The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 08, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Attorney, for. Plaintiff in Dam
age Suit Against Traction
Company Secures Dismissal
of Talesman. . ,
Vehement protest by Henry EL Mo
Glnn against a Juror In a street rail
way damage cam who has ridden on
passes, was nee employed by the com
pany, and now has a'sonin the com
pany's employ, was made In ; Judge
Bronaugh's department of tha circuit
court yesterday afternoon and resulted
In ths excusing of T. J. ,Kecnan,' tha
man under fire, over the protest . of
It. W. Wilbur, attorney for the Portland
Hallway. Light A Power company.
"I feel that I would not be doing
my outy to mil client If. I did not pro-
tfst in the atrongest way I can," Mo
. uinn exclaimed.' and his voice was el
vated as he spoke until peopls In ths
hallways and clerks from tha offices
nocked in to hear hire volos hi feel
"Nothing more tends to the spread of
anarchy than dlstruat of Juries, Tour
honor knows that the publlo preas and
tha bar of this city have discussed
charges that the street railway and ths
corporations hava men on our Juries,
It Is a matter of common notoriety that
nucn tilings are said, and here, on the
first day of the term and tha first
man examined for Jury duty In this
case, we find that It is true. No man
who has ridden on passs given by this
company, and no man who has a son
v whose advancement In tha employ of
tne company may depend upon ths ver
diet ha gives In this case can act fair
ly in trying a suit of thla kind. He
has said that he ran try ths case fair
ly, but I submit that ha Is not such a
Juror as we are ptltled to hare In this
Court Emouses Man.
Judge Bronaugh finally Interrupted
to say mat no believed tne Juror would
not want t aerva after what had been
nld, and ha should not be required to
oo so. Keenan -asked tha court to be
excused, saying he did not .want to
serve. He -was excused, Wilbur taking
an exeeptloh to tha court's action.
Wilbur had examined ths Juror first,
and had failed to brine out that fact
that Keenan. had .been , an employs of
the old Consolidated street railway,
McGinn, when It came his turn, brought
this out also learned that Keenan had
used passes, -and (hat his son Is now a
dispatcher In the office of tha street
railway. But Keenan declared that
these facts would not Influence him as
a Juror and Judge Bronaugh denied a
challenge for causa until after Mc
Ginn's stormy speech. - - -
Two other men who were' related In
a buslnss way to ths -street railway
were excused before the Jury was com
platedf Thla, roornlnr the taking of
t9ntlmony began,.1; ElUabetH Bo lam be
ins; plaintiff as guardian- for Walter
Con ley, a. 14-year-old newsboy who lost
a portion of one foot, under a Fulton
car at First and Madison streets In
1805. The- plaintiff is asking for fI5,
vuu carnages, i; ' - ' : , - . ,,.
Conley on tha stand this morning ad
Traction Official Informs the
Council Committee of lm-
' 4 '. 4 1 . , - - '
: provements Planned.
Complying with a request from tha
special counoll committee on streetcar
transportation Superintendent K. J,
Franklin, of ths Portland Railway,
Light 4c Powsr company,- thla morning
filed a' list of the carlfnM on which
the company has proposed to Install
heatera next winter. The lines Included
on the list are the Woodstock, Monta-
villa, Vancouver, St Johns, Ross City
Park, Alberta, Woodlawn and Portland
Heights divisions. . . :
Regarding- the complaint , of over
crowding oft the Brooklyn line Mr.
Franklin's statement says "our , plot
tings do not show where tha Brooklyn
cars are overcrowded. One day a cer
tain car passing a certain point at a
Woman Charges W. L Crowe
With Having Victimized Her,
In a Bogus Transaction.
Tn tha arrest ' last night of W. I
Crowe, a real estate broker, who has a
suite of offices at No. 828 Board of
Trade building, on a charge of fraud,
Oliver M. Hlckey. counsel for the com
plaining witness.. Relieves another ma
nipulator of tha Davldor Stamp has been
brought Into notoriety.
Crowe was arrested On tha eomnlalnt
or airs. Annie.itnoades, and la now In
tne county Jail
been obtained against him since may
lead the postoffloe Inspectors to take
Charge of tha case.
For about a year Crowa advertised as
Tha Oregon Company, and had nffieea
splendidly fitted; up in ths Wells-Fargo
Building. Three or four weeks ago be
Witnesses Say Defendant, Who
Is Suing for $3000 Salary
Did Not , Make Livestock a
Success. ' ""'-.:
. f A OP. UniTrtT I AlA
tiidcl nc nnn
1 1 HILL Ul I
certain time may hava 78 passengers, hi,rayi . Z.. : " A
h. ... (a .J2 onanged tha name tff his firm to Crowa
v - svi siva vies, j v V su4
the next day 38. These plotttnga show
tne fluctuations of traffic"
"Mr. Franklin says the company Is
considering the advisability of Issuing
transfers on tha Waveriy-woodatock.
