THE, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1910., DEFENSE Mffi LAST PLEA FOR IE I III 'Colonel Worthington Closes Ar v gument in Land Fraud Case and Case Will. Reach' Jury I About Noon Tomorrow. K .'; Earnestly sppeallnr : to tha' Jury to wlpa off ths slat and "return a verdict of aoqultta) for Blnger Hermann, Color nel Worthington closed the argument for the defoma at noon today In the United States court, and thus ended the contentions of Hermann and Ms cpunael that he la tpnocent of the charges being brought agalnat hm. - j .: " , Mr. Heney will take Up all of tha time this afternoon until t o'clock in making the closing argument-for the govern ment, and tourt will oon vena in the morning at o'clock to listen to . the charge of Judge Wolverton. ; ' Goes to Jurjr at Voo. This will take most ot tha morning, and tha case will be given to the jury for final consideration by, noon. It is believed that a verdict will be returned before Sunday morning. . Tha whole question was summed up by Colonel Worthington in his closing In his ' contention that the one great question before tha jury was whether they were convinced ' beyond a reason able doubt that Hermann had entered Into a conspiracy with Maya and Jones and the rest, particularly with Maya and Jones, .tacitly or directly, by which he was to aid them In getting their fraud ulent scheme through tha land office to completion in exchange for their votea EASIER TO PREVENT Moat physicians are agreed that the beat way to combat moat ills is by the Indirect . method of stimulating tha body's natural powera in fighting and destroying the germs of disease: Con sumption, for example, Is much easier to prevent than It is to ' cut, and throughout tha land a determined war fre la being waged to lessen the danger or lnrection by this insidious disease. Cougha and colds are a prolific aourc and should not be neglected. At the first sign of a cold, steps should be tsken to check It at once, and this can best be done with a simple mixture of two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com pound pure and eight ounces of pure Whiskey. These can be mixed together in a large bottle. Shake well and take a teaspoonful every four hours. It Is claimed by the Leach Chemical Co. of Cincinnati, who prepare the Virgin OH of Pine compound pure fbr dispensing through druggists, that this mixture will break up a cold In 24 hours and cure any cough that Is curable. . ... and efforts to put him In the senata of tha United States. ' V ' By Mr. Heney's, admission, Colonel wormington said, the Idea that - Mr. Hermann waa to hava benefited flnan dally through the completion of tha conspiracy was wiped out of the case. In tha same way all idea that he wa to receive any of tha landa to be se cured was .eliminated, ao that tha one aola question waa hie reward through tha senatorahlp for what ha waa alleged to bava agreed to do. . ' Says Brldenoa XAoklng. . There waa not a line of testimony In me case, colonel Worthington contend ed, that went to -show that Hermann aver entered into any.auch asreement, or tot how that Maya or Jonea knew of nia senatorial ambitions; In fact, there waa tha testimony , of Hermann that tney did not know of it, and the record of tha legislature of 1S0S to show that St no time during tha 40 day fight they votea for Mm. - The jury was asked to return a verdict on. this kind of evidence, which waa, in fact, no evidence, and this in 4he face of tha fact that Hermann had defeated tha scheme of Maya and Jones by with drawing the lands in thf Blue Mountain reserve from settlement, which put ( stop to all frauds In tha lieu landa con talned within Ita boundaries. Tha geo logical aurvey ' had recommended . tha creation of tha reserve, and Ormsby bad dona tha same. . : ' Considered Xeserre Good. Langille, the confidential man of Sec retary Hitchcock, had alao made a re port ravorabie to it and contended on tha .stand in the present trial that ha considered the reserve to have been a good one, yet In.ihe face of thla con dition of 'affairs, Hermann had made only a, temporary withdrawal, and had insisted that there ba a full Inveatl gation before tha withdrawal was made permanent, and that tha situation, atood In that place when ha went out of of fice. Colonel Worthington, ' after apeaklng through yesterday afternoon, summed