The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 05, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Mayor Simon Expresses Regret
..of Alleged Attempt to Hold
up City on Property Desired
to Carry Out Plans.
. ." .' "If property owner are going to put
', price up In the air. the ctty may not be
- able to iro hMd with the boulevard y
; tern," aald Mayor Simon at a meeting of
'' the park board yesterday morning. "We
. .thought' tlie people would be willing to
cooperate with the board In an effort
; V to acquire land for tho flrat link of" the
boulevard ayatem, but If they Intend
to hold ua up we will have to abandon
our present plana.'
-,:The mayor) expreaalon wa elicited
. ' by the protest of a delegation of cltl
tena from South. Portland who think
...'' appraisers, appointed by the park board.
' .did not allow enough money for their
' property. The land In question la needed
. ' by the city to complete the Olmstead
boulevard from th donation made by
the Terwllllger heirs and the Fulton
; Park Land company to the south park
block. ' . . . .
Axaa to Ortad," They Say.
' . Among other allegation made by th
protesting ' property owner was on
charging that the appraiser bad 'axe
to grind" for. themselves. It was stated
before the board by J. -B." Laber that
the appraise had valued his land at a
figure less than that of similarly sit
' uated property owned by them nearly
two miles farther out . Mr. Laber aska
' . $10,000 for hi property and It was ap
praised at 17000.
All of th remonstrators were asked
to submit - their complaints In writing
and Mayor Simon promised to give
these careful .consideration.
A vote of thanks was extended by
the board to the Fulton Park Land com
pany for Its donation of a strip of
ground to be converted by the city Into
a Douievard. And to this atrip was
tendered to tne board this morning and
- the board recommended Its acceptance
oy tne city council. ,
The park superintendent' estimate of
1000 for the preliminary grading of
-jerwiiiiger boulevard was approved
The superintendent's plans for a play
arouna oe msa at Powell and Mll
waukle street were approved by the
board and the board also voted to ad
. vertlse for bids for play ground appa
ratus to be .Installed In the new Sell
f , wood Park,
' Play Ground Bids Xsfarrad.
Two bids for , play ground apparatus
for the Powell and Mllwaukle streets
site were- opened and referred to a
., special committee for tabulation. Both
bids were tendered by the A. a. 8pld
.Ing company.
The board, adopted a resolution re
questing the council to reopen negotia
tions with William Hayhurst for the
purchase of property on Irount Tabor
for park purposes.''
' A representative of the South Port
land boosters' apjfHSred before the
board to ask that it .proceed as rapidly
-as poeeicie to acquire playground acre
age, tn Marquam gulch. Mayor Simon
asked that the , club submit a report
showing the probable cost of acquiring
aucn property.
Superintendent Mlsche's request that
the council be asked to appropriate
money to pay an extra draughtsman for
a period or 0 days was favorably acted
upon. The additional help is needed
to facilitate the work' of Improving the
Terwllllger . boulevard end other park
properties.-. ,-:
, Mr. Mlschewas directed to confer
with the Ross association,, and to make
.arrangements whereby some of the
parks can be planted' with roses donated
. by, tha association at Its. annual plant
ing exercises on Washington's blrth
. day. r '.: '
A proposition , by Charles L.. Brown
to. give summer' band concerts was re
ferred to the music committee.
" ' W. J. Idleman presented claims for
bark salary amounting to $525. These
were" tabled. Idleman was formerly a
' watchman in the City park. "The board
has been very considerate toward Mr.
Jdleman," said .'.Mayor Slmoh, "and I
don't believe he wonts ' to wark, any
way, but ha would be perfectly willing
to remain on the payroll."
f?i ' " " II I III i
. . . . . . j
.t ' ' :
First Whits - Temple. Twelfth and
Taylor. Kev. John Bwitilen acting pas
tor, 10.' "One Accord' prayer meeting
services, 10:10 and 7:10; Ulble school 13;
V. P. V., 6. .Topics, "A Nonconformist,"
"A Soul for Bale." . ,
' Beeond Seventh and East Aokeny;
Rev. it. 8. Black. 11 and :10; Bible
school. 13; B. Y. P. U.. I:0. "V
Central Hast Twentieth and Anicenvt
10:10 and 7::0; S. 8.. 11; Y. p. U.. :$0;
Arleta 11 and 7:80: H. a.. ;; is
i. P. 9:i0.
Hlahland Alberta and Sixth, Rer. J5.
A. Leonard, pastor. It, and 7:10; B. i.
P. U.. 1. 10; 8. fl.. 10.
Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh, Rev.
D. W.. Thurston, pastor, 11 and 7:10;
8.. 10: Y. P. !.. :80. Topics, "Purity
Salvation." "roimclenoe."
Calvarr seat Kigntn ana urant, ev.
J. N. Monroe. 11 and T;I0; a B 10; B.
y;p. v.. :-...':.. v.
immannci mcbo ana oecona, ev.. a.
B. Mlnak.r, 10:30 and 7:30; a &, 1?;
a V. P. V.. :30. . ... ... '
Grace Montavuia: itev. a i Deri - n
Patch. 11 and 7:10; H. 8.. 10: X. P.
V.. 6:30. , ' '
Univemity para b. b.. io. ii ana
7:30: H V. P. II., 7. .
