18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11. 1910. KBTSIEIIE RIY OH TILLAMOOK RUN It Growing Business Makes v Necessary for Portland-Til lamook Line to Plan a New and Larger Boat. : Uck of ability to handle allof the freight of the Portland ft Tillamook , Transportation company may 1 tha .cause of tha steamer Ooldnn Gata being supplemented by a new and larger steamer, which the company la con templating building. This Information waa received thla morning from an authoritative eoureo. - and although the matter haa not teen definitely decided upon it la thought that there la no qucatlon but what It will become an accompllahed fact In the near future. The Journal's Informant., who la a member of the company operating the tiolden Oat, aald thla morning that If It la decided definitely to build a new eteamer for , the Portland-Tillamook ' run. it will be a vessel of about tha aame size aa .the ateamer Argo, which waa wrecked on tha Tillamook bar last fall, and If possible it will be cod. atructed here. The proposed ateamer will have practically the aame dlmen. elona aa tha Argo, and will have a freight capacity of about 209 tone. The length of the Argo waa 121 feet, beam 21 feet and depth vf bold H feet. The new ateamer will, also be fitted with pasenger accommodation, which are Jacking on the Uolden Gate. In ease the company bullda the ateam er the Golden Gata will attll be re tained and either kept on the present run. alternating with tha new ateamer, cr a place found for her on aome other run where a light drart vessel couia go to advantage. . The freight trafflo tn the Portland Tlllamook' run haa ' Increased to such an extent lately that tha possibility of a new 'ateamer to help take care of It haa been' Impreaaed on the Port land et Tillamook Transportation com pany.- - - . .. Astoria. All of tha buoys loth, river whi p, repainted. the paint waa craped off of them when tha Ice waa In the river. Some which have gone, out will be replaced. C'i. will alao take on aome auppllea while here. Wlrr-lr-wi MMMAffr. (Via Drilled Wireless.) Steamer Geo. W. Elder, at aea, Feb ruary 10, left San Francisco 1:4 p. m., for iPortiand-r7:S0 p. m.. 47 if miles southeast Point Arena: freah northwest wind,' ae smooth. Steamer Falcon. February 11, 8:29 a. m.. passed Cape Blanco: light northwest wind, aea smooth. auxLjgrnaijajLiaai uju. jujl' Wirrless From lortrr. ' W. R porter, at Fea (Wireless vli North Head to U. H. Weather Bureau) Feb. 11. 4.40 a. m.. 60 miles south of .North Head; light southwest winds. cloudy, aeA smooth, barometer 30.31. temperature 44. MAIUXK INTELLIGENCE. Begular Liners Zne to Arrive. Klnmath. tJfcn Franelaco, . . . . . .Feb. George W. Cider. San Pedro. ... Feb. Kansus City, ban Francisco. .. .Feb. A Ilia nre. Coos Bay Feb. Roanoke. Ban Pedro Feb. Rom Clfy. Han Krsnclsco Feb. II Hanta Clara, Ran Francisco. ... .Feb. 23 Begalar Uaera 2ne to Depart. Boa City. San Francisco .Feb. 11 Hanta Clara, San Francisco. Feb. 12 George W. Klder, San Pedro. .. .Feb. 15 Alliance, Cooe Bay.... Feb. 15 Kanaaa