The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 11, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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..Pubuikar j
ARTV LOYALTY" and "party
unity" are trie pnrases witn
' which ' the Oregonlan con
Jurea In Iti effort to restore
l'tilill.hril rrf evening (-pt Bandar) nl
wry htiinUr oxulnr tt Toa Journal miMI
li. KIIIU and Yaoibill ItTMlS, I'ortUdd, Or.
1 i i -i ii " I AAnvanllAA ml In AArMi Tit . mwt
FiitT-d at th pnatofflee at rortlalMl, Or., fnf iu . ..v, ...
ir.M,iMi0 iitraufu ih bwiu rconi-eM maeed lovely phrases tor the ore
milter. 1 - I rt I 4 .. j . . . -
ivuiiu lu eiuiviii auu mo rui ui
j Mil tits; Hm. a eoai. peacemaker a beautiful one for that
ieii iti viMrttor wtuit department roa want i paper to essay, i nan me uregoman
lUnUnitn Kontuor to., Iliirn. Ira Rullillnir,
'..3 Hfto urMi. Nc York; l(X7-08 Boyca
building, Cblrago. -
Hnbacrlptloo TMrroa by aull or to' any i4drM
to lh tultad 8lat, Canada or Mnxlroi
daily ;
on yw.. ...... is. 00 1 on inoatk.......! .60 1 ing an Issue that will do more than
On ar........tXSO On month.......! S&
On ar. v.lT.60 On month .. .68
no agenty in Oregon haa more dls
turbed the harmonious relation! of
the Republican party. It la Just sow
playing a game that . Is reopening
party wounds that thedirect prK-
mary had almost healed; It Is fore
No man knows so Woll where
the shoe pInoha as he who wear
It Abraham Lincoln, "Letter to
brcrelary Chase."
any scheme ever proposed to tear the
party wide open. When. In the last
stats' election In Oregon all other
elements In the party, were In bar
monlous mood, It waa the Oregonlan
with Its bludgeon and Us dirk that
brought on disturbance. Its comment
oa the speech of Francis J. Heney
was one pf the worst blows Charles
W. Fulton received in that cam
palgn. It refused to utter a word in
Mr. Fulton's defense, and,' though
the primaries were then pending and
Mr. Fulton a candidate, It said be
was a survivor of the old political
F THIS controversy becomes
much hotter It may become nec
essary for one of the officers of
the Municipal assodatloi and bis .y.tem organized and malntalnedy
Mitchell. It was a wanton effort to
honpr, the mayor, to put on the
glores for a 10 round go. Far be it ,nJure rulton before tn8 toter, and
lu.. wr w iuus counsel had questioned effect lif doing so.
boxing bouts, for It baa a horror of By tn6 Bame sort of Innuendo,
flowing blood, groggy pugs -and thg oregonlan contributed heavily to
Inockouta. ' But. manifestly, what tne jefeat of II. M. Cake and the
we are confronted with Is not a the- ejection of Chamberlain. Cake re
7: " 7 c"na'uon- llur nonor " celved no . newspaper support in
addressed to the-members of the Portland except that bought and
Municipal association cruel words
paid for In an evening paper. It
.1 1. - A t A. . - . a a
lUat rueci eenousiy on tneir re- was notorious and common knowl
,1,B" 9 "mon.- uuicers or me as- edg6 M over the ,tate that the Ore-
EoclaUon have replied la kind. They g0nlan wai onf-fondly to Cake's eloc
have said that the mayor's chief -of tlon and tnit . whatever, it did
police is his cre&ure and that tbe -rt,irit mn fnr Ma rift than
two officials are conniving at viola- hl, guCcess. There has never been
tions of the law. Ills honor, re-
r.'J. proportion .to demand to be worth
I" n.lvrr ;.B".r r.". ..N "going after" by the gigantic "in-
r' a V terests," but the time has fully ar
faTRA Yva Z t rtved, as Pinchot saw and caused
lll'lJ Uoowvelt to see. when these assets
uv uftj tuwc w a ulvuij uauiuvufiieu VA vamm1a .V.i eitA ev ha 4rrt
the ministers of the city, relative to u , V r?
thA wtn . 11-"Z5 oensely and Increasingly valuable,
should be preserved from the grasp
of inShtiable monopolists.
other large city In America or Eu
rope, And gives , the following fig
ures: New York. 16.5 per 1000:
the slightest doubt that It was hand Berlin,' 15.4: Hamburg and Dresden.
la glove with those Republicans who 15.$; Edlnburg, 15.2; St. Louis,
voted for Chamberlain In the miser "14.84; Chicago,1 14.1; Cleveland,
able hope of. throwing the election 13.93 London. 13.8; Amsterdam,
into the legislature, a fact confirmed 18.05. That i. London's - death rate
by the paper's subsequent effort to should be lower than New York's
Induce legislators to repudiate their and that' of several lesser American
pledges. - V. V, cities Is surprising. 'Portland Is not
The Oregonlan's whole treatment yet a large city, yet it is large
of Cake and his friends throughout enough to make Its death rate of
the state was brutal, and one of the 7.06 per 1000 a matter for local
most notorious examples of party congratulation. Even when Port-
.disloyalty, ever seen in this state, land becomes as large as, some, of
The slaughter of Cake was welcomed the cities mentioned. Its death rate
by it as another sacrificed victim I will probably be much lower than
to its unappeasable SDleen. Its theirs. ' . r
treachery as manifested In disparag
ing remarks made at intervals In
the very heat of the campaign was
one of the most discouraging ' In
fluences with which the senatorial
candidate and his friends all over the
state had to contend. Whenever It
laments the election of Chamberlain
and ascribes It to the direct primary,
it belles itself, for In Its treachery
and disloyalty to Mr. Cake It con
tributed to Chamberlain's election.