Waverly-Rlcbmond and Brooklyn lines
to tha O. W. P. line between ths hours
of 4 snd 8:80 p. m.
Mayor Hlmon. Dairy and Food Com
missioner Bailey, Dr. Emmett Drake and
wuuuj viub m MvescooK as
sociation, were tha final witnesses called
by tha defense this morning In tha case
or W. H.' wehrung agalns tha associa
tion for 13000 salary, claimed to be due
under contract' as general manager of
tha show of 1908. , ,'
snory by Witnesses, V, '
; Mayor filmon told of drawing the con-"
tract from memorandum sunniim.i hv
Wehrung. Bailey said that tha stalls
were not in condition to receive the live.
stock when the show opened. Drake- tnM
of unsatisfactory conditions, snd Meier
Captains Say. Mayor's Plan to
Lower Stacks on Riverboatsl
Is Not FeasibleEngineers
Follow Recommendations.
Out "Seeirtg" Town, J. C. Pow
ers Says He Tumbled Into
' "Crap" Game. -
Laborers Besiege . Engineers
Working on Dam in Tennes
see Siege ' Lifted and Be
siegers In Flight. . .
A Co.. and opened offices In the Board
or xraae Duiunng. ; ,
rt Rhoades. In tha criminal com
plaint aha ' has filed through Attorney
Hlckey againat Crowe, makes the alle
gation that tha broker represented him
self to be agent for 'a largo parcel of
What kind of a town is this. inv.
wayT" asked J. a Powers, a lin ma n
from Heppner, this morning.
Powers claims to have had the un.'
usual experience of falling through a
raised trap door into a "cran" and faro
game running full blast, vnr vrinn
If it la nosslble to anrura mnnininai reasons, which he claims are the best
legislation to compel tha lowering of ,n tn world, ho refuses to tell where
mnkitiiki nn riwr iiimra .,h the place was, except that It was on
legislation will be enacted If I can bring 6t?f't ,trf , . ' '
It about," said Mayor Simon this morn- u wouldn t do at all for roe to tell
you wnere it ail happened." he declared.
lng an opinion on the subject and as would be the laat thing I Would aver I veyors and workmen, were rescued today
soo.i as ho submits this to the council " y une wora sdouc me numuor or tne oy captain Burke and a posse oi orn
I will determine on my future course." P'c whlh I fell would queer all cers from the local police department
(Halted Press teas d Wire.)
Chattanoogti, Tenn., Feb. t After
killing three negroes of a mob that had
besieged them In a construction camp
near Jlall's Bar. a party of whlta sur-
iwecn ins nours Bando- Or., orooertv. She" v- n "'"L wenru.n-. . Ma n0 Hven tha
u were is any .old h thrM,:. . tIM"w v.i JV.VLi "proper puoucity un
wt uu ..v v i in. tm maj I .old three lota, to Wrh1h h. wl.p. 1". vr fiumitiijr unm , procitfea Dy
overcrowdln, such .ction would T.U.v Jheld Pr?ona!u a hurry call
.- . for xisn . Thi- ... n. rv,. 10 00m trom SaatUa, where ha was sn-
IS ifoi " " aa-ed as president of ths Oregon corn
But further, ih. woman adducea that h TV
she discovered that tha deed given her wS wXP. t0.U,,s ?
by Crowe, signed by himself, was void. I-'JI'V"1
Crowe, aha .says, did not own ths land "m!?"1 ?f th? CountT
Tor. Kounl Voott Oomploiata.
In answer to the complaints from ths
Mount Soott district Mr. Franklin says:
"A single track on the Mount Scott
Una has proved adequate to handle traf
fic up to th present time and our 1910
budget includes a provision for double agent for the owners.' However he ment" th Wanning promised to make
hi pretend T.V "heand did not "act J"bh?r; Xl"r t0
tracking tha line. Ths fact will ba
appreciated, however, that we are put
ting in -worth of improve
refused to return tha money sha oaid f 'Vm 'or eryct "" eould be
w i gisain nw virnTiri w pnm ih a. tt tt v
mm ror tna property. Z.T ' . a.
rnntea rt th. aa "k. I Thompson had prevloualy mads ths
manta this year and hava about all by Crow brlc m third, person Into tha to ths agreement
Ti .1 " I tangleMiss A. A. Hughes, Crowe's sta-l", ""a. "u m mumonr on
nograpber. . Bha witnessed the signing
or the transfer and acted as notary,
miss Mugnes could not ba round.
