THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY; EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1910, pr yern&r'of Ohio Looking To Iwdrd Presidency Is 64 ! Years Old Today ''v 7 , ,'ro.'.rl; I; "' FfV Wbus.; Ohio, , Feb. t8. Governor ii "Harmon, whoks boom, for th. Wk: ratio presidential nomination ap- J to bo meeting with much favor any part of the country, and par- rly In the south, u receiving a flood sratulatory . messages today on caeton of hie 04th birthday anfil- (ry. Governor Harmon la not dls- '- '(jUacy, Just now. He expect to be "it Ijj'fl'dato for reelection to the gov I Li'llslilp.' ' If he la suo-flssful In the ' i :f(' x tate ( campaign It Is accepted y presented for the head of the !at the nest Democ ratio national , , jiarraons turns aa winner. , 4, i he basis . of precedent. It. would t,t'f,)(1t no man in public .lifo today vateVtand a. much better chance of t vftlccted ' president than" Governor 'ind'J. Any attiftent of tha presl- : "form" sheet would certainly a Ohio, governor as a sura win- gin with, he Is a Native of Ohio, state baa furnished more occu- f the White House than any tate of the union,. with the single on 'of Virginia, . which has one resident to her credit than , has i. . . .. . s a lawyer by profession,' as were nts . Adams,- Jefferson, Madison, dams, Jackson, Vn Buren, Tyler, Kinmpre-, nerce,' HOciianan, Lin Hayes, Garfield. Arthur,' Cleve- Harrlson, McKinley and TafL haa served as state governor, as residents Jefferson. Monroe. Jack- Van Buren, William Henry Harrl- liTyier, Folk, Johnson, Hayes, Cleve- ' ti'e Jias the 'benefit of experience ss a llnet officer, as did Presidents Jeffer ' Jf Madison, Monroe, J.'Q. Adams, Van T l -en,. Buchanan, Grant and Taft I ., "OoaJuxV Talk, 'he very name of the Ohld' governor ,i tie for the political prophets to con- with. He has no middle name. which Is a distinction ha shares with no tewer than IS occupants of ths presl dentlsi chair. Ills name contains tho letter "a," which occurs In the name of each president excepting) Tyler's and Koosevelt s. j Governor Harmon's name ends with the .letter "n," which Is ths final sur name letter of . 10 presidential names. To make his election absolutely sure all Governor, Harmon will have ot do is to Governor Harmon will have to do is to w ter "n " r Th nnlv nraalriffntl whose nama ended with the letter "n who failed of election when the name of ths vice presidential candidate also ended with ti wss William J. Bryan, Bryan and Watson, Bryan and Steven son and Bryan and Kern furnish th only exception to the rule. All other presidential candidates whose surnames ended with the letter AMD AV I I MN overnor Harmon will have to do is to t ... hose surname also ends with the let- SOUthem OreflOn lOWII WOUlU t n." f Tha only presidential, candidate . " Let Voters Decide Normal , ; School Question. : ; ' A . .. .... '"" -: V.' ' '(Special DUpatch to Tha Journal. I '.. ', Ashland, Or., Feb. J. The committee "n," with a vies presidential -candidate I ' i, ,- -e .nm.m.'.n with th letter club loolt ,nto matter of re- whose surname' ended with the letter n" were elected, as Jefferson and Clin ton. Madison and Clinton, Jackaon and Calhoun, Jackson and Van Buren, aVa Calhoun,' JacksOn and Van Buren,. Van lln, IJncoln and Johnson and Harrison and Morton. vlving the state normal school at this point has not reported, but the mem bers are eorreaDondtnr ' with UD-State author! Ups and It Is probable they, will recommend action .along the' lines adopted by Monmouth. The' ' proposition to submit eacn school separately 'to the people and to stand or fall by their decision appeals to tho majority of the people of Ashland. ' I. .r Z 1 . ill W 13 It 4 '1 a I f-J HI : . J 1 I'. If I 1 Ji Friends of the Westori ' Normal school will cooperate In arfy plan that MRS. LEDOUX G0EST0 SERVE HER LIFE TERM Colled PttM Leased Wire. Stockton. Cat.. "eb. 1. Mrs. Emma Ledoux. who Dlcaded vullty to the mur der of A. N. MoVlcar and took a lifo contemplates the establishment of . an sentence In San Quent,ln rather than adequate normal school system In Ore ...-.