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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
I 1 I v-.i' ' ' ."-at V 1. 1 n, ft JlfflfflSli! 'rw 4 "" -F'Watf Boozing Instead of Piling, and They Landed ' jlY in the Ba'stile. ' ; 4 Ae 1 1. I (United P vnVi 1 The f lr that section of Marysvllle. the , Jn I 1 i mining fJU.Wslocfc f camp, failed to aesrroy iriiri ami todav the little ' . .,i . f filled wnn V mm who ww o.r .'"'! yestsrday for hampering the ef wojof the Butta fire department by '."'.'t,"orlna; to net free drinks from a- vytn the nath of the names. dhen tt was seen that certain saloons v t ha accused men. wnn accused men, with ' t f is of others who escaped arrest, tha ranks of f Ireflorhters. . . Vw- v.- ' ' ih Arinlc ehons end besan to A ' t tvei.a - war broken. ' rles were Dromon, umrma ww 4 ,ei (Ud and- the liquors flowed as f ree- flrf' In tha oia flays wnen mi iiret 1 iea. wera mads. The Butta nremen i iJ. re mimmoned to save the little 4ppeJed In vain to the blbolous i-oato leave tha saloons. Numbers thoyty con a tallies wars hastily sworn a ronndup resulted in a oaten m CIars tn Tarloua stares of lntoxl- tutetrom a "bun.' to a "siss" being the fin the 'Jail, which they mads a with their clamor. . . th. Kara m la Antra today wera found wrapped In slumber, tha . building, resounaea . wun us snores. late yesterday saying that the lmost annihilated, wera ax- It Is believed that 150,000 catlre Joss. ' . - ' S Si.-,.. V-MH Ta SS OnA lb its of other and mora serious mat- rs than Miss Heslers ploturs and its Vftng-e disappearance have been going a .rounds. ;" . ; ' the name of Bear Admiral William 1ft, recently commandant of tha Bos- h navy yard, ana or unusa iaies nator II-nry Cabot Lodge of Massa- I. forts I ,li was a I I rated. I i,J. fvers tha ! " HAW SCANDAL mORDVJR Y LltiE DIRECT JEGULAR BROADWAY f SCHEDULE TO ALAMEDA PARK BEGINNING TODAY PRICES ON ALAMEDA- PARK . ' " LOTS WILL BE ADVANCED MARCH 1. , N , T,- .Am;.a tr firirtirvlri Arirt in Alameda Park la now ' fulfilled by established fact.'; TWs morning the regular' Broadway irs began running direct to Alameda Park on regular Broadway (' 'The Alameda Land Company, In order to secure jhis great ad- t Vantage for the residents of Alameda Park, have paid twelve thou- i 'nd dollars to extend the carline to the Park. ill, This extension was advertised to be completed with cars in (perationon February 8d. This promise has been fulfilled to the etter. " fczsl SVri ?3 f-:-: . In order to allow ajl persons who hare been considering the pur jchase of Hots the opportunity, to buy before the advance in prices, f this advance has been postponed until- March 1st, On this date all ' prices will positively be advanced. " ' . ' r.v. ,;l,;fl tn em Alafnafla Park- mar now take Broad- I 'y car at Strand Washington streets and go direct to this beauti .1 It residence section. , ' ' - ' . t With tne coming 01 wanner be rushed as fast as men and UU-The present prices on Alameda.Park lots are positively fifty per t lower than surrounding values. Concrete examples of this will ,4 given upon application. Just one instance: Several days ago a fc 100x100 on the corner of Twentieth and Thompson streets, Jrv Uon, sold for $6000. A lot of the same size with superior location d wit superior improvements being.installed maye had in Ala ida Park for $2000, exclusive of improvement!4 which will make it flout $3000 when the improvements are all installed. This is but a pical example. 4 Other lots may be had for as low as $850. ; n rer cent of .the nurchase price to t ay down may buy now in Alameda Park and secure, not only a .choice location, but also the low price which will positively advance March 1st. . ' " 1 ' ' , ' Further partfculars may be had of the Alameda Land Company, owner of Alameda Park, 822 Corbett Building. - MOST PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW CAUSE OF mm lionm human health depend on one Jtgan a.lone? s this question , is beocm !W widely discussed sines L. T. Cooper ' tmt advanced his theory that the ' atomach Js the true seat of life and air health dependent upon it. : ' Mr. Cooper, who has met wun re markable success In the sale of his new mediclnel believes that the stomach is responsible for most sickness, and that ihif organ Is weak In the presenfgen eralton. s While discussing this theory