11 MGEDlll rushed to her patient's aide but waa unable to save her. Hubert Hayed, 70 year old, waa found unronnclouM In- ttie enow in Ms front yard. He liad escaped from the houen, but sustained burps that: will probably prove fatal. tlon of Chkaco on the occasion of the thirty-first triennial conclave of the HOLDUPS CLEAN OUT , : A MONTANA TOWN - 1 f " - ' UK II- - , ' ' ! , - ,(t'hlt4 fr Leased Wlre.l Hutte, M-.nt.. Fb. 11. Handlts looted the town of Divide late laat night, ac cording te a message received hers to Walla today. The first day. Wednes day, wss arlVen to Prescott and yes- KILLS SWEETHEART; DEATH ROLL OF , THE NORTHWEST Knights Templar of the world are be terCay th sosalnn was held at Touch)!. The convention Is being held under the supervision of Kev. C. J. Boppell of ing worked out under the direction of a in local eommltte. The connlave Is to be held during the second x4ek of. August. "Dokane. ceneral secretary of the In ftrnlHd Vrvm iA Wlra Tylertown, MUs, Fii. II. bought m the i slayer of hla se(htar(, ln Wajker, and her father. Hylvetr V''r. den Is being pursued by a ixmae uitlr orders to take him tla.d or alive. Hrar. don't alleced also ttf have olubheil (w children of Walker ma that their death I expected momentarily. , According to th bist Inforn-iatlon obtainable Bearden visited the Watkr horn laat night , to pay court to Inn. Th girl's father, apparently objecting to BMirden' sttentlons, - ordered ' thi Over' ISO.Ov will be expended for decor. land Empire Sunday fi- liool foctBtton, and R:bert Carey, preaident of 'the coun . The Jlcv. T. P. Hayne. v ' (Stwlal DUpatrb to Tbe Jonrset-t ' Lebanon, Or., Feb. 11. The Her, T. atlon and Illumination purposes. Alone, and every hotel In the city has been OULAHAN SUCCEEDS " ' LAFFAN ON THE SUN (Vnltei Tea Umd Wire.) Washington, Fb. 11. -Richard Victor Oulahan, who baa been at' the head of day, and obtained 1600 In cash and a considerable amount In stamps and Jewi elry. ; , . . ; ' There were two men In the holdup and both were masked. They entered the postofflce, blew open the safe and stole its contents. . They broke open the general Store and took everything - of value that could be quickly changed into coin.- The thogs then went ta the Divide hotel,, held up the night clerk ty association. ,,' " . j engaged to the limit for the accommo P. Haynes of this city died at the par dation of the 100,000 members, who will come from all parts of the country with Poison HI Motherj Confesses. : rrjoftod Prrta V4 W!r. " "Lo -Angele-, Feb. 11. UnrepenUnt and tearless, John HasmUahet, an 11-year-old boy who Is In Jail here charged with attempting to poison hie mother, confessed to th authorities that he poured formaldehyde Into hi mother coffee because he wss Jealous of Wil liam Williamson, a- farm hand, whom hismother employed. Th youth, ap parently doe not car what action may be taken In Ma cas by the Authorities. ' Albany Coupl Wed. ' Albany, Or.. Feb,.. : 11. Yesterday afternoon at the horn of the bride's parent In Albany Bert Steven and Miss Vera Woodworth were married. They are prominent ,In Albany, , Mr. Stevens Is th son of W. B. Stevens, th dry goods merchant, and Miss Woodworth is the daughter of D. O. Woodworth, th druggist. son of the Metbodlst Kplscopal Invalid of 63 Perishes and Her Church, Pouth. last Sunday rlirht of their famlllea. , , . ' unt-unibnJa. He was about 0 yesrs old ftursc With Her Old Man Badly Burned May Die. and was a native of KentncVy. He hail ; Cyrus V. Thorn. , (Special t(mteb to Tbe Joernal.) ' Forest Drove. Or., Feb. 11. Cyrus been pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for the past 85 years, the Washington bureau of the New Tork 8un alnce H04, was transferred to coming to Oregon In 18S0, He was mar jvew yorK toflay rollowln the an ried tn Boise valley, Idaho, tn 17. to Miss Cora Langton. . Eleven children were born and seven are now living. They are: Mrs. C W. Estes, Bolllng ham, Wash.; Mrs. Jessie Webb. Union, Or.; O. 8. Haynes, St. Johns, Or.; Mrs. W. D. Pufc-h. Baleni, Or.; Thornton. Ross and Verda Haypes of Lebanon, Or., all of whom, with the widow, were pres ent at the funeral. . 