THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 8, 1010. THE JOURNAL AX I N T K r E N PENT NEW8FAPEB., C. 8. JACKHON. .Pnbllhf t'liMlahetf awry np. (ropt Snndaft and vtrrf Himdaj' nvtialnir t Th Journal Hullil lri(. riflb and YauiMll (trend, l'ort)od. Or. l-fitorwl it fha ptwlofVln t FortUm., Or., tot tran.inlsalua Uiruuftt (be Builta e erroo-iaM PHONY- FRIENDSHIP keep a constant viglron publle'af fairs. ,;:-.' s . "0" IKi.Krnoxrs Main T17S; Htn, a-nriM All darartinatita rearhrd b tbaa Humlim ; Irtl lb oinsratur vht department yoa want rilRElGX ADVERTISING BErRKf KNTATIVM, Bcnlaailn A Keutnor (Vi., Fiimaarlrat Hulhlint, nrta atmue. tw l'ork; luiT-Os Bayv liUlilllllf, I Lll Ao. . TANGLEFOOT By M3 Overboil Suhacrlntloa Trm br Bidl or to any addrtei In tl loltad butM, Canada or-Mexico;' i ;.- paity. . " ;' Oat rear.. ...... 3.(K) I On Booth .1 .BO , ' 81'NDAY, .!.,' , On year. ....... 82.60 I On month ..$ .13 DAILY AND BCfcDAT. On year... ..... $T.B0 f On BxvMl .'.....$ .83 THOSE. WASHINGTON NAMES. Whenever yon hear a man dis suading you from attempting to do well, on the ground that per fection la Utopian, beware of Hint man Rimktn, "Architec ture and Painting." , aBaaaaaaaaaffMaaaaaanB! FARMER BUXTON REGO.V undoubtedly will fa-f would have been elected under ' This time It was a boy of 10 who , vor amendment of the Con- j system provided by constitutional was playing, with an unloaded gun, sutuiion 01 toe ; u n 1 1 q amendment Just aa each was elected, and phot and killed his 12-year-old oiaies so s io,proYia ror uy eacn process the determining rac- sister. , a -gun; especially if ; un electlon of senators by direct' vote! tor Is . the vote of the people on loaded like this one. Is such an Ideal or.tne people, - It is be- election day. It la the. only factor plaything for small boys. neved the necessary two-thirds of I of consequence ' that enters ' into the states will ere long Join Jn the I cither method of selection. application for the convention. Statement No 1 Is a mere device, Oregon might do well at the 'next wholly mechanical, that does not to session of the leglslaure to adopt the slightest extent change, limit or the resolution again." Oregonlan. influence the principle involved.'. The ,, When all sinners shall become whole principle, and tle only prln- saints; when the wicked shall' for- clple, la whether' or not, voting en sake their ways and pursue the I masse on election day, , the people paths of righteousness; - when the shall select, and this Is as truly ac sun BhaUuurn from Its, course and I compllshed under the present Ore- the rivers run up hill; when the Mis-Icon method as It would be by con- sourlan no longer has to be shown utltutlonal method. To deny this Is and all the world has learned how to deny manifest truth. To assail old was Ann: when all the trusts Statement One, which in no way af- shall become good, and living be so fects the main issue, is simply to costless that It shall be a mere noth- plead guilty to a hostile purpose to Ing; then, perhaps, will the Orego- the principle of direct choice.1 Any nlan be for direct election of sena- man who is sincerely for direct elCC tnr ' TTnfll IJiDn It tnav tall tt a tnnt tlnn im a mnnniaa 9 h . rrrr a sawbuck is a sausage; that a Mis- plan, and whoever ' is against the when nod on.oo'kej1 and rtSd soun muie wrote tne American con- Oregon plan Is not for a eonstltu- wninton, a glorious clime. COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF "t . SMALL CHANGE. tna "tllirhni una ........ vv . , t , Bo far no movement has 'been' start ed t boycott boarding- liouia hash. -Thla la a ahort month; but It will snow a long buslncaa and building rao- . a. a 1 - Aviation .. - - - ..: may ha ufi wm'faif bUt occl,l?n11'! n "viator , . a a . It's bllasardr sero wdtl,f inin l eaat. I fa about, garden, planting tlm in urogon. j Tha number of peopla who ara talk Ing Eaperanto la no( yet sufficient to constitute a nulaance. . ,;, ' x- ; ' ... a ' t . ,' .,- ' There's One lllvintar. In'iaiilinui. bile thla tlm. of year, after a long win ter; tt doean't oat hay. . . ' e , a - OREGON 8IDKLIGHTS. Btanfleld people wlll'organlia a com mercial aaaoclaUon. , a Central point real estats has advanced much In value lately. ' McMlnnvllla held a M groundhog booster banquet, last week. , Sheridan Sun Is enlarrlna ts build ing to accommodate a new preas. Man near Can by Is going to raise blooded poultry on a large scale. ' 1 Ufa REALM FEMININE T lo Wife's Share of Family Funds. 1 linocoilOUT the month there will probably appear several articles from our country women on the subject, "Wife's Share of Family Funds." The first one appears bo- "..Tbe wife's shsrs of family funds' seems to me to bo a moat vital problem, and one which should bring a number of brliiht ami n tfrfat Lna- rxunnnaea from your readers. What woman, married or An elderlv woman of Soannnoaa 1nklalnale. la not nravoked dallv. If nut $50 worth of fat chickens one night Ihourly, by the haunting ghoaL money? . ..." . . It prealdes over the breakfoat table, at h? ..iJi-tJiS? ;,hh'p n"a? othfcr Weala It is an uninvited guest, and there, and wounded several other ones. U noveri ov,r th, dowiy piuow. A Tr.Vr.... r ...... v, woman cannot see a streetcar or pass a poatofflce has necessitated another car-,now window without the dollar mark uuauni Dctore ner eves. e a . 