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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. -THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1910. . .OVERUSES FOR BDSFDRSEGOHD CULL II PIPE flat rate of SO cents it charged. The PflPITA! KT WANTS an the minimum meter rat is now to cent. The meters no removed are in tailed In other Dlares where the aver agra consumption of water exceed 78 cents a month. wife with Wooden LEG OR HAIR LIP $23,985 PAID FOR - BUILDING PERMITS The following building permits were, Issued:. T n Maa-ulaan Erect j one story frimt wniiinv iherlln atreet between Alanl anil MorfirR! huiltlar K. W. Pap f M ilrt I iria Wi I PfllBehm: 11200. , . vuoi wi -T miiu i-iiiw mil uu , irwnn-Renalr two story frame dwelllnc Columbia Douievarn oeiwron Porte-mouth and Adriatic: ouuacrs mic ford & Tennant; 9176. - - - Mrs. C. E. Johnston Erect ona atory frame dwelling East Twenty-fourth atreet between KlUlnaaworth and Kmer- aon: builder C K, Johnaton; H00. Mr Hoamar Keoatr one atory frame . - - . . . . r dwelling Ivy atreet between union ave nue and iiouney: DUiiaer , u. joiuaun; 1360. W. IL Harris Erect ona atory frame dwelling Kranklln atreet between Kaat $1,629,500, Giving Portland Dally Water Supply, of 67,- 000,000 GalIons ;: vv i: The city water board yesterday after noon ordered that bids be advertised for the construction of the second pipeline Tn7A,"Dth 'VrUh; builder sime to liull Run. The estimated coat of th 1 175 . . .. : A. 2t miles of pipe to be laid is ll.C29.E00. ami ii n additional sum of 1163,000 may ; have to be expended to obtain rights of Wiiy. is id a are to be opened March 8 at 4 ii clock' in the afternoon. The report of Engineer D.'D. Clarke, rnciiisinjr the specifications and rceonv momJatlons for tha pipe line project. : approved by the board. City Engl ii' r It II. Thomson of Seattle, who Is the conaultlng expert for tha new line, rss also approved the plana. . Pipe VTUX Se of Steel. . Y f-leol pipe will be used throughout and the diameter of the conduit will be t'l lnrhea lor 10 miles .and . 44 Inches for the remaining- 24 miles. It will be capable of carrying Into the city 4B. gallons of . water daily. tThis will, with the present pipe line, give the water users of Portland 67,000,000 Fallon, sa amount sufficient for more luan 600,000 people. For the most part the new line will parallel tha- present pipe. , The specifi cations call for Its completion by Octo- rT 1. 1911. The line is to be completed to reservoir No. 6. now In process of coTiRtructlon, by June 15. 1911. If the contractors should fail to build the line on time they will be fined $100 a flay for each day's delinquency, and be given a bonus of floo a daylf Ciy line to reservoir No, S should be completed before June 11 and subse- cueat to May 15, 1111.; 125,000 Contra. The board lot a contract for laying water mains In Laurelhurst to the Bar- 1 l. ' Bchlndlep Erect one ' story frame dwelling Emerson street between Sixteenth and ttevenieentn; aame: 11200. i At. ttayaer nepair one story irame dwelling Kaat Thirteenth street between Aineria ana VYeDBier, uuuuir paiiiv. 1300. Mn aisuti wara Erect, one story frsme dwelling Fowler avenue between Luckev snd Winchell: builder O. M. MetcftJfr 12000. lift. J. o. Harsins r;rect one. story frame dwelling Jvon street between Mix- e II. A. Jenkins, who says he is a e capitalist of Dayton, uwo, wants 4 a wife with a wooden leg. Mr. 4 Jenkins lias come west looking for Investments. Incidentally tie .ls looking for an affinity with a e wooden leg.- In the meantime he 4 is a guest at the Cornelius. e '. "My first wife." said Mr. Jen e kins, "had a wooden limb, and e she was the best helpmate man 4 ever had. Bhe died. I have two e friends whose wives have artlft- elal SDDendasos. - and are ideal e fraua. 