The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 08, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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... . V ." ,r J
word of It. It Is told by the good little
woman who was the lierolna of th so
cial experiences mentioned.
Tha wife of a member of the house,
from Wisconsin, who works with Bena
tr Ia Kolletta, thought on a day to call
at tha home of on a of tha official set
who waa receiving assisted by aaveral
othtr women. Among those In tha re
ceiving ' line waa Mlaa Helen cannon,
daughter of the sneaker. ' Whan tha
congressman's wlfa entered tha draw
ing room aba waa greeted cordially by
tha hostess and ona or two others who
atood next to her. Then Mra - came
to Mlaa Cannon. They were well ac
qualnted. But Mlaa Cannon turned har
Miss Cannon Insults ..Wisconsin yft.'J&BSli2gVwr' ,n tha
in.'.' iiL- ri-ii:i- I "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for
woman.,wno neianaies atooth." , '
Dolliver Defines "Insurgent" to da. and mad ier
Demand for' Documents Jof ,ur"'- htn tn"om flTh"!
and turning of tha back aa an intended
light, but thla time It waa tha Wlacoiv-
By John E. Lath r op. . lain woman who did It-
Washington, Feb. . "Please send! Inasmuch aa both- Miss tannon ann
m. a Mn nf sonata dopumont No. 198." .Wisconsin woman wera, F""
I a at' L i ...
This request 1, flooding 1 ha mall, of ""ZIV
tha t Incident
,,r, . u, i- - nur. ,v M. . . jtra. Uiattrgan rrosenOn.
u umeni pnm o,u1. in. ... But aociMy fo, wcr au. t0 have a
4 onnectlon with - tha "V hlta Slav .gMp m few dty, utar XIlj, .am
ff Trade," a subject. much exploited In tha Wisconsin woman had been on terms
inagaslnes and which haa stirred much of familiarity 'with tha family of Bens-
, interest. Inasmuch aa each aenator waa tot Kesn of New 'Jersey.. . The latter
' ussigned only ten copies, it aoon became wera giving a taa one afternoon,' It la
' obviously ' Impossible to comply -with tha custom here for women to attend
'requests for. other copies, hence every teas, when they are announced In, the
day senators are compelled to answer papers, whether, or not they receive
" to that effect. . , , ,.. ; cards aaklng them to go. j "A large tea
Of all senate documents, excepting waa given last night" in the society
" the Hallingor-Plnchot-Olarls messag-il columns of the Washington papera la
of the president, thla white alave trade lone of the moat cherlahod Incidents In
print appeara to be moat In demand, la woman's life. here. Hence, hostesses
"' Dolliver Defines "Insurgent." . ,' . I always welcome the coming of many
. The Taft smile, which waa aatd to women not specifically Invited at such
I j. tn.lnllhl r-mmm nft lha nlhmr nlvhl I fUni'tlOnS,
- when the publlshera of American period- Mra. r- entered the Kean residency
- l. ala gave their big banquet. The preal- advanced to, the line and was amaaed
. ..lent had spoken mostly In a Joculnr when no hand was stretched forth to
vela, apparently, but had Injected at srreet her. One.-two, thre, and lt-waa
least nerlouanesa if not blttemeaa In Hence, she decided It waa
r his mAArmmm whn ha tnM nf lha tmlihloa I time tO gO.' Whlrh aha did,
r.r . ki.e .....ia mi.A ti.A i I Moral: rollttcally. InBurgents .are
- . with Urlff bills and things and Inaurg- getting alight recognition In apota.
lenta. Then Dolliver, one of the chief though the weapbna are by, no meana
lnsurirents, waa called on. He la re- permanently aheathed. But among the
i, nowned for brilliant repartee; Indeed, women this regular and Inaurgent af-
. nntt in lha rnuntrv. ivrhim ran o I fair has asaumeo quite more grave aa-
n ,.. ntiu a-rin on nnnnni in rfohata I pecta than among the men. , Theee two
. tviiiinr not fri.i.iani that hs lncldenta referred to could truthfully be
, wis iw.ak!na- bfora the nraaldent. Fur. duplicated In kind. Old realdentcrs aay
thermore. he answered the speech of the ft,'" "d u w Vbefo de wah.