' Xf ! llllrAV M wrAmtm lt..ii
t. 1 A .V. j " " uwiiri
., 1 . " v nV, l"T women to whom Crowa pretended to sell
Bandon land. Crowe, ho said today,
seemed to make a specialty of getting
relieve the overcrowded conditions com
plained of we hava Installed two add!
tional cars during tha morning rush
hours. i
operation of freight cars on the Mount
Scott Una I will say that wa do not
run thess cars except In. the middle ol ... t,..r.h.i..
me uay iu pimcm wooa pureir lor Ull Tha hmkor la hin va.r. nM IT.
. . " " awniscgii g sepsrated from his wife, but Is not
u.v..v. . I vat rilvnrcail
PAYS $40,000 FOR
Construction of New Bridge Is Part of It Sold to C. G. Murphy
Cited as Reason for the
by W.H. Grindstaff for
. The Oregon Railroad ft Navigation
company, Oregon de California Railroad
company and the Northern Paclflo Ter-
thla Una was cut out of ths esse bv
Judge Cleiand on tha ground that It
tends to contradict "a written Instru
ment . . , v
Mayor Simon's testimony was to show
that tha contract drawn by him and aft
erward signed by Vice President H. C.
Campbell and Secretary O. A.Wingate was
made out from memorandum furnished
by Wehrung.. It Is contended that
Wehrung's memorandum did not con
form to tha agreement that was made.
as shown by tha minutes of the' meet-
Testimony of Bailey, Dr. Drake Thomp
son. J. ' M. Reed, A. C. Lohmler and
others called by tha defensa was to
show that Wehrung had not been at
tentive to duties snd had' not made the
show a success in various ways. W. M.
Davis and Kills McLean wera called
In rebuttal for Wehrung to show that
tha affair was a auocess. U. Q. Brook
ings, also called in rebuttal, testified
that tne snow waa well advertised In
ths east where he was traveling: laat
spring ana summer. - -
Ohargad State $300.
Testimony .was brought out from
Wehrung that he charged the state of
Oregon 300 per month, or full pay for
services as executive officer of the
Oregon commission to tha Seattle fair
every month from October, 1908, to and
The mayor's expression was elicited ,n" . tamDiing nouses . in town. It
during a- discussion rt tha action f th wouiun t ao at ait
United Stataa engineer! noma f th. "You I'm an' awful rube. You
war department which haarturncd down n, nlr w",n,9'ut y elln yu-
jtraw i it jfui uuu Diiaca, onacaieion ox
nd I cama Into town yes
terday for a little visit. Last night we
went out together, drank till we were
full and started to our rooms. Ws were
walking down Stark street when I fell
through ona of the raised iron doors
Into a basement Trying to keep from
railing I -got hold of the doors and
favnr fltmnn'a nlnn Ia ha. ih. Avmm
hrirlir. in Pnrti.yi nmA A,,ir, renaieion-
morning and evening rush hours for
tha convenience 'of' trafflo across ' tho
river. . - v .
Port's Demands rirst.
The government engineers mads their'
decision in accordance with ths rtfom-
r.-.T.rV. J , Z. Pulled them shut after me. As they
representative here. This offlolal In hi in ...., vt. ki ..... .-1
report to tha head of hia denartmnt.1 i v1. T I n" trouoie Detween tna white men
SaTed h. WlaSd th'a 'ASntaSS 'ylfow Vuf&l ,trlWn - ' ft""tT
croea-rtver trafflo ahoulrf ba s-fiondarir m?.. ?.ft.vy. " .n Mts origin In an altercation betweea
black laborers and their bosses la ths
construction camp. "', : ; .
News reached Chattanooga lat yester
day that the negrows, who were armed
with rifles, had surrounded ths whites.
The surveyors had taken refuge behind
ths unfinished government dam they
were building. Immediately a rescue
party was dispatched to Hall's Bar.
Captain Burke, In charge of the posse, ?
telephoned headquarters . today that
three negroes had been .killed ' during
the siege, which had been lifted. He
stated that tha trouDla was ovsr and
that he and his men would return to
this city "after breakfast" '
Ths trouble between tha whlta men
v.w.--,,rlr imuoioouia um .econuary ... th t v...-..-. w.. i, th.
um-JiVfE A , .k-10, . ' . .v h" oan 'crap' and faro games In
Ha thinks that the closing of the .,n ki... t .k. i .v.. .
j ... . mm , I au v asv in inv a. i as i. a wsuf iw viao
,k. -1 .1 V -T " u0Jy, Into which I fell, there were four crap
!L.,r?f.n,Sletn .i? .'w bJ1r,de"1 gamea In full blast tha gamblers throw-
. . .v . " ln tor 120 a shot They all (jult as I
M.t.,..., iu . iiuBCmcnia Pnmmanea1 tn treat
should ba mads to build tubes under tha
"The mayor does not know what he
is talking about when - ha sava that
pretty roughly. They shoved me out
Into another room, and there I found
several faro games In progress.
