The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 03, 1910, Page 22, Image 22

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Portland Agents .Warner Corsets Arnold Knit Goods for Dabics Men's Ramie LmcnUndcr7carDuttcric!i Patterns and Publicct:
Artistic Picture graining to Your Order Custom Shade and Drapery york Given Careful Attention Good Music 7th Floor Tea Re
.i..-v . 1 1 " ' . ' -J 1 . -'."' . . . ' " . ' ' ,
Tomorrow The Greater Meier (Ob Ifranfr S
t 57 m m v w
i t I
iii ii
1000 $2.00 Goroet Covqro 89c
500 $2.00 Nightgowns $1.19
Tomorrow, for the 1044th Friday Surprise Sale, in the Muslin wear Sec
tion, Second Floor, 1000 Women's Corset Covers, in cambric or nainsook.
trimmed with lace and embroidery. Large assortment of styles. QQ
Regular prices from $1.23 to $2.00 each. Specially priced, only Oif C
WOMEN'S NIGHTGOWNS, of cambric, nainsook or muslin, ernbroid-
cry trimmed, high or low-neck styles. Regular $1.75 to
$2.00 values. Specially priced for Friday's selling at only
AND PAJAMAS, regular $1.25 and $1.75 values, special tomorrow, each 00 C
CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' CORSET WAISTS, reg. 50c-75c values. st,.XS.
NAZARETH KNIT WAISTS, tor boys and girls, 2 to 12 yrs., peciaLmdh,..22
COMBINATION SUITS, corset waists and drawers combined; low J Q'
neck, sleeveless, knee length; ages from 2 to 12 years; special tomorrow tKJC
day Surprise Sale,' in the Dress Goods Depart
ment, main floor, a cleanup of several hundred
yards of ZV to 6-yard lengths; goods that CQp
sell regular at $1.35 to $2.00 yard, special V71,
73c Initial Handkerchiefs at 39c Ea.
Tomorrow for the 1044th Friday Surprise Sale, a
lot of women's Handkerchiefs, containing over 50
styles, in broken lines; fine sheer or medium
weight linen. These dainty Kerchiefs. sell ,OQf
regularly for 65c and 75c, each, tomorrow
Sale Umbrellas
51.75 Values 95c
Tomorrow for the 1044th Friday Sur
prise' Sale, in the Umbrella Depart
ment. 500 men's and women's Um
brellas, in 26 or , 28-inch sizes; steel
rod,, paragon frames, rainproof, fast
black cover, 7 or 8-ribbed, assorted
boxwood or gold and silver-trimmed,
pearl or wood handles; regu- QEp
jar $1.25 to $1.75 values, special yeJl.
500 Sofa Pillows
$2.50 Values 98c
Tomwrow for the 1044th Friday
Surprise Sale. 500 Sofa Pillows, 24
inches square, covered with dam
ask, velour. tapestry satins, and
drapery materials of all sorts, light
or dark colorings; regular flOn
$2.50 values,.' special, each wOU
75c Values at 38c
Tomorrow for vthe 1044th Friday Sur
prise Sale, in the Fourth Floor and
Pyrography Dept., reduced prices on
all wood to burn and pyrography sets.
All 50c, 65c and 75c articles, includ
ing pipe racks, tie racks, match hold
ers, towel racks, satin-lined glove and
kerchief-boxes, collar boxes OQ
and pictures, special Friday at OOl
r,Wn and Handkerchief Boxes, reg
iilar 25c. values, special Friday.. 13
fl.OO Footstools, special,' each.. oaf
L50 Tabourettes, special, only..08
75c Panels, special Friday at.. 38?
50c Panels, special Friday at.. 29
40c Panels, special for Friday.. 23?
30c' Panels, , special Friday at.. 19
25c Panels, special for Fnday..i3f
15c Panels, on sale Jriday tor..w?
10c Panels, on sale Friday for. .6?
Pyrography Outfits, regu- QTl. "IQ
larly sold at $1.50, special tPXJ.
52.00 Outlits, on sale, special..--
K2SO Outfits 'on sale. special., $1.79
$3.00 Outfits, on sale, special.. $1.98
Strips Special 69c
Tomorrow, for the 1044th Friday Sur-
prise i oaic, iw,wu yaiua hi i,iijui win
eries in manufacturers' strips of AYi
; and S yards each; cambric, nainsook
and ' swiss '.materials; widths from
f to 10 " inches; ' best regular YJQp
values ; to ' $2.25 strip, special U7i
VtlluCS to $ xnc sirjp, spctjai.