recjitly. he said:' "I am asked time anil again to tell why my medicine has ml is such a record wherever I have ln Oduced; If My answer always Is, 'N kuse i;lt restores the' stomach to a n inal Condition.' No one r will deny tfe't today there are more half-sick men f li worn en than ; ever before, v Nthin g ..leal seems to be the matter with m. They are- Just nair-sica, mrai time. They don't Know reany . tt l8tth " ' ( I ed With 'yea,s'. the matter. with; them, I have with thousands during the t past .... M i. . Inuj what S ' v-ic trouble was. v One said neryoua- another said kidnay trouoie, " an il liver complaint, some constipa- orSheart' trouble, ,or lung: trouble had treated, as they : called It, iost of these diseases at different . A very , common complaint la 'ua down,' or -tired all the time, lo appetite. henow positively tbat every bit. of jchronia ill. health is caused by 'jh-cli trouble, and nothing else. My il f na i j i t iHRCOvery puin ing tomacn in nl. condition in aooui six .weeas. P hty fe"w people can ba sick with a t'd digestion. That is why my modi Hie ctiudetts hars bn drawn Into the 31s-. cuton. . Velld Intimations thatcertain natal men high In ranlc would have been will ing to "whitewash" the unfortunate In cident at tha Ames dance, have been Even the recent breaking off or ma enBasement or . jwisa " '---'i daughter 'of tha admiral, and one of tha most charming of Boston's young wo men, to Harry Durer fitorer of AtUnta and New York, has been connected dl- rectty with at least one oi i'" concerned. a . ,. So involved has ,thfc investigation ba coma. and so complicated the dctalla which many persons hero ara rt,rt In soma mannor connected with It. H w . -S A V. AMttt mMI rr'd b.?: :!! unusual ai- flculty in 'determining causa and siub-cau-e of tha affair at the Ames homa. Cowlas Knooasa uvw. . ,i . i..t ha waa Dr. cowies a,n: vncked down by Auld. U claims that P', f lie"! with , Aula snn noumm Admiral fiwlft. . .M.r.d. he For many day", '.".h.rses to waited ipeanuy Ha-retary ba plac 'nbof Secretary Mever. airs. . ?en-s Of her usband part In tha af fair, saya Admiral Swift took tl I PJ pers to Washington and that "" have pigeonholed them," Meytr declared Ha had heard ,J ?h. case when his attention was called to It through other enanneia. Sha made tha further claim that "ha had to anUst tha aid of Benator Lodga ESSLi wS a incllnad to W a ASS- Swift wouia navs r.heartn casa might rJ.m." Immediately recnu Storor angagemenV - -' Ingafaman Brogaii. Btorer wma on hi. '"S '2 to Boaton to marry Miss Swift, it u said.' when tha engagement was broken. Ths ceremony was, to "J formed Pecembar . .Miss Swift and Auld had become good friends, and this. It Is hinted, might hava been one of the reaaons tor tha cancalllng. of tha an- ?Th?W.Uw; progress , of against Anld from tha time they left the hands of Dr.' Amea until they reached Secretary Meyer, according to the statement of Mrs. Cowies, Is at tracting great Intercat. , r - Navy circles! here, instead of being separated into two camps aa they were at the outset of tha hearing1, today find themaelves divided , Into various . fac tions. ... ... go many elements have crept Into the TO ALAMEDA PARK CARS RUN ON REGULAR weauicr uic auwi nuiyvmiwiw money will do it Scores of homes THEIR SICKNESS dne Is selling at : suoh a tremendous rate. ; It hava convinced many thousands of people that thesa things are so, and the number 1 growing by leaps and bounds." . Among more recent converts' to .Mr. Cooper's beliefs Is Mrs.' Lottie I Miner, living on Rural Route No. ' 2, Hennlker, N. H., who' says: VI was In poor health for six years, from stomach trouble and indigestion. Quite frequently my stom ach was so weak that It. would not re tain solid food." , I had Vomiting spells every morning, and was subject to fre quent" attacks of dizziness. . Life be came such a burden that I often felt it (was not worth the living, v I tried everything 1 could hear of, but found nothing , that would afford relief. ; , 'For; some time I had 'been reading of the Cooper remedies,: and .finally de cided to give the New Discovery prep aration trial. After' taking the first bottle I noticed a marked improvement. Five bottles made me entirely well. I can eat anything I wish, and have not been troubled with my Stomach since. The dizzy spells 'disappeared long ago. 