THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1910. MAtJ WtTIISTAIJDS SUilDAY LIQUOR lira u IMIiWr- E K..1D ; ilATHECOI TOGOV.BFJ RAY'S HEW BE 'FEB ELECTRIC SHOCK SEW! MO RPROTESTS MUGS OH G CHARGED 0 so ISOil f OF 4 PER CENT 'Fifth and Morrison Property Carries $225,000 at Lowest j Rate of Interest Ever Nego tiated in Oregon. Aged Man of Razor and Scis sors Denied Certificate by . Examining Board.' , Representative K. C' Couch and E. H. Brunon, St. Johns barber, go to 6a Jem today, where they will file" com plaint with , Governor Benson concern Inr mathods of the state board of bar ber examiners.. It Is allegad by Brunson that, although he hna been a. proficient barber for 21 years, the v examining A new low inirreai raie ivr inini on I board nas rerusea mm permission 10 Portland buslnens properly wti estab- I continue th practice of his profusion. liiid In the recent deal Involving the although be baa taken three examjna- c.Ia if tit In ar tka nsipfheaat rnrn,, I tiOflS of Fifth and Morrison atreela. This lot " """" " " p ".,,., . taken over by It. G. Thor.en and "S" h""f " r ai7na7lor oV th. C. F. Ilendrkksfn, tha consideration bo- .,r ...Ulna- ita tncotne. aa tha ing .;, vw. , in m. transaction ma fr for each examination l . urunson. seller, 1'rler Severson, takea a mortgage! who la CS year a old, haa been employed for 1225.000 bearing per cent interest I by George Hall, who conaucta a anop and having 25 yeara to run. , M Jonns. j This la believed to b. th. first per .7,lTiL- Kli i w cent mortgage aver secured bv Portland 'r V.T.r K-.V-i r wh.- ... i btitne properly., Tha prevailing rata Lninara who Is i also secretary of the : f.-r larga loan, for tha past two or mora fi?!J. JjSon "cretary or. me "But be never made, any complaint could not comply with the hitn a certificate If wa thought him competent Tha law re Flames Attack Residence for .Second Time in Month Valued at $2500.: . cara haa been i per cent, although ; a few of tha largest loana have been at f , ; ( per cent. On loana of 110.000 to 115,000 .T. . .ranrr in in man prr crni, wmie ror , v . ,..... i.j ... . sr..0. $p.;rnt'nd Err.; percenr - ; Jf l(j dMj no pprM,uu our Old meoora ajmaahed. . . effort. tnen w, wnj throw tha whole , fx-me inoiiui. hrq m. x.quiiaDie Lin ,hn. wde open. never have held ivir,vvi back a certificate because a man nasn i i A aecond fir within a' month waa discovered, at 4 o'clock .this morning lit the new home of TV". T. Ray, 18S6 Curtis avonua, and- tha house was totally de stroyed, Tha place la thought to have boon set on flra by noma one tor tf venge. ' The' house waa rvtdy ' for ; oa cupitncy. It waa valued at 12500. in atiranre to the value of 11800 waa carried. . ; The first flra waa discovered early on Kvenlng In a-rear room.' ralnters had been working In the room and had left their palnta there. An Investlga tlon pointed to the . work of an In condlary. At 4 o'clock this morning, neighbors were , awakoned by the flames. The flra had such a start that nothing could be done, except save the buildings no&rby. Chemical Jio. 4 ana Engine Company No. 14 responded. The way tha flra spread to all tha rooms on the lower part of the bouse Indicated that oil waa probably used to give tha flames a good start, riumb era finished working In tha building a few .days ago. Many Trades and Professions Represented' in ; List Be-, gin Work February 7. lo locsl people at CH per cent reported at the time that thl It was money Joined the union. - .... . . . T,eabo explained that an applicant is secured at 1 per cent, but as ,oWed to take an examination every mntter of fact, the rata waa 6W 'omparatlvely speaking, a small sura f outsidH money is on loan In Portland. I.h hI tanks and private Inndcrs 'having hfn able to take care of the demand for ready money for building and other pun,rtes. Tlie deed transferring the Fifth and Morrison street corner was filed for - record Tuesday afternoon. This was three months., provided ha' does nor pass the first examination. For each examination a fee of 15 in charged. Barbers who have received a certificate from tha board pay, 1 1 a year dues. 'At the noxt session of tha state legislature the duea may be redueed to 80 cents a vesr. and tha examining fee also re duced, aa the redueed Income will proo RAIL ROAD COMPANY the largest realty transaction of the I "Dl' lu. "''""" vr nrt In the moat Imnortant ileal In 1 Of tne DOSro. cmtral buslnesg property alnca Ben Sell- a ing and Hcsociatea took over the pouth ' west corner of Sixth and Alder about i?it months ago. Skyscraper to sUee. It U the Intention of the buyers of the Morrison street corner to erect modern akyecraper on the - site, .