The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 10, 1910, Page 19, Image 19

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raw. r. . .
Htmelal Iilptoh to TJ jrnroat.)
Beavwrlon, Or., Fob. 10. Mm, D. B.
Burman of Corvallia is a guest at the
G. T. Burnett home tills week.
Mr, and Mm. Frank Morris of Tort
land spent Sunday with relative here.
Dr. Deuber of Fortlund wa a guest
at the home Of Ir. Robinson over Bun
:' day." -
Mr. and Mr. Carter of Portland spent
wk epa In Heaverton.
Miss Alio Clemens has reiumed her
duties at I'acirio university.
' Albert Weldner and wife, who recently
moved to Milwaukee, have returned to
Beaverton to live. . . ..
The team of Mr.'Oambrlnus made a
"spectacular runaway yesterday through
the streets of Beaverton. - There waa n
damage. ,
Mr. Grandgeorge, east of town, claim
that seven acres in horseradish will net
him 13500 thla year.
Work haa commenced on the site of
tho new brick and tile work a,
' A new baby boy haa arrived at the
home of Licroy Lawrence.
Miss. Carrie Zimmerman of Portland
Is making a her ranch near
.' town. ' . . ,
' J. C.-Clayton haa a new daughter,
. Pavey Roghatto haa rented hi a ranch
tot ' four . yeara. " .t . -
. Tho young folka of the Congregational
church will, give a Valentine social in
Grange hall the evening of February 11.
- Albert MensBlng haa purcbaaed 10
, acre adjacent to th,a Adventlat church.
The consideration was 15600.
Mian Nellie Itobinaon will start for
Corvallia the laat of thla week, where
ahe will attend the Oregon Agricultural
8. 8. Vial of Portland haa purchased
, IS acre .three miles east of town and
la erecting ranch building. - . .
Andrew Richardson will movs his
' family to Seattle la a few days.
Miss Edna Mott will enroll, at the
Oregon Agricultural college for aprlng
and summer term, starting for Corvallia
next Monday. ,....'
MJsa Lulu C. Jonea haa been called to
. Pasadena, CaL, on-account of the ill
ftess of her father..
k The mother of Rev. Mr. Synder baa
arrived and will spend the remainder of
the winter with her aon. --
. A. cauoua will b held next Monday
Tor the purpose of nominating " candl
dates for the office Of mayor, two coun
cllmen, treasurer, recorder and mar
anal. . . ? ...
A. H. Bprauer haa purchased of A.
Rossi the property now occupied by tba
.vogue millinery atora. ''.'-
4 Alexander Gordon and Mr. Vincent
m .took eliminations thla week for post-
tlona census tnumtntori. '
Mrs. Poltras of Portland is visiting
at the noma of William Hunter.
4 The Southern Pacific company having
refused to Install the necessary trackage
xor the new brick and tile factory and
the Oregon Electric railway not being
able to lay trak across the southern
Pacific right of way, the contemplated
erection of the plant now seems doubt
ful. The people of Beaverton art very
nil; -iltfji!;
Monday, Feb. 14th Is
Opening Day
Next Sunday's paperi will hold
a full-page announcement there
will1 be a burning interest In it
for YOU. .. ' :: ' ,
Watch for It
See our beautiful " colored en
largement - of the t Reed Institute
.site, on exhibition in our windows
it is worth your. while.
. Board of Trade Bldg.
COLUMBIA LOPr.13, No. Ill,
A. F. A. M. Bl'fittl cum-
munli-atlon this (Thursday)
evening at 8 o'clock. Ala"il0
Temple. ; worn Al. M. Ot'KrOU.
Visiting brethren welcome.
By order W. M.
FHi:i I OLSON, flee.
iA No. 7. K. T, istaled con
k- clave this (Thursday) even
Vn J Inir. at 7:30 o'clx'H. Ordor of
V fted Cronn. VlHltlng 81r
Knights courteously Invitou,
W. H. MACHUM, llPcordr.
WEliFt'Or CAMP. Ntt
& Woodmen of the
World, meets every Fri
day night In W. O. V.
Temple, 128 Eleventh
street. All membere re
Quevted to be present
Visitors welcome.
A. L. Psrhu r. Clerk.
W. A.. Pflia Cltv rnmn R4fiR. meets
Monday evenings. Belllnir Illrsa Hldg
Wect Park and Washington. F. J.
Partington, clerk. 22 1 Allaky bldg. Phone
Main 02S. -
RTN. A., Uargurlte camp, meets every
Thursday evening In Savoy hall, But
Ptirnwlri street ndfJ ra n Is ven no.
LovUS hll, 84?, afternoon en 'vn"
Inte. U1KL orand ave.. ror. K. With.
mtLk tor rent LTeVlJg.. i2 U
i., near Morrison. . -
MIMi:SKM-Albert Mlhesell, 261 Ent
(iik atrert, FithruBry 6, age ti;
ert hed (ral I w n y H ( t d i n t ' '
MAX M. SM1TJI, tlurlet. Ill) Bth St.. OP
poKlt. Meier Krnnk's. Meln TtlS.
For Sale by Owner
We have an elegant 1 room bungalow
and strictly modern, 7 Jare
on 44 (li st.. between ThnmiiHon and Bra-I rooms mil store room. "4 bod rooms, oil!
" 14. bionka from car. Tins noiieo-i ing room veneered puneM, uouine
ties a reception hall, in which are ouut-
ITni HTT7 itT,'. -3TATIB 111 i'" CMta and bookensea, and beamed cell-
,,K SALE HEAL I.STA1K lO ll)f. tu rooin ronnet,t wltll , eiant
fs w a
New and modern house; one of the
swellt and mont artlntla plncea In the
nelKhborliood: so If you. are contem
platlnir the purchase of a borne of neat
appearance, aa well aa convenience,
turn you are.
Fix beautiful, laraa rooms.
Maonlve fireplace.
bookcases built In on eaoh, aide of
well arranced fumaoe ,
Full cement basement.
With cement floor, f '
20-Inch panelled dtnlna room.