"The whole gang started after ma
hat awl I I . . . ... .1 i uo WaJVlff Hans mm iOU ttt i
?mTiitW ..e?.t0 iW t,5e,r then and. opening tha trap doors, they
ham, manager of tha Oregon City Trans-1 .. i n , .n h.nn.n. in . -i..
Vnr PJly, ot.hl ,mornJn., uta and ray pardner. Shackleton, was
speaking of Mayor Simon s proposal to ..m i.i.l !. .k. .m..ii, m.
-?nJ .lit. .1' t?Jnrr' ."'5 w sported the matter to three police- Candidates Are Be luo Se ected
JLZ th!.J ?1VS re"n Tith pro,b' men. but they sll claimed that tha place wticuitu
JE? ! exceptions tha stacks waa off their beat and that they oould ' f0P Cjfu Ffprtlfin tf Rfl
of all the steamers are now even with do nothln for us M lur Uliy tlCHIUll IU Do
r naa tnns tr ! Knew n.jBas .1 ... .a . . I 1
m. tops or ma nog posts. This Is the remarkable narrative which
Waaksa Teasels' Structure. Powers told this morning. ; He declared
"In order to lower the stacks It that tha police, the newspapers andthe
would be necessary to cut off ths costs mavor were all in league with tha
which would materially ' weaken the ramblers, and . that his story would
steamera as they, depend on the bog I never be printed He claimed that hel
Held on March 8.
(Cnltpd Pnu teased Wire.)
fi.attl. Wuh . rh 1 Vnr tha 1M.
posts for their-strength. Mayor Simon I could show gambling In operation In nd 4lma alnca tha enactment of tha
Chester O. Murphy today bought a
diock or property on ui wen sme oi including August J09. From this . It
Trlnlt Place, for which he la said to is araued that he'could not have hM-n
mlnal company filed their Petition this! have bald In tha neighborhood Of 140.-I giving proper attention to tha conntrv
- - -- ---o .w. - w iv..ivu vi w. ifvu. i nil niTiv.aiT ann iwn-in rni rur vuiu iupii qh. r - - ., .
t2i CT!!b4jr'' f"f frontage on that thoroughfare was pur- , Wehrting , testified' that ha had per-
saaM v" 'v pucdibj m v iicfjirr I m to' f .a.,. ... si -i si t iviiiipu : ii sol v icro , Tfa Ul POO. Lill t 11 A
addition. Tha 'description of tha parts " T f1-."'""f" ? had received no complaints as to hi.
rtitted that soon after ha was hurl as r tne mt desired by the companies " -- management unUl about the time of tha
htUltt'nTnl!" be?n ""hed heretofore In The PfJPr than tw that he had often worked night.
drug store, he had said that the .mi. - . ; -. t "ZV.Z'i:::""? :..rr country ciuo nusiness and that he
dent was his own fault He did not . In tM PU "la signers state that Tvl " bring about a successful fair. He
know why he said this, he stated. It ln8jr ra ,n" 0WMt' practically iHM""1"" ' " ' cama from Seattle on Beptember 2, he
la now charged that tha- negUaenca of lne ' PP?"y aouumg upon tna parts of -"",i'M"::" ' v. ,a' na remained until September J9,
the car crew in; starting tha car was lnm. ror "? ction or wnicft they
responsible. . The plaintiff called only 2 f,na ana mat tna written consent
two witnesses, and thla afternoon the lf oth1r Pr0Derty ownera owning prop.
nif cuimr irvnuni upon saia pans ox
streets or fronting upon portions there
of," has been secured. ,
Tha "property ' owners' referred to
Should hava been written "property own
er" for the only one whose signature is
attached is Robert Wakefield who owns
two lots in Wheeler's addition
Ostensible reasons for the petition of
Dei ins - railway companies are , given at
defense Is closing Its testimony.
tPixvl.I Piipntch to Tbe Journal.!
Gold Beach. Or., Feb. 8. The body
of "Albert Ryan.- a logger .-, from Del
Norte county, California, waa found In length but tho principal ona set forth
mo orum on me moors range, about by than is that they are about to eon
six miles north of Chetoo, yesterday, struct a new bridge across ths Will-
na naa evidently been murdered. His lamette river, and that "parta of the
wm na mere waa a deep streets" tney ask for are needed for the
knife thrust above the heart
(abutment,, of the structure. The petl-
Offlcers are also after a 'man h I tin 1na not arata. hnwavar that all
1.4 1 , I . - ' ' " fc " "
,H' Jas ng camp witn Kyan. Thev tha vacat ons reaueated are imomuto
IvnaA. 4 r. . . I . , . . . . ... . . - .
v.v una luiiiisnc zor uia onaga aouiments. in conclud
ins- the petitioners sav:
rastors Beck Amicable ItelalJona. I pleas Fnbllo Oonvealenoa.
