' ' .
- Tha Intercollegiate Football Rules
Committee la earnestly trying to aolva
tha great problem that confronts It Tha
committer la going thoroughly over 1U
ground. It wlsAes to avoid tha mistakes
of threa years ago when the- game was
supposed to have been, finally remedied
by inducing open play with, tha for
ward pass, onslde kick and greater dis
tance to be gained. Tha changes .opened
the gama for awhile: But It naturally
weakened the' secondary Una- of defense.
because tha defending team had to scat
ter lta backfleld to protect against an
onslde kick or forward pass. This in
duced more vicious mass .play., than In
old days ,;?" 'if 'ri
No-., ona' know ,aa" Jyet 3ut vwhat
changes will ba effected. In the rules this
year. Tha committee certainly will try
to placa tha dangerous alement of the
gridiron aport at tha loweat possible de
grea. - Until tha committee mefi again,
In thiB city on March J4, no ona will
hava much idea of the coda of 1110. Tha
committee has Innumerable suggestions
of-Teform -that "-will, havo-to ba studied
Joy me ruia inanera. ,
-. 7orward Pass Seams Boomed..
5 However, tha forward pass as at pres
ent cractiaed aeems doomed. It la too
dangerous a; play. Tha oneide kick will
aian h i iminated in all probability.
Spectacular f eaturea of tbe forward pass
may be retained ' under changes which
will confine its use back of the Una of
acrimmftga of the team employing it. -
Unnecessary' roughness will ba put un
der the ban. . Ai player making a eaten
will be better protected. The uanaaian (of allowing no -mart to 'approach
closer than threa yards to a man about
to catch tho ball seema to oa iavorea.
indeed, some suggest, a five-yard protec
tion and that the man ao protected can'
not be tackled -until lie attempt to run
with tha ball. n .' '. -,r: ' .
- riling tfp Condemned.
Piling m of playart on a prostrate
man will aurely be condemned. ' It Will
carry a severe penalty.- To: prevent the.
runner taking advantage of this proteo
tion It Is likely that hei will not ba al
lowed to crawl or creep once having been
downed. The .ball .will be considered
down' when - any part of the, runner's
body,, with the exception of his bands or
feet, touches me grounu. ,,
Interference will come in ror Bpintea
reform. ' varied suggestions nave Been
mad a in this resnect. It as generally
thought that It would never do to abolish
interference entirely, r But interference
will surely be restricted. A suggestion
generally indorsed, especially among the
larger colleger. Is that the runner muat
not be hauled or araggea oy. oia team
mates or la any way supported by them
after he is tackled. . Another suggests
that the man on offense -. carrying the
ball must not receive any help until ha
reaches - the line of. scrimmage.' . t
Kow Many Tarda to Be Oalaad,
Another matter which -la giving , tha
committee food for serious thought ; la
tha matter gained on
downs. Some favor. mcreaaing the yards
to fifteen for four downs. Others ad
vocate cutting the k distance to Beven
yards in three downs. Btm othera thina
that Within -lta 25-yard line a team
should not , be called upon to advance
the ball as far for first down aa It
would further out In' the field. -
These are but a few: of the many per
plexities that confront ; the committee.
Naturally."; every, college ana every sec
tion have their pet schemes of legisla
tion . Every one cannot be pleased. . But
the rules, committed showed that it Is
un to the task. -It will try to draft a
playing code with, the view of a dif
ferent and mora aafe game, s No Indivi
dual on the board- Is grinding any axes.
And the colleges shouldaccept and ap
prove the-rules committee's work and
give the game one more trial, at least.
before passing judgment. : .. . ;
; ' Brooklrn Team Wins, r' '
The Brooklyn i team won lta third
game of basketball by defeating & Co
lumbia university junior . team, by the
score of 18 to 17. The Brooklyns would
like to arrange games With other teams
utider 116 pounds. For games, call. up.
fAnn riAOO iwiAv
ruivtmivu moo mai
Kallwood 831 and aak for Joe, . j
Send Out .Low. Punch 1 Tfiat
' Floors Vancouver Boxer
Evans Wants Partner.