- 7- . . gon," said K. C. French, former prln a :. , ..w " " .k.,,. . clpal at Weston snd now educational ond trial with a possibility of a director of the Portland T. M. C A. He ona aeam sentence, was uiaen to prison added yesterday, accompanied by Sheriff "Eastern Oregon must have a school Sibley and Mrs, George Shepherd, the because ths young people will never Jail matron. - come across the mountains to school. Mrs. Leaoug aecmiea to oe inter- i wl,n we eouti af,Cure from our leg Viewed : and requested that she be al- uiature the same degree of coenpre lowed to. go to. prison with as little henslon of a normal school's value aa notoriety aa .possible, in view or the obtained In Washington, where as fact that she pleaded guilty and saved much appropriation was mads for the the county the cost of a Second trial, aupport of one school as for all three or aooui io,uuu, onerirr eiDiey Kepi I of burs nis cnargs careruuy secluded from the newspaper men. . BROADWAY BRIDGE PLANS HERE SOON In a letter to Mayor Simon Ralph Modjeskl. consulting engineer for the new Broadway bridge, saya the plana for th big span are almost com pleted and wlQ arrive in Portland with in the next few days. The sutr to establish the validity of the bridge bonds Is being rushed through the courts, and Mayor Simon says everything is being done to hasten construction. Iff For Lame Back ' i -, " V - . '.'''.." HERE'S THE PROOF. Mr. W. II. Hawkins, Frankfort, Kv., R.R. No. 2, writes: I have used Sloan's Liniment for backache and sciatica with almost instant relief." : Mr. J. W, Stewart, 1216 Chapel St., Cincinnati, 0., writes: "I had suffered with sciatic rheumatism for 14 months when I began using Sloan's Liniment Ji got relief at once, and am now entirely well." 1 -..hme MiaKiil is best for lumbago, rheumatism, neuralgia better than plasters also for sore throat, croup, sprains, etc- . Prices, SSe.t 50c, and fl.OO. if WESTON CITIZENS WOULD LET VOTERS DECIDE QUESTION V - Weeton, Or., Feb. t. A mass ' e meeting has been called for Feb- 4 ruary 9 for ther" purpose of tak- ing action relative to the normal e S school question. The people are e strongly in favor of submitting e the question to the voters of the e state. SACKVILLE-WESrS SON LOSES CONTEST (Cnlted Proa's VnmrA Wlro.) London, Feb. J. Sir John Bigham. president of the probate court, yesterday f practically tnrew out or court me ra- mous Kaokviue peerage case, in which Ernest Henry Sackvllle-Weet sought to acquire the title and estates left by his father, the late Lord Lionel Hack- vllle-Weet, formerly British ambassador j at Washington. The title and estates of the Sackvtlles are now hold by Lionel Sackville-West, a nephew of the late ambassador, whose wife is Ernest's sis ter. Ernest based his claim upon a mar riage he declared had taken place be tween Lord Lionel and his mother, Jo efa Duran, a Spanish dancer. The- court declared Itself satis fied that the dancer was the wife of Antonio De La Dova at the time she ' was reported , to have been married to J Lord Sackville, and that if the marriage ' was actually performed, it was illegal. ! Letters written by the petitioner him self were Introduced in the trial by the defense. One was addressed to his sis ter. It 'admitted his illegitimacy and that of the five other children of Jo sofa, and praised his father for the way in which he had treated their mother. The defense .also produced letters written by Lord Lionel. These, the de fense asserted, also made it plain that he had never married the dancer and 1 that th children of ( their union were 1 Illegitimate. - ' I Sir Lionel was dismissed from his I post at Washington during Cleveland's first administration for stating in a let ter written to a Californlan that' Cleve land's reelection would be satisfactory to England. P,'u' r ' 'V jP,'-',:.F .