The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 12, 1910, Page 1, Image 1

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    "toz ::uu h -..zcu
Sunday Journal 5 ccnti; or 15 ccntt
a week, for Daily and Sunday Jour-
nal, by carrier, delivered. ' . vv 'V, VVO: ,Cr ' - --v ' v T-' ,,T- 1 '.. I II ;5TT J ,TTV
i ' " 1 . . . . - i ' . . fcl' " ' !" ' W ia '' "i 'im tV t tl' 1
Judge '. WolvertonV. Charge
Goes Into Details-Judge
;V-.Wjprthington Presents i.i His
: Exceptions.' ' ' '
Bfntr Hermann's fate la Jn the hands
e 11 of hi eountrymett-iV'gooa wen,
trie and. true-!:":,;' ''
, Judge ITolverton concluded bl4 Charge
at 10;B5 ociucK. juBt .one nour ana
mlnutea being required to read tha 31,-
000 words of the written .Instructions,
Upon the ebncluslon of the, charge to
the Jury, Attorney Vorthlngton for the
defense read a list of exceptions to the
charge which he asked to have noted
by the court, and following the swear
Jng In f the bailiffs, thd Jury retired
At 11 o'clock Judge Wolverton an
nounced that a recess , would be taken
until 1:80 and that after that ha would
: remain In his chambers 'tmtil kite to
night 1n order, to avoid holding the Jury
over until tomorrow In case they
reached a verdict, .t'- ; ' ''.,'
The Hermann trial began January 10,
The next day a Jury " was secured; and
January 12. Just one month ago today,
the first witness was put on the stand.
i The urevalling .'opinion around " the
courtroom , Is that the Jury will either
reach a verdict this afternoon or. else
announce Its Inability to agree. , . ,
' rrnlted Pres Leased Win.) u
Iiondon, Feb. 12. Central News dis
patches today aay the. Bailing vessels
Mathilda and Martial nave been wrecked
near the Island ot Majorca, In tha Med
Uerranean, presumably near, the place
where the French ' IJner Chanry foun
dered.V The fate of their crews Is un
known;. . t t - -
-,.Spnf Track alEdenbower. ' . V v
- v Swcial Dltpitch Tha Jonrnal. . t
. Roseburg, Or., Fob. 12. The Oregon
railroad commission V has announced a
decision "directing . theilSouthern Pacific
company, -to build a spur track, capable
f accommodating not - less than three
.cars- at one ' time, at Eidenbower, two
miles north of thJa city. The spur must
toe built .within t days from the date
of the commission's order. f ? -'
. ' 'i he; residents of .Edonoower.also re
quested the stopping of local passenger
trains; wheneec flagged. This petition
was denied.' " :
Hayes". Measure Interpreted as
Retaliation Against Rebuff
Suffered by Knox;
1 tTnlted Treis Leaaed Wlr.
Toklo, FeS. 12; r Seeing retaliation In
the action 'of - tha house immigration
committee, In considering 'favorably the
Hayes anti-alien bill, the Japanese press
and politicians throughout the : empire
are excitedly ;anflv adversely discussing
. the measure. i 'i 1f:i - "
The Hayes bill, which here appears
likely ? to'- become a ' law, provides that
no alien, shall; be admitted Into the
United Stater if. he. is .found ineligible
to become a citizen. This la considered
as tantamount to exclusion of Japanese
and all Asiatics. . :
The press ere Is a' unit Jn desig
nating the bill as a retaliatory measure
based upon 'the refusal of Japan to ac
cede to the terms of the JIanchurian
railway note of Secretary of State Knox.
