The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 08, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    . ;
Concert by Apollo Club One
John Ross Thereby Commits
Pistol Shot Ends Life of A. T.
Hawley. Asks foi
Rfetter Public
errl Cham- '
1 "
Round. of. Pleasure for
1 - Music Lovers. , .
Bigamy and Wife No. 2 .
Will Prosecute. 7 V. -
- Barnes Coroner
Hold Inquest.
Building at S
berlain to
York. ;
01 rr.
I f'v
- ' ; By O. I. W.
i The Apollo club gave a dellghtful-con-"
, cert last night at the Masonlo temple
to onen Its season. Only complimentary
' thls can be said. The club has im
roved rrmarkably sloe lat year and
when It la remembered that It wm then
th beat trained chorus . ver heard
liere, that is a good dear to- say. The
balance U better., preserved this year
i and the notfte are taken up ana aroppea
with more, precision. The ahadlng la
. little finer and more delicate and more
confidence la ahown througnoui me
.' work. The club U one that might be
beard to advantage. anywhere.
. AflVTegatlom Poea Work.
v Jt Is customary but not polite to
..peak. of the soloist first ai a cnorn
' or an' orchestral concert. v The prepon
derance of .work .ta done by the Aggre
gation and their work repreeents more
hard, untiring effort than doea the aolo
work, yet the eololet is aunos nwjn
given the atar place of mention.
One cannot well aay that H. W. New-
; ton of Spokane, tenor, waa tna oniy
. point of 1nteret at last night's concert.
for, as already wntea, we cnorai wo
' was well nlah nerfect . However. Mr,
Newton waa etormed with enthusiastic
applause ana niign nw
number Of encores had he wished, for
Ma voice offers. a rare combination, it
-la of the beautiful mellow quality and
he alngs In the high tenor register and
: the low baritone with equal ease and
- sweetness. There la no straining and
. the flexibility with which he can pans
from a soft, low note to a nign ions
commands admiration. , Hla voice ta un
. Ser perfect command, smooth and sweet,
yet powerful and dram a tic .
Bonald's on? Appreciated.
"' Lsndon'Ronald's -four songs-of the
hill were dainty Wts exquisitely given,
but his best work was. shown In his
second group. Th ' Ruberisteln "Since
first I Met Thee" was supebrly given
. with a' rinsing note of pathos. "Tour
Presence" (Weber) was a charming
'thing In grace and daintiness and the
, favorite "Mj Lov Is take the Red,
. Rfid i Rose" (MacDerrold) could hardly
have been given with a more bewitch
ing int. '
The commanding number of the even-
, Ing was easily iuaiey jjuojc s -ononis
of Spirits and Hours" which Is a big
' dramatlo.number with words from Shel
ley's .Prometheus. Unbound." The mu
N. slo la weirdly beautiful at the beginning
and rather realistic In type. It ends
with a splendid flourish of triumph and
' gorgeous climactic-effect Mr.' Newton
sang the nolo parta and. he must have
been proud of the support he received
from the chorua. Such beautiful swell
' 'Ing cresoendoa, such faintly shaded di
minuendos, such dignity f ton and vol
ume, fairly swept the audience pffvtts
"feet and demanded a repetition of the
latter part of the number. ? ; .
,,; , Chorus' Vumbex w Opener. :' v
Of the ether chorus nrtmbera "A'Song
of the West," with worda by John GUI
11 and muslo from Strauss, adapted by
, Mr. Boyer.niaaa a good opening num-f-
" . . . . - . 1 . . ...... n. ......
Der who joi vm. iim utui.
' 1 twantifal melody in the song and the
;. nags secuon naa soma un iuw wvii.
.The Birth of the Opal" (Neldllnger)
' ,wa a beautiful number given with deli
, 'cacy. , The lesser work Included "Ah
'.sent, "Da Sandman," with a pretty
- humming accompaniment - effectively
. done,- "Silent Recollection" Pache) and
southern melodies in . pretty harmony,
A Vooaj co moat coniDining . men
You'll Rememblsr Me" and "Rocked In
the Cradle of the Degp" gave a touch
of humor at the same time that it
showed the comparative strength of the
. tenor and bass sections.