Kxtra heavy benmed cclllna:.
Very classy buffet an Item Of im
portance to have In a neat home.
Only S Hocks from car.
Improvements In and paid.- Including
aewer. . , . . ,
Price $3600 Terms
Coma out and let os show you the
many otner thinga, too numeroua to
llth and Hawthorne New Offloe.
Tabor 201T.
Wanted, Money to Loan
We have a number of appllcanta for
Very deslrabla mortgage loans ranting
from tKnn ua We can Place your
money on well secured mortgages at . 1
and 6 -per cent net. - Our ti yeara' ex
perience in mortgage loana la at your
orvioa. . ' ' -
- Seal Estate' and rire Insuianoe. .
4th and Oak. Main 8084; A-2S2T.
The Curtlss airship, owned by E.
, Henry Wemme, president of the Fort
land Automobile club, and which la
being ahown at tho pure food show in
the Meier, A Frank store, la to be ex
hlbted" free to school ' children every
tnomlng between S and ti- o'clock. Aa
the management' believes that a Study
or me rrmcnine is an education in itself.
they have decided to show It to school
Children ; free each morning. . .
y v . . , n . -
' Journal picture coupons are appear
ing on page t every day. , The first one
was printed. Monday,. Dbn'.t fall to out
them out' , '.- : - e k
t We must-know at once, if
you get in on this platting
acreage. . It will make you
two to three, hundred pen
cent on amount invested.
t5 If . - you have some - idle
money and 'mean business,
call on us and we will give
you the best money-maker
in the city. It is in city,
close to car.
pon't put off No phoning.
!-SteeIe,v Co.
110 Second Street
On Sxtra larga. It Plenty of Frnit
aaajr Be sa on Easy Terms.
. Wa have a fine, modern B room house.
In Hawthorne, on an extra large lot, 70x
100, with 'five bearing fruit trees; 8
kinds 'Of small berries, roses, garden,
to. A new chicken house and run,
makes this a swell little country plane
right In town; only 1 block from tha
.car. ; . r-
Tha house haa I large Bedrooms,
clothes closets, reoeptlon hall, porcelain-
bath and washbowl; fine linen
closet; living and dining rooms-with
an opening between. There is a large
attic, affording another eleeping'toom if
desired. The rooms are beautifully
untea; xitcnen wun pantry, porcelain
sink with hack, stationary tubs fn basement,-
gm andelectrlcity, front and
rear, porches, combination fixtures, ce
ment basement, fireplace, terraced lawn.
In a fine neighborhood. Street improve
ments In and paid for. Publlo school
within 8 blocks. Lot across the street
recently s aold for 17S. Price $3400;
easy terms. -.
BAXFH ACKI.ET, 605 Coraett Bldg.
VouCannot Makcf-Ioney
Unless you invest money: - People that
are satisfied with a small rate of In-
: terest on their money, never realize
much from their savings. - Treble , the
Interest would not do justice to the
. rapid Increase in values that a small
lnventment would make for vou in a-ras-.
ory Heights. Come today while you can
still get lots as low aa $175 and up;
easy terms; Bull Run. waten cement
sidewalks ajid curbs. Office at tha end
or tne itose i;i ty rk canine.
Best Investment
Right "on Jefferson street, one block
from 14th street; house and lot 47x100.
Price 14700: 13000 cash. Must be taken
before 16th, aa my option expiree on thai
oate. Koom s, iiih f irst st. -
", Get Readv,
We have t 'excellent tilafted nrooertles
-Aiiriu iiue Trust co.. xne leaaing i reaay to market: small oasn payment;
uviiiviuip, vj-d-b-i rmiittim uiup. i tsirKt ij roil is. ...
' 'also ' ; '
4 acres finest home site on Oreron
City carllne; all In grapes and berries;
II minutes from car, SHo fare.
The disturbance yesterday aonroach
Ing western-. Washington and the one
over Alberta have united and moved east
to Saskatchewan. A high pressure'area
of considerable strength now overlies
the north Paclflo atatea. and. another
high pressure area occupies the Missis- valley.- The lower lake storm is
moving down the St. Lawrence val
ley and the barometer ta relatively low
over jvew Mexico. . precipitation naa
been general in the north Paciflo states,
being rain in western Oreron and Wash
ington and snow in Idaho; the amounts
were light In all aections. Rain and
snow " has fallen in the ' lake region.
the middle Atlantio and New England
States. It Is much warmer in the Kocky
mountain states and correspondingly
oooler in the Mississippi valley and lake
region. - - '
.. The Indications are for generally fair
weather in thla district tonight and
Friday.-with lower temperatures tonight
hi D( me casoaae mountains.
y Mln. Precip.
Atlanta .......... 68
Blaine, Wash. ..... 44 '
Boise, Idaho 28 '
Bostony i....V'.44i.v.:.
Kuffalo S4 t
Chicago- 28
Blnclnnatl .. . ,.v. 88' -enver
....... 48 ' -
Detroit ..."88 ,
El Paso ...... V.i.6 -
Galveston 68 -'
Havre, Mont. 40 "
Helena, Mont . . . ' 88
Jacksonville. Fla. :V 74
Kallnpell, Mont ... S3
Kansas City ...... 88
Knoxville, Tenn. . . 84
Los Angeles ...... 84
Marshfleld. Or. . w..'-60
Memphis ... 43 '
Miles City.. Mont . 88 v.
New Orleans .... 44 -
New York ... . . . 40
North Head, Wash. 48
n. xsKima, wasftt.- is -Oklahoma
.....i... 42
Omaha . . 84 .t :
Philadelphia 'V.'.-W "
Phoenlx, Ariz. . .-. , . 84
Pittsburg . . 44
Pocatello, Idaho ... 20 .
Portland, Or, 48 v
Roseburg ...... , 50
St Louis .w. ..., 82
St Paul ... 18
San Antonio 88
San Francisco ..... 64
8. Bte. Marie, . 14 .V...
Seattle ,:,,.t.44"'.v,
Siskiyou,. Or.. .. . 42 ;V
Spokane, Wash. ... 88
victoria. B. C .... 88 '
Walla Walla ....... 28 .