Sunnvslde (Oermsn) Forty-first and
Hawthorne; Rev. C Feldmeth. 11; a a.
1:46. .' ' '
Ht. Johns (German) Rev. Karl Feld-
meth. 8. H , 0:46; services. 11 and 7:10;
y. v. m., 7. .
SL Johns Rev. C, L. Owsn. ii:jo
nd 7:30; S. S. 10; B. T. P. U4 :$0.
Chinese Mission It 3 Vs; Oak atraet
8 7 , - 1
First' German Fourth " and Mill;
Rev. J. KratO 11 and 7:10; 8. B.. t:4S,
Second German Morris street and
Rodney avenue; Rev. F. Euerroann. 11
and 7:30: 8. 8., :46. -
Kast Forty-fifth street Corner East
Main; Rev. A. B. Walts. 11 and 7:30;
H. Y. P. IT.. 6:46. Toplce. 'The Grace
of One Man," "Levi the Tax Gatherer."
Lents 8. 8., 10; 11 and 7:30; B. Y. P.
U.. :30.
Mount' Olive Seventh and Everett;
Rev. B. B. . B. Johnson. 11 and 7:30.
Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth;. Rev.
Sugfjtive Questions on tnc Sunday;;;
' ScKool Lesson by Rcvr Div T. S. Linscott
Ministers. Sunday school teachers and others Interested are Invited to writ
rne journal Drloriy their views aa to the worta or these "quevuons," particular
'J .V ..."..II i a,,,,, v . . n, u ill ITWI..J , ... .... .v
The International Newspaper Bible Study club Is. for the purpose of pro
moting in an unfettered way among the umaflfs, a .wider, study of . the Bible,
the basnl truths of Christianity, and the problems which enter into every men's
life. It (a composed of all those who join ' a- local club,-and' take up' the aimple
course herein outlined, barring only ordained, clergymen.' Air who .have not
Joined, are warmly Invited to do so and to -compute for, the prises. -
i . . Conditions Contest. ..'. ...v. ". , -
1. Karh contestant, or hi or her family, must b ai subscriber to 'this
P"per, In order to qualify for membership in the International Newspaper Bible
Study club and this local club. . - 1 . . ' .. ,
. 2.' Kuril onntaatant In hl tnfmi rliih must anawer aach of the written nuea-
tlons for tl ronsecutlve weeks, coniinetii lng. Monday. March " 14,' and the an
swers must all b In the possession of this paper Within two- weokai of the
clo f thla period. " . ,
. 3. Each question must be snswered separately. 'and the paper written on
oneslde only.. No answer must exceed 2o0 words In length and maybe less.
Kach anawer must have the name and address of the writer at. the bottom
of the answer. ' - i '
4i The answers must be delivered to this office, and they. will be collated
at the close of the contest and forwarded to heedm'ariera for Independent ex
amination by competent examiners. The prises will, then b awarded accord
ing to the highest number of marks, won by inombers of Tht , International
Newspaper Uibja Study club. - .. . ' . v.
. .-.( Ih rrlssa. ' ' ' .: ' , T ' "
First Series A gold medal to each of the first five contestants."" '
Second Series A sllvtr medal to esch cf the next five contestants. ' ' -
Third Series A Teacher' Bible, price ti.iO, to each, of tha next-five con
testants. ' , , v
Fourth Series The book "The Heart of Christianity,", prtca 11.50. to each
of tha next 85 contestants.
Kach medal will be suitably engraved, giving the name of the winner and
for what It is awarded and In like manner each Blbla ' and book will b In ,
acribeil .,...,.,.,
All who can write and have ideaa, are urged. fo take up thea studies re
gardless of th degree of their education, as th paper are not-valued from
an educational or literary standpoint, but from th . point . of view of tho
cogency of their reasoned Idess. . ,
T. 8. Lln-
Jt It
and 7:48
Erlck Scherstrom.. 30:44
B. S.. 13: B. Y. P. U..':30.
Tabernacle East Forty-first and HoK
rate: Rev. F. li Dark. 11 and 7:30;
8. P.; :4B
1909. by Rev.
scott, D. D.
rebmary a, 1910.
msglvlng and prayer. Matt 6:1-16.
Golden text. Take heed that ye do
not your rlghteouspess before men, to ibe
seen of them. Matt. 1:1.
Versus 1-4 What definition' would
you give of a hypocrite?
If man Is really trying to be a
true Christian,- but loves to have h'ls
Third Knott and Vancouver. Rev. R. I rood warka irtnowltdrnl Kv thm rhiiroh
n.i ,i , . . j 4.a. a a 1A - .1 ... ... ... .
ocuwcuivr, ii iiiu i.fv, p, w. v..
. ITesbyterlaa.
First Twelftd and Alder. Rev. -Wll.
llam Hiram Koulkes. 10:30 and 7:$0; 8.
8.. 12:10; C. K., :30. Morning address
and the world, and takes pains to have
that done, how would you. characterise
mm 7
If a man' gives more, to rellrlon and
reading, or reciting, set prayers, and In
repeating a form of words?
THEM 7 (Thts question, must, ba an
swered In writing by members of the
clubj . . . .