'My mother; Mrs. Susan Parkins. Is a nurse of long experience. Both she and my father have used the Cooper remedies' with splendid results.? -1 wlU be glad to answer any personal corre spondence in regard to myase.'y-ii Cooper's New- Discovery' is sold by all druggists. If your druggist cannot supply you, we will forward you . the name of a druggist In your city who will. Don't" accept ."something Just as good-'W The Cooper Medicine Co., Day ton, Ohio. ,, ' DAILY JOURNAL, OREGON affair that the original difficulty P-t pears to have be-ine a minor Issue. When tha friendship of Auld and Miss j Pwlft was mentioned In connection with , .... i r , Hurift-Rtorer en- i lilt, VltW,lll v ...w gacement. during tha hearing before the courttnnrtlal. a halt was called lmmf; ately. The court refused to permit this possible phase of the case to be brought out . EES J. HILL (Continued From Page One.) to him. Wa had been much interested rn Mr. Hill's account of the opportuni ties In tha northwest as published in New York papers. , "Wa would appreciate a line from you stating whether in your opinion there Is ' , . nnlh mtr room xor sucn men aa u. ara' marrlaff ' tint httVI nO family. One la employed In the auditing department of a railroad company nsra, the other la a young lawyer. X am alngle and hava been In the real estate and building business. None of us has bean a failure, nor have wa paata to hlds, K..t ara ..a A laaa M afla with NW YOrk City and believe much better opportunl- tlea can be had was tnan m ui wu crowded east' . 1 personally would appreciate any In formation you wlU favor ua with as to prospects In different lines aa wall aa suggestions aa to any pewoomers who hava come to your city and been wo cessfuL" , . il'. i ' 1 ' Assistant Secretary Moaeesoho of tha chamber of commerce wlU furnish ths necessary Information and It la con sidered safe to wager that the next summer will see the three New Yorkers in Portland with, a flood tf others t rorn the overcrowded cltlea on the ahorea of the Atlantic . ' (Continued From Page OnaV shipyards at Newport News, and are M feet long over' all. and ara veaaela of 4100 grosa tons. They are single screw craft and ara equipped with triple ex nanalnn enrines . of 4000 horsepower. Thev. also hava six . Scotch marine boilers.; '. - ' " ' Thev will so on tha Portland-San Francisco run upon their arrival on this coast. It la rumored that the steamer Kansas City, which, with the Roae City, Is now on tho run, will become flagship of the Panama fleet , i f ; Continued From Ptge Ona) tlmony waa badly ahattered yesterday afternoon and again today when Heney produced letters which save that testi mony flat contradiction. Hermann had testified that he did not remember bav in anv correspondence . with . W. i. Jones, and Heney produced soma of this correflDondence, bearing Hermann's alg nature. Hermann explained by aaylng that the lapse of time between the data of the letters and the preaent, and the further fact of his volumlnoua corre spondence as commissioner, made the writing, of a single letter, ot a few, cast but a faint Impression On the mind. This morning again Heney produced a second letter written by Hermann to Mrs. Moda SUversteln, regarding her apr polntment to a position in Surveyor Gen eral Meldrum'a office. Hermann had .testified that he had only written one letter to hla remembrance. '. ' ' Testerday, after being baited for some time by Heney about hla political ambi tions and the promises of "fat and Juicy plums" which he had held out to his supporters and those he desired to have as such. Hermann denied in very posi tive terms that he was ever a candidate for tha United States senate In 1901 and 1901. - V ' '' ' ' ; ', Produoea Otbar Z.etters. Heney at once produced letters writ ten 'by Hermann to George C Brownell at that period 1 In . which Hermann planned his campaign for senatorial election at the 1903 session of the leg islature and promised, absolutely, to give Brownell high political remem brance should Brownell be able to shape the hopes of the commissioner Into success.:- v.