The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 03, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    n:z or:::co;i daily. jouh::au ronTLAiip. Thursday evening, February 3, 1010.
-Kowd "Lace Front" Corseto-FltiinQQ at E-Iomo 11
:-....a -nil nibval Worcesto CGrcc:c-Howd "Lace Front- corGCio- minc ui uu
Journal Pattcriig"ciiarUGOsLlncgig""ivicroac- unacrwcufuumm
- tictvv1 TFT)
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Fc-bruarv business is starting off like a house afireThe combined merchandising events, the "Rummage Sale' the "Inventory Sale' the
ririw gau " thft "Friv Economy Davs." have certainly stirred up things, the selling being the most active the store has ever expert
1 i . " . ' 1 '. 1 :ii u.:MM Um Viam 4-Vir'o tin nnetinn nKnn
r., ; this season of the vcar-If the offering of standard merchandise at low prices will bring you here, then there s no question about
' : : . 11 a i i - u l4-tn Vxrrtr Aavt wrw xxrlr vrv month
U maintaining its suprema'cy in the local field-And, remember, there's going to be no let-up-Every day, every week, every month
" 1 ' ' " . 1 . . . 1 . 1 t ... e .i- - a. 1; .ixJ ,.mi- AnrJn cr tVi wmatmncf fW months TtlSt
n.w f.atnrM. new attractions-WcVe going to make a beehive of the present limited quarters during the remaining few months - Just
new ICaiUIca, new atuav.uuiu fc,w" t . TT 7
u...: nnif;m t, nnartgrs that will be ready for occupancy July 1 next, when we expect to provide our customers
with a shopping place superior in every way to any in .the city-Watch for the opening of the new Greater Olds, Wortman & King Store
TK .W ' '
Great "Rummage Sale" of Women's ' Muslin Underwear
Great "Rummage Sale" of Choice Line Women's Suits
Great "Rummage Sale" of Our Superb Line Chinawarc
? Great "Rummage Sale" of Warm Quilts and Blankets
Great "Rummage Sale" of Our Good Rugs and Portieres
Great "Rummage Sale" of Tine Dress Goods and Silks
Great "Rummage Sale" of New Linens and Domestics s
Great "Rummage Sale" of Shoes. Slippers and Hosiery '
11 4-
' :MfA
... ...... -i -,''.;
Friday-Economy Day we will display in the Domestic Aisle ytrai w p. . .m
light grounds, til new pitterns, ia dots figure, and stripes. W ould youeast your
eyca on this most beautiful collection? It will make you feel like the Summer nfi
days were here. Now is the time to be making tip these goods; special price, yard v
Li Apron Ginghams, .a Dig stocic, dui iney ,i n , 'r.Vf. "u'J n
' U ing will be brisk; all sires, blue and white checks, the most desirable color for
, V laundry. - Placed on sale for the great economy-special at only, the yard yv
L'adiep?' G2 Kiilt Underwear 98c
1 ?:f'"f:kK great final
t - "r .wear . t, urpris:
1 ' :'Vi- W''V; anneals to
j; Mr
. I' 1.1
Of t Jf
t ' ; ' ,
''IfIu'o S li o e o
Vcrn PtnerrA Gloria $3.50
Vj'j., ihoes,1 patents kid) and ;calf, Vhand
' ' i turn 'and extension eoles; 1700 pairs
- 1 1 f Val Duttenhofer & Sons $3.50 and
clearance of UcUeVrnedium wdglit under-
dMriv low oricea. Tbta economy offering
f' . - 1 l .It -MM..CnmM DnT .' fMT j fit
the many great bargain ere here mentioned; 411 bargairia.
wn wnot and cotton' tltrhtu In " cream 1 and OO A'
natural, all eitea; regular $1-50 valuee are offered at Ouy
Alao eUk tight Increarii pink.and 7ky, a full range
Uf ikes; our regular $3.00 valuea, apecial for j?"l ,40
?our great Economy Sale at -this low price, each VXSU
The greatest values of all are merceriaed lisle Vests and
Tights in pink, cream and sky blue, extra good values at
" fl.75 and f 2.00;. also a line of- women's ; wojpl and
eotton "Vests and Pants, nicely finished, guaranteed un-
fth linkable : . a tuu . range ox sues; vaiues u ui
entire assortment of undergarments, values from $1.65,
$US .to . . is otierea, aespue ino.iBwp u
vance in the - market, at, special, the garment
Women's S8.GO Fancy Watats 02.9;
Tomorrow only, "Economy Day,' the big second floor Garment Store will offer ISO
new Spring Waists in chiffons, nets and silks, chiffon over China silk, chiffon over
net, plain nets and colored silk Waists. A very notable gathering of new matchless
styles altogether in keeping with the general downward trend of prices. fl0 QK
Our regular stock values to $3.50, for an extra trade stimulant Friday at
A special effort to secure unusual values for
our patrons has resulted in our getting quite
an array of smart styles in Spring Suits'
The accompanying cut does not do justice
to the splendid styles, as : they have both
short and medium length coats with pleated
skirts There are two hundred suits in the
$4.iX grades;. 1200 pairs of La Bonte
$150 button and lace, kid and ciotn
.tops; 800 pairs of D. Armstrong's $4
Shoes, . tan and black; 1100 odds and
ends' in mostly $4.00 and $5.00 grades,
and H rejected or. uncalled for'.' special-
orders in apecial designs; values
im to $10. Enough shoe's ta stock a
' large stdre; values $3.50 C9 IQ
Vp $10.00, special price, pair
t 5 G,6o Shoeo
Now at
Shlnola 5c
Sale Eir&Fottiery
Remnants at Half
Greatest Economy Day clearing of remnants.
