The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 08, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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Actor's Work in "Merchant of
Venice" Appreciated by
a V the Audience.
. . By E.-t , . . , :
That then are those who have for
: rotten their erstwhile favorite, Louis
sjatncs. and no longer "Jove their Shake-
upon, waa ' evidenced by tha email
.Audience at tha Bungalow )ast night
. Tha same dlfficultloa that bweet tha
, play Sunday night Interfered1 with thi
, auccennf ul performance of 'Tha Mer-
chant of Venlca Inadequacy , of caat
and Inattention to detail.
Thla splendid comedy la made u, of
opeeohea. every word of which la aflame
swlth the electric glow , of varying
, thought In the court acena every chord
in-tha wholt gamut of human feeling
is atrurg . .The fire of the Jews hate
la a fierce as a flaming furnace, while
rortiaa apeech on mercy la aa gentle I
and aoothlng aa the coo of a dove.
To. bs Jed through ,heae llghta a.d
shadows of human foiling, to ace tha
furloua Shylook wither under Portia's
I lowed to go, an appeal that' waa ilka
the wall from a cliarnel house all this
-relieved with the delicious comedy of
M I flrHAnr TV.,, I n A V irlidii la m raw
elation In human emotions that the limi
tation of no performance can obacure.
Louis James" Shylovk la not a worthy
successor to hi a Cardinal Wolsey. His
Bhylock is extraordinary for, Ita dra
matic ardor rather than Its technical
polish. However, Mr.' Jamea entered
fully Into the spirit, of the part and
the grawplng, exacting, and yet withal.
Pitiful old Jew lived in tha fleah. There
wore momenta wwn ha lacked dlrnltv:
Mr. Jamea la not the kind to fall full
length upon the stage successfully.
Ono ot the best things hs does is his
psrtrsyal of anguish over the lose of
hla daughter In art I, and In tha court
srcn, his Ignominious retreat, barring
hla stage fall, la accomplished .with
credit. .
' The burden of the play Mr. "jamea
carries alone. Miss Aphle Jamea gave
promise or an interesting characterlsa
tlon of Portia In her-Initial scene with
Nerlssa, but 'the picture oulckly faded.
Her Portia lacked sincerity and dignity.
and at times, Miss James' mannerisms,
particularly in tha court scene, smacked
strongly of . burlesque, ' , . ,
But Supt. Taylor Confirms Re
port That American Express
Co. Will Open Here, '(;
Five new enterprises durlns- tha n.xt
few weeks are scheduled for Bend.
While he denied reports that tha com
pany has lessed the ground floor of tha
Merrill building, Seventh snd Oak
streets, for headquarters. O. C. Taylor,
superintendent of tha newly created
.western division of the American Ex
press com psny, .officially confirmed
statements telling of the entrance of
ths new express carrier Into the west
ern field. . .' ,
The Pacific-Express company, which
has handled ths express business on
ths Ilnss of the Oregon Railroad St Navi
gation company, Oregon Short Una,
Union pacific and branches, wilt quit
thst flold. The American Express com
pany will tsks over Hs business, and
also that of tha Wells-Fsrgo Express
compsny on the Oregon sV Washington
between Portland ft Puget sound.
With ths beginning of operations on
tha Pacific cooat by the American Ex
press compsny, a through express ser
vice from coast, to eoaat will be given.
In all probability Portland will be se
lected ss one of ths four cities of the
west In which district headquarters will
ba eatabllahed. ' Mr. Tavlor. whn (
ataylng at tha ifotel Portland, denies the
report that tha Wells-Fargo and Amer
ican Express company Interests have
combined." , . - i -1 ,
"I am here to make arrangements with
the railroad companies preparatory to
beginning operations," si Id Mr. Taylor
todsy. "I cannot ssy, at this time, as to
about what data wa will take over the
business of ths different lines for which
ws have contracted.
"We have not yet selected quarters In
portisnd. Arrangements for such will
be left In ths hands of a general agent
who will be appointed for Portland. No
one has been selected for tha position.
