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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
THE OREGQN DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1910. Hogs Lower in Chicago. Chicago, Feb. 8. Hogs 14.000, agalnat 26.000 estimated. ' Receipts, year ago, 41.000; left over, 9100. Hoga ar 6c lower than yesterday's average. Mixed, It. 3047 8.70; good, f S.65W 8.72; rough, $iX64f8.60j light. $8.16 65. , , , Cattle Strong; eheep, strong. ' . ; PERSONALS Word received from Callfm-nla et.n tnat Dr. K. If. Parker Is improving s! u and apparently Is out of all dangor. Journal want ada lulu manlta. ' CONDENSED REPORT OF it THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES NATIONAL : . . . BANK ! y - , : : j l . atesit mews m wmns jilOFSfffl LOSS ABROAD A ' VMltRUMORSA RECORD PRICE ' CLfMlEY . (DISAPPOINTING : - BEAR FORCE IN ; BEAR ARGUMENT : ON COVS GOES IS HEEDED IN , TOLOCALTRADE WHEAT TRADING FOR SECURITIES TO PRIME - V. 1 -ifc'$e Again Advanced to 7c a - "vDound Because of Smaller ( 'Offerings Only. Nominal Y Sirimount of Halibut Here. c n f V 1 . i. . . ... u nivii KKsin aisappoinung "- wia .pries nas -advanced to 7a , -V J'Tont sti .ft 17 tf J' ns and i ; : "Jj; y, a-llllng to ft in tti' wholesale ; market treet are not up to ex mererore th trad was par to advanoed prlca ; . makaa fhs second run of smelt J the past two weeks tbat has o noid out.- - Monday thara was t ; evidence that the bis; run had t. started and soma sales were . - as low aa 6c a, nound. although eneral market has not yet ranged K 6c. i ., , , ... - " ter the 6o sales wera made, it waa jvered that the flan were getting ecr, ana since men me pnoe has I anced 2o a pound, far as halibut la concerned, the a marital ia practically bare of flab y. Exceedingly high values continue Cfect because Of the small catch in i vmrth tint jivjin a, th MMni es the. trade here waa unable to ,re more than a few hundred pounds j lg me past z nours. . ' ' ly a very small increase is aliown (lis tlmo in the catch of steelhead - ton in the Columbia and the demand r r-eral tlmea aa great aa formerly l js oi me scarcity or otner iisn, k"oAL HOP MARKET-vV . REMAINS VERY QUIET tocal hop market is very 'quiet and "Mi are dragging with practically no njig. According to dealers, most of -eastern orders have been withdrawn v tuse of their inability to buy at the ?- oirerea. he New York JProdueera Current a of the general situation: ur local market haa remained quiet f steady, flocks are light and held v'i good degree of confidence, but ft '4 are not taking hold with any f I v Ion. When supplies are wanted ti- Hi no "opposition to current -rates, li 'nerft la an undertone of strength i ' situation. More aomg m the wi (pjr of this state, and among the're I t important purchases were the- two ' lburn growths at Cooperstown-1 about v hales at 81 Ha . -- , Ush markets have continual dull ount of the eleotlona. Germany I. f her and the stocks left unsold are sr York hop prlcea, per ponnd: - .. 190S, prime to choice. i..8S 084 025 . mlfio coast. 1909, medium to laood. . .t ...11 Oil Tate, 190S,prlme to choice. .Nominal " estate, 1967 .' . . .Nominal , Jpaclfjo coaat, 1908, prime to. hoice -.j. J f20 .e. 1909. irledium to x-lflc coast. 1909. prime to choice 14 ..If In nakt IflAT ' I P,Umans, 109 imc coaat, iu Tintw York movement in balea: i I Mpta for week. . 7 1 It 01S .68 072 10 1.312 lnt fmm Sunt. 1 . 83. 