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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, DAGAItlST YALlArJT FIGHT -WAGE WHITE PLAGUE Anti-Tuberculosis Associations Contributed; Million' Dollars Last Year and Treated Over 60,000 Patients. The 25 dlspansarlea treated durlnir thi ..... tnniin nitirnia. vno iunu over 800,000 visits. ftaSnlta attained. The follontn table ahowe tha resulti of the. year l0 compered with prevloui ye re: BULLET TAKEN FROM Xew York, Feb. I. Interest In the antituberculosis c-ampalaTt now being HRed throughout the United Statea Is pvlfi.nfd by the fact that in the. year 1!HH. 163 new antl-tuberculosls assocla tlowi re formed. 1SS tuberculosis san. atorla and hospitals were established, mid 91 tuberculoids dispensaries were ojioned. Compared with prevlo years, tdle Is the best record thua far made In the flsrht aa;alnst consumption In thla country. ,'" " . ', ItiiruiK the year 1009, 41 more aesocl ntluni for the prevention of tuberculosis wito formed than during the prevloua 12 mtinths, and 62 more hospital and sanatoria wrre established. On January 1. 110. there were In the United States S94 antl-tuberculoeie asaoclatlona. itt hoKpltals and tuberculoala aanatorla and :65 epeelal tuberculoala dlspensarlea. . Hospitals Treat 91,000 Pattanta. Purine; the year that haa passed,-the rannfoiia and Waspltala of thla country 1 rested over 11.000 patlenta. riving; a tout of nearly 1,200,000 hospital days' tre Btmmt Of tha 11,000 patlenta treat rd. about one-half were discharged as Improved to a greater or leaa extent and a large percentage of tha Incipient caara were discharged aa cured. Alto father therte are nearly 20,000 hospital l rds provided In the entire United States for tuberculosis patients, or about one bed for every 10 patlenta. The tS asao- latlons hava 60.000 members and are contributing cloae to $1,000,000 every yrar for the fight agalnet tuberculoala. Assocla- , tlons ' .'. t . '. -. is , ' , 150 . 18 , 8S4 PI pens arlea w 268 Sanatoria and Year. Hospitals Tlefore 1905., 11 During 1105.. ) 1 Hiring J0.., l17 ' Itnrlna- 1H07.. 86 During 108.,," 71 During l0tt. , Total, Jan. 1, ' If the year that haa passed has bten a record breaker la point of number, It haa ' also broken many recorda In in.r..i which It has aroused. Nevor before have, so many different groups been working for one common time, schools, wo men's clubs, labor unions, churches, chil dren s org-anltations. state legislatures, municipal bodlea, lnauranc companies, eratnmai npcrnnlia lions, bill posters, lay man ami totnrs of every, creed . and color are all banded together In one ef fort to rid thla country af conaumptlon. BOY WORTH $300,000 . ' KIDNAPED BY KIN . (UnlUS TTr Vtr& Wlra. El Taao, Texas. Feb. I. Pftectlva C. H. Taylor of Ban Francisco la on his way home today with .1 , B. Adams, Adams' 8-year-old son John, ; and .the bor'a nurse. . Nora 1 McLaughlin, r The nurse and Adama private secretary, Kat Murphy, are alleged to hava, kidnapped the boy from his mother and to have brought him to thla city. John Adama la aald to be . heir to about $300,000, left him by a relative of Ma nvnthar Tha custody of the DOV waa granted his. mother when aha ap plied for a divorce rrom Adams. ; ine final decree haa not been Issued. On January :b. while on his way to school. John ' disappeared. Detective Taylor waa detatled to find him, which ha did after following Trlvate Secretary MoiDhr to thla city. The three were taken to the ponce station, -where they went Into consulta tion with an attorney they had called. Tavlnr - was ' In . noHacsalon of a bench warrant for ihem, and they decided to return to tan nancimeo wunoui matting rigni on extraauion. i L IliU ' t Iff .