Washington, D. C. 40
Yellowstone Park J 24
84 :
22 ;
- '
: 38
24 "
18 .
-: so
... 84
: 48
f u ;
,. 28 '
;- 24 :,
88 i
80 -
10 "
84 ;
20 -'.'8
12 '
: ' 40
V - 28
' - 80
''. t'
J 8
- :22
' -.81
, -00
' ,00
. ' . .24
.... .10
" .04
. .00
si W. Peyser and wife to Bruno
A. Rohsu tt al., beginning at
northwest corner of the tract
conveyed to gavlllan poyser
by William and Kinilla
Luebcke, thence south along
West line of said, tract 84 feet
thence east to east line of
same, thence north to Powell
Valley roal, thence north 74
deareea WMl alnnr malA ma1
29 feet to beginning , 1,400
luiliaim realty at xrust CO. 10
. Rosalie Oreffos et aL. lot 4.
block 14, Woodmere '. . 171
iana estate company to Edward
Oundcmnn lot . i T-il. lr o '
Laad's adiltton a ........ J. . .' ; 1.842
ju. v. Aiireabon ana wire to Amy
. J. Diltson. lot 1. hlnrk I Mr.
....,..... . SXVI i
Albert. Fehrcnbach to Elisabeth' ; ,;. I '
, . -nitiips, iota 1. I. 2, 4. 6, ,
18, 19, 2U, 21. 22. block; 1. Men- '
low Park subdivision
William J. Newton and wife to
George Miller, lota 18. 17,
block 7, Marohmont addition.,
Marie Metzler, and husband to
Mathias Nelson et al., lots 10,
11. hhtolr B lAlirolwniwt t'arlr
D. I Filley to W. J. Hunter.
. lots 8. 4. block 2, Kern Park. . -Herman
Metxgen trustee, -to
Frank Rostkowskl. lot 8. block
Reservoir Park ' 5 180
uue uuarantee & Trust Co..-to
A. H. Parrldge. lots 15. 14. 17
and 18, block 21, Berkeley, 400
jaines u. tiart and wife to Ar
chie Hocklnson. lot 2. . block
17, Katharine ' 250
earns to Mary Hocklnson Evans .
lot 1. block 17, Katharine .... , , 250
University Land Co. to John W. .;
Shankwller. lot 8. block lfil.
University Park .... 175
aioore investment Co. to J. T. 1
Ennls, lot 8. block 88, Vernon . - - 750
jonn waiiaoa and wire to Lewis
C. Metsger et al. east half of,
: lota 13 and 14. block 68. Kun-
- nvslde Second adililinn . " 108
j. . capies ana wire to O. JL .
Cobb, northerly SS feet of lot V
'4. block 125, West Irvlngton 1.400
William Hathaway and wife to '
eyivester porr. lot n. biodk
21. Multnomah add ft Inn RA I
jesaie u. west ana husband to
y. A. Bredeen. east BS faet of
lot "EL" SunnvalOD. : 1 Kflft
woscpnine mrvin ei ai to Mary,
item, ioi 2. niorir x. i.inrniri
Park i 1.704
cieiKa t-arrisn ana nuBDana 10
alnnlnar at nnrlhn rnrn,i '
of west half. of lot 4. fiower-i
Ing tract ....... 1.250
tt.i w. unnaiiy to Jonas m.
Berrr. lots IS. Id. hi no It 16.
Holladav Park addition..' I.TBO
- . ... - . ... - i
uveriooK joana company to o. H.
waison. iota i. 2. a. moo l.
Laa jusxaie company to seven-
vaaa mvesunenc com nan y.
lots 6. S. block 84. cltv....... 120.000
tsigrriea vviuiam uetniersen ana
wire to H. u. Bewiey, trustee,
west 75 feet of lots t. 8. block,
97. Couch addition: . .... . i . . 28.000
Sarah C. Kelly and husband to.
A.' M Han.nn. lnr hlnolr 9
Laurelwood .' ,.' 250
Columbia Trust company to E.
A. Shepard, lots 22, 23, block
iv, Mwinton
8. I or 8 acres east of Mllwaukle. all
In cultivation, fine horns sites.
I and 10 acres and larger tracts at
many points on tbecarllnea.
Now Is the tlma to bur before the
aprlng opena; prlcea are sura to advance
when good weather cornea. -. , -;
O. W. P. LAND CO.,
Waiting room, 1st and Alder.
Splendid ' new modern 8 -room house,
furnace, double walls, fine location, now
being built and would finish to ault
1,000 1 purchaser. Don't mlsa tba chance of
Splendid. Site
Flat or residence, west of East KleT-
500 tenth; extra choice; east front, 12500. '
; $500 Cash
Modern cot tare. 8 rooms, larae attic
root lot. atreeta improved,. 8Suu."
V Only r00- V
10x100.' lot east front, onlr 100 feet
iiromcar; a rood nuy: terms easy,
880 Fast Washington; East 1115; B-1487
Jiving room, 13x19, with beam celling,
iirepiuce ami DooRcaHes, wun an oooa
rase doors of leaded glass of best qual
ity; this room connects with the dining
room, which, is -eleuantly caneled and
has large scat in window, over Which
massive columns and arch give a coey
and homey effect There are. 2 'bed.
rooms downstairs, finished in the best
possible manner, and two large bed
rooms upstairs', well finished and tinted;
bathroom is on ground floor and is
equipped with roll rim tub, lavatory and
latetit design toilet; the kitchen la mod
ern, up-to-date, Dutch kitchen, with
built-in 'cupboards, drawers, bins, etc..
laundry tray is in kitchen; house will
be eaulnned with hlirh crade furnao.
The lot lies iuHt a tittle above grade
and. lawn will be fully made and con
crete walks Jm.l around nouse, ironi
perch 7x30. This uroDertv is in the
cream of Rose City Park and buildings
are going up on every aide and property
values are rising very rapidly. We will
sell this place on reasonable terms, of
irom 8600 to 81000 down, balance month
ly to suit Pries 81700; all Improve
ments paid out.
w C. Morris Co.