City, San Francisco. .. .Feb. II Roanoke, Ban Tedro. ... ... ...Feb, 23 tC Yessela la Tort. BoHsuet, Fr. bk Columbia No. 1 Virginia, Am. ach. . ........... .1'reavott Berlin, Am. ah.;.,, Goble Glenalvon, Br. ah .Left down Henry Vlllard, Am. ah Astoria W, F. Jewelt. Am. sen. , . .. . .St. Helena St. Nicholas, Am. ah.. .Astoria Kelbtirn, Br, bk,..,,,,..Inman-Pnulaen l.uion, Atn. ach. .Innian-PoulHen Poluliovh, Br; ah N. Pac, L. Co. Coaster, Am. as Tongue Point River Clyde, Or. aa v.port. . t'o Henrlk Ibsen. Nor. aa : Alaaka F. S. Loop. Am. aa, Standard Box Falls of Prchy. Br. SS....K. ft W. I Co. Northland, Am. s . , . . t. , . . . l'ort. L. Co. Rose City, Am. as. A Inaworth Nome City, Am. aa. . , , .Inman-Poulaen Altair, nr. dh i, ytii'isnn nu Brahlorh. Br. bk St. Johns Donna Franceaca, Br. bit. .Astoria Relen. Fr. hk.i..... Astoria Ernest Legouve, Fr. bk. .Columbia No. L Leyland Bros., Br. ah..,, 8LIohns Mam King. Br. ah ...Jefferson Bt. ra Bout. With Oemeat ana OeneraL Arctic stream. Br. sh. ...... ......Tyne Bayard, Kr. bk Glasgow Claua. Oer. ah ..........Hamburg Claverdon. Br. ah Tyne Thiers, Fr. ah , .... .Antwerp Notre Dame, d'ArvoIr, Fr. bk.. .Antwerp Titan la. Nor. aa.....,, ........Antwerp Crlllon. Fr. ah...i Antwerp, Augustus, Oer. aa Antwerp Herm. Nor. aa Antwerp: XlaeeUaaeoas Tonnage, to Arrive. Elr, Nor. aa .Nanalmo . Glenaffrlc, Br.faa Comog ' Rygja, Nor. aa L Yokohama Hercules, Nor. A Ban Francisco , Irene, Am. sch Ban Pedro! W. B. Flint, Am. bark Seattle, Rowdofn, Am. aa San Franelaco j Caaco, Am. aa ...San Franelaco OeoW. Fenwlck. Am. as. Ban Francisco 8aglnaw. Am. aa San Francisco OUR MOTTO A QUICK DIME. BEATS A. LAZY QUARTER CUT-PRICED? GROCERIES I E (E.(Gr 5 20c Per Boz. 1ST. AND TAYLOR I TAHOMA XKW BOAT.' Btramer Rebuilt and Captain Ho . ford Takes Out New Papers. , New papera were taken out for the ateamer Tahoma this morning, aa aha haa been rebuilt and la now practically A new ateamer. except for her name, which will remain the aame aa before. The work of rebuilding the Tahoma la practically finished at tha yarda of the Portland Shipbuilding company, ac cording to Captain O. W. Hosford, and aha will soon be ready to go Into the .towing business. The new ateamer will be In the aame claaa aa the HuaMef and the Wauna and will be an Important addition to the Hosford fleet. One of the principal changes In tha Tahoma la the cutting off of her house aft, which makes hat; better for tow boat service.) Captain Hosford took out. new papera for her at the custom house this morn ing. ; . Washm gtoii Street fn ' nT jl Phones: A-6551 rnjiuc iviariiei am CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON STREETS r ifaircihiiilo THE LITTLE Wh6lESALE BUTCHER RETAILS AT WHOLESALE PRICES . VlLL SELL YOV SATURDAY HAMS . ; . . . 18 BACON 20 and 23 PORK ROAST 12i and 15 Prime Ribs Rolled Pot Roast .T 84), Sirloin Steak' 10 TBone .' 