- - ' . Hermann bad also denied that Colli s P. Huntington, mentioned In the first letter .shown him, had been ! a close friend, and In the - next- letter read ha referred to Huntington aa a warm friend and told of hla always making a per sonal visit to., the commissioner's office whenever h ' waa in Washington. ; v Jyst before noon Heney went Into tho subject Of the Holslnger report " on the Hyde-Benson frauda - and the ' crooked r clerks In Hermann's office who were giving Information to Hyde and ' Ben Boh.-y.'A"iy j:; 'M''! " ?.4 ' Hermann, in answer to Heney s ques tions, testified that he had received this report, -making Its sensational disclos ures) on June 19, 1902, and that he had given ft to Clerk McGee with a directed answer-and the command of great se crecy In order that none of the crooked clerks should sea It Took Possession of Beport. McGee had brought it back to him on June 21, Hermann said, together with the answer, and he had at once taken personal possession Of the report and at the same time ordered all of the Hyde Benson land suspended and held up. On the same' day,' Hermann said, he had taken the report to Secretary Hitch cock, shown him" the startling disclos ures and asked him to take charge of it because he feared to file It in the land Office for fear the Unknown clerk who was betraying him would see U. Heney asked Hermann particularly If ha had taken the report to Hitchcock on his own motion, and Hermann said he had, ; Heney aaked if Hitchcock was at that 'time not auspicious of him, and Hermann said that their relations wera strained, but that it made no difference in , tholr; official transactions. Heney then attempted to read the statement of Secretary Hitchcock made 'at the Wash ington trial, regarding the Httcftcock re port, " and , Colonel Worthlngton objected. 4, 4 Will Argna Utjy-. i Jud ge ? Wolverton V decided t that v he would hear the argument when the Jury was not present., and It waa taken up Immediately after the noon recess. The testimony of Secretary Hitchcock, in general, was to the effect that the clerk, McGee, had told Assistant Com missioner Richards, ahd Richards had told v Secretary ; Hitchcock. Hitchcock knew of the answer made to tha-report before It had been submitted to the commissioner by, McGee, and had his rrlvate secretary, W, Seott Smith, tele phone : to Hermann, directing, him to bring the report to, his, Hitchcock's of fice. - ' Mr. Heney desired to Introduce this evidence as contradictory . to Hermann's testlmorty-of how ha took- the report to Hitchcock on his own motion. The court will pass upon the introduction of the evidence, which Colonel Worthlngton contends Is barred by the rules of evl- GREAT BOOSTER COMING AROUND HORN HENEYTRIPSUPHER PORTLAND, THURSDAY denes, during the sftf rnoon. If It is In troduced snd allowrfl to ro before the Jury, It will lend still further to shat ter the Impression made by the defend ant In his direct testimony. v v HENEY INTRODUCES , LETTER TO PROVE : v HERMANN TOLD FIB . Continuing bis testimony on cross-examination yesterday afternoon, Mr. Her mann waa taken over the Rogue river reserve and his action In regard to It. and back and forth. Mr. lleney read a letter written by Hermann to the sec retary, ; protesting against the creation of the reserve, and quoting edltorlala and articles from Oregon 'papera. One article In particular which went Into the .'method of promoting reserves, be come the point about which .the testi mony revolved. V i lleney tried to make nermann admit he had read the article, for 'the pur poaa of showing the fact that Her mann would therefore know of ., the school land frauds. ; Y Tsndaa; Tollowa. Hermann fenced with .the attorney and finally denied that be had aver read the article. ' ' lleney then demanded 1 to ' know whether Hermann, as the . guardian of the publlo lands, did not have sufficient Interest to look for the article. Her mann aald he knew of the modes of promoting tha reserves. v Heney aaked Hermann If ha knew or all the modes knd methods of fraud. If ha did not know of tha school land frauda. Hermann aald he did not know of the- school land frauds. . " Asks rotated Qnastloa. , ' ' , "Why, 1 then." " demanded Heney, 'didn't yon have sufficient Interest to look at this article and see If you oould not find additional modes?" Hermann said he was then Interested only. In the Question of defeating the Rogue river reserve. "Is It not a fact," demanded Heney, that ' you say yon did not aea this article because you knew; It told of how tha school land frauda were promoted and carried on TV ' ' ."I