Verse 9 Did Jesus glva'the "Lord's
Prayer? as a form to be. used, or aa a
model for .'comprehensiveness fand brev
ity, or for' both, or for v some other rea
son? .' . - , ,
What was .the chief, thing In the life
and- personal 'testimony of Jesus, which.
bv Rev.'. JV W. Cockran ,of Philadelphia "T" J.T.'iT" .1
on -The challenge of the Age to Chris- woul? JOW ,p,aca n,mT
tlan Leadtrehlp." evening, "The second
Commandment.1'-. '
Mlspah Kaat xweirin- ana foweji;
charity when tha fact la published, than I also should, and may, bo the .chief thing
n aoesrwnen ii is noi Known, in wnat , in tne lire or every man?
Verse 10 What ahould wa long and
pray for more than for all else?
If one gives with the. motive of help
ing his fellows, and to glorify God. will
the fact that his beneficence Is published
RevHsrrv Leeds. and 7:30; 8. a, 10; aiapiease God? Why?
V- ' ' . I Vnrmmm K. ......
opinion aa to whether there are those to
7 . ,.
'..There "will be . a big ,tlme at Lyle,
-Wash., February 11. according to let
te'rs' received this morning by coraraer
clal, bodies' of this city. The feature
will be a. aort of local exhibit of hat
Ural resources tinder the auspices of the
. Lyle Commercial club.
. -As . further Inducement - for . members
of the Commercial organizations here
; to j make themselves acquainted with
' thla progressive community, the letter
( states than n the day of the meeting
' the ladles of tho town will serve dinner.
r" Among those specially invited from
Portland are E. C. Glltner of the cham
ber of commerce, and Ton Richardson
of he Commercial club. Both are out
of the city today, but It Is expected that
they will be able to accept the invita
' tlon, , . i
Piivurr Rleventh ' und Clav. Rev.
Thomas Holmes Walker, 10:30 and 7:4t;
Blbls school, noon. Topics. "The Radi
ant Face," "The Abundant Life."
Fourth First and Glbbs; Rev. Donald
Mackenste, 10:SO and 7:30. 8. 8.. 13; C.
hi, 4:30. Topics. "Longmlndedness."
missionary address on Africa by John
A. Patterson.
Hawthorne para Tweirtn ana East
Tsylor; Rev. E. Nelson Allen, 10:30,
7:30: S. 8.. 12: C. E., 4:30; Topics. "The
CU of the City," musical program.
Forbea Sellwood and Gantunbeln:
Rev. Harry H. Pratt; 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.,
tv: c. ta s:sv.
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett:
Rev. J. E. Snyder. 10:30 and 7:20; S. 8..
12:16. -
Chinese 145 H First. 7:45; a 8., 1:45.
Westminster uit Tentn and Waid
ler; Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and
so: s. b., 13; r. p. s. c e e:so.
Marahall Stroet Marshall and North
Seventeenth; Rev. C. W. Hays, 11. 4:
S. 8.. 10. A 7:30 service In tha Finnish
language. . .
Mount Tabor Belmont and Pretty
man; Rev. Edward jM. Sharp, 11 and I;
SDOkane Avenue East Seventeenth
and Spokane; Rev. l A. Thompson, 11
and 7:30; S. S., 10: C. E.. :3.
Third Kast Thirteenth and Pine;
Rev. William Parsons. 10:30 and 7:46;
8. H, IS. germon, "Repentance."
Hope Montavllla. Eaat Seventy
eighth street, Kev. Henry L. Nave.
8. 8.. 10; 11 and 7:30.
Kenilworth East Thirty-fourth and
Gladstone. Rev. A. Robinson. 11; a a
13; Y. P.. 7.
Millard Avenue Rev. John A. Town-
send; services, 10; 8. S., 11:16.
Anabel Rev. John A; Townsend. Serv
ices, 11:30 and 7:46; S. 8., 10:16. .
Trinity Dakota street. Rev. A.Rob
tnson. 7:46 p. m.: C. . 8:46: S. 8.. 11
Vernon Wyaant and East Nine
teenth: Rev. George W. Anns, 11 and S;
o. o., :ta; w. aH I.
day, who act as if they were religious. In
the matter of going to church, etc., but
who are not actually true to God?
How would you describe a man who
goea to church, or prayer meeting, chief
ly to help hla business or profession?
If a man prays longer In public than
ha does In private, Is he necessarily a
Why does J.esus so strongly recom
mend private prayer, and what are its
Verse 7 What can you say for. or
against, long or short private prayers?
In what class would you put those
private prayers which consist only of
Grant; Rv..O,JIgoei, 11 and 7:46; a
a, 12:10. . .
. Betsnla .Danish 040 Union avenue N.
Rev. J. Scott.. 11 and t; a 8., id; Y. P.
8. M., .',' ' ' ' -
United Norwegian 46 N. Fourteenth:
Detmar Laraen. 11 and 7:80; a 8.. 9:46.
9:30.- v ... !'v .. . ;(,.,
i Zlon'a .German Chaoman- - and ' BnU
Sion; It H. Koppelinann, 10:16, 7:46; a
fi. 9:16.-' :- t .
St Paul's German East Twelfth and.
Clinton.. Rev.' A. Krauaa, -10:30 and
7:; f. 8., 9:30. , . - . . . - .