15 Boiling Meat 6 to 84) Young Beef Liver '..5 Will sell 5 Iba. Fine Lard...T5e r. Veal Roasts ,.124, 15 Breast of Veal 10 Hind Quarter Lamb 12"4 Shoulder. Steak, 3 lbs 25 Pork Sausage, per lb 10 Beef Hearts , 6 Compound, 5 lbs 6O4) '; NORWEGIAN STA3tR FIXED. k Torkenskjold Will Take Lumber . . Cargo to Australia. Another lumber -charter waa . an nounced this morning, the Norwegian : steamer Torkenskjold, Captain Hanson, l aving ! beeij .flsjed yeeterday by , J. Moore. A Co. of Ban Francisco for a cargo of Oregon fir to Australia. She la a vessel of 2296 tons net and will take out a cargo of about 3.000.000 feet of lumber. She la now at San Fran cisco, undergoing aome repairs, but will be here for .loading about March 1. It la alao announced that the British', hark Forthbank has been chartered by ) Andrew Weir- for lumbar loading at Portland for Australia. She la a ves sel of 1X32 net tons and la at present at Callao, where she haa been on the disengaged list. Bha will be here for April loading. ; -. , Buttercup Butter 65c a Roll SfAllLYB ICOTES. Astoria, Feb. 11. Arrived down at 4 p. ra, steamer Jim Butler; at 8 a. m., steamer Rosecrans. Sailed at 7:15 a. m.. ateamer Elmore, for Tillamook. Palled at 11:15 a. m., steamer Ramona, . for Coos Bay. . San Francisco. Feb. 11. Arrived at 7 a. m., ateamer Roanoke, from Portland. and schooner Commerce, from Columbia river. V Coppa, Feb. 10. Passed. German steamer Valkure, from Portland, for Limerick..". -.!;,'.;;;,.. Coos Bay, Feb. 10. Arrived, ateamer Breakwater, from Portland. v San Francisco, Feb. 10. Sailed at S p. m., eteamer Geo. W. Elder, for Port land. ' Arrived a p, m., steamer J. Marhoffer, from Columbia river. Sailed j at 6 p. m., steamer Catania, for Port land. . . Astoria, Feb. 11. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m., moderate wind, east 16 miles; weather, raining. Tides at Astoria Saturday High wa ter, 2:61 a. m 8.4 feet; 2:40 p'. m., 8.7 feet.; Low water. 8;65 a. m., 1.7 feet; :t p. ro., 0.0 feet DAISY BUTTER 75 BULK BUTTER, best. . .80 BULK BUTTER, Iowa ..:70 BLANCHARD EGGS, carton .35 EASTERN EGGS, two dozen for 55 WISCONSIN CHEESE, two pounds ........ .45 BRICK LIMBURGER. DOMESTIC SWISS.. 25 HANSON BUTTER, CO. CENTER OF MARKET STALLS 7-8 SEC. C L . ! " ' " .. 5 SPECIAl-5-lb. Pail Pure lard 85c "trsnojT shop" i, Picnic Hams . . . . 12 Loin Steak ...... 12U Columbia Hams .... 18 Round Steak ..... 12U "w xuy x-ut joast .f-Of? Pearl Compound. . . .60 Hambure. 3 lbs. . -.25 Hind Quarters Lamb 12 Shoulder Steak, 3 lbs 25 GOFF 8l DILLON WHOT.THaTiH AJTD KCTATX xirmAjroH na rmsT stkbet. To wash boilers the steamer J. N , Teal will lay over tonight and will get , , away on her run up the river late io , morrow afternoon. The towboat Ocklahama will take the Norwegian steamer Henrik Ibsen up , through the bridges to the Inman- Poulsen mills this afternoon, where she ti;wiil begin taking on lumber for Ma v nila. With a lkrge amount of freight, con slating principally of cheese, the eteam- er Golden Gate, Captain Hansen, ar rived last jnlght from Tillamook. - Laden with 700,000 feet of lumber the steam schooner Jim Butler, Captain , Olson.