The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 07, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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f H, J kON.,.....
I ii ll Ik-J T.-ry Tnlnf (airpt Sunday) and
rrt'rv Pmi.litr mniiir at TliaJnrnal BulM
hk. Una and lambil! atrreta, turtiaud. Or.
I m.t (t lha poatofflra at I'lirtlllwl, Or., f nr I
trvn.iiilvaloa tlinnifh lb alalia M aawod-claaa I
B.allrr, p - - ' .-
H.'U.THONKS Main TITS: Horn. A O041.
4 11 ri-imrtnirnra r-hwl liy lacaa eamhara. I
ii II lha oparauir wbat drparimant yoS waou
11 inln 4 hrnlitor ., Iturnaat.'k nulMIn.
I mi Mfih arprow. flaw Yor; Ji7- Hoca
ituililiiic. (Blmjiv '
elon; and , when the - president he
stows upon Mcllarg a sinecure Job,
one In which he can draw $12,000 a
year of the Indians' money for doing
them, i In , air .probability, harm. In
stead of good,, he invites aevere cen
sure and arouses widespread disgust.
N"A LETTER Mayor Simon has'
officially requested Commissioner
Dalley to aid in enforcing the
pure milk regulations. All that!
Is asked is that the commissioner
by the government to prosecute one cost, a fine, satisfactory and Indeed
or two of the criminal trusts. Small, sn ideal site for the great instltu
If any, results can be hoped for tion. In consequence of this splen
frora these prosecutions. They are did gift by the Ladds there will be
only whacklngs at here and there I much , more money to devote to
a. a ar , m . .- . M l V ' , . m
a Drancn or a gigantic upas iroe. ji i Dunamgs ana omcr purposes, ana it would bs no use to try to boycott
ifie government were in earnest ilibiuuio too u m .Bguner i
' . a a a . a a - PT. . 111. . all ' .
snout curDing tne greea ana eitor-iana more completely duiii up ana
tions of the trusts, and reducing the J organized
cost of living, tt would immediately
take ud that monstrous Aldrich- In th country-wide and feverish
Payne tariff law and destroy it: search for the cause of high cost of
Th. k. v.. ,. I Jinny on cu
'v iivn aacusi nu uujiri:Liuri i o muria i f i - . i
raking. , ,. j Y a V, '
Tflirhor iivlt, In nn. . ..... . i ruu growers arouno mewuerg nave
desirable. ' , - ' " ry j 'ornicda union. , , .
'Throe ralry mm In two days killed
100 Juck rabbits..
La Grand will do much paving.
Many oil claims art being located in
Vnr anm m miklla ...
WOUlu CUl UOWU mOBl OUlieS One-l1,JU umiuu puuuiu uiiii iv w musiiy a crap. , ,
fniiu.rni.iion ivraw mail r tn ny aidraj name Portland milk inspectors as
deputy dairy commissioners. The
I 50 1 wujrvr nuyo. iu my upjuiua you
I haVA amnio nnwar n mtlia thnaa an.
V .a I ointments, and the clfy of Portland pefce'Te ?eff.r'ou nat"r of th
(:i ib l ulird tilatra. I'auada or Mnlooi
. DAILY. :, ! '
On Jftc , ..$5.(10 Ona month.
Oiia fir., ".."..". Oim reool.
: daimt and sl.voat. It ;
Our yr. (..... $T.M On month. ..... . .83
half or two-thirds, and add largely the hen. What 6he makes is not the
to the free list. This would tend to price, dui me jnere egg.
break the trio of the robber trusts.
and woijld Immensely stimulate com- ' The Republican party was born In
merce. and nothing else will do this. lnBurency- Lincoln was the groat-
wlll assume all responsibility for
That the people are- coming ' to Insurgent of them all.
extortionate tariff law . there are
The falroat action of our human
" .llf . k .- . . , ;
Is scorning to rveng an In
jury; , ,
rr who forgives without a ':
utrife ' i
Mia adversary's heart to, him.
- Joth - tie: . .'
And Mis a Xirmer conquest truly
'said. - .-
To win lte heart thaq over- ;
throw th ned. '
-l-ady Csrtw, "Tragedy ... oft
MarlanV. , ; ' , .-, .
thA nf lh anlarta .i.rf .t. 'U'V inmuauoui, as numerous meui-
noil.,.. whiiA in th M nf hMA bers of congress are beginning to
nnnnlniAA. nH will nrntf vmi ,! ome or mem are aiarmcu
lth ol.l. oa-.lnof .nv lr.a. the , f Bt thCY , Will be Voted OUt B6Xt
I be sustained by reason of any action nd well they may, be. Senator
in this reHnert . Lodge the other day assailed the
Her Is BRs.,ranrtn h rfnlrV ' trust for robbing 85.000,000
commissioner that In deputising the conBumers. yet only last summer he
city inspectors he will have .theluutl"u c"ra 'ns crnHU .
hnii nf Pnni.n Koxtr hitn iers were , a roytn. , Massacnuseus
The city of Portland wlll pay their Cftm near ?lnR ff1"11 lMt'a!!,'
salaries and Mnenses Th eitv of n even inai proirouun lronguoiu
By MHes Overholt
Portland "will guarantee the com
missioner and the state against loss.