Trlnltv German -'Missouri svnod)
Wllllamf and Sellwood; J. A. Rim bach.
9:16; 8, S 10; 7:30.
Bt. jonn a
s Peninsula . avenua
Kllnatvl.k: 3 n. m. . i
Swedish Auaustana' Rodney and
Stanton; Rev, H. E. Sandstedt, 10:46
and 7:45: S. 8.. 9:30. -
Bwedlsh Mission Seventeenth and
Gllsan; Rev. B. J. Thoren, 11 and ;
b; w., io; r. i-., 9:ao. i .
Kllra Chanel Michigan avenua and
Skldmora, Rev. B. 3. Thoren. 11; a 8.,
io. .....,
Immanuel GermanCorner 16th and
I.eo (Sellwood), Ii. C. Ebellr,g. 10:30;
8. BY. 9:30.
Grace Enrllsh (Missouri Synod)
KerDv and Farco. Rev. Carl uaaaoia io
ana 7:iu; a. a., 10:30. -
. United Brethren In Christ.
First East Fifteenth and Morrison.
Rev. Russell 8. Shower. 11 and 7:30: a
a IA. w a.n . , itTk.
nrvenimi, rurpose. r, 1
Radlcal Sixth and Mechanic," Rev. Os- iZ
way and East Twenty-fourth: Rev. J.
I). "Corby. 10:45; 8. H., 18. Tonic, "Whst
You Are Reveals the Creed You Really
iieueve."t , ""'.-.,' ',.
, rrteads' Chnroa. ' , ' ' .
Sunnyslde. Main snd East Thirty
fifth. Llndley A. Wells, II and 7:30;
Blblrt school. 10; C. E. :30.
Lnta, Center street. Myra a Smith,
11 and f:80; Blbla school. 10.
.. , . . ... tx . 1 1.
1 aUformed. , '
First. German Tenth and Start
streets.. O.., Hafner .pastor. - Servioes
. P.' a G J&,7. p. m. , '
'1. .(- .... ..''
Chrlstiaa Iclaaoa.
First Church of Chrlst-lcotttsh Ttlta
csinearai. Morrison and Iownsdale, 11:
ft ar 11; subject of lesson sermon,
... Dinril. i , , 1 . , ' .
. Second Woodmen' hall, East Sixth
and Alder.-11; g- R 8., 11; subject of
u sermon, 'Bpiritr:'-
V s 'l.UL X. Church Boath. ' .
union avenue and Multnomah street
Rev. EL It. Unwtm. II nA t.lfl. a a in.
' .' . . Hlsoaiiaavona,
Churcli of tha Brethren (Dunkards)
Borthwlck and Killltiaaworth iv
c.eow"iV3oc,i'u nl 7r3J a.. Ml
Church of - New '. Thought .R.Mln..
Hlrseh hall. Hinrv Vlntn . , .
p. m. . . . - -. ,.
Bwedlah Corns - Salvation ' lrm 11a
. Inter-DenomlnatlonaJ Cl nri..ion.
rjiin 1 roe 1. A. wens, mtwr nuui.
nt. I Sunday, every evening In th
Kleventh and Alder.
car A. Martin. 11 and 7:30: a 8- 10:
a., s:u. . ,
Third South Mount Tabor: . Rav. C.
P. Blanchard, 11; 8. 8., 10..
Alberta East Twentv-aavanth and
Ainarea, Hev. u. fimerlck.. 11 and
i:3Q b. b n.
Tramont Wladom and Curtis streets.
Rev. 11 C. Shaffer: & 8- 11: C E
:sv; sermon, l.m.
What would turn earth and its sor
rows Into heaven with all lta blessed
Verse 11 Have Christiana a right to
expect that God will supply all the nec
essarlea of life, and does ha always do
Is God under obligation to aupply us
With dally bresd?
Verse 12 On what grounds does God
forgive us our sins?
Does Jesus mean here that God will
forgive us exactly as we forgive others.
or is there a. difference?
Verse 13 In what way does God lead
us Into temptation?
Verses 14-15 If we f4rglve our fel
lows. Is God under obligation to forgive
Lesson'for Sunday. February 13, 1910.
vvorianness and Trust
Matt. 6:19-34.
Ministers. Sunday school teachers and others interested are Invited to
write The Journal briefly their views as to the worth of these "auesilons."
particularly If they consider them of value In their work.
Rlbara, ,9:10 and
Taylor Street Rev. Benjamin Young,
D. D., 10:30 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 12:16; E. L..
b:30. Morning sermon by Kev. W. B.
Holilngshead; evening, musical service
Grace Twelfth and Tavlor. Rev. John
h. cuaupp. l. u.. io.3v and 7:30: s. s.,
12:15; Jefferson Street mission, S30; E.
I,.. 0:30. Topics. -The Evolution of the
cnristian, mat singular Interview
First Norwearlan-Danish Etrhteenth
and Hoyt. Rev. II. P. Nelson. 11 and 8:
8. S.. 10: Y. P. M.. 1. Service In nw
Sunnvslde East Yamhill snd Thlrtv.
ririn; vv. 1. busier: 11 ana 7:30: s. S..
