The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 11, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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v I V.
Benjamin Ide .Whecbr Attains
" Great Popularity in Berlin
Educational Circles.
BerUn. Feb. 11 resident tnenJmlB
ida Whaler of C.Uforn.a..iifU ng
th Roosevelt cnair in v..- """" "
vsrsity has scl.lered popularity la iB
lln by bis ready s.ccpUr.cs of German
. i.tnr it ths "besr eve-
nlng" to which the American educator
invited thoso who hnve been attend
ing hie lecture on, American uijlversl
ts and other .educational "question'
. The large attendance of guests proved
n- .ii.rv ha hm obtained during
the short time he has heen at Ber In
university. Professor ai)d Mrs. Vv heeler
did the honors of the -evening and
everything passed off merrily. By rro
feasor Wheeler- request, onlr German
Student' songs were ung. ' ' "
' Tha Callfornian nas aiienuwi
similar entertainments and enjoya them
thoroughly. He can say "prosit" . 'With
.'quite the correct accent now, v
The kaiser hae been particularly
friendly with the wneeiers, sna
i.a anveral informal talki with the
American professor, qulaxlng hlro about
America' and American In a etyla which
. Indicate that his majesty would he
ble to make a fine living ah an inter
viewer ahould .It ever become necee
ary. .. r . ; .
Yew German University. -The
list of German universities le
to be Increased by a first class uni
versity at Frankfort-on-Main,
'The necessary endowments are In
hand and It will take high rank. To
day there are no fewer than 21 uni
versities la Germany. The oldest Is
Heidelberg; 188 A. D.); the youngest
etraasburg, which was created after the
Franco-Prussian war. The others are
Xlpa!g, Rostock. Grelfswald. Freiburg,
Tnhlnoon. Marhnre-.' K onlesbers. Jena.
Wurxberg, Grlessen, Kiel, Halle-Wittenberg.
, Gottlngen. Munster, Erlangen,
- Berlin. Breslau, Bonn and Munchen.
The greatest university of Germany
Is Berlin. , It musters over 7000 stu
dents, and has a magnificent profes
sorial roll, including- men like Wlla-mowlts-Moellondorf,
in the classical de
partment; Fischer, one of the greatest
- living rtitmlili- Kirnit in nhv.lrsr
Delltesrh. In oriental philology; and the
great Harnack lectures on church bis
tory...Here at least one year of the
student's life should ibe spent But It
would be as well not to pass the first
year here,- or at least before' the stu-
ot-ni IB a, lur intt-oicr vi me iajiRua.g9,
. otherwise one fs apt to get loat Choos
ing then a small university like Heidel
berg, which is the German university
town In ' perfection, or the lovely town
of Frieberg, in the black forest, one
would commence one's student's life un
der the most favorable circumstances.
Munich, also, Is quite a desirable uni
versity, and Is second to Berlin in slxe.'
UALX vKM rdiui UlX' U JbSl. ,
Unique Experiment by Hunter Shows
100 Money Making Animals. '
Des Moines (Iowa) Correspondent, of
the New York Sun.
Twenty miles southwest of Mason
.City, Iowa. Is the only deer farm In the
west. It Is operated by John W, Griggs,
hunter and trapper of pioneer .days,
who has a herd of 100 doer, from
which he yearly, realizes good profit
Griggs' farm has been a soologrloai re
treat for yprs. First he reared wolves,
then wild geese, then antelope, then elk
and now deen, He began 15 years ago
Myrtle Elvyn's Work Has lm
: '-, proved Since Her Last
, Visit to City.' ' , :
V".' ', By O. I. W. ' '.,'. ' .
, Miss Myrtle Elvyn ts hens looking
handsomer than ever In her mourning
robes. .While her vivacity seems to
have been somewhat overshadowed by
her recent loss her sweetness has grown
proportionately. ,.-.--.'-
There Is a current opinion among mu
sicians and critics that ' one cannot
reach one's best work until one , has
suffered. Then surely Miss Elvyn's
work must have grown in beauty be
cause the death of her father three
weeks ago Is an ever present thought
with her. Her father, she says, was
everything to her, father, brother,
sweetheart and guide, and she finds
it -Impossible to keep from talking of
him. She tells of being in Austin,
Texas, with her mother, when the
telegram announcing his serious ill
ness arrived; .now tney arove maaiy
for the sutlon and caught the train
because It was late; how a kind man
on the train, learning or tneir ais-
tress, telegraphed to Han Antonio to
hold the train for two Chicago, women
in trouble: how they were met by a
cabman who, told them not to fear and
whipping: his .horses took them at a
mad pace, through the streets to their
train which' was awaiting them; and
how they arrived In Chicago a day too
late. - ' .