The city of Portland' will be com
pletely responsible for .their acts.
The mayor assures the commis
sioner that the law authorizes these to the Dakotas.JncluslY, the lnsur-
l. 1 ...I I ..itt.VX 4 It rt a k..MM...M.J .M
I Blon la 4ha nrns-ram t V. ... A lllUOI"B. iHB CUIUlUUiSlunPr icvviuu i lai mum jiiuuuuuito auu
& w iItI; ". :i"" himself ought to know that the law defiant of the , great "principle
Z.JjZln Ulves him such authority. An opln- The voter are lnsurglng by hun
yIFTY submarines for defense of
4 the Pacific coast against i ava
ls becoming 'fdoubtfall;" its people
are discovering that even there it is
the few who are protected at the
expense of the many.
In the west, all the way from Ohio
, " M
' f ' J TslieaaiT iIniA I
1 A I b I yeoTT 1
If ' K- JOMOfZ
the house committee on naval af
fairs. The plan is to build ten a
3 ear for the next five years. West
ern members think there Is a fair
prospect for the program to be
adopted by the naval construction
hoard. :'' -''. ' " "'
If there is reason for a greater
navy there is reason for the Pacific
Feb. 1, 10 a, .m. Ata soma break
fast food and a cigarette for break
fast Hungry ever since.
1 p. m. Ate lunch IS times today.
Inn in th enntrorr hv tha nitnmev I ArcHa of . thmiRAnris. not an much
general was not good law. If that against Cannon and Aldrich and b"ncvcon'I,ted of Pottoe P
opinion has not been by, this time I their leadership they are "only In-1 $ m.Ats soma more lonch
reversed by the attorney general I struments, tools as against the ' ( p. m Had some pie and potatoes nd sawdust
himself it ought to be.
is so plain that even the commission
er can understand It if he will read! under the name of protection. , ; As
Of course there Is no 'prospect of an
r.naier na( ooycoii.
' Another ahd a different "rain of ter
ror ; is over n i'aris. ,
President Taft soems to be dlsplsy-
niaj vvjjuy mm m. potuician..
. . ..
Tha lion is a meat eater and la very
wrung. Ul IUUK ( tile OUI1.
XT .... .
a l.w ye('snie wuon ! mors
loaiiiuiiuuia uiaa me watt r waeon.
. Ths weather lately has One advantage;
11 ia nut cunuucive o spring pociry.
t It Is Important that a new garbage
nii-iuciBiui v uliii Boon as possible.
A ule that never falls: When the
price 01 eggs . amines, ths bens lay
irprlces of things "should go down
people would not tars nearly so much
Ths Oresonlnn's reports of the Ball
Inger Investlaatlon are Intended to dis
tort, suppress or conceal ths truth.
- icvery dsy of delay in sUrtlng to
puna mai aroage crematory Is en In
jury and may be a big damage to Port
Blblea tiavlnv mn arnnm tin In
some people will find an excuse for ne
noting- mors trsjtn nan Uxm tea com
nuiuunienis, . .
Klkton has an ex handle factory, em
ploying several mon. -
Horses are In great demand at high
prices in eastern Oregon,
-.. . a, a
Meadnwlarks have appeared near W'
vais. sure sign or wring. . .-
Rlsns ' of development - sre thick
around Stanfleld, says lie Standard.
Union la all ready to welcome a
through line of railroad via that town.
-a a- . .
Med ford's bostal receipts for January
were bo per cent overtiuiae a year ago,
Train of 1 .c-arloads of cattle lpf 1 1 recesses now. allowed.
Klamath Falls .for tsau Francisco one minutes sliofiJd follow
day. .
... a a
Postal rocclpts of Newburr 'were 44
per cent mors lot January than lu Jan
uary, moa. , t
There Is -coed demand In San Fran.
Cisco for the product of an sxcelslor ,
ractory on coos , imy. .
rood town and la m
mg- to grow niriit along, is the opinion
ox (it ooservant visitors there.
B. W. Johnson, t-ecomniendd by Re.
Gleanings on Kducittlnn.
N aildrrxtilriir a ret out clvlu club
nifeOng, Wllllnm g.jynour Monros, '
professor of peycholVy in the Mas
sachusetts Htato Normal school, de
clared that the entire system of ed
ucation In this country ia wrong' be
caiiHo It cultlvatea the brain at ths ex-.
pvnae of the body.
mere Is too much of tha passlvs in
our system." ho suld. "Wo simply at
tempt to pour In knowlmltfe which is
In many Instances 'wiit-iiileaa. Th
Child should be so trained that Its in
dividuality is not submerged.
"We keep our children in tho school
room poring over glusnd pages without
ado(rnat6 rest until the eye ond the
brain become fatigued. Fifty per cent
of the cases in our schools where dis
cipline is required Is due to the lnnan
ity In our methods of. teaching.