up his argument thia morning. Ha did not float away into oratory, but talked evenly and earneatly to the It men In front of him, presenting his points from the. evidence of tha caaa, calmly and quietly, aa one man talka to another. oxassoa Strongest Witness. He contended that It must not be un derstood that tha defenaa had admitted that the . government had proven tha Maya-Jones conspiracy. The only wit ness the government hsd .to show that conspiracy waa George Sorenson, - him self an accomplice and uncorroborated. In addition to the fact that Sorenaon waa a convicted man, under indictment for perjury and other offenses, he had become tangled In hla testimony. Hermann had tried to hava the lieu land act amended or repealed, and had kept at it continually until it waa fi nally accomplished In 1905, while he was a member of congreaa. Heney had contended In his argument. Colonel Worthington said, that no con spiracy was ever openly made, and yet he had come before the jury with the argument that Hermann and Maya had talked openly about the Blue mountain deal In the presence of Meldrum and others. Tha defense had made a demand for the report of tha geological aurvey on the Blue mountain reserve, and the gov ernment had not produced it There fore. Colonel Worthinrton contended. the government had left the Blue moun tain case up In the air, by not ahowlng that action waa finally taken on tha re serve, following the recommendation of Hermann that It be referred to the ge ological survey for further considera tion. Hermann had written a letter to O. I. Patterson In the fall of 102. telling Im, in answer to his protest, that be-I fore any final action Was taken on tha Blue mountain reserve that there would be a full Investigation and all parties would' b given,, an opportunity to be heard ao far aa his office, waa con earned. Thla did not look Ilka Hermann was In collusion with Maya and Jonea to rush their schema through tha office. . Oalla SotX Sxploslvs. . Colonel, Worthington called attention to tha testimony of "that explosive uer man, Profeasor Roth." former .chief of the forestry division, who had tea tlfled that Hermann had always taken up each reserve personally for Inveatl gation and whose, whole idea seemed to oe me prevention or rrauaa or couusion. Tbla, coming from the government's own witness, the apeaker contended, did nor go to prove their feaee of conspiracy with Maya or Jonea.' Too great conalderatlon should Mot be given. to testimony of employees of the government, Colonel Worthington con tended. They were compelled to. look out for their Joba and feared thatahould they not support the government's case that they would lose their positions. . Mr. Heney put in here and aaked th speaker If he believed that his pull with tna present administration or the prea ent secretary of the Interior waa great that the employeea had anythln to fear from his recommendations. . ,. Becalla JCuller Case. , . Colonel Worthington replied that It was not a case of what the employeea knew, but what they .feared. He re called the caae of Muller, who had re fuaed to talk to Worthington, saying he would have to ask Heney, .and of Hough, former secretary of Hermann, who, In Washington, had said be would have to aak District Attorney Baker before he could confer with the at torney for the defenaa 'and then re ported that be had been orderd not to talk to any one for the defense. Pssslng to the testimony of Tarpley, Sorenson and C. E. , 8. Wood,. Colonel Worthington argued that the jury was not to give it consideration unless they were satisfied from the other evidence that Hermann waa guilty of a con splracy. Bmmett Callahan a teatlmony waa characterised as' ridiculous. Colonel Worthington aaked bow the government could expect the1 Jury to believe It, when Callahan aald In one breath' that he waa on intimate terms with the presl dent of the United Statea, the secretary of the interior and with Hermann, and then In the next admitted that Hermann did not remember him when he ap peered lrr bla office In Washington. ' What Wnw AkA. In the face of theae conditions Heney waa aaklng the .jury to believe that Hermann told thla practical stranger to all intenta and purposes' that ha was conspiring with Msys and Jones, and had then told him to go tell the sec re tary of the Interior about It Again, Worthington