The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 08, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Organizes-'. Itself Into Multno
. mah-Clackamas Annexation
Assn. to Join Northern Part
of Clackamas to Multnomah.
Through action teken last htalit ml
dnt ct all tha original territory Jn-
rluded In the eehme for the annexa
tion of the northern half of Clackamas
county to Multnomah county, will be
rprftKcMwl in the .campaign - tor' the
asimlisston to , Multnomah. , ', Thla mucli
wn decided at the meetlnpr of the Mult-nntnali-Clarkanina
..Annexation aseocla
tint, at the Com ra ".relet club laat nlitht.
Tlia committee arpolnted by tha mass
moftlng at Oak O rove last Wednesday
venlna; was Instructed ' to locs,te the
boundary of the proposed atrip .to be
rrparated from Clackamas and then 01
t anise , Itself liito an association to
l.andle the campaign for tha coming
etate ejection. After deciding that all
territory north of tha Clackamas and
tnutb. to a point opposite Caaadero,
from where ' tha boundary Una should
tin due east, should ba included in tha
nrt to ba annexed, tha committee re
vived Itself into tha Multnomah-Clack-r
mas . Annexation aaanclatlon and
fleeted B. la reset, president; W. A.
i 'opien, secretary and A. Ik Bolstad of
Ji ilwankle, treasurer. Meeting will
) held each Monday night at the Com
Jlerclal club.
j , A delegation of Eataeada realdenta at-
tended hla meeting and . boosted for
a new county. However, tha delega
tion aald. that if a majority favor tha
annexation plan, It would work for it
Just aa bard aa any one else. The JCa
tacada people argued that they did not
think that Multnomah county wanted
any more territory.
' A dosen other speakers from differ
ent portions of the county, however, re
pudiated these statements, . and de
clared that they had no use for a new
countv and that euch a county wna
Juat what they were trying to get away
from.. . '
Wo don't want to be connected with
any county 'but Multnomah county,
declared a half doeen epeakere. "We
have our bualneaa intereata in Portland.
Many of us work in Portland. Magy
more do their trading in Portland and
we want it ao arranged that we can do
all. our business-there wlrhoat having
to go to another town. Furthermore,
we are. by all things, connected with
Portland. - Our railroads, rivers and
wagon roada lead to Portland and why
ehouldn't we be connected trim tne city
of Portland through our .county, gov
ernmentn, V ,. ''
. 1 ... ' ' i , .
H. -E. Taylor, of the Mining 'World,
Chicago. 111., and acting aa special rep
reaantatlve of the American Mining eon
area, baa come to Portland for the
purpose of organising a branch of the
national society. To thl end, Mr, Tay
lor baa called a meeting of about 75
mining men of Portland to be held
Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock In
the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce
la the Commercial Club building. .
All the prominent mining men , of
Portland and ite vicinity have been in
vited to attend. Mr. Taylor will make
a atrong effort to bring about tha or
ganisation of a local bureau of mines
to be affiliated with the national or
ganisation. The American Mining cohgreee waa
organised and incorporated under ' the
lawa of tha state of , Colorado for the
purpose of advancing the mining and I
metallurgical industries In all their I
branches to assist in bringing about a
more, perfect cooperation between the
government and the development of mln
Ing.'and to encourage education in prac
tical and scientific mining. At the present
time the American Mining congress I
working for tha establishment by the
government of a bureau of mines.
'At a special meeting of the hoard of
education last night Whitehousa
Foullhoux were appointed as the archi-
tecta toydeslgn and build the, new High
school. - for which a' bond Issue of
IS60.000 waa voted last week.
Director J. V. Beach asked that the
architect be clioaen after the aubmliwlon
of competitive dealgns upon the invita
tion of the board aa la the cane of the
Jefferson High aohool, Mr. Beach waa
overruled by a majority vote of four to
one; the remaining membere of . the
board believing that they can aeonre
better work by the method adopted than
by aaklng for competition. . !