"'"';.'' V':'l'-iV:lv -t C''
Jy.yy ii: whok p;z:.aci oi hb kUt.'ot
Judge Cake, Resigning ; Chair
manship of State. Central
r Committee; Warns Republi
; cans Not to Tamper. , ; 1
; Warnlng'iwae sounded In no' uncer
tain tones to 'the leaders of the Re
publican 'party-of Oregon, by Judge
William M.i Cake, chairman of the state
central committee, when lie tendered to
the : committee , his , resignation this
,s,Th committee nadNrrtet in special
meeting, in answer to the call of the
chairman, for ' the purpose of ' hearing
his resignation and for the further pur
pose of advising about and determining
upon ways and means for holding an
assembly or convention and the manner
of the selection of its members.
'. 1 Should Become Acanalnted.
. Judge Cake In his address accompany
lng hls verbal resignation said, that H
was. time the Republicans, of the state
met together ' and - became acquainted
It was time that they- reorganised. . It
waa time that they had, frequent meet
Inga and learned . loyalty and the lost
art of supporting' the party nominees.
"Judge Cake declared allegiance ' to
the Initiative and , the refendum and the
plmary law He aald that he believed
in representative government and that
the Initiative and, the primary law. were
adjuncta , to and aids of representative
government He believed that the lnl
tlatt ve . should be v changed so . that - It
would be a remedy not so easily abused,
where Its application would mean a de
sire on the part of the people to remedy
an abuse of the legislature or correct
(Continued on Page Three.)
San Francisco Chinese Scatter
$75,000 as" Happy New '
' . Year Incident.' .
San -Francisco.' Feb. l2;!-'The children
of the Chinese quarter today are happy
possessors- of nickels. J and -dimes given
them by ; parents, and, friends Who this
now year have distributed more than
$75,000 among the little ones.
In some cases quarters and half dol
lars, wrapped, in red paper were 'placed
In the . hands of., all .youthful, visitors
and the youngsters are having the great
est .newt year ofelebratlon-ever experi
enced by them In their, young lives.
The action of the Chinese In distrib
uting largess so munificently was
caused by - the rumors : that tong wars
had practically killed business in China
town, .The merchants . and tradesmen'
bit upon a plan of money gifts to dis
prove the rumor, . i . "
' Bridge Worker Injured. -
. 'dwdol Dispatch to The Jonrnal.K
Ijebanon, ; Qr Feb. M2. Thomas
Smith, a bridge carpenter, who has been
working on the trestle for the Southern
Pacific? company, on the Lebanon-Crab-tree
x'utoff,. fell from the trestle Thurs
day .and was seriously injured. He was
taaen 10 a jfortiana : nospuat. - e is
single and lts is said his folks live In
Oklahoma. '-i'Z'S'.v:i.sAi--
Eugene. Or., Feb. 12. Eugene . Is ' to
have a brick and tile factory. 1 Field
Bros, of Portland, recently purchased th
old brick yarda adjoining the .Masonic
eemetery In Fairmount addition and are
now,' installing $10,000' worth of ma
chinery. From 1 to 20 men will be
employed. .The capacity Is 40,000 brick
a day. - - , -.
Crowded Electric Trains Crash
getlieif Trestle
Several of the Victims Ex-
pected to Die.;.'
s , (rotted Preaa tcaaed Wlra.
Berkeley, Cal.. Feb. 12.-Twenty per
sons were injured, some fatally, when
a Berkeley, electric train on the Key
Route pier, about two miles from the
shore, , telescoped an Oakland electric
train that had stopped Tor signals early
today. A heavy' fog enveloped the pier.
The Berkeley train wis moving out from
the pier at a rapid, rate. .:,,. -f.
The- force of the collision smashed
tha smoking car 'of the Oakland train,
which was at the rear, and the motor
car of the oncoming Berkeley train was
hurled -on top of , it - All those more
seriously ' Injured were In- the Oakland
smoker.' A ntrtnber of women In the
next car and several In the front car of
the Berkeley train were severely shaken
up and slightly injured. '" A doaen men
in the smoker were crushed and man
gled, . Several were ;unconsctoue when
they were taken but of the wreck.
, a 1 ' iat of Seriously Injured.
