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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLaWp. THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1910. 13 " LOWEfi COLORADO, ' . ; Justice Goff, In tha criminal branch of tha supreme court ' ' Justice Qoff is aald to have a judicial wallop that tha black: champion may feel when tha two olaah in tha courtroom. Tho case,' according to Whitman, prob ably will be tried within two weeks, Linn Woman geek DiTorce. Albany. Or.. ' Feb. J. A divorca casa waa filed yesterday In the I4nn county ; EXPLUHtKS SAI. v1 RINO v FIELD APT TO LAND ON JACK I Yuma, Aria.. Feb. ..-Through lett received her. It has been Lord Osborne Beauclark and AVarburt Pik an author, who left Yuma on hunting excursion and exploring ,t. down the lower Colorado, ara ears wJU return hera in the near'fu ure. - In November a rumor wa clrculat' to tha effect that the twa were 1c along tha gulf of Lower California. A Itatlon was started with he view . sending an expedition to, search t them. Finally the matter was dropp, only to be renewed a few daya ago New York.. Feb. I. Justice Qoff, the. sternest Judge In New York, will pra alde at the trial of Jack 'Johnson on a charge preferred against him aa the re sult of an alleged attack upon Nathan plnder, a negro, who refused to buy Johnson a bottle of wine. . Prosecutor Whitman today transferred tha case to Circuit court in which Eiien xnomas charges John V. Thoma with cruel and inhuman treatment. . BATTLE TONIGHT Tor unadulterated wines.' aged whla Vlea. pure beeri. phono Spring Valley Wlna Co.. r-- r,: ,V ' ' v." V . WilUttend Washington Meet ing to Promote the National Road Laws and Highway. Battler Insists on Side Bet of $5000 With Demon From Milwaukee. Danny Webster and Frankie O'Connell and Matsuda Will 'Wrestle February 10 in Merrill's Hall. A PLAIN ''Conley Box Ten Rounds O'Brien Meets Rayl. r .vitMi Mrion Ar irn air gP?PA i I JUDICIAL WALLOP. IS V FAMOUS BANTAMS MUCH BETTING IN DR. BROWN NAMED NELSON VILL FLASH a - - aaaaaa 4a.' pa PROMISE FOR BOUT FOR AUTO EylEETING MINAOTt ." B0X1NO l.'ARl VOR SMOKKR. ' Danny Vclstr. ! Angeles, vn. Frankie Con ley, Kenodha. 10 round"; no decision. ' Danny O Brlen, Portland. vs. Kid lUyl, Oakland. JO round; no decision Jack Tucker vs. Kid Morlarty, six found, , '.- Padded rnllt fana will be offered an ftther good card tonight In the Kxpol " lion rink, when a choice collection of ' bantams and lightweights show what they know about the fistic art. The bill Js hesded by Danny Webster who claim Joint ownerahlp In tile title of bantam champion of the world along- with Monte Attell and a few other easterners, " The doors of the Exposition building will be thrown open at 7 o'clock and the program will start with the pre liminary at 8 o'clock. There will be two hour of boxing, letting the fans ret away at about 10 o'clock. Much has been aald about the boxera and a repetition Is unnecessary.. That they will travel at thnlr fastest clip and that there will be some agreeable surprises Is assured. i Jack Grant will referee the bouts. Jeff Breaks Lock. Jim Jeffries would be a good safe cracker. When Jeff was here the other day and the modest fellow didn't want to face the big crowd around In front of the Oregon hotel, he. together with Frank Gotch and Parmer Burns, sneaked out the back way. A locked door Im peded their progress and a Jap boy was eo slow returning with a key that the big fellow took hold of the knob and cave It a mighty yank. The lock gave way under Jeffs terrific pull, the catch Eddie O'c'onncll Is having a hard time making weight for his match with Mat eiida. the Kpoknne Japanese for $1000 side hrt, hVbruary 10. Yesterday he weight d 150 pounds, which Is eight noftndH overweight seven day before the nuttrh. He believes, however, that he will b able to get down to weight and not luse his 1500, which goes as a forfeit. It has