4 'TV decided to marry again. e I want a alrl with a wooden leg, . w e or crosaed eyes, or a hair Hp, or 4 4 something like that Then she'll e) 4 be able to . appreciate me and ' e make a good wife. 8o many 4 wives look down on their hus e e bands and consider themselves 4 . better." . . ' - bttuSa? 0. A. C. PREPARES i; FOR BIG, DEBATE ' ttnla1 TtanatMi tn Th JnnrBat.l Oreson Asrlcultural College, Cor- vallls, Feb. The department, of ora tory and debate at the Oregon Agri cultural eollege Is preparing- the de bating teams and orators for the numer- nm tnAPf.illAvtata fnrenslo -events. tTino"1 na..81lV:cond:;bu,Ur.'me: Pacific mnlv.rslty will be the first rival cwt I the Beavers will meet, and a team wiu 11800. Columbia Mllltna- company- story frame warehouse Kaat First street between Clay and Market:, builder WH aon Ueneftel: 14600. . , Mra. Hoae Gee Erect one story frame dwelling Nelson street between Twenty fourth and Lawrence; builder same; S1200 be sent to Forest Grove for this pur pose. The big event Of the debating year will be the contest with Washing ton State college. ' ,'..' This debate will be somewhat of a novelty, as each collese will be repre- O'Donnel ft Qloor- Repair one story Isented by two teams and both sides of the question will be debated simultane ously at Corvallls nd Pullman. In this frame barn 270 Grant street between Third and Fourth: builder same; 1200. uevurta uroa.- Kepair 1 three story brick ' store East - Burnslde street be tween Third snd Union avenue: builder C. W. Green; 1226. - B. M. Porden Erect two story frame dwelling Chautauqua boulevard between Pippin and l.uoKe; nuiiaer same; ieuo. Joulin & Meeka Erect two story con crete Jiarn, lialsev street between Thlr? tyy-thlrd and Thirty-fourth: builder ltm 1260ft. '..?.' - Ed uorr wect one story frame dwell- Inr Morris street between Commercial and' Gantenbeinr minder same; iisoo. Ed uorr Krect one story frame dwelling Cleveland avenue between Skldmore and prescott; builder same; 100. Giisan Estate ttepair one story brick 0USBAKD CATCOiriG Dl FAT WOFilEN Many a too'plump lady i groaning In spirit, at this moment as Bhe lolls back with a lolllpoD between - finger and thuml), at . the thought of. her matri monial chances." She tells herself she can never, give up her lolling snd her lolllpups and go in for exercising and dieting Instead. Not even for a husband. Yet one glance over cater mains in Laureihurst to the Bar-1 wn .'""Tr";?"1, mS " I her bulging breasts, at her equally well .r Asphalt company for 156,000..' The fj0rf- LJXtr k !??Ii-i.iw- ei! advertised hips, tells ber all hope Is vain ompanr wUl be required to give the h0?.nn Bv,w?tt'. buUaer' .de! ,& She reduce. . . - . case both colleges will liave two teams snd one of. them will matter the af firmative of 1 the question .while the other will study the negative. This in novation in debating was proposed by Professor lietsel of O. A. C. and as It appealed to the debaters at Pullman the plon will be tried out, , city a 125,000 bond to protect It against lot-3 In case property owners should not pay their assessments. . The award was made after waivers had been secured from all the property owners. Mayor Simon told the board yesterday that he had made a profit of 178.19 on the Everett street water xnain.whlch he 3al3 last year. This money, with In terest on bonds to the amount of 1 12.