WV II. Boyer deservea much praise
''as director, for to his splendid work of
conducting Is due much to the fine
results. E. H. Couraen and Ralph Hoyt
leyed the accompaniments and pro
duced the orchestral effects well with
m I a . a n rrtm n 4n "ThA finlrttfl n H
Hours. ' .',
It was a quarrel with wife No. . 3
that started an Investigation which re
vealed John Ross, 24 years old, an elec
trician for the Oregon Electric company,
to be a bigamist 'He has been. living
at 149 Park street and wife No, 1 is in
San Francisco. The second wife caused
the arrest and ha la held in the county
Jail under ball of 11000. '
t Sloped Wit XTO. 8.
' Ross waa married December 2S, 1909,
to Helen Jenkins, with whom ha eloped
from California. They were marrlodi
by Judge Gantenbeln. One. evening last
week Rosa and hla wife became engaged
la a quarrel." She threatened to leave
him. whereupon, he replied that ha did-
not need a divorce from ber. bus gsaca
him to aznlain what be meant This
aroused the suspicion of wife No. t and
she took the matter up with tha mar
riage license clerk of Ban Francisco.
She received word, that John Rosa, had
been married, but tha Question was then
one of Identity. J
Continuing her Inveetigation, wire wo.
I took tha matter up with Ieputy Dis
trict Attorney ; ritxgeraia, wno quea
Uoned him.' He understood the ques
tioning h in, reran to. abandoning
wife No; J, ut did not ,aupect tna,
authorities' knew, af his seoona tnairi
monlal venture. Rosa readily admitted
having a wife And . two-year-old boy
in San Francisco, bnt said he waa sup
porting- them, and Intended to .nave mem.
come to roruanav.
Explain geoond aCarrtage.
"What are yon going to do with your
Portland wlfar asked Fltigerald.
At this Ross was pussled. as ha saw
tha trap.. Then be explained tha mar
riage between himself and wife No. 2
waa not legal, aa she had been married
under a fictitious name.' He said, how
ever, be had deserted hla first wife be-
kb - (a 'J-maKi-lk-h' j
At Olesdala. Douflas Countj, Or Wher Roebnrg Commercial Club' Members Were Ilospltablr Entertained
Board Appoints .Committee to
- Deal With Legislature With
This Point In View. r.
At the meeting id Salem' yesterday of
cauaa she -had threatened hla life and I the Oregon state board df forestry' a
sirucg mm several umes wun a Duvcner i committee, consisting of A. B. Was tell,
knife. He left her and eloped.- : Portland: L R mil rft. n
-Daa mmA , m.rrla Whl TTiim. I ' ' uiu
phreys June 26,
DO. I1VTO lil jjuro .uotik no nuitcu .,,in. A .jj,i...i . . , . .
aa an electrician there." Father McGulre " Z,tZ . ".."."'r 'e5"
Vk. ; ;; 'h;.; w.0.rK . 01 u-rwr broader and more
quarrels soon came. 'It was In the see-I T. .v.. ... . .
JX: LVS! - i n-a7 holdartyeeZg.
flnity. She say. Rosa denied being JTSIJli'n-
married, while Rdas aya the girl uUl: ,. 'v-'.'e" "
forced him to flee from the aouthern I ,M- w-.ii '
Zi , " , : . .. ,' ling last night and reported It the most
rled. Tha second wlfa la 20 yeara old. ,ucceBfu, th. hnBTI, V.. k.,,5 Li.m...
and very attractive. organisation in-1907. Th,.hi.
Since discovering the matrimonial tan, today Is Governor Frank Benson. Game
gle.ehe has. turned against Ross, and .nd Forestrv W.r.n r c.l
111 .,.. Ilm ' r...(.,l. tj, ... . .' . " -"""",
V ,,V Z. mater run warden H. C. McAllister.
Wagner and Deputy William Klernan g. a Bartrum. L. S. Hill, E. R. Lake
vrreaiea uim oveiuiiR. xia wm ua i n(j Kecretarv A. B. Wultll
,,, , JUr . wnne individual lumber companies
(lea nmi - WalHaa4n -ar I . a .