been derided to hold the match In Merrill s hall, owing to its downtown location. The hall will be kept warm and made comfortable for the fans on the night of the match and from the In terest being shown It doubtless will draw the largest crowd of any match that hah ever been held here. Word has been sent from Spokane that a number of admirers of the Jap grappler will bring over their money to bet on his chances rfgalnst O'Connell. Jio betting hus yet been, done on the match aside from the $1000 put up by the principals, but It expected that there wilt be considerable ringside wagering between eports from the rival cities. SEALS' ADVANCE IS N SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco, Feb. 8. The advance guard of the San Francisco Heals, com prising Howard Mundorrf, Harry Mc Ardle and Tommy Tennant, Infleldrrs, are here today, and word Is brought by them that others of the local team who r r .,.,. . - ,; - 1 Tt -t i ii ninniar -y v Dr. C. B. Brown. Dr. Portli C. B. Brown, ind Automobile treasurer of the club and a. mem- are now Dlaylng in ine imperial vancy way unaer -en s lerruic pun, me eaten arrive. Among these are Nick freaking to pieces. Manager rger WH (Maude Borry, Hox Amos and Joe Merger. "Ptng" Bodle, the hard-hitting out fielder, has been here for some time, and Jimmy Lewis, who Is wintering at Springfield. Ohio, says he will start for the coast in a few days. According to Manager Danny Iong, only one player has refused hi name to a contract. He will not reveal the name of the delinquent, but rumor says that Melcholr is the man who wants to have a lalk with the club officials before signing up. I settled with the house. vta Shattered Ilands. I"' nuesell. Trotitdale Fltislmtnons smashed both hands on Jeffries' head In their last battle at San Francisco, July 25, 1902. ' Jeffries' hands were not In jured. . Carroll Would Box Again. ' Received a letter this morning from Jimmy Carroll, the bantam. He sayi he would like to box the best boy In the Wehster-Conley fracas tonight, but as Webster Is scheduled to go 45 rounds withaMonte Attell, he says he guesses there Is no chance. Jimmy says he would like to meet Conley if Ffankle rnakes a gqpl showing against the Los Angeleno. lit sends Ms best. Watch O'Brien's Work. Look for a lot of immprpvement in tanny O'Brien tonight. The boy is a lot faster and he whips those mitts around in an impressive fashion. "Doc" Cornell has taught him a lot of new tricks whichhe will spring on Rayl in their 10 round bout Was Matched With McCarthy. ; Bobby Evans was matched about six months ago to box Tommy McCarthy, the young 64 Franciscan who 'fought "Cyclone" Johnny Thompson a 2Q round draw the other day, but the match never came off, Bvans hurting his hand. Bubbles Robinson took Bobby's place and embarked 'for the lsmd of nod in two rounds. STANFORD'S PLAYERS SIGN WITH VANCOUVER Football vs. Fighting. Dr. B. F. Roller, who has played football and also done Borne boxing, Insists that the latter form of sport 1 the more humane of the two. We have known of football men who would b scared to death to enter a ring and we have known boxers wno would no more .think of playing football than taking a Christmas dip In the Willamette. Won der If Doc had his subconscious solar plexus mind on the commercial end of boxing when he made those remarks. The Roughneck Style. r :' It Is the fellows like Jack Johnson and Stanley Ketchel who bring the ring Into disrepute through the police court channels. Such fellows as these ought , to be drummed out of the game. How often do you hear of men of the type V of Jim Jeffries and Battling Nelson la the police courts? Danzig to Senators. Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 3. "Babe" i Danzig, who played first cushion for Portland a year ago. will wear a Sacra mento uniform during the coming sea- aon, according to an announcement here. Danzig was grabbed by Boston last year, but now is being farmed to the Senators by the New York Americans. ' " Pitcher Slow Joe Doyle of the High landers shot a quail In Oklahoma recent : ly. Must have been something the mat ter with the bird if It couldn't get away from ""Molasses Joe." Regular Broadway car service direct to Alameda Park starts today. Stanford University. Cal., Feb. 3. Both C. E. Sampson and William Thlele of the Stanford baseball team will wear Vancouver uniforms In the Northwest league Ijhis season, according to an an nouncement on the campus today. Sampson played shortstop for the car dinal varsity team for three years and was captain of the team last year. Thielo Is a pitcher of no mean ability, being the first Stanford pitcher In eight years to pitch his team to victory In a series with the University of California. Both men have played professional baseball, making good records In the Trt-Clty league. Both men will leave the university this year, but not before the close of the college year. BOSTON TOXOAST IF WHITE SOX CANCEL Oakland, Cal.. Feb. 3. Duffy Lewis, the popular Oakland outfielder of last year's team, will jump Into big com pany this year with the Boston Ameri cans. He will play the outfield for the Reds, and receive something like $100 a week for his work. He signed a con tract yesterday and forwarded it to President Taylor. Incidentally It was learned that President Taylor is await ing President Comiskey's decision as to whether the Chicago White Sox will come west to train. If Comlskey decides not to make the trip, It is prob able that the Boston Americans will play the circuit from Los Angeles to Portland In order to condition the team. Bandstand at O. A. C. (Sppoiul Dispatch to The Journal.) Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls, Feb. 3. Last ydars graduating class and the seniors who will get their sheepskins In June are going to co operate and present the college with a Bplendid bandstand. The class of 1909 has $400 on deposit thati it will con trlbuti for this purpose with an addi tional $100 that It will raise among its members. The class of 1910 will raise J500. Harry Bay, the former Cleveland player now with the Nashville team, is going Into vauedevllle. iBay purposes to do a musical turn. 5i fONIGMl Expo Rink, 8 oCIoc!c t Danny Webster vs. Frankie Gonley Ten Rounds. DAN O'BRIEN vs. CHARLES RAYL .' Ten Rounds. TUCKER vs. MORIARITY Six Rounds. " ' : JACK GRANT, REFEREE Tickets at Schiller's or Exposition Rink. f - v DOORS OPEN; AT. 7 P. M. ; . " i tha leadlnir clubs of the city, will leave Monday morning to attend the national convention of the automobile clubs of America to be held In Washington. D. C, February 19. 16 and 17. He was appointed by Clover- nor Benson at the request of the Amen can Automobile sssoclatlon and his ap polntment and the appropriating of ex pense money were passed upon oy i" board of directors at their meeting In the Commercial club last night. The convention being called for Washington. D. C hi for the purpose of recommending to congress the adoption of a act of national laws for use on the hlgnways of the nation. Dr. Brown is to work In conjunction with Sena tors Bourne and Chamberlain as repre sentatives of this state. National Iw Old Idea. The object of a national law for the use on highways is not one of re cent Inception but I one on which the horsemen and bicyclists before the automobile men came Into prominence worked long and diligently. It Is to eliminate confusion as, to toad laws and to do away with tho practices Indulged In by many small villages aa means of Vaislng revenue that the convention has been called together. Working In conjunction with the senator from each state the delegates hope to accomplish much and to recommend to congress the passing of such a uniform law. People have laughed for many years at the cartoons and pictures and stories of automoblHsts being