The following persons, all residents of
Oakland, and all more or less seriously
Injured, wOre taken ta the Merrltt hos
pital in Oakland'. Asa Bennett, John B.
Diggs. A. ; B. Thurston, 'Jamea Levy,
John Fitssimtrtons, Joseph ,W. Girard,
W. Tt. Apploton,. Harry Chapman, Mich;
aei Halnea,. : Roberta. :
4Fltsimmona was the' conductor ,of
the Oakland train. He la badly bruised
and cut but, will recover.
.'H. F. Stone .'a salesman, 'la near death
at the Harbor, Emergency hospitat Ban
Francisco. V He Is suffering from a frac
ture of the skull, and it was found nec
essary to strap him to the operating table
before, the doctors could control mm.
It is not thouKht that he- can recover.
Btone was employed by; the Riley Suit
- Continued on Page Two.) 1
Trolley? Service Installed . on
Sandy Hook One Ship Sinks
: as Last Man Leaves
' t l'nltd Preas Leased WlrO
New York. Feb. 12. Seventeen men,
forming the crews of two wrecked fishj
lng schooners, today slid . to safety on
the. slender lifeline of the Sandy 'Hook
Ufesavtng station... The vessels were
driven ashore on Sandy Hook by a flrce
gale' which , raged through the night.
The schooner Franklin , B. Nelson was
the first to be sighted in distress," The
lifesavera attempted to . launch their
boat, but were carried back i by the
breakers, f The gun and line were then
resorted , to, with success. . , Man ; after
man came ashore in the breeches buoy,
which, beaten' by the waves and pelted
by hall, wtthstoodi'the elements until
all'; were rescued, i Hardly had the last
man left the.Nelson when she sank.
Almost Immediately the schooner I,ib
by struck. . ,The lifeline was used again
Jy the men ashore and every . person
on the Xlbby was brought to safety.:'
The Llbby seemed to withstand the
pounding of the waves, and it ; is be
lieved Bhe can be saved ' ' ,
n- ncatlr?spossibk;k a rcalftrotygcf Many good govsmment"-MKlm.i fin
, . ... v
a. ... !
i . ---r y . ...... v-.(t :
i "lijV''',!. i-:-i3 '.,
mar ataokt of told and silver, glad
tUrned ' the eye and- lined pocketa
OI unpauu aepoeiiora oi inn
.Trust' &1 Savings .when -, the. .German
American baiik . opened Its" doors thli
mom lnr.. - Promntlv at ,10. O'clock.: in
accordance-with positive ,announeemeht
maqetjasi Jiigni,. me psyina itiiior- wc
gan to pass -out .money toHhose whose
claims have .ncen approved oy im - re
ceiver. ;- . . -s- - .-; -.;
! Many la, line.,, f w.:
' Ahnti 9K Tw-rannat wr in line at 10
nVtnrir 'hut soon thereafter ' the "number
Increased and the line ot waltlnr ones
extended to' the rear or tne nana ana
back again almost to the Washington
street entrance, . t ne process oi pay
ment Is somewhat alow, as the accounts
mmt flnt hn verified 'and the depos
itor must formally attach hie
an assignment or. nis ciaira ia .
WllliS...-. $"..'---..'.'....; -J-.--, i
if ttr. Willis" who 'financed the
deal whereby V the depositors are. given
their money at the time stipulated in
the "contract of the German-American
when It assumed the liabilities and took
over the assets of the Oregon Trust
two years ago. Thedetaiis oftne Taia
in nf tha 13(10.000 needed have not been
given out and Interest In that phase of
ih. i,,iat hna hnn aubmcrBTed In the
glad note of rejoicing over the payment
of the money.
't.r. " , WOliB U Keased. -
A aHvlnsr' that he ' succeeded In
making- a i deal with.. Interests .in s San
Francisco and that - he is pleased .witn
th. nntrfime. : whereby ' the .money -Is
it. tn ment all unnald claims. Mr
iWilila i had little to say this morning.