! tiresiaent quite as retaiiy as no wouiai , ogsw sTau.
have replied to any other man. And In I -1 waa In the office of. a member of
Hi anawer he coined a-new definition lone of the houaea of congreaa a short
a of an Insurgent, aa one who demanda time ago.
i to look at a bill before be votes on It, I 'Here," he Bald, "this makes me mad.
' Instead of taking Ma legislation as a He handed me a typewritten slip
- hand-me-down. . I which was attached to a typewritten
It may be difficult to understand thai letter from a constituent, protesting
f temerity of anyone thus answering a I against the tncreaae of the postal rates
president In this man's town, where of-1 on magasinea and other periodicals. Tho
final aubaarvlency la bred In the bona I sup bore the words
'.However, let It be known to all that! "If you do not pay any attention to
i W ashington rasped somewhat when It I this I will camp on your trail.
read of Dolllver'a retort; and of course I "Now,", aald thla legislator, "I sym
immediately divided Into proa and cons, pathlse with the protest; am with tha
jit need not be written that the Inaurg- letter writer, and am Juat now busy
jenta were delighted, and 'thought their helping fight the increase against which
' champion had acquitted hlmaelf with myjetter writer Inveighs. But I feel
; honor in tils forensic contest with the like , doing exactly the oppoalte. Thla
president of these United States. I little slip of paper makes me mad; It's
Insurgents "XespectaUe la These Says, a threat."
Apropos, any reports which the peo-l ;
Pie of Oregon read In theae days that DM L FYFMPT LABOR
the president has scattered the Inaurg-0'UVm LACmrl
ents like chaff before a strong wind
may be dlecounted exactly 100 per cent
nevrr curing xne several yeara -wnicn l . "... rjnltrd Prass Leased W1ra.t
u has neen my privilege to Jive liere I . Waahinaton - Fh. .a htn imnf
,, 'tn?. catu" ngtirwuey been o ln labor unlon, from the operations of
militant -Indeed, so powerful has It L." .
Li-l,... M t... I IUB ;BUVini UBl iH W WIB JUlfUUUVi 111
Idaho Senator Arouses Qule
but Firni Opposition by
Fiery Speech.'' ,
? hcoome that the
some times called, are actually getting
unriKS uone.
Time waa when' none was so poor here
aa to do reverence to -an Insurgent;
nowadays there are many such. .
Women Tifht a Men's Battle.
Here la a story, that is true every
Desirous of? Curing the
Drink Habit
We are honestly desirous of curing all
who are. addicated to drink, and If you
are interested in any one needing Orrine
we invite you to write usv Our corres
J I pondence la confidential and our repliea
5 1 are cent In plain sealed envelopes. Or-
f rlns No. 1, Is the secret treatment and
t i No. S, for those who wish the voluntary
treatment, $1 per box; Tha Orrine
jng aruggisia enaorse urrine. ooio Dy
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Distributors,
:0 Washington, 125-27 Fourth street
the nouse yesterday by Hepresentatlve
Hughes of New Jersey. This measure
Is designed to meet the contention of
Samuel . Gompers and other labor lead
ers that the court ruling Including la
bor unions In the organtzatlona affected
by the anti-trust law preaented a altua
tlon not contemplated when the law waa
drafted. .It Is claimed that unions,, not
being engaged In business or commerce.
Should not fall within the purview of
the act' : . ' '.. - '
fMiwelsl Dlipateb to Tbe JoraaLv
Washington, Feb, I By unanimous
vote, tha aenate yesterday passed the
resolutUn allowing the use of United
Htatea tenta by the Confederate Vtter
ana association at the meeting at Mo
bile, Ala., in April. In the turn Senator
Hey burn of Idaho received a robuff
auch aa haa seldom been administered
by the aenate.