Another policeman was found asleep
.1.1. 1" n . V. AW ...VV.,
member of -the second night relief, was
. the man.- Chief Cox asked .him for hla
: star and keys this morning and directed
' lilm to explain before the police cora-
rnlttee. He waa suspended pending the
hearing-. v. v ,-
Sergeant Keller found Patrolman Ev
. erett asleep In the off tee of the' Sunny-
; aide wood; yaro. it appears ne . would
. yard arid take a nap.Everett forgot,
however,; to report from. 3 O'clock until
. e O ViUCK una muniiiiis. .
and timber owners expended 40.l4.7l
ror ngnting nres ana nrotectlna the
forests against fires during the year
iu, me state or Oregon, according to
Secretary Westell's report, exoended
only $344-99 for that purposet the part I
played by the state being principally In !
sending out warnings and notices. This
was dona ao effectively, however, that
very few fire, "were recorded during
tha year, greater care being taken
against tneir spread oy campers or
A meeting full of enthusiasm and en- other agencies that it has found largely
eouragement was the gathering of the to blame for the origin of destructive
parish of the Church of the Good Tidings rorest nres.
In tha new building at Broadway and As the timber of the state Increases
East Twenty-fourth street on Monday I value, owners are beginning to see
evening. more plainly tne need or protection
G. W. Grldlev waa chosen Moderator and against tne obstructive element and an
L. B. Beach, secretary. Mr. Bartlett organization for that purpose, similar
Cola gava his report-aa treasurer, show- to the one that did so effective work
Ing receipts of over $10,000 and Its ex- ln the state of Washington during the
pendlture for the new edifice. The aummer of 1909, will be organized here
Florence Meade Miaslon Circle has had a ,n the near future. The state will also
busy and prosperous year, earning D asked to give closer cooperation as
$194.47, Which was expended In Its help- I maicmea oy ino committee reierrea to
ful work. There Is a cash balance of auove.
The Young -Peoples Christian Union
was reported for by Miss E. Clapp. The
young people have provided the new
hymnals and have an attractive program
outlined for the current year. Mrs. C.
C Armstrong, treasurer of the Ladles'
Aid ahows receipts of $184.81, which waa
expended for tba work of the parish. A
letter waa read from the secretary of
the Unlversalist General convention an
nouncing that the board had voted to
renew the engagement with Rev. J. D.
Corby as requested by the parish.
At the election of officers the follow-
John W. Long, who was dlted into the
county court last month on a charge of
incompetency, has added a third wife!
and a five day honeymoon to his ex-
Ina- board of trustees was unanimously perlences. After a disagreement with
eleoted to serve for the ensuing year: hla brldo he has disappeared. His wife
EI S. Ferguson, E. J. Jaeger, H. & Rowe, has been unable to find him. He , ia
Bartlett Cole, W. H. Meade, A Scott and supposed to have left the city,
G. W. Gridley.
Ild you cut The Journal picture cou
pon from Monday'a Journal? It ap
peared on page 2.
Long was brought Into court on com
plaint of one of his sons, A. L. Long,
who alleged that his father was incom
petent because of Intemperance. This
son also expressed the fear In court that
his father was about to marry Mrs.
Bailey, landlady of a rooming house on
Front street, where he was living with
anothcy son, Carl Long. The elder Long
had just sold a farm ln Marion county
for $5000, and his son said he was not
competent to take care of the money.
There ia nothing auitc so cood as Hostettcr s Stomach Bitters: at least Judge Webster decided that the show-
this ia the statement made by thousands of satisfied users, and they ought H"? WM insufficient, and refused to-ap-
to know. When the liver is inactive the symptoms are easily noticed w and8 a carpentor by trade, denied
coated tongue, bad taste and breath, yellow complexion, severe headaches, that he. had any thought of marrying
If you will only think for a moment, you can soon locate the cause an Mrs. Baiiey. ut two aays arter tmu
' " I 1 - a ' 1 Im Intra V
back to their normal condition today by the aid of Hostetter's Stomach Lons second marriage was also
' Bitters?' The liver will then-be greatly benefited also, and your "bilious I happy and lasted 17 days. He testified
snells" ouicklv disannear. Guard aM nst the r return bv tak ina the Bitters that it cost min ?uu to gei ria oi mi
-Tl'.:;5'- T t: Ti.u..' r4.- - . second wife. He is believed to nave
icKuiny, it is mr ruur ajcivuiub, umuuuiu, iHuiijcanuu, keDt hj. 15000 Intact, and to have taken
yBil, guur vuiuvcucgi, uiiiuusucos, muuc jlui, vuiua, 'Wlilllll3 WllH nin wuoii no reii o jw, ,
, General Weakness and Malaria.
v VALUED AT $250,000
Relief in five minutes awaits
1 ; every Stomach sufferer '
, : ' ,. here.
j Nothing will remain undigested or sour
on your stomach if you will take a little
Dlapepain occasionally, : This "powerful
digestive and antacid, though as harm
less and pleasant' -as. candy, will, digest
.1 u .. . n 1 .j nM 1 . . 1. .
blood ail the food you can ea '.
