The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 11, 1910, Page 15, Image 15

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?E2TM(G : MEWS :
Field. Diamond
ip mwm
Throws Matsuda Once . and
Latter Refuses to Continue
a"; ; ; Wrestling Match;:
Los Angeles Crab Will Prob- Multnomah Club and Y. M. C.
ably . Be Only ; Familiar . A. Athletes Will Test Their
Face on Cushion. .
Strength in Water, .. V
Eddie 'O'Connell laid one more aspir
ing grappleMow last night In ths peraon
of Matsuda, tha Ja, who waa beaten In
one fall In 18:46 and refused to, come
back for more wreatllng. forfeiting the
match and his 1500 aide bet It, waa
the roughest match the fane have yet
wltneaaed, and while it, lasted waa Just
about the faateat
The hold that threw the Jap waa a
body scissors. snd head lock. OConnell
worked Matauda into a vloellke grip and
waa punishing him considerably. After
holding off a lone aa he could sud
denly relaxed,. and Referee. Cavlll de
cided that his abouldera had touched the
mat To aome It appeared that the Jap
waa not clear down, al though tbey ad'
tnltted that he could never have escaped
the fall.
Matauda left tha mat without a pro
test, but onoe In hla- dressing room,
which, was crowded with gesticulating
fellow oountrymen, the Jap fancied he
had not been given a square deal. He
wanted ; to .change referees, but when
thla waa denied he sulked "In his tent
' , ', Ketsuda Is Stubborn- . . ' ;,
Matauda ' rare : an exhibition of ori
ental stubbornness that neither hla
trainer nor hla manager, Jimmy Cassell.
could break through. Ha refuaed to go
back- on the mat -After waiting fire
minutes overt tha customary ten for
him. and warning Mm mat he would
forfeit the . match If Matauda .did not
ahow up In a minute, Cavlll gare the de
cision to O'Connell. Just aa O'Connell
waa making hla way to hie dressing
room the Jap came out. Ills inenns
told. him of Matsuda's return and he
went back to hla corner.. He threw off
hla bathrobe and Invited Matauda to
finish the match despite "the fact that
he waa already the winner by tba ref-
eree'a decision. But , Matauda refuaed.
and the lia waa off.
Both men were under weight CrCon-1 enance to spring tnat.iiu ntsu stuff aa
nell weighed first and tipped the beams I another wrestler had with his strangle
at 140 pounds. Matauda weighed an I bold.
even 140 pounds. . . ,- , One thing was made evident' and that
O'Connell outwrestled Matsuda at is the fact that' wrestling has not lost
all angles of tha game. He waa faster, (Its popularity-in Portland, However, a
knew more and could stand the rough-1 better seating arrangement would bare
lng better. However, after the first been 'welcomed by the large crowd of
rive minutes he tired perceptimy, while I fans.
just before that be waa going like a i the preliminary Walter 'Arndt de-
cyclone. This should be evidence feated Jean -West West took the first
enough that . OConnell has no business fali, Dut Arndt's experience triumphed
reducing to 140 pounds for a match.! In the other' two. It waa a ennA hiit
waa ins jap. continued no migm nave and entertained the fane. 'The firat pre
worn O'Connell out in an hour's going. . umlnary was won by Lloyd Kepparf
jap Qood on Defensive. I over jaca Davis.
Matsuda wrestled well on the. de
fensive, but displayed a lack of knowing! "Ketchel's First ' Appearance.
just what to flo when he got on. .top, - He When Ketchel meets Frank Klause
. mutt ivui t..u vi
San Francisco, Feb. 11. Third Lbase,
Bwlmmers of tha Multnomah Athletic
clUb and the local T. M. C. A. will have
that difficult old bag, will be guarded their lnnlnaa on the of February
by a corps of new faces Udajrear. Mud 2S, when they meet for tha f Irat aquatic
Smith is the only one of tha old jruard struggle of the year In the big tanks
who stands a chance of being seen at t tha association.
third, and ha will have to fight for his ainc thev have' mnil Into their new
job Los Angeles has signed a young home the Y. M. C. A. swimmers have
iiuieiaer bj me name or KOin ' wno I i,. ,.i,.m.i. .......
hatted ann rnr n mi,i, i.. P1 extremely busy and some regular
' ' (United Press Leased Wire.)