Senator Heyburn bitterly opposed the
resolution, and epoke earnestly against
men in "rebel" uniforms being permit
ted to" occupy government property or
the "rebel" flag being allowed to fly
above It. Finally, he drifted Into the
question of honoring men by placing
their atatuea In tbe hall of fame, and
by unmlatakable Inference condemned
the action of Virginia in Bending tha
statue of, General Robert & Lea to
Unanimous Tots Against Jtim.
As Senator Heyburn closed Senator
Bankhead of Alabama asked for a vote.
When the vote waa had on the' tent
resolution all Democrats and all Re
publicans except Mr. Heyburn voted
for It.
In Mb heated . apeech the ' Idaho
aenator aaid that If there wera sens
tors who- thought It waa proper that
the "rebel" flag ahould wave over the
property of the United States they could
vote for the measure, but he would re
mind them that there were millions of
people In the United State who hsve
Implanted deep In their hearts the spirit
of patriotism and who would not follow
them In their course. ,
Would Wot Open Old Wounds.
Senator Heyburn urged that while
he did not want to open the wounds of
the war, he thought the south had made
a great mistake in the war. He had
been told that tha government was in
the habit of making such loans to the
Grand Army of the Republic and he
thanked God that auch was the caae,
because the Grand Army was composed
Of men who had fought on the side of
the Union and "their eauae was a glori
ous and honorable one."
From the pending meaaure Mr. Hey
burn turned temporarily to the question
of the wisdom of placing the statue of
General Lee In the hall of the capltol.
He did not mention General Lee by
name, but he left no doubt that he had
him In mind.
"Send gnres Home."
"In sending us figures for the na
tional hall of fame, I would advise you
not ' to overlook your Marshalls, your
early Lees, your Monroes snd your
Henry a . Don't violate a sentiment
which you know to exist and which ex
ists today aa it did In the '60a
"I ask you, In the interest of loyalty
and harmony, to say to the people who
have sent hers this Image to come and
take It away. It may be dear to you,
but It Is not dear to us. Take It and
worahlp it If you please. but do not
Intrude It on the people who do. not
want it Take htm home- place him In
the moat sacred spot Give ; him the
dearest place in your local temples, but.
for Gods sake, don't again start this
Los Angeles Grand Jury Takes
! Up Clues Disclosed In
Wilson Hoax. ; !
' ' nnltd PrM Leased Wira.l
tos Angeles, reb. It Is ' believed
here that the grand Jury now Investigat
ing baby traffic -will bring indictments
agalnat aaveral local phyalcians for the
performanee. , of criminal, operations,
Thfs particular phase of tha baby traf
fic In thla city was revealed when the
pretense of Mrs. 'W. W. Wilson to toe
ng the mother of quadruplets was ex
posed recently. . ! 1
in addition to having lost the -quads.
owing to the action of tbe humane so
ciety, Mra Wilson stands In danger of
losing control of the three remaining
children in her' possession, one alleged
pair of twins, snd the only survivor of
an alleged set 'Of triplets of -which she
claimed to tm the mother.
i After It was learned that Mra Wil
son was no more the mother or these
children than .of 'the; "quad a" tha bu-
mane-"soclety threatened to take thero
away from her.'" ''' U
Tha matter waa : partially threshed
out In court yesterday when the Wilson
petition to adopt the girl twins snd the
little boy came before Judge Wilbur of
the Juvenile court Neighbors offered
testimony that Mra Wilson treated tbe
children "harshly." .
Mra Mar st era Mrs. Wilson's mother,
stated that she "would not like to have
any more children trusted to her daugh
ter." . i . -.