1 ' Mr. Haynes was a member of the I. O. .0.. V. and A. O. U. W. i ' ' Chicago Prepare for Templar. . Chicago, Feb. 11. Extensive arrange V. Thomas, sged 0 years, died at his nouncement of hla election to the of floe of publisher of the Sun. ' This young man to leave the house. ' Instead of complying, Besrden sr-lz.vt a shotgun and is' said to havs shot the father deail. . He then ran amuck, according to th police, killed Ines end clubbed the children with the butt ot the ahotgun. ... . home In this city yesterday, Mr. Thomas waa born In Iowa July II, 1856. He and secured a small sum of s money. (Uoiue PrMW LmhI Wirt.) . Chsrdop, Ohio, Feb. Ui--Two aged wo men lost their-live and th husband of one of them waa probably fatally burned In fir that destroyed their horn her early today.. ' Mrs, Nancy Ilayes an Invalid, waa 1 trapped In an upper room. She waa 69 year of as. ; ; Her, nurse, Mra. Jamea Corart, 60 year old, ... waa In an adjoining room whon ' the fire, waa discovered. Bh change is the reault of the reorganisa After terrifying the inhabitant: the removed to Nebraska when a young man, and came to Oregon five years tion of the . Sun mannsement following outlawa rode from the town. . A posse started In pursuit shortly afterward: the recent death of William M. Laffan, who was editor and general chief of ago. He waa a farmer by occupation, and Is survived by bis widow and three children. Funeral services were held today. Rev. E, V. Stivers, pastor of the Christian church, officiating, with In terment In Forest View cemeteYy. , Divide is 10 miles from her and the tbe concern.- t i . : Butte authorities are preparing to Join In the hunt If th bandit bead this Oulahan entered the newspaper busi ness tn 111(1, when he was employed on the Washington Crltla He later be way. -5 - ----..,. To Standardize? San Joaqnln Fruit. Sacramento, Cel.. Feb. 11. Stat Com came news editor and assistant editor of the Roanoke. Va.. Dally Telerram. missioner of Horticulture Jeffrey - will preside st a meeting of fruit growers to be held 'st Lodl Friday sfternoon. Standardisation of fruit raised in 8n and served. In various newspaper capa cities. He Joined the Washington ataff of the Sun in 1197. becoming chief of the bureau June 18.' 194. . , Journal' pioture coupons are appear Walla. Walla. Wash . Pah 1 1 ing on page t every day. The first one Ins? the three AaVS' Stinrfaw anhnnl rail was printed Monday. Don't fall to eut that has been held In the county thla weak, the session Is being held in Walla Joaquin valley will be th subject under ments for the decoration and lUujulna- them out " discussion. -THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11. 1010. BURNED TO DEAT I Store Opert Saturday EveningoUntll 9;3Q Royal Worceotcr, Hoifrd Lace Front and WarncrCorsctG W "S S L. SJ W W . H M.M. . - jm. W 3B W St M. S) " ' ' W m ' m ' ' ' m '' . ' ' - .. j T sUciuiuLt r-aijiiitjcjijji'Aitii rauernswArnom p iniania wear tcienarciQon JLiinens Lippey um uiaso, n;ic. lie '(EiiMeiPv MsW EmUfiFe SttoeJk .jKiltcIhieiTi (Gbodls, Cttilriia, Glassware jRedlMcedl sr . iv- ev . a. Regular" : ac'Ruchirig sl 16c 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night, finilual jty tourists Ruching n 6-yard pieces, all nicely boxed; our-regular stock value at. 25c, a box, on special "t(lg sale at the very low price of XUi Great-Sale of Spring Waists $3.50 lvalues-at $U9 Each ! to; 9:$0 .i tomorrow. night the Gar ment; Store ofiers lot of new Spring Waist, just received from par, buyer who js; nw in ithe New Yor.k Jparket. The line comprises lingerie and tail-, orediwaistsma'de in a large assort-" ment of pleasing styles; materials are lawns anil linens; regular values to $3.50; crr-'.special sale - at ,11 OQ this .low! evening price, ea.vAOi7 Sale Women's Silk Jerseys ClitldrenQ Day-Shoe Sale Valg.toS&7g forSl,19andgl.4Q, All day tomorrow the Shoe Store will sell children's Shoes at a great sacrifice.