63S ' Jpeipta same time last year. .. .62.523 l -fiirts to .Europe lor w?v..,.f i; te"orta from Sept 1 26.268 V. ? orta same time last year ;!', 'orts for week 78 I Cr ports from ept- 1 t,.... J.J67 UiDorts same time last year 8,104 :STERN CHICKENS ! r QUIET 10CAL TRADE fmm thM Milt '.V . caused a smaller demand to rule 'ng Front atreet, although no change ;m made in general values iuu.j. t Surlng - the rpast i hours receivers a Vid it much more difficult to secure 1 ' values and sales were maae aown Chicago ' Market Opens With Sagging DisjDOsition Liver S pool Closes Nearly a Penny r- Down Today'.- - -; - '. Chicago! , Feb. I. Weakness abroad In the wheat market forced a lower opening and closing here, today. .;' . . A( Liverpool there- was an opening decline of d and a closing of Wftlii below yesterday. - This market took its cue from Liver Sool and May atarted at 11.09 and sold own, to 11.09 before its slump waa stopped. There was a fractionally bet ter feeling- toward the closing and May wen to ii.iu. Most of today's loss waa In the May, the bear interest being centered in that optltfh. July and September cloaed at the, same rigures as yesterday. - A leading - grain house official said this mornina: - . t "Prom personal messages and reports to the firm I am led to believe farmers have been larae, borrowers ofmney from country banks against cash grain so ss to enable them to hold. -The dis turbing of confidence bv failures anrh as Flske and Robinson Is likely to at tract the attention of the hanks, making such advances and bring them to a real ization of the fact .that compared with everything else farm products are still selling at very fancy prlcea and a cut ting down of such loans is by no means uniiKejy. i - 'If auch process should begin a lib eral marketing -of stuff will follow. I understand heavy advances have been made on oats and that the farmers re serves are recoid creaking." tTaah corn no. z white, 606Sc; No. m ijwwi Da o"! cum, vaci no, 8 white, 65c: No. 8 yellow, 62Ht3684c; No. 4 corn, 60 60 He; No. 4 yellow, 60 H fllHc. Wheat No. 1 northern spring, $1.14 91.14H: No. 1 northern aprinr. tl.Utff 1.14; No. 8 spring. 81.101.14; No. 1 No. hard, 81.31.16; No. hard, $1.10 American Smelting '& Refining ; Stock Nearly $ Points Down at One Time Hit Southern Pacific. " T-.y - Ran re of Chlcaao nrlcea furnished hr Overbeck & Cooke Co.: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. May 109 no July Sept. ....1001 100 96'4 96 H CORN. 109 100H 96 Close. no i 100HA 96H $9 66H 46 43 40 Mar 66 6 July 66. 66 8ept 66 4 66 H - OATS. Mar ....... 46 July 48 sept. to PORK. May ..1170 21R0 ,,1187 Jul3rv....k$l6l 2173' !1160 LARD. May .,...,.1100 1206 1187 July 1202 1206 1188 RIBS. Majr .. lit 7 - 4177 1165 - uly 1112 1170 1166 66B 66lA 66HB 46X 43B 40A I172A 1167A H7B 1192B 1166 1162 i - j. h v BeolUie Tells tttory. ' . .:. r. ; Points... Amalgamated ............. $ A. Smelter .- H Atchison 1 Brooklyn ,t 1 Colorado Fuel ! Erie ......i. ......... 114 Great North................ 1H lmiy .,....,..... in Mlssoura Pacific 1 National Lead.............. N. Y. Central t. Northern Pacific , . . Reading Rock Island . A Bouthern Pacific... Union Pacific .... U. S. Bteel, c. do v preferred,. Land & Livestock Company of That Place Gets as Much for Animals as Real Good Steers Bring Here; w IS u $ i 1 1 f l to in order to clean up. (,.t iknnt staailv with Mlea m 31o to 82c. While the receipts ng Front street are not so noertu a lew aaya ago, jum w nwijr ces nominsr to town. Provision houses V buying more at country points. STREET QUOTATIONS. jo ' Bops, Wool and Rides. . m fi-r hoice, J6c: prime. ib4c; meaium. grades, $4.60; graham, s, I5.70C690 rye. 8576: bales. 