-" If ir JCilB'JK3lCttjmjHSeSA COLD 10 COT DAT. 2ttt 'remember! IbeTfuOtiuune. Look S L HEAD OF THOl ran Mi Manley Thompaon will' recover hearing, which Is, partially lost as reault Of being ahot by highwaymen at tha Seven Mile house laat Friday night When ' Dr. E. H. Anthony thla morning removed the bullet that had lodged la Thompson's head ha found that In aome unexplalnable way tha mlsKlla had split part of It lodging in the auditory canal of the eirr, the remainder penetrating to tha tttaao of tha brain. 7 Thompson wag reported aa doing well following tha operation thla morning. The billet wound In hie cheat la nearly healedN Nearly a week'a work on the part ofjfeherlff Bterena and hla deputies In trying' to find tha highwaymen haa aa wSt had no result. Beyond the Infor mation that the two robbera were eeen In Troutdale Saturday, morning after they had hold P the Twelve Mile and Heven Mile houees Friday night no traca of the fugitives has been found. The sheriff la convinced that it, was either by unusually aklilf-il work or as unusual luck that tha robbera aucceeded In getting away without leaving any traces Of their flight J ' ' - AT THE TilEATBES He Sure and See Ilosaa. One of the funnloat things on earth today la "Hogan In Society." preaented at tha Orpheum thla week by Bert Lea lie and bis company)! mirth producers. Think of the f unnleat thing you ever heard or aaw and then If posaible Imagine something twice as funny aa that, and you will have aome idea of what "Hogan in Society" la. Matinee every day. i "Peadwootl Dick's -IMt Shot. ' The doora pf the Portland theatre will be thrown open next Sunday afternoon as a ponular-pricea ramny piaynouee with one of Ihe atroTlgeet melodramatie atock companlea In the west aa tne at traction, The opening play i will be "peadwood Wck'a Iast Shot" a, vivid and Intereetlng atory of mining camp life, ' v. y. ';"' " .V-, y ".. Pike nd CaUni at PanUgrs. -rM.var rim anrina- Is Rlwavs attrac tive to the amusement seeker, and the t-.rtf hat in 'vaudeville la offered by Pike and Calame at Pantag-ee this week. The duo come direct from a tour of the largest theatres in the east, where they scored a' tremendous hit- They easily lupllcate the trlumpha acored on the Atlantic coaat , - v , " . . - . - Hrowstcr's Milllions" at Hakrr. , Anyone doubting tha Immense popularity-of the comedy "Brewater'a Mil lions" ahould take a atroll down by Baker theatre Just before curtain tmia thlji week and see the crowds struggling to get aeata.v It la a record breaker from fallen & McDonnell 1 mcallen & mcdonnell I mcallen & McDonnell End" B aitgaih It would take more than an entire pae to tell you about all the bargains that tliis store has to offer. We think you'd rather read this concise statement and come convinced that at no other time or place could you fill your needs to such good advantage. . .' ' , - 1 . ' . . - 12V3C Huck Towels Spec'l 9c Kxtra good 'quality, at such red border. low price; 18x36 In.; $1.00 Kid Gloves Spec'l 48c About 100 pairs of odd lots of Kid Gloves black and colors small sizes only. $1.25 Underwear now 98c " Women's ""Flat" sanitary' gray 'wool Underwear- excellent tvalue.' -. . ' 51.75 Muslin Skirls at $129 Women's white muslin Underskirts 18 inch flounce of 3 rows of torchen insertion,' and 2 in.