held up by vil lage constables fbr fines before they are allowed to leave town but It Is safe to say that the man who laughs has never been In the same predica ment. It Is described by automobile men as one of the most humiliating feelings to have to submit to arrest by noma village constable when only the difference In the laws of villages has caused the arrest. Adopt Bldlonloas Laws. Many of these villages have adopted speed and horn blowing laws most ridiculous to anyone knowing automo bile practice. The Instant one of these laws Is not complied with arrest fol lows. The various sets of village laws whloh exist especially In the east and middle west make It a hard matter Indeed to remember and avoid arrest. The national convention plans on adopting a set of laws which will com pletely do away with this evil. They will be recommended for adoption by congress and owing to the fact that the senators of each state In the union will hare a voice-in the making of the laws It Is believed that they will be readily passed. Besides the recommending of these laws, a movement even greater In scope will. It Is believed, be started. It will cover the building of a national high way and the expenditure of several million dollara. The government Is to be asked to start the ball rolling and If possible to have the matter taken up by this congress. Pan Francisco, Feb. I Battling Nel son went out to Mlllett's training quart ers' today at Colma and set things In shape. Tomorrow he will take his par aphernalia to the camp and remain there until called. upon to fight. The battler la more determined than ever to force Wolgast to put up a $5000 side-bet and when the . little fighters moet in Promoter Hester'a office to night to arrange the final details a warm session Is promised. "This boy has been talking so much about our 10 'round jneeting In Los Anxeles." aald Nelson, "and has stated so often that he whipped me that he Is actually beginning to believe It him self. I admitted at tha conclusion of that fight that he made a goofcahowlng and I will still admit it. but he did not whip ma then and he Is -rot going to whip me on Washington's birthday. Til be ready with my 15000 tonight and Wolgast will have to come through ot acknowledge himself to be a four fluaher. If he so' sure ha can whip me I can see no reason why he should hes itate to make his bluff good." COLUMBIA DEFEATS LINCOLN S T OSSERS POWELL SAYS HE'LL STOP GEORGE MEWS1C (United Fres Leased WlnO Los Angeles, Feb. 8. Lew Powell ar rived In. Los Angeles today from San Francisco to train for his "argument" with George Memsic at McCarey's pa vilion, scheduled for February 16. With his trainer, Al Kevle, he went Immedi ately to Jack Doyle's, where he will get himself Into condition for the 10 round battle. When Lew was told that George had been telling his friends that he was go ing to knock Powell out. Lew said: "Memsic had better save his wind for the night of the battle and watch out that "I do not stop him before the last gong'" Kevle spent the day scurrying about trying to find a sparring partner for Powell. Lew said he expected to enter ring weighing about 131 M pounds. Cntumhla unlversltv defeated Lincoln High school In one of the most exciting games of school basketball played this season by the score of 27 to 2. The game was played yesterday afternoon In the large Y. M. ('. A. gymnasium. At the end of the first half the score stood 13 to 13. Bents played a good game at center for Lincoln. Vosper .was easily the star forward, making 18 of tha 28 points scored by Lincoln. Toomey and Rice played a good game at guard for the high school. Reed was a good center for Columbia. MeAllnn and Kelleher Dlaved fast ball at forward, while Cochran was good I at guard. Th Itnftim: I Lincoln. Vosner F.... Welch F BenU C Rice O Trinmav ( i Referee, Grllley. Timers, Woodrum and Noyes. Scorer, Aya. Goats Reed. 3: Cochran. 