-. tha eround floor to become the home of , the SoatnlliiBvlan-Amerlcan bank. This, 1 however,- will not be dono until after tlic t'xpiration of the-ground lesse on tlm nrnnertv. fihlch has six Veara to i ru. .T.he. 'jroper.tyJwaa sold laJXliorBeal stretch oLbesch alonf the i bank of the 11,1 PROVES FACILITIES PEBAIILOVES iH AMERICAN VAY His Suit Failing, Kills Sweet heart and" Self Fellow ' Students at Baltimore. Th o. n. St N. Co. haa bought from Mrs. Wlntworth Lord, of Tha Ialles, a and llenditckeen by I'eter Peverson, sn . (irrfon plneer, $0 years of age, who : livfa In this city.- The 4 per cent loan kn by Mr. Keveron for 1225.000, pro . i) ' him with an annual Income of i isoon. ills former income from the ' crouud leans was only $3000, tha lease hHving been given 14 'years ago at a time whan Morrison street property had ro such value ss it haa today. STREET IMPROVEMENT . LAVS fM BE VETOED Columbia river north of the company's track at that T-lace for 111,000 ., The land waa placed on tha market some time ago and the O. K. N. Co. maaa the highest-offer. It Is believed that tha company se cured control of tha property, for tha purpose of strengthening' Its terminal facilities which have been crowded at The Dalles to such an extent as to cause Inconvenience all along the line. RUDE OFFICERS UPSET i "HOBO" AFTERNOON TEA , .-v.. yv A "hobo camp" In tha woods near the Eafct St Johns depot was raided yes terdty afternoon by Patrolmen Well- brook and Burstow of the mounted squad. Two tramps wero arrested and a score ordered out of tha county. Many of them went to Vancouver. Wash. The A large nuuihor of the time and man j ner ordinances passed by tne city coun S il tl the -last meeting have been aent tw0 en arrested were brought before I,,, .g .)vr win u, - the municipal court this mornt; r;e at th req.iest of the mayor so it orer(.d o leave town by noon. is iutte probable -that, some ol them ReVeral reports have been made from win be vetoed. - residents In that section of the city. One in particular that in all likeli- ruilroad men have also oomplalned of noon win i neni dck 10 wie 1Bwmer t,,e . nobos, , pe0ple have been bothered is an ordinance providing for the time by thft tramps stealing things, and two huu miiuT ""i1"1 -"v railroad men have been bold up by mem j t.enth street witn bttuiuhtc pavement b(,rg of the colony. Wl?n the offlcera from Halsey street to Thompson street, d,.acended upon the camp the tramps f a distance of seven blocks. ., :--were Wretched around fires. They Hvo j a strong oeiegation or prorty j ln ,man thBCka built of fir bark. . owners appeared lo proieei amii iiih passage of the ordinance at the council j session last week, The remonstrance 1 signed by them fell short of the legal SO per cent required and was overruled, j However, It was signed by all but six j property owners along the street - and : In view of the general protest It Is be lieved the mayor; will veto tha ordl- WILL PLUNGE WITH ., $100,000 STAGE MONEY ago. The realty board will hold a meeting In the Chamber of ; Commerce on tha second ' floor tomorrow night. -Instead ranee, i This belief t strengthened ' by I of the usual dinner and speech making th fact that a netitlnn for hitiilii hie 1 program the board will hold a mock pavement was remonstrated out a year meeting of realty exchange which will tana tne rorra oi a chuoi , wiiei uo brokers will be Initiated into Aha meth ods employed by the realty selling 'ex changes ln ythe large eastern cities. An experienced auctioneer will mount the platform and each broker, having been- supplied With $100,000 of "phony" money, will bid for tha -various parcels offered. ' v. . The present intention of the realty board Is to conclude arrangements at its March meeting for tne formal open ing of tha Portland Real Estate Ex change, x it.''.i:'' 7 ; ; Five Cities at Banquet. J Aberdeen, Wash., Feb. 3. Five cities J w-era represented among the guests at ' the annual meeting of the Aberdeen j chamber of commerce, beld In the form of a banquet at the Hotel Washington ; last night, and more than ISO persons ' attended. . The action of the meeting ln brief, was the election of L. C Hum i barger as president, vice W, J. Patter- son; Indorsement of a memorial to the prosecution of work on the county roads aa fast as possible; initiation of a proj- ect for a Chehalls county board of trade, and the- presentation to the retiring president, W. J. Patterson, of a hand some silver loving -cup. TTnlted Tress tested Wire.) . Baltimore. Feb, 3. Miss Maria Low- aeo, an American girl, was shot and killed this afternoon , by Elijah Baba Babat, a Persian Mohammedan; who than committed suicide by