.- Eat what your stomach craves, with
out tha slightest fear of Indigestion or
that you will be bothered with sour ris
ings. Belching, Gas on Stomach, Heart
burn, Hr-adachs from stomach. Nausea,
Bad : Breath, - Water Brash or. a feeling
li,ke you had swallowed a lump of Jead,
ort other disagreeable miseries. Should
you be suffering now from any"Btoniich i
William O'Donnell's eetate Is repre
sented to be worth $260,000 by tne pe
tition for probate of will filed in the
county court this morning. Nearly all
of the property' is bequeathed to Jrfrs.
Mary A. O'Donnell, the widow, the tes
tator declaring in the will that ft in
tentionally made an unequal division in
disorder you can get relief within five her favor, believing that she will be
minutes. - better able to make a just division a,rter
' If you will get from your pharmacist! the children are of age.
a 60-cent case of Rape's Diapepsln you
could always go to the table with a
'hearty appetite, and your-meals would
taste good, because you would know
there would be -no Indigestion or Sleep
less nights- or Headache or Stomach
misery all. the next day; and, besides,
you would not need laxatives or liver
pills to keep your s tofts ach and bowela
clean nd fresh. - ..
Pape's Diapepsin can be obtained
from, your druggist, and contains more
than sufficient to thoroughly cure the
worst case of Indigestion or Dyspepsia.
There is nothing better for Gas on tha
Stomach or sour odors from the stom
ach or to cure a Stomach Headache. .
Tou couldn't keep a .handier or mora
uieful article ia ths houta, " " " j
Mrs. O'Donnell and her two brothers,
John F, 0!Shea and James B. CrShea,
are named as executrix and executors
under the wilL James B. O'Shea Jr., is
the only person receiving a bequest out
side the immediate family. Three thou
aand dollars is placed in trust with the
executors for him, to be paid when their
Judgment so directs. ! ; v; t
Walter J.. O'Donnell, Mary A. 0i3dn
nell, William -J. O'Donnell and John
Francia CfDortnell, four children, rang
ing in age froml to 7 yeara, are each
given 5000. Half this amount la to
be paid when each Is of age and. the
Other half (at the age of 25 years. ;The J
will was executed in April, 1908.;" and
was witnessed by C. A. Dolph, John
M. Gearln add B. B. McCarthy '
(Salem Burets of n JourniL)
Salem. Or, Feb. I. C. Sam Smith,
who waa Convicted in the circuit court
for Crook county of arson largely on
tha testimony of Larkin Elliott, a self
confessed accomplice, who a wo re that
be and Smith had burned tha sheep
abed and wool packing house of ex-
Congressman J. N. Williamson, as part
of a well conceived plan to injur tha
ax-congressman'a property, waa granted
a new trial by th supreme court to
day. Elliott and Smith were ln - tha
cattle bualnesa and Elliott asserted that
th Injure to their range dona by WU1-
lamaon'a sheep waa a source of enmity
between them.
Much of the extrinsic evidence that
waa admitted by Judge W. L. Brad
shaw to show the system of punish
ment to be meted out to Williamson
and th other sheepmen is held not to
be proper evidence by the supreme
court ln th opinion written by Chief
Justice Moore. The opinion holda that
tit evidence constitutes error suffi
cient to reverse the verdict of tha lower
R. T. Dlckerson, Convicted of man
slaughter for tha killing of U A Gar
rett in4 Portland and sentenced to three
years in tha penitentiary, must serve
out his term. ' The appeal taken to
the supreme court by hla attorneys waa
dismissed this morning in an opinion
written by Justice McBrlda because the
transcript was not filed In ths supreme
court within the time provided by. the
statute after notice of appeal had been
served on the clerk of the trial court.