As a rtault, the children have been
left In Mra Wilson's care, ss depend
ents, pending the outcome of the court
proceedings. 4 '
,$65,550 ARE ISSUED
The followlnar bulldlnr nermlts have
Deen issued:
Fred Hoffman, erect two story frame
dwelling. East Thirteenth atreet. be
tween Frederick and Franklin; builder
aame: izvou,
Fred Hoffman, erect two story frame
aweiuns. East Tnirteentn street. o
tween Franklin : and Frederick, builder
same: izooo.
V. C. Sllkworth. erect one story frame
shed. Ruby street between Bauer and
Lron builder aame: iz,
A. ll. leader, erect one story rrame
dwelling. Stanton street between worth
wick and Alblna, builder aame; $1100.
Alex Thorln. erect one atory rrame
shed, Constance street between Unlop
ana .rjast eeventn: nuuaer aame: iju.
M. Johnson, erect two story rrame
dwelling, Morris street between Van
couver and Williams - avenue; . builder
John Westland: $1800.
Mcomnia & Reed, erect one atory
frame shed. Garfield avenue between
Mason and Skldmore. builder same; $700
Charles Johnson, erect one story
frame dwellings Roaelawn ave., between
Eleventh, snd Thirteentn; builder C T.
Anderson: 11500. .
Orearon Round Lumber company, erect
rrame docic. root or Haiaey atreet. cor
ner of Margin; builder CowllU Bridge
company: inooo.
is. T. retereon, erect two story rrame
dwelling, East Main street between Sixty-first
and Sixty-aecond; builder Stokes
& Zeller,' $S00O. " , - '
D. K. Btewart, erect two story rrame
Meeting of Laymen. " ;
'. Jackson, ' Miss., Feb. 8. Jackson ex
tended a cordial welcome to the hun
dreds of visitors who came to the city
from many points today for the open
ing of the big state convention In aid
of the Laymen's Missionary Movement
The convention program extends over
a period of three days and provides for
addressee by a number of churchmen
and other religious workers of wide
of the past .arose."
ICeox Flats
SPRHIG 1910 i
Soft Felts
Soft Felts
spirit out of which the terrible trouble. dwul
tween TiuamooK ana i nompson; ouiia
r Rtnlraa A Zflllr! 14200.' . . .
E. A. Fearing, erect two story frame
dwelling. Second street between Han
and Lincoln; builder J. E. Temple;
Hochfeld Brothers, repair three
story brick "fctore, Morrison street be
tween First and Front; E. Melton; $100.
Conrad HInckle, erect one story frame
dwelling. East Tenth street between
FalHne and Beach: builder aame; $160.
W. E. Lewis, erect one story frame
store. East Stark street between Sev
enty-ninth and Seventy-eighth; builder
same; $200.
John Bheppnera, repair one story
fnmit Vlwafllnari 1808 East Seventh
atreet between Nehalem and Spokane;
builder same: $200.
. Mrs. A. Hollings, repair one ; story
frama dwellina-. Bralnard street be
tween Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth;
bulldef Li. k. .f ortune; iiuu. .
M. A. Shanklln. feDalr one story
frame dwelling, Hassalo street between
Fifty-second and Fif ty-third; builder
James Twaddle; $1000.
W.-T. Boskill, erect one and one half
story frame dwelling. Greeley atreet be
twMn Portland boulevard and Dekum:
builder Thomas Clayton; $300.
Frank Gaglla,- erect one story frame
dwelling. East Harrison street, corner
Fnrtv-fourth: builder R. Currier: $500
R. Chalmon. erect three atory frame
dwelling, Flrat street between Caruthers
t Npc1il Dlspstcti te The Journal.)
. Baker City, Or., Feb.' $.- An 4
unuaual scene was enacted In the
First Baptist church of this city d
4 Sunday evening , when Ben 4
Woods, a local saloonkeeper, met 4)
bis cousin. Dr. Redfern, at tha d
d ; close of the. evening service,' Dr. ! 4
di , Redfern Is, a minister In Idaho, 1 d
S and is a first, cousin of Mr, 4
d Woods, who haa conducted a sa-
d loon In this city for soma time. s
4 Mr. Woods noticed the name "
4i Redfern In the church announce- : 4
d ments; and went to see if the
man was his relative, and dls- 4
d covered that he was. A reunion d
S Is being held at the home of Mr.