"Freguont periods of rest between
studios are essential, and, yet there is
a movement to curtail even the short
A "rest of 10
each SO mln-
utes of work In the elementary
schools and each SO minutes of work In
tne higher schools. Gymnastic work Is
all right, but it doesn't take the pluos
of natural play, . .; '
people are beginning to awaken tin .
to tho fact that morturn school work Is
hard on the children and far from all
that It should be. One writer likens tt
to a cider press where so many apples
from the trea of knowledge are poured
into the hopper, tha wheels are set In
prenentatlve Jlawlcy for re-appolntment I motion and teachers and parents calcu-
SS postmaster Of CorvaUIS. hss held I lata tn a nlretv ttiat tl, amount .nf
that position continuously for 13 years. ; good cider of assimilated knowledge
- . W , 9 li1.aA-.S Ji
imVltl tf.I.WLi"!. "'chrcVr they ara children:
set half way in the -round, and was 'n supposed to accept anything in ths
way or scnooung, ana tney are not al
ways given the consideration dua them
In this respect.
"There Is not
As one business man
a business 'man who
pulled out and saved by hla 4-vear.
Now the breakfast food minufiMnr. u' owner.
mm I as SafaS fnmilnai a MMai.l. T -a A I '
for a rise In ths prices of straw, chaff L A1tJy. 'nce September 1, there bus I
ana sawdust wen a greater rainrun, s is inches, in
.1 ' 1 - . . a a , mat iiw n T . . n j...t.
The law great system of . robbery ' tha bag f to"" flfc' f ,nnw-K 8U" . 6oa'rnor Hughes alya Ha mn.t ! whole w ii J b.,Trobiwy wean 'n' ths child', school routine:-,
amission- been for so many years carried on touir. dL,,krJ"r,Sat ' , in business ther. is mors or less
l. - . .! " " firaraou ji waa a 1 m-ni an. -, 1 - - .., rhanaa mli,l In tvlfh .wnrlr- a min la
er can unaerstana it ll ne will reaa unaer ine name ot proieciion. . as beefsteak fried with mushrooms last f ics 7or the "iaVne" u.u iul U4 I Oakland Owl: Douglas coutvtv no- teiome eitnt hlV7wi boss! h. can
it. '.. In any event, the terms that long as' the "principle, 'the policy, night and I nearly smothered. Got up I Isesses a surplus of varied opportunities latretch .his legs If hs so desires, for a 1
tha onmmlaiifnnar orrian1a1 nr thai la tn ha rot a In on inA mi nti nM "" "U wuill uui l ino BLOCayaruB. I io Airanr uemoeni UT1 TM mnu '" u"ui"vreu jci 1110 oiwyi mi nun..) t.ik n hi. . ..J
coa&l to nave tnese submarines, ana clty hlLV6 bfeen comDlled with, and what difference does it make wheth- 1 1 ..... . . r. LT"" 1'". 'IS ?aJJLJ wm st ths end of each
not only these submarines.- but bat- m .im0...iL Mh. mi. am,i.k .n r.n, , a! .n :r"" " vlc na Oueer if true: ilmtt, T-r- n --T. Within her borders are ths very on- half hour to scold him Iflie has been
tleshiDS and all th othAr nar.nhrJ " "' "T"r " . this kind of fodder. portunlties which are today being sought lax or to urge him on to better effort
m - - ar i mrr inn b n n inn t nnnnn n n nr tti i i .inn ok. b m i tn n tin ntiHHPB r rv or 1 i rniiv uuii e ippi w- 1 rrwia v a istrrn i .... i ar -kaa aiibn w.. it.. i a i a v i . .
fislfa f if 1MW. I. .n ...... r '"r . . '-m' """" . " I". VIZ "Z '"""l"!..l""lor e- mm aim pnrsicai aiutuae
V '"T V consumers m this town are awaiting particle. There is no reason for "Y . . , . - . . . A Nisgara Falls woman 42 years old vlurer "," iru" rower na ins wims at work is not as it ahouid b:
jor mis coasc lO nave either or all. hi. nA him art Inn s-ttlns- HA nt tha. .a th.r I. ." irea oi potatoes and Pie nas given birth to her 26th child. Thla , . a . . :: .. nor does he need to sit upon tho edge
then there U no reason for a greater IZ .- -..-. a - . -- "" "r.wyu-.""0 "'V V" Lt..tfl ". er piv ...r. inhn 1 o" bis chair in fear and trepidation that
navr.! The very insistence that rhera . . . , " ' " VT "lT-T Ja.:rr " " ' uc" chad a S5 acre farm on an Island near " moment ha may, ho called before.
i J-.rv ". .. : wMftwrjwiinwn rnuuiwiuAS reason iwr geiung rw uriae tarm i ana innaie 7 1 TI Kugene, partly set to cherry and peach the class or have his salary docked, ot
..uvWv.MWvi..ruCwilu - - that breeds and feeds the trusts and ' n ? "wun ltcnen Th. v... . t trees and some walnuts. The cherry perhaps will be kept In over offie '
war Tesseis aesiroys me wnoie ar-1 rTrliERE has been but one Bard of I ria tham Hwn tn rnh k nnn nnn .;.VVrr"5 .' u"u- h,.7 Th- ,Z """"" ""' hk a ournea over tama-
gument of those who are
the lust for marshaled
and naval array. The Tirst
blow any hostile nation would
at the Unled States would
upon the Philippines and
hours because his work has not been
mad with I Avon. We have waited cen- nni. ava av .V f . , - ' ;
battleships I turie. for another. We may ' ' 70
naval - ' have other centuries to wait - night : Think ru writ poem wUsny'day. but 5f the mo w.
strike for reappearance of a mind of eaual anm rPnrBflnttiva. in nnTBmltblnuJ?,"? 32,ooo 'pounds, a net tha bell rings, he is expected to "have
be to fall literary vigor. In bis exquisite fr Th. p. .M ...T. u"Vr Keep,n' tt it cold" ou" w vT: fS1
Hawaii, handicraft with huma language, in InZ nTZh mi. -nT Vnn. "?E!"?? no ? 'or youY- acn m'26. his wraTo crSpwant 6 bSshel2 ?3h ' V.u?.-"1 "La."?
