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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
run orixon daily journal, Portland.' Thursday evening. February 3, mo. l SOUTH MiilS KEEPS ULLflllEY i - , his. Is One Reason Northern jy 'Part of County Favors An yWxation to Multnomah.' . i r I. the Clackamas county tax , f y f6r the sole benefit of th south- Vg I Jlftir or ino ciram; viiaigvu ujr .ifr. Dowty of, Barton, In a statement i yt-sterday. lrp' i'or 18 years our roads In tha nor-i- ' ' third of tha county have not been (J , ' i I, although wa pay one third of 14,000 taxes received last yefcr s f ', id Clackamas county treasurer," , 1 l ured Mr. Dowty, . Y' J Southern "fart Frospsrons. i 'hir la no richer section of - tha 'g i My than ours, yet our roada become , . ;mnahle and our interests are neg- unable to ret any .p- the county runa- ' J 'irnU d bin-aiise, fo ! F'f -t Ivbsolutely una iLk ...... 1 ktl.n An fit t. (i . . HttlA tmnrnvement ai hu been liona .then to Jnove the County Seat : "i li has been paid for out of our ' ilti' ''PWiwi in in mo muuirm (i s e k Or ia rnunlv th an able to build costing up Into the hundreds of tnds of dollars. . - negloct of our . Interests . by amas county ' authorities constl- ouf greatest 'reason, for, wanting irtoern third of the county sliced off Clackamas and edilcd to Multno mah. We want good roads and wo want representation. We want to be come a jmrt of a proKreimlvo county and have the metropolis of the state as our county Sf-at. "Having Oregon City as a county srnt Is little better than having no county aat at all. It furnishes us no markc-t at all. We can sell none of our farm products there. In the first place, wo cannot get across the hills to Ore gon Clly; In the second plnce, we can not sell anythlnr. In -Oregon City even If we do get there. - It is sll down grade to Portland end here we find our only market. Wa think we ahould become part of the county of which we are naturally a part; that we should iM in tha aunnort of the county that contributes most to our support." TJrre Special Elections. ' Mr. Dowty stated that one purpose n h. .nn.ntlon meeting to be held this evening at Oak Grove will be to put In form plans for a special elec tion In Multnomah and Clackamas coun ties. The people of Multnomah' will be asked to vote on the proposition to annex the northern third or i-iacKa-mas county and the people of Clacka n.o. nili ha asked to permit the with drawal of the discontented section. For this reason the people or DOtn Aiuuno mah and Clackamas counties will be largely represented at tonight's Oak Grove meeting. - Many of the voters In . h .nnihrn half at Clackamas county are In favor of the division, as they hope .then to Jnove tne county eai Ornnn fltv to ' Canbv. ' Which Is on a railroad and much nearer the cen ter of the reformed county. ' "We of northern Clackamas have tad no representation sine Judge' Hays' time," declared Mr. Ddwty. ' "Probably the ' Idea of being annexed to Multno mah crrnu nut nt m. fnrmar nlan to with- draw from .Uiacgamas. couniy ua w VISIT OUR . DEMONSTRATION OF :ILIIJM1BIA' PURE PORK SAUSAGE Tli Prtlittnhia TlranH Hams. T?acon: ;i Lard, Pork Sausage arc all backed by .,11. S. Government Inspection and bear the ' "..Inspector's Stamp, which stands fpr ', WHOLESOMENESS AND PURITY ' . Patronize Home Industry, ; ' ' , , , ;' ; Pioneer Packers of the Pacific Portland, Or.. , a )e th w ; tt -li THE FAMOUS Fl TREE TEA ' 1 AND m; V' '.; NOW BEING DEMONSTRATED r at the Pure Food Show Awarded Gold and Silver Medals Lewis and. Clark I . . 1905, Gold Medals A.-Y.