23. IS. OATS Spot delivery, new, producers' pnee xracK jno. i wnue, ji(ffsi arav. 2302l. ' tJuttiM wnoie. us: cracaea. ( ion. HAY Producers' price New timothy wiuameue valley, fancy. 120; oroinary, 819: eaatern Oregon. 88021: mixed. $16.60; clover No. 1. $15.60916: wheat, II6917; cheat, in 17; airaira, rrults and Vagetablss. vela, J2.252.76 box: bananas. -CSHo in.; lemons, 6.60(tf6.oo pox; grapefruit. ML peara, ti.zo; grapes, POTATOES flellina-. new. 21.100 $1.26;. buying, eastern Multnomah and Clackamas, fi03l6c; Willamette valley, 70 & 76c. or per owtj NIONS Jobblna, $1.60 garlic, 1012o per lb. ii.2sffla.6O. VEGETABLES New turnips, $1.50 sack; beets, , $1.60; carrots, $1.26 per sack; cabbage, $2.002-E0 orate; toma toes, fancy, crate; Deans, iza per lb. cauliflower. $1.76 per crate; peas, 12o lb.; horseradish, lOo; green onlone, 10c dozen; peppera, bell, lb.; head lettuce, 20o doa.; hothouse, $1.25 box: radishes doa. bunches; celery, $3.60 crate; egg plant, 16c lb.: sweet pota toes, $2.25; sprouts, 89c; cucumbers, $2.60 dosen. Orooerles, Vnts, Xte. SUGAR Cube. $6.45; powdered, $6.05; fruit or berry, $6.06; dry granulated. r - iiuii.o. juv. v . line. iinb. u.wiui.h 1 tru 1 ui uaiii. au.uu. uti K.uuavou. i 1909, choice, M 22c; prime, 20 $6.06; cohf. A, $6.86; extra B, $6.85; Imodium. 16018c. - I iroldnn G. 85.46: D yellow. $5.85: beet. EPSKtNS ! Shearing, ,,, 1025o , $5.86; barrels, 15c; half barrels. 80c; lirtJ, . short wool, - 26 60c; medium V P0c$l eachj long wool 76c OOL Nominal, 1909,' Willamette f" i'ey. 2021o; eastern Oregon, 2023c. lifaEaDrv hides. 17l8Ho lb.: Yen, 9H10Ho lb.; bulls, green salt. ea ib.: klpa, 1010Ho; calves, green. ' "tine per id. ni ALLOW Prime, per lb 34o; No. I Jnd areaae, tffS2Hc. If ''HITTIM , BARK Nominal, 44e. S' IfDHATR 180B ZaffS 240 lb. . t ..- 1 Batter, Egg and Poultry. f GGS Local, candled, select 3132c; 1 1 count, 80o;eaatern storage 18 24a I pTTER FAT Delivery f. o. b. Port- 1 Sweet cream, 37 ho; sour, i&ho. !' 3iS Fencji full cream, 18H ' i ' eta and daisies, 18H Q19c; If -erica, 19H20c , . j U i i r. v-.qj.w vcmucx, fiiyovui s7 icy, 85 87c; store, 26a, .'Pt ;'fJKiltltlx iixea cnicKens, in 57 c: fancy hens. 18o: - roosters, ol 4 13H5 geese, : 14S16o for live, - 18o dressed; ducks, 22 H 34c: turkeys, alive, 0 J22c; dressed, 2728o pigeons, squabs, .$2.603.t0 dosen; - dressed chickens, lc to Zc a pouna nigner wan anve. . ' Grain, . rioux V and Kay. '.' BARLEY Producers' price 1909 JR"d, 130; rolled. $38; brewing, $30.60. .h WHEAT Nominal Track, club, $1.06 "J. 1.07; bluestem, $1.161.17rred, $1.08 i'i.09; fortyfoldc $1.10 1.11; Willamette lley $1.0601.09, . anoilLLSTUFFS Selling price Bran, rt7 middlings, $34: shorts. $278928.60; l.f lop, $2229; alfalfa meal. $2J. per ton. 1l tXiOUB New crop, r panenis,; . Sraitrht. 24.9O0i6.OS: bakers. 35.9508.15: J VVillamette valley, $6.80 bbl.j export '""v Country Merchants Farmers Stockmen 1 j- 1 , ! 1 - T to IiId .your. good, fat produce itlj. - He never charrea rommla i. Ship by express. Ha will pa follows: JlHo, Avs Hen. 1 6e. " ' . , , .t .; ii.ah.ai1 lr... , t .... 1 ; vreased Hogs, lie.- 1. ( i -pressed veal, ,under 180 lbs.; voai less. v..,. market price; , : ( -v Address 1 4-.-.