.i vs. riii miniirn n v r i n iir s a a .v ana i i : i i bliiii rsr un. as i ri wm wura f 1 1 wnnn
1 " ' aw aataaw, I S SU BkAJB B SB, 1 1 1 1 IFW W r rH 1 n)TSn I ' - - . .
ine next would be an attack upon the polish and technique with which eiderablv terrified, we tiidea frfim . OF COURSE It WOULD oo UP,
the feebly fortified Pacific coast, he made phrases teem with ficintll- Washington report lest this coast be The ,eronaut pointed his craft sky
where g foothold for an Invading latlng thought, in the skill and attacked and ravaeed bv some for- an ,nl"her .w until
army would be easiest to gain In power with which he enriched Eng- 'fol "VSlbS Tt Isfor 1 k R .75?
lew of this manifest fact one Inev- lish literature, in the masterpieces men who assume to be statesmen, Darkness followed the evening
itable conclusion must follow. If ot expression that he left as a legacy True this coast is In more need of JwU,"nt-nd still the airship did, not re-
there is need for a great navy on for all the generations that are to naTal defense if there is anv need thi i..!fJVL. 5n cnBternatl"' "d (From speech presenting tha po-ralts
the Atlantic coast, there is greater come after him in all this was the o' na hi...,. -iTh i7T wieners or .peakers Sedgwick, Varnum.and
. ... -.1 ... . , iup 4iauuu vuaot, uui uiwi jM kq upward, DUI not I Banks to tha U. 8 houia ef rffiraunta:
need for one on the Pacific. If maJeBtlc and unapproached power thara n nt it even a speck was visible. 17,."" i. L" ...A01 representa-
thou 1. . .ul t . c.u. - . " ' " " 1 i . ' I .uaijr a,, ooo.
vi uoti wi a fticaLcr btj ui ouajnnpf urw. I either rnnnt Th whnlA hnslnnRa i " " apirearmi upon tns scene.
Three Mawachnflctts Speakers By John B. Long'
rt-r. to ril. . i. t. J a I n it-i I w" ' I -Who WH tha atrtolnrf" h.
v v...v,,uc.o i uu ucm ir 11 iw eutuutasiug lliai mem arc I oclHo frrtm hointr a muni n tnn. . - -- .- h Tha
... r . . . . . i " " " " " " v.. m " i i- yj uiio ciiuict answer. .1
The artists bave finished their work,
one on the less exposed Atlantic, If, still those who produce on the stage porting a lot of people at public "Well, what was the nam-of th. ah brought to Washington - under the
therefore, the. puny pittance of a the Immortal lines of this literary expense, is mere buncombe. shipr wras his next query. - ' charge, of. Messrs. - Bouma, " Johnson
few submarines is refused, the whole colofesus. Half a dosen lines from. , tfleef steak,'' wm the reply in chorus, an Locke, a committee of he execu-
argument Of the navy maniacs falls I any of the famous speeches that
to the ground. x V . Shakespeare pts into themouth. of ln7ee
As to peril from invasion there hla player are worth more as an the dlffereBt etpreBB compftnle8 of
5 .fTV ." U the 8hIp" the evenIng,B tfZTK tbaD the country have a noncompetlng
TTwlTA1 Craina , atnatat anB. at. 1. "0 rVr I rtrt A 9 ThA etnia IrilrAa AWrmfw ' f mw
wCr iu mo nb- ,v.iu, w. -i- rate maintaining agreement. Nobody
" "r,-"1" " v Avoau, 10 uuv a ""'"''" ..-'" "" ha8 any doubt that there is such an
nation on earth that would for one of the nondescript productions of the agreement, but it may not be easy to
minuteserlously contemplate inva- present day. Interpreted by players prove u B0 as , tQ justlfJu.
iion. . The resources In men, money especially skilled in expression, the ,,,,,
jJmJ iZZJSZ .f!2. -I! of all the companies are equally ex-
uinwiinsTi- - travagant. exorbitant and extortion-
t,u" .'T vn country wouia pe r w. ate, and reduction should be com
tuiu a Btupenuous array 01 poien- Dcau- 1 iuuuun ui Duancciicaio
tiality as this world has never seen. I differ In degrees of excellence,, of
To attempt invasion would be to course, but even the indifferent
rtftr n n . 1 . . . iL.ItnaHt. tha Tiaortv Bimnni 1 1 thai ".w
. . v uYcuurow vi, me w tain rates or not.
inevitable. it is a poSSlDllliy jit I huului "u wcu laica mo wwu
only to harrow the souls of the timid I where that Bupport la unstinted.
and excite the fears of the puny.
"Oh. Well i hpn. nma nn hnma V I .1 .11 -m , . . , . .
