The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 11, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    tii:; oiiLcori daily journal, Portland, Friday evening,. February ioio.
?ciety Women Take Up Fight
One "; Roosevelt Policy
Stands The Craftiness of
Woman Shown by Milliners.
r Hv Inhn V. IjthrOO.
eahlngton. Feb. 11. You may doml-
te any conversation nowadays If only
U Introduce the coat f living. . In
mtly all other themes are forgotten,
matter , what social, business or po
Ical function may be on.
lUere In Washington the socl-uy worn-
have taken hold, along-with, the
usewlfe wh doesn't 'belong," and
tween them they Are making the beef
tat, the cold atorage trust, which con
la etfgs, fruit and vegetable dlstribu
n. and the Elgin butter trust,' count
their losses from tumbling prices,
the District of Columbia Federation
Women's lubs, . Mrs. Charles M.
pper. president, has officially entered
i campaign for . more reasonable
ices. Buch society leaders , as Mrs
IS. Henderson, Mies Mabel Board man
(1 Mrs. Da B. Randolph Kclm have
led themselves with the movement
One Booserelt PoUoy Stands. ,1 '
There Is one of tha Ro6sevclt policies
itch -has nevar. been departed, from
der the Taft regime. When Bwana was at the head of the govern
nt his daughter Alice was the most
pular girl In Washington. . Her mar
ge to 'Nick" JLongworth, a congress
m from Ohio, hailing from . Clncin-
tC'tc nowise diminished her popular-
Vhen the .vies president and Mrs.
rman gave their brilliant annual re
yon last week, the president eame,
also did Congressman Longworth and
' wife. I was standing where it was
y to observe the progress of both
! them through the rooms, and it was
;ont that the daughter of .Roosevelt
quite the center of Interest, and. a
Ossful rival of the president as the
losure of all eyes. ' - ( . .
rost of the Paolflo northwest mem
and their wives were there, It
,ig -one', of the . first publto social
ctlons at which Mrs. Chamberlain,
"9 of Senator Chamberlain has ap--red.
- - ' - ' i
j ' Craftiness of .Woman. '
rijere la consternation among many
men In eastern' cities who are noted
i, the richness of their gowns and.
4 and the elegance of their Rus
ri toques. Listen, eommon folk!
Uorekeepers whisper that they have
ised to be done some detective work,
H that they have discovered that
ny women have systematically Been
taring goods sent to their homes "on
roval." These goods are, of course,
lally delivered aome time after noon
l the package Is left for Inspection,
s 1 buyer to telephone the" dealer If
wants the dress or furs or hat taken
k'. ' ' ,,. ' " . . ' ..
Jut a night Intervenes, and that night
! buyer astonishes her friends by
tearing at some affair clad most gor
jreously lu a new (town, wlih Bhe duts
not wear any inoro.
"Never eKuIn," the storekeepers and
furriers and milliners are saying; and
they have dftvlsed a lead seal ik those
used to seal mallbngs. The only way
to get off the tag Is to cut It. and the
dealer .will not receive back these "sent
on approval" goods if that tag has been
out. It Is attached to a glaring red
tag three Inches wide and four Inches
long, and on It Is printed In large black
lettera: ' "This article will ao
cepted as returned If this .tag is, de
tached." . -
Xioaa Sharks Oet the Jtlob.
One of the astounding things which
have been brought Into the light of day
by the campaign here for no.usury by
loan sharks la the amazing number of
presumably rich people who patronise
the pawnbrokers and other high inter
est -takers. , ,
Of course, news . about rich folk is
hard to get Into print unless said news
be agreeable. Bo with this bit of social
economic news. The fight on ihe loan
harks went on savagely; the treatment
accorded poor families who have gotten
Into the rapacious maw of the loan
hark was set forth in extenso. ,
The Investigators finally dug up an
interesting lino of facts on society
habitues In numbers being In the afore
said maw. But there waa little said
about It. ' " -i. ' t
. "Brickwork,- In a great many cases,
will soon be displaced by cement and
concrete. Reinforced concrete buildings
have proved to be a great success. In
future years concrete and cement will
take the place of ' the greater part of
brickwork." , ' - 1 -'
Such are the statements of H. R. De
Laplaln, one of the best known railroad
and constructing engineers In the coun
try. '.Mr. De Laplaln has handled ce
ment for 80 years. He Is a guest at
the Imperial hotel. ' ; , ' .