4 Woods In this city. 4
jrjsrw YORK,,
The Hat That Particular
. Men Demand
ir- r. : 3liMorr
Marie Cahill Obtains Injunction.
I TjmI Win,
New York, Feb. 8. Charles K. Harris, and. Sheridan; builder E. E. Raddlng
a music publisher, cannot issue hl8 .
un-. . , .. ... , I .1 jrnflsn. reunii vnv
nooapecKer- Bong wua lis cuorus I v..t -H1mnti twtmn Rli
containing the same music bars as that t"th "Wnd Seventeenth: builder J
of the "Arab Love Song," because of I Tumhnii r tasn ....
the Injunction granted yesterday to Marie 1 Carl Sperling, erect one and one half
canm by Judge Leonard Hand or the Story rrame dwelling, naigni avenue
United atts Mrcuit oonrt Mlaa Pa. between Shaver and Failing; builder
hill applied for an Injunction on the Iverson & Golor$l700.
sVt-Aiin4 ttia f Visa aartn rr WAra ilmnav I
and that Silvio Helh, the composer of HIGHEST OFFICERS OF
lilt iv vo vuijji, suuum iiavo ui9 ' copy
right Inviolate. The judge declared
that passages In the two songs were
similar that in fact the airs of any
two ragtime melodies were similar and
degrading at - that -but the publlol
seemed to . demand them.' He then
granted tha injunction. .
Portland Merchants Complain.
(Salem Bureau of The Journal.)
(United Press Leased Wire.) '
Baltimore, Md., Feb. a. The two rank
Ing officers of tho United States army
are in Johns Hopkins hospital Major
General Leonard Wood Is in
serious condition as the result of
an, injury to Mb head, caused by a re
cent fall from his horse. General J.
Ba em. or, Feb. 8. -Portland; com- yrftnWJn Bell, former chief of staff. Is
... it. vumpinun ,n tn6 jjogpital taking the "rest cure."
with the . railroad commission today General Wood may havs to undergo an
ijr s i nneratl On
computed by the railroad company the
shippers are charged for 17,000 pounds
minimum 'on a 27 or 80 foot car in
which it Is Impossible to load more
Family Owns Lot 100 Years. '
New Tork. Feb. 8. Auction sales In
than 13,000 or 16,000 pounds of hay or the metropolis often develop interesting
strawj that cars are measured on out- facts.' Such was' the case today when
side instead of on Inside, which is be- there was offered at executor's sale a
coming to be the practice and shippers P101 or g"na ,n ln" neart pi uie nn
are charged . on a minimum basis of anclal district which has been owned
20,000 pounds or $000 pounds mora by tne ss"19 family for nearly one hun-
area yeara. ' xno parcel, wnicn is iocaiea
Contract for nouses.
at the corner of Cortland and Green
wich streets, is sold to wind up the
'i.JX.l7F"v&?Z23 taa Bedford estate, C The first of th Bed
has let the contract for two large hand
some residences. They will be built at
ford connections with . the property.
which came through the Van Soltngens,
once and will be;two stories high, of ".ffi.
Solinsens. a well known physician of
his day and related to the Bedford fam
ily through marriage, acquired the prop
erty from the old Bayard and "Varies:
And Cnras Any Conga That Xs Durable;
Voted PhyBioian's Formula.
To Release Two Inebriate Com-
. rades Student Mob Storm'
the City Bastilcl-
(United Press LmsH Wtrs.y
Oberlln, Ohio, Feb. 8. The city prison
was wrecked, laat t night during a raid
by a crowd of Oberlln college students,
who rescued two of their comrades who
had been arrested on charges of Intoxi
cation. Tha young men who ,were In
jail were . L. P. Herr, 23 yeara1 of age,
and Robert iWaters. .18, a student In
the academy connected with the college.