-Bailed last night for San Fran- Carrying RO0.OOO fpot t,t i,k. i . ateani schooner F. R. Loop. Captain . Lcvliinon,. will sail Saturday for San Francisco. :v,' io anisn her cargo of lumber for can renro tne steam schooner Nome . city,. Captain Hanaon, moved down ... irom xne inmaft-pouwen , mills t the ot. jonns mui mat nicht. , Carrying 1B00 ona of general freight and about 200 paasangers, the steamer Itoee City, Captain Maaon, will aall this afternoon for San. Francisco. v . The Open River Transportation com pany's steamer Inland Empire will be inspected Wednesday. The Juanage . men t does not know yet what repairs Will be necessary to the steamers on the tipper river until they; have been impeded, - after which they -will be mtui ready for, business as soon ' aa )iosMible. ? t- ' - To du some buoy work the lighthouse tender ManiHnita, Captain Byrne, ar rived at Alaska dock laat night ;from i Skamokaiva Bulter Always Fresh Maple Grove . 65 Iowa Tub Butter, 2 lbs. for ..... ........70 ' FRESH KILLED ' CHICKENS Skamobawa Boiler Stall At Wholesale Prices Dairy Butter, 2 lbs......'., .60 Dairy Butter, 2 lbs..-.. ..'.t .66e Creamery Butter, 2 Jbs TOf Creamery Butter, 2 lbs..... 75a GOLDENROD FRESH MAKE It has no coual, 2 lbs. 85 CONDENSED MILK ' 4 cans Oregon, guaranteed.. 30 EGGS , T Oregon, fresh, 1 dozen.... 85 Eastern, 1 dozen '."..25f At the GOLDENROD only. Washington-Street Entrance Buy Direct Save One Profit ; :'' f: BUTTER GO-65 Special for Saturday SB 75c Hams .. . .17 Bacon .... 20 Lard 75-85 Compound 60 Kancn tiggs, 2 Uoz. for 6Sc SATURDAY IS OUR CHICKEN DAY ' La Grande Creamery 264 YAMHILL, BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH Fresh Dressed Chickens & Geese SKAMOKAWA BUTTER - - : Once Tried , " Always Used ; "' ":. : 8Sc ROLL Just Arrived SEALSHIPT OYSTERS-All Oysters, No Water 406 PINT ' COLUMBIA RIVERSMELT 5 POUND ' COLUMBIA FISH COMPANY ' THIRD AND ANKENY MAIN 5, A-5556 18 Pounds for $1.00 EXTRA SPECIALS SMELT. 8 pounds for. . .25li Solid pack Apples, pec can 10 Wild Iilackberries, '.in quart jars ........ . . . . . . .'.25 j Ferrari Italian Oliv Oil. flS 4 packaj?es Gloss Starch, 25 Jh: 7 cans Oil or Mustard Sarl dines , ......... 4,.... 25 a lbs. Green Split Peas..25 6 cans Carnation Milk.... 55 JO lbs. ' Onions ......... , ,25 1. gallon Old, Settler's Maple Syrup ........... :.1.15 1 gal. Standard Syfup. 45 3 bottles Stuffed Olive ., 25 I Mushrooms; per can, 30 i '. . : v "" .. . ' ... ' . '' 1 --n ttJ ah me Advantage 3000 Matches .151 Pf price - quality .and quantity rests -.'with . the "cash vaiuc. iii uj pusiuic way uu uic tjcuu uuycr iiope to match up to what the cash buyer gets for his fnoney.; This being so, why not always pay.cash.for your table supplies? It means an actual saving to you. of 25 per cent and more on your grocery bills; Surely a saving H qua,rt baIa worth while to the majority ol people. Therices inMn, av o suic guiuc iu uic pivc yuu wuuiu yxy any where else. Would be pleased to send you our, cata logue on request. ' Vv' r lia orig inal ; JJCASii STORE Pacific M. fi700 PHONESIiome A-H12 FLOUR The Price of Flour ' ' " ; Dropped. Mail Bag, per sack, $1.40 Has 7 Cans Deviled Meat, 25 Special Washboards Standards . 