. , Designers and Builders.
, 411 Henry Bldg.
Phone Main 6220.
fireplace, fine bath and lavatory, flush
switches, tiest shades and fixtures, full
cement foundation, cement floor, laun
dry trays, piped for furnace, two
porches cement . walks around house,
street Improved, south front; this Is a
benuty, and th greatest bargain ever
offered In this section. Come out today;
It won't last long. v ,
Hawthorne. Realty Co. ;
Cor. E. 34th and Hawthorne ave.
' , ' Tabor 616. ' "
7 . TO 8EB THIS.,' , .'
. ? " Beautiful 5 'Acre , :
Level tract all cultivated, fenced; new
t room house, barn, chicken house and
fark, bearing fruit trees; small fruits,
flna Holsteln cows, 1 calf. 1 horse, 1
wagon, buggy, harness and implements,
This is located near ennuah to 5 cent
carllne to be valuable for platting, in
fact land adlolnlnr Is nlatted and is
now selling for 8800 per lot Now, if
you are looking for a real bargain, bring
this ad to Grays Crossing, Mt Scott
'. , $5000.Term8 i w
Owner will meet you at tha office, of
uraya crossing t,anq co.
100x100 E, Third and Davis
818,600Qet 'prloee of adjoining prop-
- erxy.
Then See Us
- . .... , . '- . ' .
"Phones: Main 6864. A-263,1'
800 Henry bldg.
, 8 acres, all in cultivation, I
room house, barn, chicken house.
. summer kitchen, spring water
Piped to house and barn. 100 bear
ing fruit trees, berries, everything
, in first class order, ft block from
Oregon City carllne. 82600.
408 Main st, Oregon City, Or.
. Ths following , uncalle4 f or letters,
answers to blind 'ad run in The Jour
nal, remain at ; . this ; offics awaiting
claimants: j j.-.. . ..
A821, 889, 841, til: 858 1 -B
232, 268, 825,' 886, 840.s 857.t , '
- C 296. 810, 881, 833,. 864. 266. V
. J D 827v 244. 863. 864. 866. 982. Y
B 305. 821.. 830. 111. 2.13. 331. 144.
IB, S, 80. - , CM-, -- -'
847, 848,': L':-l-;tT T r
r G 818, 826,- 830 818, i
! H 884, 842, 849,. 860, tlt,';.'
X 882. 834. 840.'848. 860.'J J s i
J S25. 8S4. S34 US 1R 17
tit ten' 'ii ' -"-- --
u Kr-827, 828, 880,: 841, 848, 851, 854. : .
,L -280, 280, 220. 227, 880. 288, 885.
M 840. 841, 84f, 849, 860.
N 843, 843, 847, 866, 868.
g828, 830. 831, 882, 245, 854, 855, 158.
: O ti k OA ft 0 4 loA m-t i art Sro
vm.v mJrt OOV 0A Olasy OOlt POSi
..9-rf21'.la' ,26 428- 8B- s8
848, 852, S58.
isr?..'. 842, 843, 241. 1 .
ill 800. 822.' 823. 324.. S2R. 120.' 121.
248, 852, 858. 864. 869430.
v S34. 837. 827, 860. 881. 868. L'
W- 323. 337. SS9. 345. 148. its. lit.
854. ' "
; Y820. 833. 848, 248. 841. -
Z 240, 821. 828 824, 836. 841, 884. "
Elbrlrtirft KanltrlnM Clrntiorrt. Waah
21,. and Sarah Stewart 21. .
Edwin D. Wilton Montavllla. ffr KA
and Lorena Plncus. 49.
Joseph Hedeen. 71414 Missouri ave.
nue. 21i; and Minnie Nelson. 20. -
'RIVATE loans on short terms, notes
Or Other aood securities. In nutria from
10 to 2200. . Inaiiira Jack . (T Mb r
out w minma ave., cny. - --. . . .
William M. -Miller 'and "wife to t
RalDh P. Mever et al. lot 6.
block 62. Irvlnirton . ...., . ., 4.500
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to ; f
Mora 1L casey. lot zs. block
io, i remoni r-iace ... ........ xxv
H. ife Lynes and wife to Mark,
xv. .. HAnnpr at iir ai inr 7 -
block 2. Williams Avenue add 2.760
Arieta i.ana uo. to uoiana J-
Hrnnhitrv Inta , U ' 19
piock , juioeria . . . ..... . , . . 4vi ao
u. A. Knea and wire to (luv ts.
" Meek, lots 1. 2 and 1. blook'42.
' University Park . ; - 1,100
.uaisy i Kana ana nusoana to :
Margaret A. Shea, west of ,
lots 3 and A, block 2, Do lan' a
addition and west 14 of lot . V
' block 28, Hansons' second add.v ' 4.Q90
vriiiiam js.. Aaami ana wiie lo
' V. D. Bishop et al, lots 1, 8
. and 5. - block 8. Lexlnaton
Helens addition ...... . 2,800
That lot on northeast corner 12th and
i see me pneojo rrorn in' vo tuou,
; 508 Abington bldg. Main 7022.
4 room house, modern, with aorner lot
40x111(4: cement sidewalks, street Im
proved, price 82200: half cash; this Is a
snap and you will have to hurry If
wanted. " "
. 132 6th st.
TWO ' fine lots at sacrifice, A . non--resident
customer owns two flna lota.
One Is close to Union ave., ths other
Is in the very best, part of St Johns,
He is compelled to raise money at once.
Whoever will make the best offer in
side of three davs. cash, will set them.
Call 618 Chamber of Commerce. 4
Have you $300?
Tou will never have a betters chance
to Invest It than lnhls 7 room bunra-
low In choice location and only I Mocks
10 car; Deamea ceilings, paneled tuning
room, nreniace. larca Dorcn; it s a sem
ana ror quick sale can be had for tzvou,
2500 will buv this new 2 room house
near Mt. xaoor, x blocks to at. 'raoor
car; paneled dining room, all other con
veniences; tha price is low at $2650.