(9, was turned over to the water superin tendent. The board decided to lay mains this year only on streets that are to be covered with hard surface, except in other cases where mains are abso- Intfiy necessary. According to a report made by Superintendent Podge of the vater department, water mains must be installed In 79 miles of streets to be bard surfaced." ' Pipes Ahead of Pavement. It Is the purpose of the board to look after these streets first In order to have the pipes put down In advance of the pavement. The water department has Leen removing meters from a houses where the average amount of water used has not exceeded CO cents worth. Wher ever such meters have been removed a Tabor: 160. Mrs. K. Fralney Repair One and One half story frame dwelling Kirby street between Morris , and Monroe: builder same; 1100. v M'MINNVILLE PEOPLE SWELL LIBRARY FUND fftidal Dl natch to Th eTmirnil.V 1 McMlnnville, Or.. Feb. 3. McMinnvlll ..k1a MMi.k4Ai si it a ri r da nla-ht at tha Burns hall with a fine injurious in any way (being made after day niKht at tne wurna nau witn a: nnei ' famn, Marmola Presorlntlnn vis. Nnw. iurh irirla' are slmol behind the times, or tney wouia not wny "ui their reducing;. They would reduce and do it without disturbance of their appetite for candy or luxurious ease, ah that u needed to take off twelve to six- tMn mince a dav. and rapidly reduce h hlna. chin, abdomen, eta (where fat Is moat objectionamej is one pirBnmn, elegant Marmoia prescription . isdici, after meals and at bedtime, . Get the fat off where it lollies most and see what that change will do toward attracting the men. The tablets are not banquet given by the ladies of the Civic Improvement club, the proceeds were donated to the new free library. . Rev. A. M. .Williams, pastor Of the Presby terian church, acted as toastmaster. Among those responding were Honorable William Galloway, W. D. Fen ton. School Superintendent' It H. 'BeU, Dr. U W. Riley, . president of McMinnvllkt col lege; Rev, Martell, pastor of the Bap tist church, C C Chspman, C. C. Mur ton. Ex-Mayor C, I Williams and Sec retary. J. C. Cooper of the McMinnvllle Commercial club. , u. . M.rmola. u os. Fl. Ex. Cascar Aromatic, 14 os. Peppermint Water); and they, are not expensive, tne -jwar-mola Co., 668 Farmer Bldg.. ' Detroit, Mich., and all druggists asking only seventy-five cents for a large case, Journal want ads bring results. whils it Is often Impossible to pre sent an accident. It is never Impossible to, be prepared u is not oeyona any one's curse. Invest 28 cents in a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and you are .prepared for sprains, bruises and like , j injuries, . . .--.. Oldest ; in America ; Strongest in the World TEne Mmlfinnaill MM '-. " i lw- '! . .. ;'- . . " v. ";'f C'-it ' : r -'-! '''. '. .'.'--. - . " .. . :'. v. X ;" V y y . --.. .: .; ;-','- ImisiuiiFSiimcscE Compaiiniy ----of: New York Record of 1909 ' The close of the 67th year shows an increased amount: of Insurance in force, f 1,441,323,848, and . an increased amount of new insurance paid for, f 102,040,633. . Other notable features .marking the progress of the, Company are: , , , . Assets v . . . '.-i $560,122,367.61 ; Increase, $21,083,399.48 , . . Policy Reserves 445,388,997.00; Increase, .12,251,281.00 Hi Interest and Rents Received.. ,25,052,001.61; Increase, 531,868.83 Profits bn Stocks, Bonds and ; ' , i' Real Estate Sold 6,409,830.04; Increase, 5,804,364.27 Unprecedented, Benefits, to Policyholders 'Dividends paid 'in 1909 ...... $11,005,914.96; Increase, $2,694,65907 ' ' . Dividends apportioned for 1910: ,12,401,752.11; Increase, 1,309,469.73 .. .Total paid policyholders,' 1909 54,909,648.86; Increase, 2,246,947.83 r Held for Deferred Dividends , - ; , . and Contingencies 91,498,319.99; Increase, 5,653,328.79 The Company continues to maintain its PRE-EMINENCE IN ECONOMY OF MANAGEMENT. In connection with a largely increased volume of new insurance, the ratio of Expenses (exclusive of taxes) to Total Income is lower than any other company doing a general life Insurance business has been able to show in many years. . The relative expenses of the Mutual Life have decreased more than 50. per cent in the last five years, resulting in a steady and satisfactory decrease in the cost of insurance. ' . Balance Sheet, December i 31st, f 1909 ASSETS Real Estate (market value) . . . $ 26,289,286.53 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 128,754,102.94 Loans on Policies 65,274,997.91 Bonds (amortized book value) i 271,526,503.63 Stocks (market value) 57,829,377.00 Cash (not on interest) 630,892.58 Cash (deposited on interest) .. i . ; , ; . , ! 