$1 1.30 Linen Sets
Special Price $9.00
Tomorrow for the 1044th Friday Sur
prise Sale, Cloths 2 yds. square, sev
eral patterns, napkins to flQ AA
match; .. reg. $11.50 values VvU
$15.00 Sets, on sale Friday at 12.00
$14.00 Sets, en sale Friday at fll.OO
$12X10 Sets, on sale Friday at f 10.00
Butter a t 80c
Tomorrow, for the 1044th
Friday Surprise, 5000 golden
' squares fresh; pure creamery
butter, made under the most
sanitary conditions, full 2-lb.
squares. Buy all you want
in the Grocery Q'
Section tomorrowrtrnyrj
at, p e r , s q u a r e " '
Women's Shoes
S4-Q5 Vals. 33.98
Tomorrow for the 1044th Friday Sur
prise Sale, a lot of women's neat and
'stylish footwear, consisting of 1000
pairs of shoes in black vici kid, stock
or patent tips; also win, Russian and
gunmetal calf and patent colt leath
ers; button, blucher -or . lace style,
Goodyear welt soles and Cuban" heels
regular $4.00 to $5.00 val- JJO QQ
ues, special Friday, pairvvO
Children's Shoes, in glazed kid, with
patent tips, medium weight soles, but
ton or bluchcr style; sizes 4 QQ
to 8, special for Friday, pair UUK .
3000 $1.50 Men's Shirts 49c
3000 Phoenix Mufflers at 25c
Tomorrow, for, the 1044th Friday Surprise Sale; in the Men's Fur
nishing Section, Main Floor, a great talc of Men's Golf Shirts. This
includes lines from three of the largest "shirt manufacturers .in the
MdHo nf maHraiQ. rer-
rhvin anA rhamhrsav. . Cuffs separate or attached. Plain or '. . v;"'j
pleated bosom. Plain colors or fancy striped and figured effects. ,
All this season's preferred shades. Sues 14 to IB.- Kegu
lar $1.00 and $1.50 values. Special for, this sale at, each
ounifNir MinrPLERS. fnt mm. women and children, at half. A com-
Dination proiecior ior coiiar, unim uu meow, v.. --- . -- " . . " ' : ' , , i
w mvrm. hrnwn ttA urhiti. black, etc fteorularly 50c each, special for Friday Surprise sale, each
BOYS' ANIT GIRLS' UNDERWEAR, union suits and undershirts, in wool, worsted and derby- O
ribbed fleeced; all sizes. Regular values. 75q. the garment, special for Friday Surprise Sale, each
h1 :.lrt
n f
Women's New Neckwear at 25c Ea.
Tomorrow for the. 1044th Friday Surprise Sale, a
lot of women's Neckwear in new Spring designs
rabats. jabots, cascades, etc .Dainty. and stylish,
neckpieces that add much to one's 'appearance
and cost but little; fresh and smart look-' OKA
ing. Entire line of 35c;values, Friday at 0j
Scarfs 98c Eachrr J
day. Surprise Sale, in the third floor Art Dcpn
ment, a lot of Battenbcrg Scarfs, wi(1inen.
dallion and solid centers; assorted designs. (J
Sell regular at $2 to $2.50 each, special at
' , ' . See jE'lfth-street window .display.
200 Men's Raincoats $25 Values
& i i " t. .
Wi i ' v J7
Friday Priced at $14.85 Each
Tomorrow, for the 1044th Friday Surprise Sale, in
the Men's Clothing Section, Third Floor, quarter or
full-lined Overcoats and Cravenette Raincoats at
$14.85. Made in the new style, with military col
lar, 52 inches long, medium weight, and made of all-
ti lit wool fabrics
Come in worsteds, cassimeres, chev-
k y iots, etc Colors are light gray checks and striped
effects, dark gray serviceable plaids, tans, dark
olives and fancy blues. Special purchase, hence a
$ 14.85
great bargain. All sizes. Regular
$25.00 values. Special for Friday
Boys' Knicker Parits79c Pair
Tomorrow, for the 1044th Friday Surprise Sale, in
the Third Floor Boys' Clothing Section, 100 doen
pairs Blue Serge Knickerbocker Pants, fast color,
half lined, made with extension waistbands, sizes 5
to 16 years. Regular $1.25 values. On
special sale Friday at this low price, pair
200 Women's Tailored Suits
$35.00 to $45.00 Values $19.45 a Suit
Tomorrow, for the 1044th Friday Surprise Sale, 200
Women's Rcady-to-Wear Tailored Suits, in cheviot, I
broadcloth, worsteds, tweeds, homespuns and man
nish materials. Coats are medium or long length,
tight or semi-fitting, single or double-breasted.
Many have diagonal fastenings. Either fancy braid
trimmed or strictly tailored. Colors are raisin, gar
net, prune., black, gray, green, navy,1 walnut, olive,
reseda and brown ) also mixtures and stripes. Regu
lar values $35.00 to $45.00. Special- ftMQ A C
ly priced for Friday's sale at only tpi r .'TgJ
Wornera's Spring Waists -$1.75 Vals. 98c.