An InvMtflInn h.. Knan .r.Wa a.M -IHI . '-7 m. maBaacnuseitS, appoint-
o- " v.n - .... uoyi aviiio uuwii. . 1 ea c V uavernor nnuwnt hn.
to ths national government, and now
T U t ri t I y the courtesy of the house, present
ucucrs a rom inc reopie I noor. speaking for them and
the teacher thinks blm capable Is not
forthcoming, or If he has Idled for a
minute, or broken out even a little, b
is probably deprived of his few min
utes of play or mad to stay after
school and make up poor work. "Tou
teach too much arithmetic," said Jap
anese visitor to our country, .in
I pelled by federal or state authorities,
1 or both, whether there is any agree
ment among the companies to main-
Massachusetts has a statute estab-
"BOSH." llshing the direct primary in certain
districts, and 150 out of 240 repre-
STATEMENT ONE pledge of sentatives and 13 out of 40 senators
a candidate for the legisla- are now nominated by direct plural
ture, the Oregonian reiterates, ity vote, without th intervention of
is "bosV All pledges are anv convention. " Soeaker Walker d-
Visual A h mU14a4 ,t.l.L I a. xv a. J a a. . a ..
Since, however, on the episodes of T Vh 7 , , sr Z 'a" T, .',V, 8 By8tem
I. L :ZlnAi If J""a! himself is "bosh." To obey or prom- will probably be done in the near fa
lse to obey the("will of the people" ture. There is a growing pro-pri-is
"bosh." To do or promise to do marv and anti-convention sentiment
For prudential reasons and also for
vain pomp we may be warranted in
maintaining a moderate navy,' but
not to prevent an invasion that is no
more likely to be attempted than
that the mountains will fall.
wars we dream of, we are spending
71 per cent of all our revenues:
since the egotisms of our martial
feelings will impel us to spend the
money, anyway, let the 50 eubma-
rnes be vouchsafed the Pacific
coast If the Pacific coast does not
need the panoply and pomp of war
tne Atlantic doesn't, either.
WHILE much can be said in
. favor of President Taf t, he
y f has made some notoriously
, bad appointments, and has
done so with his eyes open, and with
full knowledge that the appointees
were not fit men to serve the people
In any capacity. This criticism ap
plies to some members of his cab
inet, and to one or more very im
portant judicial appointments. For
marshal of Alaska he appointed, in
.spite-of protests and with all the
facts before him, an embezzler of
, public funds. Now he has appointed,
presumably at Secretary Ballinger's
or postmaster General Hitchcock's
solicitation, the unsavory OrmBby
Mcliarg to be eastern agent of the
Choctaw Indians, at a salary of
112,000 a year. This appointment is
fairly an insult to every Roosevelt
man In the country, an affront to
good citizens of all parties and may
well prove to be injurious to the
Indians who are wards ofHhe gov
ernment and" are"' entitled to have
their affairs handled by entirely
trustworthy, responsible men. '.
XlcIIarg is the - fellow who at
Chairman, now Postmaster General
Hitchcock's instigation, came out to
Oregon last winter to try to induce
lioucRt, reliable, Bworn members of
the legislature to become, liars,
K-oundrels, perjurers and traitors to
tln people who elected them.' No
lionest man, no decent man', no man
ft tr .any office or trust whatever,
wt iild have undertaken such a mis-
To Berve genator Flint of California , will
what the people, the great majority throughout m6st of the country.
of people, want done and demand
shall be done, is "bosh.'
lu pwpie a imercsis insteaa oi opp08e the Issuance of bonds or cer
those of corporations and combines t,f,,.nr(l, tn nM tn the wnrir nt top.
and schemers who design to rob the iamatlon of arld landS( although this
yvvy, UDJU V"5 work would be greatly beneficial to
peopis as tnBourct, ! autnoruy CaUfornla fiut F1int does not rep
and to obey them ; instead of some rBann r.Hfr,rnin irw i ii.h tir.
selfish and unscrupulous boss poll- tIe matters aB do not come In con-
iician, is dom. ;o promise voters fUct at ftll wlth the trustB and m0.
to do a certain thing and 'get their nopo,le8. jt i8 these that Flint was
votes on ion BireuBiu "A prom- .hnw. in rerirAafint, on ha Anaa If
lse, and then to keep one's word and He ,s entirely subservient to Aldrich
a la.tu 77scuia inewrythtog.
the Oregonian. Fortunately, very
few agree with it.
Lattmi n Tha in..r..t .h...M .. I.. I gift they bring, I present to the national
one aide of the papor only and ibonld be aecom- houso of representatives these "worthy
f-uhtu uj re nam ana aadraaa or tba writer, portraits'' or Speakers Sedgwick. Var
nndaratood aa indarain. h. .i I V, Inthrop already here. 'they are SDeak-
ef porrrapondonta. Lattera iboald be made aa I ers still for the stats and for ths un-
oner a noaaible. Tboaa wan wlah thalp uit Inn an hint. h .v.... ...