- Girls' school shoes, made of dongola kid, blucher cut, patent tip, good weight soles, fast color eyelets. This line in all sites, 5 to 8, $1.19. and 8tf to 2, at $1.49. To this line we add 600 pairs from broken lines; regular values up to $275, special sizes 5 to 8, Jor Of AQ $1.19; siaes,8j4 to 2, on special sale at low price of, the pair vJ-lts7 Children' Day-Coat Sale CliiidPCin's Coats $12.50 Values at $5.75 Each 6 to 9:30 Saturday1' night we will sell women's Silk Jerseys, your choice of our ventire stocR; plain ano. fancy trimmed styles,? in navy and "blacky regular $18.50 yalues,' for $7.95 J regti-lar-$20.00 value for $8.45, OS Ijr and $12.50 values for', each PI I O Reg. l5c ?Ruchirig1' 9c 'Piece 6 to S:30. ; Spend the evening In our y store. I hree-yard cut of tourists' Ruching, neatly pack-ecr in a box; the best regular lie quality, at this special evening price,' the piece L Reg.! 25c Neckwear 5c Each 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night, a great.sale of fancy Weckwear, stocks, collars, ia bots, plain and embroidered collars best regular values up to 25c, on pT-, sale at this special evening price Vv White Aprons at -27c Each 6 to 18 Years Saturday (Cnildren's, Day) a great clearance sale of all our Children's and Misses' Coats Ages 6 to 18 years All are nicely tailored This season's best styles- Materials are cheviots, serges, broadcloths and fancy mixturesRange of colors is almost complete Red;7 gray, blue, brown, tan, green and fancy plaids Every garment m this nil ii . T i I. stock to be placed on sale tomorrow at ONE HALF I I ...'!' Any Wool Coat Hall Price Tomorrow, the great combination bargain event Rummage clearance sales all over the store. ' Kitchen Goods sales, etc., 3d floor, afternoon and evening, special from all departments. The second floor Lhil dren's Store offers for all day any child's Wool Coat in the depart ment at half price. Ages from 2 to 6 years: recrular values from $1.85 to $13.50, on sale at bait regular selling prices ONE-HALF PRICE All Day Sale of Women's Silk Petticoats SlOlOO Values for S4.79 saiuraay Mernoen S pecials 6 'to 9:30, tomorrow night, we offer ladies' white lawn Waiters 'Aprons, made with, preteiies . or, plain; straps over toe shoulders, on .special rjg Sab at ' this low price, each i I C $1.00 Food Choppers for 65c 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night, we offer Universal Food Choppers earns Its cost every month. Our regular $1.00 values,, on special sale at tma, C very- low evening price, .each UJv Souvenir Plates at 25c Each 6, to 9:30 tomorrow vening tbe Crock ery Store offers a lot of Lewis and Clark and Alaska - Yukon Souvenir Plates; best regular 50c values, OC on sale at this special price, ea. -) 1 Couch Covers at $1.95 Each 6 to 9:30 tomorrow; a great clearance of Couch Covers in Oriental designs; ,sizes 60 by 108 inches; our best reg ular ,J.5U values, special cl Qpr low evening price, at, each vXeitl Sale of Women's Underwear $3.00 Value for Only $1.48 6 to 9:30 tomorrow, ladies' fine silk lisle and silk and wool Tights; colors, cream, pink and skji only; a full Hne of sizes; our' regular Stock values to $3.00, on special sale at Q"j AQ this low evening price, pair$eriO Oh Sale From 2 to 6 PM. New S p r 1 n o W aisto S7 Values Special G3.7g 2 to'6 p. 'm, tomorrow,, an extra special sale'of 200 "new fancy Waists, made of -eXtrr quahty taffeta silk. They have the new bishop sleeves. Some are In'mined in lace, designed in pleasing effects; others trimmed with buttons. . The .colors are light blue, pink, white, green, lavender, black and many new shades, among which are changeable OO c61ors. " Regular values up to $7.00 on special sale at, each Pte I tl A General Clean - Up of 65c Ribbons at 25c Yard 2sto .6 p. m., a general four hours!, clean-up sale of the. Ribbon Depart. ment." ' rlam taffetas, satm taffetas, stripes, dark dresdens,' striped mes saliues arid checks; a great variety of colors and patterns, embracing almost every want for ordinaryuse,-, AU good values up to OK 6Sc- a yard, on special sale. at the very low price of. the yard Cotton ; Fleece Olanketo ii inn r. i ii iiii.ii.i,, in.. 1. 1. i, i ii ..Hi I i n , . 75c Values 1op 57c a PalP 2 to 6 p. wu, 'Our Saturday sales are growing in popularity, because we show what we advertise, and it is a little better, as a rule, than the cus tomer experts." Here's Cotton Fleece 'Blankets in fawn color bodv: .lt. J. U--.. -. I . ,i wilu aasui lcu tuiur uuruci b. uui icui.r values anu kTQOQ SCH- Cr7 exs at 75c pair, on special sale at the wonderfully low price, pair tl I C Women's Combination Suits Men's $5.00 Shoes $1.00 Pair 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night the bargain gates will open to thousands of thrifty people. Here's 600 pairs odds and ends, black and tan Shoes, for men, all narrow widths, but all lengths: best regular values to $5.00, 01 fin on special sale ah the. pair P Asvl v Women's Shoes $2.49 a Pair 6 to 9:30 D. m. Shop in the evening. 