1 I ' "At flrat flnah It wouM aam that tha On second thnurhr n.tiio- ";m"f :rr . wn nava naa Dig anaro 01 ma average w re Is too small to ?.V,i t52ulhJl.5e r!UJ7 .?"'lf revival, this winter, but thers are plenty be considered, for Tiooa .Iw. not ..mni.i I stltutlon; that Wellington won the tlonal amendment or Any other h"w Vul T its hands tatid folks 'battle of Waterloo with Lydla Pink-' method of securing direct selection. !An(1 soothed their souls with k. uuaiu.n maites rejoinder ham's pink pills or" that Teddy The Oregonlan's professed friendshiD saiA'S: - rt 1 v ' ...v to Mr. George. Ilia reply ap- Roosevelt is the- great grandmother for a constitutional amendment is I think I'd go to Toppenlah, pears elsewhere Ja thla paper, of Battjlng Nelson, but will it please rank humbug, uttered because .it PeVhi,psSnmSton6mtinSmb Attention is called to Its poise, not murmur to us again that it is knows that there is not the slight- sun iWkabuBh look good to me. (nil sr niinr niiwtn r moka m v a.a.. i . vlcesof r several urlrTT 7 : w 9,uwn ,erV . . - from childhood un of the heartless self- e a ; ' t,aat month tha arrivals at Cottaae ,,nl,eM ' hr father, brothers and hus- Can It be that tha comets have been Grove hotela were I0, against 8S0 for bon1T Society has fixed her share of sent out as heralds of the return -next January last year. ' the prooeods of the'famlly partnership, summer of Bwano TuroboT . ' ' . ' . t- , e a ...... wrong, perhaps, but sha alone can e : f . Blnger Hermann will no doubt sue- change the figures. Man Is not alto- That little Dutch princess Is soon to t RPreeentatlve llawley Jn congress, gethor to blame for tha moneyless eon- JfM' "1Pt ot Joint " hs th.y Seaside Signal-. , dltlon of women. I know woman say m wi. . I v. u . - . itncy are. nut a number or thlnra eon.' arps picaea in urants,.- - . 'r. 7." cn.i!.n . vi m run last August la In. a atata of al. I ru. wa kiaiiu lliauB am uiK I Hl'lli n inr I . A . . growth lo Januar months will beat a blar record fn pM" U1 Auaut Is In . a Stl 'y. ill rftht"butdoth.r mo,t W"v, it by a big lot. - ' . "..L,,.,... ':.' Its dignity and its diction. '' It 1 the for direct election of senator. est present nrosnect for a eonstltn- And "lly ". does Wynoochea procfucUon of an Oregon farmer The Oregonlan loves direct elec- tlonal amendment. It voices 1U 'do I'd take awn m to km one of those of whom it is asserted tion with that same ardent affoction votlon to direct election in order to ft" Bkooyo0"' Baul n1 wawawal; that they haven't sense enough to that the devil loves holy water. Ore- lull citizens to sleep, while, with fine But for m0ha.V. in !!,. mI , I select nt candidates and tnat there- gon has a direct election now that is Interest in the welfare of' Oregon. 'd llh to "h around Nookaack. ; fore there must be an .assembly to as fair and square, and Its results ex- It blazes the way with its assembly HutmthenWd Uka" o'cuiiew do the selecting for, them., .It is a actly the same, as under constltu- to restore the old convention system i.f1't'ren't for the hotel tips letter in which the reasoning, the Uonal amendment. The man who in Oregon. How could It be for 1 d tak' chance at Humptullps." One of Plnchot'a lawvara la nama4 Pepper. It la aunnoa1 that ha will make It hot for tha coal land grabber a Tha Mlsslssinnl lealalatura la attll deadlocked over the election of a United States senator. Better none than Var. deinan. e e Our modern extravagant Ideas have I e . ' inrougnt witn thorn ths problem of For a publicity fund 13(00 ti..a Imoney, tha thorn in the flesh of every In Bedmond of which the Oregon Kail- follower of Mother Eva . ;. ' ' road at Navigation company gave 12400. ' . e a "Men live In the material world, that 1 m',n r "ow at work on tn aftor thJr reach the are of account- i-nVn--h.JV Zrn??,A7lrYuoarorK olty. out 2 yeara Women lira In Is goln ahead mora rap Id I v than at any ha artificial world lami nit ...h. previous time. More men ara being . world, largely, until a ruda added to tha large number alreadyn- wkeilng comes, following a nlghtmara gaaea aaiiy, ana wnen the firing really I UU,1B mmiaa. ia 11 any wonaer, tnen. i Statement and -the .expression 'meas- I rets the most votes bv the Oreeon I rllrrt chnlcA nf senator whan It rla-(Fill seven hours tha noor rirv f ( ore up in forcefulness and elegance method is exactly the man who mands the assembly on the ground a"!! T.mwut L8t.uo,k vnd I'Uckltat "ilu wo uui, uj. mciu. 1 woma ub eieciea unuer a coubuiu-1 inai me iteDUOUcan masses naven 1 wiumiiiw and cnewaukum. And It came ' from an Oregon tlonal ' amendment. Chamberlain sense enough to select fit candidates Jr.tih0.Vf1i.?.f !!?" nd.Inan? mor