Other Decisions Today.
Other decisions handed down by. tba
supreme court today were as follows
In the case of E. M. Bockwood, ap
pellant, vs. J. W. Grout, Stephen Gal
Her, W. W. Gage, W. T. Kerr and J.
Tupper. respondents, appealed from th
circuit court for Coos county, J. W.
Hamilton, Judge, the appeal Is dis
missed ln an opinion written by Chief
Justice Moore.
J. U Smith, J. M. Smith and May
Hunter, respondents, vs. Elisabeth
Whiting, appellant, appealed from the
circuit court for Marlon county, George
H. Burnett, Judge, is affirmed ln an
opinion written by Associate Justice
Sarah Agnes St Denis, substituted for
Desire St. Denis, deceased, appellant.
vs. Rlnhold Harras, respondent, ' ap
pealed from- the circuit court for Uma
tilla county, H. J. Bean, Judge, motion
for rehearing ia denied ln an opinion
written, by Associate Justice Eakln.
State vs. K. T. Dlckerson. appellant
appealed from the circuit court for
Multnomah county, C. U. Gantenbeln,
Judge, motion to dismiss anneal Is al
lowed ln an opinion written by Asso
ciate Justice McBrids.
George R. Davis, aubstltuted for
Three Pines Timber company, a cor
poration, plaintiff, and S. F. Cheshire.
county clerk and ex-officlo county re
corder or josepnme county, respondent
vs. w. u. wjison and J. S. Smith, an
pellants, appealed from the circuit court
for Josephine county, H. K. Hanna.
Judge, is affirmed ln an opinion written
by Associate Justice McBrlde.
State vs. C. Sam Smith, appellant
appealedr'Trom the circuit court for
Crook county. W. T. Bradshaw. Judare,
Is reversed in an opinion written by
uniei justice xaoore. . , ,
S. M. Holland, respondent, vs. C.
Rhoades, appellant, appealed from the
circuit court for Washington county.
T. A McBrlda, Judge, is affirmed ln an
opinion written , by Associate Justice
Slater. '
S. H. Friendly vs. C M. Elwert, an-
pealed from ' tha circuit court for Mult-
nomahpounty, a rehearing was granted
oy tne supreme court
Imagines He Hears Burglar at
Door, but Examination
Shows He Is Insane.
Circuit Judge Gantenbeln yeaterdav
afternoon overruled the plea in abate
ment niea in the eases of Thomas C.
Devlin aa receiver against W. H. Moore
and Other officers ofthe Oregon Trust
& Savings bank, ln which the plaintiff.
aa representative or iz claimants, Is try
mg to coiiectt over half a mlllloii dol.
lars alleged to have -been f wasted and
lost by the 'officers of the bank.
Judge Gantenbeln - directed that - the
defendants file their, answera on Or be
fore February IS. Elmer E. Lytle and
Leo. Fried.: two of the directors who
are not friendly with" the Moores and
W. Copper Morris, hav already filed
answers,, failing to Join in the oleaa in
abatement-- When the answers ..are - in
th cases will be ready to set for trial.
YSalMB VtarMit of Tn Journal 1 v
Salem, jOr., Feb. 8. Frank Meredith.
who waa last Saturday, elected secretary
oi me Baie ooaraor agriculture to suc
ceed Frank "Welch, it ..i this city, last
night .tendered his resignation to the
city council aa city treasurer of Salem,
Which, position he, has held for several
years. '"v.:' ."', v'-'.v' v"; ;'-r-v--;--
The resignation was accepted to take
effect March 1. A new. city treasurer
will be elected at th next regular meet
ing of th council, Monday. February 21.
Mr. Meredith resigned once before dur
ing the year on account of tha many
duties connected .with the ' office, - but
was prevailed upon to reiatn tba of flee.
T. J. Ryan, who registered at the Im
perial hotel about 7 o'clock last night
from Eugene, Or., and waa a-tven room
No. 729, on tba seventh floor, got an
Idea toward midnight that burglars
were trying to get in his apartment
He thought he heard thlevea try hla
door, and got out of hla bed and piled
all the movable furniture. Including tha
bed, against It Ryan dressed and wan
dered about ln hla room until 8 o'clock
thla morning. Ha thought he heard tba
door-knob rattle again, so he. climbed
out tha window and along the ledge to
the fire escape. Then he went down
the iron stairway, which runs down the
Seven th-atreet front of th hotel build
ing, aa fast as he could go.