""Many years ago," said Mr.'De" Lap
lain, "I, built the first coment arch In
any tunnel In the United Btates. and per
haps in the world. It was In the old
Boseman tunnel In Montana. We could
not get good brick; and after rejecting
a number of carloads, I suggested that
we build one arch out of concrete. The
chief engineers of the Northern Pacific,
for which road I was rebuilding the out,
consented. ' I built one arh of concrete
and the others of brick. Since that
time the brickwork has been taken out
and all the arches have been built of
concrete.".' . . . v. "r.
Mr. D Laplaln was the builder of
the famous Cascade tunnel of the Great
Northern, which , was considered one of
the ' greatest engineering feats in the
history of American railroad construc
tion. , . . , .
'Must Accpunt for Ilia Stamps. , ' ;
ftlnlted Press Imm Wtro.t
San! Francisco, i Feb. II. Joseph Hi
Regari, charged with vagrancy, is de
tained by the police pending his exami
nation by United States postoffice In
spectors who will endeavor to learn how
Regan gained possession of 4,377 post
age stamps. Regan claims he found the
s tamos In a box car while "beating If
on freight cars from Sacramento to this
cttv. He said he had no idea now the
stamps came to be In the car. ' The po-Unedlate effect , through
lice here have communicated wun south
ern California cities and with Denver,
where j postoffice robberies have oc
Three Years' Trial Finds-Legislative
Innovations Satis
fattory and They Are Now
Used by Former Opponents.
,' Guthrie. Okla., Feb. 11. -After three
years of experience of the Initiative and
referendum, one of the most novel of
experiments In legislation put into ef
fect by the Oklahoma constitution, the
people of the new state are very well
aatisfted with, the results, and there Is
no, disposition on any band to suggest
the repeal or even the material modifi
cation of the system as It now. exist. -
'One of the strongest proof of Its
success has been the fact that It has
been sdopted by the very people who
most strongly opposed it in the begin
ning. The Republican leaders In , the
constitutional convention were very gen
erally oppoaed to It, and denounced It
as socialistic snd Impracticable, yet the
Republican state committee has made
use of the referendum to obtain a popu
lar vote upon the "ribbon ballot". gener
al election law passed by the last leg
islature, which gives the control of all
of the election machinery of the state to
the party In control of the state admin
istration. ; Railroad attorneys and the
representatives of capital and coneerva
tlsm opposed, it as radical and revolu
tionary, yet the railroads themselves
have used the Initiative to present to the
people the proposed repeal of certain
sections of the constitution which they
claim restrict railroad building In the
sate. ..v ; .
- JTot a Once la Sffeet.
While provision was made by the con
stitution Itself for the adoption of the
Initiative ' and referendum. It was not
put Into practical operation until after
laws to put .it ihto effect had been
adopted by the first state -legtslaure.
The per cent of the total number of
voters required for the different classes
of petitions was fixed by the constitu
tional convention, but1 none of the de
tails of the scheme worked out It re
quires ( per" cent of the legal voters, as
shown by the vote cast at the last gen
eral election, to Initiate a law, .15 per
cfcnt to Initiate a constitutional amend
ment, and 5 per cent to secure the re
ferring to the people of an act already
passed by the legislature. ' ' . ,
In order to secure to the people the
right of a referendum onHmy law which
did not meet their approval, the consti
tution also provided that no laws stiould
go into effect until 90 days after the ad
journment of ' the ' legislature, except
such as were necessary for the preser
vation -.Of , the public, peace, health or
safety, and a two thirds vote In each
house was required In. order to declare
such an emergency, which would put the
law' Into , effect Immediately. " The
"emergency clause" has undoubtedly
been abused and many laws put in 1,0 iro
ns ' agency.
