The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 07, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Journal Photogravure
Feb. 7
Seven consecutively numbered coupons, when presented at
The Journal office, with 5c, will be good for one of the series ;
.of four Fine Art Photogravures offered by The Journal. ,
To secure the other pictures of the set, follow the same In-'
atnictions. These coupons will appear daily for several weeks.
' For mailing send 10c extra to cover postage and packing. .
Assaulted Kansas City Woma
and Were Arrested and Con
victed Within 36 Hours.
Kansas City, Mo.. Feb. 7. Prepara
tlona hava been completed at the county
Jail for the execution tomorrow of John
Williams and George Reynolds, tba two
ti-groe recently convicted of assaulting
Mm. W. II. Jackson. , More than 1000
applications have been received for per
mission to see the execution, among- the
applicant being Mrs. Vera Henry,
mother of Mra. Jackaon, No women
will b permitted to witness the hang-
i g in, however, and It will be made at
private aa possible, i -.
The two negroes continue to maintain
(he aame a to Id Indifference to their fate
that they have exhibited ever, aince
tliolr arrest. Reynolds baa shown some
slight Inclination to weaken and to aeek
spiritual consolation, bat neither has
expressed any regret for the atrocious
crime of which they were found guilty,
Hoth men alnce their conviction have
devoted the most of their time to sleep
The attack on Mrs. Jacksoa waa one
of the most brutal in the annala of MIs
xourl She waa waylaid by the negro
brutes while she waa on her way home
from Crittenton mission, where she had
been playing the violin at an entertain
ment. The negroes dragged her to a
vacant lot For days after the assault
tbe woman's condition waa such that her
Ufa waa despaired of, and so great waa
the shock that even yet fears are felt
that her mind may give way. . -
The two negroes were arrested almost
immediately after the crime and were
positively , Identified by their victim.
They were convicted within ti hours
after their arrest Public feeling was
strong against the men but no demon
stration was made.
(Sped.l DUpiit-b to The Jimrn).)
Albany, Or., Feb. 7. More
than 60 of i Albany's . bustneaa
men on Saturday evening visited
Jefferaon. They were met by
; members of the . Jefferson .
Commercial club and escorted
through the business district of,
the town. Assembling later at ,
the town hall, speeches were
made by E. Hofer of Salem and
by the following Albany men? J.
K. Weatherf ord. Judge It It.
Hewitt, Dr. Davis, Manager W.
K. Struble, Editor E. P. Nutting
and A. C. Schmltt ( v
The Albany delegation re
turned home at 11 p. m after
singing with Jefferaon boosters
the following enthusiastic and
significant song:
New Directory Gives Numbers
of . Catholics in United
.States at 14,347,027.
-w -
Solons at National Capital
Sidestep Decisive Action by
Indulging In Scrappy News
paper Talk. " , '"
(Laiti-d Frns Lmm4 Wlre.1
Chicago, Feb. 7. y the advance
sheets of the official Cathollo dlreo
tory, published by W. II. Wlltslua. of
Milwaukee, the present census of Ro
man Catholics In the United States In
eludes 14,147,027 men. women and chll
dren. This la an Increase ot 111,671
over the previous year. ,
Adding the Catholics, of the Thills
pines, Porto Rico and the Hawaiian
islands, the .total number under the
United States government is 22,687,07,
The Catholic - population under the
British flag, according to the directory,
s l3.0S8.41R, while the Oeririan empire
has 20.327.S1I. The Austro-Hungarlan
monarchy- has 3S.S70.871 Catholic aub
Jocta. There are 1C.S50 priests In the
United States. There are S84 Cathollo
churches with resident priests In this
country. Mission churches aggregate
4355.. The total la 11,104, a gain of
36 over the last year.
Chicago leada tha country in having
the largest number of churches. Arch
bishop Qulgley presides over 18T within
this city. New York proper has 118,
Brooklyn 13 0 and Philadelphia 99.
(Tune: "Marching Through
' ' Georgia.')
Tune your voices lively, boys,
, we'll alng a booster song,
a Sing it with a spirit that will
move the town along;
Sing a song of jefferaon, and
elng it good and strong,
$ While we are marching through
- Marlon. . ,. . -1. .j
' '". .: .
Hurrah! hurrah for Marlon and
' . Linn!
a Hurrah! hurrah! for Jefferson
we're In; .
We'll get our heads together, and
together we will win, .
