14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1310. HFEilSOF DM Management of Progress Ex position of 1910 Also Wants Eastern i Manufacturers to Ship Exhibits to Portland. shed. Lovely street, between, MeKenny nd Wall! builder. Mine: $40. Th Laurelhuret Co. Erect n-BTory frsme dwelling. Woolsey street between natrann anrl Hvracuse: builder. U. O. tValtnnr 12000. Hen K. Byrens Renalr one-atory I. .- J ...111... Wmmt K.VMfl trV-B V T t B street between 'Multnomah and Paolflc; builder, same; $40. - A. olaen- Erect one-atory frame gar ace. Kast Twenty-f mirth airt between HroadWay and Hchuvlerj builder, Thmnaa h n ra-n vna IftOO. H. EaHywlneRenalr one-tory frm tor. Alberta treet Detween union ana fir.nit hiiM, Bum S&00. R. lilonarram Krect one-tOry fram dwelling. Terwllilaer atreet between -lra ami Vrnnt: hullder. MmC $1000, J'. Courtnev Kract one-atory frama dwelling. Kaat Twenty-fourth street Iwmd Jtrainard ana uoing; , , ouuuor, a.m.. 11 inn vintin icinha Renalr Ana and one. half alorv frama dwelling. Cook avenu union; puuuer, II and CHINES E GUIDES CHEA I VISITORS TO CHINATO ,1 roof. rim rrogres expoaltlon af 1111. will ex- Mtiit all klnja of machinery having in do with Oregon' dvtopmnt. Th exposition management 1 clolng ar ronremonta with manufacturer all i ovrr tha United 8tte tnrougn local rr presentative to hava exhibit on the i. rouruH when tha fair begins Septera- , i. r 1. - , . . -. Inder this arracgemant Portland will i-av probably thn)Jorty of ex hlblta, U la said, sine In Portland are manu factured moatj of tha Implement wnica are itnt out Into Oregon to aid to tha Improvement of tha land. ' .. u All X Harmony. These txhlblta Include electrical and seam machinery. Tha essential plaea tBhon by electrical equipment will b between Rodney and limit; I70i. Otto Bchuman Repair iron Fa at Third atreet between fi.k- hullriar. R Melton: 1200. . J. J. Armetrong Erect two-atory frame dw-lllng, Eaat Twentieth atreet between Rraaea and Knotti builder, aam! 14000 i H. Von Boratel Erect two-story frama rfwaltlnr c ackamas atreet oe tween Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth: 1J7R0 ti. Von Boratel Krect one-atory frama dwelllnr. Waaco atreet between Twen- ty-elhth and Twenty-nlntlij builder, Roberta Construction company: .ouv. if. p, Reynolda Krect one-atory frame dwelling. East Fifty-sixth atreet between Siskiyou and Stanton; builder. Q. West A Son; $2000. George W. Pate Repair three-story brick atore, Fourtn atreet oetween Washington and BUrku builder, John Blnrhtn: $1800. City of PortlandErect two-tonr frame fir enrlne house. E Rlark street between Sixtieth and Blxty-flrst; builder, N. Q. Patterson; 510.000. Several Chinamen, acting aa China town guides, are taking advantage . of tha New Tear celebration and are prac ticing a holdup gam upon Innocent visitors. Toung Chinese who have learned they could make money by of fering to pilot vlsltora through the ori ental colony have also been made the toola of men who have caused several complaints to be made to the police, 1 Last night alghtaeera were taken part way en the tour, and then asked for more money to aee -the rest. Borne of these guides will charge II cents, ott ers to centa and other It to aee the dark places of Chinatown. The first visits are to Josshouse, club room and shrine, when the party will come to a place recommended by tha guide the coat will be SO centa extra. If the party doe not pay tha guide dlaappeara. several compiainta have been, mad against this practice. The official guide for Chinatown la Jullue w Knlspel. Ha waa appointed by Mayor Simon and la under bond a. . Knlspel la also a spe cial police office,' and la In 'uniform. He ha