- i i TBAKK't; BSarTR MEAT CO., jlkuiiuib; un swi inn,". . V -pressed, OBEQOIT. New York,' Feb. 8 Unsettled condi tions in European markets awing to the strained relations between Turkey and Greece, ' caused liquidation of' a sensational nature here. Market closed from 1 to 7 points lower than yesterday. American Smelting A Refining shares came in for the greateat attention flora sellers and the troubles of this security were multiplied by the fresh spurt of short covering. During the dip, Ameri can Smelting shares dropped to 80, or within a fraction of 8 points loss from yesterday's price. A amall portion of the decline was recovered late in the day and the closing was 6 points un der the previous , session.- Recent report that the Southern Pa cific waa to be taken over by a syndi cate; thus severing connections with the Union Pacific; brought out a round of Uauldation. that coat that . security 8 points during the day but affected Union Pacific to the extent Of 2 polnta. Entire market beaan to lose heavily as the celling in the leaders progressed and up to 8 o clock the sales reached a total of 1,082,000 shares. ; Steel stocks and other metal securi ties were principally- affected by the slump in Smelter and the Paolflca. mnnw7 01 wu awn Wall Street Journal says today In its Summary: Americans in Lionaon weax. vt to 1 per cent below parity. European markets snowing uneaainess regarding strained relations between Turkey and Greece. Threatened Franco-uerman tanrr war. j Railroads generally refusing wage de mands but offering to arbitrate. Rumored that American Express com pany has secured control of Wells Fargo through purchases or narriman 1101a- inrs. V . . Iron Age says pig Iron market shows! rurtner weakness. Salt Lake now higher than in modern memory and is now on a level with the l,urien cutorr. Third Avenue hearing before publlo service commission resumes tooay. General London market heavy- and In clined to sen on. BpaaJtlag- of Xeoords. . Speaking of records Is an oc casion when the stuff sent to this market by the Prlnevllle Land Livestock company re ceives especial mention. Bring ing $4.76 and $4.85 In the yards for cows when the ordinary run of what la considered good steers bring no higher value, is a feat that Is only accomplished once in awhile. However, proof of the quality was An the price obtained. M. J. Gillof this city, Birken- feld oV LeAis of Clatskanle, Aber deen Packing company of Aber- deen, and 8." A 8. Of this city, were buyera of this record stuff. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN . Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Thurs 26 . . . . . . Wed.' 67 108 ' 40 Tues 248 447 7 Mon. 482 1817 14 Sat. 837 Fri. 130 608 4 Week ago. 187 386 95 a 414 484 1446 That Is the Reason Why Pro- ducers Are Not Offering" It ' to ' Coast at Prices That Meets Competition. Northwest Crop Weather. , Portland and vicinity: Fair tonight and Friday- Minimum temperatura to night about 82 degrees. Eaaterly winds. Oregon and Washington: Fair tonight and Friday. . Eaaterly wlnda. 4 Idaho: Fair tonight ana Friday. ' No 'Wheat Morement. So far aa can be ascertained." there was no movement in the Pacific north west wheat market during the day. Mil lers say thev have all their immediate requirement and. are not In the market iust jiow, although they are not bearish In their views on the market and be lieve the present price acceptable. They simply do not want to buy wheat at present Barley holders In the Interior are not being swayed In the slightest particu lar by the fact that ahlpmenta are be ing made from California to tidewater lointa at lower prices than tne grain can ie purchased In the