Had it counseled '-'party loyalty" In
stead of encouraging disloyalty; had
It appealed for party; unity Instead
of practicing treachery; bad it used
an olive branch instead of a dirk,
it Is not Jinpossible that Mr, Cake
By M.VOrerWt
might have been elected. . Such is
the 'record, and it is for the horses
to laugh, the old hens to cackle and
the pigs to make merry when the
Oregonlan ', chatters about "party
loyalty" and "party unity." A sam
ple of Its desire for "party unity"
(. (mia, Vvnt uoetC
Thoao aro print rains--unlots they
turn to anuw,
Do' thla and you will wear diamond
rrkay ba changed to, "and yoa can eat
It i a good time for poor people to
keep Lent, in, the matter of eating ao
nicau t . . .. , ,
The proposed expedition to the South
roie may poaaipiy meet ur. uova com
in oacx.
PortUndera ahouM remain In the eltv
aa far aa posalble, while tne cenau la
w i -
Fairbanks ' wants to be a Methodlet
among Methodists and a Catholic
among uatnoiica. .
The coat Of llvlnar ahouM not ha as
nign inia montn . aa it was in janu
ary; It has three loss days.
Among the many things . that ' are
coming up la Bait lake, which Is said
10 do nigner man eror ntrore,
8plte of his elxe,. Prealdent Teft Is
said to. be a light' and graceful dancer.
A dancing- eonteat between him and Joe
Cannon would be intereatlng . -
It Is suspected that Senator Elklne'
Insurgency la duo to bla dlauovery that
aome other Interests got more protec
tion than his did.
,e ,
Shouldn't policemen be supplied with
collapaible cots and blankets while on
fluty T It Is a shame for a policeman
iq niT io nunt up a wood yard to
ierp in.
o e
Complaint Is made In New Tor that
omo or tno -atnctly rreeti eggs
bought there have names of western
glrla written on them. And the girls
wcio pivvaviy niameq long ago, too.
o o
The city man thinks he would like
Only St persona applied to be census
enumerator in Folk county. . .
Tract of XI seres of rol lend oppo
site, t'oos bay from Msrehfleld sold fur
1 . a
A 140 area tract of fruit lend above
Moaler will be divided and sold In 10
V're tracts.
C'oiuerulug Her JVanic. '
ROM Life cornea -an lntereatlnff
comment on a dlicusalon In
.,1.1. ,U X'.... " . Pl.ln.tfA
viuuwomen nave recently in
dulged. The question in point
waa how much uae should a wife make
of her huehand's name. Shall aha be
Mrs. Mary Smith or Mrs. John JoneiT
Winter In eastern Oregon has' been Moat of the clubwomen said she should
rAther hard on stock, but lias been a be Mary Smith Jones.
fine one for the farmers. - I When Mary Smith and John, Jones
' , . form thel matrimonial partnerelilp,
in drllltna a well In Hood River val-ljnhn Jnn.. Ku.n.a ih. firm nma
-t?nik afVH-ninthSJt'm m,"er of convenience. The
struck at a depth of about .78 feet. f , M 4. ,nhn . Th.
A revival let In I-3ugfie preached on "rm " printed on the visiting,'. u'if. r!nr ! ih n of cards of the firm. If they are used. and.
reviving the poor woman's troubles after Is properly employed In all concerns In
so long a time .- , . which the partners as a firm engage.
' , " ' - u-t I So -Mr. and Mrs. John Jones" Invite
O. A.. Waggoner, Lehenon booeter, to -lnn.. th. h,i,ai.
says: "Lebanon Is booming- Uuyers :u... t T" .1 '"Z--?""-. ?".l
are oomlna- In every day.. Men from V"" w,u' "r nrr,S"
Miaaourl. who want to be ahown, are uor.
the kind of neonla we are setting. Every
day aalea of town property and adjacent I But Mary Smith Is still as much Mury,
rarma are miujo. mm wonaeriuny uwi emun SS she ever WSS. ller Indlvldu
' "It was down to the Kick poodle 4iot
snrlnss where I wenL after 71 doctors
from all parts of the world had given I to return to the. quiet country to live,
., ..1 0.1. it.. ,. v.llhe rurallta for th iltv Antu
la imd nmu wnon with Ira hlniliriwwi .. . - . ... . I to dwell there murh ' wrnnM a-iva V.r.
it is forcing Its assembly issue that over the transom. T waa trouble with She env-V "iti moAeV'Vnd wUe but
it knows Is resented by thousands paralyses, loneaomeness. loose teeth, the woman with hueband and ohldren
In its nartv and rf which It haa aald """ no pocneiooon ana my . nun a slavery la my fa."