acted s official Interpreter. Each night at orlock he atarta from the police station with a crowd of lht aeera, which trip lasts two hours. . Tha holiday last two week, and all club rooms, public places and homea ' are beautifully decorated In the oriental fashion. Chinese music and gaiety reign during these holiday. ' ., KLICKITAT PLANS .FOR EXPLOITATION ' (DmcIiI t-lmttrb ts The JournU Gotdendale. Wash- Fob. U. How to advance lha Interests of Klickitat coun ty, wa tha keynote t6 the monater booster meeting held at Cloldendal yes terday. The occaasion waa tbe annual meeting of the Klickitat Countjr De velopment league. -Plana twere . for mulated for the continuance of the. ex ploitation campaign. Among; the con tingent from -Portland were: '. . Tom Richardson, publicity manager of. the Portland Commercial club. George B. J'rench, president H. M. Adams, trafflo manager; H. 1L Crosier, advert Islng agent, and C. M. Vowler, traveling freight agent, all of the Spo kane. Portland A Seattle Railway; U J. Brlcker. of St. Paul, general Immltrrt tion arent: A. V. Charlton, assistant general paaengnr agent, and F. H. Fogarty. assistant ' general ; freight agent of the Northern Pacific; R, v. Holder, general agent of the Chicago Northwestern; . II. A, Jsckson, general aaent of the Great Northern, and M. W. rorer, asalatant general agent of tha Burlington. - . - The Gcldendale-Lyle pssenjrer train wa derailed at I o'clock In the morn- ng. N. U Ward, president of the Klick itat Development league, and other Goldendale cltlsen were on the train en route to I,yl to wtlm.me Mr. French and-hla psrty. The derllm.n lr,r. rupted trafflo on the GolUendele branch for aevaral houra. The members of tha Portland party were joined by the (iold endale boosters arid proceeded to 1ry hill, where automobiles .wen. frovldd u tu journey was completed. , Conffrvnce ff ChaHt leg."-'., Mankato, Minn., Fi1. .llTh eight tenth state conference of charltlea and corrections, which assembled here today ror a tnree flaya' eesi0n, ,hns hrouaht together many men and "women who hare tnade.thelr life's work the scienti fic tudy of th best mean of carlag for or reforming the defective and In- t. . 1 i rorrlglblea, feeding the hungry, educat Ing the Irnorant and reforming the traqegressor. Governor Eberhart, State Labor Commlsslni)r McEwen, Professor Jenks of the University of Mluneaita, and the Rev. Dr. C. R. Henderson, pres ident of the International Prlaon asso ciation, are among the scheduled speak er. The Boclal development of the ru rI community I one ot the chief sub- Joct to bo discussed at tha conference. ;.. Dnth of rioncer Woman. , , ; ftultert PnM f eiMd Wlr. . U ' Santa Rosa. Cal'Feb. Uv Mr.- ElUa J. Oraeter, 80 year old, who came to tha Pnclflc coast in 1145, died here, yea terdny aa the result of a stroke of , ap oplexy. "She waa the niother-)n-law of Attorney Frank If. Gould of San Fran cisco' and alo the motbet-ln-law of Su preme Judge .Sewull of this1 county, A third son-ltf-law la Charles O. Johnson. prominent cttlien. ,Mra Graeter had lived here for more than a. quarter of century, , ' : . GROVE'S LIGHTS BURfJr ' CITY AGAIN ASSUMES LIVELY AIR AT NIGHT (NperUI Dlopttco to Tbe Jonrnl.) Foret Grove,'. Or., Feb.. 11. The electric light ' are irln burning, after two month' durk- , ness. The city I In chsrgs of the system, and aa soon aa the. new generator arrives, which hae 1 been ordered from the east, the ' plant will be able to. supply all 1 the power needed. The town has again assumed a, HvVly air at evening, and . the citizen are once more prome--nadlng the atreet after toll of the day ia over. One pleasant .feature of th resumption of the light 1 the opening