The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 08, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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    Arnold'a Infant a9 Goods, IVI erode Uir
derwear, Standard Gcwinn Machlnca
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The Wednesday Hourly
until It has become a
high-grade merchandise of all kinds at extremely low prices -Thls is
strengthening our foundation every Wednesday Plan to spend the , day
From lO to 11 A. IVI,
Sale of Johnson's Naptha Soap
Special Seven Cakes for 25 Cents
10 to 11 A. M.. tomorrow,' Johnson'
Napthi Soap, Queen of Borax, for the
laundry; the only naptha oap that may
be used in ' hot water; special OC
for one hour only, aeven cakes for
Boys' Regular 75c Caps for 39c
10 to 11 A- M tomorrow.. ShoppinHr by
the hour is profitable pastime.' Boys'
Caps in plan and fancy worsteds; ' fray,
brown and . blue and , fancy . mi- OQj
tures; -values, to 75c, ,Vspefil tat OJC
$1.00 Lace Curtains 69c the Pair
10 to 11 A. M. tomorrow; don't' fail to be
among the busy shoppers. cru Lace
Curtains, panel borders, fancy centers;
our regular stock values at $1.00 CQ
a pair, on special sale at, the pair vv C
Women's $5X)0 Shoes $2.29 Pair
10 to 11 A. M. tomorrow we offer
12 styles women's Shoes, regular sizes.
Patents, black cloth tops, short vamps;
kid toos. walking lasts; trunmetat-calf in
button or blucher; dongola kid styles;
j.ou, y ana J yjiucj, mi, psir..""'
15c Ruching Lengths on Sale 5c
10 to 11 A. M. tomorrow, 15,000 lengths
Ruching, all widths and colors; enough in
each piece for a collar. Don't fail to lay
in a supply of colors; values to 15c r
each; one hour only, collar length DC
From 11 to 12 M.
Watch the dial--stay m the store all day,
Ladies' $3.50 ftose at $1.98 Pair
11 to 12 A. M., ladies' black embroidered
Silk Hose. "Onyx," black, embroidered
instep; sizes to 10; 1 regular values to
$3.50; on sale during . this &il AO
hour only, special at, the pair '51 fO
Women's $4.00 Pumps for $2.49
11 to 12 A. M. tomorrow the Shoe Store
will " cell ankle' strap Pumps, either pat
ent or tan, welt-sewed or hand-turn soles;
1800 pairs;', values to $4.00; 0 AQ
on special ; sal at, the", pair 9mk7
$1.75 Umbrellas Only $1.10 Each
11 to '12 A.'M. tomorrow, a great sale of
men's ' and : women's h lisle, ' taffeta and
rainproof serge Umbrellas; good steel
frames '5y with i heat handles; djf in
$L75 i values, special f (or t Only 9 1 1 U
$1150 Petticoats on Sale at $1.00
11 o 12 A: M. Watch the 'dial, shop by
the hour all .day. Women's Gingham Pet
ticoats pleasing styles, in blue and white
stripe: regular values to $1.50; M AA
on special sale for only at, each . f JuU U
Regular $1.50 Valentines at 39c
Uto 12 VA.:-M a great sale of high
grade Valentines; choose now and save
much. 250 of the newest creations, latest
subjects; values ' , frojn !i 50c ; - to.J n
$1.50; special for this hour, each dZJC
$1.00 French Mirrors at 65c Each
11 to 12 A. M., for one hour only, we will
sell French Mirrors, in '. a special' good
grade of. glass; our regular $1.00 lead
ers, : on : special . sale r for one CC
hour ;ony, t i. . this " price, : each : U7C
ii mm u
, ... ... ....... i
Sales continues to be i the premier trade event of
serious problem how to serve everyone promptly
From 12 to t F M.