- lace edge. 50c Corset Covers now 29c ': Made of good grade : of cambric trimmed with Torchon and Val. insertion. , , . 65c Union Sails Spec'l Wc Ladies' Union SultS natural gray, .' fleeced Very good quality. , , Veilings Special at 25c . All the new 'nets and meshes including Russian in the desired colors. Ladies9 35c Hose now 19c Wool and cotton colored and black, plain and fancy all : at the one price of ,19c r pair. Is is , a clearance sale. Men's $1.00 Shirts at 50c Enormous variety of Shirts, percale and madras; all ; good colors. An underprice purchase. ' : ' 15c Huck Towels Spec'l 11c Union Huck Towels-of good quality, 8x36 inches; hemstitched. - . - . . Furs Special at Half Price You can buy any and all of what furs we have on hand at exactly half price. , . , , ' Lining Remnants Half Price "Several hundred semnants of.. Dress Linings mo rcens, satins, percahncs, spun , glass, silisia, etc., all at ONE HALF PRICE, Up to $1.7 5 Handbags 75c Over a hundred Handbags all late designs under price purchase. ':'! ' 35c Turkish Towels at 23c Bleached Turkish Towels of good weight 22x50 inch; extra value. $2.00 Underwear at $1.39 Women's wool Underwear; ribbed; cream and gray; values , to $200. 65c Underwear Special Vic Women's ribbed -white and gray Fleeced Underwear; good as elsewhere at 75c. 1 . 51.50 flight Gowns at $U9 Good muslin-r-"V" yoke of . embroidered insertion and tuck clusters neck and sleeves embroid'y trim'd. 35c Muslin Drawers at 21c Made of a good quality of muslin, neatly finished with tucks and hemstitching. 35c Union Suits Special Child's gray ribbed fleeced Union Suits; only sizes 2,to5years. ;!-:', . f'r, jU'w 5c Ha n dkerch lets now 3c Ladies' Handkerchiefs tif fine ' lawn hemstitching, value at 3f . . Child's 12V2C Hose now 9c Child's fine ribbed seamless fast black stockings ' good weight ;tgret value. $3.50 easels Extra long hip; medium high bust; lace and ribbon trimmed, white coutil, 6 hose supporters, draw string top, boning securely stitched. - v 18c Turkish Towels at 2V2c Bleached extra -weight ' Bath' Towels, 18x40 inches; , great value, , . ' " - $8.50 Fancy .-Waists at $4.98 Variety enough to suit any taste fancy silk net and lace; values to $8.50 at $ 4-98. , t , - PJicD ON RE It latl atari, Innlnta anil tlltTa ate Only fewr more opportunltlce left to sea It , -. ' ' ,.: ' ';. Cutp (Jlrla on Whorl", Bomethlng positively new in bicycle acta la aeen at the Grand thla week th. Tt.iuala Val.tnrA . trr,ima 1 la headlining tha bllL Thfre are alx ponyl riders lo tha act ana tney give an ex hibition of novel riding on wheela which takea tha house by storm, , ; , , Ixnl Jomea Sale Tomorrow. The favorite and famoua American actor, lla Jamea, assisted by Aphie James and a aplendtd company, will prment Shakeapeare'a play, "Henry VIII." at tha Bunjjalow theatre, next Sunday and Tuesday, nights, February 6-i; "The Merchant of Venice" Monday and Wednesday nlghtn, February 7-t. SHEPARD WILL GIVE ' LECTURE ON APPLES E, H. 