(DeCllll I)ir.ti-h tn Th. Imtmal I "Thar tha Tsuhlin mmvanUnn. lll W.
Walla Walla. Wash.. Feb. li J.Th. .,,h
liana VVIUiA AliniflieriAI Union hit an. i mmlA i-lAtrm mrA ha winrm,A e.AalA.
i . . S war VSBV T 1"gT vsM ,aV yawawua sa.ityiuig
pointed a delegate to tha trades council of streets and tha public will ba greatly
or the city and the trades council is benefited thereby, and that the publla
asked to appoint a delegate to the interest will not ba prejudiced by the
. . w sanizauon. in expiana- vacation of the said parta of streets pro-
tlOn Of tbe SCtlon. it iS Bald that tharnna. tn h. TraiA Tha naW. atM.4.
ministers fear they have not: kmt in Lmiii tn. ha viii ,.
fJOfce touch with the commercial Inter- level of the remaining portions of streets
t'-iy. jn ousmess men, not embraced within tha proposed vaca-
i i , B,oe in. tne tion and are inaoceaslbla for any use by
J . , .7 -JocHun ana tne min- the public, the topography of the coun
ln opposing sue. , . , try being such that the eald parts of
treeta cronoaed to ba vacated cannot ba
MCBmpmem erne .rvear Vallfjo, used by the pumio in connection with
fTJnlt((1 Promm lmmA xx'u. v , . .. I the uaa bv tha Duhlfn of tha remaining
v auejo. uai..-'Fea s. it was leamaii parte Of aald streets."
today that tha war department Is na- Among tha streets mentioned as be
gotlating for the purchase of a level in g "inaccessible" is Larrabee between
tract 'bf land containing several hun-1 Oregon street and Paclflo avenue. A
area acre, just east of Vallelo. to h petition has already been filed bv
used for tha alts of encampments. (great majority of Intereated property
owners living on Holladay avenue on
idirhthouae on BelliiKrhmn R , both sides or j-rratee atreet tor aev.
tVnitfA Preu T..A wi I eral blocks for the opening and ex
Washington.:: Feb. 8. Tha senate has tension of the thoroughfare between the
passed a bill provldlna- for tha ath. points named.
Jlshment of a lighthouse and foar ala-. This petition, as well as that of tha
nal station on Ellsa Island. "In Bellini- railroads, will come before tha city coun
ham hav. TlfBDi,innM m pi tntnnrrnw ty10m1nfl,. .
. r , , ..iiihVM, ... . ..v - - - --
Iid you cut The Journal picture cou. STFAMFR fiYfil fJPS
' - -... a uuui nai ,r an.
8, M. Blumauer, of the Sweeney Con-J. th. t.i ... .a atn.
.1 .1 - J 1 I - IUI
i.iruQuw. otiu,, contract In every respect
teroay xor me purcnaae oi wie oufivu i ,. Tastlmonv waa finiahd hafora
mwA , Ka aa 4-t9t sfmm KaacrsaM Vi 1a.
Vn.lrt.onh .1,. Wi.hlnrlnn .tra.t. ! v'"" ""ncill
v. ,r: tna jury, ,
a a f Ann Wa. aw. - r a A A al a. -
on Washington street and la Improved
With two-story frame buildings, now
occupied by small retail stores. ; '. ,
' " ftlnitad Press teaae) Wlre.1 .'
Albany, N. Feb. 8. The senate con
vened today as a court to try Jotham
P.1 Allds, who succeeded tbe late Sen
ator Raines as president pro tern to the
state senate, on the charge of having
accepted a bribe of $1,000. It is alleged
that the bribe wa. paid ln 1901 for the
purpose of . killing a bill designed to
take the work of repairing highways and
bridges out of the hands of the county
boards and lodging it with tha state en
Allds was elected to the lower ouse in
1898, and In 1901, when ths bribe B
alleged to have been paid, he was chair
man of the ways nnd means committee
of the upper house. , Senator Ben Conger
filed the bill of particulars agalnt
Allda, alleging that the blrbe wa paid
to Allds by Hiram Moe. - - .
Promptly at It o'clock tonight Jthe
uninese ox tna city via Degm tbe cele
bration of their new year. Fireworks,
greetings and good cheea. will prevail
for two weeks, and the joss houses
will be the. scenes of many religious
ceremonies. . .