" (ttnlled Prei' Wlrr.l
Vaneouver, B. C. Feh.. lJ.--'l'he sched
uled 15 round contest t North-Vancouver
last night between Louie Long
of Spokane -and Rod StunVn of, Van
couvari terminated in tha fourth round,
when Long waa sent to hla corner after
sending his opponent to the floor hi
great agony from a series of alleged
foul blows to tha groin, and Referee
Hewitt declared tha bout "no contest"
and all beta were declared off. There
ware - howls of derision from . Long's
backers. Tha fight up to tha tlma It
was stopped waa even. j j
Evans Wants Sparring Partner.
Bnm..ivu1 knr .lttlr llffhtwelrht OT
welterweight, la wanted by Bobby Evans
to box with mm. 7vans is prepsnnB;
meet - Tad Whitman before Tommy
Traceya amoker February It. Bobby
la In mnrA rAitinn ffinW. but hB
needs mora boxing In his training. Last
night Bobby and Ouy Lee. donned tha
gloves for a three round go at Traeey'a
and tha air -waa full of flying mitts.
Neither spared thaVther and it waa tha
est klnd of a workout . V ' f
v O'Brien Will Go South. '
Tiac" rVirnell lnnka on Danny O'Brien
as a wonder and will taka the clever
lightweight with him to eanromia,
when' tha team goes aouth to train. Ha
will ni-nhnhlv ha matched with soma of
tha lesser lights around Banta Barbara
and 'Sallnaa until ha haa naa a mue
mora Jixpcriciice, when "Doc" will pit
him fn tha heat of' the BCCOnd
raterB. Danny la learning rapidly and
ought to max a gooa snowms. .
a. B-h 12 En route to
Cheyenne, where he will clash with Nat
n..... W.lnirtnn'l hlrthdfV. "Bona
Cruaher" Bam Langford arrived here
from LOB Angeles yesjeraay.. ui iics'y
fighter and hlB : manager, Joe-' Wood
man, i win donfer , tonight with . Louis
Blot concerning a match between Lang
ford and another husy in this city next
month. ' ,
. It- la probable, acoordlnr to . Wood
man, that Langforda opponent will be
AI Kaufman or Jim Barry. In view
VATor.'! aimceaa in seouring
Langford' s consent to meet Flynn in
Loa Angeles lata next nuraia, om "
been compelled to abandon hla plan for
brlnaina thosa fighters together la a
local arena. '."' ' ' '
Wwtrvian la mnnlnr over With OX
cuses for the showing hia man made
against Flynn in IjOB Angeies aoi. io
Amtt u. iirianii tint LAnrford an
tlcipated such an easy time with the
fireman that be neglected to train, un
til two daya before the fight He was
exceedingly bitter in nia conaeninaiiQn
of what ha called "Flynn's foul ring
tactics." .,; . f . . !, - t
Pallman Beats Aggies.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval-
i- r v.h 1 .Waahinrton State
college "made another advance on the
championship . Thursday nignt. oy
. . r i a ..a' 1 K In a. a-arrta
rearing u. a. v.-
that- had the f"PUtora on their - toea
from atari to nnisn. a w
i , irat half, which ended
with a six to seven score In favor of
W. S. C. In the aecona nan me oeavcre
,...a ih b riiah and 10 minutes be
fore the game ended bad a lead of five
point on Pullman, in a Dnujuu. yui v.
. v. Mm causrht tro on the
core and in a aerlea of apectacular
playa by Engjenorn ana up';
tA atiMit and won the game in the
laat eight minutes of play. '
'.' This Date in Sport Annala. ,
UBAfiim ' T-anrford. negro pugilist,
born at Weymouth, N. C ;
mii a. Tnianannits. the western
League of Baseball clubs organized.
- 1900 At eroOBiyn, UorK, unruuer
knocked out Jimmy Handler .in third
round. :','. .V-, , ''..
toni 11 Anaponda. Louis Long knock-
ed out Aurelio Herrera in fourth round.