4; Fltsger ald. 2; McAllen, 1; Kelleber, 1; Carlan- Cnnl Jnnla Pni-lirln R VninPf. 4. Foul Lincoln high 7; Columbia, 7. Time of halves. 20 minutes eacn. How to NOTHING Get Well arid Keep So TO PAY UNLESS CURED MEW Exfiacstvg Ncrve-Tlreil Are you losing your ambition? ' H jre you dull headachat or pain at the basa of the brain? Are you very nervous and irritable with a feeling you want to b alone? Are you rtstleas and eleepltts? Are you gloomy .with fear of dread from no apparent cause? Have yon palpitation of the heart, is your circulation poor? Do you have hot flashes? , x Do you f eel you are not the man you once were? If so, you don't want to remain In this condition. You need special treatment to act direct on the seat of this trouble. Come and have a friendly talk with me. Come today to the SUCCESS FUL Specialist, who will cure you quickly and permanently, and at price within your means. 1 AM FOR HEN No! a Cellar Reed Be Paid Until Ton Are Satisfied Uj fees Yx for Short Tine Experience Counts in Carina Disease i I concentrate my faculties on I single line of diseases. I treat ricoses. Hydrocele, Hernia. Ne vous Debility, Kidney, Bladder aH Prostatic Diseases, Piles, Fistull Blood Diseases. Skin Diseases a" ALLIED DISEASES OF ME I am certainly prepared to cure ( experience . and equipment, ' whi are. the keystones to success., i have the best equipped medical o' flee in the city. x' - Contact with many patients hi j given me prsctical knowledge. ' i have records to show that Ihavd Seated more cases in my specialty an any other specialist in America A . few hours or dsys under my treatment may add years ., an Tiealth to your life. If you are su fering from disease I will exsmu you. if necessary make a micr scopical and chemical analysis n secretions . to detect Datholodc. avu4 Kat L1ft&tfaf itrMiytltlstMa Pi n a n. .u.wawva w..v. ,.vaa , cry gentleman sboeld tske, this op portunity to learn his true condition I NEVER DISAPPOINT MY PATIENTS AND MY CURES ARE QUICK, SURE AND LASTING Columbia. Fitigerald , , Cochran Reed . . McAllen Kelleher KZSKZV, BXJUSZS A KB PBOS TATXO SZSBASSS. With these dlseaaea you may bava more eompllcatlone thaa are pre sented by any thr diseased oraana. By my searching illumination of the bladder I determine accurately the disease and by mloroaooploal aaaml nMon and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of tha kidneys, thua laying foundations for scion tlflo treatment jTSBTOTTS dsbxmtt. Carebro, where the mental forces are Impaired. Bplnal, where tha spinal centers are involved. Vital, where the sympathetio nervous system , Is deranged by reflea effeete of dis ease. . I treat these conditions and all weakness lnduoed by nervoue com plications and exeeasea and pufyoo on Ue light track to health, restor ing the condition easentlal to your future IV and happiness. XXJUrXA CKU'lUaUH)." Ertsree-a-rd of exist!- hernia has eoat many live. The smallest bar nlaa are tha moat dangerous to Ufa becaus of tha Increaaed liability to strangulation. , 1 ear rupture In selected oaaea with perfect safety and an tali no suffering, and do not detain ran from bustneea. under guarantee. 11 any oaaea cured In one treatment . pxub ajtd ramxA. Tha sequelae of thaa afflictions are dlatresalrur nervous reflexes and painful oondlUone. My treatment and auccesa are tha reenilt of years of experience. I oura Maa wtthonS mtUaM. I our you without pain or detention from business under guarantee. Impair vitality. J dally demonstrate that Vaiicosas and Hydrocele ean bi eared, ta nearly aH oaaea, by on treatment. In each a aatlaf aoton 1 way that the diseased parts are pr- a erred and atrsng-theaad. pain oaaaesf swelling subsides, a healthy circula tion la rapidly reestablished, and In t stead, of tha dapraaalnaT conditions J ' guarantee yea a our or refund tht money. S BXAOD BZtSAaTX. flcse&tlflo treatment only ahould be . need In oombatlnsr this loathsome J disease. I oura Blood piaeaaa by ' Into the blood, which It reorganise, neutralising and expelling disease, My treatment drlvea tha taint out In stead of locking It In. Don't wait until too lata Be cured tn time. , i Journal want ads bring results. the MEN THAT ARE WEAK, NER VOUS AND RUN DOWN Come to Me and be Cured Pay When I Cure You Ma neat ska VOlt get th benefit of THE DOCTOR I J a;, THAT CURES a apswvfl! 