10 THE OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 8, 1D10. LXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 to Kxrunaaa - . FOR ' , ITrHTLAWU 1'ROPERTT. l!Tto li acre, richest of noil. fins fruit land, ft seres finest of piling tlin-l ter. only 4, mile 19 town on vrrgoa Ji.i.fl rlo line,- . " IuUihi i'O acres, exceptionally- rich I all in high etate or ciuiiveuon. 11 mlli out, on Mli at. Una, right at nation. Will exchange for ' Income liiopcrly up to $10,000. 1440a li arrra. flna Improvements, j.mm soil, all In cultivation mile to Rredvlll. Mortgage $240d. at per . rnt Trade nmiilv for liouaa and IOI. $650010 acres, 3- year- old Ungllah walnut tnil standard aimln trees. uooe Bungalow, flna large barn, at I station on 4th at line, ii.miin euu win ukn ttaoa in Portland nrouertv. $800040 acres, very fine apple land, I nil In cultivation. mil to o. . iy station, new choolhouso across road. l.rand new Improvements and 2 county! roails. I $3i00 20 acres all (n cultivation, flna at.ul. land. mill to H V. K. R. ata- ion, atare, flouring mill and school-1 lions across road. Take honia In Port land. . . 82000 10 acres In good fli timber, wood worth $1800. fin fruit land, only 4j mile to atatlon on B. v. it. ., acnooi nd atora dose. $600030 acres at Donald on Oregon T.p( rlrt Una. IS aures ready for plow. 500 corda of wood, 2. good sets of runnings, wood win pay ror propenj. lionise and lot In Portland. SHOEMAKER JNV. CO., . 627 Henry bid. FOR SALEFARMS 17 mm Farm Bargains 18 Acres R mora acrra cleared and S acres easily cleared, balanca In green timber; 40 corda wood cut and corded: J (food wells, 5 room iHiiiae, Rood burn, chicken park and necessary outbuildings, fenced; fine berry patch, confut ing or loganberries, raapberrlea, strawberries and other fruits; thin place la Hlluated 6 ml lea from Vancouver. 40 rods from electric line, 1 mllo to country town, on main count v road and la a snap at $2600. Sec this at our expense. 18 Acres 6 acres cleared and 6 acres more easily cloared, balance. In green timber; 49 corda wood cut and corded; j good wella. 6 room house, good barn, chicken park and neeessary outbuilding. Tented; flna berry patch, consist ing of loganberries. mnlurriM straw herrlea and other frulta! EXCHANGE MISC. OR "SWAP" COLUMN S3 $i:S Reed-French plans cheek for pony and row, or lirst payment on acreage. M-4QQ, Journal ONE or two cowa and good 3 seated buggy to exchange for carpenter work. Addresa Mt, Hoott lumber Yard. VoI'LD Ilka to trada A-l talking ma- rhlne for good organ. Portland mo nograph Arency, $60 Alder, riANOLA to exchan perhanglng or cciuan thla place Is altuated mllea from ancouver 40 rcxla from electrlo line, i mile to country town, on nl".n.un,y ro"d- " nP t I2B00. See thlM at our expoiisa. Thompson & Swan , CITIZENS- NAT. DANK BLDO. VANCOUVER. WASR, 110 tD 8T, l"OHTIAND, OR. UOMESTKAIJS BUSINESS CHANCES 20 ORKUON timber lunda offer the beat "Suite 819 Merchants Truat Tilda;.' investment In the country. Wi can 'HHICK ROOMINO HOl'8K." purchase for you claims now being pat- $S00O Sacrifice. 43 rooma. $6500; nted at prions that will Increase two 4000 -will handle; TA'aaht at. leaao. fold In three years. Smaller Investors I2$0o cash, , 7 rooms,. 6 years' may purcnaae our Block at Itoo per I waae, vvuen. at , , - . share and participate In profits pro I 12300 Terms; . 40 rooms, close- In rata. ' . I lease.- The O. A C. K. R, lands afford a great! f 1604-r.Ternis; robin house.' lot (Ox oppormniiy to inoae wining to Decome I loo. larn. etc.; nejsr canine, . ' bona fide settlers on the land. Two I fDOvo First-class ' saloon; 'lease million acres are onen rlaht now by act I years: fine location.'" i - ' -. of aongreaa to actual settlers st 12.601 I 00 launch counter. Jan. sales $1100, ier acre. i nera is no reason wn v any i irsne. porsin di-alrlng a claim should not go , , , , T r. , out and take It. The land la thers for J, C. Keed I. JvCed you. aa a her! lure from the nation, and I . " - . - actual aettloinent for tlio purpose of ap- Jl0tlCm KeallV ' CO. uioni iniuiH s, i i.ini r siinnn, ana aui- , .., Room 607 McKhv Illdg - for rooming houses, proDerty. Heed has ,.. ;: n. t Pricea ana terms to suit an prevf St yoHtnm Si Ing the lanit y"- Mf" , , .' u ware of locators charging feea for fll-1 WAN f partner with 13000 In best brick lug uHi'itHs applications not nasea i 'u ' proposition on coast; nave n on m lnul aelllement. nallroad la ai:rea ciav. aiae tracxa. cnnaD wood con- contcstlng Us obllgalloff In court, but I tract ana ueat brick man here; this will will .doubtless It compelled to Hell. I pay in per cent on your money ana Complete Information on all llm- gooa salary to experienced stiff clay ber land matters. I brick man; prefer experienced man,' but ORKUON TIMHER-IIOL,r)INT t-O.. cxpnence not essential. M-403. fournal. S14-I7 Lewis bids.. 4th and Oak sts. FO"rTnKNTrKoelk.cated store.' aulG HEU XVANTEI MALE DHESS.MAKIXC 40 Ing In building up the countjy. will en- If yoU are looking 1 title you to a doed at the price fixed -J ?j '"'I" '"fv1 b," r".".