1908 At Havana, Demegeot, in an 80
horuepower Darracq car, : won the 800
mile record for . professionals; time, I
hours. 48 minutes, i accimuB . .
"TWftre I becran nslnsT CaacareU I had
a bad complexion, plmplea on my face,
and my food was not digested as it ihould
tvMi Knv T am entirelv well, and
the pimple have all disappeared from my
face, I can miuiiuiiy aay uut wcla
are just as advertised; I have taken only
two boxti of them. "
; Oarence R. Gnffin, Sheridan, Ind.
,! -
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe.
IQc, 25c, 50c Never sold In balk. Tbe gena
me tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to "
cure or your money back. 82
Best in World
I absolutely guarantee
to cure you. - If troubled
why not be -cured?
; Major A. Woodla ' :
Civil vVar Veteran. 5i
. Jefferson 8t., room L
BX BkdB- aaf 1 t
Frisco End of . Big Fight Says
There Is Hardly, the Least
,J- - Chance; r- ' '
Bun Francisco Feb. il"Thera U
hardly a chance ln the world that Salt
Lake city cltiiens will buy out ' my
share of the Jeffries-Johnson match."
was tho positive declaration made by
Jack .Oleaaon. who haa just returned
from the Mortnon capital, whore ha
held . several conferehces ,wltlv 'Tax
Rlckard over tha battleground for tha
big fight .":
"It is true, as tha dispatches aay,
that a number of propositions were
aiade to hava me step aside," ha c'on-tlnueir)-!
told the people back thera
that I amTt4Mnejaruin and that if
they made a avfiloTently alluring offer
I would give up my end, but I don't
think they will come high enough. In
fact, I am aura they will not, therefore
I am golag ahead with my plana to
land tha fight for Pan Franclsoo. Rlck
ard will be over here early next week
and I hope then to announce definitely
the battleground. ...
'The Salt Lake people ' treated ma
royally and put up all aorta of argu
ments in favor of staging the fight
In their town, but I had to ' remind
them that I was for Ban Franclaoo.
first, last and all the time unless they
cauld ahow me something better.
"Jeffries la looking fine. In fact be
Impresses me aa being la aa good shape
ai ha ever waa Ha la ao full of spirit
that he acta ilka a school boy. Why,
he feels bo g-ood that after hla per
formance be works for an hour or
so. lie skips the rope, shadow boxes
and does other light 'work, not lastly
aa though It were drudgery, but with
all the old vim and dash. I made It
a point to listen to what hia audiences
said 'after tha performances and all I
could hear was: I'm going to get a
bet down on Jeff. No man in tha
world can beat him.' Ninety-nine per
cent of th people that went to Jeffs
Consult Me Now
No other physician employs a like method,
and so thorough is my work that there need
tnot be the slightest fear of a relapse into the
old condition.-. It is not a question of whether
you can be cured, but whether you, will be
cured. Don't wait ,utiti-?t is too Jate. My
'method ia oerfect and ' inlet: The cure is ab
solutely certain. I use NO KNIFE, cause no.
pain and you need not be detained from your,
work for one day. I especially solicit those
cases, where money has been wasted on elec- : j. tatxob
trie belts and other appliances. Tha XeMdiaf peolaliat.
My treatment Is absolutely pain
less and perfect resulta can ba
depended upon in every instance
I do no cutting; or dilating whatever.
iii or Afflicted to!
I Want You to Know What I
Am Doing. Every Day With
Just Such Cases as Yours
A weak ' and debilitated nervous
system la the underlying cause of
lost manly vitality.; Norvoue debil
ity la due to lack of nerve power.
There la no excuaa for the multi
tude of men who are unequal to en-
ioylnr the health of man In the
Igheat stage of perfection. It was
never intended that man at any time
.should be lacking in the essential
elemente that constitute a robust
man, nor would any man ever Buffer
those mortifying and embarrassing
consequenoes if bis nervous system
did not become weak and ehattert d.