1st Invar than AHV specialist! in the city, half mat others f ...... vtrv avAfhlrunt: ChATfa cnartse yuu, auu v - for medicinea. . t - lint- nave nad a aiu an ---- - . 80 years' practice in the treatment or J - W-ar trta. Sarah T h A best equipped in Portland. My me od and modern and up to date. My curea i-i. ..-.a lira I Af tint treat are uuitK unu jnep v - -, symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly examine eacn cane, unu "' -- m. mm if anf tlma cure the alseasa. m a, . . - vani. Contracted diseases, PUes ana specuio jwu a-v- iun ufl i , -- - - - nnr.T. . tr tri a (t1t,w1t aoBtraet- QfjQjSUy aW aVaiBM -saeeiar aa w ay ed and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and inflammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected In seven days. THE GREAT PKENCTH-EIiEOTBO- WE DIC ATE JJ CSATON. Insures every man a lifelong cure, with out taking medicine Into the stomach. pai visit Dr. Undsay1 private Mu itlt.ll amiin nt Anfltomv and know thr- self in health and dlseasa Admission frte. Examination and consultation free. If unable to call, write for list of ques tions. ... Office hours 9 a. m. to t p. m. Sun days, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. only. DR. LINDSAY 1281 SECOJTD ST., COB. OT AX-DEB, POXTXUUTB. OK. FOOTBALL LIGHTS MEET TODAY TO CHANGE RULES (United Preaa Lefd Wlre.l . New York. Feb. 3. The members of the Intercollegiate football rules com mittee assembled here today for an im portant meeting which Is expected to last over several days. Several' pro posed changes in the rules governing the game are to- be discussed and acted upon. Representatives of numerous col leges and schools will attend the meet ing, amongr them delegates representing the high schools of this city who desire that certain modifications may b made in tha" rules so that the ban recently placed on the game by the school au thorities may be lifted,-. --rr- Portland Draftee to Seattle. Kewanee, Ill.,Feb.' 3j Jtmmle Johns ton, crack Outfielder of the Boilermak ers in 10. drafted by; Portland, Or., last fall, has been sold to Seattle. 1 r v-:,: :.' iv ;" S-i . Special Ireaimeot for ihe Sick Tee and Tork have spent a lifetime of study and research in China, and upon satisfactory evidence of their knowledge were granted diplomas by the emperor. They treat any and all diseases of men and women. Com munication by mall if desired. TEE as TOBX Chinese Mediolne Co., 142 Va l"t St. Cor. Alder, Portland, Or. An attack of the grip Is often followed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance. Chamber lain's cough Remedy haa been exten sively used and with good success for the relief and cure of this cough. Many cases have been cured after all other remedies bad failed. J ..-i, 3fP Consultation. Examination and Expert Diafmosis Free MY PRESENT FEES WITHIN ANY MAN'S REACH. CONSULT ME(FREE) Don't Let Money Matters or Modesty Keep You From Being Cured f Call. I Do Not "Patch -Up." I Cure to Stay Cured. Do Not Delay. Call or Write Today. I Diagnose 6 nr elusion. No Mistakes Made Expert Medical Examination Free Whether you Take Treatment or Not r w-e, w-e. MUSEUM FOR MEN ONLY IT f" f r? ' hUhH shows plainly health and IhUIh Ih FlXaUsU DISEASE NO MINORS ALLOWED 1 IVlfl-t , Medicines furnished from our own laboratory for the Oonvenience and privacy of our patients; froi tl 50 to $6.50 a course. .. .. ' ' CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE TERMS reasonable and made to suit