Miss Elvyn did not abandon ber tour
and It Is probably the nly thing, that
saved her from a nervous breakdown.
Her frlenda persuaded her that it was
her father's wish since he had sac
rificed all for her career, that she con
tinue In that career of which be was
so proud. , t '
"At first- sh says, "i thought I
could never play , again and my first
concert after his death, given In Butte,
was a terrible ordeal. I thought I
should never get through. It Was the
first music I had heard since my fath
er's death and I cried like a baby when
the chorus began to sing. But now I
find my musio is my only consolation
and I feel that I am talking with my
father, when I play. . I love to play
his favomtes because he seems to be
standing beside me then and guiding
my hands. I feel that I can play bet
ter 'than I ever did before."
. Miss Elvyn has Just returned from
concerts In Eugene and Salem where
she bad most enthusiastic audiences
.. .. i
- ;
- '"' ,
V i hi - - - - 1 1 -
v i Miss Myrtle Elvyn. .'-;
intellectual: ". and auDrenlatlve.' From
hr she aroes throujeh the northwest.
then to Bait Lake and Into California,
in March she has been reengaged for
Texas where she had to cancel, her
dates, She , has already played tne
larger cities of the east and the middle
west and In June plans .to go abroad
to ooncertlxe next season. She believes
it naceaaarv for an . artist to go to
Rurani at least .every . two years In
order to keen one's hold on the people.
Miss Elvyn, who was heard here last
year with the Chicago orchestra, will
play a recital program-tonight at the
Bungalow. - ;
with a pair of Virginia deer, and baa
experimented with white talis, , black
talis and other hybrids, but the climate
of Iowa has evolved a type of the north
ern deer as the breed hardly enough for
all purposes. .
Griggs pays as much attention to the
breeding of the deer as the vern(
farmer does to the breeding ' of his
horses. This is necessary to 3 prevem
Inbreeding, which means scrubs. . The
mating' season Is In November, the
fawns are born in May. or June "and
by fall the spots have all lef,t the
fawns and their normal coat of hair
appears. . .y ; '
Deer' In- captivity breed as wen as in
the wild state. Young; does usually give
birth 'to a single fawn, but the older
does usually have . twins. Last year
Griggs 86 does brought him Ef fawns.
These require no care. .
The deer corral,' which, includes a
large. piece of woodland. Is stirrounded
by an' eight-foot woven wire, fepce,
doubly strengthened as to posts. The
natural food of deer is the green bits
of the forest but they can be taught
to ike corn, while alfalfa and clover
are delicacies that appeal to their appe
tites. . : ":.' ,'.,- :
Griggs markets yearly all the deer he
cares to sell. ; For park purboses he
gets from 18 to $30 'each, while for
venison he secures as much from a car
cass, the antlers bringing In an average
of f 5 each. " About tne only loss comes
from injuries Inflicted when a deer Is
frightened and conflicts with angry
bucks. , '.-.','"', ':! '
" Last week a Judge of the United
States court rendered decision which far reaching. It la in connec
tion with, the long- drawn out "Heir to
the Hoorah" suit- . By - this decision
Dorothy Dorr wins $100,000. Miss Dorr's
late husband, H. 3, W. Dam, wrote a
short story In jthe Bmart Set in 1905.
The story was copyrighted. Paul Arm
strong saw it and dramatised it into
The Heir to the Hoorah." Then he
sold ' the play to the Kirke La Shelle
company for.- $15,000. The play was
sent on tour and . has since rolled tup
profits ef more than $100,000.. -The cir
cuit court has Just decided that Arm
strong had no right: to Infringe -on the
Smart Set copyright, and awards Dam's
widow every oent of the profits made
by the play from the very beginning.
Visits back and forth of business men
of neighboring towns are- doing; good.
filOH ill HEAD
'.' -e -
King of . Finance Announced as
, ; Guiding Hand of Pan-.