of the free reading-room at 'evening; which had been closed lnc December. ' - ,a rt trti la rlw ant iravii hi, it ! alr1 dally In connection with the develop-lk C PRIIIT HflMPANY merit of Irrigated region a Since the manufacturers decided to give up hold ing an Independent exhibition and RKreed to cooperate with the greater fair aa individuals and not aa an asso ciation, perfect harmony ha prevailed .etween the officer of th Manufac ' irera' association and the Portland J sir A Livestock association. "We WIU have the roost unique dairy xhlblt ever , given," said President E. 1.. Thompson ot th Xalr aaaoclation. ctterday. "JVorking In cooperation nlth the atate board of health, w will ' v a model dairy exhibited In mlnla i re. Complaints have been mad of r.e way dairlea have been conducted n Orffon and tbe complaint In many aies are well founded. So we will how the N farmer who com to the i i ogres exposition what a properly - nducted dairy should look Ilka.. They n thon go : back, home, and put tbe -w Idea a Into operation. Right here, i t mo ay, that I havo assurance more rmers will com to Portland during 'he fair time than ever before in the i. atory of thJ Rose City. . , - .. :. ICere- tot Termer. .1 "For one thing, there are more of the farmer; for another, we are pre- i anng an eipositton with even 'nought for what the farmer would ike to aee than for what the man In !"n. la most interested in.- .' .' I do not think many of ijs have an silequate Idea of the place In progress taken by thl atate and city." ' lir. Thompson Clover Hill dairy ha become noted among farmer a on f the best In the northwest He ha -."liny Deen experimenting with anew ;ind of milk house, -which he i find ing very uceeful. An attendant takes tho bucket of jnilk from th man who ie the milking and passe It to an oiher attendant In the outer room of i he milk .: housa. ' '.This' attendant pour the milk through a properly made aper ture into the coole In the next room. The milk within, JO minute la cooled to about 45 degrees Fahrenheit It is 1 ittied in thi. condition without Tth possibility of contamination. Milk thu 's for remain pure and aweet for m. , daya Mr. Thompson propose to include a model of this style of milk house In the dairy: exhibit It 1 expected to .ahow many dajrymen who are careless about handling cooling milk how to'adopi a better system at small cost to . themselves and with ELECTS OFFICERS fSMctit DliDitcb t Tbe JouraaL) I Vale, Or., Feb. 11. At the annual meeting of th atockholder of the Ore gon Fruit Land Development comoany of Vale. the following director were1 elected: O. W. Vok. Har ry Flynn. E. S. TMhlrgt and Henry Schlottman. Officer elected were. Prealdent. O. W.' Voak; vlee-preeldent, Hennr Schlottman;. ecretary. B. 8. Tschlral. and treasurer, Harry vFlynn Th company recently purchased 400 acre of fruit land from the Willow River Land company, and will utlll the entire tract In the cultivation of fruit tree. At Ihi meeting th tock holder voted to order from a Missouri nursery 11.000 apple, 14,000 peach and 14,000 pear tree. ; Malheur Company Enlarge. iinMlal rthraatrs ta n Journal.) , Vale, Or.. Feb. Il.The Malheur Ab trot company will hrafter be under the management of Tom Jonea, an ex nerleneed bulne man, .who ha pur ehaaed a aubatantlal interest In th enterorise from Judge 3. W. Corson, Inor, Judge Coron remain a member of th company, but hi law practice ana in various orivate enterprise wttn wnicn he i connected require all hi Um and attention. A LITTLE KED SPOT p i -eater' afety tothefr cutomra RUN OF BUILDING . ' PERMITS STILL BRISK B. t. and W. E. Demford--Erect one story frame dwelling. Spruce street,. be tween Foeter Road and Lewis; builder, same; 11600. . t . 