Sale of Hudson-Fulton Capes
$12.50 Values Special at $8.55
12 tn 1. Werineadav. th new Hudson
ruuun vapci, wunicn una luisica site,
very popular styles, all the new wanted
colors; .regular, $u.SU val- ro CC
ues, special for one hour iO.JJ
$1.25 Underwear Special at 59c
12 to 1. Wednesday, the Knit Underwear
Deot. offers ladies' fine duality wool and
cotton ribbed underwear, medium weight,
vests and pants, small sijtes CQ
onljj values up to $1J25, special w 7 C
60c Corset Covers at 19c Each
12 to l Wednesday, women's Knit Corset
Covers, fine quality silk and wool, wool
and cotton, and swiss-nbbed: sizes I, A
$ and 4 only; small sizes only; f Qj
values to 60c. special at. each 17C
$2.75 Swiss Curtains for $1.65
12 td 1 Wednesday. Shopping by the
hour is a profitable pastime. Ruffled
Swiss Curtains, checked and figured, with
hemstitched edge; values C
to $2.75 the pair,, special lJO
Pierceless Earrings 39c a Pair
12 to 1 Wednesday; watch the dial; new
bargains every hour. Pierceless Ear
rings, in pearl, jet, coral, turquoise, etc
Our regular values to 5c eacn; DQ
special price for one hour only wJC
12 to 1 Wednesday. During this hour, we
wilt give a pair of Rubbers free with
every pair of men s or women s Shoes
sold at resrular price from $3.00 up. A
pair of Rubbers' this" hour only, FREE
25c Yard Ribbons Special at 5c
if 1 W.r1nrlav in1v. ruMa and tnr!s
n DiKknni wirttha ttn tn A inrhia! vr
shade,' in values to iSc a yard; on spe-
ciai saie ior 11113 uuui vmj i uio, l
low price of, yd. take advantage wW
$1.25 Centerpieces at 73c Each
12 to 1 Wednesday afternoon, t great
Ciean-up OI wimc mucu vcuicikvco, mi"
inch size? stamped in many designs; our
regular values up to $1.25, on 71
SDecial sale fof one hour, each I JC
$1.35 Petticoats at 79c Each
12 to 1, Wednesday. Stay in the store
all day; shop by the clock Women's
Heatherbloom Petticoats, black only,
nicely made, with shirred
flounce; ; values to -$1.35, for
$3.00' Thermalite Bags at 68c
12 to 1, Wednesday, we offer another lot
of Thermalite Bags; better tnap ordinary
hot-water bags; great feet warmers; retain-
heat 24 hours; $15 to CO
$3.00 values, for one hour "at UOC
Regular 25c Floor Stain at 12c
12 to 1, Wednesday afternoon,' we offer 1
Sapoline Floor Stain and Varnish, stove
pipe enamel and bathtub enamel: all reg
ular 25o ' a can; on special sale 1 9
for one hour only at, ; the can 1 L
Framed Pictures at $15 Each
12 to 1 P. tomorrow, we offer a line
of elegant fancy Pictures, in gold frames,
tinder glass; very rich appearing and de
sirable subjects; - regular nr
$2.50 values, special, each I &) '
$2.00 Auto Scarfs at 79c Each
12 to 1 P. Mi Shop by the hour alt day
New ' bargains every time the clock
strikes. -Auto Scarfs, a lot of odds and
ends.' in chiffon and lace, up . to f A . '
2y yards long; values to $2, each I ?W
Infants Slips and Petticoats
12 to 1 P. M. a great final cKan-up of
infants'.' Slips and Petticoats; ; regular
stock values .up- to 65c; we place them
on . special sale for one hour OQ
only . at, . this special - price, each tVK,
From 1 to 2 E M.
Sale of Grass-Bleached Batiste
Regular 35c Values 18c a Yard
1 to 2 P. M, grass-bleached Batisle, 40
inches wide; every sheer yet strong" fab
ric; finished soft; launders beautifully;
for waists, infants' dresses, etc.; 10
value 35c a yard, special price IOC
$1.50 Underwear 98c Garment
1 to 2 P. M., tomorrow, ladies' fine swiss
ribbed Underwear, medium weight, fine
mercerized finish; colors cream, pint ana
W: vents nd cants: regular AO.
values up to $1.50, at, garment '0C
Misses 25c Hose 12c a Pair
1 a2P V . Brent rlearajice of children
mnA tniaxri' Cotton Hose, double toe and
extra spliced heel; sizes 5 to 94; priced
at half; regular values, to
25c a pair, special at, the pair l2v
$1.35 Comforters at 95c Each
1 to 2 P. M. tomorrow. Shop by the
hour. The Bedding Store offers good
durable Comforters, white cotton-filled;
regular values to $1.35, spe- Q(f.
ciai for one hour only, each
75c Sterling Silver Goods 19c
1 to 2 P. M., tomorrowj watch the dial;
new bargains every hour. Sterling Silver
Manicure and Toilet Articles and sterling
novelties; great assortment; 1 Q
values up to 75c; special at, each I7C
$1.75 Juliettes at $1.39 a Pair
1 to 2 P. M. tomorrow, the Shoe Store
otters women s junette suppers ana
House Slippers, plain or tipped toes, pat
ents or kids, low or medium 1 OQ
heels, values to $1.75, special at )
35c Tuxedo Veiling 10c a Yard
1 n 2PM Watrh the clock. Veiling.
in tuxedo mesh, chenille dot and assorted
oatterns: black, white, brown, sreen and
assorted colors: values uo to 1A.