The year marks tho second year of
tne reign or the new emperor. For the
next three days all Chinese business
houses will be closed, and no admit
tance except to owners. . Early Wednes
day' morning tha religiously Inclined
will begin making calls upon one an
other ln their homes, where tha greet.
ing of tha new year will be extended.
Tha head of tha church will appear ln
each home, and leave his blessing for
the coming year. . All will pay devo
tion to the new emperor. , . '
All Chinese are decorating their
places, - and tha sacred lily has . been
growing for several weeks. All men,
women and children this afternoon be
gan wearing their brightly, colored ori
ental garbs,, and getting ready, for the
Poor Appetite
i tunitwe Kress Lasea wii.i
Seattle, Feb. 8.-The ateamer Cyclops.
bound , from the orient . to Seattle and
Tanoma. haa bean wrepltAl In tha ItnA
1 ndicates Weakness of the StOm- Sfa near JUd"' ocordIng to meager ad-
. t ' i . Miieo.uf . m Mercnanis ex-
Rcn nerves wnicn ; control the chn'' &' today, no details are ob-
r?c?r fn fnJ Ta "" A tainabla. Seattle men are known to ba
GeSirC I0r rood. . It IS A SUre Included tffthecrew. ' v
sign that the digestive organs nJMn!?
merchandise. .'
need of
gold Erarrwhera. : la hoxmt 10c. sd 25a,
Orchardists See Early Spring.
(8ppll Dispatch to Tae Jonrnsl.J
Hood River, Or.. Feb. 8.--The hnen
weather of tho week has caused tha or
ehardlsts of Hood River to plan exten
sive pruning. Large forces are engaged In
cutting the superfluous branches from
the trees. The buds on the apple trees
are beginning to swell, and every Indi
cation of spring is at hand.
Special Election at Salom.
(Salnra Buresa of The Journal.)
Salem. Or., Feb. 8. A special election
wlU ba held in Salem on Mondav; Marrh
?8, for the purpose of annexing east
and south Salem. A resolution to that
effect was adopted by the couhcll lasl
night and election notices will be posted
by City Recorder Moores at once. -
. "' 1 i in "i ini bji .i.... ii ij "V:-"i-f 1
For Assay Office at Los Angeles, :
Washington, Feb. 8.--Tha senate has
passed a bill providing for the estab
lishment of an. assay office at Los An
geles, and appropriating 120.000 for sal
aries of officers and employes. :' The
house has not yet passed the measure.
e Salt Lake, Utah, Feb. 8. That 4
4 no attempt will be made to hold a)
the Jeffries-Johnson fight lnthis
State was practically certain this
afternoon, when Tex Rickard .
e and Jaok Oleason began a con- 4
a ference at which the. -final de- e
tails of the big battle were to be
semea. - x , , i , 1 . .
Rlckard premised that after 4
the meeting late this afternoon
no wouia issue a signed stato- 4
e . ment setting forth the terms of ,'
e ina agreement wnicuv he t and
4) Gleason reached.
a - This statement will include t,he 4
auuuuuceiiieni oi ina place wnere 4
4 the fight will be held, and it la 4
4 pretty strongly believed . here 4
inai it oe in Han rancisco. , 4
4 .;-v-zr:----?..i.J-r:':?
In talking of having the a tank a cut
off, is going by the steamers in tha
east, wnicn are propeller tugs and are
made of heavier atuff so that thv An
not neea any omer support than their
own rramea. . .,
The mayor does not understand the
situation ana does not realise that ln
order to lower tha stacks tha hogposts
and in soma cases tha pilot houses on
practically all of . the steamers on the
river would hava to be lowered. In or
der to do thla the boats would hava to
d reouut wun Heavier timbers and that
would give them so mucn weisrht that
they would be unfit for -use In many of
me waters in wnicn tney run."
: V v'v -vV'L How Boat ZS Built.
.'Captain Graham went on to -say that
on the larger steamers a space of at
least nine fert Is necessarv fm- tha
rreignt room, 7.1 feet, for tha cabin, . 7
feet for the Texas and when tha tUot
uuua im set into tne latter at least at
reet is required. To that must be added
about four feet for tho hull above the
water, which gives mors than 30 feet aa
necessary for the - whole structure, so
mat it wouia oe impossible to pass un
der the brldo-aa anvwav.