resent your ' Insinuation," flashed back Hermann, "I, did not read the rrn A Wonderful, Clean Slraiflhf Talk on the Folly of Using Calharllcs for Tryino io Cure Conslipalion, and flow to Stop It Abso lutely Without Pills or Medicines For the Benefit of 0or Oas Worked For the benefit of our readera we publish a timely and Interesting talk bv Professor f. H. Midgley on a point which is most vitar to every man. woman and child in this countrythe way to stop the spreading danger or chronic constipation. All he says . la true, and evidences of It are ao many and varied, aa seen in hundreds of let ters from those who have done as he advocates, that we think It a puNlo hont.flt to make them known. We rec ommend Professor Midgley most ear nestly to our readera, , : Most Diseases Caused by Constipa tlon. Sewage for the Brain. Tt goes to the brain naturally, and to every part of the body, every organ being led on this polluted blood or sewage. , It goes to your face In the form of pimple poison and breaka .out on tho skin, it goes to your head and rives you headache and dizziness, it iroes to your brain and makes you drowsy, it weakens the stomach and causes dyspepsia and bad Te&$',, l1 goes to the liver and ; causes bilious ness. It goes to the kidneys and event ually gives rise to Brlght's Disease. It goes to the heart and makes It thump, ft goes to the eyes and robs them of their luster, It makes "your erves flaggy and weak and out-o -sorts,, and this IS the advance agent of all kinds of disease, which you couldn t get at all if there was pure, rich, red blood flowing In your Veins and your whole body was in prime condition, , 2 t-Hour "Habit". All Important. ' "Although it Is one of the simplest things in the world to cure even the worst case of chronic constipation, yet nearly every other man and woman you meet is positively so stopped. up as to bo hardly able to think clearly. To get the, habit, every 24 hourar regularly, works wonders. By the habit I don t mean the cathartic habit, but; I mean that natural, easy move that every one ought to have without being obliged to -make a rush for the pill box every nlgnt. Must "Quit Jttll nabit. Too " young ' 'and middle-aged men and women who eat and drink every thing you like, and you old men and women who are addicted to pill eating to keep your overdue bowels going, you don't realize that there would not i be one-hundredth part of the disease on earth today If. ; your bowels were absolutely regular. . ,;: v.;;,.:;, t "You can shake your fist at almost any old dlfcease known If you've got the bow'ela that do business every twenty-four hours. This is plain talk, but any doctor will tell you the same thing, only he may .be tnore particular In hTs language and It won't make the impression . on your mind. . . , .. t,.. Cathartics Can't Cur Constipation, ; , .', - , "It is true mat muibuim out that bowel-moving Jule;r seere tlon which Nature nas put- in sverr good bowel to make it work easy and right,. When irue natural lubricating flusd ls cleaned out. your noweis do- COU1W J1-JT,- .? RT- a baO Case ' OI COHDUIHIiuii, ouu lfui. are swallowed to do the moving. .This rv'ar "'and how to be cdred right at home, so tSf W "J , . - T " ' ' Take it for granted that you. would like to quit taking piua and arugs, castor oil, cascara. Jalap, gamBoge and all other cathartics -and . consider my new rational method that haa cured so many. ' . v . , How You Can Stop Constipation Absolutely. , : 'Tf you will do as I say v ou can get rid of your constipation right now and forget about It ever after. "Forget forever- that there are 'any port unity to be cured of chronic con pills, powders, -or potions-for moving Btlpation tnat you have ever had eme ha hr.wnln. Thev will move them- "l v will lust elve them a start the 'Midgley Way,' You. : will. nver .' realize how gratifying. It Is to havei regular bowels and how fine it feels to , really live, until, you have, tried It. . . , - . I My Rational Method Includes a re- markable system . of bowel . exercises" lor which 'I send careful directions, EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, article. There were very many of the Oregon paaers I did not have time to read. v If congress and the secretnrv had listened to me there would never have. been occasion for these land fraud prosecutions by you or anyone