-d Jl'Hi !? SS5 a " prices "and WK can locate yiu on 20 acres of rich Itihd in H. able for grocery or aeneml merchan coveriimcnt land In H. K. . Oregon, In I diss business, with five llvlna rooms. he section atout to be opened un by I and hath above. Warehouse attanhod. he II 11 1 and Harrlman llnea and afford-1 In Woodlawn; rent reasonable. I'hone ng the bent opportunity left in me ij.imsi t6, or call room 40S Bwetland (0 get a iinmesieao; our ege.ni nas i oing. been. on the ground four years, knows he country thoroughly and leavca with FOR fiALU Saloon and grill; good corner, close .i.'ii iLt nmn.1 Febru'ry ,( In. good profit, fine fixtures go with ii LJ b.1 handles It. This Is a good buy. 14 Scond bt. 401 KWKTLANO JtLPO. B1u.tlZOnLl0u"!.. ? P't condition, kitihilf .??m- dl'''"Jt room, bedroom kitchen snd pantry dnvmii r k-' ' r: rooma and bath upstairs and 4 acres llt'mSlSHSL e' trUndi r'nt mt "tlon. tle'tr"" n.nt work. R-I01. cars p.. door, about 70 mlnutea from WANTED REAL ESTATE ill Portland: fine terms. cnicgen bouse, I20OO; SO acres, alt el,t ... . . .' WANTKD City property, vacant or Im-1 timber; room houae. barn7 granary . proved acreage In small and large milk bouse and chicken hnLF tracts; we sre selling property right In 4 compartment a; over 100 bearina lnn anil ha mora rllnnla than walanne ' . ."earing bave suitHtiie rroperiy: rive s a . 6HOKMAKKR INV. CO... til Henry bldy-. i ws apple, cherry, walnut and peach treea tr"L ?IhP:1 "nl ""rrrlea; well at house 1)111 VAi hnmesleHiiM adjoining.. 2 ad Joiiiliig fine land as there is in una monk county UoOMlNc) houau. 10 rooms. A-l furni- turei fine . enrnets. clearing 175 pr TIIRKB fiomesteads adjoining, near I'"'" L!""," linn I m.,A ln In. """J.' ""' ih, vi wm unn ivh, lUBjIl tviiwi n,,u . In lu In, 1A1 1A,k - We ran locate you In Lincoln. Kla math, Xlalheur, Harney. Lake, and Cook counties. DAVIS ft WKTKAMP. (10 DKKt'M HI.IH1. Sn-XTIAL rates given this week to par WANTED Able bodied men for the U. S. Marine coron. between the ages of 19 and 85; must be native born or haveiferson, ni'sr Ud st, rirst papers; nicnithly piiy 15 to ; additional' compenaatlon possible; food. cunning, quartera and medical attend ance free. After to yeara' aervloe can retire with 78 per cout of pay and al lowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at New Grand Central hotel, Portland, Or. Bookkeeping, KAHTtRN dressmaker, experienced cut ter, UHKlKiitiiK. alteration. Z4 Jcl- Drivate tuition In bookkeeping given by an accountant. 801 Merchants' Trust bldg. 8tli tt Wash. HU I WANTEI) FEMALE ; 2 WK will give steady employment 1o ' three ladles: renlv In own handwrit ing, witn ' references ana pnona 'num per. j-vi, journal. , NKAT woiiuin for houMCWork lu plafn family; must wash and Iron; . good wagea, 25.' Mrs.' y, Hupprlch, Fremont atatlon. Mt. Scott cor, 4 Diiwas west. . WANTKl-Ladlea for telegraph aery-tce;- easily learned, private or claas In.t.tinl Inn, Ami m i .i xiAn I n v flrMnn College, i 6th, near Oak. ' ' AT ONCI'. bill HT WAISTS. 76c; skirls. 12.60; Prin cess. (5.00 and up; work guHrantecd. Main 7Yfl. ; 1 i FLlt.MSHEI W EST SIDE . HOTEL PRKSLIN. !2H Washington. Cor. 11th. , 8team heat,-hot and cold water, baths, nicely furnished rooms, 13 per week up; transient rates lYftQ up Four (41 bright lady dem onstrators, (fall . Jno. W. Kchleyer, room . Hotel Arr Morrison. Lrminius, cor, 11th and WANTKD-r-Young lady for baths, mas - sage, manicuring asrd chiropody par lor. 11-407, Journal. ' i WANTKIV'trst-class girC cKUlng and housework; ' Jewish family; $35. HU iouls. 4HH Washington, ; Main n.t, AUDITOllllIM hotf.i, 20 H 3d. near Taylor; clean, warm rooms; f 3. 50 week up; 75o day up; transient solicited; convenient and coin- inrinoie. r i I'OUiV room houHekeeplug apartments', aiao two Jarre rront rooms, niueiy rur nlshed and steam, heat; fre phone and light. Vailuuiont Hotel,-W. Park and Yamhill sts. HOlSEKEEriAG ROOMS EA3X WIDE ; 48 WHOLE lower floor, 3 nice, large, light, cli-a.ii rooms with pantry, fireplace. bath, gaa, sink, hot and cold water, steel range, gas plutti, yard and basement; alHoaril.je. 2 rooni suite, 231 K 6tllst. ' FPRNlSliKU lower floor In prlvats home for rent to neat reliable parties, adulta only; no dOK". XS7 Oregon aU, between t'nion and (Irond aves. ' A WOMAN for general housework. I in family; food wages. A-IS73, 687 West ftlH'llMOn. 1 ties locating on 120 acre homesteads FOR SALK 10 room hotel, altuated on nth St.. near Union depot; long lease, clearing $lu0 a month; price $500; rent $.'0; good reasons for selling. Apply ii in st. k. Light grocery, cigar FOR Sale or Trade and confectionery r,iriii i onii , j , iiirirr iiiiiii v,m In I.aka and Crook counties. We have city property, close to carllne; will pay locations on the coast, relinquishments difference. For particulars call 267 121.0 up. Vlmnio &. Runey, IS Hamilton Yamhill at. . M?jt. FOR RF.NT. 4,600,000 relliKiulHhment, In rnldsl of Restaurant,' completely furnished. heaviest timber In Stlets; good house near courthouse; rent for building and and furniture: if taken this week, ItiOO. furnishings. Including water. 7ns Marnuam bldg. Main MM. reters. 16 in. ntr at tVmi cArtA. "boum of a mllo from i "I fvu, lerma. X Want a KOOminff-IlOUSe Ws taM ,m, t and 10 acre tracts, win exchange zo acres oi irun inu sou; an cleared and ready for tlow; In Goodnor Hills; price $1200; also hsve bat few minutes' walk from electrlo 100x200 lot, ft room house; rent $10 per ear, Hear Vancouver, right In the her month; price. $2000. What havs you of the. fruit, center; on easy terms in offerf J-40J, Journal. See us easy terms. for prices and terms on lots ," . i vr rwm iiuiiio, iiiwa, ituru- i T,,i . ' " " . m tsii jois ern and reasonable In price. Can pay 1 Ti" tracts in tne new townslte H . cash. Holladay or lrvlngton pre- ri.-vi lim,on ncouver carllne in I Clarke rnuntv MURPHT A CASWELL, 280 Stark St. A COUNTRY HOME. ff-rrcd. Obliged to move March 1. K- am. Journal. 'WANT cheap lot on the Peninsula or in Alberta. Agents or owners. Par ticulars complete In first letter. 