Other Funny Stunts Make Bill
at Orpheum Good This
' ,.: Week. ': ...
' X large number of ahlppera and rail
road offlolala left here thla morning
for Salem to attend the hearing before
the atate railroad commission thla aftr
noon upon the new demurrage rules
which are to be taken up tor adoption or
rejection. , . : '
The rule were thoroughly discussed
at a meeting of the transportation com
mittee of the chamber of commerce Sat
urday, February S. and It was found
that aeveral paragraphs will need modi
fications to suit local conditions. It is
expected that discussion of these par
ticular paragrapha will take some time.
It being desired to reach a conclusion
that will be satisfactory to both ship
pers and railroads. , I
. . By J. I. W.
Mister Brown, yer honor, we take off
our hats to you, and not only our hale
but our grouches aa well. You are the
best leugh producer, and the cleaneat
minded, we have eeen In many moons.
Your Virginia Judgeship would bring a
dilatory but ungovernable emlle to the
face of a crocodile In distress. Your
gentle humor la a boons youo character
sketching Is a Joy, and for once It Is
hot caricature drawing. (
"Jedge" Brown, by the way, fa Wal
ter C, Kelly, at the Orpheum, Just back
from London, and why the Indulgent
English ever let him get bacg Is a
mystery. But you have a aort of feel
ing that maybe It waa Ma own pat
riotism and love for the country whose
types he ha studied so truthfully that
brought film back. We plcturea the in
dolence of the oou't which disposes of
ita erring bucks with Whimsical aen
tonces aa long aa they do not Interfere
with the cou fa time to go a-flshln',
Dut atraigntway the call of the rod and
reel Is heard, and ha chucks them all
summarily back to prison.
One wonders if Abel and Irwin with
their dreadful black face comedy on the
first of tha bill don't want to crawl
'way back in their abells when they
see Mr. Kelly's quiet impersonation of
the black folk. , .
. While Kelly eerrlee off the big hon
ors there are some left for the othqr
turns. Fred Lindsay, the Australian
buahman, dors some! stunts with the
"blaik snake" that make you respect
that whip aa a weapon of defense as
much aa must the wild cattle of Aus
tralia, It may be a little nerve shatter
ing to watch him, and hear Mm, tie
knota around a, man's arm and a girl's
neck, but still you must admire the
kklli of lu
J. W. Clark Introduces some nionkeya
that are funnier than most comedians.
Tbey obey hi commands adroitly and
unpack a lot of tricks that might make
a man envious. The perfectly evident
sense ef humor crowded Into those un
canny heads of theirs furnish plenty of
laugha. , .,
Miaa Julia Frary, erstwhile comic
opeta star till aha. took on too muoli
avoirdupois, sings al sentimental love
sing in calf like -tones that give you
the horrora at first, but you wind up
by thinking her the funniest person
Imaginable. She hes the good sense and
wit to make capital out of her own.
shortcomings, which don't appear ao
short after a while, and her "Glide"
song Is awfully funny. ' ' ;
"Superstition ' names, a playlet with
foolish Impossible plot which serves
to show how little the author reauy
knew, of what he was writing about.
However, it moves along quickly, has a
good sotting, some fair lines and mnkea
4 hit because It la lively. -
; The Reed Brothers do aome Surpris
ing athletic atunts. One brother Is
huge as to the muscles; the other is
extremely attenuated and rubbery and
hla oomedy aurpaascs that usually dis
played in such, turns.'."'.-,' ;,'.
The council rcnmilttee on Judiciary
and elections yesterday , afternoon rec
ommeuded the exchange of a lot owned
by the olty at Third and Ullaan atret
for another one owned by the Northern
I'aclflo Terminal company. The city lot
now has a frontage of f0 feet on Glisan
street and 100 feet on Third atreet
The terminal corporation wauta this
property and offers In exchange a sim
ilar tract adjoining it., The change will
suit the city Just as well, aa the corner
lot. aay membcra of the Judiciary com'
mlttee. Is undesirable for a fire sta
tion, anyway.