The fir escape ends about 16 feet
from the pavement, and when Ryan
reached the bottom h halted and dan
gled from the lower rungs. In tha
meantime a crowd of aeveral hundred
persons had gathered to watch tha man.
who la about 60 yeara old and weara
long whiskers, clamber recklessly down
the iron ladders. In th crowd were
Willi Stepp and Everett Johnson, bell
boys employed at th hotel. '
"Jump down!" they yelled to Ryan.
Instead f answering,' Ryan pulled
two silver "dollars from his pocket and
threw them on the pavement Baying ha
did not want them to think he was try
ing to "beat" th hotel.
The bellboys got a ladder and finally
coaxed Ryan to struggle' down. He
acted strangely and a policeman was
called. Ryan was taken to the police
station and locked up. Dr. Fred Zelgler,
city physician, who examined blm, said
he was Insane. Ryan owns considerable
property in Eugene. He has a wife and
two children. Dr. Zelgler will send him
to a (hospital for treatment
(United Ptms Leased Wire.)
Kansas City, Feb. 8. For the first
time ln th history of Missouri two men
met death today upon the gallows for
an attack on a woman. The men were
negroes, George Reynolds and John
Williams, who waylaid and assaulted
the wife of a prominent musician here.
They war condemned to death after
having made a confession of their crime.
In passing sentence Judge Labau re
"I shall not desecrate Friday, the day
upon which legal hangings usually take
place, by ordering your execution on
that day. There is at least a spark of
manhood left in almost every man who
Is executed by the state, but there ia no'
manhood In either of you." ,
The truth of the Judge s worda was
borne out at the hanging today. Wil
liams went to the gallows with a sneer
on his lips, while Reynolds writhed
with terror on the floor of the scaf
fold and had to be lifted from the
ground by deputy sheriffs when
nooae wasadjusted. 1
A. T. Barnes. 106 East Thirty-second , (Wuhliistoa iUrein ct The Joorn1.
street, employed, by the Thiel- Detect- i Washington, Fell, .Si-Coos Bay gets
lva agency, room 2QJ of tha ffhamber the lobstera.' Pn Melt Lovett of the
of Commerce building, was killed yes- Union Pacific hi Informed Senator
terday evening by a platol shot through Bourn that ha will orBer tne rree trans
th head.", Tha Intention of th shot Is portatlon of csj-lead from Chicago to
question In th minds Of tha author- Cooe Bay.- Froi hera to Chicago tha
ities, but all Indications point to sul-jflsh commission mill bay tha charges. .
clde. Bom are inclined to theory) . Rcpreaentatlv Hawley Introduced s
of accident' Charles Mapes, another bill providing t fist die federal -building
metnbor of th agency, was the only " asaienvo enlarge, ana repairea, inu
man In .th .room at th tlm of the $.000 appropratedl - ;i .
shooting. ; ' ' " '. Senator Chufnharlttlo -went to New
It Is tha firm wplnlon of Mapes that r loa"
Itarhe took Jils own life. Hla reasons eynagogue on 1
fnr thla -rv- Ihnt ti h,a h.nn I PolltlCS." -
ent. had aeveral times Intimated suicide. I
andliftd domestlo troubles which preyed DlfJUT I CfS rOA'PTIIRm
on his mind.. Tha man died without nlun 1 UCU rnMU I.UnCU,
.In l)r. 8. 8. Wise s
.few In American
speaking, and no explanation from him
has been found. Tha body la being
held pending th coroner's Investiga
tion, which will end ln an Inquest this
afternoon.1 .";'....:, . -,-..v."
Sad Ba nayur Cards.