11-010, Journal. 'ANTK1 Lot In Sunnyalde or Haw thorne, ave., from owner. Answer nulrk. as we mean business, 418 Swet 1 WILL buy' from 1 to 4 lrvlngton lots moV eltCMa rallwaJ'- i or ennn. ii price is ngot, irom owner only. ' K-898. Joyrnal. It k.. "r.r" P,afed to orchard and 9 room " &"h.W W ',h f " th" 'uraltur." good mile from Woodburn school. WANTKP Lots In Swlnton, Fairport. Kenton and adjoining additions. Ad clress N-40B. Journal. -LIST your property with , , A. J. GANTNER. ' 18 Hoard of Trade Bldg. 3V& acres. 1 Apr A rlsnrat 1 . ... i verdam balance slashed, gbd house' barn. ehlirnhn,... , ....ut, cm, trite 1000. We have avf inn ..n , I m . . . piiiKu silll irr. WANTED To buy 4 ':k ln Upper or ' wVaM 'J-Ji J' C,OBB to Portland Lower yOblne, give price and partlc- p.n nd on easy Payments. vUrs in first answer. R-409, Jmirnal. "woODBukV ORCHARD CO.. INC. FOR SALE FARMS 17 4h '"JTrt bJd5- rtnd,. . . tn and Oak Streets. In a Fine Ranch -' " -35 Acres S5 acres, alt under fine state of cultivation and an elegant loca tion; land lies level and fine black soil; m acres of bearing orchard and S acres of apple orchard just , coming In .bearing,; 2 good wells and running stream, all fenced and cross-fenced; good bam with 2 good sheds; fine I -room hoilse, . .good chicken hmise and 2 chicken fiarks, snd outbuildings; IS acres n crop; 10 acres of timothy and clover; balance of land ln fine pasture; l mile from town and railroad: 2 miles from Forest tlrove and electrlo line; personal property, fine team, Studebaker wagon and 2 sets harneaa, spring i wagon, buggy. McCormlck binder and mower, rake, 2 plows, harrow, . cultivator, fan. mill, scales, hay fork and out fit, blacksmith outfit, ', cider mill; all small tools; 2 thor oughbred Jersey cows, 4 dosen . thoroughbred chickens, all for . $$700. Terms, $3200 cash, balance rer cent Interest. . Thompson & Swan CITIZENS' NAT. BANK BLDG., VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON, i and 110 2D ST, PORTLAND, OR. and Oak Streets. KKKKKKKKKKKKKK iv SO acres. SO acres set nl a i.- K winter apples and English walnuts K iv timber, balance pasture, very eas- K ii y cleared; 4 room house, good K K barn and good fences, 2 live K K Springs and' creek nn nlar. 1 .n.. v ft?m R nJ?, KO town- PHce K I? Jr "cr- You can't duplicate K v Jrv. r' ,eM tnan ,26 Per cr- K I? I , "7 neeaa tne money, and K .uiiiuuiru us o maae a quick sale. K K J. M. KERR A CO. K n. fii HBorv h xr . n. WILL Iwate you oi best homesteads in I A GOOD chance for first-class meat- Crook countv; fee rcasonaDie. rnone cuiier to start at .uraya crnsalng. F.nst 40. U K. Ankeny. Building now ready. Take Mt. Scott car Ufa time for "rays crossing, ask ror J. IL Chap- THE ODoortunity of homesteaders; act quick, land. , (10 Swet- I man. IRRIGATED LANDS SMALL restaurant with all modern working apparatus; located ln fine 42 1 district; good paying proposition; $600. BROWN, 411 COUCH. IRRIGATED LAND. Kr.STAURANT doing first-class bual- Our E 10 and 20 acre auburban farm neas; locatea on wasnington sL; good and orchard tracts are located on the ,MeL,P-t ... sunnyalde of the Baker valley the most BROWN, 411 COUCH BLDG, beautiful and productive valley In the FOR SALE Bakerv, railroad town 1000, nortnweet. We plant and care for or- Willamette valley; modern oven and chards for non-resident owners for rlvo fixtures; Invoice about $000. J-406. years for less than $250 per acre. In- Journal. ... . i m ., v w,7.-".,-v """ WANTED Partner with $1000 to take Land Dept BAKER IRRIGATION CO.. hnaeood business, Si T .l, Maser uiiy. ur. i. .w ; . SITUATIONS for cooks, chambormaids, waitresses. Mrs. Howe s - Ladles Agency, Room 807. 826 H Wash, at WANTED Middle aged 'woman or widow for general housework. 414 4th, WAN1 ED A girl work, at once. or , woman, general ;t iiooa st. HELP WANTED -31ALE 'AND FEMIALE 20 10.000 POSITIONS Tor rraduatea last year; men and wo men learn barber trade-in weeks: help to secure positions; graduates earn $11 ta izb cegiy; expert instructor: tools free; write, for catalog. Moler System OT VOIIereS. 35 N. 4th St.. Portland. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 63 C. R. Hansen & Co. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office, 2 N, 2d St.. Portland. Ladles' department, 7th and Waah. sts., . upstairs, i'ortisna. -I 424 Front ave., Spokane. . 87-8$ 4th st, San Francisco. Established 187$. c HANLEY A TAPLKY EMPLOYMENT V Vaalnlia saka t N. Id st. for R. R, work. WANTED AGENTS TIMBER ZD 9. lant. N-408. Journal. IRST-CLASS meat cutter market at Graya Crossing. to start Building ,000.000 ft. yellow fir timber. In Slletg .I,- ATak; "lf 8frotap' to arW rellnqulanment.can be scripted; Crossing. Ask for J. H. Chapmsn. 000.000 feet yellow llr ln Yamniu coun- fautmkk wanted to tend store, eta tv. verv chenn. i I pay, energetic man $30 week- amnl UAV1B & BumvAinr, in vrmnieui requirea. particulars, 2184 nnminn uri ci.-u T.V1T? ml v Kt I MERCHANDISE stock wanted; will ROOUAG HOL8ES FOR SALEM change $11,600 Income city prope ex nronertv I WANT tu Br.ijj. my i room imusc rerence. W-U71, Journal l liava tuner uumiitH DiRTvro ..j , j better suited to myself. Every room Is VrV" iTe.u XSZr. ,rneg.eoiy rr .wst stsss class, in beat location. You can do It gL"'; . . . M as well as me. x-uj. journal. TEIN rooms A rare chance to step Into a home fitted up ln the most tasty manner; furniture, carpets, dra peries; all first class and new; all rooms rented witn goou puyuig iwiwin, mn, 8-3 4 a, journal. GROCERY store and meat market fine location, aoinr iz& to 140 dally; yours lor foou. terms, im Bwetland K K KKICKKKKKKKKKK K K ;m ideal" c HOME ounthy THE CHEAPEST THING ON EAnTif 14 acres near Oregon City, 6 acres Sltl-' "f,,"3132" ? Btory ni and vmuuuumgii, au gooa river bot tom, 40 rods of river front, boat land- $l50ncashCe' d0e" n0t overflow'' 11600, 40 acres In Clarke county, 2 miles to It. B, town, 23 acres ln cultivation, 160 fru t trees in bearing;, all kinds small fruit, 2 acres green timber. 