-P. 1&09 ''VI i VV UU U.o -j jLnjij-iri.niiiji.ii.i'Lanrii''riri'i' 1 f o -m:' iL jl fi n .' i, I rji J DEMONSTRATION OF , I ' H s Oiiaker Oats i Puffed Rice I m - - : 1 1 f j ;f ft iiwai YJ.aaiii.ig all ; iuuuuiiv iuuiv tut: 0 ' ih rriihit nf I Jl I A IV T Jv I IAS g(inli a now county. Hut we think tlie new plan so much better than the old tliAt the organisation of a new county will not ho ronsidored longer." QUICK ACTION SAVES , CHILD FROM FLAMES (Unltod Priws tjri Wlro.t Sacramento, Cal.. .Feb. S. Wreathed In flam os which threatened her life and gave rise to a small panic amonc the children of the Second grade at the Marshall primary school, Ituth Murray, 7 years of age and the daughter of Ed ward A. Murray of 2612 H street, ran creaming down the corridor. To the courage of Llod Hull, a classmate, who ran aftr her and checked her flight, and to the presence of mind of Miss Dougherty, the principal, . whose hands were burned In her frentlc efforts to smother the fire, the child owes her es cape from serious Injury or death. . Bhe stood before a small grate fire In V(l Van Vt'mUnn'm wli.n lh hlRI6 suddenly Ignited her dress., An the flrri sprang upward toward her s race nun with wild screams started down, the cor ridor. Her progress fanned the flames and sha was In, the gravest peril, when young Hull ."caught and held her until Miss Dougherty and Miss Motchen, an other teacher, reached , her , side and promptly beat out the blaxe with ' her hands. :: '.. i - .' ;..' RAILROAD. PARTS WITH WELLS-FARG0 STOCK (Catted Preen Leu'wl Wlni.1 New York. Feb. J-Wall street today credits the truth of a rumor that the Southern Pacific railway and the Har rlman estate have sold their holdings In the Wells-Fargo Express company, "GLAD" HAND GOES . TO EASTERN MEFI Lumber Dealers Send Out 7000 . Pamphlets Setting ' Forth : Oregon's Resources. The Oregon A ' Washington Lumber Manufacturers association Is doing a great deal, of publicity work for the purpose of exploiting the stats of Ore gon and encouraging the development of this commonwealth In every way possi ble. -.. . ; ' ''. Although primarily a trade organisa tion, seeking the betterment of the lum ber Industry, the association Is contin ually, sending out literature1 setting forth the advantages of the state and the opportunities for development. . "We realise that It Is not only a priv ilege and duty to bring settlers Into the state." said Secretary A. B. Westell this morning, "but thereby Improved ave nues for marketing lumber are brought about.' .. ' .' "The efforts of new members of the association as a whole In market exten sion work through exploitation and ad vertising festures also operates to keep the state of Oregon i: to the front, and much has been accomplished In this di rection during the past two years. "The latest example of the effort to advertlae the resources of the state la Indicated by the forwarding today to 7000 retailers throughout the United Htat. e of the pamphlet showing colonist rats from- the rast to Oregon, with a giincral statement of Orion's resource and the opportunities that await the settler. These pamphlets were fur nished by the Portland Commercial club In response to our offer to mall them. "We are also distributing a directory of the membership of the Oregon & Washington Lumber Manufacturers as sociation and the Southwestern Wash ington Lumber Manufacturers, associa tion, which was also mailed to 7000 re tailers In conjunction with the pamph lets. . PILES INTRODUCES OREGON TRAIL BILL ;,.v; .. , - v United PrM Leiie irie ' Washington. Feb. . I.- Th old Oregon trail from th Missouri river to Puget sound will be suitably marked , by the government if a bill introduced by Sena tor. Piles providing for-the erection, of markers is passed. - The measure pro vides for an appropriation of $60,000 and the sppolntment of a commissioner to supervise the work. Any expense over the appropriation is to be met by private contributions, s ;., , 5 ; -., Iv G0MPERS ENERGETICALLY ASSAILS STEEL TRUST (fW1l rip to The Jonrnl. Washington, Feb. S.A bitter ex coriation of the United States Steel cor poration l)y Samuel Qompers, president of th American Federation of Labor, Is one of the leading features of the February edition f -Th Federatlonlst Oompers attacks th great steel con cern with various arguments ana aweiie .