20 Drass , ,.....,....k..-..30 Glass'. 135 Red Cross l. . .... .. . . r . .40 Saturday Only. ' ' BUTTER DEPART AIT Monarch v ;i.",."..;.Vi70 Tuni-Tum . .;.,..,,.:. 75 Troutlake .: .'. , . . .1 ., .'. .80 Oleomargarine . ... V.. I . .45 Macaroni, Spaghetti, Ver micelli, regular 10c pack age, 3 packages - 5 C 3 bottles Olives 25 3 large bottles of Mustard 25 All.kincfs Tea ....... 125 3 bottles Catsup;;,...;. ;25 3 bottles Vinegar '.25 1 quart Salad Oil. .7.. .. .25 Six full pound bars Soap, 25 3-bar box Toilet Soao. . . .25 Three-pound package Washing xowaer . Extra choice Dill Pickles, per .... J. . ' . . qi., J-Ufr; per gai., tenuis, tnree pounds for 25 One pound Bulk Pepper, 25 Un. K1. l.f j ?T iikv uuuica IIljr KII1U OI CX- tract 25 Six cans small Milk 25 Louiisn, two-pound brick, 15 25-lb. sack Farina 00 T Gel Your Share oflhePeopl e'sMeats If you have not had your share of the very best meats at the People's at the very lowest prices, you've made a mistake that can 'easily be rectified. 5 Ask your neigh bors whether or not we are selling the best meats; then come bright and early Saturday and find out for. your self. You'll be surprised how sweet and juicy and ten-. der meats ran he anrl at iirfi Inw nnVc rnn SPECIAL SATURDAY! ' .".!...,.25e Meat Prices Slauohtered Shoulder Steak, ' lb. .. 10 Round Steak. Ib. ....11 7 : " , I Sirloin Steak, lb. ... . .11 Porterhouse Steak. 12 20 lbs. Sugar $1 mm Every 4 Pounds Grand Special Coffee. $1. of Hamburger Steak, lb. 10 ot Roast, lb. ..,,..10 Boiling Beef, lb. ..5-G Sugar-Cured Hams ly2$ Regular Bacon; lb.. . .20 Everything Else in the Meat Department Cut to the VERY LOWEST PRICES 39 lbs. Rice for $1.00 2 Glasses of Chipped Beef for 25 7 lbs. A.' and N. Blend Cof fee Sl.OOl Fro Racfcot With I ' inwi bin; fib viuu iiinui iiuillC"""llU OU5QI 10 Pounds Lard Compound for 5 Founds Lard Compound for $1.25 65c Oysters, ' dozen cans . . . . , 00 Ridgre way's Tea ........ 50 10 lbs. Wheatlets. .35 10-lb; sack Pastry Floiir,' 35 Gallon Apples ..... .';.30 25 lbs. Farina V. . . . i i . . .00 5 Grandpa's Tar Soap:., 25 5 lbs. Tapioca . ...... . .25 .3 lbs. sun-dried Apple... 25 4 Leslie Shaker Salt...;. 25 Half Skim Cheese .......15 4 cans Lulu, the great cleanser, tor.. ,25 3 cans Milk . .25 Eagle -Milk ,.-..15 10 doz." Clothes Pins for 10 8 rolls of Toilet Paper for 25 Tour psekMraa m41 Xalslaa. 1 mno6s full wtirht, for,.,.. 25 D. C. Soap, 7 bars. . . . , . .25 Special quarts Cranberries for . .............i..,25 Extract of Beef, jar. .. :.;35 1 Sack Potatoes . $1.25 1 lb. Monarch CoUee One Pound Loaf Sugar FREE Hams The Wiifce f sialic Market JLJ Harry Woodl Saturday Bargains Boiling Beef. .6-7-S Corned Beef .. . . .8 10 Pot Roast ,.....8-10 Hamburger . . ......10 Rib Roast . . .12-15 Pork Sausage ... .12 Leg Lamb ........ 15 Link Sausage ....... 15 Shoulder Lamb ...'.10 Hams ... 16' Rolled Rib Roast ... 15 pjcnjcs V. I '. ' .' 