8hepard of Hood River, who waa to hava spoken at tha meeting of tha Portland Applegrowera association two weeks ago, but was unable to be present . will deliver the address next Saturday night In the auditorium of the Young Men's Christian Association. Mr. Shepard'a subject will be ."Tha . Apple From Packinghouse to Market." , . It la believed that thla will be one of the moat Interesting and valuable lee turea that. haa boen given befora the Applegrowera' association, as) Mr. Shep ard lias spent many years In the study, of fruit culture,. Ha la editor of "Better Fruit" and la secretary of the Fruit growera' union of. Hood River, lie htm also taken a prominent part In other orchardists' organisations in tnia state. After Mr. Shepard'a. lecture, alldea, ahowlna- acenea in the orchard Of I. A. Maann of Hood IUver. will be thrown on a acreen. Mr. Maaon gave a very in terHtlng dlacourae beforo the Apple- lation mat eaturauy mgnt growers' assoclt D.H. STROWBRIDGEBUYS BUS1NESSH0USESITE D.' II, Strowbrldge, of tha Btrow bridge Hardware company,' closed a deal yesterday with Mall & Von Boretel for the purchase of a buslnesa house alte, with a frontage of 66 feet on Grand avenue and 0 feet on Eaat Washing ton atreet. The property, la In tha 1910. shape of an and flanks the south and the renr of the Kaat tside bank building. A. W. Ocobotk was the former owner of the property, and the Taylor Fur niture company occuplea- the premlaes on'a short time lease. The considera tion involved in the deal waa 2S,000. Mr. Strowbrldge announce that he will erect a modern, three atory brick build ing on the property, beginning lta con struction In tha early summer , MAYVILLE BUILDING V DESTROYED BY FIRE . (BpeeUl Dtapeteb to Tb Journal. Mayvllle, Or., Feb. 8. Fire . which broke ofit here at 7:19 Wednesday morn ing . destroyed -the building 'In which wpr -nil . . , ....a w. K. Uodge a luu iii M Thoinaa Kdelman's loan la . Mhnat. d 6 009 and DooKo "' "" ; hold goods, hla Iobs being l....,t V There was 1100 Insurai.r.e on the tui In. ' ' ' rn 1 . f Ten Years In Portland and the Largest Practice In the Pacific Northwest ViWWMVl'i 'itia. j II ' !J4A..;i.l mni; I TlieXarbcst and Best Equipped Ootlcal Institution in Oregon PLUMP FOLKS ANDTIIi'irOl Samose Will Make People I "Money Back i If It Fail Say Portland Druggist- The line of beauty Is y men may ba thin and grs4 thin .and beautiful. lhe number of pnle. thin, sc . who are all bralna and nprv'',. out the -strength and hcolth companlea tha etandard weiMi flesh and rerfect health go to, true flesh-forming food Uke h. absolutely necessary to many . No one can use this womb-; forming, food for 10 days wit tlceable gain In flesh and V Carefully kept aUtlstlca show of every hundred people who b, use of Samose. 91 per cent Inoi weight and their, health and k are restored. ' ' Portland druggists have so mf fldehce in thla remarkable fh tng food and health restorer re willing and glnd to alio J tomer to deponit 60C with ihei home a box of Samose with t standing that If It doea no marked Increaae, In good, firm f money will, be - returned wlth.f questions.. . ; f ' nf Tha Journal Cai Samose from tVoodard. Clarke ,8fcnt poatpaiq on receipt -"i y 17TTT T T TMTrc TRTTR KNEE .CAI ATHLETIC SUPPORTERS FOOT-ARCH SUPPORTS' HEEL CUSHIONS ANKLE BRACE , , . -. - , t ..aaaaaaiiaaasjBjajBjBBmi a a , s" " s aaWsTa-Ma-ajsMsMataW - - . T...,.