A thorough going over the stocks has resulted
in bringing put thousands of short lengths in
embroidery edges, headings, insertions, medal
lions, flouncings, corset covers; all quali
ties and patterns, cuttings from our best sell
ing numbers, at less than. .... .HALF PRICE
Sale of Ribbons
Ren. 0 1.25 Values 70c
Refl. C2.QO Values Q8c
Gl.GO Gloves 48c
V j hf ,ig misses
j "'"" aites" wh(
Shoes, styles for young
Y4yled with low heels and suitable
i . i: bes: materials-are patents, kid and
'''An iV 'unmetal calf ' leathers,' f blucher or
J1 5'(lace,:styles for' streets dress'' wear;
M "Wj'for quick selling; values CJO (fT
.: hlH up to $5.00, special, the pairPuW
' . it tflr .Shinnla Shoe Polish.' soecial.-B
25c Eagle Cream, tan or.brown..f
-A I
.umm Here a . economy t o r
T7 prndent - people, i One
A I M Iwy' needs gloves
and ribbons: tancy rib
bons ; in plaids, dres.
dens.' Persians and vel-
1 1 vets and in- gilt novel
K ties; $1.25 val-
"if - - ues .for,..78
$2 values 98
Vfor n..fl.48
Ladies' French
kid Gloves, in
w ors; sizes 5, 5?4; 6 and 654
only; small siies seiectea
from all lines. Look at your
hanA if if fnnkn small don't
fait trt rome Fridav and par
ticipate in this offering of glove values AQp
to $1.50 a pair1, special sale price, pair "xw
a7 Af:
1? it sZrr- .js
- VX.l
.. r,
Men's S1.25 Golf Slilrto 55c Ea
lotMaterials are striped panamas, serges,
basket weaves, worsteds, etc. All this sea
son's wanted colors in the newest materials
These suits will appeal to prudent women
who want stylish garments at a veryjybd-,
erate price Don't fail to see & '') A C
the first nw stylesr-at only &LLQO ,
Salle off ;IHtaBF(GoodI
g75Swltch at g25 g7 Switch at S3,5Q
The way the ladies of Portland are taking advantage of this opportunity to secure the
highest grade Hair Goods is proof positive that they have found the best place to buy
reliable goods at the lowest possible pricel, consistent with the quality. Three-fourths
or this large stock is the finest French natural wavy and convent cut straight hair.
These are now selling at less than half the regular prices. ' Take advantage of saje.
Finest French natural wavy ray switch, 30 inches long:; $75,P0 value, for,.?25.00
Transformations to go all aronnd the head, French natural wavy,-special at, .l2.fcO
$35.00 sanitary Wigs for f 15,00 Gray Pompadours for f 15.00; . worth double.
GERMAN GOODS A new line, less expensive, but natural wavy, ree'd by express.
30. to 32-inch full three-ounce German wavy Switch, $18.00 values, for only.. fO.OO
26 to 28-inch full 2j4-owice German wavy Switch, $15.00 values, for only.. $7.50
21-inch German wavy Switch, our special $7.00 value, for this sale at only. .93.50
g4gQ OEariEcetB at
glOlOO JSlaoketB 0700
Greatest rummage' clearings of
high-grade Blankets. Good O.
W. K. values, made of the finest
1 vbol that can be grown on the
acks of American sheep. They
A great economy clearing of men's Golf 'Shirt's; 3000 right p: to thefminute patterns
to choose from. . Dark madras and chamferay clpths, afsc light percajes. in black and
colored printed figures, plain or pleated bosoms, cuffs attached or detached. KCp
Air taken from our regular stock; values to $1.25, special Economy Sale price, titfi
" . . ' . '. v ' -' . ' ' -'
fl.'SO IPettlcbsito att Gl.QG
Rep S695 Pettlcbato:
On Sale at Each
The most beautiful and dainty lot of undermusllns It has ever
een our pleasure to show t this season of the .'year Is now
offered at greatest saving prices for Economy day. Women's 1
Petticoats, with 5 rows, f torchon inserting and edge to
match; dust ruffle and under flounce; our regular l"l QO
values-up to $3.50, special Economy Day price, ea.P y
Also two styles in ladies' cambric Petticoats, 16-inch flounce
of Drettilv patterned embroidery and insertions 2 inches wide
one with hemstitched edge,' the other; with scallops:, both, in
m AHM inil fvelct desiraa. under flounce and dust ruffle.
v.t y m - i V 'A
All our regular stock values up Jo $6.95 each, extra IM QO ' i
special rummage price for Economy. Day, choice VeU , . -
Economy Sale
...... . ." A " .
