The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 03, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Norwegian Tramp Will Load
G cncral Cargo at : Belgian
;(Port for Portland Direct for
: ParroU&Co. ': . ..
. Comlnir direct td Portland with Urje
carpo of general merchandise, the Nor
wegian steamer Ilerm, 251(1. tons net. Is
now loading st Antwerp and wtlj be
ready to salt for the Rose City about
March 1..' She la coming- for Farrott A
Co.. manufacturers'. Slants here, an aha
'is said to he the first steamer ever eom-
Any; Woman "CciV
Have Beautiful Hair
(From French Beauty Monthly.) '
"No womsn should use. water upon her
hair oftened than once tn two months,
Far M. Fouraler, the noted French sel
rntlst. "Pry powder only should he
used. Moisture causes 'the hair to lose
Its color and In time become thin. ,'.
"Anv woman desiring abundant, lus
trous "hair should use" a dry shampdo
every, two. or three , days, Mix four
ounces of powdered orris root with four
ounces of thero. .Sprinkle about a U-,
M.Kpoonful of this mixture ' upon the
li-ad: then brush the powder thorough
K thr6uRh the hair. This will keep It
light and fluffy, and beautifully lus
trous. Job will soon see-new hale start
ing to (tTOW." Th's treatment Is, the only
thirift that I airf'-aurje" Will produce a
growth of hair..-' , .' !. . .
"While plain orrlsroot Is used "as a
ilry shampoo by many women, still, no
such results can be obtained as by uslng
the formula 1 have given." 1
lng direct to this rort from Antwerp.
Heretofore cargoes coming direct from
the Belgian port have been Bent out on
windjammers, buk Richard Adams, roan
a for of Farrott Co.. said yesterday
that this was but the flrBt of a number
of steamers which will be chartered for
the same purpose during- the year. He
said that , they expect to have about
three steamers to carry their cargoes
during- the coming year. The chartering
of a steamer to carry an entire cargo Is
a new departure on the part of the com
pany. The HernV which 1 a Urge car
rierwill take on about, 8500 tons of
general trelgbt at Antwerp, and wilt he
due to arrive In Portland about April !0.
' Another steamer wun canra ior wi
land from Antwerp Is the German
steamer Augustus. She sailed from the
Belgian port January U. coming by
way of -8an Pedro and San Francisco,
and should be here early- tn April. She
Is under charter to Henry Lund & Co.
of San Francisco, and the Portland
agents are Taylor, Toung & Co. She Is
a vessel, of $02$ tons net Wl Is bring
ing a full cargo to this coast. Loading
for the same company at Antwerp Is the
German ship Claus, which also has cargo
for Portland, '.
,-' '.."' 1 '.''' :l . y. ' '.
Four fiallorg oii lench Bark Emille
U Slrgfrletl- Lost Overboard.
.Having lost four , of her ... crew by
drowning, the French bark Emllle Sieg
fried. Captain Polles. arrived at Dublin
February I. according to a report re
ceived of the Merchants' Exchange, She
i. rrmt nt tha wind lammers with
grain from Portland to reach port.
The Emille Siegfried sailed from this
port for the United Kingdom, September
2T "with a cargo of 132.000 bushels of
wheat, valued at 1127.000. She made
the passage In a little more than four
months, wbleh Is considered about, or
dinsry time, but It is thought, that she
must have encountered some very rough
westher for possibly a week, as four of
her? oreware reported being drowned
Junuarv SO. ."Her cargo was dispatched
by Balfour, Guthrie & Co. ' ;
Anchors Down Hirer While Stephan
, otls Goes T7irougn. linages. ,
tn aw nt the Ocklahama and the M.
v TTndrrsnn the British steamer Steph-
anotls went down through the bridges to
h tm fin coal bunkers this morning.
She will take on enough coal to get her
to 8eattle, where nerDumcers win pe
filled for the remainder of, the voyage
across the Faelfln, She hS 2.700.894
feet of lumber for Shanghai and way,
valued at $38,886. "nl being dis
patched by the Pacific Export Lumber
as' It was so securely lashed to the
The Alllanre' arrived this morning
from Coos Bny With passengers and
general freight The captain reports
impaji y. , i mnA un ihi riuit and that
v,.rk p.i.n whinh has finished pel last f ,
' , vt... ,-i4ia The Captain farsons preouus a btjoq j"r
for her voyage to New WwiU. .Tl DUne to th; Coos Bay country
Ocklahama, which was, on hor way IP thrtsln la besinnlna to
show a great deal of aotlvity. He says
that the North Bend Manufacturing
company has Increased Its plant about I
per cent and will be ready to resume
operations Monday. ; . , , ; :
the river with the French bark Bossuet,
ViaA a lv the latter at anchor at the
month of , the Willamette river, while
li mmm un tn hen move the StODhan
otls. After taking the Belen down to
the stream below the brldg-es, tle u
i.himi r turned for the Bossuet. which
wlU be due to arrive, at Columbia dock
No. 1 late this afternoon. She has gen
eral cargo for Meyer, Wilson A Co.