American Bank. :
New York, Feb. 1LThe domination by
3, Flerpont Morgan of the American fin
ancial situation has again been demon
strated. In the announcement seml-of-flctally
made that be is to be the head
and front of the great Pan-American
bank, the mission of wblch Is to streng
then the commercial position of the
United States throughout' the American
hemisphere. - -
The great banking house of Spoyer A
Co., which had marked this as one of its
own plums, has been quietly superseded
and while I understand they were, of
fered a 'share In the project but were
not satisfied with it and are now left
out entirely. '
This Pan-American bank scheme will
have the active Interest of the United
States government back of it as it Is
felt that with an American bank band
ling the finances of South America not
only will American trade be greatly
benefited but the chances of complica
tions because -of the Monroe doctrine
will be greatly reduced.
. Prepare for Bprinf aHasos, ".
New York merchants are after their
share of trade and exceptional prepara
tions have this year been made by New
York's great distributers of merchandise
for an actlv spring season.
The Merchants' association of New
York has arranged for an extension of
the , lower merchants' transportation
rates both- as to territory end time. The
additional selling dates of special mer
chants' excursion tickets to New York
in trunk line territory: February 1 to
22, inclusive; Mirnh S to 8, Inclusive;
March 1 to 22, Inclusive. Central pas
sengt!r: February fi to 8. Inclusive; Feb
ruary It to 12, Inoluslve; March B to 8,
inclusive. i
The association lias also simplified the
plan by which interior merchants can
take advantage of the lower railroad
fares and has forwarded to retail mer
chants throughout the country full In
formation regarding this channs as well
as convincing literature showing the
undoubted advantages the necessity
of arrresslve merchants visiting New
York and making tlwlr purchases at
this center of at least that part of their ,
stock on which most of the money is
made In the retail business. Buyers
hava already beaun to arrive In con
siderable numbers, find the officers of
the association believe the prospects fa
vor a particularly satisfactory 'spring
trade for the metropolis. .
One-quarter of a million of reduced
fare circulars are mailed semi-annually
to the out-of-town trade. Of this num
ber 115.000 are issued by the associa
tion, belg sent direct to merchants rated
$1000 and upwards In the sections of
the country affected by the reduced
fares. Tlia remainder of the circulars
ere sent by the resident members off
the association to their customers, ne
Ing supplied by the association gratuit
ously to members. i
The New York Fruit Exchange has
taken up the question of Irregular way
bills covering goods (perishable) shipped
out by the Jobbers over the various
transportation lines during the midwin
ter . season. It is the purpose of the
exchange to set. on foot an Investiga
tion In, certain rulings Issued by the
railroads covering less than car, lots.
It Is said that in making shipments some
of the Jobbers have found that the rail
roads In order to cover themselves in
case of damage to the shipments have
scratched out the word "refrigeration"
on the , shipping receipts and In this
way have disavowed all responsibility
for loss Incurred as the result of frost
damage while the goods were In transit
It Is ths claim of the shippers that
less than car lot shipments are entitled
to the same protection as the car lot
Msnv orchards between Jefferson and
Albany are being cieanea up.
MA N'-NOT-A MIA I !-( ) i Ml I S-( ZAli.
Tolstoi Ft I$'c-omlti l)lr(tttor
AVhom KuhmIiui Jtulcrs l'cnr.
From the New York World.
In the eyes of the ltusolftn govern
ment' Tolstoi's moral and religious
teacnlng are vicious. He was osten
tatiously excommunicated by the synod
In 1001. His political writings are
openly revolutionary. His social doc
trines are hostile to the authorities.
Against church, state, society, laws and
government he - has for meny years
raised his voice in scorn and denuncia
tion. Against the most cherished in
stitutions of the world as - they exist
today he has boen the fearloss preacher
of revolt. Many very respectable peo
ple outside Russia regard him as an
anarchist and apostle of all that Is evil.
Yet no officer of the police or the courts
in any circumstances la permitted to
molest him In his home at Yasnaya
I'ollan.u Tim tu'".t that the K"Vcr
m-nt .ventures to risk doing, In t.
hope of suppressing freo Hpooin. in
prosecute the publisher V some
u.vur hi.rnre in modern times li
the pssslon for rlKhteousiu-xs In a i
u individual-commanded such unll
sal respect. In .-many ways Tolsio.
social Idea are Impracticable ai
visionary. He has exercised no su
stftntlal influence upon the laws '
customs of his contemporaries. Bi
ho has prtahe the gospel of pea
., , will and of labor and Simp
living, and In his Intense faith h
lived a Ufa of sincerity In a way,
Slir ino nrui i v. , o - j
.uii ni nonnlfl not in accord f
him.' If not to the mans charact.