eeadluf 800 worrta in lencth may, at the die- service. I trust that other states,' fol-
cwuw os us eauor. na cut aowa to taat Unit I lowing the example of this day. -Will
' I array Destde. these portraits worthy por-
JVew rian for Naming Streets." I traits of their own distinguished sons
. Portland, Feb. 4. To the Editor of who have held too same office and who
tne journal: As the sub lent of re. aeserve, as Massachusetts thouitht hers
naming the public streets and renum- deserved, v mors permanent and artistic
bering the houses therein, as Dronosed ! memorials than those which have hlth-
by City Engineer Morris In The Jour- erto hung upon the adjoining walla,
nal Issue of January 31 Is open for It Is fitting, Mr.-Speaker, that I leave
discussion and suggestion, I desire to to my colleagues who represent the sev
present what may be considered as an eral districts in which lived the speak
improvement of the plan proposed and ers whom Massachusetts has riven in
tho plat accompanying It the chair you occupy the appreciative
Let the division between ths East words which this occasion dnmnnna In
and West Side be the Willamette river, their behalf; but I cannot i forbear to
and the division between the north and add in a, single Bentence that their
south be Burnsida street (Washington fame and services are limited to no dis-
In two or three sewer contracts
Chicago people, according to re
ported estimates, have been swindled
out of 830,000,000. This 1b a re-
MONO 'the various causes of suit of party politics yoked up with
the Increased cost of living, all city government. The big thieves
but . one are natural and per- helped elect "The ticket," and con-
haps inevitable causes. This tributed unstintedly to the campaign
one Is an artificial, unnatural. un-Jfund. and tnen dictated certain ap
necessary cause, and one injurious I polntments, and so the way for them
in many ways besides in this result to steal millions was made clear.
of Increased .cost of necessaries
This cause is the trnst-breedlng high It Is safe to assume and assert that
tariff. VC ; a " majority of the . Republicans of
The gluttonous greed of a com- Oregon are opposed to Cannon and
paratively limited number and class Cannonism, and If so, what, are they
of people, whose Influence in legls-J going to do about electing represen
lation and even in administration is tatives in congress next fall? Will
powerful, dominant) is' working a they continue to elect m4 who are
hardship upon a very large propor- abject followers of Cannon, at the
tion ot the people.. That higher sacrifice or Oregon's interests?
prices of necessaries are natural and
necessary, Independent of . the enor-1 "Time and again." says the Los An
mously high tariff, is true; but that geles Times, "Senator Nelson has had
the prices of most necessaries have to1 warn Glavis not to give Improper
been increased far beyond normal, testimony.". But what ia, 'improper"
reasonable i figures by trusts - and testimony? Anything, it is supposed,
combines and syndicates and inter- that in the jjeast refiecti discredit
ests, which have teen enabled to do ably on Balllnger :or any of :. his
7 ucuttutsc oi exorDitant au- friends,
ties, is also clearly true. ' Few longer
ueay or aispute tb(s. -r The Reed InBtltilte trustee! were
. Isow . some motions are being made J fortunate In being presented, free Of
above Fifteenth, West Side), renaming
this Central street on ths West Side
and Division street on the East Side
of the river. All streets runninar north
and south on ths West Side to be called
streets and on the East Side to
called avenues, and numbered consec
utlvely from the river, -except Front
street on the west Side and Water
street on the East Side. Ths streets
running east and west on the West
Side, south of Central (Burnside) to
be called Rue . (French for street)
First, Second, Third Rue, etc., and
streets running east and west, north
of Central (Burnside), to be called
via (Latin or Roman for street). First,
Second, Third Via, eta
On the East Side streets running
east and west north or Division to be
called Corso (Spanish for street). First,
Second, Third Corso, etc, and streets
running east and west south-of . Divi
slon to be called Strasse (German for
street), First, Second, Third, StrasSe,
, Jn the above plan the Whte Temple
wouia pe jocaiea on xentn riue ana
Twelfth street, the Scottish Rite Ca
thedral on Eighth Rue and Fifteenth
street, Trinity . Episcopal church - on
Nineteenth street and Third Via;, the
Roman Catholic Cathedral on Fifteenth
street and Second Viat tho New Homeo
pathic Hospital on Second avenue and
Eleventh Corso; St. David's church on
Twelfth avenue and Ninth Strasas.
The advantages of ,th above hames
are! This would do away with N. W.
N. E., 8. W. and S. E. every time one
named, wrote or printed a street loca
tion. Tho name would at once Indi
cate the district Rue for S. W., Via
for N. W., Corso for N. E., Strasse for
8. E. The names are short and distinct
and number aonrevation la necessary.
Anotner aistrict couia ts formed.
say north or JHoiiaday avenue and west
of Vancouver street, and another name
adopted ror street in that district, such
as "Estra" , (old French), or Strada
(Italian), thus covering the Peninsula
and st, Johns ir annexed.