British Ship Glonalvon Will Take
Lumber to Ge?lon and Fynney,'
It Is expected tha trie British ship
rtlnrinlvnn. f'nntain Fans.: will finish
her cargo of lumber at the Portland
Lumber ootnpanrs mills this arternoon,
and will probably be brought down
thrniivh th hrtiiroa tnmnrrn mornlnS.
She will carry about 1,850,000. feet of
lumber Tor oeeiong ana Byoney. , r
cargo is being sent out by the American
Trading' company; "... 1 . , V J
' r,. - . ' i
Teoplo at Coos Bay Be Object Tied
; to Spar of Wrecked Ozarlna. '
, Captain Parsons of the steamer Alli
ance says there Is a package lashed to
the mast of the wrecked steamer Csar
lna and although It can be plainly Seen
from the shore, "its contents can only
be guessed at As soon as possible,
however, . the llfesaving ,orew at Coos
Bay will go out and bring the packsge
In. It is evidently something of value
.ii i I
An Engineer's Recovery.
Mr. E. A. Kelley, Belvldere, 111.,
writes us:' "I am an ex-engineer with
22 years active service to my credit
About three years ago my kidneys were
affected .sa.that I had -to give up my
engine. First I; was troubled with se
vere, aching pain over the hlpa Then
followed Inflammation of the bladder,
and apecks appeared before my' eyes.
A sample pt Foley's Kidney Pills that
I tried, so benefited me that I bought
mora I continued to take them until
now I can safely testiry uiey nave
made me a sound and well man. bxia-
more Drug Co., 181 rd St . ' k
The Sale That Has Captured the Town, the
' Of the Combined Stocks of the Three Stores of the
Migd Hal Stores ; Co.
All Former Selling Records Broken in This Terrific Price
r ; ." : . Sacrifice of . ; ;
n ri
Hfvww ltm rrom th Ortf onUa ox
. . ,
XJaMlltles Tar la Xcesa of Estimate
TUced on-Stock and rixtares
of Thrse Storss la City.
Through bankruptcy prQceedlngs.- be-m
run yesterday morning-In the United ,.
States court L. A. Bertillion has .sur
rendered control of the business of tn
United Hat Stores, company of Port-;
land. A receiver was appointed by
Judge Wolverton upon the petition of
E. A. Mallory & Sons, Rosenthal Cloth
lng company, Rosenthal. Slegel & Co.."..
and the .0. C. Hansen Manufacturing -companv,
representing $4341.94 of the
total indebtedness. ' 14 ' TI .
Stock an fixtures of the United Hat .
Stores company are estimated to in
voice about $14,000. while the listed in
debtedness of the company aggregates
123.385.19, Eighty creditors are repre
sented in the list of firms to which the
United Hat concern Is Indebted, 48 c-f
them being Portland concerns, and It is
set out that the Indebtedness enumer
ated covers bills for advertising, lights,
rents and merchandise. . '
The largest unsecured Creditor named
In the bankruptcy proceedings is the
Mulvehill Hat company of Spokane, to
whom the sum of 14638.60 Is due. The
largest Portland creditor of the com
pany Is Burgan-Sprlnger Hat Co., who
nave iurnisnea ib- vmimj mi
' iwtnr Poh. i Ha!1r at t:io a. m.i
Fronoh barks Sully and Jean Bart for
Queenstowa - or Falmouth, for ordera
Sailed at s a. m.,' steamer j. a. eteison,
for Ban Francisco. Arrived down dur-
It. r h nlrht atMinep Breakwater. ) '
San Francisco, Feb. 8. Arrived at S
a m steamer Roanoke, from San Pedro,
and steamer Santa Clara, rrom roruaaa.
. Muroran, . Feb; I. Arrived. British
steamer Bannockburn, from Portland,
for -Shanghai.-- -
, Orava v Harbor. Feb. -. 1 Arrived.'
tiumar HnrnAtJ from Portland.