'Tell your neighbors about these Sat urday sales; 7UU pairs women s Mioes; values fip to $o.U0 the pair, QPO Jfl special evening price, pairV"' 15c Val. Lace at 5c a Yard 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night the Lace Store offers Valenciennes and ma chine-made torchon laces, edges and insertions, 1 to 2Yi inches wide; efA values no to 15c a vard. special Milliners' Flowers Half Off 6 to 9:30. tomorrow night' a large assortment of kinds; offered at half price, from 6 to 9:30 HALF $1.25 Caps for Only '9c Each 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night the Millin ery Store offers a lot of children's Caps; regular values up to $1.25, Q. the snecial evtninir orice. each aVf $1.25 Tea Kettles 85c Each to 9:30, tomorrow night,' the big Kitcjien Goods Store offers, in addi tion to the creneral sale. No. 9, 14- ounce nickel Tea Kettles, regu- Ot Ur $1.25 values, soecial. -each Otlv 33c Muff in, Pans at 19c Each A lot of 250 Silk Petticoats, madenp'of prime quality taf feta, cut very full, with deep flounces Drops are made of taffeta silk and heather bloom This special offering for all day Saturday is of in terest to every lady who car es to save They come in a full line of plain colors, stripes and plaids They are all from our regular stock of values to $10.00 Special for Saturday only at this price, each $4.79 Be among the busy buyers Here's Flowers In oon Specials 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night, a great 354 hour sale of Granite Iron Muffin Pans; our regular 33c sellers, on spe cial sale for Saturday evening 1 only at the low' price of, each Xi7v $1.50 Underwear at Only 98c 6 to 9:30, tomorrow, ladies, fine dual :y wool and cotton - Vests , and Pants, cream only: all sizes; regular val ues up to $1.50 the garment, ptL sale at this special price, ea. 98c Boys' 25c Hose for 15c Pair 6 to 9:30 tomorrow evening, a great clearance of boys ribbed cotton Hose, medium weight; sizes 6 to 954; regu lar stock line at Z5c the pair, 1c. special evening" price, the pair Wv 19c Talcum Powder 5c Can G1.50 Values Special 02c Each 2 to 6 D. m.. 4 hours of barcain wonders. Read everv item in him aA Women's Combination . Suits of, fine nainsookr corset covers Vith wide band of embroidery; drawers trimmed with 2 rows of Valenciennes in sertion, with edge to match; also clusters 6f tucks. Our resu- siO.' lar stock values up t6 $1.50,' on special sale during afternoon at 7aii All Valentines Fourtli Off 2 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, a great -sale of -new subiecta in VafenM'nes We want to make this the banner year for Valentines, and in order tn do it we cut the prices one-fourth. Your special attention is invited tn the new and original subjects; designs never before shown in Portland. Ideas that will anneal to you at sight.- Remember the creat savins 25 per cent, or a reduction of lA off regular prices -ONE FOURTH 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night we offer 500 boxes of choice Talcum Powder, all nice, neat boxes; violet or borated. Sells regularly at from 15c to 19c pT-a boxj special evening price at v' 10c Toilet Soap at 4c Cake 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night, a lively sale is promised; 500 cakes or Toilet Soap, assorted odors; large cakes; oatmeal. glycerine, castile, etcj best "regu- A lar values to 10c, evening price 41 Regular $2.50 Hats for 19c 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night, the Millin ery Store offers one big lot of chil dren's Felt Hats values up to 111 $2.50 each, on special sale at JL7l 9 to 13 at $1.29 Patri to 5 at $1.69 Palp 2 to 6 p. m.