. .. .t,. i,n,aaiirahla foroe of the world
opinion the cxar's government has be-.
compelled to pay me rou" i...uu
to respect by preserving Tolstoi again
his own despotism. -
' MARCH FIRST. . ' ,
Contract has just been let to J. B. Pilkington, the weH-known
nurseryman for ornamental shade trees arid shrubbery to,be placed
throughout -Alameda Park free of expense to lot-owners. j com
prehensive plan has been drafted aloTig the' most -artistic lines in
which flowering hawthora trees will be used with great effect
- To Elwood Wiles, the municipal street contractor, the contract
has been let for cement walks and cement curbing and gutters
throughout the tract This work will go forward rapidly to make
way for, parking and hard-surface paving. ':C yf. ; vr. & :r v
v - Work on the extension of the ) Broadway line on through Ala
meda Park will start in the very near future-It is believed within
10 aays.. ue unite wora on mis pomi win dc loruicoming m a icw
days. However," the present direct Broadway, service to the Park
trakt this ilghtly, residence' addition but: five" minutes' "ride froth
the heart of the best residence section of the East Side, where prices
are double and more than double, those asked at Alameda Park at
this time. . And yet Alameda Park is view property, with higher
building restrictions and better improvements in course of construc
tion. This is too good a snap to last Prices will advance March 1,
Alameda Land Company, owners of Alameda Park, 322 Cor
bett building. , . . - .
' - ,tC. .pMS - iff
T'.v'-?' """""
. . . . THE . OON'S
z k
fVf r7-!TiOilrV A Tr
uvmm i
mfmpmrnm'' " V.-.--"
't'.r '.;
1 1 '
l.-.'V... VC-i'vv 1
.i: ' ffT,
w.iy-i prs1 ifii' ssi f. -
:'.-, .'.s -i.-.f a i-. .jr."' . . ; . . i- .- i-s ..:: 'ivtJ 'y.;:.t -ja:
tfsh I ? O The $16.50 and $15.1)0. "O
;5);4oo5 Overcoats f ;ji lobj)
For :Your. Choice of . , . ' , ' ; For Your Choice of ;V
, ' $25 and $27.50 ; - " $20 and $18.00,
.Overcoats ,S8o(B5 : Overcoats
We Don't Want Profits---We Need Room for Spring Stock
Come to see these choice Overcbats 'and Raincoats and learn how little money it takes to buy them. . It will pay any man to buy at this sale,
. V, for the overcoat will be good property and give several years'k splendid service. . , ... , ,
Youths' Suits Reduced
Long Trouser Suits few of a
kind, but all sizes in the lot
formerly sold at $10. ( C OC
On sale now at V. ; . ; . I)000
" Between Morrison and Yamhill
Men's Suits Reduced
Men's medium weightsfew of a
kind, dark and medium colors
suits formerly sold at Q C
$18 and $15, now at. . J) D
My Sample Shoes are Superior Shoes, They Are
the Pick and rcam of the Shoe .World '
,p . ) ( J ; ; )1 -
PAIR ? V , ' : t:A: PAIR :
Never Pay
More Than ,
These Prices.
. Shoe
' Shop
. 8 a. m. --
6 p. m.' .
Never Pay 7
More Than
These Prices
No Branch
Houses in 1
'8 a.m. ,
to 10 p. m.
'These Shoes Are Regular $3.50 to $6.00 Values .
: n ' JiQ
Qncn U A
r m r sr J
, , , :
A (71 I
Sixth Floor Oregonlon Bldg.
Rooms ?600-601-602-603-603i
; .-. v. . . . .!...:..-., t : :: -- , .. i
1,1 1 ' 1 1 TAXB XUUTOB . . .
If you are In need tf furniture, rugs, carpets, lino
. -' s; leom or anything in' the housefurnishing line, make ; ;
u a visit. ' For the balance of February our entire 1
f'! stock will be sold at cost. We can save you many ;
, t ; , Complete H6usefurnishers.
, , AVE AND DELAY ST. Take Lbwjr Albina Car.
GOOD trees;
Fnjtt. Shdt nd Onumttital Tree, Shruh ind Vine. ' . ,
W. wmM k. lmt to bm ft 4tn
l if -1 IMMI Iwt ""'t
L 0-, f .. . r
- V. .i -' , ' 169 Second Stmt, Portland, Oregon ; - I
A. -.'