Made of lawn or batiste, with square yokes,' finished
in point effect lace or embroidery. Solid embroid
ery tront, etc. Button down front or back.
Sizes 34 to 44. Regular $1.75 val. Special
or semi-fitting, plain tailored or fancy braid trimmed.
All new styles and materials broadcloths, serges,
etc. Regular values from $20.00 to C If I C
$30.00. Specially priced for this sale if) Jl
Su5 Chairs $3.79
J 00 For Friday's Selling
Tomorrow for the 1044th Fri
day Surprise Sale in the New
Fifth Floor Furniture depart
ment, a lot of 100 Arm Chairs
in two styles, one exactly like
cnt, choice at $3.79. Polis-hed
quartered oak, w.ell made, a bar
gain that will do much for the
ever increasing popularity of
this new department ;dQ pjq
reg. $6.75 vals; spl. &diV
Teddy Bear Blankets 53c
Tomorrow for the 1044th Fri
day Surprise Sale in the second
floor baby department, Teddy
Bear Baby, Ulankets, m assort
ed patterns and, colors;
reerular 7oc values, at.
rf' wAf" MV
wfwm- fl if
00 Haviland fa 00Q Ys
Tomorrow for the 1044th t
prise- Sale in the Bood De, .
Pocket Diction
25 c Values 10c J
1000 Webster's handy pockf t Di
arics, regularly worth 25c each, 1
on sale for Friday, special, pa. J-v
Handy Volumes Shakespeare, d
bound edition; the regular 25c " A
value, special for Friday, each JLv
Hurt Book Sale, a great number I
books slightly soiled or damaged: r;
ular values from 50c to $3.00, OP
on special table Friday, each
- i
75c Linoleurr
Remnants 3 5
Tomorrow for the 1044th .Vr'ti
Surprise, in the ThirT Floor U
pet and Linoleum Sect-on, all fx
nants of Linoleum, at thele prid
75c values, on sale at onlv..3Jk
90c values, on sale 'at' only.. 4
Regular $125 inlaid, special. .6
i on ;.'-i.m .- it
80 inlaid, 'special 'pric?.:.fltl
Dinner Sets
Tomorrow,for the 1044th Friday
Surprise Sale, in. the Basement
China Department, a lot of 100
sets of Haviland & Co.'s prettiest
patterns of China. No sets sold
or reserved by phone. Genuine
Haviland & Cos China. A lim
ited number, so be on hand early.
When these are gone, no more can
be had. A very special purchase
that makes possible a great bar
gain. Reg. $43
vals. on sale at
Regular 35c and 40c Yd. Values
Tomorrow for the 1044th Fri
day Surprise Sale, a lot of pure
silk Ribbon, full 5 and 6-inch
widths, jn fancy dresden and
striped effects; also fancy bro
caded borders and 6-inch all
silk taffetas, in black, white,
cream, old blue, navy, brown,
pink, light blue, etc.; 35c O"!
and 40c values, the yardJLi
Women's Cloves $ 1 .39
Tomorrow for the 1044th ' Fri
day Surprise Sale, a lot of 1000
.pairs of women's fine glace kid
and domestic Cape Gloves; the
kid in 2-clasp and the cape in
1-clasp style; assorted colors
and the best -shades of tan. The
best regular $1.75 and (11 - QQ
$2.00 values, the pair VX.Oir
S2.50 Cut Glc'
Nappies at $ 1 .
Tomorrow for the 1044th Friday 5
prise Sale, in the First Floor I
Glass Department, nappies in asset
ed patterns, handsome cut- fl" A
tings; values to $2.50, atyA.i
Outing Flahnc)
Special 4c the Y.
rM .. ,. . X '
"Tomorrow for.the 1044th Frldaa
prise Sale, in the Domestic Aisle,
yards of Outing Flannel, in striped
checked patterns; regular 6c
quality, on sale Friday, the yfcrd
Fine Cambric, 36 inches wide; rep
larly priced , at 12jc the yard, Q
on sale tomorrow at low price of v
The Piire Food Show Is AFOnsiia& I
It's easy to see that Portlanders appreciate good living and good things to eat, from the way they swarm to our great Fifth Annual Pure Food Show. From morning till
night, the fourth floor, where this pure food exposition is being held, is crowded to the tlimit. Only goods of highest merit have a place In these exhibitions; to see any
article for sale here is proof of its dependability and purity. In connection with the Pure Food Show, The Curtiss Aeroplane, exhibited by Mr. Wemme, is attracting wo end
of attention. See the first airship ever owned in Portland and help the Mt Hood Road. Admission 10c. Following manufacturers and jobbers have displays at Pure Food Fair :
iWadhams & Kerr Bos., showing the famous "Monopole" Canned Goods.