7 ,' C. Nascher Repair , oh-tory frame oweuinav-Mineaot avenue, between Oolng and Blandena; builder, same; t&O. K Bouge Repair one-story frame dwelling, Mildred treet, between East Mnth and Eighth: builder, same; 1100, Li. H- Strange Erect one-atory frame Vori Szperlmeat fcy 'Waloo' I Kay B .kud to DinppMt, A peculiar feature about poslam, th new akin discovery, Is that no ' on 1 asked to buy it without first Mending to tha ' JCmrionoy Labdratoriea,vNo..i.j West Twenty-Xifth ' tret., New York Cty,: for ad xperlmenUI aample and anolvinr am to aa affected part of the tftln, about the its of a silver do! lar. It will clear th spot ao treated in 14 houra a remarkable visual demos tratloB of it powrv w While poslam . ha been mentioned principally in connection with th Cure of csema. th most stubborn of akin disease. It must be' rmemberd that when used for 'Itch,- hive, pimple, blotches, acne,' Itching feet, acaly ecal chafing of Infanta' and almilar minor akin trouble,' Its action ta all th mor pronounced, results being seen after an overnight application. . A only amall quantity ot poslam Is necessary (to cur such cases, a apeclal 50 cent package, usually sufficient, ha been placed on Bale at th Skidmore Drug Co., Wood ard, Clarke aV Co., and other leading drug stores In Portland, and throughout th country. ' ' . i ,"",,n"1 'mmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmlSimmmmmmtlmJmmmAtmilimiSm ! Ponday, Feb. 14th i Is Opening Day Next Sunday's papers will hold a full-page announcement there will be a burning interest in it for YOU. ' ' - WATCH FOR IT. See our beautiful colored enlargement of the Reed Institute site, on exhibition in our windows -it is worth your while, i " . , . , Cclom&ia Trust Company BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING ? - .'.",-:- '- -v,(i':i,'.'r.,...l.v. i'W; Exeefcl lei For 9105 we sell regularly a splendidly finished piano, in either mahogany or oak case, that is good in tone and ac tion and will give many years of satisfactory service: It i a piano that justifies easily a price of $250, and" iri most houses would not be' sold at a lower figure. For years we have been selling this piano as a leader of our cheaper styles arid spe cializing it as the best piano in the city at its price.' 'It is fully guaranteed and may be exchanged at any time within one year at its full purchase price. Hundreds of these are sold each season at the price, $105. ; Like our stock of high-priced pianos and player-pianos, our line of medium and low-priced instruments is the most, extensive and best selected in the west. Not only is this true, but our selling method and our business policy are such that the satisfaction of the purchaser is positively assured. There can be no misunderstandings, no disputes, no dissatisfaction on the part of the buyer. ; v . The terms on our payment plan are as low as could be desired. 1 304 OAK STREET, BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH ECONOMY IN TRAVEL BY USING THE TOURIST SLEEPERS ON THE Spokane, ' Portland 8 Seattle Ry. 'The North Bank Road" - it' ; ' The. system of tourist sleepers on "The North Bank ; Road" and connections reaches the important points in the Missouri and Mississippi Valleys. ' These .