THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.' THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 10, 1910. rV WOULD ARGUE WET m mm Challenge to Debate Prohibition : Cause Meets With Curious Conditional Acceptance lomt other person. To nhow that this provision Is founded on a deep laid principle we can bring- forward atatla tlo.a to 'damonBtrata that prohibition wai never made fffectlve, and; that it invites worse violations of the law than obtain undr the presont yntem." Representatives of the prohibition in terests may thoy have no members suf ficiently familiar with Oerman to de bate In that tongue. They are Inclined to think Mr. Kleeman was planning to take advantage or them when he made such proposition. .. A challenge to debate the prohibition Issue made some time ago by J. P. Newell, secretary of the prohibition committee of Oreiron, has been formally accepted by-Otto Kleeman, president of the Consolidation ' Oerman 8p-aklnir ocletles. Mr. Kleeman, In his letter of acceptance, stipulates that the debate be riven . In German, a stipulation which rauKed much surprise among the ' prohibitionists. ..- ; , ' "We strange that we should he called upon to advocate an American Irtsue in ' Oerman." declared W. E. : Crltohlow,". who. representing- Mr,, New- .fCll. la concluding- the arrangements for the debate. "Here. are man doing busi ness In America, who are cltlsens .of the United States, who: allege that pro- ' hlbltlon violates the constitution of the United States, and yet' who ask to defend Ihelr" position In German. ' ' "This - la an Issue of the , United States and we will debate In our own . language or not at all. It seems to me ridiculous that such ' a proposition, should be made to us." ' V , "It seems to me rather peculiar that men who never knew what personal liberty was before coming to this coun try should ask to defend an issue of what they term, personal -liberty In the tongue which scarcely knows such -words." said James R. Knodell of the Antt-Saloon league. "I would be glad ) to - see the matter . threshed : out, pro and con, but I prefer that we take up our own Issues In our own tongue. ' It would be manifestly unfair to ask v . to argue matters connected with our own welfare in a foreign language." ' - Can Think la Oerman. j? "We can think-better 1n "German;' wt can talk better in German that Js rea- - son, we want to use the mother tongue," said Mr. Kleeman,. "To show that we are ready for the debate and will en courage lt we will provide the hall and , the refreshments, any kind of refresh ments ,our-friends may desire. If we , are not allowed- to speak In German, we will ak the privilege of writing out our debate, taking mora time for thinking It oven v. v r.- "I consider prohibition; dangerous In this country because under, the consti tution a man Is-allowed to do as he i please no long as he does not Inter fere with the happiness or welfare of TOTAL VALUATION , OF PERMITS $34,940 The' following building permits were Issued: , ' . C. F, Bauger, erect one story frame dwelling, East Alder street, between Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh; build er A. I Glpson; 12000. C. A. Schuls, erect two story frame dwelling, Leo avenue, between'' Kaat Ninth and Eleventh; builder,, same; 11200. - . A. Welch, repair two ' story frame dwelling, Kant Taylor street, between Thirteenth and , Fourteenth; builder, sani; $80. . ' - ' - . W.i "T. Pigeon, erect one story frame dwelling, MlBBUilppl avenue and Pippin street; builder, same; 11800. Sam Kath, erect one story frame Mied. Mora street, between Selling and Laurel wood; builder, same; 910. Oregon Railroad & -Navigation com pany, erect one story brick oil house, foot of Stanton, street, near Delay: builder, Bingham A McClelland; $6000. Nlner A Mcrarland. erect one story frame dwelling. East Thlrty-flftb street between Stephens '. and Mill; builder, same; $1600. . ' , , . ' '. . ,. P. W. Hutcheroft. erect ' one story frame dwelling. Stephen street, between East Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth; builder, same; $1200. - Florence Smith, erect two-story frame dwelling. Larch street, between Chest nut and . Spruce; : builder, H. H. Bean; $1)000. ' . . - - J. C. Keeler, erect one story frame of fice. East' Lincoln street, corner .West avenue; builder, same; $00. , ' E. A. Ten Eyck, erect one and one naif storv frame dwelling-. . East fix. teenth street, between Going- and Wy- gant: DUJiner. ... j. jrosoy: 2uuu. E. A. Ten Eyck," erect one' and one naif storv frame . dwelling-. East Bis teenth street, between Going and 'East wygant; builder, c. J. uronby; 12000. J. H. McNalr, erect- one story frame dwelling, East Twentieth street, between Thompson and Brasee; "builder, C - W, Robs: $3S00. ' - .