i hbi ne leu into a rit. Ho barked and howled and ' growled And aan And crlei farm. Barns, horses, cattle, fields would have been elected and Bourne! for officer and pastures are the environment In which It was written. The Impulses j The yell of the Indian, the bark of that prompted It and thai gave dl- the prairie wolf, the echo of the rectlon, to its expressions ' of , view I woodman's axe and the crack of the are the plain business impulses that I trapper's rifle had no charms for guide the farmer in his dally walks lily-minded men. It was only men -and Influence him in his opinion of of stern purpose and sterner soul public ' affairs. - No - dreams of po- that felt equal to the task of taming Iltlcal power,' no schemes for prof-1 nature and reclaiming the wilder Itlng out of the collective power of I ness, and consequently the early the people, no plans for furthering firesides la Oregon were the homes self at the expense of the public en-1 of militant men and women. They ters into his view of the citizen's re- were the seed of the present strong latioa to the state. On the farm falls state, and their purpose and career an over-heavy share of the burden Is typified in the life of the man of taxation.' The lands,, the horses, I whose passing has Just become the the machinery and the houses and! subject of mourning in his home barns, are aj' in .sight, .where the city of Hlllsboro, tax collector Bees them and from their ownec exacts his toll. The ex travagant and. useless appropriations j of the old convention 1 legislatures cost these farmers many a pretty penny,' pennies ' that ' were often wasted in profligate, and useless ex penditures. - The senatorial election thrust . Its, shadow over , every con- TITE IRISH GAINING GROUND T I HE BRITISH elections nearly resulted in . giving the Nation alists, or Irish members, the balance of power in the next British parliament. The Liberal party, with the' co-operation of the ventlon, even In the remotest coun-f Laborltes, 'may be able to enact leg- ties, and trades and bargains, swaps lslatlon without the Irish members, and plates made it impossible for but this Is doubtful; the margin Is the taxpayer to resist the bedlam so small that the government leaders of manipulation and costly schemes., will doubtless be disposed to make Thla Js a part of the reason why, considerable concessions to the Irish speaking as one of his class. Farmer party, especially as on the" main Buxton opposes . the assembly and question of the budget and Us land with force and precision gives rea- tax the Irish members agree with boo for the faith that Is within him. the Liberals.' The Irish, at all Mr. Buxton's letter is an expreB- events, appear to be in a stronger slon for assemblyltes to ponder over, position to press their claims than It will show them that in' the play ever, before, and in doing so they of wits the men out In the hills and .onlT De continuing a struggle up the creeks are quite as versatile that, passing through various and as is the man in office, near office sometimes tragic and terrible phases, or' that wants of fice. It will Bhowj has been kept ,up for seven hundred them that out on these farms andjTearB' in these country towns which the The Irish leaders are seeking, first satellites of the Portland machine of all, home rule such as Canada regard , as a .wilderness .there are enjoys, and next, further reforms, in . multitudes of homes in which there the system of landlordism In Ireland. is current literature, books of sci-l xne- uritisn government nas gone ence, magazines, daily ; newspapers far to relieve the Irish from the and libraries, and men quite as ca- oppression of absentee landlordism, pable of choosing candidates as the but the Irish demand further prog city officeholder with a tall hat, ress in" the same direction, immaculate linen and a pedigree. It It is quit commonly estimated w 111 tell them that out there beyond that the Irish, being an imaginative, the city limits of Portland, as well impulsive people, are unfit'lor self- as In the heart of Pprtland, there government, but a study of the rec is a serious-minded lot of men who ord will convince most unbiased deny that they are illiterate, who people that these centuries of un- deny that they are unfit to particl- rest and effort are due, not so much pate; in public concerns, who deny to an unreliable Irish temperament that because of alleged incompe- as to the greed, Injustice and tency all the things they can do in alon of English landlords and poll a public way must be done by proxy, ticlans. They did to Ireland what who believe themselves fully able thy could not do and dared not at and irlghtf ully entitled to nominate tempt to do to Canada or Australia. officials in the direct primary, and The Irish demand not only home 1 Wr-l TtMll T4 T h A I Q Ot rtltfth VAOIrjt I 1 . 