Chicago, Feb.' 11. Three Fingered
Brown, aviator' That Is the way base
ball fans will read It If tha dreama of
the star pitcher of tha Chicago Cubs
coma true. . - . -,
Incidentally tha dalra in alt in tha
nau oi . lame beside Wrlsrht brothers.
Curtlss, Blerlot and Paulhan Is the real
reason why Brown has not yet signed
a contract with the Chicago Cuba for
next season, acoordlng to private ' ad
vlcea from Brown's Indiana home.
Brown has struck for a big raise. He
expects to get It, but ha also objects
strenuously to the new major league
contracts and has, given out that he
will not attach his signature to one. - If
President Murphy of the Cuba does not
sgree to Brown's terms tha three fin
gered twlrler expects to go Into the
aeroplane business right away. ,
"It's about time I waa getting Into
some kind of , business," said Brown,
"and the air game looka good to me. I
think there la a great future in the aport
and that, later, on, It will become more
than a pastime."
Tommy Ryan will open a physical
culture school In Memphis. -
. ". '
ftrsl ted' Press teased Wire.
' Ban Francisco, Feb. II. After con
sultation with the managers of the truf
fle department of the tiouthern I'aoirio
and Santa Fa railroads and the Oak
land Traction company, Promoter Kid
Hester announced this afternoon that
all arrangementa for transporting t- '
point- Richmond the crowd that will
wltneaa the Nelaon-Wolgaat fight F-b-
ruary 2 J have been completed.
Work on the arena started yesterday,
and Heater expects to have the biir
at rue tu re completed long before the Any
Of tha fight. Jack Robinson, Nelson
manager, went to Point Richmond thla
afternoon to look over the work that
haa been done. . - 1 s
Wolgaet and Nelson are entertaining
large crowds at their training camr
dally. Mora Interest la being dlnplayed
In the coming fight- according to old
fight fana, than in any match that has ,
been pulled off In or near 8a n Fran-. ,
claco since the bsttler lifted the light
Weight title from Joe Gans. ;-
All the ring seats for tha final En-'
llsh association football cup tie at the
Crystal . palace, London, on April J3.
have been aold, and tha only seats If ft
ars for the l-ahllllngs stand.'
.-1 -f
In a disease) to painful as Rheumatism, medicines containing opiates
Favorite - slugger .who .will return Xo the ring shortlr.'
I Kattiui inn vnin mi.i, i
and ha im M to t a o.t.r it water, dogs are being turned out
will be an Interesting combat between The tank la probably tha best bn the
IBmlth and Roth, and may tha best man I Pacific coaat. and that adda to tha Inter
win. Jud Is a steady old clock and ltt the association men ars taking In
will take Mini , player to . beat him. I tna meet. ,
IBmlth has hit harder than he did last I Recently tha T. IS. C. A. won the as
year, but ha still can negotiate the I soclatlon championship of the northweat
bases and field a bit There wera few la a local aquatla meet.
players who could beat 'him. around the I ' Swimming at the Multnomah club has
bags last season, but Jud Is not worry- I made great progreas under Professor
lng a heap about hla job. . He Is a full Annur caviu and ha has developed
fledged dentist, and a good one. and ome fast youngsters. Including Phil
auouiu nom oeai mm oui ne: can mane i w.iamion v yara man m. AZ.M .tm ...4 o.,Y. , i. m " ...
ji,wa Willi ilia lureryi, i hv i w t .wuiv , . . . , ... " .
.,. k.. , .hortr riiatanra man h .,. .t.n only because it frequently causes the sufferer to become addicted to the
bast two aeaaana. mnA tint tor hla ble of hlrh SDeed in the water. ' QTU2 flaDlI, DUl meaiCUUS OX WIS nature SlTS aiWSTS miunOUS tO tfiS STStem.
friendship for DlUon might have done so I ' The meet promises much In .an ath- Hheumatlam is a disease of the blood, and Its Cure depends entirely upon a
I !-!.. . ii, . ... . , U .. V M A.I - M . 1 1.1 . I .. ,
r now. .- " way u il win ouuouess oe 101- uiwvuxu uunuvsuou oi mo uiruuiauoxu ai kuk aa tue uiooq remains.