' "Astoria, Feb.. J. Arrived at .J and lert
up at 1:40 p. m, steamer Alliance, from
Conn Bav. . Sailed at 6:80 o. m steamer
Aaiinotnti. 'tar Ran ' ITraiielano.'' Arrival!
down at 11 p. m., steamer Faloon. j .
. . Han Franclsao. Feb. I. Balled at I D
Arrived at 11 p. m., steamer Tosemlte,
rrom Columbia river, ror jbsji jrearo.
Duhlln- Ph Arrival. Sranih ah in
1Tmt1a RUrfrlai4 from "Portland. . Fonr
nt iir.w jm dfAwn4 .t.nnnrY t ft ' , '
coos , Bay, Feb. . eaueo, steamer
Acme, wun aonooner Aiumnt in tow.
for Columbia river., ' !(' '. . i '
Astoria, ,Feb. l.Condltlon at the
mnnth tit iha rtvkr ii S. a , m amnoth!
wind Mit ii mllna! VMlhtr.. clear.
' Tides at Astoria rnaay itign water.
7'Ri a m 7 s rpar iD'ii n. tn . a.a tm.
ixw water, i:oi a. m., .z xeei; i:io p
m., x.t reet . ,. .v ' , ' .
panv with goods t to
$605.95. : .
the amount of
Hie United Sanhrupl
and CIotiilRg Stock
The Fourth and Fifth Days Greater Than the First OneCrowds
;"" - Are Bigger ' . .' 1 . ,
Excitement Now at lis Height !
Countless hundreds crowaing.tnesorewuw .
Bankrupt bale will go down in nistory as mc mwi Biuyenuuua a-.v "V" , . V 17
Pacific Coist. The entire Bankrupt stock of The United Portland's greatest chain of hat stores thrown on
the altar of sacrifice It's your greatest, biggest, best chance to save quarters do the work of dollars
now Buy' Buy!- At 8:30 tomorrow morning the sacrifice begins anew. Be here then; the earlier the
better, and avoid the afternoon throngs. Open till 10 o'clock Saturday night. - . f
110,000 Mcn'sOats-SOOO Men's Suits aaX-
. Throvn Like Chaff Betorc the Winds READ ON
Sale being personally conducted by the L. M. Duncan Co., merchandise brokers, and : secured by ' us
; , through United States Court. - . : 1 .'
Bargains so; great that this monster
--ft- --ft - - -- - '"-, """ -- -
Never such aa absolute sacrifice
before. Every shape, every color,
evory style, every else. Every
hat guaranteed to be worth $2.00
and $2.60. Join the crowds; be
here tomorrow. ' - . -
Ths lot conxists of 600 soft and
stiff Hats, which are regular 11.50
and $2.00 "values.. "J'o clean them
up quick, take your choice .at
50. All sizes. '
2000 HATS
Every- hat this season's make and
style. 'Every hat worth $3.00 and
$3.60.". AH shades of soft .and
derby styles, Including such well
known makes ' as . "Conqueror."
"Jtlulvey," "Chester," "Pay" and
LJon . Brand hats; also "Mallory
Roelof s" and Imperial hats. The
greatest gathering' of high grade
hats ever offered at this price.
The finest American and Imported
hats are embraced In this wonder
ful collection, and . Include , such
famous makes as Mallory Craven
ette Hats, Downs & Co. Imported
stiff Hats. "Borsallno" & Co. Im
ported soft HatsAlbertlnl A Co.
imported soft Hats; also a few
John , B. Stetsons In soft hats;
made In every conceivable new
etvle and shape 'In either soft or
stiff Hats. Every Hnt in this lot
worth $3.50,, $4 and $5.00. : v : ;
It Is the Buying Opportunity ol Years - Fine Clothing lor
V Less Than the Cloth Cost
It Heans $20 Men's Suits for $5
will buy best $15, $18 and $20 Suits,
Overcoats and Raincoats. Tour unlim
ited choice of hundreds of. styles and
patterns; an offer never , before
equaled in the mercantile history of
Portland. .. 1 J ; - ' - -
11 Means S25-S30 Men's Suits $10
You can buy men's finest $25.
to $30 Suits, all Fechhelmer,
Flshel&Co. (Eff Eff) Clothes.
Flelsher Bros., . Rochester Spe
cial and several other .makes
equally as good tsee the la
bels); the finest and best high,
art of these famous .makers,
To Dealers
tVe will be pleased to quote
prices "n; Isrse quantities of
liats. The larger Hie quantity
the. lower tttt. price, . as all
am. tls, unmf le sol' I" a short
li rue.. To out-of-town mer
chants we - will- pay railroad
fiii e. . .. . .