, While we are marching through
Let Willamette's aons' 'rejoice,
for wealth untold they own;
Wealth of timber, fields and
fruits, and wealth of mines
- and atone; ., v
They'll be aa rich a bunch as any
. In the temperate sone,
While we are marching through
. Marlon.
Wife Slams Door; JIan Kills Himself
tUnJte Pihi Vet Wire.)
Los Angeles, Feb. J.-Because his wife
woma -. .not . open tbe door so , that h
might murder her, "Professor" William
Kosskopl, a professional hypnotist, iff
aeaa as tne result of a, self inflicted
wounq. Alter a aenes of quarrels, dur
mg wmcn tie threatened a number of
times to kill her, Rosskopt chased his
wiie into ner apartments yesterday. The
woman slammed the door shut and
looked it before he could enter. For
several minutes the man stood outside
and begged her . to open It Finally he
biiuuibu. : a win give you three minutes
to open tha door." He counted the min-
Mother of Late Marine Corps
Lieutenant Will Ask Con-
gress to Investigate. ;
"V. i."--' '' " ' - it- '"';'
-v. - , .. ; V-;
tCnUed Tr-ae teased Wlra.)''':''
Washington, Feb. 7. It Was reported
nere today that congress would be asked
by resolution to investigate thoroughly
the circumstances surrounding the mys
terious death of Lieutenant James N.
Sutton of the marine corps, whose body
was found on the grounds of the United
States naval academy at Annapolis on
the evening of November 18, 1907.
Earlier In the evening Sutton had been
engaged in an altercation with brother
officers that had resulted in a fist
fight v . ...- ' V '
TM resolution asking for a congres
sional investigation . will be presented
late thla month, according to tha report
Simultaneously the attorneys of Mra.
Sutton, the mother of the young officer,
will take the matte up with the federal
grand Jury in Baltimore. '
Mrs, Button claims "to have secured
additional evidence to that which -waa
presentee auring tne investigation into
the affair conducted by the naval acad
emy authorities. She saya aha has
found the man who was doing sentry
duty when her son was killed, and that
this man saw another officer ahoot Sut
ton. This evidence will be presented to
both congress and the grand Jury. , .
(ITnlted rnww Wlr.) ' '
Washington. Feb 7.-Several of Presl
dent Tiffs bills that have made their
appearance in the senate have fulled to
make any apparent progress.. The poata)
savings bank bill was Informally given
the right of way and was discussed for
ours every day last week. Strenuous
efforts . were made by Senator Carter
itepubiican, Montana) to get an agree
ment that a vote ba taken on a certain
day but tha opponents of the bill stub
bornly resisted.
Tha committee on publlo lands re
eommenea me passage or a Din to give
the President authority to - withdraw
publlo lands front entry. The admin
istration bill propoaed that this power
be vested In the secretary of the In
terlor. . '
The bill to give statehood to Arizona
and New Mexico was introduced and re
ferred to tha committee on territories,
- Two Appropriation Bills.
. Two appropriation bills, the army
and urgent deficiency measure, carry
Ing 1102,000,000, were passed in one
afternoon. -.
A bill submitted by Secretary Bell
inger for introduction was returned to
htm with a message that only senators
Introduce bills in the senate.
Practically all the time of the senate
thla week will be devoted to a discus
sion of the postal savings bank bill,
Tha agricultural appropriation bill
haa been aent on its senatorial way re
joicing, by the house, and tha diplomatic
appropriation, bill will be disposed of
thla week.
The agricultural bill would have been
finished by Tuesday or Wednesday had
not the members become involved In
aorappy talks about the censua, the for
eatry bureau and two or three other
matters that promised, to look good in
print back home.
The time of the house this week will
be devoted chiefly to appropriation bills.
' (United Frcaa Lasted Wire.)
San Francisco.. Fe 7 -After four
months of warfare, , during which 10
men were killed, the On Tick tong and
the Tee family are at peace. Although
several conferences between representa
tives of the warring organisations had
been held and two aeven day traces de
clared, it was not until, last evening
that a final agreement was reached.