Zelder goinr away leaves .third bssa lowed by others during the year. saturated with nrlo t.cld. an Inflammatory condition of the nerves, muscles .
ui- can t ranciaco cwD an open port, i r' eupponer oi ouianor ana tenaons or the Doay wlu ezut, ana the pains, aches, soreness, and hot, i
Manaorn piayea aanay Mil Jaat year I swimming ana wiu wori jui a meet in fmrhh 'wh nf Phmtnitdm wfil KAnHnm T-v .
l v. . ... - . .-.. I .1.... ...v. .. v r Vf , i .i.- T -- " w., ,Ui I.IU, iui '
.In "Zw-kV- "k?rni r.,.; "I. r w,"n Rheumatism is 8.S.8. It is nature's remedy for this disease, made entirely I
There will ba i b , bnU reoMnirTor " " - t the healing, cleansing Juices and extracU of roots, herbs and barks from '
xnerv wiu am m. Dig ouncn rooting lor - . , trl . a a a M .i.f.t. 1. 1. tv. . (
way injurious to the system. It is absolutely and purely vegetable, and f 1
free from opiates zr sedatlres of any kind. 8. S. 8. cures Rheumatism by ',
remoring the tirlo acid from tha circulation, It makes tha blood pure, rich i
and heaalthy so that Instead of depositing sharp, uratio impurities into tha j
muscles, nerves, joints and bones, it nourishes every portion of the body :
with natural, healthful properties. Book on Rheumatism and any medical :
dvice free to all who write and request it.. ' i ,(1 '
I him to capture the position, for Mun-
dorff Is a popular kid, but he must
fight just ths same. Manager. Long". Is
oringing out Burrlll, . wso has played
third and Is highly recommended. It
wlu be between Mundorf f and Burrlll.
Wolverton for Oakland.
Wolverton will take charge of third
for Oakland. That settles that Hogan.
whoae playing was gilt edge laat year,
will most likely go to the outfield,
Is a beautifully built fellow, and looked for six rounds In Pittsburg inext month
stronger than O'Connell,- who ; was it wllr ba his first aonearance inthe
drawn. Matsuda. had about as much I ring" since Johnson knocked him out'1 '.
The fast Honeyman Hardware com
where Connie Mack wanta him to go. Ipany's indoor bsseball team will nlav
It Is understood that Hogan will be an exhibition game against a team of
wnn me auucucs in 1111, ana Macx !... . i ,k.
Ma win ... h. wan w-.. .. Multnomah gymnaalum tomorrow night
chaalne fllea thla vear. with his same promises to De one of the
natural ability and speed why should I mos interesting played this winter, ow
ha not turn out a cracking outfielder? ln" to the number of stars who will
McCredle has two newcomers signed maice up me picaea team.
to acrap for Ote Johnson's shoes. Elmer Davis hss had charge of the
Cleveland ' turned him over a third selection of tha All-star team, and he
aacker br the name of Nltiel. and ha ays that his men will be right on the
also secured another from the Western I Jb when it comes to punching out bln-
r cii n a aaaociauon DJ mo name OI amitn. 11 la " '
BantamS Will . GO UVer Mara" up to them to fight It out The game will be called at :0
Charley Graham will atart off by ocioca, ana it is expected that a large
playing 8hlnn at third and should he crowd will be present to witness the
fail ahort Boardman will have, a chance. ame of . tha year for the Indoor
Happy Hogan really can't say Just lesguers.
who his candldatea will be. He Is "
dickering with Cock man, who played Diamond Belt Thrown In,
with 8t Paul i last year, and Mc- T-n Anarnlea. Feb. 11 Mnnin 111.11
thon Route in Los An
: geles February 22.
Frankle Conley andjils. manager. Bob Kechnle, who belongs to Pittsburg.
soe mm mm?