1 A. Al a. 111 t I u ". uV uiu,, voiDi u its, uul i ik a is xiim will . enauie i nnmnM ta j i zzz : ; ;r; z:: ' pu Ud um, m proving an this appears in Farmer Buxton s evea If nominally they remain sub- refuse. Plve aCres of decaVing barons, speculators and adventurers. Under King James the Irish system of land tenure was entirely abol ished, and countless land titles were destroyed, and millions of acres con fiscated. And all because the Irish had the courage and manhood to try to fight for their sacred soil and sacred rights, and against the en slavement that necessarily follows dispossession of the soil. - Cromwell was, as tyrannical as the kings, be cause the Irish stood by Kingt Charles and the Catholic church, and he allowed Irishmen to possess land but in one province, Connaught, saying that they must either go there or to hell. But thlB system of tyranny through ownership of the soil by English landlords la disappearing Not only a considerable measure of home rule has In recent years been granted to the IrUh, but they are permitted to buy back their lands on relatively favorable terms. The British government supplies the money.. to purchase these, estates. and .sells, them In small parcels to Irish farmers, to be paid for grad ually. What they formerly paid as rent they can now pay as install ments on the price of the land, and so can In time become a land-own ing people. The Irish want further favors or a greater measure of Justice in re gard to this matter, but they even more strenuously Insist on a greater degree of home rule, of Irish auton omy. They assert that economic and . other ' reforms administered from England, no matter how well devised or sincere, cannot be satis factory; that the Irish should be complete masters of their home af fairs. And that Ireland has had and still has not only brilliant but capable leaders and statesmen no one familiar with Irish history can doubt. The whole history of Ireland's struggles, vicissitudes, oppression, efforts and progress, up to date, is luminously and entertainingly pre sented " in a new volumo entitled Ireland Yesterday and Today, by Hugh Sutherland," of the editorial staff of the Philadelphia North American. And nobodv told anvihina- ahont Bni Pn. fully 1000 men will be at work, that a young man. full af effervescent Castellane during the flood. There Is aay" ln Medford Mall Tribune.- love,' encouraged by tha dream of an no hope, however, that It carried him ; - a a I Irresponsible girl that aha can llvs on away. Although last year waa a poor on at lova and kisses, goes to tha altar with , A New York ba'by was, born with a SlUrV l'ffiSb!, full set of teeth and the poor parents enloyed permanent improvements to an fi 5 . 5? Pnln tlm U probably have to feed him neat from "tent outclaaslng any other resort !l wonder that such a bride awakens the start north of California's metropolis. Al- to a realisation that "Merry Widow hats though conditions were against It much cost 140 and pretty gowns cost 17a. If tha vegetarians would start a pol- ft" work was done, many cottages when ths weekly check for IIS drone itlcal party, they might poll a large bu"t ad sidewalks and Improvements into her lap? Tha dream suddenly braaka vote; would probably outvote tha Pr"- to otreets and alleys completed on either wh, t-J rwmtlea of m. anZ? hlbltionlsts. 'de of the Necanloum river, However, 1 xam lern realities or lira appear. - a , a tha Improvements of the year l09 will ha reason many women do sot gat Th Kiii.n.... . T.r . i I ir ine ion rues or ri re poopis Willi i" -""f.'. wnu iuvw uuumog i v ui nmj i ta tnai ISd when It nlaht tha inomfrL'wU,. onIy "urap a"d claw sufficiently to get the year lio. 1 they ara poor, yea. miserable collectors. m. " PV' the poor man sleeps Bont to the,ii for a f mnntt.M . - - iWhr-n a mu m.rrl.. h. that town are J&00 speculativ; hold- J"'!! hU f . "" n-a i .11.. r . . "z I Seeks tha a-roova of u ahmu r. . t " ik - f. ivia. xusiiii30b atna oroiea-i. ; 1 . Mau LUIOBI anna . A w . 1. . I . nrlla WhA thltilra V. aam 1. . W V aht a rllmnaa nt I 1: V . iiai pay ma icaa xor I uiu. w mai ana can uva on BOU ng and danced ln twenty keys, ed and trembled at the knees. no orann. ana men rrotn out hi. There rumbles forth a mighty yell: " P P . ;e"evea "I'm arolna nn in Rmlnlitnn I " And Lilllwank- anrt 1 It Is suggested that tha I'll o un thr- an V... I A turned lta tall up and And tham nnm h.ok .iw I fast Is that It cau . v. k v un nunuau. I Letters From tne People I the cost of living In this part of the tham-Xi- with fhJl ..5LaMPUt. upon ,n-that "papa" gave her clothes enough universe. 8 v vtZ.hiJi t.h,!"2.1nUpa.Uo,1 i?.8'1 to last for a quarter of a century, makes add.- ''Bw. town 1 Oreaon Tfrom th m,atka p' ' lraVVl" x.nair!"vina.3:Jpaa'an J?t Poruand t Vhoo Hoi lo U ur'.hv to bellev; that shs wants nothing, and --' I UTi I llaatl fa H. I Pit 1 Mu mini I. nil T I I rA v.- : ,rr-l men wno pny out m iniie on tha lota "v ncr at ner word, nm maJCM writte. 