2,050,296.50 Interest and Rents, due and accrued.. i: 3,897,681.25 Premiums in course of collection..,..?' 3,923,980.43 Miscellaneous Assets ....;..-;.:...' 282,6319 Cross Assets Deductions .--. . . , .. i .V. . $560,459,750.66 . . . 337,383.05 Total Assets y.....t;,1.;.,.;.;. $560,122,367.61 LIABILITIES . ' Net Policy Reserve '. $445,388,997.00 Other Liabilities on Policies.. 6,366,561.90 Premiums,. Inter est and Rentals Paid in advance 1,768,987.09. Miscellaneous Liabilities .... k ....... . , 937,528.05 Reserve for Death Claims unreported. 500,000.00 Reserve for . Taxes, Licenses, etc, in . ! 1 1910 : - 1,252,104.55 Dividends payable in 1910:.. 12,401,752.1 J Reserve for Deferred Dividends and, Contingencies ........... l....... 91,506,436.91 1 Total Liabilities . '. . j , . . '. ......... $560,122,367.61 AL?;tA D. IATZ. nisnsgcr, 420-427 Corbett Buildlnfj, Portland, Oregon THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Hcrnc OHice, Zl Nassau Slrcel, New York, N. Y. UNCLE SAM'S SLEUTHS . , CHASE HOP SMUGGLERS ' ' ' (United Pre teaaed Wlrs. Ban Frsnclsco, Feb. S. Asronts of tbe treasury department, aided by the San Francisco police and dosens of nlaln clothes men are searching Chinatown in an effort to' locate "Chick" Wallace, al leged backer of an opium smuggllns rlns that has been successful In Importing- lllesallv thousands Of dollar wnrlh of ths drur within the past few months. Since the recent passage of stringent laws against the Importation of opium, smuggling operations have grown at an alarming- rate. The government author ities are certain that a well organized gang la working to escape the embargo. Despite their efforts, the? have been unable to break tip the ring. They be lieve Wallace is the man wnoae capture would put an, end to tha illicit opera tions.' ' Information was given to the police last evening that Wallace had come to San Francisco , from Los Angeles and was in hiding in Chinatown. At the same time the federal authorities who were reported to have beeh following htm in Los Angeles arrived on the scene and the hunt was on In earnest. The police of all Faclflo coast cities were notified today of the campaign that has been started by the authorlUes, and descriptions of several persons whose apprehension is desired were scot out . llockford Rent to Rock pile. Earl Rock ford, who has given the police considerable trouble the past var. vu aentenced to 90 days on the rockplle this morning, and a fine of 100. He wsa accused of taking a qunnlllr of clothes and some valuable stamps from Arthur llaysall. nock ford pleaded guilty, lie was paroled last October from a six months' sen tence on the rockplle for larceny. Ilia sentence expired February 1, but he wss Brreated before that time, for the second charge of larceny. INTERMOUNTAIN MINE V IS SOLD FOR $8000 11 1 ' (Special Dlpatck to Tfaa Journal. Baker City, Or., Feb. S. The Inter mountain mine, one of the well known properties of the Mormon basin country, was sold yesterday at receiver's sale for $8000. Johnson Bond of Kentucky was the purchaser, paying 12000 down nnd the balance when the sale is con firmed by the. court. The sale was made to satisfy a judgment obtained by sev eral nilneis for $3000 and tho luir Mercantile company for $20(i. The Iniermountain adjoins itio f Rainbow mine, whjch is owned by lo land people. . VALUABLE HO'IE HECl l L Will Break Up Severest Cold in a X and Care any Curable Congu. "Mir one-half ounce of Comintrai. pine compound with two ounces , glycerine and a'half pint of good wit; key. Shake thoroughly each time u i,u In doaes of a teospoonful to a tnb spoonful every four hours." This f ; mula Is given