9:50: E. L.. 6:45. Topics. "Some Ktmns-a
ftxciine3 uivn Dy inieingt-ni 1'cople,
evening service, evflngoltstlc.
St. Johns Rev. F. N. 8andefur; 11
and 8: E. L.. 7: S. 8..10.
Epworth Twenty-ixtu and Savler.
Rev. Charles T. Mcpherson; 11 and
7:30; 8. S.. 9:46: E. L., 6:30. Topics,
The Twelve Jates," "Glad TldingH."
Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kai; 11
and 7:80. ' ,
Centenary Eaat Ninth and Pln'e:
Clarence True Wilson, D. D.. 10:30 and
7:30: E. L., .S0: 8. .. I2:J6. Topics,
"The Epochs That Have Mad Chrlstlun
History," 'The Most Important Event
lu Your Llfo."
Trinity East Tenth and Grant; Lewis
F. Smith. 11 and 7:30; E. L.. 6:30; S. S..
10. Sermons by Rev. Guy Phelps, evan
gelist. Rally at 3.
. juaureiwooa rcev. k. h. Myers; 11
and 7:30- 8. S.. 10; E. L.. 6:30.
Central Vancouver avenue and Farm
street, Rev. C. L. Hamilton. 10:30 and
7:30: B. H.. 1Z: E. L,.. H-30. Shwlnl
Norwegian Danish Corner Vancouver
avenua and Skldmore streets; Rev. C.
J. Larsen. Sunday school at 12 m.
Japanese Mission r-121 North Fif
teenth, Rev. Ellsen
8:30: 8. 8.. 3:30.
8wedlsh Borthwlck and Beach, Rav.
John Ovall. 11 and 8; 8. S 10; E. L.. 7.
Topics. "The .Safety of a Christian."
First "German Fifteenth ' and Hoyt
G. A. Waasa: 11 and 7:30.
Second German Stanton and Rodney.
Rev. E- E. Hertsler. 11 and 8; 8. S-, 9:48;
E. Ij.. 7:so.
Sellwood East Fifteenth and Tacoma,
Kev. tester c. roor, ii ana 7:30; J. is.
L.. 2:80: K. L.. :?.
The Clinton-Kelly Memorial Thiety-
nintb and poweii, Kev. Krnst Leon
Jones: S. 8.. 9:46: II and : E. L.. 7.
Montavilla East Pine and Eighteenth
streets, Rev. Harold unerg; 11 and 8;
S. 8.. 10; class meeting, 12; E. l. 7:16.
Woodlawn William J. Douglas; 11
and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; E. U, 6:30.
University Park Dawson and Flake,
Rev. W. R. Jeffry. J.: 11 and 7:30.
African Zlon Thirteenth and. Main,
Rev. W. Mattnews; 11 and 8; 8. 8., 1
C. E.. 7.
Mount Tabor Eaat Stark and Sixty
flrat. J. W. McDougall: 11 and 7:38.
Patton Michigan avenue and Ciroen
ter, D. A. Watters; 11 and 8; a a, 10;
Lents Seventh and Gordon. Rev. W.
Boyd Moore. 11 and 8; S. 8.. 10; E. L.,
Woodstock j. D. Voce: 11 and 7:30
S. S.. 10; E. L., 6:30.
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett Rev.
A. A. Morrison. and 11. 7:30; a a,
Sv. Matthew's. First and Caruthers .
Kev. vv. 11. M. BrecK.. Holy communion.
and sermon, 11; Ash Wednesday, 11. S.
8., 10.
Pro-Cathedral or 8t. Stephen, the
Martvr Thirteenth and Clav. Rev. H
M. Ramaay, Holy Communion, 7:30;
prayer and sermon. 11 and 7:30: Sundav
school. 9:45.
Church of Our Savior Woodstock.
11 and 8.
St. David's East Twelfth and Bel
mont. Rev. Henry Russell Talbot Holy
communion, 7:30; 8. 8., :46; Holy com
munion and sermon, 11. Prayer and ser
mon, 7:45.
St. Andrew'a. Portsmouth Holv
eucharlst arid sermon',' 11; prayer and
sermon. 7:30; S. S., 10 a. m.
All Saint's Twenty-fifth and Savler
Rev. Roy Edgar Remington. Service
and sermon, 11; 8. 8., 12:16. Sermon by
nfv, v . n. i'qwpii.'
St. Mark's, Twenty-first and Mar
snail. ttev. j. ti. tx. Simpson. Holy
eucharlst. 7:30 and 11; 8. S.. 8:45;
matins ana many, iu:io; evensong, 7:30.
Bt. John's Church Multnomah and
Taylor.. 11 and 7:30: 8. 8., 10.
Good Shepherd Graham and Van
couver. Rev. John Dawson. 11 and
7:30; 8. 8.. 9:46-
Grace Memorial. East Seventeenth
and Weldler Rev. Georre B. Van Wat
ters. Prayer and sermon. 11; 8. S.. 10.
Ascension Chapal Portland Height
a 8., 9:80.
St. Paul Woodmere. Retf. J. C. For.
ythe: 11 a. m.i 8. 8.. 9:46. r
Bishop. Morris Memorial chapel. Good
samariian nospitai, Kev. William R.
i-oweii, cnspiain. Holy communion
7 a. m.; ward services, 3; prayer and
ci uiun, 1.1a p. ni.