&. Aj ' f lilt' I 1 T cut; U '. ' ; .,!' Out) : ' ; . : ' '-- ' mm Grows Hair and we can PROVE IT! ANDERINE is to the hair what fresh (hower o( rein snd sunshine are to vegetation. It croes right to the 'roots, invisorstes end strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing properties csuie the hair to grow abundantly long, strong snd beautiful. It at oacs imparts a sparkling brilliancy snd vel vety softness to the hair, and a few weeks use will cause new hair to sprout all over the scalp. Use it every day for s short time, after which two or three times s week will be sufficient to complete whatever growth 'you desire. NEW ORLEANS READY FOR SPRING CARNIVAL New Orleans, Feb. 3. New Orleans Is donning gala attire in anticipation of the annual Mardl Gras festivities. The city is rapidly filling with visitors and from all indications the attendance will be as large if not larger than in any previous year. The program of festivities this year will extend over a period of five days (and will be replete with many new and interesting features. All of the time honored carnival features will be re-' talned, including the arrival and parade of Rex and his gorgeous retinue, the I parade and ball of Proteus and the pa- j rade and ball of Momus. which will bring the carnival to a close. j The arrival of Rex. the kine of the i carnlva1, is always the big event of the week. It Is customary to elect some representative citizen of New Orleans I fill this position, usually a promi nent business man. For several weeks ! previous to the day set for the reception of Rex, fictitious wireless messages, j supposed to be sent from the royal I yacht, at sea, are received In the city' and published in the newspapers!. i When the king of the carnival ar- 1 rives in the city the first of the week his reception will be attended with splendid ceremonies. His yacht will te escorted to the landing place by a naval 1 pageant, and a military escort will be I furnished to accompany him through jj the business section to the city hall, i where the king of the carnival will formally receive the keys of the city from the mayor. A laaV 'rem Si. Paul wrilM ia ub,Uot, ' ' , follvwtt "When I began uilng Danderlna my balr would sot coma to my bouldon ana now it ia sway below my hips." Aaothw (ram Nawart, N. J. " I have been aifng Dandertne regularly. Wbenl flrt tar ted te naelt 1 bad very lit tle balr, now I bave tba moat beautlfullong snd iblek hair anyoaa would want to bars." NOW at all drugIsta in three lz 25c, 50o and $1.00 per bottle ; , Daoderlne enjoys a greater sale thaa any other one preparation regardless of kind or brand, aad it has a much greater sale than all of the other' Sair preparations in the world combined, r u - - FREE To how how qtrtckly Diadarlal sets, we will send a large sam ple free by return mail to anyone wbo sends this free coupon to the KKOWITOR BANOERINE CO., CHICAGO, ILL, with their name fcnd sddteaa sod 10c Jo silver or stamps to pay postage. " Editor and Promoter In Trouble. Chicago, Feb. 8. Sidney Flowen, onee Well known as an hypnotic expert and later as a. promoter, whose financial schemes in the past brought him Into conflict with the authorities In Chi cago. Buffalo and other cities, Is again in trouble.. Today he was arraigned before United States -Commissioner Foots to answer to an indictment re cently found against him in Nevada, charging him with fraudulent use of the mails. Several years, ago Flower attained . notoriety as the editor and owner of the New Thought Magaslne. Recently he has been publishing Gold field Gossip, a weekly mining journal, and. was known in Goldfield as Par meter Kent. The magazine was pub lished, it is charged, for the' purpose of exploiting gold mining schemes. . 1 j In . Memory of William Goebel. ! Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 3, The tenth an.' hlversary of the death of Governor Wtl-j Ham Goebel, whose assassination as trie ' result -ot a political feud stirred the en-J, tire country, was observed today with Impressive memorial exercises Wat ' ths Ooebe monument recently erected in the state cemetery iov this city. t. 4 ; . Bleached . Mnalln, Best 100 QuaUty, So A special for t tomorrow, a sale of about 60 bolts of , full bleached muslin of excel lent quality; comes with a nice. , soft .finish- and f it 1 1 . at ln4ies wide. 0ir regular ,10o grade, priced for .BacgaUi JTrl day at .........80 White Lawn, flr.o . Quality, lBoi.s tra spttvtali a sale of fine wtilto lun comes full to in. . wide, fine and sliwrr' m spkniiliii ' material for lit ' runts' tlresties, un . tlcrmusllns .and walnm; best i!