-.'vpt, .rt..ree h4 ': i T ';: :,:. 5 X .l-,r'iy. ' -rat-.; '"r mmm Bectlon of exhibits la Meier & Frank's store.. V j LUU'LrLr.rjijtarLririj'Lrij-.rrr.'.ri - ...--.------- people have already vis ited the Pure Food Show at The Meier Frank l : ' 1 1 1 ," 1 '. 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' . . '. ' Store. If you haven'tbeen there, go at once Every body invited. See the exhibits and visit the original Curtiss flying machine purchased by Henry Wemme FoMowing Is the List ot Exhibitors KINGSBURY'S PRESERVES Made of sound MRS. PORTER'S SALAD DRESSING A Salad . fndts and pure sugar. Jams, Jellies, Preserves, Dressing made without oiL Marmalades and all the things that can be made from high-grade, fruits by a first-cla'sa concern. ,, VEGETABLE FOOD COMPANY Good-Taste - - - - Pies. (Peanut Butter and Sanitarium Foods.) ALBERS BROS. MILLING COMPANY A booth ; showing the famous Violet Oats and other cereal CLOSSET & DEVERS Golden West Teas, Cof- v products of the Albers Bros. mills. CALIFORNIA FRUIT CANNERS ASSOCIA TION Exhibiting the famous "Dei Monte? Canned Goods in great variety. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY" A demonstration of Electric Cooking and Halt- fees, Spices, Baking Powders, etc. N. K. FAIRBANKS & CO. Cottolene, the vege table product shortening. NATURAL FOOD COMPANY The famous Shredded Wheat Biscuit. See how they are made. ine Utensils and all the most modern kitchen and cTANnAPn'mTSCTTrrv rnmrPAfiv xmA housekeeping helps. , goda Biscuits.' WILLAMETTE VALLEY CONDENSED MILK crESCENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY CO. Buttercup Brand Condensed Milk. Tastes Mapieine and Crescent Baking Powder. Try a better than fresh milk. ' .- BiBcuit at this booth. . , ' PiNAHL. Bmd ' UNION MEAT COMPANY Columbia Hams and t iVU4 f " """""" . ww Bacon, Fure fork sausage. WADxM? CO-Wadco specialties and "DIa- BEATSOL The greatest cleanser ever known. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY Swas tika Brand Biscuits, Crackers and Goodies. HICKORY BARK Whose medicinal properties 1 are well known. PACIFIC .V COAST SYRUP COMPANY Pure- EGG-O-SEE Demonstration of ' this v muchly ad Food Syrups, Tea Garden Drips. vertised breakfast food. COLUMBIA " MILLING COMPANY Columbia , GLOBE ORANGE GROWERS A large exhibit . Rolled Oats, Columbia Flour, etc. of lusdoua oranges. , DWIGHT -EDWARDS COMPANY Dependable . QUAKER OATS Demonstration of this pure food Brand Teas, Coffees, Spices, Baking Powders, etc. breakfast food. - ; " ALLEN ft LEWIS-Perfection Brand' Canned MORGAN ft ALLENS Universal Food Choppers Goods and Groceries,' Koffo-No, etc . . .. .on display. - s . ' MONTEREY MANUFACTURING COMPANY MONOPOLE GOODS Large exhibit r- by Wad- Crescent Brand Sardines (soused, tomatoes or I ;v bams ft Kerr Bros. 4 mustard). " " " -''.''."-' , J ' '" - . ' - ' HOLLY MILK Demonstration of Holly . Milk. V ' COLEDYKE BAKING POWDER COMPANY - 1 ,, Good things to eat made with Coledyke Baking ' SMITH ft WRIGHTS Pure Food Candies, on sale t Powder " at retail in the -Pure-Pood Show. SHASTA MINERAL WATER COMPANY Ex hibit of. Soda Waters, etc. ; "" , MEIER ft FRANK'S - French Pastry exhibit, v im- ported novelties in kitchen goods. ' M. J BRANDENSTEIN ft CO. M. J. B. Coffee FIXIT MANUFACTURING ' COMPANY Show and the famous Tree Tea. ' ing the possibilities of Fixit for mending purposes. particularly upon the allegation that It Is far orer-capltallxcd. lie scores the 0 called profit sharing scheme and says