Man Impales Himself on Picket.
' Unitd Preu Lo4 wire.)
Oakland, Cel., Feb. . With a painful
and dangerous wound in 'his abdomen,
received when he . Impaled Jiltnself on
an Iron picket of hla own front gate,
J. Hanson lies In the receiving hos
pital. Hanson left his home for his
plaoa ef bualneaa last evening. . . In the
dusk he failed to see that the gate waa
closed, and ran agalnat It with consider
able force, A picket was driven Into
his abdomen. At the hospital It la atated
that he haa fair chance to recover, un
less blood poisoning takes place. . 1
Ed T. Judd, of Palem, former presi
dent of the Oreron State Dairy aetioole
tlon, haa returned from a 'week's stay
at. Victoria, B. C, where he -attended
the aessluns of the Provincial Dairy as
sociation and Provincial Livestock aa
aoclatlon. . lie is at the Imperial hotel
"I made addresaes before both aaso
latlona,M aald Mr. Judd today. "Dairy
men and livestock breeders of British
Columbia are progressive and I was sur
prised at the enthusiasm manlfeated.
"British Columbia dairymen have few
laws under which they must work. But
they are faat getting up to the stand-
ard. - Oreat care la being taken to pro-
Vide against the spread of .tuberculosis,
"Many laws are being enacted for the
benefit ' of the dairyman and breeder.
Seven thouaand dollars a year la ap
propriated for farmers' institutes. At
the next session of the provincial leg
islature a bill will be introduced pro
viding for the payment of all or one
half the freight charges on blooded
cattle taken Into the province from the
States. ' ' ;'; " f
."British Columbia Is one of the great
est dairying countries lu the world.".
Revenue Collector Ready to
ncccive muii us du&is ui
. ' Corporation Tax.
. Tn collector of internal revenue la
now ready to receive from firms state
ments required aa the basis of their
corporation tax. According to the Uni
ted "States statute, each . corporation
with a net earning of more tUan $3000
ta llubln to a corporation tax of 1 per
cent on the lnconx exceeding 13000.
The law alea requires that euch -cor
poration coming under, the law ehall
make a .complete etetement of Its bua
lneaa and Bend the earns to the local
collector of Internal revenue , beforo
March 1 of each . year. These . state
ments are. In turn, aen to the cora
mlsrloner of internal revenue, who. In
turn, computea the amount of tax due,
na ritiimi th statement to the Bend
ing corporation. ' -
Ths tax must be paid by July 1 of
each year. Failure to send 'in the re
quired statement or to pay the tax la
punishable by a fine in proportion tv
the amount of the tax and the cir
cumstances of the esse. '
liTl Will Hold Open House. ' ,
.Mrtiwal nianteh to Tha JuarDftl.
Lyl. Wash., Feb. The Lyle Com-,
merclal club will hold open houae on .