. P..y,.a 0 D I ... '1 wife's mother. . TJ18 lborer would the millionaire b
it Is better , to have no Republican
party" than; permit the. direct pri
mary to, operate unchanged.
the boxing bouts. - It, is a most
Ft rained situation, and it is Impossi
ble to see hor. either side can hon
orably retire without demanding sat
isfaction. 7 ' -
The duello is under the ban, Even
in this crisis, there can be no resort
to rapiers, broadswords Dr. shotguns.
Nor can a finish fight But,
HE New York Commercial and
Financial Chronicle thinks that
Mr. J. P. Morgan's recent pur
chase of a controlling interest
under the law, a 10 round go with In the Equitable Life Insurance com
the gloves Is allowable. pany is a good thing for the polfcy
.There could be a preliminary bout holders and the country, because he
by lesser lights; In the controversy, will prevent, financial sharks fr6m
as a preparation for the big event playing duck and drakes with the
between his honor and the champion policy holders $460,000,000. It is
bantamweight of the association, also stated that on his $2,500,000
Provided with eponges, -pink pills, investment In thlB stock Mr. Morgan
peruna, a bottle of snakebite and a cannot get as a direct return more
ratent wind restorer, the city health than $3514 a year, or one seventh
officer 'could; look after the mayor of one per cent.
in -uis.cwuer. . ana some repuiaDie This may be true, but It can't be
vuoKixommev9-..ouM9 aij the truth, for Mr. Morgan doesn't
honor s sparring opponent In the a. make ln vestments yielding sucE ln-
sociations corner. There would be -jgBificant returns for the purpose of
no purse to divide with 60 per cent conferring a favor upon a great num-
, f X rece,pt8.tou the Inner ber of people and protecting their ln-
and ,40 to the loser of the bout; and teresta If thl8 reault accrues, it is
bo tfie go would be a strictly ama- onIy an incidental result of the game
eur performance. This ought to re- he ,8 playIng. His object is greater,
Heve: the association a scruples mi.tln, Bnnrma finonnim MI
against the game, and.glye ;us a fop hlmBelf and the group ofwhlch
. ".."' B . ,ruuo"u lutn he is the most conspicuous active
"uu rui. auu nut uniy wouia I figure
n ud au capjr uicaui vi BULiailug III-
suited honor in what seems a most
delicate situation, but it would af
ford ; that part of our population
that thirsts for it, a splendid exhibi
tion of the manly art. t
Ueed to sleep on the bed of' the ,tif!?"b'2.. man ??D'i "'p:
JZ-SrrXi ".na-ti ."3 5ft
", !. man 01 amau learning-wlahes he had
ftrat weak the paralysis left me, and solan education obtained; - the acholar
itM mv wlfa WnnAarfnl atit TJn Hi. I thinks tha InvMtmant Y.mA
charitable screed of a' mind either paralysis, friends, the paralysis got Int6 ?Hon,5ir. f0, vknow,?d,,r ft,a- The
morbidly kmalevolent or offensively the springs and ruined m. K."' M.i.'itftl
diseased. 'Top; you see them bubbling springs what be might have beea the youth
goi rnaiy ana mey wouian i woric. i no wouij nound through hie span. When
owner hired Indians to stand at thel 111 mortals learn to make the beet of
mnutha nf tha mrinM and nnue narrala I their lot. and reallte' that wlahaa a-rant.
of oil down 'em, but one day they f-.J.", 0' c"r unrest, that con
r..,A .,.., tentment is life a best prlaet
Like most-great inventions which are
Admit that the confederates were
altogether wrong.' wholly Inexcus
able: how manv vears. decades. n-
eratlons are the people of the tn- 'tBn "'Jlu."
. . . .... . I run any more. I waa down there not!
qucnuK nuriu 10 noia ana nurse long ago, however, and they were run-
thelr hatred of their countrymen in nlng again."
the south? In Heyburn's estimation, "Thought you -said they wer rusty;
nui' Haiti.., k j wouldn't they keep getting ruetlerfl In-
.or to ;iesdase1 STllt !t- VaZXtuZ
to be forgiven, nor their mistake b in the mouths of the spring., and ."" l ","uf e" " lTl
forgotten. Thev ere to ha trtrl the owner sent for a dentist . 14 .l"V?"lwr t0 out vho "Mt
- "-" - . v vilf -lAVSSUV.wea,
Galileo must be credited with Its In
vention, for It waa this great Italian
astronomer who first made a telescope
wi frao pracucaoio. uaiueo completes
nis rirei teieecope on February 11, 1609.
and exhibited it to a party of friends,
but It was not until the following May
that he found an audience of noted men
who were willing to allow him to de
scribe and exhibit the instrument
ine invention- or a telescope waa
doubtless accomplished In Holland.
buainees. Ask any traveling saleaman. 'u""t, . na L,nu,a 1,04 of' n
Hotele are crowded, and you can t get everything In. -which she acts aa an In-
a ahave In town without waiting an hour dividual and not as a partner she should
tor your turn." - , use her own name. When she signs
t . J . . w a I deed or a check, writes a book, goes on
That the activity of Colonel C. B. H.I,,.-. ...
Wood seems to Increaee rather than dl- "T. "-.n... LI VL iim.,Vi mZZZZt '
mlnlah In the matter of buying up lands c" business oa her Individual accoun.