V- -J '1 "H -I i.t- !.(
i WelBae-.'b)V-- ''
Lags, left last night v for Los Angeles,
where the ' Kenoluv bantam will meet
Monte AtteU for . tha featherweight
championship of the world on Wash
ington's birthday before Tom McCarey's
- Jsck Grant of the Rosa 'City Athletio
club had-Conley and AtteU signed for a
10 -round exhibition here February 25,
but released them; both when he found
that' Conley. could get a chance for the
wond's championship over the long
! Conley says he will come right back
to Portland Tor an exhibition Just as
soon aa the local club sends for him
Frankie admits he owes much to Port
land, for It was here that he-got his
real start along fame's pathway.
will be a new face, whoever -it is.
i I Tracey'a Card February 18. '
. iommy . xraoey intenas staging a
number of four and six round bouts be
tween local boys February 8. Tom 'has
signed' Jean West and Danny O'Brien,
Bobby Evans and Ted Whitman, and
aud Anderson and Guy Lee for exhibi
tions. -This ought to prove one of the
best drawing cards of the year when it
Is 1 added , to Tommy's personal popu-
Slay Box 8t. Patrick's Day.
The" Oregon Athletio 'club will not
George Memsic. Lew Powell or who-1 .T"" h,rf ,r,f man7 of
Seattle, Feb. 11. Followers of the
wrestling game who witnessed the con
test between Dr. Roller of Seattle and
Henry Ordeman of Minneapolis last
night are today much divided In their
opinions as to which of the wrestlers
is the best man. Although Roller was
awarded the match on a foul by Referee
Hermann after he had secured one fall
from Ordeman, many of the speotators
expressed their displeasure at Orde
man's disqualification, declaring that
the Minneapolis Swede did not use the
strangle hold as claimed by the ref
eree. .
The matoh was fiercely contested.
and it was not until one hour and six
minutes of the roughest sort of work
that Roller pinned Ordeman'S shoul
ders to the mat for the first fall. The
second bout went 34 minutes and 37
seconds and was stopped by the ref
eree, who awarded the match to Roller.
Several previous decisions ' of Her-
Itlsnd Frankle Conley were matched yes
teraay ror a 46 round contest for thef
bantam championship of the -world. The
match was made by Fight Promoter
Tom McCarey. The acrap Is scheduled
for February 13 at Vernon. The dia
mond belt which was won by Webster
when ha won from Attell and which
later was lost by the local lad will go
to, the winner. According to the agree
ment the fighters are to weigh 116
pounds ringside. It la expected that the
bantams will arrive here, and go into
active training within a few days.
ever they, gret to . meet the Cyclone until
I March. St.' Patrick's day might be se
o t id'"'-')
4 ,.f 1 1
m Mm m
. (United Press Leased Wire.)
, San Francisco, Feb. .-11. Louis Blot
one of the latest additions to San Fran
cisco's army of fistio promoters, to
day announced his Intention of match
lag' Sam : Langford and Jim Flynn for
a 46 round ; battle In this city, next
month. v.; v r-. V
' vUpon : his return from" Loa Angeles
last week, where e Interviewed Lang
ford, Blot stated that he had obtained
the consent of the black Bostonlan to
fight any.-man picked out for him be-
rore a - ban Francisco audience.
Flynn's unexpected showing against
Langford at Lost Angeles last Tuesday
,nas causea jioi to a Dana on his inten
tion to match, the negro with Barry
or anouier .promising neavy, and ne Will
probably make every effort to arrans-e
iivui uiwuuk BBiween Angxora and
lynn. . .--'.:.. ; .,
"The. talk about Langford - traveling
under; wrapa In his, LosAngeles fight
w, iwiisu, - uiui. uwitftrea -xoaay. i
know beyond the possibility of a doubt
that the fight was oa -the square, and
that it. waa a great fight at that. Flynn
and Langford would be a , great card
hera" . : w ;
the spectators, and when Ordeman' was
disqualified ' for clapping a head scis
sors on the physician there were yells
or, disapproval from all over the
crowded house,
Hermann declared the hold was of
the strangle variety and Roller Is sure
of It, for he admlta he was all ln
when the referee clawed the big Mln
nesotan off him.