Waters was expelled from the acad
emy recently because of misconduct
Last evening more than a dozen stu
dents accompanied him. to Elyrla for a
celebration before his. departure for his
home. Iteturnlrig to Oberlln at a late
hour. Waters and llerr were arrested.
Their companions immediately- recruit
ed a small army of studenta and rushed
the Jail.
Overcoming the jailer, the students
swarmed Into the corridors and liber
ated the two prisoners. So great waa
the destruction they left in their wake
that workmen wera summoned," early
today r to; repair the-damage. ' ' , . j
' . . 4
(CnttH Prass Lasses' Wtre.l
. Seattle, , Feb. 8.--Tha revenue, cutter
Tahoma, Captain Qulnlan, nailed (from
this. port, today for Alaskan waters,
where she will search far the missing
boat's crew from the steamer Farallon,
wrecked on lllamna reef January 7. 'It
la considered probable by men familiar
with the Alaakan coast line in tha vicin
ity ' of: the wreck thatvthe six men,
headed by Mats 8 wanson, succeeded In
reaching some Indian . village, where
they have taken refuge from the bus
ts rd that haa been raging for many
weeks..' . If -this proves to he the case,
tha, Tahoma Is expected to locate the
in.m and bring 'them back to clvlliisa
Hon. ... ,- , .
Ilt-rnilston Doesn't Cnre.
Hermlaton, Or, Feb. 8. Tenty-elght
surveyors of the. O. , R, & H. railroad
company are ln this. city , working on
the plans for a new route for the much
talked of cut-off. ' This time - th line
In to miss this place by about 25 milts.
By the lateat survey, Echq snd Stsn
fleld are left on the' main lioo. Her-
mistcin people are not at-nil concerned
over, the so-called, cut-off, and do not
seem to rare as ''to whether It goes or
not ., , '.-,' ' ' -.-.. ' .
",' a -i .. . t. ',. ' ';
rilas Cunl ta ts 14 Days...
' Faa Olnimrnt ! iriuniDltwl in rurs ny
of lloblnir Wind, I)lUlng or Prntrudlnf 'US
in to li d j. ,or toouer refunded. OOo. t .
' Casino Dancing Academy. -
The largest and beat ventilated place
that promotes . clean , and wholesome
dancing. ' Open every' evening, 8 to 12
P. m... corner 4th and Tamhlll, Castnv
building. .... ..,.,, ... J, ,,..,.. '
' -;..'r;.;, ! : ; ; :. . ' : ,-; v t. - a.-. ' . ? -; ' ( -
li iii
jiif. - - -. 'sj- '
' & '(r
To introduce our, -great? Quick-Baking
Range in -100 new homes,' wc have de-'
"cided to vofer.'- as a , special 1 premium,
FREE OE: ALL CHARGE to the cus-'
tomer; one ; of our. celebrated1'. Kitchen '
Gems ; illustrated Cand' 'described here. ,
This virtually amounts to' a reduction of '
. the sfeel range but we believe that .the:,
public-' will appreciate another $10 ar-'
'..''ticle, free, rather than a $10 reduction in'
the cost Jf the. range .-This ; ejetraordi-
nary oner goes wan any ot tne . r
, .- J .'' . ,...V,- il. -.p . 0 I -.. 1,1 t-i -,."' , .
-You receive two artidesior, the pricebf
one, for the price of the range remains
the same during this sale as at any other;
time; no inflation of values pur-
poses. goes here." ; ? l
Prices 040 up to $55
100 Kitchen Gems Free!
An Exlraordinary Offer!