This plan originated with a Colonel
Stuart, a prominent civil engineer, some
u years; ago. i tninlt nis plan was
copyrighted, ' but, the i eanyrla-ht 1 hi
... Ili. ... -r l '' - TT
run mui ujr mm mutj aim i iiiinK croD-
ably was never : renewed. The right
to use- tne plan was freely given to all
cities that officially requested It, and
was so given to Philadelphia and Other
cities. By some of these cities it wm
adopted and is now in use,' the .city
councils by resolution thanking Colonel
Stuart for the privilege granted.
in numbering, as ths lots almost uni
versally are - 60 feet, frontage, -let a
number . be - given to-each half k lot or
it feet, giving each block SO numbers J
trtct In Ihftt nlatnrln Mnn,n..l v... nc" """ur u uur . "nl'
ara hr. Vannital -V.i. u Japan we teacn.our children manners
arvhtra n.n.Wil? her common Md then we teach them morals; after
In 7h'B ttmJm .nn b.u,, that we teach them arithmetic, for
Lm? mm m i ft01 and wlS Vlthmetlo without manners or morals
unTr h"erftcoPnas,trucf.othaotf "fiSS makw men . -
tion, has been tried and not found ' ' ' U K t ' . .
wanting In power to preserve Its own "C, ? gnlced Ileef '
integrity, to establish Justice, insure do- , 1 , JT ' .'.-.
mestic tranquility, .provide for tha cqm- T'AKE a pleco .weighing ifronv t 0
mon defense, promote the general wcU 1 pounds front the rump, clod, cross
fare and secure the blessings of liberty ' rib , or chuck rib; wipe with -a
for ourselves and our posterity; hers, damp cloth.' Make Incisions in the top
too, proud mother as she has been of so of the beef and force in. strips of fat
many other statesmen, soldiers, scholars, salt pork, one third of an inch wide
orators poets and patriots who have and as long as the meat Is thick. Put
loved,, honored and served their coun- the meat in a deep dish and pour over
try. Could you. sir, like Virgil's man. a cup of spiced vinegar which is irfade
cross tho stream and walk the Elyslan by steeping In it one minced onion, one
lieius BB at some time VOU Will mnv I half tAiiunnnnfnl nf Mnnnr mimtorrt
it bo late alfke with .you and with cloves, allspice and one teaspoonf ui of
him whose place by reason of his ill- celery salt In the meat Add one tahte-
nesa jou occupy this day you would spoonful of minced celery and om half
see them there Sam Adams and Anh.v tauniuin fill ft Arv mimmA. invnrv 1 jtt
wu ana viuincy ana Hancock; War-1 the meat stand in this for 24 hours.
ren, nis patriot blood spouting hot from turning occasionally. . Brown the meat
his gaping wound; the , swart, mighty I in. a baking dish (either granite or
orow or Webster bent over the onen earthan. never Iron or tin."-on ' account
pages of the constitution; tho nervous off the vinegar) when ready to cook,
figure of Choate; the vraceful noaa nf thnn i add pnnusrh vafi tn pnvar lha
.vereii; wmgreuow, dreaming of thj I bottom of the kettle. Place Ud on, and
banks of the Charles; Emerson and! simmer slowly for 4 hours, then add
bumner; and Phillips, calm in Ma mer- two turning a'nd one larre carrot sliced
cijess scorn or injustice, walking arm I thin and finish cooking. When serv
in arm win the fiery Andrew, no Greek Ing add beets, cooked separately, and
or xrojan neimeit on weir heads, but small onions fried in deep fat. To the
in their hands the broken shackles of a luices in the kettle add 'hot water
slave and the olive branches of the re-1 enough to make one pint, and then stir .
Biorea peace ana Union Of their nounfrv Un two levnl Rnnnnfii1a nf finiif mlri,1
umy snaaows. ; uniy piotures such as smoothly with a little cold water. Sim
these we bring today mute, but forever mer until, It thickens and add one level
eloquent. -.; . ,- . ,- -. - .. .-, . -
Serve In a hot
February 7 in History TLe First Hospital
The first hospital established in Am
erica was, opened in Philadelphia on Feb
ruary 7, 1750. For nearly two years
Benjamin Franklin and other influential
men were working for the establishment
of such an institution. A charter- was
granted In May, 1751, and the . first
board -of trustees elected the July fol
lowing. .
The day of the opening a number of
patients were admitted who were regu
larly attended and given their medicine
free. Joshua Crosby was the first ores
ident and Benjamin Franklin the first
clerk..:' : . j..-
The second hospital established was In
New Tork city In 1771. From these early
beginnings there has now grown un in
the United States a veritable forest of
iiuayiuiio. o.viy , ciiy, iuwn ana village
has Its duly appointed institutions of
this character and the hospitals of the
united States are now acknowledged
the most handsomely and thoroughly
equipped in the world and serve as mod
els ror European architects. . '
Hospitals were founded In very early
times. India, Persia and Arabia had
hospitals, supported by their kings and
rulers before the Christian era. As far
back as the earliest period in Greek
history the sick are said to have been
treated in the Temple of Aesculapius at
Epldaurus. In the early Jewish period
a house for the reception of the sick
was called Beth Holera. . Such an insti
tution was Beth - Sa-lda, . mentioned In
the New Testament ':y' -yy
Military hospitals are of comparative
ly recent origin, born of the needs of
warfare and the advance of medical sci
ence and hygiene. In the Crimean war
01854 the French alone of the allied
powers possessed anything approaching
tablespoonful of butter.