-tomorrow, the Shoe Store offers 1800 pairs of boys' Shoes, in vici kid, gunmetal calf and satin leathers; blqcher and lace; many shapes and styles. In this lotre 300 pairs of our Rough on Rocks brass-quilted-sble Shoes. All go at these low prices.' Sizes Q1 CQ 9 to 1354, special at, pair, $1.29; sizes 1 to 554, special pair vAeO Women's' IVIcn's Umbrellas g2.QO Values ; Special at S1.48 2 to 6 p. m. Who'd carry an old" umbrella wheri they can get a $2.00 one for $1.48? Men's and women's lisle taffeta or rainproof senre Um brellas, with strong, serviceable frames, fitted with new pattern han dles, in a varied assortment of shapes, Regular values -to Of AO $2.0Q, special sale at this remarkably low afternoon price, ea.vl.eTtC) Great Sale Curtain SWiss 25c Quality ; Special 17c 2 to 6 p. tn. tomorrow,' Wouldn't you make a special trip to town to save 8c a yard on 10 yards of Swiss.? I would. 80c is a lot to save on one item.'' Heres White Curtain Swiss, in fancy check cat- "1PT terns-Kur regular 25c quality, on special sale at. this price, yd. All Women's Cambric Petticoats Values at Ql.2 Eaclr 2 to 6 p. ra. tomorrow, the White Store will lend its splendid offerings to 4his 4 hours' bargain event by selling women Petticoats, made of 'cambric, with 16-inch flounce of India linon, 4 rows of imitation Ger-, man Valenciennes, witn edge to matcn;, the best regular Q1 fQ $25 values, on special sale for the afternoon only at, each vi-eOA 40c Coffee Pots at 29c Each 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night, the t)ig intra floor More otters, m aodition to the many, bargains in Kitchen Gooftls, two-quart Granite Iron Coffee Pots; best regular 40c values, OOi on special sale at this price, eassl 65c Stand Covers 45c Each 6 to 9:30 tomorrow. It's really en livening to be with the evening shop pers. We offer Tapestry Stand Cov ers, one yard square; colors red and green; best regular 65c values, at this special low price, vea"cB i QO Stamped Scarfs at 63c Each On Sale From 2 to 6 P. M. i - . i Embroidery Flounclnfls Sl2g Value; Special 59c 1 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, great 4 hours' sale of good quality Embroidery Flouncings, all very new and desirable patterns, in open and blind- worfcv This offering" is of special interest to those who are making up their Summer underwear, petticoats, etc. Don't fail to take ad- t?i vantage. Values to $1.25, on special sale at this price, the yard 07t 18QO Pair of Boys Shoes 6 to 9:30 tomorrow. Don't "fail to participate in this great bargain event. Scarfs, stamped on fine white linen, sizes 18x45 and 18x54; best regulas $1.00 values, 59c; regular $1.25 C9 yalues, evening priced special "tit Darning Cotton, Four for 5c 6 to 9:30 tomorrow night the Notion Department offers black Darnine' Cot ton in 45-vard soools: rearularlv 2 for 5c quality; special for the even- ff a ig sale athe low price of 4 for Ji' 10c Pearl Buttons 4c Dozen & to 9:30 tomorrow we will self excel lent quality of clear pearl Buttons, large assortment ot sizes, i and 4- holc; regular values to 10c doz., A g Special evening price, the dozen tcU I - 4. i : - : ' ;V . i Women's 25c Hose 1 lc Pair 6 to 9:30 tomorrow, great clearing of ladies tine Cotton Hoee, in medium weight, rib top; a big line of broken Sizes; best regular values up to " "l 25c, on special sale at, the pair lit Damask Towels at 18c Each 6 to 9:30 tomorrow, the tinen Store1 offers a great., bargain; in Damastb I Towels; fancy colored 'embroidered I ooraers;,ouroesi regular stock'! u 1UU offering for theeve niiigeach $1.00 shiofflllops -b$y-&3t 6 to 9:30 tomorrow", the Art Store of. fers Cushion Tops, squaro' oi-ioblong; j stamped on wmte linen; plain back tJ match'; best Tegular $1 values, If at this special .low. price, each UUv 25c Tablets Only 18c Each . 1 1 6 to -9:30 tomorrowki the ' Stationery Store offers 600 H,urds Holland Lin-. en liond l ablets, in letter ize; 00 sheets very fine nuali'tv narjer: regu lar 25c values, on special sale ." Q at this very, low price, . each" lOv I Girls Sweaters at Half Price 6 to 9:30 Saturday eveniiiK. the chil dren's treat We offer a snecial lot 61 girls Sweaters, in white, navy and gray with red trimming; also plain gray; regular l.3 to ' "H . values at half .regular selling prices HALF 50c Hair Crowns 25c Each for Steo lively e a e i . - ?. ' w DUying win De Driskj 4W new ttatr 6 to 9:30 tomorrow. SI. Crowns, in all shades. Our rrsrnlar 50c values, on special sale for OCT Saturday evening- only, each tJ v (GFeattFelDOTary we-'