argued, Callahan had aald that he had .told Hermann the greatest objection to the Blue mountain reserve waa the charge of fraud In the school lands, and had asked If there waa not aome way to cut those landa out. and Hermann had aald that they could be checkerboarded out Acting on thla statement, Hermann brought In a map and showed how he had done thla In the caae of the San Franclaco mountain reserve. Yet-, Worthington aald, Heney was asking the jury to believe that Hermann was In the conspiracy whent he would ex plain to Callahan how it would be pos sible to defeat the very object of the conspiracy. "Cltlsea's letter." The speaker went into the question of the "Citizen's letter." calling attention to the achool land frauda of Hyde and Benson, and said that .the records showed that thla letter had gone to the division and not to Hermann, and that It had there fallen Into the hands of Harlan and Valk. who were In , the em ploy of Benson, and who undoubtedly suppressed It ' ,. Valk waa the only man who had tes tified that Hermann had aeen thla let ter and thus gained knowledge Of the achool land frauda. Valk had been in the employ. of Benson. He had told of this to the government and yet In the face of thla had been kept In office for four yeara or until after he bad give his. teatlmony agalnat -"Hermann Washington; He waa afraid to tell the truth now, for fear that he would be prosecuted for perjury committed at the wasnington trial. , V . rut Caae to Oae'ide."':';' . The Hyde-Benson caae' had no con section with the Blue Mountain caae. and should be put to one. side by the jury, Colonel Worthington contended Heney would say, that Hermann knew of these frauds and i would not tell the secretary of them for fear that would throw aome obstacle In the wa of the Blue Mountain reserve, but th records showed that the special agents of the department bad been - busy .un covering nearly 8000 frauda durtng that aame time. , Why did not these frauda endanger the Blue Mountain reserve, and why did not Hermann try to atop these Jnvestlga tions If he were afraid the secretary would prove unfavorable to the Blue Mountain case becauae of suspicion aroused? . In apeaklng of the Zabrlakla letters. which told of the Hyde-Benaon frauda. Colonel Worthington contended that the recorda and the evidence ahowed that Hermann had puahed that Investigation, taking up the. letters and acting on tnem aa aoon aa they were received. Ordered Claims Suspended. As soon aa he received the Holalnrer report ne ordered that all of the Hyde Benson clalma be suspended sending Investigation, and they remained ao tied up .until after the commissioner went out of office. The speaker also made the ooint that Benaon would not have had to bribe aubordlnatea In the commissioner's of fice, to secure favorable action on the clalma presented by them If th com missloner had been his friend. There had not been a word in the Mitchell correspondence that could be construed against Hermann, the apeaker contended, and he charged that had there been anything of that kind that the government would have produced it ai me Deginning or court thla morn- ng the jury asked that court be con vened at 9 o'clock tomorrow In order to give as much time aa possible for the consideration of the verdict, following me charge or the court to the Jury, This was agreed upon by Judge Wolver ton. ULL TOGETHER FOR SUBMARINES FOR THE PACIFIC (Continued From Page One.) present battleships to the west cosst Taft informed them that he muat re gard the effective water fighters as a nit and must retain them, aa in the past, on the Atlantic coaat. The western men went over the sub marine question with the president. They argued atrenuously for the ten year plan, and Mr. Lamont thua analyzed it: "A Dreadnaught battleship coals 110,000,000 to build and $1,000,000 a year to maintain. Ten submarines may be built for $6,000,000, and the cost of alntaining one battleanip la equal to the coat of maintaining 40 submarines. 'Only four submarines are building on the Paclflo ' coaat two at .Seattle and two at San Franclaco. 