, "If wa could .get under the bridges
we wwild," said Captain Graham, "as
xney are as much of a worry to the
river men aa to -tha publlo at large. We
hava to manouver our boats in order
to get tnem tnrougb the draws and at
all times we lose much valuable time
in getting tlirough the river. ,
"Another nolnt to take Into eohsldrtra.
tlon la that If tha bridges were cloned
at certain' nours there would be ay lot
of boats : waiting to get through and
when they finally did open the n.onia
who did not get across while they were
closed would sot be certain when they
coma get -across. ina neonle cannat
afford to hamper the harbor traffic -as
thafia what has made tha city and the
harbor is well crowded now." . . , '
practically every prominent - hotel In tha direct primary law citlsena of Seattla
city. 1 unacKieion is a cattie man rora
Pendleton, while Powers is a, sheepman
from Heppner. .. :. : ' ,
tJo!tad Prase Tsed Wtrai'
El Paso, Texas, February 8. Charged
with operating a simple flimflam game
that would not hava deoeived even an
American village constable, tn which ha
Is alleged to hava obtained 160,000 from
tha Banco Jalisco at Guadalajara, Mex
ico, Poblo Tordl, a Swiss, wss delivered
to tha Mexican authorities today, yordi
are voting to aelect their party candi
dates for city offices. Tha election
will be held on March 8. Interest In
th primary law has been keen and ths
different candidates hava carried on a
vigorous spellbinding campaign, whloh
at times has been market by extreme
bitterness, especially with reference to
tha-majority candidates. '
Tha ' Republicans hava three candi
dates in the race for mayor A. V.
Voulllon, H. C GUI and Ben R. Humes.
The Democrats will make their choica
between two candidate O. T. Erlck
aon and W. Hickman Moore. On tha
av of tha primary election tha cam
paign managers gave out statements
was arrested here June- 11, J908, and r t.W,,w,a
v.l .,.ltlnn n.n.r mrhlrh I OI BUCC6SS. .
wa w vmi.. ...... .. .. .
It Is alleged that Tordl, 4 wmi em-iiAflrJI l-l-l-v: t-flH
ployed by the Banco Sonora of Jlermo-j v . 2: 'Jll. ..,. ...,
slllo wrote to the Banco Jalisco that a SFTTLIMR FSTATP
customer would call -with a letter of I , . , "
Credit which the Banco Jalisco should Another session on th question of
honor. Yordt then presented the letter I f., of .... ,n 1hm xxr n xi ...
himself and received the money, accord- tata was held before Judra W.h.tar in
the county, court, this morning. C. A.
Dolph took tha stand to give a history
of the work involved in settling the af
fairs of tha estate. He said his firm
has received 2000 as attorneys for tha
executors and 82000 mora la asked. .
Northup & Northup hava asked 84000
ing to the charges against him.
r?t..f - tiM. 1.1 VPIm V
Oaxaca. Mexico. Feb. 8. Trooos were Uof their services, and this he said Is a
dispatched today to Petao, a town near rair ree. xna neirs ara objecting to tna
tha boundary between tba states of allowance of additional' fees, contend
Oaxaca and Vera Crux, to quell an elec- Ing that much of the'1 litigation was
tlon riot that had its beainnina in a needless and brought about by disagree-
duel between Supllclo Martlnea and Juan ment among tha attorneys themselves,
August in. . Seventy persons hava beenjwnen tnere waa no disagreement among
arrested for participating in tha affair tha heirs as to how ths .will ahould ba
and are In Jail. The municipal president construed. , -
of Peta? was injured during the rioting. I . - 11 s" 1 1 -
The local authorities are powerless to I C. E. Rllnier Goes to Ashland.
cope witn Itie situation. . I . (Salem Boreas of The Journal.) I
The .duel between Martlnea , and! Salem. Or.. Feb. 8. Charlea A. Fo-
Augustln was the result of election dlf-1 gleman yesterday suoceeded C. E. Minler
ferences. Fighting became general when I aa official stenographer to tha Oregon"
the people of the town, took sides, with j state railroad commission. Mr. Fog la
the duelists.
Tilt Sdni or tha Rawer?
p4a me! I saw a bnge and loathsome sty,
wacrein a uruvc vi wauvwuig swine
were oarrea.
New Corporation. v
f ftaVm Riira.u tt Th. Jnn.n.1
poraUon have been, filed in tha office l 0" banquet shocked the nostril and
01 tna secretary of state as follows; r " woe eye;
''Jj'"- ; Cat the'' ..'
Original ! Genuine -
When - arraigned in . the municlnal
court this morning upon a charge of
obtaining money under false pretenses,
Amy EL Parker pleaded she was tha vic
tim of loan sharks. The woman was!. i T.,r.ntinn nnv i,t.i
arrested at Tacoma. She admitted rrr j"
ruwiug trnmey on- ner noasehoid furniture,-
but said she understood she waa
giving a mortgage Instead of a bill of :
sale, as has been exhibited by the I'oul-
eon-Radcllffe Realty company. ' v j
ine woman further explains she bor-'
rowed 8200 and Was clyirged 81 a1'
month lntereati Tho; rurniture . unon '
whloh she secured the nionev was nneri '
by herself and husband. He deserted 1
ner and ana was without funds. The '
realty jjeopla showed the woman had :
given two mortgages. Preliminary
hearing was waived. Tha case will go
before tha grand Jury. , , '
The woman attracted tha Sympathy of
all in the courtroom, as she recited her 5
story of abandonment, and of her strug-'
gle to keep the wolf from the door.