At the headquarters of the powerful
Chinese six companies, agents of the
Tees and the Tlcka mads a peace paot
that probably will settle the feud for all
time. The second truce, which was ex
tended another, week over the original
seven days, would have expired. Febru-
ry 10,'and in Chinatown the agreement
Is looked upon as & direct preventive of
further loss of life. The entire Chinese
quarter is Jubilant over the cessation of
hostilities and will celebrate the peace
pact during the Chinese New Tear fes,-j
U vi ties which begin tomorrow evening.
promulgated by the convention will tin
cloubudly govern to a large extent the
styles or women's fashion In the United
mates during tha year.
Among tha marvelous exhlblta Is
-corurort suit," which la Intended to
lend to a woman of 260 pounds tha grace
ana sienairne or a maiden of half that
weight and a new kind of garments for
wis especial us of equesterlennns. At
i ne ena or the convention prises and
dlplomae will be awarded to tbe most
successful exhibitors.
KfW Home for Albany Club,
(biwel.l I.plcoto The Jooro.LI
Albany, Or.. Fob. 7.--A
cnimpiaie ror fne exclusive use of
inn KuiiiTnrrciKi ciun. . Atanr or tha hunt.
ness men favor tha project.
Manager Struhla sava that an
slv club building would give class and
permanency to the club. Ha rii ih.
Portland commercial club aa an exam
ple. In his estimation a ISO nna Hj.imi
would ba none too small. .
Journal want ads bring results.
HE 0
HE 1!
Right-to-Work Bill May Be
Forced Through Parliament
Is Radical Scheme. .;
(PablUhera Prt Lraard Wirt.)
London, Fob. 7. Uneaalness is
pressed in many quarters on account
of the determination of the labor par
ty to press the rlght-to-work bill be
fore the new parliament ; The meas-
parliament bwausa tha labor party la
weaker numerically now, it is union
stronger bcaus of the need of radicals
for votes to support the ministry. Kx
preilted Jn a sentence, the rlght-to-work
bill consists of a proposal to force the
local authorities to find work for the
unemployed In several ' Jurisdiction.
Even In those days of social and revo
lutionary proposala it Is doubtful If a
more radical scheme 'was ever pleaded
to the houa of commons. It requires
the borough and councils to keep reg
ister! of unemployed, and If work can
not ba found the applicant and depend
ents must be maintained at the publlo
expense for aix month.
The Conservatives calculate, that If
this bill becomes a law It will coat the
country more than 30,000,000 pounds, or
1160,000,000 annually. '
Russian ffanga and Shootn Self.1 -
(United Vnu Ud WlrO
Alameda, Cel., Feb. 7. The eleventh
bullet today waa taken from tha head
ure caused small concern In the old Uf Roman Prttschkopf, a Russian, w ho
J-nd-d Ms life lit at night by bunging
hliuw.l f from the traniom bar of his
room hare. To Russian, on suicide
bent la believed to have find five shots
Into lily ht-ad.. All of thttii, It was dis
covered later, were flattt-ii.-d HK.iliist hi
skull. Jl Is s.ipiPUHed then to h:ive pro
cured a rope reloaded hlu jevolver anil
made sure of dram. It u bilh-vcd that
while swinging' In the air at the end of
tha rope the desperate man fired the
six remaining bullets. Six -of dm mts-
uni wern luuiiu iiiiorunra: in ins lilHin
and physicians today marvel at the
tennclty with which Prltschkupf clung
to life.
i . 1 . 1 n
Wnther Rr.r'a Sweet I'owdrrt fr Clilldr-n. a
Crrttla r-ll-f fur K.T.rl-hnn-. Hr.Oarh., 11.4
Hloniirb. Teething IHwird-ri, biut. and rf(
Ih- Rtiirel. ami di-tro- Yfnrm: Thr hrck up
liMl In 24 tiour.. Thcf r. wo iil-nt In tha
tads and haroil-ra milk. Children III,, th-m.
(rr In ihsi Iwilainnlala of rnrn, Tha n.rsr
fall. Hold br all dnigirlat., Vc. Aak todaf.
Iion't arpt anr .iihtltul.
, " . Not, Necessary to Have Them Countersigned We'll Give
, You Full Value for Them arid a Bonus of Five Per Cent V
: ...,,' ', .. : . ,. ., i . -. ' , ' , . ' . ' - .-.'a-.-,- : 1 i " '
:, . : - ' ; .' . ' ; ' ' ' ' ' -
(5150.00 ; Is Worth C157.5b-.-0i25O Is. Worth 013 1.25
RaaiaTcata vaaaa-auaa
et.i.o MttsT aa. aaHaa.
