The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 10, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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rbyal-yyoiccstcrtr-Iowl' and Warner CoGc3GLacIlcQ, HomcJournal Rat tcrns-EHchardcon lLIi
CaGtom Ghadc and Drapery Work at flie LowcstPrlccc-Arnolo Unit Gooda for 'Women and Infar
ii 01)11 U. LL(LPli(LP WC
Greater ,vunvuiCJ.".U U vuoi UUULKXUHU. " .liliUllUVU vU'JlVUlCUl . vJLUVUUJJllUUiUUU ,?.
f"r ml I.
SppSinigf 8SMtts9-' vyagstts Dpess: Ooodls, SaiEc
Ladlca Rainproof Umbrella Economy
Regular 02.00 Valuco Special at Q1.3Q
Do you patronize our Friday Economy Sales? If you don't you ought to because
wc study to help you economize in many ways. Taffeta, lisle or rainproofed serge
umbrellas for ladies. Our best selling numbers selected from our .regular stock.
Ixtra heavy steel frames, fitted with La Tour handles. Values. to $2.00 C"f OQ
.irhs On uneeial sale for Economy dav. tomorrow only, at this low price, ea. VAU7
01 Valueo 69c Yaffd
Another shipment ot those new Pongee Silks just
received from our foreign representative. A few
weeks ago wt received ever 5000 yards and told
them all In a day. So many late-comers were dis
appointed that we wired, for more, which: we offer
I for Economy day only. Best value of this sea
son's most popular fabric. Colors axe the best shown for
this season's wear, early Spring snd Summer. See Wash
ington-street window display. Regular value $1.00 CQp
a yard.; Special sale for Friday only, per yard UU
Ask tJ see the new Rft S. PoplinsDress Ooods Dept.
Trimmings and
gSernoaii t e Half
Pmnnmv Hav rlrarincr in colored trimmings, including gold braids, black and gold.
black and silver and Persian effects, in many shades; also-our entire stock of jet
and spangled bands. Remnants in edgings, insertion, headings, flouncing, medal
lions, appliques, in all Jengthi and widths, all at a great reduction of ONE-HALF
Ladiea all-linen Handkerchiefs, in -inch hem, amriswyl corner embroidered. "! 17
Take advantage of these I treat. offerings. Special Economy; price at, each A l l'
20 Tons of
: T (LS (f.
tit r i-irT
Hi: : '';.
Womcn'o New
Spring; Styles
G40.00 Valueo
$.h of
i1 mm
... .i HT V1J V
nother season greets yoa with aa outpouring
charming, tasteful new fashions at prices
that have sever teen equaled in the great West
These for Economy day only 200 new Spring
Suits, picked up by our buyers, who are now
in New York, and expressed to ca early for a
February trade stimulant We own them at a
mere trifle of their real worth, as the factories
from whom we buy thousand! of suits feel duty
bound to give us a few hundred at our own
price in order to hold our trade, and to assist
us in giving our customers something out of
the ordinary at the opening of the season. The
Jackets are semi or tight-fitting, with various
styles of plaited skirts. Tha collars are the
new shawl effect, with cuffs trimmed to match,
in Persian trimmings. ; Others are trimmed in
moire silk. Coats are 2 and 3-button styles.
AH tha new Spring colors are shown in many
qualities of cloth. It would be a pleasure to
you to tea these actual values up Jf Q HK
$40.00, priced for Economy
These Suits will be found just aa represented.
Remember wa; are building a beautiful .. new
store' (finest In tha Northwest) on a founda
tion of honorable dealing. Therefore we
cannot afford to exaggerate in pur adver
tisements. Sea bur. Fifth - Street Windows, j
Save toy Buylnn 1M iilnsoolc by the Flcce
Our Pest QS.OO Quality Special at Q1.3Q
foin the multitude of thrifty shoppers who throng the aisles of this useful store. If
ortman-King whenever y
only economical way to h
10 yards in each piece.,.
think of economy. Here's nainsook by the piece, the
required for. lingerie of baby outfit,
ou only knew how we study to please you and help you save, you would think of Olds-
CI oo
Our regular $100 quality, special tomorrow, piece VltOO
uy when
IBedidlSinigjj ; Economy
Pllloivo gl,3S
1 11 1 11 I.I I I . y i i i.l
Attention la invited to tha unusual bargain offerings in
Pillows, Bedding, Curtaina, Draperies, Rugs, etc, which
are offered by tha fourth-floor Carpet and Bedding
Store. Here'a aMeather-fillcd Pillows, of fancy art
ticking, very exceptional values at $2.25 pair. 1 OK
Offered special for Economy day at, the pair vi-t)ti
Many others are shown from 63c to $4.00
each. ' Let ua supply your needs. Mat
tresses f 3.00 to f 26.00 sach. Mattresses
mads tp order at all prices. Look at them.