&ei limllty, prli'rd for Bargaia Triday at ISO. Tho Most in Value Tomorrow Will The Best in Quality m9MX'B Be Our 535th Bargain Friday ; WW A woncterful buying opportunity. The whole store resplendent with phenomenal values. Inventory un earthed hundreds of short lengths and odds and ends that must be closed out at once, irrespective of cost or actual worth and we are most emphatic in saying that these are being sold now for less than they could a - - mm . m . . e . 1 De bought at wholesale. This is a great sale, because the quantity mvoivea is enormous, tne qualities ana m - S m mm m M mmrmm S . 9 Ml f ' g atyics inc very ucbi, uic pritcs uctiucuiy m your iavur. Aiiciciuic una event, anumu iu wm piuvc ui auautu- ine interest to all knowing and economical and particular women. . 0 . , Unquestioned Quality and, Price Lownoss Form a Combination That Must 1 "P-rotTft n Rrnnt T-rnrln TiTnfm nt www ' - . e , . Women's and Children's Knit Underwear and Hosiery at Bold Price Reductions The following special items in women! and children's Knit Underwear and Hosiery have been selected and priced without regard to cost. Tomorrow will surely be a record-breaking day in this section. It's a sale of numerous small lots- "left overs" -from the most successful January sale in our history. We have marked these for quick riddance at prices never before equaled. For instance: 25c Children's Hose at 10c A most extraordinary sale of children's fast black, fleece-lined Cotton Stockings, of good, durable quality. They come in all sizes from 5 to 9 and in lxl and "1 A 2x1 rib, suitable for boys and girls. Regular 25c values, Bargain Friday at AUU 35c Children's Hose at 10c A great special sale of children's fine black Cashmere Stockings, made with double heel and toe, of gray color. They come in lxl and 2x1 rib, and in 1 sizes S't and 6. Regular 35c quality, closing-out price Bargain Friday at x71 Vests, and Pants for Children 25o Regular 40c. and 50c Grades A very important sale of misses' and children's fine peeler cotton, fleece-lined Vests and Pants, in all sizes from 18 to 34; good, reliable quality underwear that has sold regularly at 40c and 50c a garment, closing-out price for Bargain Friday at -Ul Women's Hose, Best 2O9 Grade lOe The last opportunity this season to purchase women's fleece-lined Stockings at half price. They are made of fast black cotton, with full seamless leg and foot, and come in all sizes, best A)c "1 jl grade, closing-out price for Bargain Friday xUU Women's Vests. 75p Values at 35o This lot consists of women's fine gray wool pleated Vests, in all v. sizes; well finished, good fitting garments of seasonable.. weight,..; that have sold all season at 75c, Closing-out price for OKp Bargain Friday only Otlv Vests and Pants, 31.00 Values 60o Women's fine -white wool Vests and Pants, in allizes. The Vest are hand-trimmed with silk, and the Pants are finished with eques trian too: fine hih-erade earments. Sold resrularly at ?fs :" $1.00, closing-out price for Bargain Friday at.l .......vvy T"TfV 1 J'ai TI m m Tt mmmml at a TI msA women sJi asJaiomaoi suits jlo Rarely will you find garments of such good qualities as these. The latest in style, perfection in workmanship and superior excellence in quality of material. Medium and three-quarter length Tailored Coats and new styles of pleated Skirts; plain or striped (PI T fA serges, and worsted suitings, in black, navy, gray, green, tan and raisin. Regular $25.00 Suits, Bargain Friday at. . P LOJJ Raincoats $8.50 You will find them possessed of all the good features of an ideal rainy-weather coat. Stylish in appearance and positively proof against the rain. They are made of a superior quality rubberized taffeta, in solid-and two-color effects; black, blue, brown, (1JO Ffj gray and green. Regular $12.50 Coats, Bargain Friday vO.UU Full Length Cheviot Coats $7.50 One of the very newest coat styles. w full length; semi-fitted