TtitPaa1aJTh8rtplMCbltCoinptHyffBeorpoitd)ffHOT -image subject te thettrmi tsd Memtlom nVlnti
e ,
flkf this blank.
62 X C R P 58 Paid . .always
1 y-i'a 7 ' rTLikT k
i tarr yr v..
- Aj f y '
uie siowiy. Arter repeating Three"
two times., he shot himself through the
ureaat , eeiore am could be summoned
lie was aeaa,
80 Tak Census Sxam.
a iimny, ur., ten. 7,-About so nun
mid women took the examination here
.-.uiuroHy tor vnitea states . census
; Scrofula; ;j
. Few are entirely free from it.
-It -may develop so slowly aa lo cause
nine it t any - oistui nance during thc
: wuole period or chlldliood. T
It may then produce, dyspepala," ca
turrli ami (narked tendency to conpump
tioiij before causing : eruptions, sores
To gi t uitirely rid of it take the great
)-!nd purifier. . .
rood's Sarsaparilia
i !! 1 n! lliinld form or in chornlald
; : a know ii &s Siriatba, mo doses I.
' tSpecinl DlBmtcB to Tbe Joonui.i
Oregon City, Feb. 7.- The annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Clack
amas County Fair association was held
Saturday afternoon in the parlors of
the Oregon City ' Commercial club.
George Lazulle, president of the associa
tion, was chairman
The president'B report was read. He
reported that the 1809 fair produced
nattering results, and made tbe predic
tion that the coming fair would be still
more successful. Several improvements
and modifications were suggested In
tbe report. , . v: V :. " . .. -. . ,
The report of IS. ' 3. Lee, secretary
of the association, showed that the re
ceipts of the fair last year were 2995.15,
more than-enough to pay the operating
expenses.' Several costly improvements
have been made to the fair grounds.
The following were chosen as a board
of directors for the ensuing year: . R.
S. Coe, Conley; W. H.. femith, Macks
burg; W. - W- Everhart, Molalla: Oscar E.
Freytag, .Gladstone; George lAzelle,
Twilight; O. D. Eby, Oregon City. ,Tha
newly elected board will elect their offi'
cers at a future meeting. ,
$200,000 ESTATE
(Snaelal Dl-Mtch tu The Journal.)
Athena, Or., Feb. 7. The wiU of the
late T. J. Kirk of Athena has been
admitted to probate. The Kirk estate
Is worth about 9200,000 and by the
terms of the will It la to be held in
tact for the next 2ft years.'! By the
terms of the will, the widow la to re
ceive $700 annually and Is to have the
use of the Kirk, home in this city as
long as she remains unmarried.
The insurance Ynoncy which is $6000,
is te be divided ' equally among the
heirs. The heirs ' are 4Allce Ackles,
Annie McCannon, Alma Koontx and
Nina and Jeanette, .daughters of Mrs.
Kate Jack, deceased.- After five veara.
the heirs are to receive $1000 dollars'
a year each and after 20 years the en
tire estate is to be distributed among
tha heirs.
Washington, Feb. 7. -The - four days
convention of the United Ladies' Tailors'
Association of America, ' which opened
at the Arlington hotel today with a large
and thoroughly representative, attend
ance, has made that : fashionable hos
telry, for the time being, the' great
fashion and style center of the country
It is a aort of Paris in condensed and
Americanised form - and tha - dictates
s New York,. Feb. 4, 1910
Eilers Piano House,
Portland, 'Or..
Account order thirteen , hundred' fifty pianos shipped within next : '
sixty days following manufacturers agree accept prize oontest. checks,
hobart cable doll king kimballlesterimarshallWendall Schumann
story dark Whitney -leland hinze hallet davis haddorff ' kohler
campbell lawson. Not neceseary countersign. Manufacturers will
make settlement with us on all prize checks through headquarters '
here. Leave for Chicago -tonichte ' H. Terrv '-.
" (Snecliil IiDteb ta Tb. Jonmal.t -
Dayton, Wash., Feb. 7. -The arrest
of Ira Jones and Everett Pounds, well
Known young men with attempting to
"break up" a revival faceting at the
ciiristian. cnurcn, jiaa precipitated .the
most bjtter factional fight in Day ton'
nistory, particularly among the e00
people , who eat , in 'the congreaation
when the disturbance Is alleged to have
occurred.. Churchmen are arrayed against
friends of .the two. young men and in
tense reeling is, manirested in every
Payton home.