'Our people demand the protection' which the sub marine program. would give." ,l t Z augers la Present Situation. , Congressman Humphrey said: "It would be possible for a foreign warship to enter Puget sound in a fog without watches on shore seeing It" " v Congressman Kahn of . California aald: , . "We are not predicting war wJth Ja pan, but . we demand that preparations be made that Paclflo coast cities may be protected in case of emergency." Of course, the Seattle and San Fran otaco men are the moat active factors In the propaganda, but the plan has the support of the Oregon delegation aa well- ; . , Boosters Appeal Confident. ' Senator Perkins of California,' chair man of the aenate naval affairs com mittee, Is believed to be favorable to the plan. Indeed, though those .who are urging It ship bulldera do not aaaart that It will be adopted, their manner and recently manifested confi dence leada one to believe that they have had aome confidential assurances from the aenate and house, managora which warrant the Jovial countenanoes they show when one sake them about the matter. It looks . somewhat aa though the Moran company and the Union Iron Worka were about to do a whole lot of work for the government Inventor KdJson'a (KM l;irtt.lajr. Fort Myera. Fin- Feb. 11. Th-ma A. Edison, the inventor, qulr-tly ub-nl his sixty-third birthday at his winter horjie here today. No special pinna wcr made for tha relubratinn of tha anni versary. Mr. Ellison is apparently l i the beat of health and spirits, lie ex pects to remsln here with tils family until April, when he will return to hi home and workshop st West Oraiise, N. J., to resume his labors for the perfec tion of storage battery to be applied to streetcara. ' ' n - - - Jounal picture coupona are appear ing on page 3 every day. The' first one waa printed Monday. Don't fall to rut them out . FIRST SHOWING SPRING STYI.ES I We place ondisplay this week a full line of Young Men's College Clothes for spring. DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT from those that will be shown elsewhere. They are made with BROAD ATHLETIC SHOULDERS and long roll lapel twq and three-button effects with full ' peg-top trousers. You are invited to inspect same. MEN'S MANHATTAN SHIRTS ARE HERE. THE NEW SPRING BLOCKS IN BREWER HATS. VUS- Ben Selling Leading Clothier - (Gotof? (Mim (Mmg V O BOUGHT BY THE ENTIRE NEW AND UP-TO-DATE STOCK OF qU Consisting of Men's Clothing, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Pants, Hats, Shoes, Suitcases, Furnishings, Etc Forced to Vacate the Building at Once They moved this stock into their own big store at the COR. DAVIS and NORTH SIXTH at this season of the year it leaves them heavily overstocked therefore we must unload lepiiiii w Promptly at lie o'Qodt The Bankrupt Stock bought by them UNDER THE HAMMER OF THE UNITED STATES COURT, together with their own mam- '...''-ttL r Tf Tx nr i In . uiuui w iat a up-iu-iaic iuggery, gucs un sate au ai JPRffCES Forty thousand dollars' worth of Up-to-Date Men's Goods, from head to foot, to select from. THE ONE OPPORTUNITY NOW iv'.' -' r - .. , AWAITS YOU. Come qome early come sure.. $10.00 and $12.50 Suits at, . . .....$4.95 $15.00 AlLWool at .... .... ..... . .$7.65 $18.00 All Tailored at .. . :. .... . .$10.85 $25.00 and $30.00 Bench Tailored. $15.85 $10.00 - Overcoats at .$3.85 $20.00 Overcoats at". . ; ;'. , . :.$7.85 $25.00 and $30.00 Overcoats . ; . $15.85 SHOES Men's $2.50 Work Shoes at .95 Men's $3.00 Work Shoes at. $1.60 Men's $3.50 to $4.00 Dress Shoes . . $2.35 Mcn'sPants $2.50 All-Wool Pants go at. . k . . . . $1.45 $3,00 All-Wool Pants go at $1.85 $4.00 Ail-Wool Pants go at. . ...... $2.85 $6.00 All-Wool Pants go at. ..... . .$3.35 IVIEISPS SHIRTS $L00 Pilot Shirts go at. ......... . .29 $1.00 Piquant Shirts to go for. . . 40 $1.00 Soft Cashmere Shirts go at 60 $1.50 Negligee Shirts to go at .85 $2.00 Negligee Shirts to go at .... .$1.15 U N DERWEAR 75c to $1 Derby Ribbed Underwear at 39 $1.50 Cashmere Wool Underwear. ..05 Cooper's Reg. $3.50 Suit, garment $1.35 $2.50 Silk, best on earth, garment. .$1.35 ' Mss" V7 x 1 1 Ml III III' ',11 I II u m - NtiiuiiiiiiiuitiiriifJiir.'itiituiintniiiitJiiirtiiiifttsttnntu.'iii, nut w i t. ' i i, w mm mmfflw umit I a nrsi JMmm,mi,7llllllllllllillM EVENINGS - During This Sale hi1' '"III "HI" "I'', Vi'i Get the Place Right In Your Mind Then Come DOORS OPEN PROMPTLY AT NINE A. M., TOMORROW, SATURDAY EiUOTTTr, -BROS' : ( Sales Specialists y f seinno This EDaSdlsomi lBiPOS09 61-63 Worih Sixlii Si: V, L- l0C-K J J : ' Corner Davis and North Sixth Streets