0. He might demand thaf he be mitt "ml lyJl idie- These aama lots get ln business arrangements to use avery doU be.ccom. fore admiral LWL?f 'T.?,ryfcPubJloJor private lip- lar of his money, llttla thinking that the writer. a ?rovenlent- an hlock development In the unexDected ananaa la anra to -Am. . rf I . w - to him. "About this time tha brlda begins ta Letrri to Tha Journal one lido of tha naiwr otil ! ahAnM i .uiru pi in nam ana adclrna nt tttm Th nima will not ht imi If th ri... ..l. I . ... . .. I everv wav thv oarf inai it o withheld. Tha Journal 1. nn. k. ' 'X"'Y"'". wppor-1 . a J . . . . -- Tun IV Tfl mnia Th. nmintM. an. U I mmrraiooa aa luaarain- me vlrwa or StatemenU I " ;r:7 Tuu Hennnar TlmAi- "Ifv. 1.4 L-Tr.r.0Pe?T'?u- Jters should ba a. I KA'in A""m ""P" points to verv Dron.r .1flin.H.,i yearn for new things, but sha realises the people's Interest But the chance pn.para, are be,n,t tnAe to that that 'Jack' is sorely pressed for money that, he will ever do so Is very small. fnd- lBJnl farmers re feeling better to do tha things which ha and sha want a .: ' iu wr, w an, one aia not max nim tabt a nar brief aa poaallila. Tboat who wish their letters rettirnod when mt oed nh.mld lncloae poatace. Corraapondanta ara notified that lettara ei reading SO() worrli In lenirth may, it the dla eretlou of the editor, be cot down to that limit. Looking Backward. Portland, Feb. 8. To the Editor of The Journal An editorial in the Ore gonlan February 5 said: Taxpayers by all means should go to the courthouse when they pay up, otherwise they will miss tha pleasure of seeing tha. expensive new courthouse now building for the comfort of county officials." And while at the courthouse, tax payers by all means should no to tha auditor's office, otherwise they will miss the pleasure of seeing the record of the vast sums of the taxpayers' money that formerly went Into that magnificent structure of imported stone and marble known as the "Oregonlan building." Look at the record for the year 1899 and see that during that year alone the Ore gonlan drew from the county treasury ui imnusome sum or 25,623.64. Take a look at the years 1897. 1900 and 1901 and you will find that over J25.000 more was paid out. not for the comfort of the county officials, nor the public gen erally, but to the "sore heads" under the tower who have been nuraino- n acute grouch ever since the county of ficials relieved them of their enormous 6" raft CITIZEN. .v" lnf be!n Ported that more tort, had a nor Tfiat terlna Droanact inr need" ,nt0 acount and ha has orer Jha.'L,8.0,? .K" n'?lel women nav a "umper crot MolsturJ ? hi? been racd himself. Once behind It Is al lhZ L -h";band"; eVJn bable" abundant "and X snow of the nTat fSJ most Impossible to catch up. and here vm. v a ca. imiani 1 sbiau ui BL 1 1 h nprn nnms i a j a i where thev have been r,lmH ntt .1 'riil.e"'ra..,.n" Rowing wneat wu. a great money prowam remarks that there must be a good maKy but 5 . most caai. 1 h.; hin th. wJSlar-' .. A h greatest help to her husband . angeies nusDanns who do not hang the ranch and the outlay for a auf. tM wlr h0U,I ba an Inspiration, 4 around home any mors than they can flclency to tide themo t""- balance wheel, a refuse In time of trou. nelP- . L generally verv a-rt Ihle. n aaoon ntr it mrm --a . .iv. . . - - , i . v . Mill, m uuiua FAMOUS .. GEMS OF PROSE Triluta to WJLam S. Holman By Davt'J A. DArmond MB. MILLS' ADDRESS ORTL.AND must have been In terested in the address of Hon A. L. Mills on public health It was an address in which things were called by their right IF letter. W. D. HARE 5.- -i v P IONEER life in Oregon is called A . m ii . jecui oi tne urmsa crown. garbage as an asylum for disease- V T 111 . 1 . 1 . I , . ' uniu recem years tne mass or carrying rats, while officials Vere Irish people bad no chance of own-1 held up as responsible for the condl Ing a piece of Irish soil. The land tion, was a feature of Mr. Mills' un- WaS mOBtly ln l088eS6iOn Of Kntrllsh- Rnnrlnc nhllHniilp t?!niinllv -irlo-nrnnu into review In the passing of men or absentee Irishmen of hered- wan bin arrnle,nmnt of iinrlnanlt. inw Vdie w, u ware, wnose ltary wealth, who administered their ness in milk and the train of . evils ' rr , v aunuuncea irom estates tnrougn agents and middle- that follows iri its wake. The trag- J,""DUU,v ouuuoy. no came to me men witn tne sole view of making edies that come through carelessness oiaie ju i-ooa, ana oy reason or his all the money possible out of their as to precautionary regulations and talents an4; training passed at. once possessions, and with no more re- the unfortunate influence of those . into leadership in the public con- gard for the Irish tenants than for who resist. the proven necessities to cerns of the time. He was called so many working animals except safety were clearly and forcibly de- . .i.,liU. F,mUW vi Pudiic trust, tnat the .human slaves had to pay picted. All this in phrasing far aKm -L 8erVeI Wlth tnter,ty and the rent- ThQ? there was a land stronger than this newspaper has - ability.,, As a state senator. he was monopoly of th4 worst kind, for the utilized, but in the furtherance of 7, i, aeoater, and landowners did not live In the coun- which it has