When she could not leave her two smalt"
children to go out to work, there was '
no bread In the home, and it was this
which forced her to go to tha loan
Sharks. When the Vm
Into tha woil, its chances to live were
av rau mai .11 was placed in an incu--bator.
The child grew and was later
taken by tha mother. -
Mrs. Parker says she fiad" to choose r?
hetwAAn Iparltnn. a Ufa nf 1 . ; Uv
' Tate Charge of Hotel.
' (Special Dlaoatch to Th. Journal.) .
Junction City, Or., Feb. 8. F. E. Gar-
trell and wife of Los Angeles, experi
enced - hotel people, have taken charge I been appointed judge by Governor Ben
son to succeed 11. K. Han no, resigned.
man is from . tha Northern Paclflo of
fices In Portland. Mr. Minler goes to
Ashland to accept tha position of court
stenographer In tha first Judicial dis
trict, tha former stenographer In that
district. F. M. Calkins, having reoently
Hard coughs are bad enough, to be
sure. -But it's often the little, hack-
. ing, tickling, persistent cough that
means, the most, especially when
there is a history of weak lungs in
the family. Whatshouldbedone?
E' ' ' , ; Ask your doctor. He knows. Ask
rdarPrf lHI OT nira about e formula on the label
I UfiaUy II Ujg of every bottle of Ayer's Cherry'
11 Pectoral. Ask him if this medicine
Q rfhjprl has nis full approval forthroat and
U? UU lung troubles. Then do as he says.
J- O. ATXB COMPANY, low.ll. Vm.
., luuifwuuii, wniupa- cipal orrice, Newberg:
. ... ... -x., ..,,i incorporators, U. N.
l amlrr!ninsStomach and Liver Tab- N. Britt and N. C: Christen
ifin a iruu ana you will oe pleaaed With 1
' Fir Tree Lumber company; principal Then spoke a voice, Uehold the sonrc " A A I "aT TT f IV At I T f
ff ice. Portland; capital stock. 82.080,.; of lard!" ! t ; iaf4Esal im 9 i fisji
I flea, and taw afield that seemed at first f j. J
j One glMenlng tnaat of rosea pore and UtflCt&VU tttUUlUCtl&S
fJuiiiij.iMi" nr -r'"',mr ,--
-a. : tilt
the result. These tablets invigorate the
etoniacn and liver and strengthen the dl-
I .-t!rn. . .. , ... , 7- . . ..- ;
000; incorporators, James B. Ketr. Omar' T Aw., and a..(tMllialwiwl.Rn
v. i".i.vt:i miu urea tu. AaCVJUlIOCn. -..
jsewoerg Apple Growers' union; prln-
capltal stock,
The Oldenburg Fruit and DeveloD-
ment company; principal office, Port
land;, capital stock. 820.800:
tors, L. Oldenburg, O. R. ponnell and G
Witidew buds 'rnM dark green folkge-T
Ana, as l lmeerea o'er tne lovely sight,,
The summer breeze, that cooled that
1 - M. t
5topered, Behold the toiuce of ' I PT'IlMiston'HORLICK'S
fist in any OiIV Trus!
Take a package honaa
... v
well ; be stronfl. You cannot if vour bowels are cnnstinatoH Tha h.t 1.
.v-u.s vi Biiawn mori-.-. ...... dmi. .n ......t.i ... . ; ... .T ' ' : v w
gage ner goods. 1 She chose the latter' ua, vcgcuiuic. vs. your aocior u ne agrees Witn US. Do aS he says.
" u'lOMi uu iu first loan was so
heavy she had to ask for the second
loan from another firm. The interest
kept her little treasury depleted, and
the sale was the final result.
Deputy District Attorney Fitzgerald
roughly scored the money loaners for
meir memoM in pursuing the woman
and attempts to get her. furnltura
Mrs. , Elizabeth.; Cam nhall Wllann
widow of John P. Wilson, has begun
suit In; the circuit court to; quiet title
to two lots. 'in Sellwood 'purchased by
her from Jav H. tinrnn ao'
property was - owned by Peter Fisher,
who 'was for some 'time a ward of the
sold after hl
death. ' '
A small sum remaining after the
claim of the countjr was paid,- was sent
to Mrs. Katherine Fisher, widow of Pe-
ter Fisher, who is now in Colorado. The
ohject of the suit is to quiet title against
mmm rsryunn
all the heirs of Fisher.
- aU