35c a yard, special price, the yard 1UC
$3.75 Combinations Only $2.39
1 to 2 P. M. tomorrow the White Store
offers a great sale of women's Combina
tion Suits, well made, nicely trimmed in
pretty, . dainty embroidery; dJO QQ
values up to ?J.7i, tne suit
$15 Fountain Pens 69c Each
1 to 2 P. M. tomorrow. Now here is your
chance to get that Fountain Pen to an
swer every purpose of a $5.00 pen. Our
regular stock values to $1.25 Q
each; special for one hour only vw
$1.50 Ink Pencils at 69c Each
1 to 2 P. M.. Ink Pencils, put up in boxes
same as a fountain pen; filler and pin
complete; a very handy and useful arti-
$1.50; special for this hour, each USrC
75c Tea Spoons at 50c the Set
to 2 P. M. Stay in the store all day.
Shoo bv the hour. . Good Quality satin-
finish' Tea Spoons, regular 75c values;
on special sale tor this hour Cfl-.
only, set of six. at, the, set IUC
35c Water Pitchers at 22c Each
'ii 1 . 1 , f
1 P M ' crrent ereneral sale nf
Kitchen Goods silverware, glassware,
baskets, etc. is now in progress. Glass
Water Pitchers, 35c grade, for OO
one hour , only, special at, each 4mC
85c Handkerchiefs at 27c Each
1 to 2 P. M. Watch the dial New bar
gains appear every" hour. For this hour
only we offer odds and ends in all pure
linen ".. Handkerchiefs; values -OTl
to j&e, on special sale at, each mIC
Infants $1.75 Slips at 58c Each
1 to 2.P. M the Infants' Store offers a
big assortment of Slips and Petticoats
at great reductions for finals clearings.
Values to S1.Z5,- 37c each; val- CO,
ues to $1.75;, special .price, each.; vOl
the bargain season Week alter week the attendance keeps Increasing
and satisfactorily The one great attraction Is, of course, the ollerlng of
the foundation upon which every successlnl business Is built and we are
here tomorrow No telephone or mall orders tilled lor Hourly Sale Items
From 2 to 3 F. M.
Sale of Women's Spring Coats
$12.50 Values on Sale at $7.35
2 to 3 P. M. tomorrow, the Garment
Store offers women's new Spring Coats
in tan and gray mixtures, full 4ine of
sires; regular values to $12.50; OC
on special sale, one hour only QIOD
Women's 35c Hose at 17c Pair
M Mill I I IWI !
2 to 3 P. M. tomorrow, ladies' fine gauze
Hose, lisle and lace boot effect; black,
Kin mil tani 1n olid rotors thrown
and tan, navy, cardinal and 1 7
black; all sizes, values to 35c, pair 1 1 C
$1.50 Vests and Tights at 63c
2 to 3 P. M., a great clearance of ladies'
wool and cotton fine ribbed Vests and
Tights, cream only; all sizes, extra good
values at regular price; $1.50 cO
values, to dose out, garment OwC
$2.75 Blankets at $1.95 a Pair
2 to 3 P. M., tomorrow. It's profitable
to shop by the hour. Heavy cotton
fleece Blankets, tan and gray, large size;
our regular to $2.75 values, on d1 QP
special sale, one hour, pair wl7
Men's 75c Gloves at 39c a Pair
2 to 3 P. M., tomorrow. Watch thecal;
shop by the clock all day. Men s light
weight Berlin Gloves, in black, gray or
brown; our regular values up to
75c the pair, special price, pair OyQ
Ladies' $4.00 Shoes Only $2.69
2 to 3 P. M., a great one-hour sale of
women's hand-turn Shoes, styles for ten
der feet, either button or lace; several
height heels; all $3.50 and TO A
$4.00 values, special, the pair U7
25c Embroidery Only 10c Yard
2 to 3 P. M. tomorrow. Watch the clock;
new bargains appear every hour. 4000
yards fine Swiss Embroidery, edges and
insertions to match; values to IJj
25c a yard, - special, one hour XUC
$1.25 Shetland Floss 87c a Box
2 to 3 P. M- tomorrow. Stay in the
store all day; read every item in this
nrl VlirViir' hr ShtlanH T?loss. in
black; regular $1.25 quality, on 07,
special sale for one hour, the box Of C
Corset Covers at One Half Of f
2 to 3 P. M a great one-houi1 sale of all
Corset Covers in the stock: thousands of
beautiful fancy styles and plainly made,
offered special for this hour only at one
half the reg. selling price ONE-HALF
$1.00 Back Combs at 12c Each
2 to 3 P. M. Shop by the hour. Back
and fancy mounted designs; hundreds to
choose from; values up to $1.U0, lO
special for this hour only, each 1C
Regular 15c Towel Bars for 8c
i. to J Jr. m tnis aour oniy, wo oner
1R.ini-h Tnve&t Ttarx. an inrfisnnahli ar.