, Sale Only at arg Salesrooms of ;
, . United Bat Stores Co. -.
: 8ff IlfelSt
Between' Oak and Stark Bta, Opposite
u Chamber Commeroe and Sherlock Bldgs.
During the pastt $ days -we
have handled the .largest num
ber of people that ever attend
rd a - hnt sale . on - the coant
Our . ability to sell what we
advertise at. the prices adver
tised was a revelation to the
public. . -. , - .- i , ,- ;
. . ... - - .
(EireMesll pl:Va3mies (;
j ment regardless of former priws or thexost of the goods.: : There . f;
' i ' are many' patterns, but-all:5mallt8izcs334.35..-36.and )
-S . -, ... . ,.... ..J . , j . , . ..... ... I j I
for the last -three weeks, the. gasoline
cnooner usnKosn,, uspiam lamin, win
be due to arrive at Couch street dock
tonlaht for a cargo. . '
"Bringing a large shtpmeat of sugar
and canned goods, the steam schooner
Jim Tlntl rf tha Ptfharann fltaam
ship line, will he due to arrive at Couch
street dock tomorrow. Bne also naa
general merchandise for Oak street dock.
Pni nnrnl ranalra tha steamer I.ur-
llne was hauled out on the ways at the
Portland Shipbuilding company s yaras
Pnrrvlnar a lara-e list Of DSSSengers
. - M , M I t.
ana tne usual amouai oi general tnigui
the steamer Breaxwater aauea tasi nigni
for Coos Bay. . It was statea tnis nom-
Inr ! h. niiM maVn another trlD
up here before going to Ban Francisco
to go on. the drydoca. ,
rnmmanipp Fniicott. llrhfhouse " In
spector for the Thirteenth district,' re
turned this morning overland from an
Inspection trip to coos nay ano, sta
tions as far south as Cape Blanco, ,'
The lighthouse tender Columbine, Cap
tain Richardson, . delivered supplies to
th atatinn at - Cane Destruction yes
terday and Is now ; on her way up the
river. She will arrive this evening, .
In order to deliver the rest of her
coal1 to llghtvessel , No, 8$, the light
house tender Manxanlta went out this
morning ! '(' ' "--' .'
Carrying 'prunes; and general .freight
for New Tork, and riour ana sieet raus
for Honolulu, the steamer Falcon left
down the river for, San Francisco last
night Vj r"
The " steamer X T. Teal made .the1
round, trip to Tie Dalles but as . there
was a great deal of lpe still coming
down from Big Eddy, she did not go
that far. , She encountered some Ice be
low The Dalles. ' She will not go to
Big Eddy before Saturday, unless there
Is some urgent necessity, v . .
Captain Frank J. Smith, general agent
of the Open River' Transportation com
pany, will leave tomorrow for the .up
per river to Interview the merchants be
tween, here and Pasco. , ' .
. . . -;.1 ;'' ' , ' - .. - . ... i- f . - u..-,-' .. v.lnara Dm trt 'Arrive.
u.nrii, Ihurn nrlctit ......... .Feb. '-Bl
Rrenk water. Cons BaV. . ...... . .Feb. . 6
Roanoke, San Pedro. .......... .Feb.
Rose City, San Francisco.... .Feb. 7 1
Can, nsni Ban Ifranelaco.-t . ..Feb. ' S
llllatiK, Pnna Bav ........... .Feb. 9
vinm.ih ttan WanoUa. ...... Peb. '10
flea. W. Elder. San Pedro . . ; . . Feb. 1 3
Kansas City, San Francisco. . ; ..Feb. i
Begular tiners ne to Depart. . . ,
Vancua atv. Ran- Francisco. i . , . Feb. , 4 ' 1
Oeorgo W. Elder. San Pedro .... Feb. 6
Rnniulr ftnn Ppdro Feb. .K I
Breakwater, Coos Bay ........ .Feb. 9
T nUir - dnr TTvQ nplflPft . i- i . . . . H PR. 1 1 I
SanU Clara, San Francisco. ... .Feb. 121
Alliance, Coos Bay... .,.reu.
Manx ,.King, Br, ss, .... .Jefferson St.,,
Mabel Gale, Am. sch. . .Kalama i
Kelburn, Br. bk ...inman-ouifieii
Expansion, Am. sch..;.. E & W. Iibr. Co.
Falls of Orchv, Am. BS..E. & W. Lbr. Co.