12 5-lb. Pail. Lard . . . . .75 t TRY OUR 5-lb, Pail Compound 55 RoUed ShouWcr Lamb Wo uoro tha two to on. partem. 156 Pound 1 1 Cor. Second & Morrison - r Harding THE BREAD and BUTTER. MAN Picnic Hams 12'ScLb. Saturday. Snaps Eastern Eggs . . . ; . . .25 Absolutfely Fresh Oregon Ranch Two Dozen, 65c Butter . . . ... . . . . . . . ............ 70-75.g0 Three Loaves Absolutely Fresh Bread... :.10 CHEESE! ifc " CHEESE 1 CHEESE! FREE BASKET With Each 50c Purchase - FRUIT-STALL - FREE BASKET With. Each 50c Purchase ORANGES 152025 Dozen LEMONS 15 and 20 ' Dozen APPLES $1.75 C. Box PRUNES 5 lbs. . 25 DRIED PEACHES 3 lbs. 25 . DRIED APRICOTS 2 lbs. 25 THB COMBIITATXOir BASZST OOVTAUXt 9 AXTXC&BS - The regular retail price of the goods la $1.65-7-our 'price Is $1. Mts. OrtwnUtod 8u-r 3 lbs. Wilt. JTsry Bsans 8 lbs. bet XtsJiaa rraa.a a fluwts bsst OrBbmlM 1 s"1ms Jsr Btnwbarrr Jam 1 can Panoy Corn 1 packar. bast Corn Rtarob 1 lb. Bsleot Black Bates ' 1 larff. can Prult Packed In basket ready to carry home $1.00. " . BASRET STORY FREE - The poor man's place to trade is the one where he can get good value.. We will prove to you that what we say is true. Tomorrow you can have your choice of two combinations. The old basket contains $1.65 in real value; the new shopping bag contains $1.45 hi real value your choice of either one for ONE DOLLAR. RAISINS 4 lbs -25 SVXCKAA VOTXCB In. addition to all of the above metioned goods that we are selling: to you for ll.oo, we will give away one hundred prizes worth Twenty rlve cents each, to the first hundred cus tomers that will bring- one of our chip baskets to us In good order, will receive one prlae. Only one to each customer. " To wW hay. to hurry if you beat th. other fellow. Bom come y.ry - sarly. The Penny Cash Grocery Co. 148 SeoonA 8t, or go throufli th. Whit. PubUo BUrk.t. OOMBIHATZOB- SXO IlHO BAO COBTTAIirS 6 AKTIOZ.EB The regular retail price iof the goods la 1.45 our price Is $1.00. lbs. Oranulat.d Sugar 8 q.ts. best Oran berries 1 lb. bast Baklnr Powder can 3 lbs. beat White Bary Beans 8 lbs. best Italian Prunes I ib. best 88o Coffee Packed In one of the latest siyies . or imported Italian Shopping Bags, very neat and strong, all packed and ready to carry, home for $1.00. - The WewKMarket SI Rump. Roast . . . , . . . 10 Roast Beef .....8-10 Boiling Beef ..6-7-85 Soup Bones . . . . ... . .3 Mutton Stew... . . i . . : : 7 Muttpn Shoulder .. .10 Leg Lamb 15 "Rolled Lamb Roast. 15 5-Lbs. Lard 75c TRY ONE CORNER Veal Cutlets .. . . :'. . . .15 Veal Roast... 12 -15 Leg Veal 15 Veal Breast . .....12 Veal Shanks .... . ....8 5-lb. Pail Lard ......75 5-lb. rPail Compound. 55 Hams . . . ,.16 jPicriics . . . ..i.13 Sauer Kraut; quart i . 10 COUPON Free! 4jLbs. Sugar Free! Cut out this coupon .and present it to every purchase of ' us, and with 1 Dollar's Worth of Tea or Coffee Saturday, February 12, Ve will give you free 4 pounds . best sugar. . 'Try; a cup of "our Nectar ' ' ' ; , Blend Coffee. fWe serve it free. . MARTIN MARKS COFFEE COMPANY The. -White MMIciMariset Cor. Second & Morrison 5 Pound Pail ; Compound 55c i mm '7 a !