In the Malheur valley Is made evident n- not 'or the firm, she Is not "Mrs. ,
bv the number of Durchaaea made by John Jones." but "Mar v Smltb Jonea."
him and recorded last week, says the That Is the only name she should ever -
enterprise, i ne iota imoum wnicn nm append to any piece of writing.
hTrP;,rortrSti:2 jjsa:
Involved is 119.700. and -the amount of 1 J'nB
land runs well into the hundreds of Jones," she should do It In the third
acres. The properties are all rather person. "Mrs. John Jones wants you to
close to the canyon, which the wise send home her groceries" la right, but
ones expect tobe ' the principal bone of -pjease send home my groceries
u!i'0.n.i?JLh- btWMn tn tw0 (signed) -Mrs. John Jones,' - Is wronr.
rauroaa systems. ( Vthtn m woman goes on the stage In "
A Shanlko man says: "Shanlko Is a her huaband's name, aa various actresses
live burg, and has a great future before have done, tt Is not . only an lat
her in the line of shipping. We expect propriety but so great aa lnjustloe to
about IM0O people to paas through our th, hUBband that he ought to hava legal
town within the next 60 days. "While m(u,. to nrovant hla'nama helna- aa
tne landa are not productive Just now, .f 10 Prvea His-name being se
the soon will be. for we are to have ,,"ea
large Irrigation schemes ln the near fu Married women should start right In
ture. which will water all of theee rich I this matter. If they once begin to use
lands. Then hundreds of thousands of their-hnahand'a namai in thai' naraonal
munda of annnllea for tha' Harrlman I ..t ... i . k .
S. & StSJT
to the railroad camps by eight and ten known at all. by their husbands,
horae teams, giving employment to names . and not . by their own. Onoe
many men at top notch wages, beatdes that happens it is hard to undo it.," ' .
the keeping and feeding of a large num
ber of horses, which means hay by the
ton and grain by the ten lota. Besides,
It or more stages leave Shanlko, drawn
by two and four horse teams. This
means another big payroll. .
February 11 in History Invention of tne Telescope
as enemies outlaws dnrina- all tlmn ln" Jc-neanng me groans or
f" ."I. outlaws, curing ail time tha dying, broke In the door and die-
Poor old wan Riddle never smoked.
Nor chewed, nor drank a sup;
And why he dled's a riddle.
For the doctors gave him up.
to come. He would not lend one of persed. the man from Salem
tnem a blanket to steep him warm,
would not bestow a crust upon one
of them If starving, would not tol
erate ln the national capital a statue
of their greatest man.
Not thus did Lincoln regard the Letter From the PennT,
fallen .nd n II f
" " a wove tt9 uvi Ul SaliVf
nor Hoar, "hxir McKlnley, nor any
other great or eminent
tun yooi (eucrauua. no BUCU sen- mm wm hoc oe aaea it tne wnter Janaen a. anantaola molrav n vcii-
tlment is entertained toward Uum
grizzled Ola veterans ln gray bylfi eon-eeponoeow. letter anouia do made aaiaoout is incnes in length, and exhibited
Roosevelt or Taft, or any other eml-
Lettera to The Journal ihonld be wiittea oa
Renuhllrnn one aide of the peper only and aboold be eeeam Tradition has tt-that about the begln-H
- H i. RB,d hT thT,.MaL JDi 2drrLof thJwrtt"- n, ofVthe seventeenth century tne
J?wi.L.i,,lJ!f.,,i! Jansen. a. spectacle maker of Middle-
brief aa DoaMble. Thoee who wlah their lattent
MfI h.a .h.M Inl. I " . Z ' """" " ,i"Uli. wuv
nent'Renuhllran of tnrlav Tt U nnW Correapondeeta era notlfi.d that letters ex. . "" - n.jr i m.vvf, n
71. D'Ican lo?aT- 11 18 on! ceedint aoo worda la length may. at the die. concealed, for what reason Is net made
this "fleshly incubus" of misrenre
Bented Idaho who exposea-bls spleen
before a country that can avoid con-
eretloD of the editor, be cat down ia that Uiult. I clear,
' .., . ' , . . -I Another spectacle maker named Llp
"Forelgn Freight FuncV', pershey made application the year pre-
Baker City, Feb. 8. To the Editor of vlous to Galileo, for a patent for a
temptuouely despUlng him only by The Journal Legislation is influenced telescope, but the application was
pitying mm.
February 11 Is the birthday of Amer
ica's greatest Inventor, Thomas A. tcdl-
BOn (ltttt tit llUMtllt,. 17 (tanhan.
vice president of the Confederacy watr- Put in a buttered pudding dieh.
Kitii); or Mary, queejr of England """" " " ,
(1616: of Daniel Boone, the nioneer mixture i or pie cruat Bake ln a hot
. r . . . . I nvn If. pAvr,i1 with ma rr i ! B f ti nVn
CrMTDTCI nM . i ,ubi b wuiu, ii you pieuBB, aneiit snip I " " ouuoucuu mircaaau lu ,v u '.Ji vt jnoouore uitara, tne SOUtn- I . .