. ' ' - ' 1 .
Highest in Honors BAKERrS
!' i
CathoUo. .
St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral. Fiftaanth
and Davis Most Rev, A. Christie, D. D
Low mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and
sermon. . 11. vespers, instruction and
benediction, 7:46-
St. Josephs (German). Flftsanth
ioucn ni, ksv. james KSuw. v. a.
LOW mass, 8. Hleh mass anil aarmtn
St. Francis. East-Eleventh and nv
nev. j. XI. oiacK. imw maas. 6. 8:10
na ;u, man mass una sermon. in-n
Veiperi. Instruction and benaMti'm,
7:80. -
St. Lawrences' Third an 4 Chan... :
rvev. j. j. nugnes. iaw msss, 6, 7 and
o.ou. xiixri maas ana sarmnn. ln-xn
vespers ana oeneaicuon, 7:30.
Ascension, Montavilla, Rev. J. p
FitzpatricK. Mass and srmnn a In
chapel of Sisters of the Precious Blood.
Bt. rtncK s, JNineteenth and Savler
Kev. f. murpny. juow mass, 8. High
mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and
Ht. Mlchsel's rTtalIan Tfrnii-th --a
Mill Jesuit Fathers. Low mi s
High mass and sermon. 10:80. Veanara
n .. k...JI.,l.. tt.SA
St. Stenhen'a. rirtv-wnm t
xayiur niv. w. A. want. Luv mm
8:80. Hleh mass and sermon, m ail
Immaculate Heart of Marv. wniiom.
and Stanton Rev. W. A. Dalv. Tjw
iiiaas, o, s ana v. rtign mass and ser
mon. 10:30. VeBPera anil hanannn
. --"'""i
Holy Rosary, East Third and Union
Very Rev. A. S. Lawler. Low mass. ,
in nd ?r:80' H)h ma"8 ana Mrmoii,
v.v. rcoucn mm uefieuiciion, i Ittu.
gory Roble, O. S. B. Low mass. 8. High
mass and sermon. 10:30. Vespers and
benediction.; 7:30.
Holy Cross, .University Park Rav. J
P. ThlUman. C 8. C Low mm s-n
High mass and sermon. 10:30. Veaoers
and benediction. 4. '
Holv Redeemer. Portland ant Van.
couver Rev. Ed IC Cant wail. C R.
Low mass, 8. High mas and sermon.
iv.ov. - jeneaicuon. a. t
' St Andrew's. Ninth land Alberta
Rev. Thomas Kiernan. , ' Low mass, 8.
High mass and sermon, 10. Vespers. In
struction and benediction, 7:30.
St. Ignatius. Forty-second and Powell
Valley road Rev. F. Dillon. S. J. Low
mass, 8 and 9:80.y Mass. sermon and
benediction. 10:30. -v
St. Stanislaus. Maryland and Falling
Rev. C. SeroskL - Low ma, 8. High
maaa and sermon. "10. :
Central East Twentieth and Sal
mon; Rev. J. F. Gormley, 11 and 7;4S;
cioie scnooi, iv.
First corner Park snd Columbia.
Kev. w. f. Kearor. 11 and 7:s: o. B..
46. Topics, "itlal and His Noble 600."
i n struggle ror i.ire."
Kern Park Pitt and Mldburn: Rav. A.
Beely. 11 and 7:35: a S.. 10: C. E..
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott:
1 nomas u. Ficton, n ana 7:so; u. a..
:46: C. K.. 7 d. m. Tonics. "The Mis
slon of ObsUcles," "The Christian for
the Times."
Sellwood Eleventh snd nmattlla.
10:80 and 7:45; C. E.. 6:30. Sermons by
J. biuott. Revival services sil week.
Woodlawn Rev. Edward Wright. 11
ana 7:so: 8. b., 10: c. E.. 7.
Gladstone Rv. A..H. Mulkay; 8. S.,
10, 11 ana 7:10.
Vnltad Presbyterian.
The Church of th Strangers Grand
ave. ana wasco. Kev. s. Earl Du Bola.
10:30 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 12. Interpretation
ror acie aear every Sunday morning.
rirsi oixin sna Montgomery. Kev.
Frank De Witt Flndley. 10:8U and 7:80:
8. 8.. 12: C. E.. 6:80. Toolca. "Men Wiaa
and Otherwise," "Heart Disease."
Third East Thirty-seventh snd Clav:
Rev. J. L. Acheson, 11 and 7:30, a a.
Halted llvanfellc'al.
First East Sixteenth and Pooler.
Rev. H. A. Deck. 11 and 7:80: S. 8..
10, "Incentives to Soul Winning." "The
Restraining Power of Truth.'
Ockley Green uay and Willamette.
Rev. J. Bowersox. 11 and 7:80: 8. S
1A- f IT t-Hn . Tnnln. 'fi.lnn.
V , v.. . V.UV. . W , ' . . , I I.IUIIB V&l
Christ," "Willing Bervlc Required."
Second Farao and Kerby. Rev. C fl
poung. 11 ana 7:30. ,
Bt John' Ivanho and John, Rev.
C. P. Yatea.- a a. 10.
"iJvangellcaf Association.