New Tork Yacht elub has 2309 members.
If You Me a B
Wliy Not Get the Best?
Expert Medical Examination Free
Tow a eve every time aad for tha. anlekest, hart treatment at a seat
lees than yem will save to pay say otter svaalaUst la Portland. , .
I Charge Nothing to Prove Uy
Methods Will Cure Yon
These are tba Alseaaes which I
have eared se maay mea--pecaapa mare
than all other spadaJla-ts la Jtortlaad.
Stood Diseases, Skta piseasss I will
you treatment that will in a few
ays ours all rash, spots and -every sign
and symptom. My treatment ejets the
tsint out of the system
driving It In,, like other treatments.
Come to Me
and be Cured
, Walla Wall a to Play Tacoma,
V ("twist PVapiitdl te Tba Jonrnsl.
Walla "Walla, Wash., Feb. 11.
The Walla Walla"y. M. C. A. bas
ketball five will take part in the
basketball : championships to be
le ' Played in Tacoma ; nxt KVMo v
and Baturdar nlthtu Th irv-,i i
"Y" has a strong team, and hopes
e : to be in at tla finish.. The men
e i who' will go are , Coach F.V D.
4 Applegate, Captain Hal Morgan,
; center; - Ring and Thorn, guards;
e , Unser. Glafke, Smith and Snvder.
4 forwards.. Dunning will also
S ' probably . accompany the team.
.. Walla; Walla "will -also clay the
North Yakima Y. M. C. AvWed-
e : nesday;; , J. 'Q V' -t
Those fans Who used to sit and
shiver In the grandstand when the sun
played hide and seek with ; flirtlns:
clouds will have a chance to warm tfp
between spells, accordingto Manager
aicvreaie, wno says tne new addition
to the' grandstand- will be built down
along the third baseline. N
Of course this will allow the eus
rays to trickle through the wire net
ting, but ln the early season it wilt
prove a more popular place than the
It gets extremely, cold In the shaded
section of the grandstand during parts
oi jvpru ana iviay. ' ,
. According-to the latest reports , from
tne managerial quarters, the local play
ers will leave for tha south near tha
end of the month, probably the J7th.
Mao alms to have all the playera at
Santa Maria' by March 4. He haa 14
games arranged with various clubs be-
lore playing begins. , f
When I
Cure You t
Third Team Is Winner. "
The third basket ball team- of tha
Jewisn Young Men's club defeated the
Nationals by a soore of 28 to 7 ln a fast
ana wen piayea game at the former's
club. The lineup of the winning team
was as follows: ' F. Semler and W.
weiser; rorwards; M. Welnstein, cen
ter; J. Gilbert and M. Hermann, a-uards.
The third team averages 115 pounds to
we man. Any team wishing games may
cal up Main eS3S between 6:30 and 6:30
and ask for Manuel Weiser. . i ,
Connecticut Republicans have been
stirred bji the . announcement that
Charles A. Goodwin, a cromlnent law
yer of Hartford, will jenter the contest
for the Republican gubernatorial nom
ination' - ; .
or pay me as yon
rat the benefit of THE DOCTOR
my treatment. THAT CURES.
FES FOB A CUTIS Is lower than any
specialist ln the city, half that others
charge you, and no exorbitant charge
for medclnes.
I am an expert speclallat. have had
30 years' practice- In the treatment of
diseases of men. My offices are the
best equipped in Portland. My .me. iods
and modern md up to data My cures
are quick and positive. I do not treat
symptoms and patch np. I thoroughly ,
examine earn case, una me cause, re
move It and thus cure the disease.
Z CUTtE Varloose Tetns. Contracted
diseases, rues and Bpeolflo Blood rot
son and all T ' eases of Hen.
SPXCIAZ, DISEASES Htwly contract
ed and chronic cases cured. All burning,
Itching and Inflammation stopped in ui
nours. cures eirectea in seven days.
insures every man a lifelong cure, with
out taking medicine into-the stomach.