--- ,- - to&ma- Pre - Inventory Saleterits 50c bottle Liqtioctde for.'.36f $1.00 bottle liquocide, fo"r..75 $1 bot. Hood's Sarsaparilla.T5e) $1.00 Ayer'i Sarsaparilll at..7K $1.00 Wine Cardtri, at.;;;.75 $2.00 Success Alterans...f 1.6 $1.00 Listerine, . Friday at . .67 35c Castoria, during sale.. .204 50c Syrup of Figs;; sale ati32 $1.00 Bromo Seltzer, at..; 75 25t Mennen's Talcum Pdr...l5 25c . Colgate's Talc' Pdt,. .15 $1 Cooper's," Sarsaparilla., ,75 Reg. 25c Woodlark Tooth ' Paste, on sale at 3 for...25 Reg.' 25c Woodlark Tooth " - Soap, on sale at 4 for...25e 25c Brono Quinine, specT,.19 25c Carter's Lit. Liv. Pills..l5 25c Pierce's Pills, sale at.. 15 Regular $3,7S" Malted Milk. hospital size, sale at..?3.18 $1.00 Warner's Safe ' Kid- ney Cure, on sale, bottle. 75 50c Warper's S. Kid. Curel36e Pre - Inventory Sale Hair Goods $6.00 Curis, Puffs,' choice.Jl.OO $1.00 Rats and. Rolls, ch'ce.25 $2.00 Barettes, special, ea..25 Imported Novelties - Combs, Bands and Barfettes, special for this sale ONE HALF PRICE Pre - Inventory Sale Kubber 15c- Rubber Sponge t) 25c Rubber Complex. 'Br.. 13 75c Rubber Gloves, at.,,.'.33e $1.15 No 2 Fountain Syr-' " . inge, white rubber.'at. ... ,08 $2.00 No.' 4 Fountain' Syr V inge, maroon rubber. , .f 1 .68 $1,50 ' No, 2 Water Bottle, --. of - white rubber, at.. . .08! $2.50 No, 3 Water Bottle,' - " f of fed ttibber, on silcl-OS $1.75 No.' 4" Water Bottle, of red rubber, on sale..?lx2C, $1.50 - No. 2 Combination ' ' Water Bot. and Syringe.. S3f $1 ,75 No. 2 Combination '. ' 4, Water :. Bottle-Syringe..?l.-4S $2.15 Comb. Water Bot, and V Syr., No. 3, red rubberl.jpi.C Rubber Toys on? sale a PRICE ,, . . , . , - r ; -- - i ' ( Greatest Savings of Season Large Line of Fine Trunks rriday on Sale Quarter Of f $1000 INSURANCE POLICY ' FREE WITH EVERY $5.00 OR , ' OVER LEAfHERtGOODS PURCHASE .v w SUITCASES Pre .- Inventory Sale ' $12.00 - heavyr cowhide -leather, ' 24 inch .Suitcase, French edge, double action lock; heavy bolts,' riveted frame, to be JQ Oft - sold w at 1 low price of QU.W ' $8,003 cowhide'! Suitcase,' 24 inch. with heavy lock and straps all a r o u n d, re-inforced CJII Aft corners: sale price tpVeVV ttnnn rl- leather Suitcase. with heavy lock, double straps, riveted throughout; on sale at (f'J Cf' this 1 low - price, ; rtch Pl.tJU $8.85 heavy leather Suitcase, 24 inch, , with shirtfold, heavy. locks and straps; dur ing this trreat sale $6.61 HANDBAGS $8.00 ' Handbag, leather ; lined; 16 inch, with riveted d Art frame. at only, each e?U.UU $15.00 ' H a n d b a g, of French dressed calf, hand stitched, firm reinforced c o on sale now $10.25 Ladies Traveling Bags, in calfskin, grained, 16 in.', $7 Q now selling at,- only il eUV A large "showing of Handbags and Suitcases, ranging in value. from $2.00 to $50.00 1 A, Off each, on sale at.' ea. Hp V1 at, only $11.25 ' ' 1,'"" " , ' , j " v v y fine Pictures, Values From $3.50 to $5.00 lLach. $2.89 i - - ' . ' Great special sale Friday and Saturday of 100 fine pastel Paint- ' ings, each an original .hand done picture in .colors, in gold and . " antique frames, 3 inches in width, with hand laid corners and ' gold leaf, burnishes,5 mostly, desirable panel, shapes, sizes to 30 '; inches length and 6 to 12 inches width, both oblong and upright. ; - Subjects include Fruit, Landscape, .Woodland and 1 Pastoral ' scenes. Staple $3.50 to $5.00 values, for two days jy QA ; only, at..: tDaC.0a7 Another Sale of Fine Etchings, Water colors, Fruits, Heads and assorted odds and ends ; regular values $1.50 to' $5.00, to QO clean up at the low price of, each . . ,;.iu . .'