K PORTS from many sources hlHi- - .i,i..n. i. dm,, th, lnv,nn, ... .m. i. ji.. . v. ?L I several Inclalona in cruat that caaea
agree that Mayor Gaynor and its expectant beneficiaries. They do cover the satellites of Jupiter, the "Bivouac of the Dead" (1822); of Chief j m5r e,K;ape-
his official associates In thai not like the term "subsidy." 8uddobsI mountains of the moon and other coles-I Justice Melville W. Fuller. MRaav and! Anolber dish One cup cold roast beef
KOVemment Of Greater New we caI1 " th4 "patrioUo fund' after tlal bodies. . . the day on which the American f lag '"V chopped, salt and pepper, onion
hub. wo miKnt Dreiix tne worn aacrea " "cvvi vw vua uwwvarr ui w urat raiaea at 110110. tr. i. in lias, i -
to it also, aa la now the cuatom whan r i . . crumbs, one tablespoon melted butter
very greatly by nomenclature. Give aiiusea. uaiuooa nrst telescope was
proposed principle a good name and su-1 similar in form to the modern opera
perficlally it commends Itself, but give glass, and as first constructed had a
a dog a bad name and he is a bad dog. magnifying power of three times, but
Just a word. If you please, anent "ship this was subsequently increased to 30
Subsidies," which 'term is deplored by times, and the Inventor was able to dis-
"'"' st If, It
Swedish Itolls. " "
KB pint milk, boiled and oooled to
blood heat. Cream half cup but
ter and quarter oup sugar. Add
whites two .eggs beaten atlft Stir
oooled milk Into this mixture and also
a little, mere than half a compressed
yeast cake dissolved fn very little warm
the principles of the astronomical tele- water, ens level tablespoon salt Flour
scope with two convex lenses, and the to make as stiff as any bread .dough,
description of such an Instrument In Mix about eight a. m. and set to rise.
111. in a warm place. About 1:10 p. m. thl'
. At the time of Galileo's Invention ho dough should be nearly twice its origt
was a lecturer ln mathematics at tho nal bulk. Turn aa gently as possible
University of Padua. His first telescope onto floured bread board, roll out about
was -tested from the tower of Saint three quarters Inch thick. To work
Mark, ln Venice. - During this same properly It should be oblong shape. Now
year he Invented a microscope and a brush quickly with melted butter and
species of thermometer. roll like jelly rolL Cut with sharp
To Gregory la due the first descrlp- knife Into as many , sections, three
tlOn of a telescope with a reflecting quarters Inch thick aS it will 'make,
mirror, and the Instrument has since Place in dripping pan quite close to
been known by his name. gather. Cut aide up, brush again with
The larsest telescoDa ever constructed melted butter. Let rise until within JO
was that built for the Parlo exhibition minutes of tea time. Baked 20 minutes
of 190 by M. Gauthler. The great tele- ln hot oven they will be fit to set ffrefore
scope of the Terkes observatory of the I king.
university or cnicago at Williams' bay. ?
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Is the largest j . . Left Over Meats. . .
telescope with an equatorial mounting. UT remnants ox! cold boiled eteakr-
or roast beef in one Inch cubes..
Cover with boiling water, add one ,
half onion ' and cook "slowly one hour.
Remove onion, thicken gravy with flour
dlulted with cold Water and season with
salt and pepper. s Add potatoes cut in
one fourth Inch slices which have been
parboiled eight minutes ln boiling salted
The Lick observatory telescope is aT-
most equal In else, and here has Droba L
uiy oten cone too moat important worn
with this Instrument of any observa
tory in ine wono.
I York city are "making good." Al-
' The purchase of these 502 shares
gives Mr. Morgan a big amount of
additional financial power. He now
inate the
000; the New York Life, with $495,-
000,000;! several banks with depos- a" C1a- United States to pay the freight on their perhaps twoT or miy be six' montihs
Jt8 Of $440,000,000; truBt companies '"f"" ou,p 01 lue8e - Jui, into foreign ports, it should be Then one or more inspectors come and
or is in a position to dom- fead a ,Bav,n Of $1,500 000 a year Gods elect refer to their divine prlncl- and get a description of the land. Then
i TTmiitohln with .460 000 - ,n Balar,e8 of needless and worthless Vie of "protection." The object of the he must send in an application to the
S vnrwTf- with tiSS'. Tammany employes has been ef- ?!.0 !5lla,tlo na"8 ireneral land office of the district to
f ected. and only a fair start at clean- "d tat E "n. theVXt "!le-"e ia"d 'n.eplcf A .tB
with denoaita of ' I31B 000 000 and ealfnar barnacles haa been made. Be- enough that the people pay freight upon look over the land and send In their re
"d S .r. the. present administration is fTfing they purchase and use, but ports. If the land office decides in th
uan-ne- l " :- sv.v i - ,v, , .. -act ia not enougn 10 eaimry tne man's favor he. must wait until th i.nj
Tlew, of !being the only news- the United States Steel corporation, "" of some manufacturers Nothing , iited and advertl-ed in the nearest
. "... iuo i t,h mem, ii. io uuo, uui it. mey i county paper. 1 men he has 60 days to
on the land. If1 he fails to do this
the Spokane Spokesman
tnpr tn thA tot n Wo.Mn- with aVanltal of about II BOO 000 - "uu year win ob savea me wm satisfy them, it is true, but if they com
er.Ali??t the public service will at might tap the treasury Cf the United ,e
i '.' - ' - 1 tnk ..I llVAA . TT. - J. aaayvA M n At aaAi aa
.wa-uuw scanas Dy tne KOOBeveit- oas r gi iuinlB .. Ilry, V , States, the neoDle's Docket for the cash U in... th. " "1 7 r.wL"
Pinchot conservation policies the brides, and la working on a scheme ,"7.Z": with which to pay the freight on their must, ret . Vw".. .!