."I cannot aay If wa will establish
headquarters for one of our four west-
srn districts In Portland. I am work
ing slowly. There Is much business to
bs transacted." . :
of gorfs death
Medford; Boy ' Was Popular
' ' 1 ll'lf ' SM ' ' ' I r' "" .'
. wun uassmaies; rresi
dent, Campbell Talks.
Milton Esrle: , The acressw nlanted to
strswberrles this year la so much larser
than ever In tha past thst with favor
able conditions It Is estimated ' that
there will ba at least 10.000 cratea (a
be shipped. .. , - i , .
Harney county people confidently ex
pect a railroad within IK months.
(Special Dlapitch to The Jon rail.)
University of Oregon, Eugene, Feb. I.
News wss received yesterdsy of tha
death of Clarence Gore of Medford.
Oore was a- freshman In tha university,
and last fall wss hazed by the sopho
mores at the beginning of tha year. It
wag reported hare that aoms of Gore's
friends not familiar with the ctrcum
atancea had attributed hla fatal sick
ness to tha hexing Incident
Tha belief prevails here that ths hex
ing had nothing to do with Gore con
sumption, as ha Is said to have contract
ad tha disease before entering tha uni
versity. . " " ' ;
Some of ' his , fellow freshmen, who
were based with Gore, ssy that as he
appeared, weak ha waa not roughed by
the aophs and that practically the only
stunt he wsa made to do waa to make
a apeech. tiore left school a week be
fore the Thankaglving recess, and it la
said worked tn a draughty room packing
apples In ths cold weather. This gavs
Mm a severe cold and hs did not return
to college. ' ,
i Gore did not cherish any 111 will
toward the sophs,, and was ana of ths
hssed students to Intercede In behalf of
ths four sophomores who wers dropped
from college. . . , . ,
President Campbell's Statement. ;
When seen yesterdsy relative to ths
death of Clarence W. ' flora, President
Csmpbell said:'
I received word yesterday of ths
death of Clarence . flora. I bad . not
known of any serious Illness, although
hla father wrote ma under data of Jan
uary 10 that his aon would not ba able
tc return to college on account of 111
health. . He had been In college tip to
the Chrlitmas holidays snd had not
as fsr as I know, complained of Illness.
He was steady In his work..'
"flora was one of ths freshmen, -who
were hssed by tha sophomores at ths
opening of college In September, 1B0J.
In the Investigation that followed that
Incident flora told ms personally he
had suffered no Injuries. ,.- . '.' . ' .
"lis treated, the mitter lightly ' and
Interceded, for leniency toward ths
sophomores.''-;.'' ;: .'.." ?. ;
"If v upon further Inquiry any new
fsCts seem to warrant; an Investigation
of it certainly will be made. But at
present I do not believe that there Is
.Lincoln's Birthday, which falls ' e
on Saturday, February J J, IS not
4 a legal holiday in Ort-icon. Neltli-
er Is It a federal holiday. . ., 4
, Borne doubt was full In the-
4 minds of government employes 4
ss to whether or not congress
- had declared the day a holiday.
Investigated tha atatute allowed'
that February 12, 10, being tha
centennial of the birth of tha
martyred prealdent, had been de- 4
S clared ' national holiday by ,
S congress, but the rule does not
4 hold food for other years. . s
. ','
' , Candle Stsuls Blaze. ..
'A csndla In tha basement at 435 Esat
Thirteenth street north, lest evening
started a small blase,,,, Tha damage .
about 115. ,', , i- , ,.:
Journal picture coupons are appear
ing on page I every day. The flrat one
waa printed Monday. Pon't fall to cut
them out v...,' . e k
sufficient 'Indication of any connection
existing between tha , basing and Mr.
flora's illness to Justify a formal in
qulry." : " : . ' 'V'" : 1 ' "
Artistic PictnreFrsam
Portland Agents Warner Corsets
Valentines Ic to 55.00 Fourth Floor
Men's Cravenettes--Re
r - - -- i ii ! , i
$25 Values $14;85
Light : weight rainproof ' C6ats, full of ' jsty'e and
value; 52 inches long, one quarter or one naif lined
with good quality Venetian lining. -New models with
military collar; come in plain colored fabric! or
checks and stripes, tang, grays and dark olive shades.