6 . room house, barn 60x90. chlckenhouse, fenced and cross fenced, 1 wile to church and achool, 2 horses, mower, 1 rake, cider press, cultivator, plow, seeder, hav fork. cash0"" ' 1 bul1, nelfer; 300; 401 S WETLAND BLDG. 40 ACRES, 3 miles from Rainier, 26 acrea cleared: aood house him rn chicken house and fence; aplendld soil! .V. """e iana, mostly level. $500 worth of stock, hay, machinery and ......... iiu.u ftyuun. i i i e e sjsuuv. 160 A. 33 mljes down the Columbia, 120 A., seeded to luMinn it n - cleared, all well watered, house 22x60 wnii up miiB, iruu ana country store. $1000 stock Oi merchandise tana of livestock. Everything for $6800. $2000 cash will handle it. Will take the rest In trade. This is & rare bargain for sumo wius a.w.KH man. IOWA DAKOTA LAND ,CO, 418 Swetland Bldg. FURNITURE 10 rooms, costing over $2000' Ideal nome. rooms rentca; sen for less than half cost, account 111 health and leaving; city. Room 14, Wash Ington Piog. ROOMING houses, any sue at prices to suit; we buy, sen and exenange. PORTLAND ROOMINO HOUSE CO, 813 Henry may. 91 nm vrml furniture: nrlca. $1660: terras, lease and cheap rent; good lo rn tinn mid nroiitBDie nouae. inquire room 14, Washington bldg. TKfJ room house, all full. 1 block from Grand theatre, clearing over $60 per month: rjrice $oo, part casn; snap,, py owner, van ds i. m. WANTED Rooming houae, 10 to 20 rooms, close ln, and cheap for cash. M-406, Journal. ROOMING house. 18 rooms, close In; a anap. Fisner & uiarK, room vit Ablngton. 63 ROOMS, 6 year lease; will sacrifice on account of iu neaun. M-tuo, jour nal. MININO STOCJKS 08 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE FOR RENT FARMS 14 v 10 acres In high state of cultivation. Me-htly, level, very desirable for small fruits and vegetables; within mile of electric line station, 40 minutes to Portland. If you want the best on the market at a price that la right, you will be suited. HOLT REAL ESTATE CO.. Main 8628. 206 Rothchlld. AN IDEAL LITTLE FARM: 11 4 ACRES; 10 ACRES IN CULTIVA TION, 1 ACRE IN BLACK RASPBER RIES, 1 ACRE IN FAMILlf ORCHARD, 1 ACRE IN PRUNE8. H ACRE Itl PEACH TREES, 1(4 ACRES IN CHICKEN YARD AKD PiSTtmis WITH LIVING WATER IN EACH; WHEAT farm, 320 acres, Wasco eoun OOOD PLASTERED 7 ROOM HOUSE, ty; rent for third of crop. McCoy. ON BRICK FOUNDATION, GOOD 4 N. 26th. 6 to 7 evenings, "W" car fiii.1-. .JWWJBK AMU IJKYER; 2 HARN8. 1 GRANARY, WATER PIPED TO HOUSE AND BARN; 1 MILE TO GOOD, LIVE TOWN. ABOUT 26 MILES SOUTH OF PORTLAND. W. J. PMITH. 438 CHAMBER COMMERCE. For Rent Have 8 acres of Al land whm miles of Burnside bridge, on Base Line road which will rent at a very reason- RUFF-KLEINSORGB LAND CO.. ' 418 Board of Trade. FRUIT LANDS 49 ATTENTION DAIRYMEN 1 A BIO SNAP. 80 acres. 16 acres ln 2-year-old New town apples, 1500 grapevines, a big tract -.u-.t l.-i.iii. . nu uuimiuKo, persuuiii property, etc.; IKOOO. ------ --- -r"-"'m linJ". i wooii, ubuuilb o years, , inonth. Purchaser steps into estab lished business. Price $7500. Will not last long. ..BAKER IRRIGATION COMPANY rSii-vi . . . D.I... nu.. We have several small fruit and berry tracts for sale; also ancle land on easy payments. Call or write. WOODBURN ORCHARD CO., INC. Portland 160 ACRES in 100 or 60 tracts, good GOS-606 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak sts orchard land. 40 acrea o!enrf 9nnn , coi ds of timber on good road, near el ectrlo line. One 6 acre tract well Im ; proved; one 2 acre tract all cleared. .iiese are c-argams; must be sold this 1 ro,'U1",'.'" particulars, write Orland .sne", uivoiiam, j. r . u. , rio. ur ' WB Mill" SO ACRES near Portia cuiuvation, ail fine land and easily an acre won't buy-it. For a few day a ear. auto road at Cherry ville, 40 acres perfect apple land, magnificent view of Hood.. One year from today $76 ciearea; good new house, snri h.n enough cedar posts on place to pay for same, $2000; Juoo cask v y r ATLAS LANn rn 420 Lumber Exchange, UNLISTED STOCKS. AND BONDS. Be fore BUYING any MINING, OIL, WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL stock or bond, try us; MONEY SAVED for YOU. For a QUJCK sale, list your stocks with us. Call or write Wm. K. Davidson & Co.. Lewis bldg. . DIAMOND core drilling. Tent borings for foundations, minerals and build ing materials; contracting. S15 Worces ter bldg. Woodlawn 2476. - MINING and Industrial stocks; tele phone and other bonds bought and sold. C. 8. tnetcner. l.n Aoinmon oiag. HELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED Experience unneces sary, ror riremen or DraKemen on near by railroad; aooount increasing business no strike: age 20-30: $80-$100 monthly promotion; 1200 men sent to positions In last rour monttis; send stamp; state age. weignt neignt Railway Association, care journal. WANTED Salesmen; many make $100 to 160 per montn; some even more; stock clean, grown on reservation, far from old orchards, casn advanoa week ly; choice of territory. Addreas Wash ington Nursery uo., Toppennn. wasn. MAN wanted with life insurance experi ence to travel and appoint agents, Must qualify to secure position. Give age. and business produced. .X.