. v. r . i t ' i f I
tide at a very low price. Don't fail to
lay in a supply; regular 15c val-
ues. aoecial lor one hour onlv. ea. OC
Cups and Saucers at 10c a Pair
2 to 3 P. M., tomorrow, a sale that should
interest every housekeeper; white thin
China Caps and Saucers, tea size. They
are excellent values; worm lfl
double the price, special, the, pair Ivw
$1.00 Hemstitched Linens 50c
2 to 3 P, M., Linen Store offers a line of
Richardson s all-linen nd-hemstitched
Scarfs and Squares; regular 90c and $1.00
values, on ' special sale . for , this Etn
hour only, at low price qt, each UUC
$1.75 Taffeta Silk at $1.23 Yd.
tn X P M.- th Silk Store will sell riur-
ier thi hrtiif heat niialitv black taffeta
Silk, beautiful, lustrous finish, for petti
coats and outside wear; regu $t O?
lar $1.50 and $175 values, yard J
Llbpcy Cut Glaoo Bon Ton Corsets, XZ:-.-
Lnaica' Home (journal
'.- -V- : .
II From 3 to 4 P. M.
Sale Women's Spring Waists
Reg. $3.25 Values at 98c Each
3 to 4 P. M., lingerie and tailored Waists,
350 in the lot, a great snap, picked up by
our New York buyer; assorted styles and
values uo to $3.25; special for flO.
one hour only at thisprice, each UOC
30c Cotton Hose at 17c a Pair
3 to 4 P. M., tomorrow, boys' heavy rib
Cotton Hose, double knee, heel and toe;
sizes 7 to 10; values to 30c the pair; on
special sale at 3 pairs for 50c 1 7.
or single pair, this only only, at 1 1 C
Misses' $1.00 Underwear at 59c
3 to 4 P. M. Shop by the hour. Misses''
silk and wool Vests, sizes 1 to 8, cream
only: pants sizes 2 to 8; broken lines to.
be closed out in one hour; val- CQ
ues to $1.00, special,- garment UC
12lc Silkalene Only 7c a Yard
3 to 4 P. M. tomorrow. Shop by the hour
all dav. Silkalene in a variety of colors
and designs; our best grade, which sells
t 12V4c th varH. offered " snecial
one hour only, at this price, yard .C
25c Suspenders Special at 15c
3 to 4 P. M., tomorrow, watch the dial;
shop by the clock all day. Here's men's
fine lisle and heavy-weight Suspenders,
regular values to 5c a pair, on 1 C
special sale for one hour, the pair IvC
50c Slumber Slippers 25c a Pair
3 to 4 P. M, tomorrow the Shoe Store
offers final clearing of Slumber Slip
pers. Don't be without a pair. This lit
tle 25c piece will buy a lot of OC
comfort; 50c values, special at m)C
Big Specials in Shoe Findings
3 to 4 P. M. tomorrow: shoo bv the hour:
stay in the store all day. lUc thoe raste
Polish, 5c; 15c Tubular Laces. 8c. Our
reorular 25c Liauid Polish, on. If .
special sale for one hour only IOC
10c Handkerchiefs Only 5c Ea.
3 to 4 P. M. tomorrow. Watch the clock.
New bargains every hour. 1000 ladies
linen-finish , Handkerchiefs, J-inch hem.