He stopped m taej nana ,ior a. iew mm
utea this morning to, confer .with Pres
tdent a. G.; Reed, -but soon went on to
. Vila' nf tifA ' " t.I! 1 i V',. ,.'. '
"I think that a large numner or me
depositors will hot ; want tneir money,
nnv'thut thrv knaw it' Is ready.'.'-aald
Mr.i WUlls. -"No; doubt' many- need- it
ni' a. anaclat nuroose. and we want
everyone to feel perfectly; free to with
thoirr claims. Some of the denos
itora have told me, that they, would
merelyt transfer their accounts to tho
German-American,, ana or course we wm
appreciate the1 act of those who do. but
that Is a matter entirely for the depoa-
If A. " .4 . ' " V V -v"' ' ' '.' V .. .- ' ' v ' , . ' . t
. : V genSa Wlre'to eTlln; ; '
' "I,ast night, as soon as Mr. Willis was
certain-- that . arrangements, '. were- com
plete, he telephoned to,. Mayor Simon
and asked the mayor to aend a telegram
to Receiver Thomaa C. Devlin. Ie did
not send ' the . telegram direct because
he does not know where Mr. Devlin Is
testing, while the mayor", has .kept In
communlcatlonv with the receiver ever
since the latter wen toCalifornla for
(Continued on Page Two.)
e . ' The Sunday ' Journal for to-;
e morrow .will bethe .usual com-
prebensive Issue, -containing all
the newa ? of ' the ; day, eupple
e mented , by a wealth, of -matter
that appeals to the .varied, tastes,
4 ' of a, multitude: of . readers, and
keeps them correctiy ' Informed
-upon all affairs of current In-
The first Installment .of the e
story of the first transcontlnen-i
e tal automobile trip ia a feature..
V'. of special interest to automobII-,.
ists.' Besides tho attractive con-.
tenta .of the, several news, sec-.
tlons, the magazine and women's -
.section comes laden with a va-'
rlety of lllujBtra'ted articles and
4 stories of wide interest-to every.
".member oft the household, , "11 ,
I ' '
.. ,
Vl'." . ''-'' ... . , , ;,
Lacked 20 .Degrees, of Eole bu
Found New Land "and- Ex
plored Many Miles of Coast
- - . . l- -i r
,. .(Unled Prtas teaaed Wlra.) '
London, Feb. 12. Although Dr. Jean
M. Charcot failed in 'hla ..attempt to
reach" the South Pole,, dispatches from
the French explorer, -show that the
party s made valuable scientlfle , dlacov
erics and that the expedition was "al
together ; satisfactory." According to
the 'dispatches. theexplorer got as far
as latitude 70 degrees south, longitude
120 degrees west
- This placed the expedition well within
the Antarotlc clrcje but at a distance
of 10 degrees to the north of the po
sition "reached by Lieutenant Scott Jn
1802. . ; - -.'"'
. Sickness ravaged the French expedi
tion, Judging from, the dispatches,
Twenty , men who composed the party
were sick - during tho greater part of
tbe winter at Peterman'a island, nearly
all of them suffering from scurvy. - It
was feared f or, a time that they would
have to give up their expedition on
account .of alckness,' but Charcot finally
completed the "French map" as far as
Adelaide island, aurveylng a new stretch
of land 120 miles, long. This region Is
wholly, barren, and is .-; covered .. with
The -party tnen went Into camp on
Alexander Island,, where Charcot com
pleted the records.
During their,, stay in . the Antarctic
the expedition made a careful explora
tlon of the Isle'of Deception and Bridge
man island in the South Shetland group.
Brldgoman island Is named, after Her
bert L. Bridgeman of Brooklyn, sec
retary of the Peary Arctic club.- -
The new land discovered by Charcot
is : southwest , of Alexander Island.
Charcot said he did not attempt a
(Continued' on 'Page' Two.)