which had no emergency character, yet
it Is hard to see -where any other plan
could be devised, which would allow the
immediate enforcement or reai emer
gency measure and yet suspend the op
eration of othvrs In order to allow a
referendum vote if desired. , , , ''
your propositions! ,
A law or part of a law may be re
ferred by. the legislature Itself under
the referendum, as well as on petition
of the people, and the first state legis
lature under this provision made use of
the new Idea by referring four proposi
tions to the. people. There were ' two
proposed constitutional amendments, one
for the adoption of the Torrens land
system and the other to remove the re
strictions, on the permanent location of
the state capital before l!USi a prop,
osltlon ' intended to get " an exprea
glon of 1 sentiment " from ' the people
on the Idea of selecting an Ideal site for
the capital and building a new city
there, and a proposition for the reten
tion or rejection of te state dispensary
plan of handling the liquor question. ,
All were voted on at the general elec
tion -In 1808. The two constitutional
amendments received a majority of the
votea cast on these particular subjects,
but not a majority of all the votes cast
at the election, and were therefore de
clared lost. , The ideal, capital or "New
Jerusalem" ,. proposition . . was . deolared
carried,1 and the dispensary proposition
was voted "down by. an overwhelming
vote, but the election on that proposi
tion was later declared void by' the su
preme court, on account of technical Ir
regularities In the title of the proposi
tion as submitted to the people. This Is
the only case so far ; where the people
have been unable . to carry . out their
will through the initiative and refer
endum and the' only case where the sys
tem may be said to have failed. ? ' -,
Early Tses of Initiative. ...
' The first initiated bill was also voted
on at the same election. It waa one for
the sale of all of the school lands of
the state, and was defeated by a big
majority. ' , . J-
The second Initiated bill, and the sixth
state question, was the bill by State
Senator .Campbell Russell, carrying out
the "New Jerusalem" idea embodied In
his resolution. which was adopted at the
first election, but ; on which no action
was taken by the legislature. ' It was
filed on December II. 10, with 22,881
signatures to the petition, but a pro
test to the sufficiency of the petitions
was filed five days later. , Secretary of
State Cross 'decided In favor of. the pe
titioners, but the matter is now tied up
In court on an appeal from his decision.
The same condition exists In regard to
'the woman's suffrage amendment to the
constitution, the petition for which wss
filed on January 6, 1910, with 11,543
v Plrst tlae of Referendum.
' The first measure orr which" the ref
erendum was invoked by petition was
the Tylr election law on which the
Republicans filed referendum petitions,
with 30,385 signatures. That is slso
In court now on an appeal from the bal
lot title prepared by the attorney gen
eral for the proposed measure to be sub
mitted, 'as required by law.
The only initiative or referendum
proposition which Is ready for a vote at
the present time Is therefore the consti
tutional,, amendment submitted by the
federation of commercial clubs on behalf
of the railroads, removing several con
stitutional restrictions, which' seems to
have, hampered railroad building, and
also limiting materially the power of
the corporation . commission to control
publio service corporations.- It had been
the Intention to call a special election,
probably In April to submit a number of
the pending propositions, but in view of
the fact that the others are all in court,
it is quite probable that all of them
will go over until the primary election
in August I
. . Did you cut The Journal picture cou
pon from Monday's- Journal? It ap
peared on page. t. . .
Monday, February I4tli Is
.' Next Sunday's papers will hold a full-page:
announcement there will be a burning interest
in it for YOU; V
, " . -
- See our beautiful colored enlargement of the
Reed Institute site, on exhibition in our windows
it is worth your while. .1 ,
Columbia Trust Co.