Better took up at once. (A1J)
TION CO., , l
802-8 Lewis bldg.
Phones Marshall 648, A-7182.
On account of leaving the city, I will
sell mr new home,. No. 602 Hall street
ai a eacririce. The view is one or me
very best on ths heights, the bouse is
heated with hot water, haa 2 fireplaces,
2 toilets, large bath and shower bath
room, oak floors. Dutch kitchen.
porches each 48 feet long. The founda
tion of thla house rests on solid bed-
rook. Hall street Is now being paved
and when thla is completed and the lot
graded this will be one of ths most
beautiful homes on the heights.
. Call at the house and look it over or
call at the office and see plans. . W, ti.
Buoy, owner, ei Hoara or Trade.
25,000 Business property and flat
, proposition,--corner, paying 10 percent
on investment, can De maae pay 10 per
cent; iu.ouo will-handle.
88600 8 room modern bunaalow. ex
ceptlonally fine, on Willamette Heights;
$16.000 Very fins home, on Wlllam
ette Heights; easy terms, or will con
sider good property. -
82200 New 6 room cottare. close to
atation, a lots, fine place for chickens;
terms. -. r
83000 New. 6 room, modern hunralow.
AiDerta: your own terms.
6Z7 Henry piqg.
Best Buy in Portland
. $300
$300 down, balance like rent; 8 room
strictly modem bungalow; just com
pleted: on E. Caruthera. between 30th
and 31st; 2 blocks from carllne. haa full
porch, fireplace, beamed celling, paneled
dining room, Dutoh kitchen, builtin book-
oases ana china-closet; gas and elec
tricity; best of plumbing, full basement,
and only $3800. -
. ttusa,
KIR ldvltn... Klcv 0 A ..J I M.a
Res, phone. Tabor 1467. Phone Main 2801
3 lots. 100x110. corner E. Salmon and
52d, concrete walks, 8 blocks to cars.
These are bargains. -
8 lots, south of Hawthorne, right on
otn street canine, tetuu. . ;
f l mrat .M. nnn.. Vl.,1.1..
Idaho. All for $3300 -1-3 cash,
B. 34th and Madison, corner, -60x66
$1800. susmess location. Good terms.
212 Alisky Bldg., 3d and Morrison.
Will be paid to you If you don't find
this, new 6 room residence worth $800
more than we are anklng for H; It has
6 ' large rooms, hall. , pantry, closets,
bath, all nlaaternd and finlwhed to
queen's taste; has 8 foot front porch.
cement foundation, large woodshed, :
flna level lota, east front has beauti
ful view of surrounding country; In
good nelghborhool, blocks from 6o
carllne, and only $1600; Vt cash, balance
mortgage. '
see orath cnossma land CO.,
Take Mt. S.-ott car to Grays Crossing.
ROAD, west side, starts from the St
Johns ferry, messurlng over the hills
for 6 miles; at the start la WHITWOOD
COURT, a -comlpg.down the river cen
teh;. joining that comes MAYBROOK.
and just above cornea neautnui uien
Harbor tract; all grand view tracts;
get . off the United R. R. electrio at
whltwood Court a Eo fare station, and
call on R. H. B LANDING'S otflcs for
terms on lots and screage. -
If You Are" Lookincr for
Close In acreage, a wheat ranch or small.
wen improved rarm, at low price ana on
most liberal terms. Sea me: I handle my
own properties, , , - ,
J. O. Elrod ,
' ' 620 Corbett Bldg. ' "
Let Us Build
Tou a boms on your own ideas. If you
have a lot wa furnish the money; easy
terms; plana and estimates furnished;
wa will save you money and please you.
$01-803 Lewis bldg. Phones Marahall
; East Side Snap
Fins' 8 room house on 100x100. 837 E.
6th st N.. near Prescott 1 blocks from
Union a-ve., full concrete basement, gas,
frood plumbing, 10 large fruit trees on
ot with house; owner must sell 60x100
with bouse for $2809 or all 100x100 for
84100. J. II. Emmert Williams ava.
For Sale by Owner.
I -room modern residence, wltb 4 lots
or H acre, in fruits and berries, within
2 blocks of laras publlo school; 2 blocks
of car line; all city conveniences, elec
trio light telephone, nun Run water;
6e car rare; muuo. a-o, journal.
For choice bargHlim in rrtit, ; !y
to Wiley, Allen c Co., In;nts, tn.
28 !acres, all Improved, snmll hoi -,
barn, 6 acres In fine prune unhHi l. 3
"r winter applee, bshtnes in lultlvit
non, fine water, mile csr line; fin
for platting, in acre tracts; au9 j.r
acre.. . . ,
-' 10 acres, all improved. 5 room ho'iM
and barn, chicken houHes, 2 acres b r
rles; fine for platting Into lots; ? mile
from Lents sution; a snap.
. Also Improved acres. Five acres,
.'Also a fine modern bungalow, nent
barn, chicken house, two lots . 60w I uO
each, , block from station, In Port
lands most beautiful suburb. .
Also fine room house,, bsth. toilet.
7nd 100 feet square, ft block from
staUoft; pries $3260, with terme.
Also other bargains.
1 Wiley Allen Co.,
Phone Talwr 1418. or Tsbor 1435.
NICE country home in beautiful grove
of large oak trees, 7 room house end
a acrea of fine level land, all In culti
tlon, best of soil; 15 mlnutetV walic
from Hlllsboro and Oregon Electric K.
K. oepot; new electric line will psm
close to place this summer; plenty of
fruit berries, EnglUh walnuts, all In
bearing, bed of asparagus; situated on
2 main county roads, 15 miles from
Portland. Price $3250; $1000 caeh, bal
ance $10 per m6nth, or liberal discount
for all cash.1
708 and 709 Corbett bldg.
6 acre tracts adlninlnor th hImva. all
in cultivation. $1000; $100 cash, balnncu
iu per moctn; discount for all cash.