. . . . . OC Odds and Ends of immense Picture Stock, hundreds to choose 1 from, put on sale in two lots : ; " . , Regular values to $1.50 on sale each;'. .,',.... ,.4 49,, Regular values to '75c ori sale, each..,.:..;.;. 25 Vals. to $6, Art China, $i:98 Art China,' Vases, Candlesticks,' Jardinieres, Rose Bowls, Card,' ' Trays, Tobacco Jars, Steins, etc., in best - foreign 1 , AO . makes and designs, values up to $6.00, Friday . , i . . Ola 30 Art China and Bronzes, Candlesticks, Vases, Figures, Orna v ments, Rose Jars, Fern Dishes, Jardinieres, in' Amphora, Stell- macker, Teplitz," Rozane and many- other makes t( : values up to $10.00, Special Friday . 1 : . . PaC.Ua7 Brasses and Bronzes of every kind, all shapes, sies, styles and designs, hundreds of pieces included ; values from a few cents : , to $12.00 , , , . . .AT ONE-FOURTH OFF Hundreds of pieces of artistic Cut Glass are offered for sale -tomorrow at one third Jess than the regular marked selling - price. It's- unusual to see Cut Glass marked at" less than one- r' fourth off, but circumstances make it imperative that w?i re-v duce stock rapidly before our annual inventory and also" to en,-1 able us t6 house the large shipments of goods due to arrive ' shortly from the East v Your cfioice of hundreds of pieces to- morrow, Frklay : , .. QNE-THIRD OFF" 3Z r ooua rnos., r. ... . 15c Borax, pound, this sllei.O'j 10& Copperas,. pkg :..t. Jf,r v 50c Cream Tartar, lb., at.38 5c 'Sulphur, pkg. now at.l...3 8c Chloride Lime, can, atri- .S 35c Sugar Milk, Woodlark-..20 20c Wood Alcohol, pintA.l- 15c Cotton Seed Oil, bottfrr.lK 15c Witch Haiel, -btTe", at..8f '.:' - -- ..,,' t ..' t Pre Inventory Sale Toilet Arties- 25c Sachet Envelopes, on! v- j 25c Woodbury's Fac'i Pdr.. 50c La Blache Face Pdr.., 50c Charles' Flesh Food.4 , .3'W. 50o; Wisdom's Robertine....33 75c Lilac Vegetal, at 5 SOc 02. Triple Extract , t rose,. violet, etc.; sale at.30 $1.00 or. Triple Extract 3 , V rose; 'violet, etc., sale at. 50 $1.00 Pompeiian Cream at..76 $1.00 Ingram's Milk Weed -,., Cream at low, price of.. .76 Pre - Inventory Sale Statibn'ry " ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ' . ' 75cPostcarJ Albums, at.. 37 25c Box- Stationery, at 1,7 35c Woodlark Linen,- at... 10 10c Linen i Envel. tor match. .7 25c Linen Tablets at. ,,..12 $1 English Playing "Cards.. 47 75c Linette Playing Cards.. 42 $9.00 Brass Desk Sets.;. .$6.75 $12.00 Brass Desk Sets.; $9.00 $4.50 Brass Book Racks.. f312 4.00 Brass Book "Racks.. $3j00 100 Calling Cards, printed. ;25tf 100,000 Valentine Postc'ds.i Wines and fine Liquors "35c Hoffs Malt Extract. .. 27 SOc Angelica, Muscatel, Ma- i deira, -Tokay, Catawba,' - J Cliret ZinfandeL Ries- jf ..ling. Burgundy " and-Sau-11 terne, for , 31 75c pts. Am. Champagne.. 48 75c Prefer'd S,tock Whisky.48 $1 Atherton Bourbon at..,. 83 $f Guckenheimer Rye at..83$ $1 Virginia Dare, sale at.69 $l.Port or Sherry, sale .at.'.tSrf, $125 Dewar's Special, at.? 1.05 $1.25 Gin, during fhis sale.,70 y TH IRD : AN D MORRISON "a- w&m?fem f '1