C3.CO BlonUctg C2.4S
S3 Comforters at G1.3Q
CO Couch Cov's OS.CO
Economy sale of large siae Cotton Fleece Blankets, in fancy plaids, assorted OO k
colors. Our regular stock values at $3.50 the pair. Special price, the pair 0t10
White cotton-filled Comforters, excellent values in medium weight, covers of
neat patterns. Our
Couch Covers in rich
either side. Exceptional
Rflo watts
A Veal treat for Portland people, es
pecially provided by this progressive
store at a seasonable time. Send your
friends a valentine' box of raisins, of
beautiful sun-kissed amber clusters,
sun-cured 'and packed at Fresno, Cal.
The truth is not commonly known
that raisins.' are! food of the highest
quality;. $0 per cent, rnores nourishing
than meat . and far more healthful.
Compare Food Values One . pound
of these' sun-cured raisins represents
a food value '. equal to each of, tha
following: Six pounds of apples, five
pounds, of bananas, four and one-
quarter pounds of potatoes, one pound
of bread, four pounds of milk, four
and three-fourths pounds of fish (edi
ble portion), twopounds of eggs one
and one-third pounds of beef. An
important medicinal value of raisins
is, in their laxative effects. U. S. Dept
of Agriculture Bulletin No. 142.
' , ' : 't . ..,; li ... ,: -'- ; f-
Lot 1 1000 packages of seeded Raia
ins, 1 pound in a package, OKn
very special, iour packages for Otll
Lot Z 2-lb, boxes pf 4 crown QC
fancy layer Raisins, the box OuC
Lot 3 2-lb. package' 5 crown Afn'
Raisihs,. special, the box, only xvl
Lot 4 Z-lb. Valentine boxes CA
fancy layer Raisins, the box tllC
See " Fifth-street window display of
Valentine boxes fancy layer Raisins;
February Sale of Kttclien Goods
China and
j ; v '. , . I1,; ',.ir
rl On tlte 3rd Floor
(Few contract gooda alone excepted.) Con-
lln.i.flA- m t ' At.- ri...i Calm a!
,i . ti kitchen roods, china, silverware, etc.. etc
Our entire mammoth atock of house fur-
niahlngs of ; every description on 'sale at
' : ''iar -su 'fl (Ci&L, '
o-t no
best regular $2.00 values, special Economy price, each0XOO
h Oriental colors and designs. Reversible, finished on pA
onal values at $9.00 each, special for Economy day, each vOtlvl
lVfuolln Gown's
extraordinary low prices. Standard wares,
complete assortments, best values always.
yesterday's paper for full details.
Will continue until further notice." 3d floor.
All Kitchen Ooods Greatly Reduced Prices
All Granlteware at Greatly Reduced Prices
All Woodenware at Greatly Reduced Prices
China at Greatly Reduced Prices
Cutlery at Greatly Reduced Prices
All Dinner Sets at Greatly Reduced Prices
Glassware at Greatly Reduced Prices
All Silverware at Greatly Reduced Prices
35c Salt Boxes, Economy price, each. .27e
$1.00 Food Choppers. Economy price.. 78 23c Muffin Pans, Economy price, a..l7v
19c Sauce Pans, Economy price, cch..l(4 27c Pudding Pans, Economy price, ea. .19
63c Tumbler Holders, Economy price. .50 20c Lipped eKttles, Economy price, ea. IS
12c Dust Brushes, Economy price, ea. ,0e 60c Towel Racks, Economy price, ea. .45
$9.00 Cut Glass Celery Trays, sP1..fe.0S i5c Scrub Brushes, Economy price.. 10c
$7.50 Saver Tea Set, Economy price f 5.15 $3.75 Sugar and Cream, special, ea. f 2.85
25c Butcher Knives, Economy price.. 18 20c Lipped Kettles, Economy price, ea. 15
$3.00 Reading Lamps, special only. .$3.76 23c Milk Pans, Economy price, only. .18
50c Bread Boards, Economy price, ea. ,35e $13.00 Reading Lamps, apecial, ea. 810.10
i-wr r-,:,..: . 107.00 Madras
IVIen'o iSnoco iat 02.49
The tremendous selling during January arid February has
depleted our atock to odds and ends, almost.' New Spring
shoes are coming fast and we want mora room. "Women
with tender feet," here's your chance to secure Just the
shoe you need at a big saving. Button or lace, kid or
patent leather, all made with hand turned soles, any height
heel or shape toe; regular values to $3.00 a pirf offered
special at 82.49. Also extension soles in button or lace.