Friday. February . 11. to the delegatea
aad other persons who will attend ths
Klickitat county booster meeting to be
heir! at fJoldendaJe on February 10. Din
ner will be served and there will be
exhibits of the products or me soouon
contiguous to Lyle. " '
Agents for LIbby Cut Glass "1847" Roger's Silverware Finest Havlland China Electroliers, Etc. On ttie Ttilrd Floor
Bedding, Mattresses, Springs, Pillows, BlanKcts, Comforts, Etc., Standard Qualities, Best Values On the Fourth Floor
. , , , , , : ' ; '... " ', TT T" 1 1 1 1 1 '
Our Entire
St o c R o I
ECitcltem Goods, Gran i t ei Tin and Woo dehwar:e,
The all-unportant event to housewives, hotel and boardlng-houise keepers who liave hoiiseiiold wants to supply--Marvelfius money-saving
opportunities in all lines of Kitchen Utensils. China, Glassware, Cutlery, etc.. etc Standard wares at prices you will, quickly recog
nize as being worthy of careful considerationIt is the time of the year when every table and kitchen need can. be supplied at a mini-
mum costThis annual event was prepared for many months ago, when wholesale prices were fully 20 per cent lower than today; when ;f J ' . ,
manufacturers offered special concessions to cash buyers You are invited to share in our good fortune Sale continues until further notice New attractions every day
McEnem Goods, CMma, Cutlery, (SEaisgwaFe lediiced - (gagf ooda)
"Woo den ware
At Low .Prices
Wooden Salt Boxes, best regular 25c "1 Q
values, at this special low price, ea. -a.e7l
Porcelain. Salt; Boxes, regular SOc OQ
valoes, at tins special low price of OOl
Covered Bread Boxes, best regular OTa
35c values, on special tale for, eachawf 1
Knife Polishing Boards, regular 25c "JCp
values, at this special low price of jLUi
Dish Mops, regular 10c values, during pfp
tho February sale at this sprice, each Ox
F3er Chair Seats, the best regular Oa
35c values, on special sale for each 1
Wood Chair Seats, regular 10c values, fjg
during February sale; at this low price
Towel Rollers, regular, j 15c values, "1 A,
on sale at this special low price, each- XUC
Rug and Carpet , Beaters, the best "I
regular 15c values, special at, each A Ul
6-hoolc Coat Racks, regular 25c val- 1 ff
lies, on special sale at this price, ea. jlOK
Coverea ; bleeve Uoards, best , regu- 1 QA
,r xuv
lar 25c values, 'on special sale; for
8-arm Folding Clothes Dryers, Z5c1
values, on special sale at this price AO 1
Room Supplies
18-inch, nick el Towel Bars, regular "t A,
15c-values, on special sale for, eacb'Ayl
30-inch ; nickel Towel "Bars, extra CQ,
heavy; regulat1 75c values, special at Ott
Nickel-plated Tumbler Holder, best CA,'
regular 65c value, special for, each tUl
Heavy nickel Robe Hooks, regular, "j f 1
20c values,, oh special sale at, each ADC
Combination Soap and Tumbler 1" fffT
Holder, $2.00, values, special forDAeOD
kkel Comb and Brush Holder, d1 iOP;
Tumbler, Soap and Tooth Brush flJO 47
Holder, regular $3.25 :- value, at Ve f
Nickel Sponge and Soap Holder, "j ff
regular $1.35 value, soecial for DAeAO
Vlass Shelves, nickel brackets iTfiJf TtfT
regular $225 values, special ; at vAe I
1 wo-arm 1 owcl Racks, Our regular TjQn
$1.00 values," on special sale at, each I OC
Best Bath r Tub , Seats, regular Off
$1.65 values, on special sale, each vAe.wt)
Automatic Bath Tub Seats, the j- rjfT
best; regular $2.25 values, eachvAelO
Brushes at Thcs e
Great Reductions
Regular 12c Dust Brushes, special for...Oe)
Kfgular 20c Stove Brushes, special at. 4 15
Regular 10c Scrub Brushes, special at. ,.6
Regular 4c Vegetable Brushes, special... 3
llli VcrMaM Hrith Bnrtal iclr"
- - ...... . , t ' . -) . W.. . . . - Y
Toilet Brushes v.ilh longt handle, 'QQs'
l ft regular 50c values, special, each 0C
1 Innf Brooms, excellent -qualityrhrfTCj
m s;n!ar $1.00 values, special,' each IOC...
S a 1 e Tinware
at Red; Prices
2-quart Sauce Pans, regular 14c Qn
values, on special sale for only, ea.
a-quart auce Fans, best regular
23c values, on special sale, each
10c value, on special sale at, each
i, regula
sale at, each
2-quart Water "Dipper, best regular f7 -
30c value, on special sale at each atlOU
value, on special
12-hole Muf
6-hole Muffin Pan, regular 20c 1C
special sale at, each AUC
iffin Pan, best regular
Kitchen Goods
Reducd Price,
Universal Food Choppers, best in market:
small ; family .size rood Chop
pers, regular $1.00 value, each
Regular 10c Wire Strainer, each;V..Te)
25c Wire Sink Strainer, at, each..l8f
Regular 12c Soup Strainers, at, each..