Burled- under d cv-ln while exca
vating for tha Ellverf leld apartments
on . Lucretla stmt -near Washington,
According to Mapes they had been I- Brlckaon baa begun suit la th cir.
elavlna cards in th office of tha cult court for 16000 damages against
agency. Barnes was considerably un- Carl Shuholm and B. A. Freiberg, do-
ger the .Influence of liquor. v . . Ing bualnesa as th Advance' Construo-
Tha two men had been playing for tlon company.
amall soma of money, and Barnes lost Ha say a his right leg was fractured
until the last game, when he won what and he was badly bruised. Tha accl-
ha had loat At tha cloaa of tha game dent took plaoa on October 21, Erlck-
he stepped to 'a, closet took his gun son says he was ordered Into a plac
from a holster, and stepped to the cen of danger in (the trench by hla am-,
ter of ths room. Mapes was shuffling ployers. '. ) ,';. - ;v 4
th cards and did not look up. Ha heard .--.' ,-. . ' n' ', ' . v v .
Barnes say: "This is th way It's ' Journal picture coupons are aoDaar-
doner Th gun's report Immediately ins- on pare t every day. Th first on
loiiowea. ana wnen jaspes looaea up, 1 was printed Monday.
names wss sinxmg 10 tne rioor. 1 them out
D. L. Clous, manager of th agency.
k. m.-k4 th. wiml-' "Ha4 dyppala o indigestion for
w.VT.. M-.V -rhi T;T . . YZ Jyara. Noappetite. and what I did eat
Barnes was dead. Th pistol was a few I s,.,-....j l. ..PriVw. nnHrvb -atmt
incnes irora mm nana. jui im uia njr J Bitters CUfed ma. J.,
tnat'Barnee has Deen despondent, ana
that he frequently, aaid he had trouble
at home, and Intended to separata from
Don't faU to out
H. Walker. Sun-
Don't let the babv auffer from arse
ma, sore or any Itching of th skin.
his wife. He said they could not getlr... irkiv. Perfectiv aaf. for ehii-
lnno- It la .also known , that Barnes I a 11 Hmnlii. .oil u
- -- . , U. VU. . I. H. vw.s - ! J- .
was involved with the company, and! , . . "T
mmm bhnA in hla accounts. Ha had 1 Conattpatton cauaes headache, nausea,
expressed th intention of leaving tha J f '. ": L. !eafU.pnalpLt!.tL0.n
Cliy- . , - . . " " tha bowela and don't cur. Doan's Reg.
Barnes was alio known to hav u let act gently And cure constipation,
studied much of tha occult and thla k cents. Ask your drugglat
weighed heavily upon hla mind, ua Jiaa 1 . i.
acted strangely of late. ' . J "
Wound Shows Aooldent.
I Never can tell when you'll, maah
Those who advance the accident tllW-l trln - Oil instantly relieves tha Daln
ory aay tha nature of the : wound, and fl sickly cures tn wouna.
the fact that th eyeballs were powqer
marked, show Barnes did not purposely
do tha act Had ha Intended hooting
himself, they aay: the man would have!
closed hla eyea when he fired th shot1
It Is further asserted 'that the suicidal
motives were not sufficiently strong to
cause such a desperate act Th widow
of the dead man also regards the case as
accidental, and declares there bad been
no domestio trounie.
Th bullet entered th Upper. Hp, Im
mediately below the nose, and ranged
upward toward the top of th head. De
tectives Price and carpenter nave Been
Investigating the case and -are Inclined
to the suicide theory. , -
No suspicion reats upon Mapes, but
he la held as a witness. He lives .at
1143 East Belmont street
President B. 8. Josselyn of the Port
land Railway, Light A Power company
has announced that th company will
pay half th cost of th construction
of a wagon bridge across Clackamas
river at the station of Barton if the
county or taxpayers will pay the other
Agitation has been going on for soma
time "among the farmers , in that sec
tion to have the part of Claokamas
county along the river annexed to Mult
nomah county ln hopes of getting bet
ter service ln the matter of bridges
and wagon-roads. Mr.. Josselyn Is op
posed to this move. Ha says a bridge
can easily be built at Barton and it would
give tha farmers in Clackamas county
easy access to tha Estacada line of
th opposite bank of che river. He
admlta that under 'existing, conditions
the Clackamas farmers have to make
roundabout drive to get to the elec
tric line. , V
f"-'"' fa instantly relieved by J
Prtet, SSe., 0. mmd fl.OO.