TFlrsf German Tenth and Clay, F.
Bens, 10:46 and 7:45; 8. a, 9:80; Y. P.
7 p. m. Topics, "The Great Command
fpn. Mission Work." "Tha Necessary
Equipment and Field for Mission Work."
First jBngilsh East Sixth and Mar
ket, F. B. Culver, 11 ana 7:30; Y. P. A,
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tib
betts, Morris Heverling, 11 and 8; a a
Mediums' and Minlatars Aaaoiatina
Auditorium building, 11, 3 and 7:46
Latter Day, Saint (Mormons) East
lenii ana oner man. J. 1:. waataro-ar
presiding alder, 11 and I; a a, 10.
Volunteer of America 386 Burnslds
siren, s:io ana s:sv.
Advent Christian' Banoni aaan
Hall and Lincoln. E. Wsllara (HmmH
10:30 and 7:80. . ,
Divine Truth Center lfll x?i.w
building. Rev. Thaddeua M. MInard, 11:
8. a, 12, Subject. "What la a Chris
tian?" ' ' .
Church of Tfaiarene Eaat Seventh
and Couch. Rev. A. O. Henrlcka, 11 and
7:30; 8. a, 9:46; Y. P. M.S.
New Church Society (Swedenborgen)
thlas' hall. Lay service arm
Watch Townr wocu-iy r.on-.
Odd- Fellows' ball,' Hast h.
Alder; 1:30; Berean Bible n(
presentation of Bible truths.
Center of .tight Thinking v
temple, 128 Kleventh and AM. 1
Mrs. H Sherman Olney; 9 ! in ,
Reorganized Church of Jeau
of Lataer Day Balnta East ,
sixth and Irving. Elder Wai
ker. 11 and T:S0; a S, 10:46
eTlowlilp (Tlrcle felling-lllr ;
6. Dr. Davidson Buchanan of ly
land, Subject, "The Origin of K s
, First Spiritual Society 109 f
street. Conference, 2; lecture a!
area, 7:45. ; i ' 1 ''
y. W. C. A. Seventh and
, T.-l 1 .1 m w..,w at a. t m
Y. sk.' C A. -lty association.
and Taylor atreotai H. W. Stom
eral . secretary. Meeting for mi-i
o'clock will be aildrcss by Rev.
R eager, on "Taking Advaatiigt
vine Privileges.". Musio by Y. M Mra Cauro-a Watkih
sing.. , " .. r
Christian and Missionary aiii;
East Ninth and Clay.; bervica
mr,A R S. 12.. Y. P. M.
Betanla Danish Lutheran chnn
Union avenue norm. v:ommunu.
vlce.vll a. m.; sermon, 8 p. m.( S
a. m. .
; , j-
' Roosovrlt at Nlmule.
Nlmube. Uaanta. Feb. C Wit J
member In the beat of health th.
velt narty has arrived here., r
tions were begun Immediately 1.
days' foot Journey which win
colonel, and his . party well
hunting; districts near here.
According to his present r
velt Will reach Paris aome t i
Before returning to tha TJi
ha will visit Chrlstlania. 1 .
several English cities. ' Hit .
homeward from Europe will ?
In June. 1 ,,;' , 1
' Sextuple Murderer Near ;
Richmond, Va., . Feb. 6. Un
other reprieve la granted, whlei
sldered unlikely, tomorrow wll;
last Sunday on earth for Ho war
who was convicted of th murd
Justls family in Buchanan coi
September, 1 The' sextuple mvl
to be put to death In the eley
In the state prison her Frlda
If so, there are germs at workrigi
the roots of the hair. The best th
to do? Destroy these jjerms, every c
of them. Any hair medicine made tl.
will do this, and without the slight,'
harm to the hair? Yes; AyerVH:
Vigor. You save what hair you ha j
arid you get a new growth; besid
Doubtful about 'this? -Then let yc'
doctor decide. Ask him what
thinks of AVer's Hair Vigor. Vt
' approval, you should feel perfectly Su.
(Does not Color the Ha:
J C. Ayer Company, lowell, Man.
- i
N - r
Its Methodist.
Flrat church East Ninth and Mill.
David M. Cathey, 11 and 7:30; 8. S., 10;
Y. P. M 8:30.' .
Second Church East tfandara. ha.
tween Fifty-third and Fifty-fourth
streets. Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. 11
and-7:3C;8. 8., 10; claas meeting. :30.
Ulive Branch MisslonT-conH an
Ankeny. R. H. Knowles, superintendent.
0 1'. III.
'St. Johns 11 and 7:30. '
a .
Church Of Our Father Yamhill nil
Seventh.. Rev. W. O. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T.
L. Eliot.. D. D.. minister emerltua. ii
and 7:45; Y. P. F., 8:30; S. S., 9:46; adult
ciass, ia:io. Morning address bv Rev.
Luther Ri Dyott of the First rnmrro-
gational church; evening acrmon by A.
L. Mills on "Public Health, with Special
Referenca to Local Problems."
Church of the Good Tidings Broad-
Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1
Day and Up European Plan
ff ffff ff ?? ff fffTf ff f ff f fffff ff ff f ff ff f f fff f
Oregon's Greatest Hotel
350 ROOliS, 104 SUITES.
With Private Baths
ii iaa-J-f&ti
Geary Street, above Union Square
Just opposite Hotel St. Francis
European Plan $1.60 a day up .