interior. The claim la made that the Interior needs prac tically all the barley It la now holding and is not willing to shade values In order to sell to the outside, ' : Decrease in coDDer stocks In January largest in several yeara. Pittsburg Coal officials claim that 72 per cent of the-stock has approved the voting trust plan. Reading earned about 4 per cent on the common in past six tnonths. Alton earnings for December decrease 119,702 and for six months, decreased 66,147. Range of New York prices, furnished by Overbeck A Cooke-, company: Bid Description AmaL Cop. Co. Am. C A F 0. do Did. .... Am. Cot Oil, 0 Am. Loco., c. Am. Sugar, c. Am. Smelt c. ao pro. .... Anaconda M. Co Am. Woolen, c. Atchison o, ... ao nfd. . .... B. A O.i o..... do sfd. ..... B. R. T. uan. pacific., c Cen. Leather, c do' Dfd. C. A G. W., c C, M. A St. P. C. A W. W.. c... Ches. A Ohio..,. coio. F. A I., q. fjoio. mo., o ao second pfd. do first nfd... Corn Prod., c.... ao pia . . . Dela, A Hud. D. A R. Q o. ao nia Erie.' o . do second pfd. ao nrst pra. Gt. North, pfd Doxes, 6to aavance on saca rcais. v (Above quotations are 80 days net cash quotations.)- , RICE Imperial wapan No. 1, 6Ho; No. 2, 6Hc; New Orleans head, 67c; Creole, 5Vi o. : SALT Coarse Half ground. 100s, 311.00 per ton: 60s, $12.60; table dairy, iOs, $18.50: 100s, $17.60; bales. $2.26; extra fine .barrels, 2s, 6s and 10s, $4.60 0 6.60; lump rock, $20.60 per ton. HONEY New, 13o per lb. BEANS Small white. 85.60: large Limas,. $5.00; reds,. $8.00. Inter. Met, c;. MHi fiu juia rivfinvw i ao pra 1 JKiiiMiSitJiJ MA is t roni siroei, nogs, fancy, 11c; ordinary, 10 He; veals, extra, l2H18c; ordinary, 12c. .HAMS, BACON, ETC Hams, 17o; breakfast bacon, l$26c; boiled bam, 23 & 24c; picnics. 14c; cottage roll, 16c; regular short clears, smoked, 16c; backs, smoked, 16 He; pickled tongues, 60o each, v LARD Kettle leaf. 6s. 17o per lb: steam rendjerea, 6s, 16Q per id; com pound, 6s, 12 o per lb., , flounders, 6c; halibut He; striped Dass 16c;. catfish, ' 10c; salmon, steel head, lOo; soles. 7o per lb.; shrimps, iaoper id.; percn,- vo per id.; tomcoa, 80 per lb.: lobsters. 2 Sooner lb.; fresh mackerel f 1 ner lb.: crawfish. ( ) dos.; sturgeon, 12 H5 per lb.; black bass, 20o . per lb.; Columbia smelts, 7o per 10. ? silver smelts, vo per lb.: biaca: cod, 7Hov Per lb.: crabs. $1.25 1.75 per Qozen. . t- 'i--; v 1. CLAMS Hardshell. ' per box.; razor ciama. yt oox. OYSTERS Shoalwater bar. per aral Ion. $2.26; per 100 lb. sack, $6; Olympla, rr gallon, $2.76;. per 100 lb. saCK, $7 60; canned eastern. 65c can, $6.60 doa; eastern In shell, $1.65 per 100. - Paints. Ooal OIL Kto. BENZINE 86 desreea. casaa 19o ner gai.: iron ddis, 11HC per gai. LINSEED OIL Raw, bbSa,, 88c; cases, 98c: boiled: bbls.. 80o: cases. 95c: per gallon lots of 50 .gallons., la less; on cane meai (none in-marKBij. - KOPK Manila, 8c; sisal, Jc. lb.: 600 lb. lota. . 8a ner lb.i - less lota. 8o per lb. . r -.. WAl OlLr PearL astral ahd star. 160 per gallon; eocene, 22c gallon; el sine. xbo gauon; neaditght zone gallon; ex tra star, 22o gallon: water white, 11 H tf215Uc per KaJlonr-ananial v&tur whlta.J 15o gallon. ,..- !!. ': . . ;? OAsyjuiNE Red rown. and motor, 160230 gallon;- 86 gasoline, 8037o gallon; V. M. A- P. naptha, 13HW20o gallon. ':' ' r : i .. - '. TURPENTINB--In cases, 1, 76c; bar rels, 6 9o per gallon. ' , -. The oldest known food adulteration is the user, of "chlcory ln coffee, which waa prabtlcil by the Dutch as early as 1690. Louis. A Nash., M.. x A T, 0.. do pfd Distillers Ore Lands ... . Missouri Pacific National Lead... N. Y. Central N. Y. Ont A W... Norfolk A W., a. North American. Nortnern pac..' c, Pacific M. S. Co. Pennsylvania Ry. p. u. 1 t v. JO. Pressed 8. Car., c do pfd........ Reading, . c ..... . Rep. I. A &. 0. . . do pfd........ Rock Island, c... do nfd ........ S. L. A S. F., 1 pd ao 1st pra.. . S. L. A S. W a Sou. Pacific, a. Sou. Ry., c. . . . . do pfd. ..... Texas A Pacific Union Pacific, o. do pfd. . . . . . U. S. Rubber, c. Open High Low 76 40 do pfd. TJ. S. Steel Co., o. do Dfd. ....... Wabash, c. . , . . . do of d. . . W, U, Teler...i. Wis. Central. c.'. Westlnghouse.,.. Beet sugar. .... Utah Copfer. . . . Third Av..,y. Pittsburg Coal.. Oons. Gas.. Big Four K. C. South.,... do. pfd ....... Ice ...... . v ... Wheel. A L. E. . Ailts Chalmers... do pfd - ..., Am. Can. v.. . . 00 pra 82 4 98 40 79 80 89 82 2 m 83 46 10 19 142 78 u 34 11 87 73 J oiai saien. i.ood.suv biihi ea. Money closed 2H2 percent- , V. S. Steel Co. pfd ex-div. 1 per aJ..- . - i .- ..... env Portland Union Stockyards. Stockdale, Feb. 3. Fact that one lot of cows brought $4.76i94.86 in the yards during the past 24 hours, is not the slight".-! indication that the matket has really 1 rntuvu mm xigurc. The sale was simply excessive qual ity; the best cows in fact that have en tered the Portland market durmjr the vast pear. The same shippers, the Prlneville Land A Livestock company, annually secure from H to lc a pound more for their. cows and steers than uo other shippers. Stock sent In by the Prlnevllle con cern this year was unusually good evi-n for the Land company and the tact that as high a price was obtilnd for sows as is generally offering for steers in the local market shows In itself th.-t the stuff must hava bean far above others in quality. The sale was made by tho Bnson Commission company and occasioned not tne silgntest surprise even. innui;n tuc rrice received was out of reason with he rest of the market. "I an perfectly satisfied with the sale.'' says Henry Halm, president of Wadhams A Co. and a partner In the Prlnevllle Land A Livestock.. "I believe, however, that we would have obtained fully a quarter more for the stock if the big loads of stock had not glutted the market during the paat few days." Independent People Take the Stuff. -The hia-h priced stuff waa purchased by independent packers and naturally this gives them considerable favor with the trade. One lot of 27 cjws waa taken at 84.76 by Blrkenfleld & Lewla of Clatakanle, another, the hlrhevr priced lot of 27 head at $4.86 by M. J. Gill, a prominent local butcher.- An other lot of 27 head was taken by nn Aberdeen Packing company, at $4.75 and: an equal numoer by swartzcmid & suia berger of this city at $4.50. General market for cattle was not good during the past 24 hours ai.d the Dig buyers were thererore able to cean ud at their own flarures. That this is exactly why they were holding off rheir purcnaaea is tne oeiier.or the commis sion handlers as well ia shippers la general who say that :hcy should have been given Detter treatment. ,ven witu all the talk of big prices., the -eheral market for steers does iot rvig above $6, and some exceptionally good cattle, although light sold 160 under that Iig ure yeeterday. pair One Car la Today. Only One car of cattle came into the yards today and if shippers will keep their stuff back for awhile it will al low these who cleaned up the yards at low prices to sell their low priced cat tle at high values, and after that help the general situation. No sheep or hogs arrived in during the day. Today's run of livestock compares with this day In recent years as fol lows: Hoga Cattle Sheep 1910 z& 1909 166 223 681 1908A ........... ... 