Peace Congress Delegates Are
Said to Favor Intervention
.; by Uncle Sam.
(United Preaa Leaaed Wlra.V --.
San Salvador, Salvador, Feb. 12. Moat
Of the delegates to the second Central
American ' peace: congress are: declared
to be in .favor of asking the United
States to intervene to bring about peace
In Central America. - It is believed-the
Nicaraguan - situation - Is , directly re
sponsible for, the sentiment, v v' .
A move is- on to submit a resolution
to'; the congress asking intervention.- It
wJU, not be, submitted, unless .the, mem
bers now said to favor it agree to sup-;
port It' "as lt'ls declared Jt-would be
extremely embarrassing for some of the
deleaates If the movement should fail.
Factlons-in a numoer or ina govern-'
ments, fostered by the Nicaraguan rev
olution, make it .advisable, the delegates
say. i, that intervention come soon, if it
convs at all. ' " '
The .congress has adopted a resolu
ion favoring the gold monetary stand
ard for Central America, ' i ,
..... . 1 .
SOLD FOR S330.000
Jacobs-Siine ConYpany ; Buys
.. .Tract;, Which ' Lies East of
. Crystal Springs ; Farm -Ex-
cellent Residence Site. '
"'.'The 'Joseph A. Strowbrldge estate of
300 acres, lying on the sloping hills east
Of' Ladd'a Crystal Springs farm, wsa
purchased today by Fred AJacobs for
the Jacobs-Stine company. r.The consld
eration waa $3SO,O00.v ' Adjacent prop
erty purchased' by the same company
during thia week makes their invest-
mer.t $400,000, , purchase . price ; for
tract of 140 crea.i-M.',', : t .".
The selling of this property; marks
the passing of the last of the large
holdings. In Portland. -, It has belonged
to the Strowbrldge family for a quarter
of a century,-and -previous .offers have
been rejected. The land sold for $1100
an acre. Three 'years, ago , adjacent
property , aold for'. $350 an acre.
Wear Institute fita,'-. ':
It is near the recently chosen site for
the Reed institute. Concerning his pur
chase, Mr.. Jacobs said.. Y ' ,
"We naturally feel greatly elated at
the purchase, of this beautiful property.
We have been .very anxious to buy it
for more than ; two years. Thi mag
nificent estate is of sufficient size to
alow us to. carry ouV a long cherished
plan which heretofore we have held bad
on because' of our inability to secure
sufficient property,. In one body. " y ' '
Ave are not at liberty Just yet to di
vulge our . plan of improvement but
have placed the property, In the hands of
Captain R. S.. Greenleaf, who Is engineer
In charge of all. Jacoba-Stin properties,
and he will proceed at once upon a gen
eral scheme of development.
"Our firm haa unbounded confidence
i Tun Mimed m I'aae Tarn.)
For Many Years Notorious as
Bandit, Kidnaper and Pol-U,
- itical Marplot.,
(CuHetl Praaa Iaed TVlra. v .
Tangier. Morocco, Feb. 12. Ralsull,
the notorious bandit, died today. Jt is,
believed he was the-victim of a poison
plot. .Ralsull first -came-into interna
tional prominence when he kidnaped Ion
Perdicarls, an ! American" citizen. - Tho
United States: government immediately
dispatched warships .10 Morocco and de
manded ma reiease oi.tne Buitan. ije
spite the youhg ruler's demands, Ralsull
held out and ; refused.; to- release Perdi
carls ' until, the sultan made , him gov
ernor of ' the: provinoe ' b!f - Tangier, f
He " continued ... as governor ' until
France and Spain demanded tils dismis
sal. He then fled to the hills and began
the careeV of raiding,' kidnaping! and
brigandage . that made - him the. most
feared and most talked of man In north
ern Africa.' , 1 '
The most dramatlo of his , encaDadea
was 'tha daring kidnaping of Walter B.