' See This
$10 cash, tat monthly. 7 room mod
ern bungalow. ..- i
420 Swetland Bldg.
$600 $36 down and $10 per month buys
a half acre of rich land on the west
side; 15 minutes' rids and 6 cent fare:
set one today and raise berries and
chickens enough to pay yonr household
expenses and they win ooudis in vaiue.
M. K. Lee, 411 Corhett bldg,
To first comer for $1925, "t lota and 6
room house in Sunnyslde, -
Sneer & Co.
' 1000H Belmont st" ' -
AfiiSNtiON" ' H
Have 4 lota on Kellv st for sale, onlv
few minutes' ride on 2d st. carllne;
ideal home site for the worklna man:
easy terms or cash. Z-400, Journal.
6 room modern house, 2 blocks from
carllne; small payment down; a big
bargain at 32100.
233 Alder st.
All cleared, and new K room n1aatr,I
house; to be brief, this place is fitted up
for a first class t-hickin ranch. It be
ins; such a short dinLance from n Go
carllne makes it worth double the value
i or piatting; will plat into 39 60x100
lots; lots adjoining only 40x100 soil
for 8200. Think of it. onlv 25500 fur
this beautiful place; terms.
Take Mount Seott ear to Oravi Crossing
WE have some very . choice 5 and I tt
sere tracts on the Willamette rive-
within 20 miles of Portland with go.d
rail and river transportation; 35 cent
fare; these tracts are nrotected by their
location from frosts; some have river
frontaxe end the toll is rich sandy
loam; ideal for peach orchards and sum
mer homes; the price is verjlr reasonable
and favorable terma can be arranged.
M. R. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. -
5 Acres
Will sell or trade for good city prop
erty 6 acres of Al fruit or berry land;
east side and i close in.' (This is all
cleared and level, and will make a flna
home for some one, i No agents, no com
mission. : -
434 E. Burnside.
MNETEEN acres, near cariirie at Tl
' gardvtlle; improvements, ' 8 room
house, i 2 large barns, 2 root houses,
chicken houses; In fact, all necesarf"
outbuildings; 2 wells with good water;
4 acres In orchard, all land in cultiva
tion. Thla is surely a desirable subur
ban home; prlcg isOac Terms. -CAUSEY
- . $06-6 Lumbermen's Bldg. .
"- - Phone Main 8148.
A Nest Egg"
Tou Will want it on slaht: a fins
view lot in Rose City Park; must sell.
H-419-. Journal. -
Ott SALE Old
encoe school house
at East 49th and East Morrison sts.
Will make good apartment house. Can
be? moved easily. Enquire, of R. XI.
Thomss, school clerk, city hall.
OUR room bungalow, 4 blocka from
the end of Rose Cltv carllne: full set
ofDlumbing. fireplace and electrio wired:
very cheap at $1260, $125 down, balance
montniy. fnone xaoor 140.
- $850
Choice H - acre faclna on 2 streets:
will make 4 lots 40x137 each, S blocks
to carllne. ,
Sneer & Co.
" " ' - lOoOMt Belmont st. ' '
1 1-8 ACRES A grand view, wood lot
- ur fiiav, Lion, ig vEiuiiuifl town lots.
Call on R. II. Blandlnar. aaent Whltwnnrf
Court. United R. R., 6o fare. . -
SIX lota on Columbia boulevard in the
factory district of Kenton: price 8300
each. " easy terras. - See owner, n. R.
Carey, office at Peninsula station.
MODERN 8-room house, $2500; fine new
' e-room modern nouse, 53500, small
cash payment- balance .same as rent
Phone Woodlawn 1799.
CHARMIN'O 8-room home, every conve
nlence. fine location, Broadway car;
beautiful floors, fixtures. E. 27$;
ABSTRACTS of title. D. Alexander ab. " put you in possession of 8 acres
at raot of nee. 413 corbett bldg. Mala ?r spienqia jana, miies irom rort
. -.v-,"v W.if.. " . land, right on carlina. Montague In-
cERtificateh ct tttU m,A. Iv"th YtFm. . li" wasnmgton st
. . r . r I Main . u ri .
Title & Trust comoanv. Lewis bide
4th and Oak. ' - - .
LAWYERS Abstract ft Trust Cow room
s Boara or xraaa bidg.t abstracts
specialty. ' -
, A Barerain - ..
Sold by ' owner. 8 room house.- east
rront, corner lot, 77xiuu, ana large barn
a 9RAn 19K 14. Tavlnr it . T.anr.1.
W. R, HAIZLIP CO. Ino.), abstractora. wood atation, Mt Scott car. ', Phone
pirei ciin worn, sin-s uornett oiag. I woodlawn 2302.
funeral notices. ,f
Be sura and see this modern 8 room
house, lot 60x100, full cement basement;
owner going east;' must sell for caih
at a bargain, A car. 1103 East 17th at
BEAKEL -In this city, February 8, Jau-
niTB a minri Maarav - m as-dVsj w .sassb
8 months and 25 davs. beloved wife of N.
ea Key ano daughter of Mr. and! 7 PRETTY
J? countiss and sistsr of Mrs. I Swell modern bungalow, I rooms. 80x
R. D. Garland and Mrs. Anna D. Wil-linn w tririnnrt ptIca hi no vrn.
Hams. .'The funeral services will be held any terma to suit purchaser. " Owner
at finiey a - cnapei at i p.- DTIday,
February 11. Friends Invited. Services
at the grave private.
7 room house : on Otand ave.. near
Skldmore; ,nma;l Lasement bath and
toilet: lot : 60x100: price $2300. $1600
cash. Goodnough & Setts, 182 5th.
ZellerrBvrnes Co: VSiJFVKl
pnones; iaay assisiant. - aaoat modern
estapusnment in city.
CHOICE. - v r
Very choice 1 and 2 -acre tracts, near
electric line. Prica right; terms. Room
Z I4a so.
T3IrtI The east
bbvu Lady assistant
ti. zo Kast Alder.