the convenience o . . a t W aAM anaii " ATT a .1 aH a a the patient our services are witnra ine reacn oi every cm. i yvu uunui wikm wtuc iur scii-cxamiua tion blank and free literature. Many cases can be cured at home. OFFICE HOURS: 9 A. M. to 8 P, M. j e a A i l ..1. ' t - ' IM Morrison St, Bet Foorth an! Flltli PORTLAND, OREQON OREGON MEDICAL INST. Allans0 Men PERFECT CJJRES 2B. TA-XXOR, The Leading SpeolaUst By my method I am enabled to reach the vital spot with direct treatment, which drives every disease from the system by going to the root of the disorder. I always obtain prompt and satisfactory results be cause my searching examination brings to light the nature and extent of the trouble. My facilities are tho best and my treatment is perfect. I have treated so many cases that I know Just what I can do and what I cannot do, and I never promise or attempt too . much, I accept no case In , which I have doubt as to my ability , to cure, and resultB are always equal tq the claims I make. Pay When Cured Contracted Ailments Be sure your cure Is thorough. Not one of my patients has ever had - a relapse after being dis charged as cured, and I cure In lees time than the ordinary forms of treatment require. MEN ONLY Visit our Museum of Science. The largest ahd finest on the coast Free to Men CONSULTATION FREE HOURS 9 A. M. TO f V. M, 8TWDATS, 10 TO 1 ' The DR. TAYLOR Co. 9346 MOBBZSOir STREET, COBNEB BEOOITD, YOBT&AXn), OBEOOIT Prlvate Entrance, 9344 Morrison Street Younsz Mini Chinese Medicine Coi -asSWjaw nTA.4aall1 ' smF'lisl'l TXTN 4aarl1 1 . fM vuuvi at a a i dies from W and root. C, Canoer, Nervo ness. Cttar Jjk GrlDPe. B' Poison,- . Prq Throat, LU Liver. Kldnavt Stomach , Trotl We cure alien c private a or men and women when ptt, fall. Hundreds of testimonials f , grateful patten ta No operations. HO) est treatments. Consultation free. . i Young Ming. 247 Taylor at, Ret Be ilrd. Portland. Or. ' and Thi 1 k J, 1 - f WOMAN A SPECIALTY The well known Dr. B. X.1 CHAV, with their Chinese remedy of herbs and roots. cure, wonderfully. It haa cured many- sufferers when all other remedies have failed. - Sure cure for 'ft.ale 1 and female, chronic. Drlvate diseases, n e r v o u a n e s s ,u, a ml blood poison, rheumatism,' asthma, pneumonia, throat, lung trl consumption, stomach, bladder, Vl and diseases of all kinds. Heni harmless. Bo operation. Honest ' ment Kxamlnation for ladles by Ji B. K. CHAM'. Call or write to, . THE CHIBESE MEDIOIKB OOi 226 Morrison St., Between 1st an DnrflanH (1, ' . K I D R. W I N Q L EE The Great Chinese Doctor r '' . swrs f V -'V LOCATED IN PORTLAND SINCJ8Ar He la called the great because "Tie sures all dlseaaea without resorting to the knife. Call and have a free examination. He will tell you the exact -nature of your' trouble. He treats succeaa fully"every form of female complaint all private and blood diseases, cancer, paralysis, tumors, rheu matism and all dlsordera of the stomach, liver and kidneys. He haa had great success in curing con sumption when the victim Is not -too much-run down by the disease, and will stop hemorrhages In an incredibly short "time. - He brews his own medi cine from Chinese- roots, herbs, buds, barka and vegetable teas, all of which are entirely harmless, and whose medicinal ' properties are unknown to American doctora - He usee ine bis practice over (00 different Oriental remedies. Hundreds of tes timonials from -grateful patients. , . ' DRe'WliNQ UEB; 7 -" "MTJgl? la lntavMaair1 snrf silinnTrf know about the wonderful I MARVEL Whirling Sprsy, e new veainai nrnngr. BestMost onnrenlenv. taauy. . Aak mnr drnvtrtut 1 It. If ha cannot aunnlv tha M AJIVF.1.. accflot for tiluitrateri hnnkacaled. It 1t full DrttRjilr and direc tion InvalnableTo Udles. ' MiTEl CO Kwt IM SW SEW T0I. v ror gaie by Skldwore rrug Co., Woodtr Clark Co.. nd Uue-Oavl Drng C. ator-; Journal Adlets I'ay lHg ese. ....i--,T