patent kid or gunmetal calf leather, awing or straight
lasts; low, medium or Cuban heels, new sHapes and styles,
an unusually large assortment of splendid val-
ues up to $3.00. Special Economy price, pi
Odds and Ends In Children's , Shoes
Values Up to J52.00; Special at lOc Pair
Only 60 pairs In this lot of children's Shoes odds and end some are soiled also 1 rtp
a line of oxfords; regular values to $2.00 tha pair, on apecial sale to close out, pair J.vl
Regular SOc Bed Slippers buy all you want of them at this special low price, pair. .2Se
For the Business IMah
800 pairs of Men's Shoes, good' In every particular, styl
ish and op to date, principally narrow widths, wWch
offers a grand opportunity for men with slender feet;
tan or black; styles for dress, street and for the busi
ness man's everyday wear; values up to
$6.00. Special Economy day price, the pair
Also 600 pairs of Boys' Shoes in kid and colt leathers,
iuiiib buu tmc, nv mu pic ui wen wiyiw, out mi sizes if
in tha lot; values to $2.50; sires 9 to UVtl fl- A
special, 81.29. Sues 1 to SY, speciaCpair V
For tlie - IVlcn
7gc Valo: 49c
Economy day offcr$ an, unusual op
portunity for savings in every depart
ment of this, worthy, establishment.
Men's muslin ; Night -Shirts, nicely
trimmed, with or without collars, cut
very full and long; we know they are
great Tilues, and can easily satisfy
you that they were reasonably priced
at 75c each. Special Econ- A Q
omy price tomorrow at, each
' ' " ' ,.f ' " -If''. ' .
Boys Hose 15c
, 1
IVHaaeo Hose
3 Pair for Gl
Here's economy in children's Hosiery.
Boys' heavyweight, fast black ribbed
cotton Hose, reinforced knee, heel aluf
toe; sizes 6 to 9. This is our regu
lar stock ,at 25c, and great sellers
at that Special price for 1 f?
the pair
fine quality
tomorrow only, at,
Children's, and misses'
French lisle Hose, fine rib, mercerized
finish; sizes 5 to 94. Special Econ
omy price for tomorrow 1- flfl
35 the pair, or 3 pairs for JXUU
Boys' Caps 39c
WomenB 03.75 Gowno at G2.39
Reg; G3.7G Princess Slips
The big v White Stdre, second floor, offers greatest economy clearings for tomorrow
onIy;.:?iWpnjen' Night Robes, made pf fine nainsook, empire bodies of Swiss J0 QQ
erabroidery with sleeves of same; regular values to $175, Economy price, ea, tj)4Oe7
Women's Princess Slips, made of nainsook corset cover, with 3 rows of Valenciennes
insertion, skirt with 16-inch flounce, 6 rows of insertion; with clusters of tucks (jJO
and lace edge; regular values to, $375, on sale at special economy price of ViUO
Heatherbloora Petticoats, in fancy stripes and plaids, made with colored tailored
flounce, tinder flounce and dust ruffle. Our regular stock values at $3.75 QO QQ
cash Take advantage of this special economy priceon special sale at, eacli W&tOV
Outing .Flannel Petticoats, in atripes only, with plain hem, or scalloped edge, OfT
all neat patterns and good values up to 50c each. Special economy price, each Mil
Boys' Gl.OO Flannel VValsto 48c
ryUQGCQ' gl.25 Kid Gloves at 69c
Women's G2 Gauntlets 89c Pair
Boys' Waisti, made" of fine quality flanneffn red only; aizei 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12, AQn
all nicely finished with box plaits and golf collars; best regular values to $1.00, at OC
.Misses' and children's Kid. Gloves, two-clasp, overseam. in white and colors: Y?A
sizes, 4J4 to 6. A great clearance for tomorrow. Regtilar $1.25 values,1 special at UL
Women's Gauntlet Gloves, in cape and buck Stocks; all sizes; just the thing for CQa
the automobile and outing wear. ' Our regular values to $2.00, special,' the, pair 07C
G3.5Q Lace Cur tains Gl9g Falr
Dicky Friday, "Economy day," the big Curtain Store offers for tomorrow's sale
a -une of madrai Curtains, in silk stripes, colors pink and blue. To effect !f QK
a speedy clearance these splendid $7.00 values will be put on sale Friday at OD
White Lace Curtaina, Brussels effects; a strong line of patterns, and val- 3H QK
ues much betetr Wan you will expect for the price. Regular $3.50 value V-leaO
. 11
Hosiery Economy
5Qc Values Mow 39c
20c Values Now 11c
Lucky for you, tomorrow is Economy
day.- Here's,, boys' fine tweed and
worsted Caps, in fancy and plain col
ors, incely lined " and finished; sizes
6ri to 7; pur regular stock values
up to 75c each, special Econ- QOa
0 pmy price for tomorrow, each tl7U
Women's S1.50 Underwear 59c
3Sc Knit Corset Covers 19c Eacli
Odds and ends in ladies' Underwear. A great clean-up, 'so, extensive as to' embrace
$1.50 garments that are perfect in every way, only the lines are broken. Vests and
pants in nearly all sizes; colors cream and natural. Not all sizes of each kind, FQ.