else." Objects to Article. Heney offered to put the article In evidence and It was objected to by Colonel Worthlngton because Hermann said he had not aeen tha article, and could not ba bound by It. Judge Wol verton reserved . his ruling on tha ad mission of the evldenoe. - Mr. Heney then went Into Hermsnn's senatorial aspirations, and read lettera written to George C. Brownell about political matters and appolntmente. Hermann called attention to tne raci that he never broken a promise made by him. He would never forget Brownell's loyalty, and assured him of hla remembrance. " V '. ''' ' ; Favored Southern Faolflo. . ' . The defendant promised to Intercede with Collls ; P. Huntington to ' secure an appointment as Wsshington attorney for the Southern Paolflc. Hermann aald he had many places In mind for Brownell In case he was elected to tha senate. He . promised absolutely to work for, Brownell In case the sonator ship should come to him (Hermann).. , Thla letter waa put In evidence in contradiction of tha direct statement of Hermann, made a few momenta be fore,, that he had never been a candi date for the senate, or had promised political ' plum' to anyone. v . ' Memory Again Falls. Hermann aald ha could-not remember of having any meeting with Hays wnen he waa here tn 101. He did not con sider that Maya was in sympathy with his senatorial aspirations. He thought, however, ha talked with W. N. Jones during that visit. He ' did not. think ho talked with Jones about tha aena torshlp, though ha might have talked to him. . : f . In September of; 190! Hermann did not see.Jonea, he aald, though he may hava seen him In the later fall while on a short visit to Oregon,. North Beach Push Club Launched. (NnaHat THnMtrh The JoarnaL oath Bend. Waeh.. Teh. I. The Korth Beach Push Club was organised last week at an enthusiastic - meeting Readers, Prof. T. 0. Midgley Gives Intcrestinfl Remarkable Results In with engraved cuts, to show Just how the exercises should be taken. These exercises aro go easy that they are used without difficulty , by delicate women and very elderly .people, yet they are so scientific as to stimulate tha relaxed bowel muscles arjl reduce them to normal activity In a -remarkably short period. No restrictions are placed upon the diet, though I do in. alst on the use for a time of a certain concentrated Fruit-Food called Tom- oio,' which I have discovered to be pos- medicine and had consulted many as sessed of a marvelous tonic and ferent doctors, but none proved suc- atrencthenlnv effort nn the antlre dl- cessfuL At last 1 concluded to give gestlve system.. This wonderful - Po- molo Fruit is as pleasant to. the, taste Ti! 1''' -til X 1 . &..'- ;;Sy 1 V H . , ' -f '' I 1 -v ;tc r, .ZZZl . - -'i i"1."1 ,"' .a'??r!W"'.,iiiiii,,i,..t.w., Kaw mt:ti" '"""l 1aLA 'TM'iSikja "Ton Simply Can't Cure Constipation With Pills, Powders or Potions, f Force Is Folly. I Tell You How to Cure Yourself at Home By ' The Midgley Way Without Medicine." as oranges, and I supply it ln a con- centrated form from which all harmful acids are eliminatea. so inai u noi t0 Yjjge.t starchy food and thus pre- Venta the formation of stomach and bowels but faa in tne cannot go XA.Un. f jwinin tell anyone, who ., a.b ma .(,.! win : uiaq ;VUB uvuui. v ..-", J eXactly how to -uae this simple method. h -it will no loneer be necessary to dose with any kinds of ..harmful drugs dayg come the misery that I had in my and acids. I have published -. bowels has stopped. 1 have a good ap- ; which contains J"A;Mjdgleythod f petlte ail the- time; I don't feel tired in detail; and as It would be Impossible fike x 8Ca to; my head doe's not seem to tell you m this brief epace ja .bat Jt;,n out of fix now I ,eel Hka a- young contains,., wm st?u ium. .uuu.. w-u man or - woman wno in mwrraieu enough in a cure to fill out the accom panying coupon." The Opportunity of a Ufetlrae. . This method offers the greatest op to your notice, vmt would be amazed to see the ar- -.a imUr that ere received .dally , " V . t,. " by this .benefactor of mankind. These lettera are from worn-out pill-ridden patients who have- tried the : "Midgley Way" aa the last desperate effort,- and to their surprlsu have been easily and 1910. held at Long Beach, for the purpose of improving snd exploiting that - well known aummcr roaort. 