Made by the best New -.-York producer! and are
strictly hand tailored garments.: Reg- &" A QC
$25.00 vals. Pick Up lale price, each. iplftsOtJ
Spring Top Coats V Price
For Wednesday only we offer all of our spring .Top Coats at Just'
half the regular selling price.' This includes tan coverts, lined with
silk oe serge, black Thibcts and unfinished worsteds and fancy IA
nuxtunes. Keg. prices range from $15 to $35. I-or Wednesday "sf
Pick-Up 35c Veilings at 1 6c Yard
A large-assortment of neat face Veilings in 'many shades and fisf
meshes; teg. price 35c yard. Special for Wednesday Pick Up Sale J-Ul
Pick-Up $ 1 .25 Underwear at 89c
Worn cns Knit Underwear in medium weight garments, vests and QQ
tights; sazes 4, 5 and 6; regular $1.25 values, Wednesday Pick Up OaC
Women's Harvard Mills Corset Covers, silk and wool, high'neck, OQ,
long sleeves, sizes 4, 5 and 6 regular $1.25 values," Pick ; Up price" Os7 L
$2.oo Drawers 98c
Women's Drawers, made of cam
bric or muslin, trimmed with lace,
embroidery, tucks and flounces;
made with fitted bands; $1.75 to
$2.00 values; special fox. the QQ
Wednesday Pick Up . sale, sVOlf
SI Corset Cov's 59c
Women's Corset Covers, made of
nainsook, , lawn or cambric and
trimmed with , lace, embroidery
tucks, beading, Tibbon, etc. Reg
ular 85c to $1.00 values; tQn
special Pick Up price each tliC
$l5o Chemise 9iBc
Women's French hand embroid
ered Chemise of good quality
French percale; very dainty gar
ments that sell regularly at $1.50
each; -special for the Pick QQ.
Up sale, price only, ...;. SOi
yisit the Food Fair on Fourth ITIobr
No such opportunity has ever before been afforded Portland housekeepers to see
and select from a complete line of the best grades of pure' foods and to have their
merits explamed to them. Twill be a revelation to some women to stroll through
lu: e j.u: j i .
Women's and Misses' Coats
Values to $20.00 at $?35
A, clean up of several short line! of womerfY and
misses' Coats in broadcloth, serge, cheviot, kersey
and tweed materials; colon are black, navy, brown,
wine and assorted mixtures: Jonff models in semi
or ugnt mting styles; plain tailored or
this exposition of good things to eat; and learn the good points about the various
pure food products being shown here. Thoroughly informed demonstrators at each
booth to tell you about the wares, thousands of free samples to show you how good
they taste, tastefully displayed exhibits to please your eye, and good music by the
Meier & Frank Orchestra to entertain you Be sure and visit the Pure Food Show
velvet braid trimmed; Values to $20, each
a huge clean up Bale that takes in over a thousand
.Suits and etlects many grades and styles. Regular
prices run from $15 to $45. For this rousing ef
fort to sell them all . quickly we divide 'them into,
six lots, and mark:tbeirt at oricea ridiculously, lour.
; The ' materials are broadcloths, serges, i tweeds,
cheviots and fancy mixtures. AH the best style!
ana colorings; pncea as follows
Women's and misses'
Suits, $15 to $20 vals.
i;$ 8.88
Now Buy Ranges on the Club Plan-
- - - - - . ......
PAY $1
Women's and misses. 5"f A A CT
. Suits, $25 to $30 vals.; 4.I:0
Reeular $3$ to $40 d1 0 A r
Suits, for this week at vlOaO
Women's and . misses'
Suits, $20 to $25 vals.