o ' i. ml i. . v-.i-iiii.i,...iiln.. iiuo ui iuobb cuapiuyes. wnnBfl I .uim. .,t 1 .... r. ----- I 1 -
u..u.ouo ynycr leturts inai me Ure- i Bev cuuuui ""' ."" Wnrlr nnetotod hlfW l, rf....t. 1- :Lt ".. !:, " t.Tr. e"OUSI1 llmDCT "nee and make
gonian Js the leader among the news- systems and perhaps all the tele- . -"j "l "" "u - vT- omer improvements; he must get a per-
I . s ...":!.-1 ' . . i salaries, are under civil service rules, haps. mlta bum the hruh
papt-r. jn wregon inai sianas oy tne grapn.-posi.ui.ui wuuu,. tv",, It should be termed the "foreign and this onlv al certain t.nTu:
Mr. Morgan Is a great man in hisi . . . ' -nr,ttfl1 freight fund," and then our people year. Indeed if I gave a record of all
- . I no oe BMe lo ang on Dy an appeal I would itnow.wbat it in. .ur hn-. th. i,. ,.. r r"
. - I va an iiiita LtiaL VV B IIMVH Tn astir eyr,T
Mondell-Heyburn conservation poll
r.IfiS. Th' Portland mnrnlno- nan.r I lln. a H man ajhnaa financial conllia I W
nfton lohir, t th- thJ ?tL , ' iJ.i-.w- tt ..r kL tht to tne courts as was Bjiccessfully soms will swell with pride as we pay there would be no
veit-Pinchot TouirBtoror Whra1ib;' Tr7m"endou ?0ne. ?? f"? ' ?' l f'"'" I Wthe on17ih,n'2
. . -, . , v. , ; 7 iegea aeiecuves. i'ernaps tne New "-"- . mo reoervo nan none is to keep the neo-
disastrously retard development, and power as some other men would. y charte; dVra7, Xw! ma Put their foreign consignments pie out and to keep the country from
that the west especially needs the -un- But is not bo. much power in any ; 1 7 upon the "world's markets" at our ex- being settled up. This would be one of
restricted operation of the Guggen- one man'a hands, or In the hands ,ciourts conr"e dlWereny; pense By u means w must stand the best dairying sections in the.state
heim policies. It doesn't say "Gug-Jof a small group of men, -a national
genheim, but thla is the best name menace? Is the acquisition of such
to give them. , . , a I vast monetary; resources by one man
: Tha Oregonian'a arguments , or comportable with an equitable,
statements along.this line are char- healthy 5 Bystem "of government?
acleristically , sophistical and Insin- Should a man of this type have more
cere. As the Spokesman-Review says; influence at Washington than two
"Under the Roosevelt-Pinchot plan I million people worth oh an average
water power is neither to be withheld only $10,000 each?
from development nor developed by
tn1 waIIt nna AbTbW ui t arh v Kaatan Baoa
rather a high climb for' some of us.
There are other cities with streets quite and table,, sauce. Add remaining, In-
u narrow as we have ln Portland, where greaients. shape after the form of smstl
there is no difficulty, whatever, in get- croquettes pointed - at' ends. Roll in
ting off and on rapidly, aavlntr time to !..- JL -7v .
all those concerned. SUBSCRIBER. ' .Za -,nu ...,.
, A Reactionary Program.
From the Salem Journal.
t Having 'given the people direct' pri
maries and direct election of senators,
the Oregon political ' bosses 'have de
cided it is - all -a mistake, and must be
undone. '
Abraham Lincoln's birthday Is to be
made the occasion for a general on
slaught on direct nomination and popu
lar cnoice or senators?
'. . K It. K '
Cooked Radishes,
HO has aver eaten cooked radishes?
Their devotees declare them more .
digestible than -raw ones and
fully as appetising. Here is the, way
one woman prepared them to convince
doubting friends.
She cut large " white radishes Into'
rounds. about a half inch thick. These
were boiled in slightly salted water
not' too much for, about 10 minutes.
but it appears that the army of lit- thl" 'orelgn freight charge. And -that If the government would open the land
tie leeches and . Tammany touters D1 1 wtimateiy ps. u no aevH mm- ror entry, rr -- ; -
will have to ko. . . Kl" I" . Tor
' i irn. iiiiki iiir ss. tji r:rt:iit;iiniL. in mui n ihitii. i bkivtih nr wnn arriniaia
What Mayor Gaynor, and his as- Ing in American politics than the gold- In or near a forest r.,r 1-?..
sociates are doing in New York will en ru,e- ."'means f. ob. Naples orfnever seen one. They send men out
not only be a very good thing for tL'm '? . -X 'i..T, 5 '.v l nerB J invesugate. and no two men
tho .!... , Zh. v?. ,I him. and foot the bill 'to the astute I ever, afend in the same renort. 'V.a-
the government Instead,- private
capital, will be, offered 'long , tlme
leases at " a low and ; even .nominal j
rental, the government reserving the j
power . to regulate the rates to be
levied upon the consumers." The j
CHARITABLE view of Sena
tor Heyburn is that he ia in a
measure Insane. It is difficult
to conceive of a man really
principal object is not to obtain reve- sane who would make the speech he
nue, but to prevent extortionate mo- j did Monday against lending govern
nopollsation of coal and other mln-J ment tents for the use of Confed
erals, and of water power sites.
the taxpayers of that city, but it
will be a valuable and inspiring ex
ample to similar officers in other
cities throughout the country. The
first thing for the people of any city
to do to secure like results is to
get rid of any political machine with
which it may be afflicted, and to
elect ajble men of high character on
a purely nonpartisan basis.