-Z387, journal. WE will have two good positions for young men Between 26 and 30 years or age; rererences requirea; reply in own nanawnting ana aaaresg or last era- pioyer. K-4U. journal. MEN WANTED To prepare for rail way man examinations, commence ment salary $800. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept 308L, Roches ter. N. Y. LARGE bowl of rice. 6c; corfee or co- coa with snails. 6c: beans. 6c: best bean soup, 5c: clam chowder with crack- era, loc. owl Kice Kitcnen, 664 4tn. GRADER wanted for the Alblna Home- stead school bunding. Apply W. R. Griffith, room 29. Hamilton bldg., or phone. - WANTED Janitor, must be a married man for a highest class apartment house, with good references. Z-409, Journal. DERBY hats, $3 values, $1.60. Our low rent in basement makes low prices possible. The Hattery, 315 Al der, cor. 6th. BUY Calumet Buena Vista copper stock. 10c share; nothing c-etter. zo Ansicy. IF you wish to buy or sell mining stocks, call on J. B. rurcen. sio uar BUSINESS CHANCES 20 GROCERY store and meat market on the best Street on the east side: doing $90 daily. Will sell at Invoice. To see Is to buy. 418 Swetland bldjr 32 room rooming house, brick building, with 8 years' lease; low rent, clears over $200 per month. Pries $1200. 1 Dill Bl. " BEST business buy in the city; cigar store, news stand and books, xne price is less than Invoice; with lease. Price $660, 14 N. 6th st. 18 room rooming house, on 6th St.; rooms always full, clearing $130 per month; $260 will handle this. Peters, 11) is. bill st. . POOL AND CONFECTIONERY. 8 fine tables, fine location: lease. Oregon Adjustment Co.. 64 V 6th st WE aid our members to secure em ployment. Constant demand for young men of ability and integrity. Special Employment Membership. Y. M. C. A. WANTED Good sober young man to learn driving and repairing automo biles. Apply at once to 62 NT 7th, cor ner Davis. 8ALE8MEN wanted to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock. Outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co, Salem. Or. SITUATION WANTED MALE 3 MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 270 Madison, bet 3d and 4th. Home A-S624 Phones Main S655. ' We will supply you with any help you may need on very short notice. We havs the following male help who want work: 2 Bakers. 10 Bookkeepers. 18 Carpenters. 6 Grocery Clerks. 2 Shipping Clerks. 3 Merchandise Clerks. 6 Offlca Clerks. 10 Cooks, hotel, restaurant and camp. 16 Engineers. 8 Firemen. 2 Electricians. 6 Housemen. 4 Machinists. 4 Painters. 7 Janitors. e Nightwatchmen., LARGE neWly furnished front room, modern; bath and toilet, walking die. tance. $4 per week. Home Phous A-73J6. or call at 427 Montgomery at. t'INfcJLY furnished room, private fam- 11V fltnl I IHI U. n.lolihi-h,iwl (J 1 1 .... n venlences: reasonsble ratca. 48 N.'xiat at., orr Washington. TW'O neatly furnished, rooms, electrlo ngnia. nnone. Datn. nrlvaln rmnilv wnising aistance. per montn. A-189 fvONT room, private family, $&3 week for one. $3 fbr two. 406 Jeffcr son, near 10th. - i 247 H Cthat, room up per weak. TWO room suites furnished for light housekeeping $2.50 per week up: free light and phone K 126$. .860 Haw throns ave. $1,211 to $2.00 week, clean furnished housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, heat. 406 Vancouver ave, Pliona East 60.19.. ' ' ; furnished housekeeping l.nth nhnrtm . rnaunnnlila rnt. 861 .Williams ave.. corner Broad- 1 f l 1 IIF.K rooina for houHckef piiiK ; gas" bath,- hot and t-old water. $12 per month to right party., 427 Webster st. $ NlCKLlf furnished -rooina for light housekeeping; gas. bath, heat tele yhone. adults. 600 Hawthorne. K. 8426. TWO nicely rooms, gss nd bath. Main 7784. a ree phone NICE, .large, .bright and pleasant room 'for rent; centrally located, ii N. lltli cor. nurnsKie. TRANSIENT rooma for traveling peo pie, i diocks rrotn postorrice; j ' " other rooms. 3 11 12th st. tbciiANiM Turntsncd rront room, motiern; use oi piano. SSSVi park st near-jetrerson. TWO nice front rooms, suitable for or a; mooern, reasonanio. 103 l;tn, H Mock from Washington. NICKLY .furnished roonu bath, hot , cold water gas and electric lights, ti.60 tip. Z08 BY 17th at. Main 7D2?. 1WO nicely furnished front rooms suit able for 2, $2.60 and $3 week. 304 Montgomery. Flat A. Wain 7658. NEW ftirnlfWied rooma and un to lu.ia wJth steam heat, bath and nhone: roa. ponaoie raie, noo unsan, THE Templel "343 Yamiilll at; oppo sits Hotel Portland; furnished rooms. j m wwk up; transieni. ' - NICELY furnished room. $4 per week; suitable for two If desired: hath phone and heat. 228 12th st. 2i7 1$TH, off Jefferson Tw6 very Pleasant rsoms. $8 and 110: heat ami cam modern 446 E. EVERETT ST. Well furnished rront room, sultahle for J gents, FOR lady, coxy sleeping room, good lo- cation, i. do per montn. A-7246. WARM comfortable room, clean and homelike. 806 12th st Phone A-3946. A VERY desirable room suitable for gentleman, all conveniences. 847 Halt FIRST CLASS. furnished rooms all out side, reasonable. 414 4th at. TWO nice furnished rooma; heat, bath. pnone. o7tt yamniu St.. $3 per week. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 32 Well -lighted front room for one or wo gentlemen in nrlvate famllv. In. eluding bath, telephone, furnace heat nd light: 18 mlnutea' walk to nnst. office, 1 . block from car. East 2647. FURNISHED room Willi home priv- lllges: will rive breakfast and dinner If desired; very reasonable. . Phone B-1332. or call 1037 Belmont st, Sunny- ins. 1. Stenographer, 6 Teamsters, 2 Plumbers. , ' 2 Plumbers' helpers 3 Pipe Fitters. 