- . . ' . '. Wilson - & Nelson, erect one story frame dwelling. East Forty-eighth street, between Brasea- and Wisteria: builder, same: $1100.- O. N. ForsreldL erect one storv frame dwelling, Wabash trVt, between Pippin and Holland; builder, same; $1000. Oliver Bellls. erect one Storv frame dwelling, Harold avenue, between East Twentieth and Twenty-second ; build er, Union Biitldlng company; $1500. rrea Monti, erect one storv rrame dwelling, Minnesota avenue, corner Win chell; builder. 11. A. Shute; $1260. Uf.a Whitney, erect one atorv frame shed, Patton avenue, between Terrv and Wlncheli; builder, If. A, Shute; $50. 1 Mrs. 1 seaman, erect one story frame dwelling, Clinton street, between East Twenty-first anfl Twenty-second; build er, J. B. Demars; $1100. Fred Morlts, erect one story frame dwelling. MlnneHa avenue, between Wlncheli and , Terry; builder, 11.. A. Shute; $1250. - Fred Morlts,' erect one an J one half story frame dwelling, Minnesota ave nue, corner -Wlncheli; , builder. H. A. Shute; $1640. C. L. lions, repair two story frame dwelling, Haliiey street, between Feet Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth; builder, same; $460. ". ' ' ' " 3. A. Bteinbach. erect one story frame shed. Lli-bo street, between East Forty first, and Forty-second; builder, ,E- J. Sherman; $200. COUNCIL WOULD BUY ' V HAYHURST TRACT In response to the request of the city health board Councilman Rushlight has filed an ordinance authorising the pay ment of $$400 for the William Hay hurst tract on Mount Tabor. The prop; erty comprises about four acres. This la the property for one sere of which the city recently paid $8400 under a misapprehension. . The park, board be lieved it was purchasing four acres, but through a clerical error the deed-cov ered Just a little more than one acre. Hayhurst wag Induced td give back the money for a. reconveyance of the deed, and the city must bow recommence pro ceedings for the acquisition of the -land FREE LESSONS IN IRISH CROCHET. WORK DAILY IN THE ART DEFT. 1 . Portland Agents ' C. B. and A La Spirite . Corsets r " Portland Agents C. B. and A La Spirite . Corsets SILK RAINCOATS $5. CHANCE FOR JOURNAL READERS ' In order to test The Journal's great circulation and Its superior advertising value, we . have mad arrangements with the leading druggists to offer one of the best gelling medicines at half price to anyone who will cut out the following coupon and present It at their store: .A r : 'i ;' , - t- ;.;m.. .,... - coupon- This eoupon entitles tha holder to one too package of Dr. How ard's specif lo for the cure of con-' stlpatlon aid dyspepsia at half price, 25a We will refund the money to 'any ' diasatlafied .cus tomer. ; . -t V ., t .r ;...,,..;' : " TWENtV-FIVE CENTS . Dr. Howard's specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia la not an unknown remedy. It has made many remarkable cures tight here In Portland. and ao positive are leading druggists of Its great superiority in curing dyspep sia, .constipation, sick headache and liver troubles that they will. In addition to selling It at half price, refund the money - to. anyone whom ' it does not cure.7" "'''r, ' : '"'.'".'' ' Woods rd, f Clarke ' eV Co. have the agency m Portland lor vr. Howard a Speciflo for Constipation and Dyspepsia. AsM We . Selling Regularly to $30 .. - . . - " - ". , , t . i f , 1 '-We have finished a very successful season with these silk' raincoats, and find ourselves with a small stock left on'hand. Too few to be representa tivc, too many, to' carry j over so we ,. -n v .''',; f -, t' ; i 'V' . '''' ' have taken the lot, the, Regular price of which ranges to $30 and marked them V- .'' -., . '' ' 'a '. '.'('.' v" at .one pnceViyour ch6ice, Friday $5. SHEETS- LACE VEILS. 