Dtinnititr Rr MTTfUndertakers J ONE acre.-2 room furnished house, lOo
Unnin? K MClintee Modern in . fare. $630 $400 -, cash, .balance $10
TBrr ubiui..'. iin ina'ruia Main ixn. mnntn no misran: owner.:ii.iit.jAiii
A-4658. -Lady assistants -.r- I nalf'-r'' - - 'k :"' - . -
aid undertaker, j IF YOU are going to build call on "ami
ant B-1688; East I ft Slavlns.1' Ws furnish plana and
speculations ires. es., s uoing. at
Phone C-2056. - v .
$700 Terms
Carter-Dugan Co.,
820 Chamber of Commerce.
Ready to move Into; 2 good lots; you
ean get It for your own at ths pries of
510 a montn. uraer tne transfer man
to move you right In. Call at Greg
ory's office In Gregory Heights. Taka
Rose City car, 2d and Yamhill, get
off at end of carllne.' Office on prop
erty. ,
'850 cash. $10' monthly, buys lot near
AiDena.j , -
4 room modern .house, corner, lot 40
by 111 M. cement sidewalks, street im
proved; price $2200, Mi cash: this place
laiclose in and is a bargain!
132 Fifth St. - ' .
J. P.Flnley & Soa
ivaay attendant Main ; A-1618.
xj uririrxm - . . i , ..... .
Washlnrton blda- corner its an4
l t. si- .. ti -.-4 V., tr;-,L
: Portland Heights :
Magnificent country scat; 2H
i f acres; 20 minutes.from P. O. - - H
S HicKok Realty Co. 5
W A-7111. ' 823 Hoard of Trde M
CRESS suits for rent, alt sises. Unique
Tailoring Co.. 808- Stark at
CLARKE BROS., florists; fine flowers
no norai qesign. 889 Morrison et
CLANS To Mr. and Mrs, 'John Clans,
. .226 N. Twenty-first. street February
S, a boy. .
LELLER To Mr. tmd Mrs. Edmond
. Leller, 873 East Taylor street Feb
ruary 4, a girl.
FOSTER To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fob-
ter. 504 Mill afreet. F.hrn.rv D
boy. : ...... . .
HALL for rent.V245H 17th corner
Marshall; -lodges, meetings, dancing
school; price rcHsonable. Main 1181. . .
It. N. A., Oreson Rose nmo. meetM
WertiiftRdav evenlnifs. Allskv hall.' 3d
and Morrison.-.. r
st 1 4d a 8AOC. I j. ;.
. Phones C-2114 and A-444U "
EAST SU3E funeral directors, success
ors to F, g. Dunnlng.Ino. E. 62. B-262S
build in lot. 60x100. east b!jl TL.PI.
LAM afAf Xf o vi'Tan Sitf 1 Cell 1 ....
Jaa BjOV. V-. s4auvt 4 aWattBt JF
MUST sell 2 lots near Reed Institute
nits, easy mommy pajunents; .no in
terest, $896. "A-412, Ja1rnal.
EDWARD HOLMAN, undertaker. - 228
8dst Lady assistant. Main 507. '
6CHAEFER Ludwig Schaefer. 866
Mallory avenue, February (, age 2;
obstruction of bowels.
BARNES -Anthony Barnes, Chamber of
Commerce. February 7. an.tilv mn
shot wound accidental).
BAKER Mary Baker, 707 Wayne street
peoruary b, age : nemorrnage.
HOWELL Mary Howell, 326 Williams
avenue. February 7. age4; cerebral
embolism. . - -j-
PEARSON Andrew Pearson; 854 Gra--i--
ham avenue, February 8, -MS 26;
Brlaht's disease. - v v. -.. ...
ELLIOTT Edward' Ellott. 828 Mich!
, ifcfttx avenue, February 7. age 2.2; ab
dominal dari'lnnma .
DKBAET Peter Dchaet 210 Union ave-
. . Mt.A tV.K. w a r. n .
HARD ub. must aell 2 desirable West
moreland lota on 18th st., near By bee;
east front. Phone Woodlawn 775.
FOR SALE 8 room modem house, lot
60x100, m block from Alberta carllne.
103 E. 15th N. -
PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, 8 per
cent interest paid on saving accounta.
ja ana uatcsis.
GOOD six room house, lot 60x100, good
location! bargain . if sold soon, 865
Gantenbein ave. ,
BY OWNER New 5 room, bungalow
with new furniture; this Is fins and
easy to nanqie. ion y-igg.
$lol)OWN and $26 a moftth buys a
modern' 6 room cottage. E-412, Jour-
GOOD 7 room house at Ivanhoe,
owner, H-tsol ' - . .
PORTLAND Trust Company Bank; email
check accounts Tecelved. 8d and Oak.
0RTLAND Trust Company Ba"ntc, 25
years In business, Sdand Oak sts. -
Ladd's Addition '
I will offer eoultv In 1U lots wll
located in this beautiful residence dis
trict until Saturday. If you want to
make a few $ call at 486 E, Sherman at.,
city, and I will show you. '
On St. Johns carllne $1500 cash.
Carter-Dugan Co.
82J Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
A magnificent 8-room home, choice loca
tlon, close In, Broadway car; only
$7260; . every convenience. E. 278;
40 acres of the best land In this see.
tlon, partly slashed, lies fine; sold at
a bargain; easy terms; must be sold
quick. Address G-412, journal.
WE have. a tract subdivided into 5 an.i
10. acre tracts, near Tlgardville, all lit
a good state -of cultivation; laya nicely
for garden, etc.; price, $250 per acre.
Terms. . .! . .
s - . $85-8 Lumbermen's Bldg. . '.,-
.. . Phone Main 8148.
' 1 acre IK mile east of Country club,
near Gregory Heights on 2d st, 2
blocks from O. R. & N. depot; good for
small fruit; $1250, $500 cash, balance
$,10 per month. ' , ,
711 Rothchild Bldg.
FOR SALE $560; 1 acre, cultivated. 80
IllillUVC, .vav. .V'. , VllittilUi U lllin
utes' walk- from car; terms. W-089,
Journal. . ' -
SNAPT-Corner lot 6714x100, on E. 24th
ana uiisan; want to sen cheap, as
owner Is going to leave. X-2874. Jour
nal. ' . - . ,;-
TWO lots In Elmhurst, 60x118 each, all
" improvements; $700 each, $600 cash,
or as first payment on farm or acreage.