Hickory Bark Cough Remedy Co., the celebrated Hickory Bark Cough Remedy.
Universal Food Choppers, Coffee Percolators, etc
Morgan & Allen, Kitchen Specialties.
Smith & Wright, Pure Food Candies.
Pearson, Page & Co., Big Stump Oranges.
Beatsol, the greatest cleanser known. ' '
Union Meat Company, .Columbia Hams, Bacon and Pure Pork Sausages. v
Crescent Manufacturing Company, Mapeline and Crescent Baking Powder. .
Standard Biscuit Company, Paradise Soda Biscuit. ,
National Food Company, Shredded Wheat' Biscuit; see them' made at the booth.
N. K. -Fairbanks St Co Cottolene the Vegetable Shortening. , " - -
And many others, whose names will. be announced at another time.
The great Edition De Luxe Book Sale grows greater daily. New records in fast gelling. Save about three-fourths publishers' prices. Well put a Willamette Sewing Machine
into your home for two dollars. Then, while you use it, pay us one dollar" a week until paid for. Surely every woman in Portland can afford a gewing machine on such terms.
Untrimmed Hat
Tomorrow for the 1044th Fridav S
prise Sale, in Millinery Section, grf
reductions on ail Winter Milhnl
A limited number untrimmed Sha J
in black, green, navy and,QJ
brown; values $1.50 to $4, each Oti
Children's and misses' Hatsj rc
larly priced from ,$1.25 to $3,005 (,
special for Friday at, choice r.
Handsome Pattern Hats,7tcleg
models. ttastetuny trimmed, tttat .fu
merly sold for from $10.00 (JJf QC
to $25.00, special for Friday lVi
Women's iTr'immed iHats, iri'l velvf!
moire, bengaline silk; reg- AC
ular $7.50 to $a75 values; at wXVh
TRIMMINGS Come now, and select
Trimmings to make over your Wint n
hats or for the early Spring shapes. Al
trimmings, on sale rriday ' 1-f 1
at the great reduction of
jjnday Bargains in iVotions, Toilet Goods and Drug Snndries---9c, 13c, 19c and 23
Flash,; the great antiseptic hand
cleaner; regular 15c package, special
Ammo, dry ammonia; lac picg.
II S. P. Comoound Cathartic I
reeular orice 25c the boxt special
25c Tooth Brushes, special Friday
Whisk Brooms, reg. 25c values, for
ir. Uraves loom rowaer, -sac cain
Armour's Certified' ""Complexion
Toilet Soap, regular; 25c cake,' for
.ular price 25c box, special Friday ,,v
15c Orris Root Tooth Powder,- only:
Boracic Acid, special, the package, at
. Compound Licorice Powder, special
Prepared Chalk, special, the pkg., at
Cream of Tartar, special, the package
Pin Books, worth 12j4c, special at
Shiloh's Cough Remedy, a regular
vouie, special rnaay ior oniy
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, for coughs,
colds, etc.; regular 25c bottle for.
25c bottle. Ballard's Snow Liniment
Cocoanut Oil, reg. 25c bottle for
Curling Irons, extra large size; regu
lar price 15c each, wood handles, ea
Cube Pins, large size cubes, black
white or jet heads, spel Friday, cub
15c Hair Nets, all shades, special a'
'15c Long 'Hat Pins, 6 on card, specia
Sodium Phosphate, "Merck' 1-lb.
package; regular 25c. value for only
25c Gem Nail Clippers, special
Eclipse Skirt. Markers., all metal
heavy base and scale35c values'at
Bone Hair Pins, 6 oil card, special
A r i
u r is
15c Instanto Collar Supporters, ' for
3 spools Silk, worth 15c, -special, for
Sewing Mach, Needles, 4 in wood tube
Cotton Thread, 3 200-yard spools for
Bone Hair Pins, shell color, dozen
Desk Pins, ass'ted sizes, with cushion
t i . ' . . ,
yL' "' . ' )-.V'- .41:1'-'' ;S'. Vs 'fri'ef i?-X"-V-' .'
Kerno' Scientific Waist and Sup- A
x d. t ..' . 1
poriers ior cnuaren, ope ; values at
Boy! and girls' Hose, extra weight
-blk. cotton; all sizes; 35c .values
' Mesh Veiling, in .assorted stvles
;and colors, regularly -35c yard, it
Merck's Sugar Milk, regular price
,40c the pkg., specialfor" Friday at
looth Brushes, that' sell regularly
at 35c each.- special . Friday, each
Hand Scrub Brushes, 35c vals., ea.
Castoria, a regular 35c? bottle for
Post -Card Albums, regular 50c val
ues," special for Friday at, -ca'ch
i Armour's v Sylvan Series Toilet
. Soaps Romanza, Violet, 3-cake- bx
.Scissors, fine quality isteel regular
price 50c the pair,1 special, the pair