84 1907 86 60 ... 1906 .1... 86 1906 80 , 130 900 A year ago today there was weakness in hogs with a loss of 25c. strength in cattle with no change in prices and a strong ton In sheep with an advance of 25a Tards eprsentatlr Bales. Voltowina- are representative of lat est transactions In the yards and in dicate demand, supplies and quality offering: Av. lbs, 24 steers . 25 steers -. 23 steers Llrerpool yheat Market. Liverpool, Feb. I. Wheat: Open. Close. MaVch' 8s 2d 1st Hd May , 7slld 7slld July. ....7sl0d 7sl0d Journal want ads bring results. CENTRAL BANK You need not be reminded of the wis dom of saving some parf of your daily earnings. That you know. We do remind you, however, of our facilities' for caring for your CHECK and SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, unrestricted as to amounts, and invite your patronage. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Cor. Sixth and Washington Sti. OF PORTLAND, OREGON Submitted to the Comptroller of the Currency it the Close of Buibets, January 31, 1910. V ASSETS Loini and dis counts $ 5J94.946M U. S. Bonds at par v 954,000.00 Municipal and rail- ' Y way bonds ..... 959,607.04 Bank building .... 125,000.00 Cash and exchange 3,794,051.77 Total . . $11,627,605.67 LIABILITIES Capital . . , 1,000,000.00 Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided profits.. 218,890.34 Circulation ...... , 692,700.00 Deposits .... 9,216,006.33 Total .$11,627,605.67 TVonrsM or rum amxvai. tatxkx:stt or vnm ; The Concordia Fire Insurance Co. Of Milwaukee. In the State of Wlsoonsln, on the 31s day of December, 1909, mads to the Xnsnraaoe Commissioner of the auto of Oregon, pursuant to lawi V ' ' CAVXTAX. Amount of capital paid up , xvcoant ' Premiums received during the year in cash $ 946.890.87 Interest dividends and rents received during year ,. 67,155.98 Income from other sources received during year .... 36,979.02 .$ 300,000.00 Total Income , , " DXSBUBS xnaXsTTS. Losses paid during the year Dlvtdenda paid during the year on capital stock . Commissions and salaries paid during the year .. Taxes, licenses snd fees paid during the year ... Amount or an otner expenditures... Total expenditures ASSETS. Due from other companies for losses paid $ Value of real estate owned Value of stocks and bonds owned Loans on mortgages and collateral, ete Cash in banks and on band Premiums In course of collection and In transmission Interest and rents due and accrued. 470,367.76 21000.00 842,872.14 37.448.39 96,104.08 7,613. 85 7.000.00 629,492.29 697.676.00 70,444.70 218,638.83 16.06S.66 $1,040,016.$! ' 1 . $ 970,782.37 Total assets X $1,646,830.63 Total assets admitted In Oregon UAJBIUTICS. . Gross claims for losses unpaid $ Amount unearned premiums on all outstanding risks. Due for commission and brokerage All other liabilities $1,546,820.81 78,068.72 886,900.63 47.103.08 43,434.66 $1,065,502.08 ..1567072.0JO.00 ...$ 554,020.01 i iroe 14 I 00,11 Total liabilities .x. Total Insurance in force December 81. 1909 Busiirxss ur osboos fob teb tsab. Total rlaks written during the year Gross -premiums received during the year " Premiums returned during the year 2.723.1 ii Losses paid during tne year ' . O04. fU Isses Incurred during the year 4,531.58 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon December 31, 1909...." 