8 Pipe Fitters Helpers, 8 Cement Finishers. 3 Blacksmiths. 2 Chauffeurs., 3 Collectors. 2 Chain Men. 1 Civil Engineer. 1 Construction Foreman. 1 Camp Foreman. 1 COrpet Cutter, Measurer and Shads Man. 6 Elevator Operators. 1 Florist. 1 Gardener. 1 Garage Man. 2 Hotel Clerks. 8 Meat Cjitters. 1 Machinist's Helper. 1 Nurse. 1- Presser. 1 Printer. 1 Rigger (derrick). 2 Sawvers. 1 Machinery Salesman. 1. Furniture Salesman. 2 Tallymen. 8 Tinners. 3 Walters. 1 Laundry Man. 3 Men with teams. Common laborers, farm hands, mill hands, loggers, concrete men, etc., can be furnished promptly at all times. LARGE well furnished room, gas. bath, o anon squares rrom nurnsioe Drnige, It month. 27 E. 7th. Phone H-1295. i . A W t 2 ii! til rnl nHw1 t'rmm If... liAii.a closets, , modern; corner - Morris, 622 Delay; ;. I L 'llVlL-lll.-l 1 ..I. walking distance, adults only. 20 r.sst Mlxth st North. TWO nicely furnlslred housekeep'.n rooms; water,, gas.- wooa. pnone. E. 80th N. Phone East 4066. - FOR RENT HOUSES WHEN you move youl! need new fur.' nlture. Buy Judiciously and your sav ings will eiceed moving expenses. -' ' Our NO-RENT PRICES msds us ens of the largest furniture houses ia the , city In less than two years. A Lookers shown asms courtesy as buy . ers. MORCTAN-ATCTILET FURNlTURB CO . Ursnd ave., cor. 10. Stark it' - East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver Cars , - . pass out door.- SEE1 our rental list furnished and un. ' furnished ln all parts of city;- . $35. lovelv home. Piedmont: new.' : $20, modern home, Mt Tabor; new, $15, elght-rooin. bouse, Laurel wood; rood home., '.-, ' ; $30. six rooms, completely furnished; close In; splendid. .; - Other's equally attractlve.i OOP! ARD CO., 616 Board of Trade. 1RVINUTON BUNGALOW. ; , v Seven rooms, every convenience,- up t Ihe minute. Fine location. 289 East 28th North. See Mrs. S. E FJske, al. E. 28th N. Phone Enst 848, FOR RENT Modern ' room house; sightly; 81st and Ellsworth sta; one block from Richmond car. Inquire next door. 27 Ellsworth. $16 For rent; house and barn. Inquire BZ K.- 15tn. St. . B.. 4'nones; oeuwvuu 104; A-4465. ' COZY 4 room bungalow, bath, fireplace. electric lights, wood shea, iio; H mock from- car. C. H. Thompson, 128 8d st. FIVE room house and woodahed. East 26th St., $ a month. Call 1011 Eaat 11th st. North. . - ' FOR RENT Modern 6 room -.cottage, convenient to the Swift Packing plant Phone week dava C-1770. East 4364. $15 New 6 room cottage, bath,, electrlo -e link, . V. ii ). ni l.n WOOfl 1330. Phono Sell- nlce new 6-room bungalow on Portland Heights, only $26 per month. 41$ Ore- gonlan bldg Main 7064. 18.00 7 room house, 1002 Mississippi avo.. hot and cold water, natn, electric lights. Phone A-2213. 605 McKay bldg. FIVE room cottage, gas, bath: 622 E. Salmon. Inquire of owner. 127 1st st. or phone East 4640. ndeoendent Laundry Co. phone Main $m. A-io$$. SEVEN room house for rent $20 per W. ITIIRNTSHED TtOOMS 10 !TWO or 3 unfurnished rooms, west side. HOTELS 04 month. 697 Madison st Inquire Luts, 454 Jefferson. $10 month, neat, clean, 6 room cottage with barn, at Stewart's. Apply Jewelry store, 686 Washington st ' ' ONE 6 room flat In good order, $16; 1 T room house.' plenty fruit and barn. $i. 743 MisFissippi ave. UPPER floor of 6 rooms, flat. bath, out slde entrances; barn; South Portland at 600 6th St.; $18. A-2048. HOTEL PORTLAND, only; 12. $6 day. FOR RENT asre, with 2 room house, at Montavllla. . Owner, Arleta. Box 306. FOR RENT 6 room house. E. 9th and Kuropeaa P Everett. Inquire 706 Powell st. BELVEDERE. European 4th and Alder. ROOMS AND BOARD 13 WELL furnished room, bath, light, mod ern, private nome, witn ooard. 652 Morrison between 17th and Chapman. Main 6222. ROOM and board, clean private board- ing house: home cooking; $4.60 per wees, zaa im. ipin at, ROOMS with or without board; modern home, strictly home cooking, v 8 E. 6th st N. ROOMS with or without board;- also i housekeeping rooms. 293 Union ava 1 m cl.v tj -ci -nr.. 5H0TEI 627-631 HOOD IT. ROOM AND BOARD. 4 MUNICIPAL mil iwimwm mmi 270 MADISON, BET. 3D AND 4TH MALE AND FEMALE HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE MAIN 3666. A-6624 SMALL room with board. $22.60. 3a. Tne Hollywood. ROOM and board, 653 Washington st.i sa.iiu per wsen.t For gentlemen. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS "WEST SIDE ENGINEER, stationary and locomotive. wanes situation in plant or mill of from 100 to 1000 horsepower; do own repairs and show best reference. M-404. Journal. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOLS, SCRANTON. PA. REED & PIERCY. 311 McKay Bldg. Phone Marshall 697. ALL kinds of ranch help wanted; also 3 lady housekeepers. Inquire at the Madras EmDloyment Office. Frank H. r ratt, prop IF you are not making $176 a month and have ambition and Integrity, call lat 219 and 220 Commercial Club bldg. I.,.... t. . V.1 , f. .1,,. hn WANTED Party to help inventor se cure patents on automatic trip fen der for streetcar. Never fails to work O-405, Journal SITUATION wanted, strong young man. nanay at most anytning; worker, not afraid of pick and shovel. W. G. 1309 E. Madison st. FOR excavating, lawn clearing, plowing, etc. lawn 2467. grading, lot Phone Wood THE SUTHERLAND Newly furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold wa ter, electric lights, - gas ranges, free bath and phone. 