Regular 15c Pan Lifters, for, each.. lOj
Wood Salad Fork and Spoon, OP
regular 35c value, special, the pair awOC
Kitchen Goods
Reduc d Prices
Japanned Cake Boxes, regular, AfA
50c values, special price; each tcUC
Regular 10c Can Openers,. special... .5
Regular 12c Gas Torches, special .. .Of
Regular 25c Gas Torches, special. ;.19f
Regular 5c package Gas Taper s at ..Sf
50c heavy Forks, on sale at, doz..S5
Regular 40c Steel Table Spoons. v,.,SO)
Regular 50c Cast Iron Kettles, ea..39e
Granite ware at
Great Savings
2-quart Covered Buckets, best regu
lar 12c value, on special sale, each OC
4-quart Bailed Milk Cans, regu- 09
lar 30c values, special price, each awOC
Oblong Covered Dinner Pails, Q
regular 40c values, special, each OUC
Regular 8c Wire Soap Dish, each...6e
Regular 15c Wire Soap Dish, each..l2f
Regular 20c Wire Soap Dish, each.,15f
No. 9 copper bottom Wash fi" Afi
Boiler, $1.25 value, special at vAeUU
No. 7 Waffle Irons, best regular '7fA
9Qcr values, on .special sale, each IUC
Aluminum Sauce Pans, regular
75c values, special sale price, each OUC
Sale C ut Glass
and Glassware
Cut Glass Oil Bottles, regu- Off
lar $6.00 values, special, each "JKJte-60
Cut Glass, Mustards, regular CO OA
$5.00' values, special price, each OOeewil
Cut Glass Celery Tray, best tj QJT
regular $9.00 values, ' at, each OOeatJ
Cut Glass - Celery. Tray, OC
regular; $16.00 values, only 4AAeU
Regular $10.50 Cut Pitchers for. .98.25
Regular $11.50 Cut Pitchers for- . $8.35
Reeular $18.00 Cut Pitchers for.lUZ.SO
Regular $3.50 Cut Nappies, each;.f2.45
Regular $3.J tut Nappies, each..?2.T6
Regular $4.50 Cut Nappies, each.. 3.45
Regular $5.50 Jelly Dishes, each, . f 4.10
Regular $6.00 Jelly Dishes, each. . $4.50
Regular $4.00 Cheese Plates, at.. 93.10
$12750 Sandwich Plates at, each., $9.35
$8.50 Covered Comport at, each.. $6,25
Cut Glass Water Bottles, best flJO
regular $4.00 values, special for Pe I O
Cut . Glass Water Tumblers, jQ rjfT
regular $l5.0tf values,' special POe I O
Cut Glass Water Tumblers, d0l rj(
regular.$32.50 values, special Va-irte I II
Very Low? Priced
Oval Clothes 'Baskets, best regu- QQs
lar 50c values, on special sale atOaC
Oval Clothes Baskets; best reguJKi,
lar 85c values, on special iale at OeJC
Oval Clothes Baskets, best, regu f7Qn
lar $1.00 values, on spetial sale at I OC
Oval Clothes Baskets, regular CJt ((Y
$1.35 Va1ues,7on, special ale ear V AU U
20c Willow Market- Baskets, each .110 :
$100,000 Worth Dinriep
Scfs Greatly Reduced
!" ....