The congressional committee that
Is going to investigate high prices
will Tint tlDvn tn or for in Alafsrm
erate veterans at their annual en-Ith t .
uu. v.iii "uuiu yi uumu MO SUCH h"Ujuicuv muuuv UUt AIII1, AUU nol), fow VAnro nrhothAV onv .,,.,
monopolization is denied, sneered at. i Heyburn only furnishes additional t 'a - ,l.iT.
but the Spokane "paper Ehows that It ground for this conclusion when af- to Washington rHanatch th rXiol
is ho false alarm. After stating some ter a long "bloody shirt" speech be baS ttS city Tas risen Snce
local history it says: -Even now the said: "Don't again start this spirit AZ It. newt!
people of Spokane are on the verge out of which the terrible troubles .,m ok -a h e
1 i a a j ivaa mm V VV w J va IA v WO w A A w Eh 1 1 as f fj
of a,..water, power monopoly, Prac- of the past arose"; and pleaded 24 0f iard from 8 to 6 of nork
ablepower. In eastern Washington strife." Who in all congress but he IVf? 7 JJL LJJ?
Jnd a liir. naVt nf that tv 1 4 t.i , ..!.. ,i., vuw wvtmouwo ,u piu-
t :, ;rr-r ,r: ;r ::..r"s izz portion. They were tmwn.
J VUV liaOUJUKlUUI ICIUCOD, UUOlliJLV KUIJ CLflie -lOniT I U.,f aoorv, t4 ha hl
rni rn..,. a,.. ,1. i ,1 occui ku vs uu wiau-uyw ub turn'
vwu.o.,, uu iu mu uuc- aepiy ounea narerl ithAr with Mia Mm nrn.
Rft'fa theco I iti. , a , . .. . J'" . r-
wiuVou,cb nio epeecn was treaiea as it ae-lrlnrora ruralir, nr wlfh tli, 1a,hu
I umwoh ,wvv s vm tkiu IUV. Vdq
servea to oe treated. Not a senator 0f wages in most occupations. Per
responded .to it. and not one voted haps the principal recommendation
with him. In his dismal narrowness of the committee win hA thnf tho
ana piuaoie outerness of spirit. be salaries of government " officials "be
eauua somary ana aione. no Be-j raised.
puoiican,: nowever radical; no man
wno tought or whose father dr other A ' bulletin issued by a "commlt-
reiauves- tougnt against, the confed- tee on coneestlon of nomilfttinn"
a I . . " . f -r ,.
wriy 0. years ago expressed states that the death rate In New
r ieii any sympathy. with this un-York is higher than. that in any
have not sought' to take any undue
ndvantagei but "they have only to
take one more step -consolidation
RTiA the people of Spokane and the
Inland Empire1 will be face to face
with an actuality that is not pleas
''int-to--contemplate." 1 '
There lias not been monopolization
r f water powers In the west as yet,J
bt'cause they were too plentiful In
American voter, bless him!
Tha freight bills We're paylngfrom day
to day " .. , .. v'
Olve our plethoric' purses Ismbago;
But relief will come in the sweet bye
- and bye. '' - ' . -
When, we dig up the freight for the
dago. .".,' . R.
Life in a Forest Reserve.
Crook County, Feb. t. .To the Editor
of The Journal I am a constant reader
of your paper, and I have been reading
with close attention accounts of the Bal
llnger and Pinchot -controversy.
I filed ,on my homestead before this
part 01, central uregon was set aside as
a reserve, what- the government ever
wanted of this reserve is hard to under
stand, for the fmost of the timbered
land has all been taken Up in claims,
and there are a great many homesteads
Of course the people want the timber
and water power cared forr but cart not
this be done without depriving bonest
homesteaders of their rights? There
are hundreds of acres of open land here
that have been burned over by forest
fires and no timber grows on It. Good
crops can be grown on this land without
irrigation, for It Is semi-arid land
Why not let the honest homeseeker
have this land and make a home for
himself and family? We hear the cry
of crowded cities and the cry of poverty
goes up, yet when a man comes in here
looking for a piece nf land to make a
home for himself and family he is told,
"Wny, tms is a reserve; no land in
here," or he must go through so much
red tape that he gets discouraged and
When trying to get a homestead ln a
forest reserve the first thing the settler
must do is to make bis selection Of land,
run out his lines, find hi corner marks
to ir that the timber Is not wasted; but
as for tho big concerns that are taking
uy iwusuoi 01 acres or land and Just
holding them in a death grip and doing
nothing, "let 'them make good" just the
naiuo aa me nomesieaaer has to. If the
settler don't make good he must give
up and quit, why not the big land
grabbers? Perhaps I have not made
mis aiaiemeni very plain, for I am
Lower the Car Stem.