Engraved dohem la n
Class Half Price
G3.QO Auto Vcilct ffoi Each
s di.OO Fancy Neckwear 46c Ea
51.50 Valenclennco Lace at 69c
' . I, H I ' ' . .T
. . :.. .t,;r(nn ir.M- O l OlZ ,urA Innir in n1a!n mnA fanrv dotted t d"t . AO
: . lit Lr-tm .11 h 1iarf1n aiia romilar valuea tA $3 no. snecial economy pricevA0
7 f.'uadies Neckwear, including jabots, fancy collars," stocks, Ventse lace Dutch
an-f ' hilars, etc.; a splendid assortment to choose from; values up, to $1.00, sale price .yv
ha .1 ( 7.I...I"..... T . in hmA inxrtisna mitfn nn fiv TX' inpi r Wautiful ifm.
'( ;aIenciennesxUces 'hi edges and insertions, widths up 'tO'l'inchesr beautiful JQp
;ti assortment of patttrns,' and. great values at $1.50 dozen, special sale price,, daz.,V
Bohemian Glass at half price. Ruby engraved
and gold decorated. Economy Sale prices:
85c ruby engraved handle Olive Dish at 43
75c ruby engraved Almond Dish, special 38
$1.35 ruby engraved Comport, special at 68
$1.50 ruby engraved Jelly Dish, special at 75
$1 JSr three-cornere(frhandleJelly Dish at 68
$3.90 engraved footed Nut Bowl, only $1.95
$4.00 ruby engraved Vase, on sale for f.ou
$4.50 ruby engraved Bowl, special only f
Odd lines in White China tor decorating at
great reductions; 45c articles, special for 25f
$4.50 articles on sale for only $3.00 etc., etc.
Odd Cut Glass lor Hall
Cut Glass Vases Special
In the Cut Glass room.
third floor, will be found
many surprising values in
Cut Glass. One special
table contains hundreds
of odd pieces, which are
on sale at a great saving
The following list of prices , shows opportuni
ties for great saving on cut glass Vases for
Economy Days selling. ( Alt are Bargains t
$3.00 values, at fl.65$ 5.00 values; at f3.T5
$3.25 values, at 1.90$ 7,00 values, at f3.8S
M OO values, at 82.20 $10.50 values, at $5.80
$4.50 values, at f 2.75 -$11.00 values, at f 0.05
$15.00 cut glass Vase, special prices. ..$8.80
75c Values 59c
Economy offering of a lot of large
gingham Aprons, made with double
bib, two pockets, deep hem aad wide
strings. They are styled to please,
the most particular matron' regular
dressmaker-made ani of the. .best
quality emosktag gingham; our reg
ular stock, 75c values; Econ- CQp
omy Sale price at only, each tlwC
Also a line of white lawn Aprons and
Mother, Hubbard gingham Aprons ;
several styles grouped in one QQ.
lot for Economy Day, at, each OO C
, J .! h. '''-tjf '- - ' 'v ii- v:v s f '"
Men's - Worn en's
G1.75 ValJ3. G1.17
A 'great Economy Sale of men's and
women's lisle taffeta rainproof serge
Umbrellas, with extra good frame,
strong and reliable, fitted with neat,
serviceable handles, in a broad range
of patterns and, shapes; our regular
values to $1.75 each, special M " rr
Economy Sale price, eachVXXI
Floss LMattrcr3f3Cf3
A big' full 30-pound Mattress, filled
with best quality pure silk floss; made
with roll edge, covered with best qual
Itv rt tiplcinc: one of our best selling
numbers;; regular stock $14 QQ ftfl
arc soft and fluffy, full of life.
Silver gray wool Blankets, only
24 nairo in this lot. , Our reeti-
lar $4.50 values," spe- CO )R
i rial . Efrytinni nriea. . the oair
$.w values in tigni 8 FUIC 1 1
wool Blankets, Economy price Vtl.tM
$10.00'fihe white wool Blankets, pr. f T.50
$3.50 fine white wool Blankets, pair f6.25
$13.50 fine white wool Blankets, pr, f 9.T5
$5.00 sanitary gray 'wool Blankets, $3.95
$6.00 Vicuna brown Blankets, pair f 4.75
$6.50 pure wool Blankets, extra QK
full sire, pink or" brown colors Prtl
$8.00 Australian plaid1 blankets, pr. f5.95
$10,00 fancy colored Blankets, pair $T.OO
Mtsses, Sl2g Gowns 59c SacI:
ClilldrenoSgc Otttinf? BIcipfQ le
Misses' outing flannel Gowns, for young ladies 10, 12 and 14 years of aire; made ff ,
of good quality outing-flannel, neat, desirable, patterns; values to. $1.25, special
Women's Heatherbtoom retticoats, slightly wrinkled from htving been " ' : ? -
many styles, all excellent values from $l"'50-up to $6.00--ofiered at HAL i . .
Children's outing flannel Skirts, indispensable the? e days f6r sihool aM e vy. 1 r ,
aay wear; gooa quanry ana au spienaia panerusi rFguwrw"
x - U