Buy fine Dinner Sets at the lowest prices
ever quoted on sets of equal style and qual
ityAll kinds, all grades Exceptional aa-
sortm't Matchless valuesTake advantage
Semi-3Por celain
Dinner Sets arc on Sale
60 . piece Dinner Set, $10.25 value, $ 6.25
60 - piece Dinner Set; $11.75 .value. S 7700
i i i . i. , ' ' , mu H
100-piece Dinner Set, $13.70 value, f 11.25
100-piece Dinner Set, $16.00 value, $ 0.00
100-piece Dinner Set, $21.50 value, $18.85
Syracuse Dinner Sets
6-P'cc Dinner Set, $24.00 value, $13.00
' 100-piecft Dinner Set, $35.00 values, $19.50
Haviland Cliinaf
60-pc. Haviland China Dinner Set, $41.80 value, special. .$33.45 ;
85-pc. Haviland'China Dinner Set, $87.00 value, special $43.00 ;
112-pc. Haviland China Dinner Set, $182.00 value, at. .$109.20
UO-pc. Haviland China 'Dinner Set. $296.QQ yaluet at $174,00,
60-pc. Hav. China open-stock Dinner Set, $44.50 value, 831.75
: 100 pc. Hav. China open-stock Dinner Set $65.00 value, $45765
112-pc Hav. China open-stock Dinner Set7$8QJ0 value, $64"7oo
50-pc. Dinner Set, neat spray, gold knobs, $5.68 value, at ; .$4.45
60-pc. Dinner Set, neat spray, gold knobs, $70 value, kt. .$5.70
SH-20 100-pc. Dinner Set, neat spray, gold knobs, handles, $9.4Q
" 18-25 117-pc Dinner Set, neat spray, gold knobs, hndla, $1125
No. 8 Tea Kettles, 75c .value, at . : 59i
l4-quart Tea Pot, 38c value, at..29
2-quart Lipped Sauce Pan, " A
regular 19c value, .special, each Xvl
5-quart Lipped Sauce Pans, best 1 Q
regular 27c values, special,1 each A a7i
m-quart Coffee Pot, 35c value,. 25
17-quart Dish Pan, 60c .value. at;,35f
2-quart Kettles, best regular J7c "f Ap
values, on , special sale, at, each AUU
24-quart Lipped KeUlesregular " O '
JLaa V
19c ' value, on special sale each
4-quart Lipped Kettles, best regu
lar 23c values, on special sale, ea
Electric Reading
Lamps Reduced
During the Sale
Electric-1 R e a'd i n g Lamps,
complete; rez. $3XK) values for"
Electric R e a d i n g Lamps, QQQC
conlplete; reg. $5:25 values for 4OeOt)
Great Sale! of Gas
Reading Lampo
K o r F e t r u a r y
Reg. $7.00 values, with mantle, g C A A
burner, shade and tube, special ?Ue4tU
Gas Lampsicomplete; Tegular G fT Q C
$7,75 values,' special price, : ea. tpOeat)
6-quart Lipped Kettles, -best reg
iilar 30c values, special at. each
2-quart Covered Sauce Pans, best Of A
regular '30c Values, special, each C
4-rquart Covered Sauce Pans, best vKA
regular 45c values, special, each tltll
12c Deep Jelly Cake Pans,' special., tOf
February Sate
In Silverware
G r e a t s Valued
4-piece - Silver; Tea Set, best
regular $7.50 value, for, the set
4-Diece Tea Set..$8.0a value, !at,
4-piece Silver iTea Set, with (jJfT A A
tray; regular ' $8.50 value ;at VtleeVV
4-piece Silver Tea Set, with (gQ'1 C
tran : resrular $12.25 value.' at vOeXfJ
3-piece Silverf Tea ; Serbest. jfT JA
regular $7.50 value special at VtJeybl J
Silver ' Dessert." Suarar T and tM.'Off
; Cream fr re. i $2.00"? value, pai? V A eOU
S2.vSiiver ' ipoon.; l rays, cach.,.f x.wt
$2.65 Silver Spoon Trays, each..$1.85
$5.45 Silver Cake Baskets, each $3.95
$5.90 Silver Cake Baskets, each. ,$4.30
$7.85 Silver Cake Baskets,, each. v$5.90
Silver embossed Bread Tray, best QKa
regular $1.50 value, special, each vilv
Silver S Beaded- BreadsTray, CI If A
a Q A Af
heavvi; $5.75 value, special at trkf
$18.00 Silver Coffee Set, the set $11.75
$4.25 Silver Comport, special, ea.$2,95
Regular $7.75 Silver-; Baker, each. $5.10
$1.50 Silver Bon Bon, .special at;.$1.10
$2.45 Silver Bon Bon, special at..$1.75
$2.65 Silver Bon Bon, special at. . $1.85
Silver Salt and Pepper Cast-, fi"J ; QQ
rers,r regular $1.75. value, fot vAeOa
Silvcrbalt and Pepper, best reg OKV
: ular:50c value, special at, the pairOtll.