shooting himself In the breast, st tha University of-Maryland, where they were . both students. The double tragedy wss tha result of a fierce lova. conceived, by the Persian but not requited by" the American girl. Tha difforencca of race and religious belief were, obstacles Impossible for. Miss .Lo.wacfljtrt overcome. - Tla Asiatic lovedTier to desperation, and pleaded with bor to fly with him to his own 'country, at every opportunity. ; -Miss Lowsen was a member of -the third year class In the school of dentls- try and the Persian was a second year ; student in tha school of medicine. ' The love of Elijah Baba Babal foi; Miss Iiowaen Was well known about the ; nnlvernity. and It la said that the Per-' slan last night overheard fellow stu-. dents making Jocular remarks about It. Ha sought out the girl today and after exclaiming something In , his; native tongue, which la supposed to have been an expression of his love and a warning to the object 'df hie fatal affection, fired the shot that ended her life-Instantly. ; With the same revolver he sent a bullet into his own heart. -"',-. That tha - Ferslan premeditated the tragedy was shown by a letter addressed to relatives at Pes Moines, Iowa,- In which ha said: -. . . I am of sound mind and I know what I am doing. The girl has ruined me. I am not going to leave her to ruin the Ufe of anyone else." , , The shooting took place m a hallway t the Idlestde, a students' boarding house. , The Persian took a seat at the samo table with Miss Lowsen. but oth ers who wera at the table say they did not exchange a word during the meal. BILL TO MAKE PEARY A REAR ADMIRAL (United Pres Leased Wirt.) Washington, Feb. 3 To make Com mander Robert E, Peary a rear admiral and place him upon the "retired list In recognition of his discovery of the North Pole, where he planted the stars and stripes, was proposed today in a bill Introduced by Senator Hale of Maine. The bill, being submitted by a senator. front Peary's hom state, Is understood to have received in advance the Indorse ment of a largo number of congressmen. The measure would empower the pres ident to promote Peary and place him on the retired list by executive order. liyos Ourcd tVKdoiit ilio (nifo Grateful Ptron TU f -Almost Miraeulou Cre ef Caumcts, ersoulatad lids. Wild HUi, TJion, Waa. Watery Eye and All Ty Dikiui Snd Your Nam and Addreta With Two Cant .j... Stamp far Tn- Trial Bottle, The cures being made by tlila niicle lotloa ar.TT Atj ara truly remaxkah). I bate re. pcted!.r featured to slxht pertoo nearly blid fur jteer. ; Fleers, wild halra,5 rtaulted tlds dlapper )mt intoutly arlth tbe . ass of tola magle remedy. Weak.' watwy eyea are cleared in a Klnale alfht and quickly . reatored to perfect hf-allb. Jt baa repeatedly cured where all other remedlea and all doctora had failed. ' It la Indeed a marie remedy and i am glad to kIt tbla free trial to auy sufferer trout sort yes or auy. aye- trouble. Many h thrown- away their glassea after IwlnS It a week, i'reaofcers, tpaehnra. doctors, Imvera, entiiteers, student, dreaamakert and ell iu e their eyaa under atrain find with UiU iJnglc Lt-tton a aafe, sura and quick re lief, jf you have sor eyes or any eya trouble, nrlte m today. I am in eruet to maktug iny tiffnr ot a frre trial bottle of thia lotion. 1 ru sled tfl furnish prsuf in ninny well provi u nA authentic raws where Jt has cured cats urt gf'er (be dK-iora-aai4 that sola a danrf. i'ua mid etaiva ofierallou wuld aare the alybt. ' If iou hfe eve trouble of any kind you will imU a aeriomr nilMKke it jeon d not send for tny f ttt fj elf.-r vt thU Magle lotion. Ad i'4i w ith ltill ries.Tipi iin f yr trouble and a j-c.-m Ksnii. ). T. Sclilcgel COc 405 iuink. ttf Peoria. 111., mid yon will ...i n wtuui mil. i-renelit, a trial bnttis i f i niiin- r, w. u Hjv haa restored mail i 1 isr.-t lu BROADWAY BRIDGE SUBJECT FOR MEETING Every phase of the Broadway bridge Question will be thorougniy discussed at the meeting of the North East Side Improvement association to be held to morrow evening at 8 o'clock. Every member of the club and others Interest ed are urged to be present. ARTICLES FILED FOR ' TWO CORPORATIONS Hi T. Adamson, Charles VL Hill and D. Soils Cohen have filed articles of in corporation of the Peoples' Amusement company, capitalised for 1(00.000. The Prudential Loan & Trust company has been Incorporated by C. H. Far rington, E. E. Farrlngton and E. F. Hitchcock, capital stock, $25,000, - Laborer Crushed on Track.. (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) . Kenniwick, Wash.,' Feb. 3. -James Dooly, a North Coast laborer was hor ribly mangled beneath the wheels of Northern Pacific passenger