Harris, Tangier correspondent for a
London newspaper. He waa stolen from
his beautiful home on the beach of Tan
gier.; and a ransom Of. $10,000 for hla
release waa demanded,
For mora.-than; a month Harris held
out, though he was kept a closely -guarded
st prisoner In Raisuti's mountain
stronghold., . When : a headless corpse
waa. bundled Into his room and he was
compelled to live, with it for more than
a" week, Harris- yielded,' and paid", the
ransom. -. i , -n, . f v .;':, ;-'iY t -,
The last of Raisult's .victims waa Sir
Cald MacLean, an English subject wholjhey madn offiflal u!noii' -.-in ft
was military adviser of tha sultan. The
brigands released MacLean, only when
tho British government promised to pay
tU demanded ransojn or Sriw.v.T. - '
Members of Portland Architcc
; tural Club Will Demand Aud-
iting of Books Mr. Kroner
Wants More Publicity.
ErnesT kroner of "Kroner. & .Henn,
architecta, announced this morning that
he will head a demand for tbe public"
auditing of, the school board's expendi
tures. . .''.-.' "iY ' ' -
"No cltixen of Portland outside the
school board knows ,what Is the status
of those books," declared Mr. : Kroner.
"Millions of dollars have been received
and paid . out. . yet tho record of the
Income and expenditures, which are th
property of the public, has been re-"
fused, I was not able to obtain access
to the . books, and I do ; not think any
other outsider would be able to know
what method of expenditure has been
used. ' ' ,v v
' Cherishes Wo Spite.
! "I have not any spite against the
school board or Its membeis.' I am act
ing as a citixe'n. When: I found that
I could build brick school building
in outside towns 25 per cent cheaper
than wooden buildings are erected in
Portland, I determined that it was high
time we taxpayers should know what
was becoming of our money. If the
school ' board has . been dealing fairly
by us,! the. Investigation will prove the
board's vindication. It is our right un
der; any circumstances - to' know what
the board his been doing."" Y
Mr. Kroner and associate architects,
members of the Portland Architectural
club, have put their case into the hands
of Attorney John A. Jeffrey. inBtruct
ing him to inaugurate an investigation,
to-be voluntarily, submitted to by the
school board, if possible, -and If not to
put it Into the liands of tho grand Jury
for a formal . Inquisition.. . . ,' : ''
"There- are many things connected
with the. present school board's administration,-especially
, on- the part of
some of Its members, that do not seem
right . to. me."5 said Mr.n Kroner. "We
have statements which have been sworn
to : which we : would like..: explained by
the members of the school .board t.
whom they have been referred. Con-
aequeatly.- wo think it -high time to
have auch an Investigation, as we pro
pose tof institute." ' f
- Kept Bad Faith.
That the school board kept bad faith
with the Architectural club, Is the alle
gation of an -officer of the club. In
a statement made yesterday ho madn
reference not only to the wuy In. which-
the contest . for the JerrerBon iiijcii
school ' was dH-lded. " but the failure
to follow a competitive plan- for sut-
.(Contlnued on Page Two.)
Bolivian Consular Agent Killed
by Blanche Planchen, Whom
.He Had Discarded.
"U'olte'l Praaa tac4 Wlro.l
Algiers, Feb.: Ii foe victim o th
mistress he had east ur, f-no.'
LDachot.' consular agent for botiua,-
Ilea dead ln tho Bolivian conMilHt-. 1 in
waa Shot and killed lxft evening iv
Blanche Planehan white he w K' frr
to a nir in-his automobile to in juit-?
about the lot French llnt-r 'lij".v.
Throughout : the night the mil in.r! f
attempted to conceal the Ufent.ty of IV,
woman pud her- vl.-tlm, In .vw
official ' twioii." i'-'! ' '
tha affair.
Public sympathy hern 1 a'l f"r '
Planchen. !; Ilmvhot . w m uc- j
wa reputed to Im tf.'.?!.y.