JVIFN Visit Dr. Lindsay's private Mu
seum of Anatomy and know thy.
en in neann ana aisease. Aomiseion
free. Examination and consultation free.
If unable to call, write for Hat of ques
Office hours 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Sun
days, ,io a. m. to i p. m. only.
Instead of
itmenta I
oure blood diseases and skin diseases so
they cannot come back.
Varicose TeUe and XyArooystio
. Tnninrs My one-treatment cure is
what you should have and what you
will have to have to be cured right
Only one visit is required.- I do no cut
ting and you auffer no pain nor trouble.
All signs disappear In a few days.
I Diseases of the TTrlnary System, Kid.
ney and Bladder Diseases ars - sclen-
' tlflnallv fiirA kv ma. Vf V mutha lm.
mediately benefit you and the majority f Allf FflT? HflTJ '
of cases I cure come from other Port- rtita a vt isica
land physicians who failed. XfOsrest BstabUshed .
Bervous Debility I get much pralae and thanks from patients I cure '
of these troubles. From young men who are suffering because of early
dissipation and from all who are tired, nervous, distressed, embarrassed
and worthless because they are not strong and vigorous aa they should
be. You have to have such treatment aa X give you It Is your fault If
yon don't let me cure you, - - -
Not a Cent to Pay I Lowes t Charges I Quickest Cure s
Unless) Oared. of Any tyeolaUs. ' ' I Tbat Mar Oared.
I know there are a great number of men seeking a cure for the dis
eases I treat; I know these men would be glad If they aotually knew I
am as successful as I claim to be ln treating oases of their kind, as then
they would not hesitate to. come to me at onoe . aad . get s the . benefit of
Quick, Certain Methods Tor Curing in 1020 and SODays;
' BverythlWr sTtrtotly Oonfldentlal - Separate' Booms tor Frlvaoy." Tba
Most Compute Bleotrloal gqalpment West ox Bear Tork. . X-By Bxaml. ,
nations Made la All Casee.Wltsre Beoeesary. . . . , ., L..,,,,.
we have added to oar office equipment, for the- benefit of XBB OBXT
a FBBB MTTSXTTM-of Anatomy aad rallsry of solan Uflo wonders. Kan.
know thysolX. Xiixe-slse models Ulostratlns; the mysteries of man, show
lag tha body ln haaJth and disease, and saaoy natural sabjeots.
Men make no mistake when they come to us. , We Rive you the re
suits of long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best aerv-i
Ice, that money can buy.. If you are ailing consult us. ,' Medicines fur nished
In our private laboratory from 11. SO to U0 a course. -
If you cannot call, write for self-exambatloa -blank. Hours I a. m.
t t p. a, dally. Sundays I to 13 only. - -,
"IU XorrlsoB-at, Bet
ta and Bt3 Portland, Or.
Many doctors call a suppression of symptoms
a cure. Some; dose for, drug effects and then
claim- that nothlqg more can be done. : But the
real ailment remains, and will bring the symp
toms back again, perhaps the same as before, or
perhaps modified income manner. My treatment
is effectual in completely removing the ailment,
because it goes to the very source of the cause.
It searches out every root and fiber of the ail
ment and thus effects a REAL CURE-mne that
is permanent The thoroughness of my methods
ui ueiuuf uicu aiinienis nas orougnt cures
where others fail, has enabled me to promise
much with certainty 'of fulfilling every promise
and haa rewarded me with preeminence n ' the
medical field and with the largest practice of its
kind in the west.
You Can Pay When Cnred
The ZMdlng apecialist.
My Specialty tacludes Contrasted ,Atfanents,
arloose Telns, Obstraotlons, Bpeolflo Blood
PoUon PUes and All Befiex Ailments. ; :,
free Museum
OBffT I TXVt V. m.
Slr k PL-?IiIINa- cheerfully give . you the verv best opinion,
Si!rr,y. 8 of"uccessful pracUce. - Men out of town, In trouble.'
TZ? ,yOU Jannot c!1' many cases yield readily to proper home
i T''T: My, offices are open all day from I t. m. to p.
m.K and Sundays 0 to 1, . 1
The ni TAVI HP