950,437.00 By FRANK DAMKOEHLER, Secretary. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: , , ' V--' EDWARD HALL, Concord Bldg., Portland, Or. B. V. HAXX, It CO., Agents, Oosoord BldgH Second and Stark Its,, PortUad.Or. 25 steers 17 cows . 26 cows ' . 1 Cow . . 27 cows . 27 cows i 3 cows . 10 cows . 8 cows . 8 cows . 3 cows . 10 cows . "8 cows , tr 1 . . 'cows.' 1050 1060 1048 108$ bull bull 19 calves BULLS. CALVES. 1061 1048 1020 1023 , 984 , 866 , 1080 1035 . 968 818 1035 966 ,f 1100 '1100 219 Price $4.86 4.85 4.85 4.85 I $4.85 4.75 4.75 4.60 4.25 8.75 4.00 4.00 3.75 4.00 4.00 8.75 8.00 $3.00 $5.00 SHEEP AND LAMBS 95 70 $6.00 HOGS 81 hogs..... 841 $8.60 25 hgs ................ 114 8.75 Today's range of livestock values: CATTLE Best steers, $5; medium steers, $4.90 6; beet cows, $4.0J; fancy heifers, $44.25; medium cows, $3.75; poor cows, $3.00; - bulls, $2.5003.75: stags. $2.50(93.00. nous neai east or tne mountains, 88.86: fancy. 88.6008.76: atonkera. $7.00; Pigs, $8.00. . SHEEP -Best wethers, $6.00; ordi nary, $5.60; spring lambs, $6.50 6.76; straight owes, $5.255.60; mixed lots, $6.60. ' CALVES -Best $5.7606.00; ordinary, $5.0006.25. -. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT. Portland Banks. - , Clearings today ,$1,469,043.31 Tear ago ........:,....... 1,028,127.23 Stop the Leaks And save the leakage' by depositing with this bank and. paying bills by check. We will be pleased to serve you. Our savings department pays 4 On Deposits . We buy and sell ex change, issue letters of credit, transfer money in fact, furnish every banking accommoda tion. Open 8 a. in. to 5:30 p. m. Saturdays 8 p. rav STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF LADD & TILT0N BANK JANUARY 31, 1910. RESOURCES. . Loans and Discounts $5,807,417.46 Overdrafts 18,278r18 ' Bonds, and Stocks 4,998,321.9-t Bank Prerrfis ... i ...... ; 75,000.00 Cash on Hand and Due from Banks. 3,377,931.15 ; 'TOTAL $14,276,919.03 LIABILITIES. " ; ,t Capital Stock Fully Paid. '. .$1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 633,195.87 Demand Deposits A $6,936,906.66 : Time and Savings Deposits 5,706,846.50 ' : " . : 1 12,643,753.1 6-' TOTAL $14,276,949.03 OFFICERS. W. M. LADD. President R. 8. HOWARD JR., APt. Cashier EDWARD COOKINGHAM, Vice J. W. LADD,. AsHt. Cashier President . W A.LTER M. COOK, Asst. Cashier W. H. OUNCKLET, Cashier. ,. , ' - - ssMsaBBsMBMsBsMSBlaaB iasstf asriS'aWtlialil ti i ssae.siaia,.Liinal fcsMsvtsU a OUR SUCCESS Conservative manaflrement. unexcelled facilities and a constant endeavor to meetthe wants and convenience of its patrons, have contributed largely-to the success of this bank.' We cordially invite your patronage. v 4 Interest Paid on Time Deposits io2 21 v. a,n todayH.,......,. i . I 6 I Baancei today.-... .... $ yer ago v Tteomi Banks. ' Clearings today ,,. u..i.. Balances today ............. 432.916.08 229tl38.98 131,851.53 859,575.00' -62,584.00 -.- Seattle Banks. -' Clearings today , . ....... . .$1,952,714 00 balances today .......... - 26t-J. Overbeck & Cooke Co, Commission' Merchants ' ? Stocks, Bonds Cotton, Grain, Ete. 216-217 Board of Trade Baildlnz . Members Chicago Board of Trad a Correspondents of Logan a Bryaa. Chicago, ' New . Tork. Boatoew We Have the only private wire - . connecting Portland wtth, the eastera exchanges, -. - - u f THE TOP OF A - BTUEITISC STREET IS GRITTY THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT SAFE FOR HORSE AND niOTCH 11