Women'! and misses' G"f fiET
$30.00. to $35.00 Suits" iplDeOD
Regular $40' tp $45 d"f Q A C
Suits, for this weelf at vJ-aefitl
Come at once and leave your order if you want the range or stove you may select sent out this
I Pick-Up Women's! g2 Cloves 31.39 and-Cape Gloves m tans and' assorted colors,?alI sizes, r (Pt i QQ
arid 2-clasp styles;' Bd regular $1.75 and $2.00 values, special ipletJa
w-i'"f!fAJ,'''--liy!.'-i.-i.'. .rrji .:'..'.: . -
week. So many are taking advantage of this remarkable opportunity o purchase good stoves at
a low price and on the easy payment plan that we're overwhelmed with business. We cannot Jake
an oportiinity never before presented
Ihe high-class book
Affords Portland book-lovers
to obtain hicrh-class literature at a minimum cost.
trade of this city has never been so well provided for as in this colossal
sale. You only have to pay about one-fourth the regular sub
scription price ;, and find books here that are on sale in no other store.
15c Envelopes 4c
Pick up rare bargains on this odd lot
of Envelopes tomorrow; 5 and 6 inch
'sizes; regular value 15c for the pack
age of 25. Special for tomorrow A j,
only , ti
Fancy Box Paper, fine assortment,
many artistic designs; 25 sheets pa
per and 25 envelopes; vals. to OQ,-
50c the box, Pick Up price . eOl
Paper Doilies,-a combination set of
75 Doilies of all sizes from 6 to 12
inches in diatrietcr; regular 75c "1 CT
I value, special Pick Up price.. . J-vl
Paper Napkins,-in many artistic de
signs; regularly 50c per 100; 00
special Pick Up price siiOl
Crepe Paper in 10 foot lengths, beau
tiful iloral patterns, reg. 25c
: package; Pick Up price special XUl
75c Neckwear 23c
r '-.'' 1 m '
Broken lots of women's Neckwear in
stock collars, rabats, jabots, Windsor
ties, etc.;, regular values up to OQ,'
75c each; Pick Up price, ..... smOC
Women's Neckwear,' hand embroid
ered linen collars in assorted sizes,
I to 2l inches high, various QQrt
styles, Tegular 75c, values at... OOL
Post Card Albums
50c Values at 23c
These Albums are regularly worth 50c
each a special cleanup for the Wed
nesday Pick Up sale. Come in rcd
blue, black and gray, hold frum OQ -200
to 300 cards; special at.... aSOC
WrvrrYn'e ffrvm ftk J' rUt " J Ia.' ;Lrt.i tlf'
orders for these stoves and ranges over the telephone. Please come to the store and make arrange- I lines,: sizes and ' colors? regular' $1.50 and $1.75 value! t'S s pair
ments tn person
as soon as
Tson. Select the stove or range you wish, make the first payment, and we'll send it out I AI TTMTIM1T nAv ic v iut?An tvrt.r
possible. Come at once, -so that you may give us aU the time you can to make the de V WEAR. NOW
livery.. Remember, there is no extra charge fof the accommodation of deferred payments. Just
take the range at the regular low price that we sell for here (and our prices on everything are al--'
ways the lowest possible) and pay for it in a way that you will find very easy, v Heating Stoves as
low as $18.00, Ranges as low as $35.00. See the window display, Fifth and Alder. Pay $1 week.
Six Stirring Specials
in Umbrellas -Read
Our entire stock of men's and women's Umbrellas at
rices which mean great savings to prudent shoppers,
le prepared for the balmy showers of sarins'. ,-Have
an umbrella that you know is rainproof, and save much
On the regular purchase price. ,
Huge assortments m all grades, colors or black, rain-
Taffeta, silk, etc., handles in
proof covers of Union
an endless variety.
Regular $1.25 to $1.50 val
ues; special now, QQn
at, each, . yf . . s70l
Regular $1.75 to $2.50 val
ues, spec'l aow, flJ-J AQ
at, each ....... aJ)Xert:a7
3.50 val-
Regular $J.O0 to
ues, spec'l now
at, each .......
Regular $4.00 to $5.00 val
ues, spec 1 now 11 QQ
now at, each,; . Vl5ee70
Regular $6.00 to $7.50 val
ues, spec'l now AM QQ
now at, each... VTteOa
Regular $10 to $15 values,
special at,' now JT QC,
each Df ee7tl
Men s $1.50 Golf Shirts 95c
Coat style Shirts, made of white madras with attached cuffs, or blue chambray with
pleated or plain bosoms; also in fancy figured designs in plain or pleated bos- QC,,
oms; new spring styles; a lot of 400 dozen; $1,50 vals. Special Pick Up Price.', DC
Men's Wool Underwear in broken lines of all style and grades, regular values AQkn
up to $1.50 the garment. Pick Up price, choice..; tal.