but all sizes in the lot Regular values up to $1.50. soecial price, the garment OJK,
Ladies' Knitted Corset Covers in short sleeve styles only; sizes 4, 5 and 6. The " Qp
best regular 35c values, on sale at our special economy price tomorrow, t-lv
Ladies' Neckwear
gl.GOValuca Special 29c
Mercerised lisle thread Hose in all the Wanted
shades, black, gray,' blue, maroon, navy and
tan. All excellent values, selected from our
regular atock. - Many different kinds grouped
in one lot for your convenience irt choosing.
Real values at 50c the pair, offered for QQ a
our special Economy day sale, tha pair O v v
We also offer a good quantity of ladies' Cot
ton Hose, fast black with seamless foot, "t 1
ribbed top. Regular 20c values, special
Now for a great final clearing of fancy Neckwear, in
cluding Venise lace, Dutch collars, coat collars, atock
collars, fancy collars, jabots and elastic belts, fitted
with neat clasps; regular values to $1.50, on sale OQ
at our apecial Economy day price, special, ea. -wt
Sale of Auto Scarfs
Values Now Gl.39
Also ' Scarfs in a great variety of shades," lengths to
2Yt yards, in good quality chiffon, dotted ef- C t QQ
fects. Our best regular values up to $2.75,at vJUOI
,v.,:r.r-:-... ....II
Except Con
tract Goocln
Woo d e nwo re
3-arm Towel Racks, regu
lar 15c values, special price
Wooden Salt Boxes, regu
lar 25c values, special, each
Porcelain Salt Boxes, regu- QOi
lar 50c values, special, each OOv
Dish j Mops, thev best regular 10c
valuesj during the February fT
sale at this special low price
N 1 C Ice 1 ware Sale Tl n w a r e February Sale G ra nit ew're
BntlirOOm Needs' 9 coppeV bottom Wash r7Qp g; f 1 -e PWaPC Lipped .Sauce Pan, "I A a
; ; : . -Boiler, $1.2a value,' special I 7lv w regular 19c value, Special at 1UC
18-inch.Nickel Towel Bars I Ap 6-hble Muffin Pan, regular Itp Silver Salt and Peppirs, Of OA 'juart Lipped Sauce Pans', f
15c values, special at, each 1VV 20c value, special price, ti."XOK $I 65 . vaiues, the pair DX4U regular 23c values, special XUC
Nickel - plated : T u m b 1 e r pj Ap BfWi Raiser, reg- VQ- 4pltct Silver1 Tea Set," CK 1 C 3-quart Lipped Kettles, reg- "I
Holders, reg. Re value, ea.UUC ular 95c value, special, ea. UiU regular $7.50 value, set vDeJlO ular devalues, special? at Jl
Combinat'n Soap and Tumi Kfl Oblong covered Dinner QA 4-piece Silver' Tea Set, (? iA 2-quart Kettles, regular 17c 1 A rt
bier Holder, 65c value, -at eJUU Pails, regular 40c value, ea; OUl with t tray; $8.75 Value PUUl values on special sale, each XUL
Glass Shelves, ; nickel JJ- ffP No.8 Waffle Irons, regu- bA:.. Silver embosied BreadTray,Ar:- 1-qt. deep Pudding Pan, -f (
brackets; $2.25 values, at Vie I i' lar $1.00 value, special for OUV regular $1.50 value, special 0 1 regular 13c value, special XUU
Semi - Porcelain
60 - pCi Set, $10.25 value f 6.2J5
100-pc- Set,-1 113.70 value, 911.25
100-pc. Set, !;16.00 value, f 9.00
100-pc. - Set, $21.50 value, f 16.85
Syraccsg Dinner Sets
6ff- pel Sit $24.00 value; -IS-OO
lOOrpc. Set, $35.00 value, flO.50
:Gran 1 1 e w.r e
4-qt. covered straight Sauce Q fT
Panregular 45c -value, each OuU
8-qt. covered straight Sauce Cifn
;Pan, regular 75c value, each UUC
10-qt. straigrht cov'd Sauce
Pan. regular '90c-.value,-. ea.
1-qt. covered straight Sauce "I
Pan; regular 25c " vi.?"", each ' A C
2-qtrcoyefed fri'.,':t"Sau-e'fJ ..,
Tan, regular 30c vul ;c. rach -