Krnest Legouve, Fr. bk. . ..... .Stream
M. 8. Dollar, Br. ss. .unnton
Leyland Bros., Br. sh, . St Johns
Donna Francesco. Br. bk...... Astoria
Belen. Fr. bk. .Stream
Altair, Br.. hk." ....i i,.... Jefferson St
Poltalloch, Br. bk. .Victoria dolphins j
Berlin. Am. sch.......,.......Ooble i
Brabloch. Br.. bk i . . . .St. Johns
Glenalvon, Br. sh. t... Portland Lbr. Co.
iinir at,um tii. Vu : . ... , . . , , i Stream !
c t.TUk.i. a m ...h rinhla 1
Bessie Dollar, Br., ss. ......... .Linnton ,
En Ronta to Lotil Lnmliei,;,. J
Wellesley. Am. ss San Francisco ,
Churchill, Am. sch.. , . .Honolulu
uiymviv, aid, ss ..oari numutu
Casco .ii -. . . , -4.. .San f ranolsco I
Inca. Am. sen. ........ j. ban Francisco i
arhof f er ...... ... . .... San Francisco I
M. t. jaenaixeD, Am. sen. can rranuiacv
Saginaw, Am. 8. S. ...... San Francisco j
Rainier, Am,: ss. . ... . . , , .San Francisco
Carlos, Am. sa- ...,. San Francisco
Tamalpals, Am. es,.,,...San Francisco ,
VvKAatnv v A (r aaVi Con ITVo Strrt
A vl DkO a . sswaa-a t- Ult aniavaaw i
Yellowstone, Am. , ss . , . . . San Francisco
En Boats - with Cement aad - Oeaerai.
Crlllon. Fr. sh. . . . i Antwerp
La Perousa, Fr. bk , i . . . .... An twerp
Leon Blum. Fr. bk . . . . .San Francisco
Marechal Noallles. Fr. bk. ....Antwerp
WftvartrMfc ' Re . ah. i ...... Tjlvftrnnfil 1
Arctic Stream. Br. sh. ...,......Tyne
Orala Tonnage En Route in Ballast.
Amiral Cecilie. Fr. sh. .......Honolulu j.
Comliebank, Br. bk,......., Valparaiso
Ml fllior. 1T. DK. UUDlin i
Ptr. Tjltl Fr hlf. -2 - .i . . :., . .IlllMlf.
Rene, Fti. bk. ..,;......'.. San Francisco
Oil 'Camera' Tax Bouts. :
Atlas, ' Ani. ssi' .. ; Saiv Francisco
uatania. Am. ss. . . ... . , i . san : j? rancisco i
Asuncion... A.nXjjss San l-'ranelsoo I
- ' (Speclnl Ii patch to The loarnaL) i '
Bristol,' Wash., Feb. S.-Th total as
sessed ' valuation. ;of property listed on
tha 1f) tar roll In KHrkftnt niint U
48,061,711, on which for -state and county
purposes $151,673. Vi taxes; wllL beicol-
Meini9s ISego
fog? (My
?T'rtl . I I , I
: . - ll
, i . , . 'j--,.'. . 1 1 A , ' 1
Winy. Weai? 0 ;
Wto Siiilsi Arc Going at This Price
If yolirize"is Ke
than pleased with your bargain if you cahsecure a; fit. We oyer-, ? j .
" boueht in-small slzesi and must sacrifice profits ,to:cleaf,out.the : -
stock, especially odds and ends, un saie lnursuay, :f.riuty -vu;;.
- Saturday.
I , tfl 1111 till - - - , S jy sfls ."asav ; - 'i
I. t .1-11 ,f l-.ll iL n il' ivl- A Oii A AV
sr-v 1, ' IVJ IM' 11 lLliJ. . - I ft
!r&) Til A ir .nnv ivt A bIC. TftVfc. (?-,
2? DAL1 iy V1UKC: KIE
(i) ' FOP OVFR SO' YEARS 1 r - Qo?
. . . . M
hvur . . . n" :
r v
VJdCZjy ; 'Vn ' cirx ,cr crx. VfJ-J
yjtM ' i i - - . i i - r
m:a l J A J J A ) f-
''t: ---! is"
vr, valuation
Real estate Toll .4 $4,344,850
Town lots 660.275
Railroads -..,-..",.' J,3l,211
Rollins; stock ; . . . 4 21.496
Personal , property v;,-4 758,87
Am't Tax.
J 14,268.99
Hold at si 1 1Tt-cliM est e and br JrtbboTa. y
WM. LAMAUAN a SOtf, Baltimore, ad.
'. Totals ..'.v
. ... $ S,fl 6 7,71 1 . $ 1 ol ,6 1 3. 1 4