1 A campaign has been Ingurated to eeoure a large memberehlp. particularly of the out side property owners. : , The offlcera of the club are: Presi dent, H. K. lputy; vice president, Har vey Woodgate; second vice president, C. F. Rodgere; eeoretary, Joseph McKoan; treasurer. W. E. Stranhall. , " MADRAS VOTES FOR ' INCORPORATION . niamth tn The SonrniTLt Madras. ' Or.. Feb. J. The first city election for the city of Madrsa was held Monday. The vote on incorporation w 71 for to S agalnat. , Tha first city offl. cers-elect are: Mayor, 1L W. Turner; recorder, J. H. Jackson i treasurer. J. M. Conklln; marshal, A- W. Culp; council- men, S. E. Gray, - t. a. iik. . o. Tucker, W. B. Cook, W. H. Cook. Warren Smith.' ; ' , ' . ROBERTA. ADAMS -r :: GOES TO LAST REST v Funeral . services wera held t Batur dav over the remalna of . Robert ' A. Adama, 44 years old, of 7 Eaat Nine- tenth'- street, north, one or tne ocsi known railroad men' In Portland, and up to the tlma of his , death.' private sec- tn hla hrother. IL M. Adams, general freight and passenger, agent Of Che North Bank. . . . ' . Mr;- Adama lived In Portland for 18 yeare. He died January IT from paraly sis of the throat, Mr. Adams left two small children and a widow, who for years haa bad charge of the, suit de partment at JLipman, woits RECEIPTS GROW IN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE During the month of January the - nf tha office of County Clerk Flelda W4?re $U91 larger than In the corresponding month last year, increaa i .nn. ttixi tn I8S22. In the same time, as shown by his monthly report. I Tie tnrinfl tonsiipaiion wunoui uieaicine i-viv nra ' - i- , , quiciuy i cura- yf n ' . For the benefit of our waders we have taken the trouble Jo P,c J random a few of these letters ana puo- unn luem. , Ilad Tried Every Kind of Medicine. Miss Ella Cea of Boone, Iowa, says: "I have been a constant sufferer from that dread disease, , constipation, au m lib), and had tried every kind of Prof. TMldgley's drugless treatment a trial. I did bo and at tha end of one month health was entirely cured.; My general Krew better and at present am in the best of health. Can say it'is a wonderful cure and a . help to anyone suffering as .1 . was.' .., .. -,-i; Suffered 30 Years. . ; j. F. Kilpalrick . of White Plains, Ga.,' a man 65 years old who. had been con-, stipated for thirty years, after taking a single month's treatment, writes, May 4, '09: "1 have not taken anything for my bowels since the first of September, isus. my ooweis aroreguiar as tne young t what I did before you corn- mencea instructing . me. you may use my name In your advertisements,. If It will do any good, for I feel that tha people of - America-ara Injuring them selves taking drugs for their bowels." Mrs. Morgan Parkhurst of Gerry, N. T.. suffered for 80 years and cured her--self In 3t days so completely, that she says: "Two years ago I commenced with, your treatment and am so glad I did. and so thunkfuFi for what it ham done for me. 1 have no trouble nowi am better In every way," . , ; Was ,Xt'ar Death. Thomas -Newdham, 1528 S. 44 th ave., Chicago, savs:-.- "I suffered from chronli-r constipation for ten' j'ais, I trUd .. . - i - . the expenses grew only $f-l. t 13187 In January, I'.'O!'. t- 'K'l. Receipts of the recording 1'T" I "i " which Indicates the volume .f tHcii" In real etti, gives a ronv linn 11 ' eitent of 13542. again"! 31 on v. . ago, an lncrcano of $774. 1" ,,lrt , ! " cult court depiirtmrtit the Incrrsio s . from 11433 to 1GH6 and In th. county department from $10J9 to . 'n profit to the county In ths SKBiegiio. last January, wss S2S30. RICHARDS0NT0URING " NORTHWEST TO TALK Tom Richardson manager of the Com-3 merclal club, left ths city yeMer.iav for an estended trip through the north west. lie will hold development meet ings at many of the principal citl.f, returning to I'ortland the night or K-t-ruary It. r . ' i '.Notarial Commissions. - (Rleni Bnrrtu of Th Jmjnitl.) Salem. Or., Feb. 8. Notarial vommls- slons have been Issued to Amzl Hnoton. Bridge: 1 W... A. Mmlck. Ofego.i City; John T. Mclntyre, Salmon; W. A. ( Fuller. Grants Pass; I. 8. Herbert, A. B. Wlnfrce. George Harold, 8. II.1 Haines, C. Kuhl. Walter H. Evans. U. ' 1 IMmonston and Karl amanaers, rori- land; Charles L. Ogle, Woodburn, snu O. B.,Unruh, Balem. - ' . Special' Friday Only Don't he , oelved. W sell absolutely pure wlnc and liquors. J1.B0 t"Hty Port. aherry.'' angelica and muscatel wine, 76e per gal lon; 14 rye or Bourbon -whiskey, 12.75' per gallon: $4 brandy. 