! I V j ' t l
cirri "5."' II
- . S
All Rose City Park Cars run-
through Laurelhurst; v" Take car
at Third and Yamhill sts. . sales
men on the ground. Office 522
Corbett Building. . ' -V, , ; ,; ,
... . 1,
Painless Dentistrj
Out ef iawn epls
oaa tiuiir pixe
n4 brinewora t mm
lihM Im eae e
n nut stiMM im
WillfitMe m4
Vjf. gtM er twctit'S
rtnlw 43.61
Rtbr CroM 5.C .
EMMiruilaf ivJ
InbryTOlnfS f 2.63
Plttat . O.CJ
Stat t RoW m mm
kwPlites- 7.51
PsiDlaM kitrsctlnn FswlajlMtorimiio wors
knrdmd. OoaMltauon.srM. nci
SnxoiCODaat a.H.tetr.M. saaaytel4
The Journal ;,
Are appearing . onV page 2
every day.
Don't forget tojcut.them'.out..
If you are suffering from biliousness,
constipation. Indigestion,' chronlo head
ache, invest one cent In , a postal card, -send
to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dee
Moines, Iowa, --with your, name' and ad
dress plainly on the back, and they will
forward, ' you a - free sample of Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. ''
;,WBjsiBMWBsaSBssSBBBBasBaMssllssSSBMM ' , , , . " 'i n i ' , . - , ' . , f '
! t
ssas) eyA
Why suspect the kidneys when the back aches !
. Because the kidneys are in the' small of the back, and
any pain in that region is good cause to fear, kidney dis- .!
orders. ; ' " '
Congested tidieys swell, inflame and throb painfully.
This is backache .It is hard. to straighten after stooping.
Sharp pains ' follow any sudden movement, and soon the
urine, shows "disorders. Urination is too frequent, pas-"
' sages painful or scanty, and the urine; discolored or full
- of tiny red grains, like brick dust. .
Sick kidncyshave no time to rest and get well. They
' are busy filtering the blood. Goto the rescue. Use Doan's
Kidney Pills a. special kidney medicine a remedy that
relieves and cures sick kidneys, regulates the urine and ?
cures backache. ( . ' !, -
' David Campbell, ITt N." Bighteeath
streeV Portland, Or., y;"Tiy er. six
years ago I began to. suffer from kidney
trouble, thm peine in my back became
almost unbearable and t graw so lame
' and sore that to stoop was tortura. I
tried various remedies and Anally, went
to a physlolaa. but obtaJnod only tem
porary relief. I did not know that my
trouble was caused by dlsoritared kid-
. neya, but when I saw Doen'a Kidney
PUls so highly aadrertleed and Teoom
mended for such complain l. I decided
to try them. The first bos gava ma
neb great relief that I continued their
use until the backache and ether symp
toms ot disordered kidneys had entirely
1 disappeared. My trouble ha not - re
turned and In view of this laot I ad
vise the use of Doan's Kidney Pills to
anyone suffering from kidney complaint."
' Mrs. A. 8. Cumminga V Clackamas ,
street, Portland, Or,, says: 'Kidney com
plaint and backache clung to me for e '
long time and often I had Very severe -attacks.
Bomttlnwe there,; waa a1 dull
heavy ache ever my kidneys, then agala
I had (harp pain in the email . eA'tbe"
tack. The kinder seeretleps passed too
frequently and often distressed' me. I ;
tried several remedies, but with poor f -
suits, and I was Anally Induced to use
Doan's Kidne Pills. They helped me
quickly and oonttnulng their use I eooa
found relief from . the aches and pains.
My kidneys were also strengthened. I
recommended Don'a Kidney Pills
through the looal papers three years
age and X am glad of this opportunity,
to oenflrm sir fromer testimonial."
Test of Science I
tanees v whatsoever. O'OHl ; A.
Tlile is te certify that l have made
careful examination ef a sample
And no mortiplne, - eocalne, nor
MhM hahlt-nrnduelne' druse. Further.
the formula centsins ne Injurious sue-
JCTLIXER, , Chemlet et the State of New Tors.
. N. "
Affidavit of Dr.
Erie, Pa.
r .': :"J.''':
Abscess Removed
From Kidney.