devoted time, energy though; a partisan, was especially try and had no interest In it except and strength, was the vital theme of uuuj jr ,aaBA maepenaence , m to get all they could out of their Mr. Mills' address. mougnr ana action with which he lands,, to spend it elsewhere. The All Portland should have heard approached all pending Issues. The Irish people were therefore mere this address. It was the counsel of euiefteu-reuanp maepenaence of serfs, aa jntolerable condition for a a business tnan, and the advice of uuyusui was a uominani cnaracter- people of their- temperament, trad I- business men in public concerns. is istlc in his later years, and was ef- tions, courage and ambitions., always important. It is through the u iub imj.its. n leic pon . There was resistance and then, Ii .lack of !. interest of business men in those among whom. he moved. reprisal or. revenge, invasions, N0rT public concerns that harm often The state views the passing; of man. Plahtagenet, Tudor, .Stuart, comes to communities. It is to this Bum zuen wun ne Keenest regret. Roundhead and Orange in turn vis- cause that the failure of municipal 7 f u r . r r"" ltra cire punisnment upon lreland government. in this country is chief wu ayabu i. wiiu.wm .0 pioneer 1 wun sword and torch, gun and gtb- y chargeable. Government turned days. -Weaklings did not stir :from bet. They seized all the rich lands over to those who simply want to m,,u ,u vu, cv,m ana parceiea tnem out among the draw nalaries Is not a safe gOvern- t!! the strenuous life beyond i the British aristocracy and court favor- ment. Its only counteracting influ tfrn pratries.;f It t only reso- ites.- Such ' taTuaW properles" as ence Is theawakened bhsiness man, . in.. ana rwowte wmen-tnat urisnmen retained were conflscatedf and it will fare well with Portland v w? -ria . wHw.jaua uesiowea on English lords and ff more and more of the citizen- body In Defense of "Tongues of Fire." Portland, Or.. Feb. 4. To the Editor or The Journal: "Tongues of Fire pull noses and eat hay on floor." Such is tne neacung or an article In vour vil. uame paper of current date. To which beg leave to offer a brief response, a aismtorestad party. I am ln no way connected with the so called "Tongues of Fire" oeoDle. But. thAra is one eternal principle upon which stand: Injustice and malice to none, but iove ana mercy to all. After attending their maetln ira fret quently I have never known this sect of people, or a single Individual among thorn, to crow like roosters, bark Ilka aoKB, mew like cats, whinney like horaea. bleat like sheep, low like cows, bray " " aaof or any suchthlng. as is Intimated in" the article referred to If they have done the like. siirAlv fhA devil ought to be cast out Or If they are innocent, then your Informant surely oughtJ ashamed. As to whether there was hand-to-han combat among them, and as to how it commenced, I am not able to say. Brother Winters may have told Rrnfh.r Smith that he had some dahfa h ma not aim to pay. Brother Smith may have i-uia mm tnat no stole the .mission They may have called each other liars, a aon 1 Know onry as I welch th. Biaiemems m too light of the truthful ness or falsity of other portions of thm article. In my acquaintance with these jjou.c, a tan - y inr wnilB T hair. ooservea somewnat of a spirit of di vision and controversy amono ihm which I do not deem ln hirmnnv with the spirit of the gospel, still: I have never seen anything- of a vicious ten- v...vj. ine, cBiJeuiiuiy. in woman are usually yery meek and happy, put- 1111s ui muai 01. weir ums praising, tha (From a eulogy in the United States house of representatives July 8, 1897, M. De Armond was accidentally burned to death ln his home at Butler, Mo., on the night of November 22.) He lived in the simple way of the olden time; a farmer upon the banks of the Ohio, who tilled his . own acres, pruned his own vineyard, gathered the fruit from his own orchard, listened to the music of the birds ln tha trees planted by his father and by himself, and heard the rippling of the waters of the Ohio as they hurried along by the foot of the bluff, upon the brow of which his roof tree stood. There, ln the simple grandeur of an American citizen, an American states man. an American patriot, after the manner of tha early days of the repub lic, the manner of the Jeffersons, and Madisons, and Jacksons, he lived tha plain life of one of the people. When here ln Washington, ln the discharge of his public duties as a legislator, he was rresh from the people, from the country, from the farm, from the scenes of every day rural life, and It was no wonder that his mind and heart should he animated and stirred ln the support of the rights and against the wrongs of the people whom he loved. Not merely te people 01 nis own aistrict, a district which hon ored him as perhaps no other man ever waa honored; not only the people of nia own party, who for 40 years nom inated him, and him only, for represen tative ln congress; but the whole people found In hlra the