sauceboat , -
Ribbon Cake. '
frrWO cups sugar, two thirds cup but
I . ter. three eggs, one , cup sweet
ried off the field In rough and ready , T -V ,
fashion, sailors' hammrwiT. J,?? spoonful soda, 2 teaspoonf uls cream
flavor f, with
the equipment now common to all ar
mies., Tha English woundeii Vftr. net
matelv tttiUseM-k-a. vim ...fc-.V.... iI tartar, little salt, and
the French stretcher and ambulance !emon- rut half the above in two ob
Surgeons dressed jtho wounded on the llf pan8 fn.d i thf realnder. add one
field, for whom there was little or no tab,e8Pon,ul of molasses, one large cup
after accommodations, until, spurred bvf' 4shoe raisins, and on- qua
the publication of Florenco.lIiirhMnir-. chopped .citron,, sliced If desired,
one quarter
description of .condition! the EnVlish tea8poonfuI ; cinnamon, one half 'tea
ar I . . . ' J antAW flAVn Ana total iaoannAA ollanlna
uuvwriiiiifn, appoiniea j bora Merbert'fi
commission; vhieh resuhe In more sf-
tocuve xiuspiw eeryice. ; -A .., . n
y-: Thd rinanital nhfn Ma a - .'
w Hi.utt f"ilK TV U.T9 CBULD MRnArl III a . a a. . a ... a n . . .
th ea.rl v 'fiOs and shnrti o.Z",-.;. WKner alternately wnno warm Wltn
Tinit;stJ.tfl hn ;:rT"r. "Ie Jelly, Jam or frosting between. Cut In
spoon' clove,- one half teaspoon allspice.
a little nutmeg and a - tablespoonful
flour..; Put Into two pans same shape
as the light ' When done put the sheets
thin slices. ' It will cut mors easily the
T 1 i
cary Jfeople
United States hospital orns was n.
ganized.-- The Army Nurse corps, which Z af er it in baked!
Is an auxiliary branch of tho mi,.,i aa ftIter 11 18 oaKoa
department, was established In accord
ance wun an army bin passed as re-
cently as February 2, 1901.
Hospital Sunday is observei in tv.a
uniiea ,etates . tne iast Sundur In ii. nontriboip to rha jnufnai t w.u u..
comber and In England the Sunday near- the K a nana poet. HI proae-popnia ara a
est June 15, on which days the colrec- f'f '' .tetur ..thl column la The Dally
tions in the churches are devoted to the ,ourD,''a ' f ; -: , . -
annnni't - rf hnanlrola ' TK i ' ' 1 w y
"wwav V' KOi V; 1.11171 llOfi I 1 . II M - M . . I . . mm a M
been generallv adontfd sinna i7 " ?on WH" u,eu OI -wasnmg aisnes, ana
pecn generauy aqoptcd since73. she breathed her fervent , wishes that
:'Othr mtsf !L.f ?.
lZo!?h inrnelihoors'S une fromVortTd
ZZa'I&X ?.Si2 !"- seemed to have no -other thought
r agv r,ud"pa.t
1749) ; William J" Lowndsr'whomn Snil!f5n"' L!'"
Z ua 7BT. air. a ' ' " i xirea or rustling ana or saving, tired
ever knew C178Z); the. duel was fnuirhil na v,- v. .nn i
h.lwnnn V.llt an nAv... 1 -ri. I t ... . ' ... - ' . ? W
7-yZ. X:2 r"r r"'.. - warn v-writnout." centj..;-. And a million
-if"" ' "i" Utt "r wmcn ;tne more are weary of tha treadmill life so
long distance telephone was opened be
iween w xorK and Boston (1893).
even numbers on one side of the street
and odd on the other. On small or
irregular, sized blocks letters may be
used. ' '.
Thua 710 Eighth Rue -would be o
Morrisofa street .14 , blocks from the
river, or where tha Lincoln High school
Is located. CITIZEN.
Pioneer Commends The Journal.
Gresham, Feb. 4. To the Editor of
The Journal; I was born February 1 3,
1847. and, crossed the plains in 1862.
We landed - near the , mouth . of Sandy
river, where Troutdale Ttows, bn the
19 th of November, the same year, and
I have grown up with the country. I
have hot- found a place J like better
dreary, and they wring their, hands and
murmur as the rich go scooting by r and
they say. the world's Injustice soon or"
than Greaham. Drpc-nn T nv I late is sure to bust Us. for -It's wrona
----- " w .v 1 pcu l . .. . . ---a.
an Independent paper, and that is the,nat P0 at .capoags while their neigh
bors Jive on pie. Ia a slick and sly
ana steauny way i y interviewed ths .
wealthy and theyhever seemed so happy
they had Joy to give awayj thev were
badgered, they were' hurried, they were
If the so called aasembiv i nn . D V'Z."
the numoRA nf dMi'n. Ji,: .i ' nul umiui. wngi noi prema-
dldatesfor tAerioUVS lh turely gray. If the rich dame had her, .
be? then we wanl - f,C6t,'B,,aU wishes you might see - her washing
: Wr Whm,M8embyma dishes in a cunning little' cottage with
reason I take The Journal. N
-; - ' What Is tt For?, '
From the Yamhill Record.
w .loiiu uu.ana . ieii uc urn). th.
assembly succeeds in naming the can
didates why have a primary Jaw7 '
, inilsborq will prbably have two new
bank, (m of ..thon started by W. 1L
Wehrunr. reports the Argus. . A
a f igtree near thddoor; 1f "her- husband
had the chances he'd be selling vests
and pantses In the cut - price rags de-
pattment . Of the Gold ; Brick Clothing
- fonrriirlit. 1910. hr -
Ceorge Matthew Adam.