train No. 8 as it pulled out from the depot bere about 7 o'clock yesterday evening. He died In a local hotel atT-thls morning. The Injured man was picked up' by the freight crew about half an hour later, and though conscious ; could give no coherent account of the accident His right leg was severed, below the knee and the thigh crushed to a pulp, the left foot was mashed from the ankle and remained on the track after tha man was picked up. It was thought he was attempting to board the train and was . thrown uader the wheels. ;.;::-;---. ,,-- ,i .' . ,, n , -. - HH- Earned as Fair Of flclal. ' " - "Salem, Or.. Feb. 3. Mra. Sherlock A. Miller of McMinnvllle Jias been ap pointed by Governor Benson a .member of the board of directors of the Yam-: hill County Fair association to succeed Mrs, Inex AL-Butts, fa ho has" resigned. One hundred and twenty names for Jury duty at the February term of court hava been drawn ln the circuit court. Those summoned are directed to report on February 7. From thia number will be chosen tha grand Jury of eeven and all the trial Jurlea for the month. February Owen Mc Linden will placed on trial for the killing of his brother, James Mcl.lnden. Tha latter waa alaln with a. club during a quarrel between the brothera. I The fratricide is charged with murder In the first degree, : Another case ln which unusual Inter est will ba taken Is that of the city of Portland against Ed Johnson, charged with seling liquor without a 1 lean while he was proprietor of tha Delmon lco cafe on Seventh atreet At tha last term of court Johnson was tried on two similar charges, being acquitted In one case,' In tha other the Jury disagreed. In the caaa set for trial thia month tha city clalma to hava tha strongest case of tha series. Those draws for Jury duty are tha roiiowtng namaa: J. TI Alexander, i Georre W. Alters secretsry and manarer; A J. AhrendC engineer: C A. Anderson, ft. A. An- sriiuts. typewriter company; R. P. Arm at rone, tool manufacturers: John Aren, helper; F. W. Art an, broker; J. Arment, w. u. Aruiur, carpenter, ix. n. Arcner, I. er: J. M. Allen. O. W. Anstey. H. P.i.W. An derson, cement worsen - Joseph Basler. M: I. Fogart, urign- man. It. 11. , Bailey, Walter Jfl. Bliss, agent: J. n. Bays, driver, - ice wagon; Albert Broddle, cabinet maker; F. A. Blasdel, George Benton, carpenter; ,W, If. BlRck. William Bohlander. restaur ant; Herbert Bradley, snoe dealer. K. r . I nnnon. electrical ensnneer: Frank M. Cohn, photo dealer; 8. C Cam eron, lumber dealer: C C Colt, president Union Meat company. B. B. Dill, contractor: B. O. Dedrlclt clerk; Adolph Dokum.' hardware mer chant: Harry P. Davleon. cleric A. Erlckson, clerk; O. C. Epperly, en gineer; K. IA Kvaos, John iiricKson, Puller, Besslng & Co. ti. tr. fiKe, uavia ouiKfs, roreman; 8. Finger, ship clerk; E. C. Felty. A. L Gale, clerk; Albert Griffin, car penter: F. E. Grant, A. C. Going. A. Hanson. , foreman: - George Ham mond, foreman, 8. P. shops; M. Hudnutt, watchmaker: I J. Hougkinson, carpen ter; B. H. Itansen., G. A. Hoffman, .Tamea Ireland. - - - R. J. Jenhings,"mlnlng. J. T. Keenan. r; foreman: O. A hern, candy maker: Car Anderson, carpenter; W. D. Allen, hotel keeper; C. Aerne Jr., photograph TEST SUIT DIRECT TO SUPREME COURT Suit brought by the Irving Real Ba tata company to test the validity of the water main amendments of 1907 and 1909, whereby, the cost of water mains 10 Inches and over may be paid by bonds payable from the water fund,1 all other, main being paid for by abutting prop erty owners, will take a ahort cut to the state supreme court By agreement-the question was sub mitted to Presiding Judge Morrow on demurrer .without argument. He sus tained tha demurrer, and tha plaintiff gave notice of appeal. : Thus the ques tion will not be argued Out on its mer its ln the circuit court, but goes straight to the ' supreme court - without , further delay.' t ';'' - II 1 . 11 1 .' -iU. . 1 "' '.,'! ' "' .113 Y. M. Ieahv. atenographers George W. Lilly, civil engineer; M. E. Leedy, car penter; Lloyd B. MclAitghlln. Charles McDougall. F. MoNanamy, El lis McLean, livery. - - . . John Nelson, ship carpenter? jonn Nordberg. . ' H. M. oconnor, naraware .merenant. . - , r.- . . ..Mas. Q D.M.fllll YYOrrHl mirtu, bbiiihi n in... landscape gardner; A. 1L Pottlt, capital ist; George Porges, window dresaer; . rorter, department manager; G. PhlUlps, (talesman. ' ; . , . ' ' IT UT D.nlfltt ,lantMA nhnllfltf' .Tftmi,! Redmond; David Rosebrook, musician; Hobert R. Roland; sawyer; W T. Rob erts, cabinet maker;, J. u. 