American Plan $3.00 a day up V
Kewiteel and brick structure. Furnished at'
cost of $300,000, Every comfort and con
venience. Co carllnetf transferring all over
city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. .
Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco
toot Aim wAsraroTO ml
In the heart of th bustneas and shopping &'
most modern and up-to-date hotel In the ?-i
Local and long-dlstanc phones In every roort
with private bath, an suit and lnle. BamA
Elegant cafa. '
Wnslo dally dnrlnr Innch, dinner and afiwr .i
tre, by th famous Harks Orohestx. I
rso meet all train. . . Sates fl
,' xoTEit rsnxxsn co.
r. 3. Blchardson. Pre. 1. Q. . BWXTaV&Z
Has a world-wide reputation ' for
absolute purity, high quality and de
licious flavor, attested by 52 Highest
Awards at International and Local
Expositions in Europe and America.
Walter Baker &Co.Ltd.
Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS:
First Madison aid Park. Rev.
Luther R. Dyott. I). U.. 11 -and 7-4R- fi
S.. 9:46. Morning- sertnon by Rev. Will
llam J. Eliot Jr.
Laureiwood Rev. William II. Mever.'
pastor, 8. 10:00; sermons 11 and
7:30; "Believing: and Doing," "The Teat
Questions." -
' Sunnvslde East ' Tavlnv mnA tfaal
! Lrtyfo"rk Bey- J- J. Staub; 11 and
i:au; d. a., lu; u. E., ;30. Topics,
"The Prophet Today," "A Vagrant of
the Sky." . ,
St. Johns Rev. Q. W.' Nelson; 11 and
8; 8. S.. 10. I
University Park Haven and Dawson. '
11 and 7:30; S. 8.. 10; O. E.. 6:30. Sermon -
Dy Kev. K. o. Balllnger and Rev. W. O.
, vunger.' . - . . .
Hassaio Street fcaat Seventh and
, wassaio itev, ueorge K. f addacK. 11
and 7:45; 8. 8.; 10.
! Highland East Sixth and - Prescott,
nev. a., a. xjoninger, 11 ana i:3Ql a. a.,
,10; Y. P. 8. C. E 6:30. Moruln ad
dress by Rev. W. G. Ollnger; evening,
I celebration of the twenty-ninth annl-
vversary or unristian Kndeavor.
. First German Kast . Seventh and
Stanton, Rev.-John H. Hopp; 10:30 vand
:au; a. :ij (J. e:o, . x
Pilgrim Shaver and Missouri avenue.
Rev. Guy L. Dick, U and 7:30; S. a.
tintbwraa. . ;''
St. James1 English West Prk and
Jefferson; J. Allen 'Lea. II and 7:46;
8. ., 10; L. L., 7 n. m. , Topics. "From
Darkness to LlrM: or Sigift to the
Blind"; "In the Kingdom or Out of It,
Which?"'. i , .
Swedish " Immanuel Nineteenth and
Irving.- 11 and 8: 8. 8.1:11
v ttotE-Sli vnna i;nst v 7entb and
. - . v .he House df Welcome" . v
Single $1-50 and up. Double $2 and up. Our omnibus"
'v-"'.'-'."--- 'meet all trains. . . . v
Portland's Newest and Most Up-to-Date Hotel
....... For Olrls, eenilarted by the '
drsde. Aradamla and Collaa-iata i
Buaio, Art, Elomtlon and Cocimarefal JDeotS.
Kealdfint and Da Wnil.iili
Seflnad. Moral and Intellectual Training
Writa tor llnoMmmiiiiL . AdHrM.
Darn Snpsaioa, St. Itarr'a AcdtoT.PoTXA!T
Sbfopean Plan .
, ., Kodsn
' Bestanraat.
cost -oira
Tonrlsta ands
mavolal Tra l
Special rae
to families
single gentlii
Tha manage V
will ba please,
all times to
rooms , and
prices. A mo.
Turkish . bath
tabllshment li
B. O. Bowers,
Dnannini vUI 8 h a r P n any
UUiUl IHC. ?r .Keenest pos
siEvxifTH orp washhtotoit 8T.
Only Roof Garden
and Zuroptas '
IfiiiilLEdi fggg I ;
m 1
v..''.'-.'. ates to .yamlUss ,'E'.T, JJm
biuir si I t. r n - iin . ... . - .
Onaranteei If rasorlne la not satis ! WWW 5ni. wwb tns. for Travaung Ken
factory mall your raaor to us and e ' ) 1 . 1 '
win gnnu ana none mem iree or charge,
loo a cake at drua or.hardwnra iinm1
or by mall. . '
atasorin Co., 85 franklin St., Hew York.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never
disappoints those- who use it for ob
stlnate coughs, colda and Irritation of
the thrpat and lungs. , It stands un
rivalled aa a remedy for all throat and
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The Icadinar hotel of. Portland. ODeneciN
1909. 'Modern irt every detail. furnishe
elegance. Most beautiful corner lobb
Northwest commodious sample, rex!
European piaik: Rates $1.50 and "up.-;-' !
meets all trains..' w. K. bbwasd, prcj