Owner. F-414, Journal, v
WANT 8 experienced men to handle
close In acreage: good commissions: a
fast proposition. Farrell, 617 Gerlinger
bldg. , e
auick results. List with us. 414 Mer-
chants' Trust bldg. Phone A-1367.
$7000 for fine view corner 60x100 On"
Currv. with rood 10 room house. i
E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg.
$2600 CASH 8 room modern house, lot
60x220. Holladay Park. 738 Multno
mah st Phone A-5278, Main 4332.
BY OWNER 6 room new modern bun
galow at a sacrifice; terms.
17th st. N. Alberta car.
1020 E.
SAVE commission and buy from -owner,
a live room nouse. - investigate this
snap. 1303 Corbett st.
LOTS 2 left, $1250; fine location; c-
, meni waiKS, cum, a piocks car: nisrh.
level, 2 feet above walk. E. 378; C-1868.
Only a few left; most desirable acre
age buy on the market located on rail
road, near station' close to Portland;
running water - and springs in abund
ance; black loam soil; $100 per acre up;
easy terms; particulars complete from
' BROWN, 411 Couch Bldg.
i ACRES 8 miles Portland, near steam
' and electric line;- choice .fruit and
garden land; no stone; small payment
down. Lathrop, -,-H - Hamilton bldg..
Owner. s ........ . : .,, ,t
Very choice 1 and 2 -acre tracts, near
electric line.-. Price .right;, terms. Room
2fl 142 ' 2d. ' i
If Taken Now -
' acres, near Jenna station, Ca-
dero earlino, for house in Portland; val
ue fZbOU. - - .
Phone Main 6972. S20 Swetland hM.
WILL take building material for. two
6 room cottages, or will contract for
them- completed, in exchange for lots,
acreage or other propositions. .
340 Chamber of Commerce.
a" ACRES near Gates Crossing,. ."Est a
cada carllne, best of soil, easily
cleared, for house end lot in Portland;
not further out than 3tfth st. -Piles
S2000. Stats Land Co..: 645 8d St.. Mo-
Minnvtlle. Or.
100x100 EAST 10th st, 2 modern 6
room houses, full basements, bringing
$40 per month, - half cash, balance to
ult . t
618 Board of Trade Bldg.
6-ROOM well-built cottage, lot 25x100,
- on- carllne, elose In, $1350: $200 casn,
balance $10 or $15 per month;, working
man, own hjjTSjI0Rpa'y,n rent
618 Board of Trade Bldg
FOR SALE New 2 room frame house,
lot 40x100. for- only 8376. .- Take Mt
Scott car. See owner at .Tremont sta--
tlon with blue ribbon on umbrella) from
2 to 4 p. m. Week day or Suixlay.
FOR SALE New 5 room, modern bun
galow, fine lot, 'nlco shade trees, re
stricted district worth. $2000. full lot;
take $1200 with $600 down. See owner,
495 Marguerite ave. W.-R. car. - f
- 75x100, E. 12th and Going sts.; improved,-
canxent walks,, east face; $260
cash, balance monthly. . "
PORTLAND Trust Company Bank, 8S
per cent paia on jd aay call certlll-
cates. 3d and Oak sts.- 1
6 ROOM cottage, small lot, cheap, close
in. Innulre 640 E. Stark st
FOUR room cottageTjlO per month, 1
block from car. East 202, B-2050.
MODERN 4 room bungalow by owner;
all or half cash. - Woodlawn 2046f
NEW tent house, 18x20, furnished. Call
884 Pacific st -
Seven miles from city hall, all
are cleared, good berry soil, mile to
Oregon Electrie station; $450 per acre.
terms, a Ptarit st.
A FEW -20 acre lots left tract 35 miles
...out 3t per acre, easy terms.
era. .. .' C-v 'c1'' ' '
224-5 lumber Exchange. Main
We "have elgliMr-aer- tracsr 10 miles
from Port land,, all cleared, small house
on one tract; $160- per acre. Terms.
844 Stark st. T , - - .
320 ACRES, Eastern Oregon; wheat
land; want a home in Irvlngton or
soma arood .location: must - be worth
$6500: want tto deal with the Owner.
Call evenings at 73 7th st. Phone -8825.
a-?.r a :. f ; -
HAVE sale contracts to the amount of
$3000 for a six or seven room house
or bungalow,
340 Chamber of Commerce.
40 ACRES apple land in Hood River,
bearing orchard; will take other prop,
erty as part payment, balance easy pay
ments. H-401, Journal. :
20 ACRES of land with 6 room noun,
. all level, at Marshfleld; will trade for
any kind of business, Peters, 15 N. Md.
IF you want to sell, buy or trade, '
. Shoemaker Inv, : Co., '627 Henry bl.itf.
Main 4465. A-7434.
TRADE for lot. National cnsh reKimei',
4 drawers; value $500, Phone vunxt-
iswn Z4H.
LOT to trwdft lor big spun of nmrt
Inquire 1700 6th ave. Fulton la:
J. B. (Tlli'lc. '
LIVE proposition: 1 want 6 experienced
men capanie or nananng ciose in acre
ace. Hlckokl Realty Co 123 Board of
$600 tfplendld lot,; restricted inair.
fine view, alt Improvements; i t r
for plsn.F;4l8,Jtiirnel. -COOS
BAY Information Knresu f.
llahilitv of .firms, land val'i'M '.
eatlone, free. 311 ( 'inni.r ix I .ii .
FOR SALE or trails; iiniiiu. and li.
take "team-' and" tows fan ,...
Phone ''Tabor .797.;- -
WILL trade r.i V !wu'! and Kt S r
; HX 170, iJV
WILL ' get yoi. ,ii,.CtU.T i -anything
you hate. ii