16th or W, carline, corner zun ana unurman. A-4174, Main 2036. " , 1 38 N. 21ST.. off Washington, one two room suite for housekeeping; all nec essities, iurnisnmgg an new: light bath, phone, gas for cooking. Also one large single room for two gentlemen. MODERN 7 room house for rent, right in Bunnysidfl. Call phone A-7149. - NINE room house, 17th st.' $12.60 month. Inquire 628 Irving st HOUSES FOR KENT, FURNITURE FOR SALK 33 WANT A COSY LITTLE FLAT? ; $100, $40 cash, $6 per. month, buys the furniture of a 4 room flat at Wil- liams ave, and Knott st. Rent only 115 Scr mpnth. Range, 3 hole.gaa plate, edroom set, lots of dishes, all car peted, linoleum on kitchen floor. THIS IS A CLEAN PLACE; hot and cold water, bath, gas. etc. Call room 14, 303H Wash. St. Phone M. 6571. FURNITURE of 6-room modern cottage, rent $20. one room income nays rent. $76 down, $10 mo., or. trade for city lot. Call 101 10th st. FURNITURE for five rooms; rugs, cur tains. pictures, dishes, wood, eta Rent $10, .paid to March. Going;. east; snap, $160. 1486 E. Everett at. $376 cash, furniture of t rooms, good condition, paying- business, rent -$30: wish to move to own residence. 649 Vs Morrison. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, 2 b montn. 3 tor iz; lurnisned cot tage $16, $27.60 lower flat: 4 rooms $16. 364 26th N.. "W." car from depot, 3d or morrison to zotn, oiock nortn WANTEI!-. Pnaltinn hv firm olooa watchmaker: can furnish best ref- !$L75 erences. Z-402, Journal. CLEAN neat connecting suite of house keeping rooms; .bath, running water, gas; private home, v 402 4th, hear Har rison st. - ' 1 CARPENTER and builder; new or re-pair- work; day or contract Phone Woodlawn 1236. - WANTED Partner established busi ness, experience unnecessary. $160 to $300 required; investigate. 226)4 Wash- RESTAURANT n the heart of the city; Ington, room 417. rent $17. including water: if taken at fciuTirn vs.,,nD once 1200. cash. Peters. 15 N. 6th. ' VervJce; easily0' leVrned. private oi class instructions, day and evening. Oregon College. 83 6th, near Oak. IF you can . Invest $200,, which will be well secured, you can obtain a good, well paid position. 219-220 Commercial Club bldg. SALOON handling the most popular peer; good location, trice isdu. n N. 6th st $3600 VALLEY income property to ex change for stock merchandise: give or take cash difference. W-040, Journal MT. Main 3610. HOOD LAND CO., 711 Rothchlld bldg. $7600 160 ACRES CLOSE TO THE lSCHUTES R.Rj MA IN IR? I "Hither Hood" Apple Land 30 acres, 7 miles from O. W. P. line: R irtl Ad ft A A A RIOATIKO DITCH its lorn iiTTllVJi. '"""J SL&iK MtgHood LanS company, 711 rfothchild rB'Pa PF $100 cash put. you ,n possession of lS rar-o - K-l 1 . . cere" of fru,t Iandi 3 miles from R 10 PER ACRE below value 3.67 acres, R- 6 per cent interest "on balance. Geo Close in. 10 minutes' walk frnm A. Hnurk. nwnr 40 l .kk. ueu' ,.o.....i.. .1, j-v-, ".r;rrr " "" ... -. ., Mn,,. i v.rr tira level, price 1 io va.uv. V...-V.UI v. vfion, . 4 iiiuec nave - a few hundred dollars this week, what-evt-r It cost me. . N-407, Journal. i 1 4 AdRES, ' waterfront Alsea - Ba v. ' S i miles, town, team, wagon, ha'rneas, inrtwer, rake. plow, harrow, hogs, cows, separator, household goods, tools, phone. $ &(. particulars, terms, Charley Webb, Waldport, Or. 15 ACRES famous Rorn H, ti"v. ooutnern tiregon Land Co.. 30 Lafayette bldg. ' WANTED Young man as -partner; will teach business and chare profits. 326 Washington st., room 417. $150 Established business, good rro- fits, spienaui prospects, living rooms. cheap rent. J. a. stone, tents. BEST apartment house of its size on west side, raying iz per cent on in vestment. Price. $17,600. 108 4th st. BARBER shop slnd confectionery and room house and 4 lots; a snaD. 46. Dllley. Or. - ' . - Box BUSINESS corner, paying 12 per cent on tne investment, r isner & Clark, room n.i Auiugioii. RESTAURANT Fully equipped; for rent; o per montn. t:au ijridge Ex change. Front and Madison. HOMESTEADS 47 320 ACRE homestead land locations for $0: locations guaranteed or money refunded. Address E. D. G., Hotel .Chris man. Silver Lake, Or. - iv -v acres nan v imorovea: come 1 wm irk in.-i.tu. i,. v it vn.i . ., - I t. !;".,,"?" near . V-;. , " '""I" : . -. itt -w, jt., vioee to railroad. - It tveulnga. t I W. B, HARTLEY, 411 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Milk business route, horses, wagon, harness; close to city. Inquire 227 Front st. - ROOMING HOUSE wanted for cash; must be in good location. Room , 8, 262 Washington. 10(W business cards. $2; 600, $1.25": 200, 7BC. os uty fnntery. I3ay,8d st BY owner, 8-room boarding and rooming itouee; 11111m soia ir Sf iiw. s2 f tn FOR SALE Market restaurant paying . business, 203 hi Washington st i PIANO player for road engagement; one who can do vaudeville turn preferred. E. C. Marshall, Electric Hotel, Oregon City. MEN to clear land for Portland lots or team. McCay. 864 N. 26th, 6 to 7:30 evenings. yy. car. WANTED All kind of copying to do on typewriter; prices reasonable. Address 667 Williams ave. Phone East 8818. PER WEEK Comfortahlv fur. nished housekeenlns- room: nhnne. light, gas for cooking free. , 448 Colum bia.. .-. ,---',V -.. . THREE connecting rooms, homelike, , central location; also single house keeping . rooms, very reasonable., 246 Jefferson, near 3d. ' DESIGNERS and builders, new or re pair work our specialty; day or con tract. Phone 01781. YOUNG man employed during day wants work of any kind after 6 p. m.,0-406, juuinai. - . . YOUNG man going to school wants place to work for board and room. M-401, Journal. ' , TWO and 3 room suites, completely fur- nished for housekeeping, , $2.60 and 83.60, 246& - N. 17th. Msln llSl.' ; 184, Sherman. South Portland, tl.hv week up, large, clean, furnished house keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bath. FURNITURE of 6-room flat, private boarding house, modem ln every re spect 188. 