12.75 per gallotir' 4 rum, $8.7a per gallon. National Wln n Co., Fifth and Stark. Phone Main 8139 Home, A-4499. Delivered. . . ,v ai -1 , w CTorporatlona. , Salem. Or., Feb. .-Artlclc9 of In- ' corporation have been filed In the office! . of tne secrcUry of state as follows: C. fl Btone Lumber company; prlncU.. pal office, Portland; capital stock. $:,. . 000; Incorporators, C K. Htone, B. Graham and W. J. Makellm. The First Baptist church of Clat-, skanle; Inoorporatora, H. A. Duggan, , Henry Krata and O. B. Neptune. 1 Talk onflow His We ii. every cathartic on the market In vnln.v Doctors .could do nothing and death. ,eel1.d B following your advlm, I cured myself permanentfy in Just one montn. ..." , . -. Cathartics That ' Increase Constipa-' .v tion. -! "Aloes, calomel, croton oil, cascara sagrada. Jalap, gamboge, blue mans colocynth, asafetlda, senna, ' epsom sr.lts, laxattye mineral - waters,' podo- pnylln, castor oil, nux vomica, hyoseya-' mus, belladonna and other acids aml( drugs which only physicians know, about, cause reaction In the bowels and ; Increase chronic constipation Instead C curing it. - - ' "It Is not necessary to depend on any one of these sinful drugs; and just as sure as you dou, you help to paralyze your bowels. You can have them roov every day regularly without taking an v of these paralyzers, If you will only follow out my Idea, which has alread. ? roved auccessful in hundreds, oJT casa have cured." - Doctors Admit 'Drug Sin." The Chief Clerk of the Pennsylvania Railroad Compnny, located at Nvv Brunswick, N. J., says: "I have suf fered from chronic constipation ror tin- pnst six -years, taking most all of thff f pills and potions I ever-heard , of. ' At one time I became so bad I decided to give up my position with the rail- road, as I felt my days were num- . I bercd. 'v. -v-v' ! "One physician : told me that he. ' a s ;' well as others, were powerless to cure; j constipation , with . drugs,. saying ; time : the purgatives inflame tho bowels amK eventually paralyze them. I j followt'tl your 'advice, have'not unent a. pcniu for drugs of any sort and I am cured.' Look Out for Your Nerves. ' There' is ' hardly: anything, wlilolv re' stores the nerves as quickly and surciv, as regular bowels, Most ' people wlio have weak nerves; and are: run down, are chronically constipated.. It is sur prising In how ' short a time a man oi, woman can build up a strong body bv being absolutely regular , and .v;' taking-. Prof. Mldgley's-treatment. - ' '. Our readers can be positively certalit' of results If they will- but send for lYof. .Mldgley's book and follow 5 hi' advice. He-Is known all over the coun- try as the "Constipation Wizard." !Hi, method is all so wonderful, and so sim-" pie, that It- has been said by a great many to be a positive pleasure to addpt' the "Midgley ( Way"-. of getting" cuve right at borne. Hla advlco to you Willi be worth' hundreds of dollars and youj will have saved years of misery, bn l; 'health and danger, of disease. Those who are Vured by his RatfrtnH!( Treatment say they realize what it Isl to really live and? have- that exquislt feeling of perfect health; cheerful siii its.' good digestion, clear mind, fl k memory, energy, couraga and ambit Ion,; to a- degree which" they , never-' before could not understand or experience-, - -and all this by taking his treatment In.' their own homes. .- How to Get the Advice. ;i' . - , -. All you have to do Is-cut out coupon, rut in your .name and addre-v on the blank lines, and send it to Prof.; T. H. MidFloy, J636 Midgley Block, KaL, amazoo. Mich.. He will, by return nuiii.; snndyou his 60-paee Jllusttated ' tooi.-. explaining how -you can be curd-"r chronic constipation BIGHT AT HOMIY the "'Midgley, Way,'' without tmedioin. Ha wilt also send': you by letttr In s expert advice upon any point relating to constipation prr which yott may sk "Information. Aiail . the -coupon tvUay. ' FItEE CXJI PO.V. - Fill In your name and 'adtire, dotted linea below and tnutl to l'r.'-r. T. H. -Midgley, iS3i Mldxiey . Kalamasoo. Mich., and hv r--'.. , mull he wlH snd 5'il fri d-n-lostrated. bok. showing the wav of curing ronm;iiiloti wiifi . '' mt-Uicine, -