Since the nervous system controls
the action Of all organa, and is tha
motor from which all power of the
body 1 derived. It is evident that the
proper and only- successful way i to
bring back vim, vigor anu vitality is
i -- . ,a n.Mrrtna avntam. T , re
vive the vim of strength in treating
men by a system that recharges the
nerve force, and when I dismiss the
sufferer there will never again b
sign of weaknesa, except brought
by Imprudence. , . , , ,
No Incurable Cases
There is no risk, for I do not treat
lnourable cases under any eoneldera-tiOTu-
1 Do for 5iy Patients AH I Promise Wim
My treatmenta are mild, my resulta Quick, ' I successfully treat Acute,
Chronlo and Nervous Diseases, Blood Poison. Vaj-lcoJVelna; Catarrh, ;
Skin Dlseaeea. Stomach and Bowel Troubles, Piles, Fiatula, Itldney and
Bladder Ailmenta, Nervoua Debility, and many other diaeasea of men
not mentioned here. No business addreesea or street number on our
eavelopea or packages.- . ..-.y.-, - -
- Consultation and advice frea If ym cannot eaQ at of floe, write
for self-addreaaed blank many cases cured at home. Medicines 11.50
to $8.60 per eourse. . .'-.v. ". ; -,.:
V HOX3XS a. to. to p. xn., and tmndaya from 10 to It.
St. Lonls RledicaS Co., Inc.
Xcr. Secesi zzi Um
show were imrrd with bis form
and were absolutely convinced that ha
had coma back and waa aa good as
The big fellow will give one per
formance here the latter part of next
weelt and then local fans will have the
opportunity of getting a line on him.
Jeff never Intended to ; aldestep Ban
Francisco. Ha simply waa not booked
for this city by, tha people he had
algnei with, but when I put up to bim
the mattar of appearing here under my
management ha agreed without healta
tlnn." '
Come to Me
and be Cured;
When I
Cure You .Q J
am a aaa al aa MM
rat the benaflt ?!?TPSa.
my treatment H1 T CK.
FEB roa A CTTMI la lower than any
specUUBt la the city, balf mat atherj
charge you, and no exorbitant ebarge
for medlclnea .... v v.j
I am an expert epeelallat hev bad
10 yeara' practice in the treatment of
diseases of men. Mr officea are the
beat equipped For fluid. -My m r. ods
and modern and up to date. My curee
are oulck and positive. I do not treet
eymptoms and patch up. I thoroughly
examine each caaa. find the cause, re
move It and thue cure the dlaeasa. .
X CDSB TarJooae Tetna, CoatraMad
disaaaea, FUaa and gpaclflo Blood ToU
won and all T -aaaaa of
BPZIOXAX DISXABBaU-newly ooatract
ed and chronlo caaea cured. All burning.
Itching and lnflammat:in atopped In 44
houra Cures effected in eeven days.
a tnnm cure, with
out taking medicine into the stemaoh.
M CN Vlait Dr. Lindsara private au.
iUOll oeum of Anatomy and know thy.
aelf in health and dlaease. . Admlsaioa
free. Examination and consultation free.
If unable to call, write for llat of quea
tiona. ' '
Office hours a. ra. to t p. m. Bun
days, 10 a. m. to I p. m. only. ,,
U8M ezcoirs vtH com. ox azoxb
' rOBTlAaTO. OB.
BTHctna blood yozaov
No dangeroue mlnerale to drive
the virus to the Interior,, but
harmless, blood-cleansing reme
dies that remove tha laat poison
ous taint. ' -
Thai nave Baffin tiie CKU cf r
PhTkicliim Yll1d (, tut lri, i.
ard iUffltdUi Aamiultlttod by C.
Sefi-al ..a r . w'
Try once more if you have been d'e
toring with tlila one and that one ami
have not obtained permanent relief. Let.
this great nature healer diagnose your
case airfj prescribe aom remedy wlm
aetion la quirk, aura and aafe. His pro
scription are compounded from Koit,
Kerbs, Bails ana Itarke that have b'n
gathered from every quarter of h
flooe. The secrets of thene matllrlne
are not known to the outside world, but
have been handed down from father to
son In thehyslcian'a famlliea in Chins.
v ' , pen Evenings and Sundays.