12th. 6 blocks from Fort- land hotel. ; SNAP Must be sold, furniture 'of - 9 rooms and all rented In housekeeping suites; rent $30; price $300. 817 Board of Trade. FURNITURE of 11 rooms, excellent con dition, rent $50; 9-rooms, rent for $111: $600 cash, balance terms. F-402. Journal. FURNITURE of 6 room cottage for sale; rent $22.60. Call 90 10th st Cottage close in, near 12th and Wash Ington sts. ..'-'''" 1 . -; 7 ROOM house to rent and furniture for sale. A couple blocks from Grand ave.. T-408, Journal. PART furniture of 10-room house for sale; house for rent; close ln, 2-406, - Journal. A-471. ' FURNITURE of a 17 room rooming house for- sale; good location, long lease, all fun; rent only $65. Call B-1896. FURNITURE of 7 room house for sals, very 1 central. cheat), rooms nail oc cupied; rent t.'iO. Phone owner, A-3813. MARRIED man wants to rent or take charge of a ranch. Phone East 3353. HATS cleaned and reblocked, 6O0. The Mattery, siu Aiaer, casement pj. e. cor. 6 th and Alder. - CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call- fornla Wine Depot 285 Yamhill, next w juurnai. . - MAN wanted to sell tea and coffee good commission cald. - cn mt mr' JfUCIBUIl OI. vAMi.lJ Men and women, desiring homesteads in Oregon without v., vuc.i,. VV71 111 Bl. 1 . - MAKE money corresponding for news papers. Particulars for stamp. Syn dicate. Middleport. N. Y. r" pyBER wanted. 795 First st. Icor, WANTED A food man to do a boxing stunt. N-401. Journal. ooxmg WANTED Men to have their shoes tmil' nwiCT, iui uwu.-. zn ST. WANi'fc,D-rFirst class saddle maker. sx. j-k xv.uijH, i issues, (jr. ; SITUATION WANTED FEMALE 4 MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT -BUREAU. 270 Matlison, bet. 3d 'and 4th Hsnie A-6624 Phones Main 3565, We will supply you with anv heln vou may need on very short notice. We, have the following female help who v want work: , ' : FEMALE HELP. ' 3 chambermaids. 4 cooks, hotel and camp. is women ror aay work. 2 housekeepers.- . , 8 nurses. . 6 cashiers. - t - 4 office girls.' - ' v 2 clerks. - ' . 4 bookkeepers. ( k , 3 stenographers. 4 waitresses. , . 1 seamstress, . '' v - 4il Alder, near business; comfortable! reasonable, gas range, bath, phone. Call early. Phone Main 4598. s. THE COLLINS, 603 Alder, neatly fur- nished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; phone, bath, central location. ONE . nicely furnished housekeeping room and 2 nice sleeping rooms for rent. 108 12th St., near Washington ' NICE coay housekeeping rooms in one and two room suites. , 492 Clay. Main 6342. Mrs. C. S. Ogsbury. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clenn and cheap, $2.60 to $S50, 372 First Bt. rouiiff mum 4?;iu S3! Main. cor. 7th.- nleasant ' In? Site'XTKa.r5n8;e, running water aim win. nv uiiiiuivu. v NICELY furnished, modern cottage, just papered and painted, rent of one rosin pays expenses; nice home. ' 846 Clay,- 6 ROOMS, completely furnished, heart of city, rent $26. ', For Information call 88 10th st, 1:30 to 4:30 only. HOUSE for rent. 6 rooms, fine locality. furniture for sale, $150. corner 12th. . - 434 Harrison, FURNITURE of a 6-room cottage, right downtown; 1 room rented. Phone A-6671. NICELY furnished flat arranged in two housekeeping; suites; reasonable. East 4980. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 WIDOW woman with 4 children wants -.washing at home; also will do house-work.-; Mrs. Fillips. 849 E 2d st A- GIRL of 17 would like position as nurse girl has had -experience. Calf Woodlawn 464. Address 673 Borthwlck. EXPERIENCED i piano teacher , gives lessons. '60' cents. ' Snecial' attentinn to ncginners. ltetercnces jNiiWtji lurnisned -Housekeeping suite irasuimuiei itee pnone and ' bath. CAMBRIDGE building, 3d and Morrison" st, furnished for housekeeping; very desirable. Apply room 36. - - .- , 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, electric light bath. 428 Hall at.- . . . ... . NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms cheap. 1 414 6th st. ' SUITE and single front housekeeping rooms, near 16th. 608 Alder st. TWO I nicely furnished housekeeping ; ,. r. . . . . 1 n r , a.l . . iwiiib IVI trio, .TU avtll- Si GERMAN lady-wants 2 Steady places MITCHELL Housekeeping rooms: light gas: moderate. 7th ft Flandera A-407S Main 641 5. HOUSEKEEPING slid sleepin turnisnea conypicie. er. 1; for dsr work Tuesday and Thursday. I ONE set of light housekeeping rooms k Main 6427, room 2. . - x, ' for renti,-131 Market st t eeping ronmi -186 N. ldtfll St ' WELL' furnished cottages. $16 and $27.60 ' month: furnished housekeeping rooms, suites $8 to $10 month.-' Apply 864 N. 26th, "W" car from, depot, 3d and Mor rison to 26th; block north. - - NEW modern, 7 rooms; new oak furnl- ture; on Hawthorne ave.,v close In; reasonable rent. Call at 291 Glenn ave., Hawthorne car. - 1 . .; WELL furnished cottage, 4 rooms. $20 month. Apply 364 N. 26th; W. car from depot on 3d, or MorrlBon tg 26th, block north. - - , , -. . . COTTAGE. $12.60. two people; $15 for ' four, 'Mt. Scott car, opposite Baptist ciiurcn. Arieta, or. TWO room cos nished, rent sv home, completely, fur- -svw $15. E-402, Journal. -IV FOR RENT FLATS IS FIVE" room flat, west side. $20 ' pet ' .months 372' first" t. Phone MaU - 1 T ROOM flat, bathroom arid furnished Key is upstairs. 821 Corbett st I i