watchdog of their treasury, the great objector when their tax money was menaced. ' It is hard to tell In what greatness consists. JHen differ about It Men often err In attempting to draw the line between mediocrity and sreatness. But It does seem to me that this man, who, had the steadiness to stand and to battle through a generation for a principle, and that a correct principle, upbn which rest the rights of the masses of -the neonin: and who had the ability upon all occa sions, as well, as we may Judge, to do that which was best to bo done under the circumstances, to promote the In terests which he had at heart, well may be ranked as a great man. I think we may rate him safely as great in Intellect, great ln courage, great ln firmness, great In that integrity which never swerved from the path of pubuc duty Into the nath of nrivata gain; . which never suffered him to be arawn away from the protection of the rights of the people Into the support of those who would thrive, and who in a very large extent, do thrive, at the ex pense of the people. When it Is said truthfully that through his ion nr this man's character and conduct r.m out stainless and unblemished: that h ended poor aa he began; that ho gathered jusuyine giory or a well spent career and tha esteem of the people who do esteem ana wno always are grateful to those who devote themselves lie service honestly, efficiently and courageouslywhat need be added? When a man has ended such a career full of years, full of honest ai.i.v ments, full of devotion to good works we may honor ourselves In honoring his iiiciiiuiy. wnen a man such as William and .safe Intelligence. Sha will get bet ter results through hen husband : than sha will by worklnr Independently of him. She can help him or fores hint to make money, gain position or fame. Thus interested fully as much as her husband ln the success of his efforts. she should sea to It that she collects her share of the profits, she should collect right along, on the principal that 'short settlements make long friends.' Shs can make her husband count her needs, and they are not many for herself, along with taxes, lodge dues. Insurance pay ments and other fixed charges which must be paid In money, not in orders at the store. A thrifty man has his money placed before it coma to him. A wise woman will sea to It that such sums as sha needs are set aside for her ln the partnerhip calculations, in which she has no right to be a silent partner. "Some women marry a man not think ing about his business, or the effect Jt Is sure to have upon her life. This is a great mistake and la liable to drag the nioney problem ln early ln married life. Unless a woman loves nature and wants to be close tp the running brooks and the budding trees, unless she is willing to work and wait, unices she as pires to the brighest and best things ln life, unless she craves a home free from the haunting ghost of tha bill collector and away from tha maddening crowd.' unless she knows that she could lova a man In overalls aa fondly aa she could a man in dress suit and cravat, unless the lure of the wheat and tha fragrance of the fruit make her bosom swell with admiration of nature's handiwork, a woman should not marry a farmer; she should take a man whoso opportunities ara circumscribed by a weekly cheek. .marry rignt, start right and tha Steele Holman has laid down tha and duties Of ' life, at the close of a inn monev will noma all rlo-ht 1 u'i wen umy wb pause, aa we do pause .ma aiiumuun, 10 aweu unon hlo m. racr, to hold Up for emulation hi. latlva virtues, which are comnarativAitr l" ci inspiration, ir we may. aui ciamuio ma.1 ouini to ha h.l uii i aii, over mis land, for the emula- t Chocolate Crumbs. ' IX one cup of stale bread crumbs, one-half cup of grated unsweet ened chocolate, two tablespoons tion of youth and the guidance of a. su"ar and one-fourth teaspoonful salt ' ' '- - 1 w Put la a pan and bake m a moderate Lord. Trusting these few thmirht. v,- i j. - , .- tunaiaeration ana taken ln the same good spirit In which are written. I-subscribe myself in be half of humanity. C. W. BLAIR. An Endorser's Liability. February 5. 1910. Editor of in.. Journal: Will you kindly answer the following question in . vour vain. hi. daily? . . 4 ' If A gives JB a personal check inwn on a. Portland bank and B eaaheal m check at the bank ln Newberg, would B have to pay tha amount of check to the Newbera- banker ln caaa tho ohuir .n . ... v . i.uum( . vynai re- sponsiblllty does B assume after tha vhuch ib mrnea over to the banker? " ' READER. If B can show that the check won in have been paid if promptly forwarded ana preseniea, h cannot ba held for loss resulting from negligence on the part of tho Newberg bank. .. In order to hold B as an endorser, tha bank muat use due. diligence ln forwarding the check; for collection. . . - ' ' February 8 in Hiatory- Mary, Queen of Scots I It women take up the anti-meat cru sade,. It will not fail of large results. V omen will stick to a movement of t hat kind