In Head and. -
4 aU DragrUts, w ami prepaJd b
C H. lUlth. Kirn. ClamaiMl.CMiM
Dr. CJ B. Brown, who la to be the
delegate from the Portland Automobile
club to th national convention of auto
mobile clubs at Washington, D. C, left
this morning for the capltoL -
The convention has been called by the
president of the Automobile associa
tion of America for the purpose of sug
gesting to congress the adoption of a
set of national 'highway and traffic
laws, thus doing away with the trouble
of several different sets of laws
throughout the country. Dr. Brown
will be aided at the . convention by
United Senators Jonathan Bourne and
George E. Chamberlain. A. delegate
from each state, together with he sena
tors from each state, make up the per
sonnel of the convention. Dr. Brown
will ba gone several . weeks. - ; ,t ;
lUil ! I J
Delegates from each improvement CnmPVtf Mt
club and civio organization in the city wuu,cf '" "kv
will meet as a committee Thursday at an fl he CtirPfl
" w v.www , ' ...v wwu.w. VA Will'
merclal club ' to dfaf t' an amendment I
io uie tuijr unarior regarajng payment
lor laying waier .mains. .. .
When I
get the ' benefit of
tie at 2Bo on, pur personal recommenda
tion, i i -
Skedmore fDrug. Co..
161 Third street
ft "
I . . tf3 TONIGHT
bCTICR Iflint
Dnflt it Tint iwm mtntntTw vha a
people suffer Tear In and year out with - .tyimmm. &
eczema? i," v , , ' o" . a pay ma as yoa -
.r . t-i.i ' Zid - . . nt h.- hnafll Dt THF1 DOCTOR
F'Jm wl evince rZXTVtt&ixn loV.rthan any
ZJfrur2!i''. Z . aoeciaUst ln rth city, half that othere
T 7ii rg ui-mua ana hrge you, and no exorbitant charg
aoothing oil of Wintergreen mixed with fomedlSnea; - "
thymol and .glycerine, etc.. and known I ; I am an exoert specialist bays had
as D, -D. i(D. Prescription. We do not 80 year' -practic in. the treatmentof
know: how long the D. D; D. Labora- diseases "of men. My ofttces are th
n!a.'rllT Ann4-1viA AF MM aw- 1 IlPH L. HQ UIDTTfJfl. Ill rUl LtWlU. 1UJ . Ml" v
remedy., is Regularly sold- only in 11.00 ? "?ler?-ln .MF.i?
botUe and. has never before been put; symptoma and patch up? I thoroughly
pn th market -onr any special offers. , examine each case, flnd; the cause, ra-
If you want relief tonight try a bot-M move It and thus cure the. iseas.
Z OUBS ivarlooa' Tains, oonwaoxeo
diseases, Ffles and Specif io Blood Pol-"
son and all T -eases of1 Men. . t;r -;'--i
SFECIU DISEASES He wit contract
ed and chronic cases cured. All burning.
Itchln and inflammat: on stopped- In 4 ,
hours. Cures effected In seven days.
Insures every man a lifelong cur,. with-
out taking medicine Into the stomach,
lll CJU Visit Dr. Lindsay's' private Mu,
itlCl seum of Anatomy and know thy-'
self in health and disease. Aamission
f. illumination and consultation free.
If unable to call, write for list of .ques
tions. .
Office hours a. m. to l8 t.rm, Sun
days, 10 a. m. to I p. m. only.
xasH sxcowd bt cox. or aujeb,
VOBTXkAim. ox. '
Constipated? I'ljns? Dyspeptic?
Do you Buffer with indigestion, torpid liver, sick head
aches, rheumatism, kidneyr out of ordef? : ,
!s the very best medicine for you' to take in such cases
because its action if to general. It acts on the liver,
moves the bowels, corrects the stomach, restores the .
appetite, aids digestion, puts the kidneys in order, puri
ties the blood and tones up the
", : system. . ,-.." 5
Hera's Th Tablet That
Does The Work Cosy
Sure to Act. j
.''. Get a 25c Box-
More neoole are taking Foley'1 Kid- ..
ney Remedy every- year. , It la consld3,i
kldnev and bladder troubles- that medVin.
ical science can devlso. Kidney diseases
cause, more sickness and. suffering and
are more fatal than- any other diseases. f
Foley ji Kidney -Kemedy1 will icure anjr
case. of. kidney or bladder trouble that A
is not beyond the reach oft' medicine.
No medicine csn do more." Skidmor
Drug Co., 151 Third street. . '