-cars are from the Pullman shops; have clean linen and comfortable berths; porters are in attendance. "The saving in ticket and berth ates under, "standard" accommodations, on the'same fast trains is Worth while for instance, St Paul,, Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City. $14.90;' Denver, $11.40; Chicago, $190; St Louis! "ls'Sj Leave Portland 9:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. ' . ; ; , -1 ; r , -v Passenger Station 11th and fioyt Streets , - w. ; - CITY,' TICKET OFFICES . . ., 100 Third St Third and Morrison Sts. 122 Third St. eilers great annual clearance sale of used instruments - ' :the piano-buyinoJ event, of the year . " ' ' ' . The ChoicesVof Chickermg M. Cables, Lesters, Hallet 7 ,T?vls',etc7 ctc:. AJff, AU IncJudcd Read he Partial List of Instruments and PricesT-Every Instrument Wili Positively, Be Sold at Prices 'MarkedMake Your ' Pwn'Terms." . ' " ' :'. - ' '; ;' Th Great Annual Clearance Bales at not Etler riano.tiouae have al way, been livery. Furthermore, anr Piano pur. . '''' ' recognised br shrewd and careful' buy- chased during thl Clearance Sale can Knahe-Ar rum yruroa - , .-. Wad elu ...... ,.,..1900 era aa me areaieai -niano.onnortunitir or urnra in lowira a Derier nano anr nn.At ti. ., m. aa . . - r - . . .,k , . . . . , . .KIUUUM S M J v. I IOMU ..... vvv in year. v - : ' " 7 f n P Klngabnrv Inner Plyr.. 00 -The sale thl year,, however eclipae w," wd. We'll not sollt hairs about term: 11 0. Id l; yea. even S, a month will do. Simple Interest on deferred payment.. anything we- have ver before attempted in two way r .... . ... 1 ;, , , ,-. , . ,. rirst Th collection of used Piano is not only the largest, .but. the hUh oharacter of the instrument and their excellent condition (many cannot be told from new) are unauestlonably without parallel. , -. Secondly Never hefora have an- man r . . vmrnwa 11 nn. well-known standard makes been ... Was brought together under one roof.-and ... ka the remarkably low prices at which all Ludwig Hi ; are now offered have surely never be- Hardman .... ..... 400 fore been' witnessed la America. Kimball . 650 ' we'r determined to close out every S.tec" 1 v eoo ITI 42S 475 R 47S 475 (00 ISO 47S SSS 475 . 475 Knabe-Angelu II. .. .. "r"' ,v AUiopiano ..(.,.. ...... . In this limited npace: Again we say, t.ri: -i.n u.i,nnnf pi.va to fully appreciatj tht extraordinary pK-o" M,',ofrrlJrf event, you must aee the Piano yourself, . - 7 : "and manvathari not tncir excellent cpnaition, and little nee bf price. - J. z. v ' . .K ) I . 4r . SO POO And many others. rauox oxaajrsL Heed Organ .............. $70 Packard Organ ........ 5 Maaon eV Hamlin ......... 79, Marshall A Smith ...... 70 Barbuf .. -.. SO Ferrand Votey ........... S5 365 ; 42$ v 633 ' 5 625 f 35 k sllg-hUy ued, shocwon and marred Kurtstnan Piano, also those returned from renting Kurtiman nn mi hn w.. .... . 1 . . Kurtman . ... . . . . ci .ii.iuuh ui uu jailers . this before taking possession of our hew j.roh noil . . . warehouse. Price are marked accord- Victor ....... Ingly. A third to a half laea than tha Ptorv Clark original coat are the figures on th In- Hc-bart M. Cable struments now. . , . fronmer. To fully appreciate thl ktraordtnary yL"rV,i opportunity, you must com In and se vv hitny the Instruments, comnar prices and mu.ra .' Judg for yourelf. . t . . Kimball ; 1 4 Th assortment is so vast and varied Marshall A Wendell ...... 500 475 58$ 475 450 575 that the mot discriminating- buver I Hobart M. Cabla . certain to ba suited both ae to quality ST'T' , '... and price. ' r Kimball ......... wkzbx tkst com 7X01C . - yo-e,..;...:..;....;.? The inatrument com to u In cart ! . payment for costly Clilckering. Haiel- "AltJK r. , ,'" '"'- .""i WIU HI. i.iiiuu. T curl" q l . 1 1 . . ' , , ... . 1 . 0...1. TTKMtk,. n-i ii ncitiiiinir. ,.s, ........ ...... ztm id otner nne Fianoa nandlea exclusive. 'i by the House of Eller. V Clarendon ......... 