75c . An Unusual Offering Bargains New' Spring-Veils a 8pecial lot secured from one of the leading importers of New York. A yard and a half long, of real Liere and Princess Lace Appliques. Made in Brussels. , A very choice assortment of de signs. Friday specials 4 , .';'T$r.75 each, Values $1.25 $1.00 each, Values $1.75 $1.50 each, Values $2.50 . ; $2.00, each, Values $3.25 PILLOWCASES Sheets and Pillow Cases ready for use. ' Made from good, strong sheeting. Un usually good values. 2x2 Yards 67i. 2xZy Yards 75. 45x38 Cases 12. MILITARY CAPES $5- ' ' Sold 'All Season for $16.50 ;'V.-''''"fr '-'rV;:.:h-;.;'V.-Military capes for, ladies and misses in popular color combinations so much ; in favor this fall. We have only 'a; few- left, but' these arc 'identical instylcand " color combinations with those that :wc ;sold at $16.50 a.fewiweeks;agoi ; ; eVe offer them on'Friday at, the very unusual price of $5.00.' . v ' : EMBROID'RY REMN'TS Selling Friday at Half Price On the Bargain Table we offer on Friday a mass of embroidery remnants and stripes. The' collection of nuiiier ous sales. Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss edgings, insertions, flouncirigs and all overs. Short ends in useful lengths from a yard to 'six yards. 'rt':eih:'''y: On Friday they all go on sale at half price.-" .-'"-;,! BnngYdiiE . . w KEell-Fpeeclhi lueck TO . :-. ted-Freidi Piaio fflfg. Co. AND TO NO OTHER PIANO HOUSE AS THESE CHECKS ARE ,MADE PAYABLE TO REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., AND MUST Wk BE ENDORSED BY, US BEFORE 'THEY CAN BE OF ' VALUE TO ANY FIRM BUT OURS. ' UNDERWEAR- 63c Ladies' Ribbed Corset Covers 47c High; neck, long sleeves, medium and fine ribbed. SOcWomen's Fleeced Union Suits 38c A Fleece-Lined Union Suits, medium weight, long sleeves, ankle length. 33c Ladies' Vests and Pants, Each 23c Fleece-Lined Swiss-Ribb'd Vests and Pants, medium weight. ' HOSIERY" 25c Ladies' Black Cotton Stockings 19c Extra Heavy Full-Fash-ioned Black Cotton Stock ings. Ladies' Cotton Stockings, Spec'l 25c Women's Black Cotton Stockings, , the" celebrated .Peerless Stocking, full fashioned. HAIR GOODS- NEW CORONET Braid Pins, newest styles, fancy mounted and set with rhine stones. Each $1.25 to $2.00. CORONET. BRAID Pins in all the new shapes, plain designs, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c each. C O R O N E T ;BRAIDS made from best quality hair, extra heavy. Come in all shades. Price $7.00J ... . . -25c FRINGE HAIR NET, e x; t r a, 1 a r g e, made from strong fiber. Comes in all shades.' Friday 17c.'; fj GINGHAMS Reg. SellingPricel2 l-2c Seersucker Ginghams, so well and ' favprably known, need no extra commendation from vs.'; We offer a large, lot, all blue and white striped. . None better for house dresses and good ' washing ' quali ties: ; ' - Mr. Piano Buy cr Don't Be Misled . By the smooth talk and advertising of competitors of ours, who have been trying to find some good reason for advising and actually asking holders of Krell-Fre'nch checks to bring them to their store. v We Can arid Will Prove to you if you will call at our store,, that these checks are of absolutely no value to any firm but our's.l Make us' prove it. We can do so to your entire satisfaction. This Sale Is a Great Success Over 100 Pianos Sold in Three Days This great sale will reach.: twice or three times the number the manufacturers agreed to sell for us. And why shouldn't it? This is a genuine, good, money saving proposition, and we knew it would meet with the hearty approval of all who were not already the owner. of a piano.' . i 20 to Wo Discount on Evry Piano We are determined to make this the greatest sale in the history of the piano busi ness, and have -cut the prices on every piano in our store to the last notch, and when we say 20 per. cent to 40 per cent we mean every word of it. Shop around, ; note carefully, the prices', consider the quality'and the responsibility of the" manu-. facturer, then note prices marked on every piano in our store. You will realize at'once that we sell pianos at a discount of 20 to 40 per cent but no cutting the price- after the piano is marked and the sale ticket placed cm the'instrument.v.We do not believe in selling to, you for. one; price and to the next fellow for $50 to $100 less.1. , One price to everyone the fairest to you and ourselves. ALL0VERS 97c 22 inches , wide Cambric, Nainsook and t Swiss. Em broidered Allovers. Pretty, neat blind and effective open work