2Itland' 0r" Feb' 10. To the Editor
Of fThe Journali-I have been Interested
in reading the various letters in your
f' moHcciinK ine siens or our arnuf.
cars in this city.. Most especially the
7 u-iTOiiuw, tasi even
ing, February 9. . ; .
May I ask our friend if he has ver
ui&en a nae , in one or the latest "Pay
aryou Enter Cars," carrying an infant
and probably having a few more little
xuuia i uaisc into ine car? : or has
he felt old age and all the details ac
companying it-as some of our worthy
residents?. Probably ho thinkssuch as
inese nave no right to take a little
recreation. He ' is one who evidently
has eyes only- ?or the ; . tia-ht lahad.
dressed up women he refers to, many of
ttuuui nuuiu, nufc ven nave tne politeness-
to thank a gentleman if .a r.
fered her his seat, but it is wn tnr
mm xo rememoer our cars have a larger
majority of sensible women and moth
ers, who are obliged to patronize the
cars. Whilst I- have every sympathy
with President B. & Josselyn respect
ing tha many complaints
of them), la a serious" one from
a physical point of view and t feel sure
if properly discussed the whole public
will have an advantage, as all are not
six feet as perhaps our worthy friend
implies, . consequently 18 inches la
State Chairman Cake is to be forced and were then fried In hot butter until
to resign and give his position to a re
actlonary. to repeal the popular meas
UreSi " . y ' "-'"; ' :
This Is undoubtedly the political pro
gram of the radical assembly mana
gers. . .k ,; y - ; "V -
There is a 'conservative element of
Republicans, who are ? showing'' their
nana lor a moairiea assembly.
tender: Thev were hlsrhlv seasoned
with pepper, salt, a little sugar and 'a
few drops of vinegar. - ;
A Hint Worth Taking.
RS. O. H. P. BELMONT has in..
stalled . av 'perfect system at
Marble house regarding the order-
Tte Tigktwad'
These conservatives are saying let in f nmnii,. r . iri hiw
us have an assembly, for the harmonis- Is a)ne by an order slip. This slip is
ing of party differences, and let the as-1 into k uh n.TmAnt nain.n
aembly name several men for each place. At th. nA nt 'th. month th...
and let the Republicans have their choice Bilp, are Returned with the bill to Mrs.
"" pMniy. . 4 I Belmont, and If tha altna and hill Mr.'
There are other Republicans who be- th. i .
HeVe in. absolute, compliance with the I ately follows. .' -
h!fr JSr 1.--. ?1 p"marf 'aw: Mrs. Belmont doe eonslderabl of
. ,1 "tt r ' u 4 her shopping personally,
It is not believed that the state chair. I
man, under the direct primary and the
corrupt practices act. has any authority
to call any kind of a nominating assem
bly or convention. , (Contribatd to The Journal by Walt Mason.
State Chairman cake is acting wisely ""J? T.v P"-if
and with deliberation, and refuses,, to ' " -
put the Republican party irr the atti-( ' - V
tude of attacking the direct primary ' l The tlahtwad is a. uleasant aoul who
and the direct -election of senators. freezes strongly to his roll, until he
Individual Republicans In thelerlsla-1 haan't anv- rhh.
ture, or out of It, are at liberty to do dreams, andlwhen awake he's full of
that, Or any faction Of the party, may aohemea tn nail annthnr nmnt. M
do sd. but the whole Republican party counts hi vroubles day by day, and.
will hot- commit "felo d Sv" by official- When a. r.ickl a-fta mv. . It nonrlv
ly . declaring ; itself - for ; i, reacUonaryj aWves him otty; he grovels to the man
program, as a party. : ; of bis who has a blggef roll than his.'
v "" I -.;-;. land to the poorjhe's haughty. . All.
Society Women as Strike Pickets, things upon this earth are trash that-
From the Van Norden Magasine. ' can 1 ne Bougn or soia xor casn, in
' For the flrst time In the historv of tightwad's estimation the summer
labor, members of New York's Four Meese, because it turns the cranks of
Hundred have taken an active part in a ni" and pumps and churns, : receive
strike, .women of vast wealth h. his toleration; the surrtr-useful in lt-
ohly encouraged the shirt waist makers wayt it nourishes the wheat and hay
with words,but have aided them with 0 let the world be sunny; ho likes to ,
funds, defended them in the police court hear th raindrops slosh; they help tho-
and even acted as pickets. . pumpkin, beet and squash, and-- such
Great ladles to whimi the Industrial things sell' for money. ; The tightwad
world Js merely an abstraction and care- "n is ..a bear around his home, and'
fully reared young-girls joined In tho everywhere, and people' hate or fear
right, not aa patronising . Lady "Boun-I -nuneBs nas no, marKet
tifuls, but as comrades working should
er to shoulder with the strikers in a
Common -cause. They gave money, it Is
true; but that Is the least of their aery
ices. The significant thing is that they
worked to vbelp win ' the strike , and to
protect the strikers from abuse at the
hands, of strike breakers, and police and
from unfairness in the courts. -
price, it's waste of effort fo be- nice to.'
victims, who are near htm. Methinks
that when the tightwad dies, and to his"
retribution flies, his sentence will be
fuhny: they'll load him. with a silver
hat, and boH, him in a golden vat. wwl ,
feed him red-hot money I
, Cop-riflit. 1910,.' br
Oeorga -itatUnw . Adima.