'BinonaPt, motor-inspectorr C. A. Ritas, Jumber man; Nl R. Roper, cimplaln. William Stanton, ship, .carpenter; Eugene Steblnger, muslo teacher: J. C. Skelton; a Hlnner, scavenger; w. H. Scidmore; L. E. Starr, Insurance broker; Conrad Stark,- harness maker; J. , N. Hpriggs, Pacific Monthly company: J. S. Smith, proprietor the Rasa dining room. . J. ' D. Tresham, building contractor; H. F. Torrey, farmer. v ' -. R. B. Urfer, .news agent, Barklln Bros.; Carles S. Unna, department man ager, Seller & Co. M. R. Van Horn, teamster, H, & F. Trsnsfer company; E. V. Voos. R. Wlthrow, reporter Evening Telegram: T. M. Wheeler, waiter: F. Wllniot, secretary Embody & Bradley company; George Wetherby, real es-" tate; w. s. weens, storekeeper, Nj- P. i T. company; H. w. wens, stockman; druggist; George E. Willard. linotype operator, una journal; c v. wooaworto, teller. , Iadd ; & , Tilton bank: F. P. Waring, president Steel Bridge Fuel company; Li L. ' Williams, clerk, Sen veiling; U. C wnite, outidtng con tractor; C. H. Wheeler, president Wheel er Lumber company; John Westman, Janitor. Wells Fargo buildlnar: W. B. Wiggins, Broughton A Wiggins; Georgo ta. Warner, MODeris iirca.; u. t. ' Wat kins, Northern Express company; O.- C. wau. oooHKeeper;, ; j; weston; j. it. W. J. Zimmerman. nrenldenf Hv uiuuiiu nutiu uui company. . , Live Wire Falls on Garbage Proprietors of the Quelle and Collector and Makes Him v Louvre May Be Indicted, a Little Dizzy. by Grand Jury. While loading garbage thia morning at Firat and Washington streets, An After a thorough Investigation by the grand Jury of the alleged, violation of tone Burkhart. tl Twenty-fifth street, the state liquor lawa by tho Quella and waa struck by a live electrlo wire and Lbuvre, it Is understood that body knocked down. He received a liard wJl ' Mturn , Indictments Saturday nuux ana waa uniuis iu cunuuuv mm work for an hour. against tha proprietors of these csfes. The charges are for selling liquor to Burkhart had atopped hla wagon near m) norg a)), mnq 1luor on Hunday, tha curbing and was emptying a can In the-wagon when the wire above his bead broko and dropped upon him. alt struck him on tha head and ahouldnrs. He waa rendered unconsclotia for 10 ininutas. The wire fell from tha men's boulder. The man soon revived. The wire waa faulty. Burkhart complained The wltnessess before the grand Jury were Arthur WUlielm and . a .17-year- old girl, who were arrested last week, They told the police , that they have bought liquor in -the two places upon two aeparate Sundays. Three - patrol men who took dinner In "tha Quelle two weeka ago Sunday reported they bought f !le,ni,V"T d'"y' bU. r:,,.,m'd-1n,a intotlcatlng liquors . In colored cream VAPir - Tit a. I noman -stnaaJ est ft haa wlraa I It la one belonging to the Portland Rail way, Light c Power company, ' pitchers. It was upon this testimony In municipal court that two waiters in the Quelle pleaded guilty to selling liquor Sunday and were fined 2 In each case. The attorneys representing tha Quelle were willing that tha two . waitara should plead guilty and pay the fine. One waiter did not appear In court, , similar evidence waa secured, it was ted, against tha Louvre.- Patrolman Gould went to the place Sunday, and saw liquor aold to various customers. s was also sold ln colored tea oups. Tlfa police have had numeroua oom- plalnta that the two places wore selling Honor Kiimlnv. and Phtef of Police Co Get-Tooethcr Douolas County r1" m Bcur videnCe. The MV iwyvillbl wvuyiuil WWWIItJ I rUi. -f th- ,.i-,n rithe men was the result.- At the Quelle, Sergeant Harry Parker and Patrolman West had no difficulty So obtaining liquor.. -They first had to satisfy the' waiter they were ''right," and then were served with whiskey. Patrolman Gould obtained liquor at the aama place on the same Sunday evening. Arthur WUhelra and the girl testified there upon Cox gave ROSEBURGMEH SWRTOHTBIPI Excursion Is Entertained in Lavish Manner. BIG FOUR C Testifies That Mis Predccc;' as Treasurer Was $10X .Short' When He Left Off! Money to Cooke Fami, money win -isurer. j Mri. Jet by Mm ' (United frasa Leased Wtrs.t Clnnlnn.ll llhln Vfh !tj'horl k l,llV., - . W ........ . i Warrlner, clad Jn his convict M teatlfled in court todsy, Impll. , Frank Coinstock. his predeccas. treasurer of the Big Four rallrourt I Warrlner, serving tlma for tin f k,.,iiini.nt r.f (ait nnn frrtm tha ru testified thst Comstock waa ahort) 000 of the railways money win (Warrlner) became treasurer Testifying against Stewart-Ford, accused celvlng $84,000 for her alienee wU discovered his shortages, Warrinef hla firat payment to- Mrs, For 7v Thia was given, accordf Warrlner, With the understand! ' Mrs. Ford Vwould not betray hli. company. Continuing, Warrlnar declared I not only gave money to the fa? Edgar 8. Cooke of Chicago, a I treasurer of the road, to buy his j but that ha gave Cooke mom f which to pay Mrs; Ford s s bill The convicted tressurer' saiu deavored to recoup hla shortage veStmenta, which were not succe "The Investments, like every thn turned out badly, for me," was hi ment after describing his atten I (Sneelal lMsateh to The Journal. V Glendale, Or.. Feb. 3. The get-to- Roaeburg Commercial club, irrlvod at nhurhdB p?"