Cooking Casseroles, with lin
ing: regular $7.00 values, each
4-piece Coffee Set, Best regu ?A A
lar $12.65 -values,- special, raet VifOU
regular $2.25 value, special
Silver . Bread lray, extra
: Footed Ffuir BowL best regu-; &f -i A
Jar; -$7.80 value, special, each ipOe AU i
February Sa l e
o f Granite ware
At a Big Saving
l-quart covered straight Sauce Pan, 1 A
regular 25c value, on sale for, each xe
4-quart covered straight Sauce Pan, QK
regular 45c ' value, special at, eachJtli
10-quart straight covered Sauce Pan, HOp
regular 90c value special for, each 'laiy .
2-qnart Covered Buckets, , regular "f 17
23c value, on special sale at, each A l l
lj-quart- deep Pudding Pan, regu- " Ap j
lar 1 3c value, on special sale at, each "v
2-quart Milk Pans, 13c value at, each..?
Deep, Loaf Bread Pans, regular 23c 1 Op
value, at the special, price of, .each AO U
Regular 15c Seamless Pint5 Cups, ea.. 12?
9-inch Fry Pans, regular 27c value, ea,.22?
9H-' Cake Molds, regular 4Jc value.
Regular 38c . Colfnders, special," each., 29
12-quart Seamless Water Pails, best TAp
regular 75c values special price, ea.'Wal
11c Pie Plates, 9-inch, special at, eaoh.'.;8
12c Pie Plates, lQ-inch, special, each10
FebruaiyCS a l e
CutleryH Depart
m't Great Vals;
6-inch 'Butcher Knives, regular' 25c
values," on sale at lov price of, each
6-inch Butcher Knives, extra heavyi OrTp
regular 35c values, special price, ea. a V
Large French Sheers,; best - regular, KKp
85c values, on special sale for, each Jtli
Kitchen Slicers, the best regular 50c OCp
values, on special sale at this price QOs
Recrular 25c Bread Knives, on sale for 18
Regular 25c. Knife Sets of three, sp'l.i 15?
-Kitchen Knives and Forks, six to A Kp
the set; resrular 60c values, special at xtIC
ReKular 25c Kitchen Steels, special at 18?
-Double-plated Table Silverware, flji OA
regular $1.50 Knife Sets, special vAeaiiV
Double-plated Silver Forks, regu- fijl A A
lar $1.50 values, special, the set vAeUU
Doublepl'td Silver Table Spoons, CJTi A A
regular $1.50 values, on sale, set vitwv
Double-plated Silver - Tea Spoons, K A'p
75c values, on special sale at, the set -UU
Stag Handle Carving Sets, regu- fiJO AZ
lar $3.25 values, special at, the set Va-ieTttl
Plain Handle, Larvilig Sets, CJC ,Qr
values, 'on special sale for,-the setPUe7J
Stag Handle Bird Carvers, best, t?1 , A C
reirular $1.90 values; at, the pair VXetl
Christy ; Bread Knives, regular 50c OQ
values.-on special sale at this nrice Ocl
White Handle Table tKnivei CO CA
regular - $4.50 values, the .dozen VU.UU
Curved Blade Steak Knives, blk. t?Q C A
handle: reg. $4,50 value, special vOeUU
Curved 'Blade steak Knives,
white handle; $6.75 value, special 1
Triple-plateiJTable - JCnives, $4.00 flQ - A
values,- special price, the dozen ptleXl
$3.00 double-plate Knives, special at $1.20