out by a noted mcdh authority. Local druggists suy tli mixture, will work wonders. They have these ingredients In stock Or wi: quickly get th.em. they are eaHlly mlxn Be sure to get tho genuine "Com-ei trateii' pine which Is plainly label, and comes only in half ounce bote each inclosed in an alr-tlght cane. Highest Prices Paid for v Raw Furs -Send , , for Pricelist am mi Leading Ladies1 Outfitters Fourth and Morrison Streets n ' Fur , Manufacturers Wholesale and ... Retail , u The week before stock-taking is a notable pne! , All winter merchandise left from our Clearance Sale must be. closed out, consequently PRICES MUST BE REDUCED. READ THE FOLLOWING OFFERINGS Tailored CmmU 3t Pre'lnven- tory Prices '-Your choice of about 20 Suits, val-'- 0 1 A Q C ues to w.oo.v. ;...i.i5lU.OO: A $3:65 Rack ' , , -:. , . With Skirts, Coats, Children's Coats (J J (L C and Suitsvalues to $15.00......;...,. l)uUO Trimmed Hals at Prenven tory Prices About 30 Hats, sold before this sale, 'J CJT up to $20.00 . . : tDOwUD Trimmed Hats at k9c t , . . , h . A few of them come early. Values up to : ' . $12.50 each. .. Combs Back Combs "arid Bar rettes, values H A to $1.00 .LI t ,. i-i I.,., ' iim " m ; ii i i aasi :- i'n i i -i i.ij r " 1 11 - rn r i 4 $10.00 to $20.00 Fur Stoles (Tf Of? and Muffs, .Each' . . . ... . apOOei? t Belts 'Lea t he r," Silk and Elastic Belts, 0(n val. to $1.7D...aW7C 0 K7Kt We are going to discontinue this department, Jh) i f and in order to clean up this stock quickly have M. I " placed on sale all our Boys Clothing, sizes 7 to ( lb years, tormeny selling at uo.uu ana 9o.uu ami. ww WHILE THEY LAST e A IT IP ifa, A Lfl ASPLE SUIT v - FRIDAY 'AND SATURDAY LAST,, TWO; DAYS V You had better take advantage of this opportunity of buying your new Spring Suit at a discount of 25 per cent off marked prices. SATURDAY IS POSITIVELY THE LAST DAY OF SALE. CO RSETS AT 50c 250 pairs of discontinued styles of s Corsets to be closed, ' out regardless of cost. Values up to $5.00 pair. FRI-,' DAY AND SATURDAY ' 35c M'S HOSE AT 2fli: Men's Fine Quality Cashmere Hose, in black, tan and natural, sold regularly at 35 cents a pair. , FRIDAY AND SATURDAY C1AKGE;:0DFJT1 ...... &a SOLICITED WFJIM mm The Store Where" Your Credit Is Good Cor. Washington at Tenth Dentql Parlors DR. HILLIS C." JOHNSTON, Prop, and-Mgr. 362 WASH. ST., COR. PARK Home, A-7102; Pac, Main 8296 "Only ihc Best" Materials and workmanship em ' ployed in this office. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Open evenings from 6 to 8; Sun days from 9 to 1. 1 I pKL lCi 'orGIrKeeaiiaetedby tlie i BISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES OF JESUS UNO MA Grade, Academic, and Collettatw Coiw Muuo, Art. Elocution sod Oomnorclal IJectt ttceldnt and Day fitudent :r: BeBnd, Moral and Intellectoal TratnlnC ' Write for ABDoano.oi.nt. Addrrw. " StSTtB Borisioa. 6t.Hsry' Aoademy.JrosTrAK Portland Academ Second term will open Tuesday.' 7 rusry 8. " - , '' i The academy fits bovs and 'alrl. eastern snd western colleges. - Certificate of the achnnl atv-.entr. Amherst, Williams, Cornell, , Bm woman s college or jBaitimore, anrt , colleges ana universities or tne i'ei coast. ' t ' Beginning: classes - in February Roman history, civics, oenmanshln ' bookkeeDlne-. , alsrebra. - solid ceom ' trigonometry, with field practice in vcyingr. :.. . - i The academy Inoludes a thoroujth mary and grammar school. - -For catalogue address J'ortland Aj emy, Portlandii Or. ' t Boston Dentlot The best is the cht-; ,.tn(t atliHan .'a i ' methods safe and r-' fe- able. We work for b the charge . made t other high class (? tists. Examlnn free, extracting f and painless." Com'! day, see us, 1 rnonev. The BOS DENTISTS. 291 U . rt.nn onnOBtte Meier & PVanlt anil n. office. Open evenings until 9 and S . days nntll .13:90 for people who wo '-mil ) mmtmmm mmm Joiirnal Wants Are Winners