!. "S, r., -i" Tir.j a. I numerous occasions. Chief r"The;werametattM.Ut. th. fnlTowtna- memher. f tha Glendale weeks ago they muat not allow the aala of. liquor on Sunday. TAFTSHIPBILL tha following members of tha Glendale Commercial club and cltlaene of Glen dale: A. J. Calvin, president . of tha Commercial club; K. A. Miller, secre tary; O. C. Stether, B. L. Darby. O. IT, Mortensen, chief of police; ' John . Neu- ner, J. J. Jacobson, Thomas Iawon, A. G. Clarke, J. Link and A. Ii. Mattenley, who constituted a committee of wel- After a bounteous dinner at the Clarke hotel, the visitors wera shown about the city. ' At t:80 tha Oregon-Idaho Lumber camp took tha guests and members of tha Glendala committee on an Inspec tion i.our. of JLhe company's logging Uftiiea C.nmmWiPA RpnnfTR' It from I w,,'V-- vviitiieis w w a RECOMMENDED road and camp, about three miles from Glendale up the Cow creek canyon. There clustered In a hollow ' In the mountains Is a logging ramp engaged In taking out 34,000,000 feet of timber. After an Inspection of tha Glendale box factory, owned and operated by A. J. Colvin and J. . W. Jacobson, and a ahort walk to theity reservoir, where good blrdseye view of the city was With "First Class Vessels" v Excepted From Benefits. . . (Cat tad Presa Leased Wire. Washington, Feb, 8. Tha house e'rrn- obtalned. tha sight seeing for the. day Imlttea on merchant; marine today ifee waa closed. - . - - . lommendeA the nassaaa of the. admlnls- At 6 o'clock tha guests and numerous I ,.( m -k.m ,iii members of the Glendale Commercial py president Taf t and introduced by club .aat dowrt to a delicious luncheon Eepresentatlva Humphrey of Washing- 8eoiryMU.r acted as toastmaster I and introduced the speakers of the even- from participation in the pro- ma. , ,) - , , , . - -. I ---.J ...K1t. O Itin Tmri m m .Via Kill waa jTnumui octrn jUBCpiinon or tne HOW-U.K..i.j i.i,, dress on tha trip and Its purposea Manager Darby Richardson gave a splendid speech on tha work of the new publicity department of the Roseburg Commercial club. Others following were J... Link, A. J. Calvin, J. IL Booth, Hon orable A, C. Marat ers, Rev. J. K. How ard, George Newn er, Lloyd Riches, H. T. McClallan, Rev. Baker, Dr. Seeley, D. C. Pltser and P. Hart Tho party loft at 10 o'clock for Riddla where thjsy spend tha night. INSURANCE COMPANIES SEEK CAUSE OF FIRE make food tha amount he had ato NORMAN IS RETICEfJT , ABOUT.HOTEL OP" Benjamin Norman, proprietor o Spokane and Tacoma hotels. Is In 1 land today, and Is .understood t completing the terms of sale of Hotel Portland. Tha option whkl Norman and associates hold on Portland Is understood to cxoir; Wednesday, February 9. , . "I do not wish to say anything tha matter at thia time." said Mr man. "There la. In fact, nuthl, say. Tou may uae any statenu n msv hava secured from other sou The prospective purchaser , of ! Portland would neither confirm or; a report that he had bean unai raise tha money needed to con tha sale, and that he would n extension ""of rtlmo" onoption oi ! certainty that ha would hava the i ' ready before the extension ;explr PEARY NAMES T. R: FOR POLAR LE , - - (t?nitad Preas Leased ' Wire, Waahins-ton. YeU. A iurf the torrid to the frigid gone 4 gcated for. Theodore Roosevelt I Commander Robert. E. Peary, i tervlew . Peary suggested ' that I Roosevelt - would make, an' ldea for .the Antarctic expedition, whl Peary Arotlo club has proposed 1 dertake, provided the National! graphical society shares In the v'ii; Peary's ship, the Roosevelt, In which made his voyage to the north, would, placed at the disposal of Its fam namesake. - ' ' ; ' I Sour Stomach Mi-6-na Puts the Stomach in Fine Shape in Five Minutes. ''If your stomach' Is continually kick ing tip a disturbance:, you feel bloated and distressed; If you belch gas and sour food into ' the mouth, , then you need Ml-o-na Stomach Tablets. . " , Ml-o-na stomach tablets give instant relief of -course, , but' they do more: they drive out the poisonous gases that cause fermentation of food and thor oughly clean,- renovate and strengthen the stomach ao that It can readily di gest food without artificial 'Hid, . Ml-o-na stomach tablets . are guaK. antoed HtO iCuro indigestion,: acute or chronlev or money ; back.i This means that : nervousness.