If you Uve out of town and cannot
call, write for symptom blank and cir
cular, incloalng 4 centa in stamp".
The CCce Vo Chinese Medicine Co.
X63M First St, Cor. Morrison. Fortlaad,
Oregon. -
Young Ming
. Chinese Medicine Co.
Wonderful reme
dlea from herb
and roots. Curo
Cancer,- Nervous -bim.
Catarr lv.
Ia Grippe, Blooa
Poison, Dropsy.
Throat. Luna.
Ilver, Kidney aivl
Stomach Trouble.
We cure all chron
! . Prlvala Dia
easea of men end women when others
fail. Hundreds of testimonials from
grateful patlenta No operations, llon
aat treatmenta Consultation free.
Toung Ming, J47 Taylor at, bet. Sec
ond and Third. Portland, Or.
The well known 2r. M. X. I
CHAIT, with their Chinese!
remedy of herbs and roots
cure wonderfully. - It haa
cured many aufferere when
all other remediea have
failed. Sure cure for male
and female, chronic private
aiseaaea, narTvuaneaa ,u u , n.i.
T -i
blood poison, rneumatisrn.
asthma, pneumonia, throat, lung trouble,
consumption, atomach, bladder, kidney
and diseases of all kinds. Remedie-5
harmlesa. Wo operation. Honest treat
ment Kxamlnation for ladies by HBS,
S. X. CHAV. Call or write to .
1164, Morrison St, Between let and 2d
Portland. Or.
Big G for catarrhal
llaeb i
ra ,.lBfli
'mat loot, , trrilatlona
ralcerationa of maco
loraaee. contaiaa bo
alcohol, which isaa Irritant:
for narcotic, which afford!
.bat temporary relief.
i Bi O Ccaaa -SOtD
Vvk. r..n. nniui e. !
w a a . r
'. if v, . .
Bing Chong
cures all diseases of
men and women by
uae of ' the famous
Chinese herbs.
orcrca kotos
I to 11 a. m,
to a p. m.
Office, room 1 1.
235 hi Alder St.,
or 1st St.
11 a. m. to 1
p. m.. S to 11 p. m. S85 Tlaaders Bat,
dtli and BUk
la hiterented and ehonM -know
about the wonderful
M ARVEL Whirling Spray
Xtte new V aainai nte,
osl mnvflniiui.
It elnanaes to
ataoUy., a air tmi, Mrfiarfnt for
If hamnnotfiUDDlV
no other, but genaitarap .---l"
for illimtrated book eealed. It A -.
fionainVahuibletoladloa. '"'n-m, f
UkKfV, CO, 44 Bart ltd St. SW JOB.
fat aaia by (kldaior. Pros Co... Woodara,
, Clark Co.. and Lui-Oala Dreg Oa. S atora
Each Cap- X"""S :
aule bears fMIDY);
the name NN
' ttitanqf counterfeit ;
c ....... ........ a., n1l. ......
i Dr, Sandersons Com pou nd
Savin and Cotton Root FilL-;
The best and fonly reliab"i
remedy for DELAYED PERi
IODS. Cure the moat obatln-
ItM v..a in 9 to 10 days, v Price
per bo- or three boxeu S5.00. Bold bv
druggists everywhere. Address 'i. J.
WbKCiVBlt Alisky bldg.. Portland, Or.
or corner 6th and Belmont, east side.
The busiest and mightiest HttW thins
that ever was made la Chamberlain s
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They ao
tha work whenever you s require their
aid. These tablets change weaknesa
into strength. lisUessness Into energy,
gloominess into joyousnesa. Their ac
tion is o gentle one don't realize they
have taken a purgative. 3 '
f.Jtai-I AK yr iwrua ? A, t T f ;
blba-Mir' lHaawwil .'..' .
la Ii.4 i"t "ii
hoxt-i, wua H:i,a V '
Tska n br. 1! f y
lVrB.'l. As1"Ti '
1 jr. j
r a ;