This great' Steel-Range, is built ex
pressly for us by the "Eclipse" Stove
Company; of, Mansfield, Ohio, ' the
stove center of the United States. It
is built of cold-rolled steel of the.
quality locomotives are made of and ;
has two walls of this planished steel
and a middle-1 wall" Ja inch thick of as- -
bestos. These are hand-riveted to
gether with cone-head rivets making
it perfectly airtight and almost inde
structible. The . firebox is LARGE
in proportion to the oven, therefore it
- is a quick baker in fact, the quickest-
Daking. range Duut. ! -
Pay 1 a Week
Lr . wiiBiJsfyL.s
" 'Imi U'U A i i'U V '
. ; ffee! Ms,-
r'. ','V,v ' i.- v , . ' ' ' ,5 "' aV ' ': "'''" "' ' ' " e ' ' ''' "'" " ' ' ' ' ' "' '' ' '''' ''':y " '
First and
Second &
Surprising What ;
Kodol Will Do
For you, wKea .you need it. , But the longer you neglect
Indigestion the more you will suffer.
And. of course, lndlkeatlon 1 neg
lected Ions enough, brings on seri
ous diseases in which Kodol cannot
benefit you. Some of these there la
no help for at 'all. ' There ;are, in
. f act; very few ailments; which can
not, be traced,; dlrecUjT, td,; Impure
blood And impure blood is always
due to a disordered . Btomach.-' Use
Kodol, and prevent : Nervous Dys-
pepsla. Kodol will effectually assist
Morrison St, 0pp. Postoffice
New 1'ork Senatdr Investigated.'
Albany, i N. T Feb. S.Today ' saw
the formal ODenlntr of the Investigation
This prescription Is, ons of the very of th state senate Into the charges
best known to science.. Any g-ood drug brought against Jotham P.AlIds, ma
gist has the ; Ingredients or will get Jority leader 'and president pro tem of
them from his wholesale house, any one that body. The Investigation, which Is
can mix them. 1 ' innHtnl te HKt a.-wepk nr -lontrer. la to
Mix half pint of good whiskey with be . conducted by the senate, sitting as1 Jfatare to secure a complete restor-
two ounces of glycerine and add one- i a committee of the whole. The charges ,V atlon of eood dleestlon. It does this
nan ounce voncepiraiea pine compound, were -nrougm uy senator tsen conger,
The bouie is to na wen shaken each J who alleges that A J Ids on Aprll-Z3, 1901,
time and used in doses of a teaspoonfuH while a .member- of the , Assembly, de-
to a tablespoonful every four hours.?; manded, received and accepted 11000. ii
The C o n c e n t r a t e d pine Is a spe- consideration of his failures tq press a
clal-pine product 'and comes only . In certain bill '. then pending "before the
half ounce bottles, each enclosed itv, an house.. . Senator Allds has entered a
sir-tight-case, but, be aura it Is' labeled I general denial of the charges made
"Concentrated." . :, .k t ... : 1 against -him. '.' ...7. o v
: by. at '.once digesting all food In the
"'stomach and keeping It digested,
v until the stomach is rested and can
resume 15 its' own ? work. Kodol re-
moves "the cause an4 the ; effect
Cuickly rempves itself, i '
When it Is recalled that Apoplexy,
Heart : SiBease, Cancer-and , even
Consumption are due to poor di
gestion : and poisons thus transmit
ted to the blood, and throughout
the ' system the importance of
maintaining good, digestion ; is '"at
once; realized. We knew, what Ko
dol would do before even the first
bottle Was sold. If we did not know"
Just what It will do, we would hot
guarantee it, the way we, dp. Every
tablespoonful will ;:, digest v'. 24
pounds of food.' .v .;'- iU" ' . '
Our, Guarantee;? KSti
Kodol. . If you are not benefited the
druggist will at ones return your mon
ey. Don't hesitate; any druggist will ,
sell you Kodol on these terms. The
dollar bottle contains 2 times as
much as the 60c bottle. Kodol Is pre- ,
pared In the laboratories of E. C D
Witt tt Co., Chicago, ,
j : I
f TAKE !
All Rose City Park Cars run V
throup-h Laurelhurat" rTak car
at Third and Yamhill sts. Sales
men n the ground.-' Office 522
Corbett Building. ' '