-; dizziness - and : bil iousness will ' disappear. Druggists everywhere and - Woodward, Clarke & Ca sell Mi-o-na for SOc. v; s s r ; . . "I was under the care of four dif ferent doctors during nine months iand was eured of dyspepsia by. Mi-o-na," Mr. .'Joseph . Grqndine, , 197 Fountain Street, FalL River, (Mass.1 ; ' ..Mall ' orders filled,"' all charges ; pre paid, by Booth's , Mi-o-na, Buffalo,. N.T. .Booth's Pills ' for constipation -.and to stimulate the liver, , They are ' a pleasant surprise to constipation suf-" fereis. 26c at all aruggista WONDERFUL HOW IT CURED Says Miss Gertrude Gatlln, of Tim- oervuie, Miss., Alter She Had Taken Cardul For HerPaias Tlmberville, Miss. -Miss Gertrude Gatlin of tbls place writes: "I did , not know that anything could stop the womanly palna from which I had suffered for two years, until I tried your wonderful medl cine, Cardul. 1 ' '' ' I had been troubled with various female ailments, hut they were eured in a little while, thanks to Cardul. "When I heat any of my friends say they feel bad, I tell them to try Cardul. It is a "blessing to woman hood."; t Kot. every medicine can.bede pended on to cure a woman's ills. - Not every tonic will bring back woman's health. - Cardul, the woman's tonic medi cine, will do both, hy Uhe" power of its . unique, s specific, curative, strengthening ingredients, especially adapted for use In cases of female ailments. 0f Composed exclusively of pure, veg etable materials,' with " 'a gentle; strengthening action on the system, Cardul is - perfectly harmless to young and old and .can he relied upon to have, absolutely no bad aft er effects. . , : Thousands of thankful ladles have written to tell of the benefit Cardul has been to -them. -Why; not ' to yotft , . , Will yorf try it? . - Please do. ' v. -Nr B Avrlle to: Ladles"" Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co.i Chat tanooga, Tenu., for SneclaL Instructions. ana page oooK. "Home for Wemen," senv ln plain ' request,. i . -.. LEADING MERCHANTS COMPOSE PARTY NOW , ' r TOURING THE COUNTRY Refusal has been made to honor-the insurance policies holdby tha World Film Manufacturing company : which recently suffered by fire at -the expo sitfon grounds. This refusal is on the ground that a question has arisen' over the causa of the fire, which caused a loss of about $40,000 worth of property. Roseburg, Or., .Feb. 3. Twentv-elaht Lewis H. Moomaw. manager of the con of Roseburg's leading business men earn, ba been closely questioned over every- one of them boosters comprise fhe affair, and haa admitted making tha Douglas county excursion in neigh- false affidavit to the list of articles boring towns of Douglas county to pro- said to have been destroyed. ' , : ' i ' ' mote a more general spirit of coopera Tha ' Insurance policies are In . the tlon In promotion work and learn at Shawnee and German-American Insur first hand the true extent and character ance companies, Morgan & Robb, local of resource that await development, In agents. . Goods in the office of Moo accordance with ' Publicity Manager maw In tha Henry building, have been Darby Richardson' slogan: "Know your attached by Constable Lou Wagner, and own county first and then advance It among the articles are a number given intelligently and truthfully1 as being destroyed In tho fire. Furthet Tha party Is in charge of Darby Rich- Investigations reveal a' question over arpson, noscDurg s oooster, i who is' the fire, and the district attorney's of waging a successful cam Dal en niralnar I fl,- lm taken nn the mntter to tuw. exaggerated and misleading advertising I tain whether or. not there are ground '"v v"""unj. nu me excur-I more se noun. 1 : . . . . ion waa promoted Dy ntnt In order that Witnesses ., who have - been seen In they might get better acquainted with! the matter say that Moomaw ran to tha m resources ana advantages of this fir alarm box on the night of the fire, county. .. All the towns to be' visited but did not pull the alarm. He' re have made extenelve preparations to re- turned to the fire. Tire blaze started celva tha visitors and show them the in a room near where f Moomaw was advantages of their community. - ' sleeping.