Regular 10c values, on special sale C
for one hour only at this price, each vC
$1.75 Petticoats Only 89c Each
3 to 4 P. M., women's Petticoats, cambric
tops. India linon flounce; some with wide
edge of embroidery or 4 rows of lace in
serting, edge to match; val- OQ
ues to $1.75 each, special for OvC
10c Garter Web Only 5c a Yard
3 to 4 P. M, tomorrow, Garter Elastic,
super-lisle, all widths, black and white;
all taken from our regular stock; val
ues to 10c a yard; on special sale
for one hour only, special, yard C
$1.25 Coffee Pots at 90c Each
3 to 4 P. M. In addition to the sale of
Kitchen Goods, this soecial is offered
3-quart blue and white Coffee rots, ex
tra heavy, 4 coats of enamel; Qfl
regular $1.25 values, special at vlIC
$1.50 Kid Gloves at $1.27 Pair
3 to 4 P. M., the Glove Store offers for
one hour s selling ladies rrencn fua
Gloves, in all colors and sizes; our regu
lar values to $1.50 a pair; O'T
special for one hour, pair $lH
$1.00 Fancy Silks at 47c Yard
3 to 4 P. M. Shop by the clock all day,
This hour, in the Silk Annex, fancy Silks
in all shades and styles of patterns, suit
able for all purposes; 85c and
$1.00 ' values, special at, yard
Infants' Moccasins at 19c Pair
3 .'tor 4 P. M., the Infants' Store offers
for one hour500 pairs of Moccasins in
red, pink and brown; regular values to
50c a pair;: on ' special sale for i JQ
one hour only, this price, the pair JLSC
raucrna wr Dnnnf
' ,- s
0 , ' ti 1
Sale of Women's Tailored Suits
Regular $25.00 Values Only $7.45
4, to 5 P. M. tomorrow the Garment Store
offers 25 tailored Suits in serges and
cheviots, misses and women s sizes; in
black, blue, gray colors; Gf AJ
values up to $25.00; special at v I
Misses' 35c Hose Only 17c a Pair
4 to 5 P. M. tomorrow a great sale of
children s and misses fine French lisle
Hose, fine ribbed, fast black; double heel
and toe and reinforced knee; sizes 5 to
10; values to 35c the pair special, n
three pairs for 50c or one pair for If C
Big Special Sale of Girls Shoes
4 to 5 P. M. tomorrow, a great opportu
nity to buy shoes for the girls; 20 odd
lines, button and lace, -patents or don
gola leathers; heavy or light Cft.
soles; on each pair yon saveJwC
15c Val. Laces Only 5c the Yard
4 to 5 P. M. tomorrow, Torchon and Val
enciennes Laces, in edges and insertions:
widths uo to two inches: regular values
to 15c the yard; on sale for one hour C
tomorrow at this low price, the yard C
50c Women's Drawers 37c Pair
4 to 5 P. M. tomorrow, a great one-hour
clearance of women's Drawers, of fine
cambric, with embroidery edge; for this
hour only these 50c values are
offered at, special, the pair
From 5 to 6 F. M.
Watch the dial -stay in the store all day.
Women's 50c Hose Only 29c Pair
5 to 6 P. M- shoo by the hour all day to
morrow. Women black Lisle Hose, full
fashionecj foot and embroidered instep;
finished in green, red, v blue;, OQ
sizes 8yi to 10; to 50c values, pair WC
$1.00 Table Covers at 73c Each
5 to 6 P. M. tomorrow we offer for this
hour's selling, German Print Table Cov
ers, 36 by 36 inches; pink, blue, green and
white, our regular $i.uu vaiues,-"7
special for one hour at, each", I wv
Men's Reg. 15c Socks at 9c Pair
5 to 6 P. M. tomorrow. Watch the dial.
Shop by the clock all day. ; Here's men's
Half-Hose, tan and black, with white feet.
Great values at 15c a pair; on 8pe- ft
ciai sale for one hour only,; pair; ;C
Boys' Shoes $1.39 and $1.79 Pair
5 to 6 P. M, tomorrow,' a great clearance
of bOvs Shoes: 700 ' pairs of odds ' and
ends, all . leathers and shapes; .sizes 9 to
nyi, . special, - $1.39; sizes d 7Q
1 to Syil special price, pair
Women's Gloves on Sale at $1.12
S to 6 ; P; M.; 'tomorrow. Shop by the
hour and stav in the store all day. ; La-
tlies' l-clasp street Gloves, in best qual
ity . cape' stock: regular pi
values up , to , $1.50; - special llU
Women's 85c Gowns at 47c Each
S to 6 P. M., tlif White Store offers a
great "clearance of cvomco s cambru- h
Gowns, cut very Jull ami long, in Hub- ? .
bard, and Chinese style:, , 'rcgu-'"A'7. j
lar - stcck values' np" to fcSc. V-ath i t -
From 4 to 5 F. IVI.
4 to 5p.m. VA
Stol(W j