Coat of extra quality cheviot coating. They come in two shades of Diues and several mixtures. Coats that sell regularly tT Cfl for $12.50, specially priced for Bargain Friday at. Voile Skirts at S5.00 -: Several of the very latest pretty pleated effects. Some are plain,," while others are finished with satin or taffeta bands. Material is a fine grade of hard-twisted black voile. Regular OK flfl ' $7.50 Skirts, specially priced for Bargain Friday at..... VtlsvlU ' Two Petticoat Specials A Petticoat of good quality, well wearing silk taffeta, in black, blue, brown, tan, gray and numerous other dark and light colors; plain deep flounces and other finished with straps and fl0 Qfl, corded, underlay with dust ruffle. Regular $5.50 values tPO.aU . This one of good grade moreen; deep flounce, finished with six straps and underlay of same material. A petticoat tor r7r7 si . service. Regular price $1.00, Bargain Friday at '. r Best Embroidery Bargains olld in the City Ask any woman who saw our Embroidery bargains the past week what she thinks of them. Here they are again for Bargain Friday, with prices still lower. Values are simply remarkable half and less than half regular. Allover Embroideries at 59c A great special offering for Bargain Friday of 20,000 yards of Allover Embroidery, made of good quality swiss, nainsook and Hamburg, in hundreds of beautiful patterns, in both blind and open work. They are shown in handsome patterns from the dainty plain to elaborate scroll effects. These Embroideries are suitable for waists and yokes and are good values to $1.25. Spe- CQ cially priced for Bargain Friday at fJs1 All Embroidery Remnants at one-half marked price. x Embroidery Sets Low Priced A sale of over 50,000 yards of matched sets of Embroidery, suitable for combination suits or dresses. They are shown in three widths of edges and two widths of insertion, all to match. Ihese special values for tomorrow: IY to 4-in. Insertions, values to 65c, special 23? I 10 to 18-tn. Flouncings, values to 85c. spel, 33 4 to 12-inch Edges, values to 60c, special. .23? 4 to 8-in. Insertions, values to 85c, special, 33? U Allover Embroideries at 55c A choice offering of 24-inch Allover Embroidery, suitable for waists, yokes and entire dresses; beautiful designs, embroidered on swiss or nainsook; hundreds of pretty patterns to choose PC from. .Values to $1.25 yard, special at. .. .. . .i UUv 18-inch Corset Cover Embroidery, values to 45c, at 23? 2 7 -In oh Flouncing Only 48o A choice offering of 27-inch Flouncing, shown in hundreds of choice patterns in eyelet, blind and scroll designs, worked on fine swiss and lawn. This Embroidery is very popular for. shirtwaist suits, children s or infants dresses. I he workmanship is of AO the very best. Regular $1.50 values, In the Men's Section Less Than Half Price Is the Rule From the way our January sales broke all past records, it is evident that the men appreciate bargains. We intend to make for February a still greater record. Tomorrow we will offer values that cannot be duplicated in the city. Shop around if you prefer; comparison will only make these bargains stand out ' stronger: ' " , ' . . ' Men's Dress Shirts, Best 51.50 Values 01.15 A line of men's fine Dress Shirts, made coat style, with pleated bosom and cuffs -attached. . They come with white ground with small plain and fancy black stripes. The best regular $1.50 values, ?1 "f fZ specially priced for this great Friday Bargain sale at . . ... , OX.Xll Men's $2.25 Blue Flannel Shirts, all wool, spTfl.98 Men's $2.75 Blue Flannel Shirts, all wool, spl 92.3ft Men's $2.50 Blue Flannel Shirts, all wool, spl f 2.19 Men's $3.00 Blue Flannel Shirt), all wool, spl $2.-!0 Best 2 5o Men's Half Hose at 19b A special offering of men's fancy Half Hose,shown in small lots o broken lines. " These are real bargains. Priced , to close "I Q i .. ........ i. JLt . . . ' out the" lot. Bargain Friday,, at. Best 01.00 Men's Underwear 8 5 o A fine assortment of men's Underwear--Wright's sanitary fleered Miirts and jJrawers, that ,se!I regularly at fl.uu. per jar- l III! i ment. Priced for Bargain Fridajj at. I