styles. . Excellent for infants' : yokes and entire waists and gowns. - i FLOUNCING 78c ...... Fine St. Gall Embroidered Swiss Flouncings, 25 inches wide. ' Combination effects in showy English Eyelets and Valenciennes Laces, in sertions . and edge patterns, combined with various styles embroidery, j Excellent for infants', misses' and wom en's gowns. Limited quan tity at this special price, INFANT'S COATS All Prices Marked in Plain Figures Always TERM TWO AND ONE HALF. YEARS IN WHICH TO PAY FOR PIANO Children's Colored and White Box Coats in light and heavy weights. Made in plain cloth, or fancy'mixtures. Colors navy, brown, red, gray, rose, green and white. Also, white and colored bear skins. Sizes . 2 to 6 years. All at half price.' All $2.00 Coats at $1.00. i-AU $2.60 Coatsat ?1.25. All $3.00 Coats at $1.50, All $4.50 Coats at $2.25. All $5.00 Coats at $2.50. All $1150' Coats at $7.25. HOUSE DRESSES 98c TOWELS 25c Bleached Turkish - Bath Towels Size 48x23 inches, heavy weight, exceptional value. Regular 35c value. . ' Special lot of Ladies' House Dresses and Wrap pers. Made of fancy figured percale or plain chambray, in navy, black and white, cadet or gray. ,? Made in one or two-piece suits, with pleats over shoulders. , V " ; ! Hi n 1 1 1 1 Hi 'M, fll'1 WASH GOODS White Eng. Madras 1000 yards white Jacquard English Madras. All 1910 season's goods. Dots, fancy stripes, floral and figured de pigns. Regular 25c value. CORSETS- SWEATERS 98c- , Slightly Soiled Slightly . soiled Sweaters for children 1 to 3 years, sin gle, or double-breasted ; "V," high and turn-down collars. All white and white with blue. 1 Values to $1.75. ALLOVERS 97c- A large lot of assorted pat terns, wanted styles, of Em broidered Swiss; c Cambric and Nainsook Allovers, 1 22 inches wide. Neatilind and openwork showy effects "for yokes and waists. . COR. SIXTH AND BURNSIDE STS., PORTLAND, OR. Store Open Evenings V. : I '.'"., - Store Open Evenings Nemo, Smart Set, La Vida and W. B.' Corsets. . BEAUTY PINS Beauty pins, Belt Buckles, Brooch Pinsr Stick Pins and Hat Pins, gold plated. Great sale of odds and ends on our bargain table , Values to 75c. ; - -' , Special 12j4 . Two H Friday Jfe'1 Special BP yH: Sales Values toMrnyj $4.00 '"ffiij Special jllr- ; $1.8 '-wSB:? Values to "flMu $8.50 $rr U Special j p . 4 Carbonette Picture's, 2-in Oak Frames, Size 18x24 Including; noted ; subjects such as "The Gleaners," "The ' End of Day," "St. Cecelia," "Madame Le Brun," "Dance of the Nymphs " "Jhe Coliseum;' "The ; Forum" and alt the noted Madonnas.'- . Also, a complete line of Clar ence Underwood's pictures framed in one-inch black frames. The size of picture 16x20. - ' ; . ' -Subjects: - "Problem iof -Income," "Vain Regrets," "For Fear of Sunburn," 'Their Search for Old China," "Castles in the Smoke" and many other subjects. The pictures sell regularly for $1.25 unframed, $3.50 framed. Special Friday 98c NOTIONS. SPECIAL LOT of Nadia, C. B. and Nemo , Corsets, with medium bust, long or short hips. Materials of ba tiste and coutil. $4 values, special $1.69. SPECIAL LOT Smart Set, La Vida, C. B W. 'B. and Nemo Corsets, with me dium and low bust, long and short hip. Finest material, of brocade, batiste and cou til. $8.50 values, special at $2.98.' We sell more' import ed Olive Oil in ourDrug Departments t h a n all other.merchantsin Port land combined. Must be a reason. , w ; - 35c box Dressmakers' Pins'. .24 15c Combination Coat,. Trou- ; sers or Skirt Hanger . . . . . 10c Nickel-Plated Trousers ' Hangers 7 10c Wood Dusters 5 15c Set Ribbon Leaders . . . .10 8c Curling Irons 5 25c Double AVaving Irons., ,10 4c Twisted CJandles, colors ...3 25c Wax, Candles, dozen i .10 10c Safety Pin Books V. .7 5c Saginaw Toothpicks 3 8c Cube Jet Pins ...'.'.,;,,. ,5r 5c Bottle Sperm Oil 3 10c Box Lion Brand Ball Blueing . . . 5 3 dozen Wooden Clothespin s.,5 10c package .Pearline i . . ... '..7 Cake Scouring Soap i . . ,...4ip 10c Rising Sun Polish 5 5c box Cut Locks, sizes 3 to 8, two boxes f 5c White Twill Tape, 2 fur.. ,5 50c fancy Twilled Supporters 10c 2c Chinese Ironing Wax . . . ...l 35c Handy Skirt Gauge 75c Rush Shopping Bags . . ,! 20c bottle Furniture Polish.. 110 15c can Stove Enamel ... ..... .!") Majestic Shirtwaist Kxtcn'lcr -lr Package lending lisuc .... J v 10c Electro Silicon PoIMi 7f 10c Imperial Cement . '