much longer and -more strictly than men. . ' The life of Mary Stuart, queen of Scotland from 1642 to 1587, was so full of incident and so dramatic, that it has never ceased to Interest poets and ,hls torlans. She was reputed to ba the most beautiful, woman of her time of great ability and " varied accomplish ments. Mary Stuart may be said to have been born a queen, for her father died "with Jn a week of her birth. She was edu cated in France, and when only is years of age she married the Dauphin, later ffTHIlRlR, J II HA cIlAO at TAw- V.B.a Int. and Mary left France forever; returning to Scotland Elizabeth, ' the English queen, was Jealous of j her. In 1S65 Mary married her cousin, Henry Stuart tJUiora uarmey), who had some claim to both -' the Scottish and 1 English thrones. This complicated matters, and Darnley. being a profligate, waa finally mown up in a mansion where Mary had lodged him, and sha wak accused of being an accessory. Mary's conduct be- came so Intolerable, In tha ayes of some of . her mos influential subjects that sne was compelled to abandon the throne, and .crossed ton. England ; and tnrew nerseir on the '; protection of Queen Ellsabethonly ,tq find herself a prisoner ror ma, Elisabeth, undoubtedly, was anxious to get rid of Mary, but could not ac complish this on account of her rela tions with Spain and France. ' Marv waa moved from place to place, until finally tho English queen succeeded-In entang ling her ln a conspiracy, and for this she was brought to trial, found e-uilrv. and was beheaded on February 8, 1687.. iuary omy received notice that she was to die on the dav befnra th tion., -This announcement she b'ore with majestic tranquility.. The night "of V.V.U.M. 'A . ..... I i, sue iook a arracpfiil on . fectlonato leave of her atendahts, dis tributed among them her money and a nnai message. In this message not a single friend, not a single enemy. waa tnr... slightest service,, the slightest wrong, slblo Without covering. had Its Dlaca aaalo-nAA i ....... 'I ' ii'"i.. "' inrui " iiiiviAun-uio memory ror retribution oven until chocolate is melted and crumbs are thoroughly heated. Pile on Individual dishes and top with whipped cream sweetened and flavored with va nilla .: ..'.:. at R -tf When Cooking "Greens.H O preserve tha natural color " of ' "greens,", add a little sugar to the Water, and boil as rapidly aa pos- Tlie 3o ounseliors At '8 o'clock on Febmfe.rVs u. '' tered the hall of nxnntion w.J, .. loava of tha weeping envoy of Scotland 1 (Cpntribnted to'Th. Journal by Walt Maaoa. to Whom ,h save I tJ7 .-"and' U??.?"010" K?""" P"1- P'o-pm, are a t.,-. i, . , -Z " '";nttiiB jori'""r ieatui-9 i una column in , xiia uaiiy - -1 - .caL oil inn .a r i . t auuiaai. listening with an air of even .hA.i I unconcern to tha reading of her sen-1 Methinks'a man is happiest when glv. tence; Sha prayed ln Latin-whit. .k. lnsr good advlcer he always has a stock dean of Peterborough travn i t on liand. and- gladly afcives a slice. I llsh. ; Then, with no less couraga than nold " good 'to scatter smiles, and help mu umitvcn every nour nnA iiui. cneerina woiuo; auun ininas ara. v.v... v. aid iiio, dub received the stroke I vil"30,v -ijr umn wan uimw ineiii at .. unu iiuui ma wavering hand of thai ""i'i'- gooa iq give aa- headsman. -;r , vice, and counsel kind and wise; and A noted historian has nummJ i;.. admonition often wipes the' tears from fllflrftftor nt k... - i ... . I tri .rl m tr av... hilt wh.M ' . ' h.iMM... '. : or more faithful friend, a deadlier or comea by, some pilgrim downed y Tate, more aangerous enemy. It wout.r.. t cut out tna aamonition graft." and nass possible to dread or to desire." ' the .doughnut plate. There 1s a time - lor neiprui woras, ror precepts learned February S was the fclrthifa,,. n.i and wise; ana tnero a time for codfish aral William Tecumseh Shermah f 18oi balls and Wienerwurst and pies. There or isaao Tlchenor, the famous 'luriat ''" a t,m 10 Pnt the way to nobler, (1746); Richard E. Elwell th. M higher things, and there's a tlmo to kill federate general (18171: Thom. t.i. a hen and give a tramp the wlnea son. ths first American of fin.- .... f There- is a season f to expound areat .Jt' Toldc Japan tl822): John w, truths, with wisdom fraught and them'a JT eloquent . writer w!81); Jules Verne the a t,me t0 show your roll and loosen Up French, novelist . (18281: a lot. We re all o fond of eivlna womat-'-lM V I.L oi . - wil T . th. wnmmntt tvI...'1 . . . ";- 1 ouusneciaay. -xil."Z. Was burned I , t"". uui woras won't "V - and the inhabitants ma ; htheat a widow's stove, or fill her coal oil rr v. . v . . . - - J f , . M wA. Am . . . i . . .... nwiun anu inamm (1SJ0); OB -whlchl1 ' "Pine doctor bills, the triple alliance was formed In 1658 or paf retlt tnat s aue 'so pull tome nutwiiM iium juui jen, and loosen ub a few! ' ' . Coprrij:it 1910, br 'A fH i ueurga Matthew Adams. A&1XJI ISjffMj VA' TaIin . Dum... . - ... . . . ... wu.. v. ji-iviuuiii annexed California ana proclaimed himself arovornor In 1M7. .