Backache, Diz
riness, Headache,
Languor. JV'
Kidney Congestion,
Loss of Weight.'
PAQS, Erie. Pa.
Cured to
Trouble Never Came
Trj M; N. Pasre. 14 'East Ninth1 St., Erie. Fa.,
Is the foremost manufacturing, optician of that
city. Cured by Doan's Kidney Pills some years
ago, he certified tn Maroh, J0, that the cure has
proved permanent The facta of Dr. Page's ease
follow (note that this statement la sworn to):
"Ofnoe of Dr. VL N, Page, It Mt. th SU Brie, Pa,
Doctor of Optics:- ' . '
"An attack of Jildney trouble began with acute
congestion, terrible backache, chills, headaches
and dlisy spells. . For six months the trouble,
went from bad to worse. My eyes began to give
out, headaches became more frequent aad severe,
and a feeling of general weakness unfitted me
for my work, I lost ground rapidly, going down
from Hi pounds to 122, felt dull and listless and
could not sleep welU Finally an abscess about
the site of a hen's egg appeared on the right
kidney, sore and tender, and about the eame time .
a retention of the urine began to alarm me. I
started taking Doan's Kidney PUls and at onee
began ta mend The urlno flowed - more freely, 7
the pain left me, my eyes Improved, and head- -aches
and dlsslness vanished. The abscess was
removed and I regained my weight. That was la
ISM. The trouble never returned.". .
f - " - i
. Bworn to and signed before me this 12th day ef
A.prll. Tv. B. Carroll, Notary Publio, Brle Pa.
Why is it dangerous to neglect Sidney trouble ! y,,
Because good health depends on the kidneys keepiug.
: the blood filtered free of uric acid. Sick kidneys allow
, uric acid to collect, and, if neglectedsoon lose their power
of filtering the blood. This leads id fatal Bright 's,disease, ' I
dropsy or diabetes. . f
, Uric acid causes rheumatism, specks or blur beforo
,!. the eyes, nervousness, gout, neuralgia, dizzy,spells,4grav,el
and stone in the kidneys. t
Doan's Kidney Pills promptly help sicklkidneys, re
lieve congestion or. inflammation, restore the blood-filtering
powqr of the kidneys, and remove the cause of uric
acid troubles. ' sv
Oeorgo K. ParrUh. 8T2V4 East Oak BU
Portland. Or., saya: "1 think Juet ae
highly of Doaa's Kidney Pills today as
I did over three years sgo when-1 pub
lksly Indorsed them. Kidney complaint
made 1U appearance In my case so grad
ually that it was some time before 1 paid
much attention to . It. A heavy cold,
whloh I contracted, was the means of
bringing my trouble to a climax. Dull
paint acroas my loins caused me the
moat Intense suffering, and If I did any
work that obliged me to exert myaelf.
my condition waa much wore. I noticed
' a convincing statement In the papers in
favor of Doan's Kidney Pills ai.d this
led me to" try them. The reaulta of
i their use were highly satisfactory. I
waa so ' completely . relieved that there
n has never been any return of my trouble."
Mrs. A. M. Hollsbaugh, 811 Grant St.,
Portland, Or, says: "For two or three
years my kidneys were disordered and
caused me much annoyance. Unlike moat
cases. I did not, suffer a great deal from
bark-ache, being bothered principally by
Irregular and distressing passages of the
kidney secretions. Learning about Doan's
Kidney Pills, I procured a supply at the
Laue-Davla Drug Company. . I soon felt
their beneficial effects and after I had :
finished the contents of one box, my con
dition had Improved In every way,' I ;
hold a very high opinion of Doan's
Kidney Pills and cheerfully recommend
Test It Yourself
Cut out this counon. mail
it to -Foster-MIlburn Co..
Buffalo,' N. T.. who win
: Henri vmi. nnatnatr . and
free of charge, a trial package of Doan's Kidney Pllla
GO Cent, n Box. at Any Dinigstoro. FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y.
ibsBMss. ' i