Skin. Grafting Operation. ' j
(United Pre. Leased Wire.) . 1
Los Angeles. Feb. 7. A the result
of a skin grafting operation in which
i memoers of tne local lodge of Kike
panea wim portions of their cutlcla
to cover uie seared riesh of Mr : r A.
Lutes, the .wife of, a fellow member,
it is believed iSr Lutes will, recover
ironi me terrtBi burn she : renelired
recently when a gasoline stove. .
pioaeo. until yesterday her life a
dcKpalred of. Then it was decided that
skin grafting operation was the last
resort. As soon as the news .jsr.r..i
7 members of , the order volunteered,
'he. opitration was performed at- tu
Kistcra' hospital. : ",- -
who have a dish of delicious,
crisp '
with cream or milk,; foe their
morning meal, study better '
k and do not get faint and hun-
;l SrY before noon., .
Th food is made of whole
. wheat and barley, 'and is sci-
entifically baked for many
hours. , .
It is easily . digested by
children and adults," has a
delicious flavour and makes
'strong, Healthy bodies and ,
. brains. t ,
"There's a Reason" ;
, Find "The Road to yell
ville," ; in pkgs. It's worth '
reading carefully. ,
J Battle Creek. Mich. t
Fifteen of America's greatest, most responsible and emi-
nently renowned piano manufacturers joined Eilers Piano
House in this undertaking.
Of course, "piano certificates" or "prize checks" have no
intrinsic value in themselves and can only be accepted by a
dealer in position to place large orders, and when factories
agree to cooperate by rebating all or a great part of the amount
represented by the checks.
k - , . j;, ., - ' -' - ; .', , . .V'.'' ;
Why a Bonus, of 5 Per Cent?
, Tti fliA nicf lira Vi n !..y.4-wl ra,.--n1 ...t.l.'.j j . ,
where certiiiates have been issued. Our experience has been
that the cost of tfhe. prizes, the advertising, etc., has averaged
about 5 per cent of" the volume of business resulting therefrom. ,
In this instance it is not costing us-a cent for this expense, so
we have determined to give feur patrons the benefit of this ad-
ditional saving, r Each and every piano in our stock bears a
card upon "which is marked inj plain figures the regular estab-
lished lowest retail price of tne instrument'. Select the piano
you 'want,- and, if the price-be', for example," $265, deduct the
amount of your prize check, plus 5 per cent; pay one tenth of
the balance in cash and take 24lm6nths -yes, 30 months, if you
wish4-to pay the balance, for tne mere additional simple inter
est on the deferred payments.
Remember, pefxent-doenot mean a loss of profit to us
but represents the amount of njioney that would ordinarily go
tor preliminary advertising; printing duis, etc In this case it
is your gain.
Pianos of Highest Standing
Remember, here you choose between instruments of known'
worth, of unquestioned durability, backed up by Oregon's fore-
most, largest and most responsible house. . .
" , . Take choice of the famous; Kimball ; Philadelphia's best,
the Lester; the artistic Hobart M. Cable; the reliable Marshall
& Wendell; the celebrated Schumann; the time-honored Hal-
let & Davis; Doll; Leland; King; Story & Clark; Whitney;
Hinze; Haddorff ; Kohler & Campbell; Lawson, at our lowest ,
established Portland retail .prices, less whatever cash and the 5
per centvpremium on same your prize check entitles you to.
, Bear in mind, we guarantee every instrument as tp quality, ;
and also as, to price. . Your money back if at any time' you can
; buy the same grade of piano: elsewhere, east or, west, at any
where near such a low price. " V ..,,..: t
v Remember, too, any instrument is exchangeable at buyer's
option at any time within two 'years for either New York's y
most beautifvl art product, the Weber, or the hand-made Ha
zelton, or Chicago's greatest piano, the Kimball; or the world's
standard instrument, the Chickering or the genuine Pianola
Piano we allowing full cash amount paid toward payment of
-the instruments above named. , , ,
- - ' Bear in mind, too, that nowhere else found under
one roof so many high-grade pianos to choose between and
test side by side as at the House of Eilers. You'll, never be
thoroughly -satisfied, with your purchase' unless you have in-' '
vesiigatea our pianos, our prices and our terms; :
lVa Better to Deal at Eilers Than to Wish You Had