575 A great number were also reoeived In ''r.Vf.r - ro. ........... .v i exchange for th genuine Pianola Piano. ,,. f Their owners relinquished them not be. Hamilton ................. cause unsatisfactory in detail or tons, weaer ...... ..J...4., but simply because they preferred tha' yici0P-', genuine Pianola Piano, and wer willing '''i1.1 ."wr .. to nav the additional money which that Kohler V Chase ........... marvelous Instrument command. Clarendon '.;.,,.... All told, there are nearly 155 rare Hallet A Dvl ........... value, which are on ale. - ' - Hobart M. Cable .......... . You seed nave .no nesitancy atjout Juawig i. . purchasing on or these used Pianos. Kimball -1 ............... . We'll tell you frankly where it ha been Hardman ,......;...... ana now long nsea. racn ana every in- uester Now M 294 IS Si 2 ft 932 aio. oxanrrjni prajrotAaU-trsnj. S 2 Oak Pianola ...5250 MIKK wamut nanoia .......... 20 t , ZXCTBZO PlajrOl. '': "Here's a chance for cafes, moving ptctur show, akatinf rlnka, etc.. to ave anywhere from $100 to $606 en th purchase of an eleotrio Instrument. Terra, if you chooea . ., BA3Y 0BAJTD8, SVC Checkering ..$1600 Btelnway, ................ 106Q , Kimball 1000 Btelnway . 800. Hallet Davla .......... too Ktelnway ....;,. i .... ..... 500 Chlckering 1175 And several othera ' , . ' If! 658 60S 652 338 205 a4 Rosewood Pianola . a. . 260 r.ffSJf Oak Pianola, metrostyl.. 280. III; Hi Cecilian . .....y...,. 22 J " ' JR. IV m Ji 5 5 et rumen t will be Placed ltr the beet cos- Ester slble condition. ; Tour purchase la pro- Eller teeted in- every way. "Money Back1 if 275 100 275 225 260 100 : 285 625 450 83S 650 400 RAA ............. .4, i... 250 :.-... ,..;.. 465 ( And many others. W . wsw . MHaia1 t at . am- , ' aavai V4a .vtjua tS This is our 'yearly' clearance of all 218 Ughtly used roll bona fide reduction 10 of 25, 2 J 1-2 and a high a 60 per cent ilJS !e.than rgular coat ; , ' S8lO." No Piano will b reserved unless de. .183 tosit Is paid. None sold to dealers at 133 thlprice. No telephone order. - Re- '20rt, quest by wire to bold certain atyle . 2A.1 will be honored only until letter ean r y.'tfi rive with deposit money. Definite, de 238 livery cannot be promised, but we'll try . 2Aft and meet every reasonable demand. -.- ' . J814. Remember, you tan practical! v make 2T8 your own terms. . Arrange to -come at 242 once-bright away today, for this extra- .', J4!5 "ordinary, event will . Surely attract ,' !! score of shrewd buyer' Eller Piano ' .305, Hou". '62 Waahlngton atreet, at Park. ; , Store open .tomorrow evening. Sale H!A iJ C': -vi -i mv ff :$i n :. Of Men's and Boys' fine Clothing, Less Than Cost ' ' - j ' ' ' 1,v . ' , , , - , , '.This is . 4 wonderful opportunity. " These Overcoats ;andl Suits are far.superiorln fabric, style and tailoring, to the f lass "of clothing we've handled in past; years,'' Think of iselecting ironi our fine .big stock any Overcoat .or SuitJ hand-tailof ed throughout by the best tailors in America, and.in this season's newest colors' and striped , effects, atT such low Clearance Sale prices:'. . , . -. Overcoats and Suits i for Men ; ; , $15 OVERCOATS AND SUITS. .911.75 $20 OVERCOATS AND SUITS..;....; ,914.35 $25 OVERCOATS AND SUITS.,.:., ;.'.:;918.75 $35 AND $40 OVERCOATS AND SUITS S25.00 Boys' Snappy Suits . 4 TO 14 -YEARS 1 ' -! ', ; .Such extraordinary bargains were never before-' to mothers in Portland. They're strongly and handsomely' miouu iu yiam pigvo, iatiiY . t,assimres,. miDets, ciieviots and. tweeds, ' - . ",'.,., "r . " -1 , . ,v ' $5.00 suits only;....:. - $6.00 SUITS ONLY. $7.50 SUITS ONLY. $8.00 SUITS ONLY......:.. $10.00 SUITS ONLY....;...: i , V ?3.75 ......94.50 ;.. 95.00 ...95.75 ...97.00 i nfi: 29 VT 1 f"7 a'' -.f. - .i . ,,. ... Outfitters to Men and Boys ) Seventh and Staik Grant Phcglcy, Mgr.