the organliatlon should be given imme diate attention by the government. . The article crystallises th complaint against the steel corporation which re sulted from a recent labor conference In Pittsburg and which was presented to President Tift by, representatives of organised labor who called at th Wilt House. " , 63 LIVES LOST IN ESPARANZAS MINE ICnlted PrM Uatr4 Wlre.l ' ' :. Mexico City. Feb. J. According to es tlmates mad today, CS miners lost their lives and between 30 and 40 were seri ously. Injured by th explosion that wrecked the Paulau mln at Los Esper ansa lat yesterday. '.."',' Fifty-two bodles hav been recovered from th. third level of shaft No. S, where the explosion occurred. Rescuers today are exploring th lower levels, wher it 1 feared other bodie may be fOUD4. m ' ; ;!) ., 5 , j A SIMPLE HOME REMEDY' Th Hew Remedy, Balgrene, for Bhen matls and Kldaey Tronble, Sally Orowlng Xor Popular. :f ' Olive oil Is an old and tested remedy for almost all kind and all classes of dlseaaes. ' Salgrene mixed . with four ounce of olive oil make an Invaluable remedy for lumbago, kidney trouble and rheumatism. ' It la especially - recom mended In cases of kidney trouble, as It contains absolutely no alchohol, alco hol being irritant to th kidneys. Full directions will be found on bottle. HUNDREDSORAVECblii ioseco;,io Carloads of proiilo Journeyed ts v'v . f)l Crest list night for a look at -C n. t A-I910." Many of them were ut! '! being able to easily locate the vlt i of the sky by the eld of the iiKrKni Its relative position published in Tl Journal yesterday afternoon. The - comet became visible at C o'clock, and dipped below the horizon 7:15. being brightest at 1 p. n. It U gradually growing dimmer as the psss, and although it will be vlxlblo f li nearly a week yet, each succeeding J 1 makes If harder to dlacover and outHn. . Th tail seems to be growing longer the position of th comet changes. mri of It being visible last night than for merly. ; v.. ' , Reports have come from different parts of the city of having seen ti comet, ' and interest in the phmionu in'u is on the Increase, especially becauwe rf the clear sky. , Last night, however. slight hase along th horizon line nit off ths vlew, or marred It, , shortening the time that the comet was visible. ' Fishermen's Corpses Cast Vp. Copenhagen, Feb. 3. The bodies of C fishermen who lost their lives In tM terrific gales which hav been sweepln ; th. Norwegian coast have already ! -i washed ashore. Nine fishing smnrKs. which carried at least 40 men, are still missing; and it Is feared they have gonn down. All shipping along the coaet U Interrupted and, maritime business Is st a standstill. GO OD T HINGS TO EAT . .. ., '. :.. , AT THE ' ; V ' COLEPYKE Baking Powder Lxhibit POSITIVELY pure and health ful.' The highest grade bak ing powder on the market. . Manufactured in Portland. Cakes baked with this powder- will raise ' hiRher, are lighter in grain and will keep fresh fully three days , longer than if baked with other powders. Money cannot buy any better material than we are putting into our cans. We justly claim to have the purest and highest class baking powder on the market today. Oir Coledyke goes out with a very strong guarantee, and if the ' quality is what we claim it is, our powder is deserv-, ing of your. support, as ours is a home industry. Price for . one pound can, 35c. For sale at all "gro cers. . .-, ; ' ... . . Coledyke Baking Powder Co., PURVEYORS TO THE GOVERNMENT ' , '395 N. Eighteenth St., Portland, Or. Phone' A-3372; Main 5343. For a Better Breakfast Golden West 13 -, Coffee Is Just Right YOU WILL SEE , : iLLlillH ' "Morning Glory" j 11 ' DISPLAYED AND COOKED AT THE PURE FOOD SHOW , , C a 1 1, See and Taste Them Nothing N!r Columbia Milling Co. - " ss-s ssssa a m si . mm mm mm shAA -I