Men's Silk Neckwear, also men's President Suspenders; ties in flowing end or. French
fold effects, latest four-in-hands, regular 35c and 25c values; Suspenders always T7A
50c the pair, Pick Up price, 3 for 50c or pair ,.... IlC
Pic!t-Uft oi Wbmeh
An unusual special for the assortment Is' made up of
Onyx and Wayneknit brand, fast color Hosiery, ; in
large assortment; light, medium , and heavy weights
with double heels and toes and extra wide top, some
numbers have white soles-; fast black Cotton; OIA
regular 35c arfd 40c values. Pick Up Sale, pr. a-OL
Women's Silk Lisle Hose, fast black with lavendar tops,
double heels, soles and toes, extra fine,' light A
weight; 65c values, during Pick Up Sale, pair..; TrsC
Next Monday is St. Valentine's Dav and th'oie of -rem whn nnt T tMv.
ing much longer wilK have to be content with th sMer
earlier purchasers. Now we've a full assortment on our fourth floor
post cards, amusing valentines, ' clever valentines, and very handsome
ones.-' Better start choosing riffht awav. . The nrices run fmm fx t? m
35c Scrim 18c Yd.
A Wednesday, Pick Up bargain on
1200 yards of printed Scrim, in fancy
, border effects and allover patterns,
good .colors such as brown, green, red
and tan, 40 inches wide, 25c "I 6n
value; Pick Up price, ,.; XOL
Ruffled Net Curtains - i'a white ; and
ecru;, a : lot of 500 pairs for . this
Wednesday Pick Up special; these
are all made with full flounce and
finished with neat insertion and edge
to match, 24 yards long, 45 inches
wide, regularly $3.50 pair J-j QfT
Special Pick Up price, pair P-Lee7eJ
50c Kerchiefs 17c
Children's Hose, fast black, extra fine . silk lisle with
Double sole, Onyx brand; a regular 35c grade, OP
special Wednesday Pick Up Sale, pair V. . j swOC
$6 to024 Candfelabrums 12 Price
Silver-plated or Brass Candelabrums, in many. styles" and gradesr a great cleanup to
morrow for the Wednesday Pick Up Salt: . ; ,
Regular $6.00 values at....:. f3.00
Regular $7.50 J values' at.'.; 93.75
Regular $8.00 values at I', .'.94.00
Regular $12.00 values ' at. ,';..f6.00
Regular $15.00 values at". fT.50
Regular $20.00 values, at........ .?10.00
Regular $24.00 value special ; g" o nn
Wednesday at , vlseUU
Regular $10.00 values, special (IP fA
Wednesday, at .,....'.:,. VtJeUU
r-i pleasing Oriental effects and flofal patterns, size 9x12 feet; reg- fl1 O ftt;
ular $20.00 values." Pick Up Sale price. t7. ,pit)eyi3
A great Pick Up. special on Lace
trimmed and initial Handkerchiefs;
regular values to 50c each, f rr
Pick Up sale, choice, each :y X 1
Women's . , Handkerchiefs, i special
broken lot of initial and novelty ef
fects, in embroidered designs, colored
or white regular 35c and 40c OO
values; Pick Up price, each. ;. -iOl
Mussed Kerchiefs, a , broken "assort
ment, Swiss or linen materials, plain'
or colored bordess; regular "I f
25c values; Pick Up price,' ea. XvC
Sale Men's Gloves
$2.00 Vals$39
A Pick p special on Men's dress"
Gloves, in wide assortment of styles
and shades.. .Imported French P.-K.
tan in light weights 'for spring wear
and Jbngiisn ' hand sewed ' tans for'
I driving.
the pa
r: ., Regular price $2 fl" "QQ
ir; special at, pair.,. vJ.e0i7