- The latter denies having any Ths following Is the personnel of the thing to- do with the fire. He Is the phrtJ: ;T Bootn' Darby Richardson, son of D, L MoOmaw, who was former r . T , " '-'mgenpeel, I postmaster at waiter city.1 He did not aauai,.. v."U izer, H. Guest, W. C own any stock in the concern Ltauuua, Henry iiartn, H. -C. Darby, George Neuner, I. Abraham. B. A. Mahan. H. T. MoClallen, A. G. Seeley, M. Y. Rice, J. A- Murray, Rev, Charles W.i Baker, C.' D. Beale, Sheriff B. ' Fen ton, S. Josephson, B. T. Fullerton. I E. Milled ge. L. B. Wallace. F. B. Ray mond, CW. Clark, official photogra pher; E. B. Barber of Rosebura rteview and " I Riches, : representing , The Journal. . , . , lABLESPOONFU, Digests Pounds of Ar' Kind of Food You : Like to Eat.: . - ' j --"',-" 4--- '' - And Nothing Else In the World Kodol Will Do This. IAN HELD TO IA L. FOR GREAT-SWINDLE GLEAS0N TO NAME V . . . FIGHT CITY SOON Arrested after a chase to Porto Rco, and thence to China and return by the Pinkerton detectives, Sam D. Gray, alias Carl Ryder, who is alleged , by tho Spokane, Wash., Feb. 3. -Promoter havo bilked merchants of portland'out Jack Wesson -of San Francisco, who ar- of more than 14000, has been taken to c!fi !H- t0day wlth the ffrles- Seattle, Wash., for trlaL- Gray operated H,0teC w.t.K,Upe ftnn10"n:e till, afternoon in all cities .of the Pacific coast and HJi,.VJC..0,,,,toda,:,I" p0Bl" u adduced to have swindled merchants tlvely Would name the place of maortne- e ih.n tmnou xt.... ' " for the Jeffriea-Johnson fight' He saia Brok? and th Ora'wn TT"0"! an rancisco would undoubtmiiv h ...:.. nttmt ' i ' ' ' ...... yicunil OI . Gray appeared In Portland and Seat tle with a letter of Introduction- to wholesalers from J. W, Sorlber, a La Grande, Or., banker. From flva or six Portland firms and a like number f The Southern Pacific comnanv'fi ltno.1 Seattle wholesale houses ha bought mer. In Oregon will grant a one and ona third chartdise. Ha .said he intended to start EXCURSION RATES . ' FOR HERMIST0N OPENING far fof tha round trip from all points ; to Hermtston, Or., for tha opening of a stare in la. uranue. Ha is charged with reshlpplng the tha third unit of the Umatilla irriiHnn I goods , to Colorado and , selling , them project by tha United States government there. - Six Seattle firms will, prosecute at Jitermision, . -eoruary 10. Tickets ray will be on sale February 6 and 7. Golden dole to Play llood. . , Hood River, Or., Feb. J. The Goldenl dale High school . basket ball team will ha In Hood Riven Friday, TTcbruarv to pl;iy local Htgh school team. Tjhe Hood River team has won every game played this year, and If it wins from vJ. ,W. Scrlber, the banker whose name was signed to Gray's letter of intro duction, is under Indictment by the fed eral grand Jury; for forgery In connec tion with the downfall nf the" Farmers & Traders' bank of 1 Grande. He will be tried In Portland, ttv ; c - Treatment ' m J . - " ir0m IValalast week aai.i that ani rapper, on I oldll . will be the champion team" uiei-wcr heHd4 from fcHitlt . - of tlieCo!unibia liver district 1 UCy county. A Seattle man - who paaaed through 7n rain- e for liar Tou can eat what you want e food you like, and bava no fear o'i gestlon or Dyspepsia, if you w' take a little Kodot now and th C your stomach do its work, Jt yotri ham and eggs, or bacon, potatoes, j biscuits, cakes a nice little staai, ao6d wholesome dinner, or any food you may want to eat you need not li tate. If you will only take a little K aftM vmif meals. , Kodol la the c preparation that will do the work t healthy stomaclv, Tou might take handful of tablets, powders, or other c forms, of So-called digesters, and tv wouldn't do you ti much good as tablespoonf ul of Kodol. , We don't you to take our word for this. Prov to yourself, a Dont , take any chance having Nervous .Dyspepsia, i Gastr Acute Indigestion and -other ?- ser: stomach aliments. . Get a bottle of today on our guarantee, If It f f help you. it costs : youl 'nothlnj guarantee Get a dollar bottle of i'-i If you are not benefited the dru will at once rerurn your money. 1, hesitate; any druggiat win sen f Kodol on these terms. The dollar t contains - tlmea as much as tin I bottley, Kodol is prepared In the la Stories of B. C. Do Witt & Co., Chli For Headaches j Caused by sick stomac)- . regulated bile, sluggish bo.t nervous strain or overwJ the "safest and surest remecn BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Efarywkere. bosaa 10c a0J i blood makes a m' f Pimply complexion, neaaacnes. nu.r indiVestlon. Thin blood msikcs J weak.' naie, ..m,v.. ouiuut ajjw; ters makes the blood rich, red, restores penw ncaim. , fit nnn ltchlna Instantly. Curi ecxema, salt rneum, letter, uci. hemes, scabies Doan's Olntme.i any dfur store. For a nlld, easv action of the l' 1 single dose of uoan's Regul enough. Treatment cures habitua. -Ask stloailon. 25 cents a box. druggist for them, ( Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil Is tlx remedy for that- often fatal dist . croup. Has been used wtth suc-fi onr fsmily for eight years." Mr' Whiteacre. Buffalo. N. T. t 1