The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 02, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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rjr evening (ai-ept Sunday an
t,rf Sunday nMwnliif at 'Jla ourpi
rifih an Yamhill trta. rorimna.
... i - . - . . .. m I iwiUniL Of..- tVf
frm.mlMlun tb rough U nulla aa '"
I'm , . It iniviuitllv " - .
Mli.f, '
nil i-mivtii u.i. its? nilMK.
Ail raai-hrd thaae BOinbare.
n, oM.rt what aanartmant want.
It..,i.,i. a. I- . . . . llraniDlrt nallninv.
4.s nfth iou., Ntw' Vock). ioot-os
feuhicrlptltia Terms by
la the Uultad Btataa. Ca
mall a v any
Canada of
niit r .
Oae raar 13.00 1 One stoat. eo
. . . Ttunir.
Poe nxr ..12.50 I On fonth..;
Ona raar ...17.50 I Ona smuts... I
Arlse, O soul, ul gird the up '
. anew,
Though the blsok cameL Death,'
VA1 ak V.W aa tak
bejrtTHr thou that 'thon for
m t abWMalA aiaak
Pa tha proud captain still of thine
own fatal -
J.. B. Kenyon, "A Challenge."
HET serionsly say that on his
"back . from Elba" return .to
thU country, Teddy Roosevelt
mar run for congress, be elect-
ted, andbecome speakers It' Is too
"unlikely a program to be even a-pos
sibility. If. Mr. Roosevelt accepts a
j call to office, It' will be In more
exalted capacity. Ilia popularity
; throughout the country ,1s-too pro-
t nounced for him to accept . a - mere
two years' Job as congressman
( Tint. If the firkin 1ade of fortune
should defy the Improbable and land
Mr. Roosevelt la the speaker's chair,
j n-lin wnat a weaitn or, rare ana ra-
diant episodes might bis rough and
tumble tastes supply 'usl: Perhaps
i the speaker's platform would be hung
with the skins of Hons, tigers and
, giraffes amid a setting of the skele-
tons of elephants,'rhlnbs and hlppo-
-rotamL - For - a gavel, tne cnair
1 might affect the -thigh 'bone of ' a
'Hottentot properly embellished and
t engraved. When Mr. Sereno Payne,
In a moment of forgetfulness, should
chance to dispute with the speaker,
, it Is easy in fancy to behold the pre
siding officer descend from the plat
form, pass Mr. Payne a pair of box
ing gloves and force the floor leader
to a few rounds go. Of course, the
speaker would get the decision, and
then the house would proceed to
business. . If the rules committee
brought In a program distasteful to
rhim, the speaker would reach far
his double-barreled rhino rifle, order
the members of the offending com-
( mlttee Into Irons and command that
the galleriea be cleared.
. 'A message from the president,",
thundered on the orderly proceed-
I . . 4 1 111 M -.1t,. jw
s WgS 07 an unaitipuueu uuuei uu6i
might arouse the Ire of this speaker
,.who has been something of a ready
message writer himself, and lo; sup-
plying each - member of the . house
- with a 30-30 Winchester and , using
J"the message as a mark, the house
- might be declared adjourned and the
afternoon be spent in target practice,
Some day, the minority leader in a
burst of partisan fury might appeal
from the ' decision . of the chair,
whereat the chair would order him
out on the Capitol lawn for a wrest
I Ming bout, follow him there and sub
due him with a half Nelson, and.
amid the plaudits from tne Kepumi
f can side, declare the chair sustained.
x : Finally, on some drowsy summer
.afternoon, when. the sun was mercl-
ilesa and the heat consuming,, when
proceedings were dull and the chair
, felt, the need xft a diversion; then,
with a ' whack of; his .gavel,;tbe
snBftker would declare the house ad-
, iourned. order all members to norse,
-r- r- - ... - .
and on a line mouni, ieaa iue pru-
cesslon down the countryside for a
200 mile ride. Thus, reflecting care
fully, over the possibilities, one Is
forced to say to himself: If at a mo
ment when it happened,?. to he the
chair's day for InBurglng, wnat a
'I cold,1 cold day it would be for the
' J standpatter who 6hould attempt to
j stand pat,-,"' ,
Is the caption of an editor
ial in the Oregonlan, under
which it characterizes him
fas a cheap, vaia,. troublesome fel
low, whose testimony consists of
nothing whatever but insinuations,
prejudiced-Inferences and slander
ous intimations. This, or something
Ho the same effect, would have been
f said by that paper-whatever Glavis'
I testimony might have been.- The
opinion,' and the manner of treating
"bla testimony, were aeiermmea upon
ahefore he bad said a word to the
investigating committee. Glavis had
ventured lo attack one group, ? or
some persons associated to some ex
tent officially with that group, of
3he allied - predatory- grabbing in
terests; . hence he was to be dis
credited,, assailed, mocked and
scoffed at by their organs all over
the country.
" It is not true that Glavis supplied
nly '"Insinuations He not only
Quoted conversations that in seme In
stances are corroborated by admit
ted incidents, but he referred to and
challenged investigation of the recr
' -orda, consisting in , part of official
1 .correspondence and of department
7 and court documents. It . may be
.that all these do not implicate Sec-,
i jretary Ballinger to any very damag
' Ing extent.- They do apparently
i iihow, however, that Mr. Ballinger
.,ad complete and intimate knowl
edge &H along of-the Cunningham
coal land enterprise; that after he
was' commissioner of "the general
'ami office he was attorney. for these
ir!--s to some extent: and that
nfore President Taft was entirely
HEN Commissioner Bailey
contends that the law does
not give him authority to
appoint Portland dairy In
spectors as deputy commissioners, he
is either willfully obstructive or
hopelessly Ignorant One fault is as
bad as the other, and either Is inex
cusable. Any opinion that he may
cite indicating that he is without
the requisite authority, is not in ac
cordance with the law. Section
of chapter 209, of the laws of 1905
says: "The said commissioner may
also appoint other deputies who shall
take and file a like oath and shall
hold their office during the pleas
ure of the . commissioner, and who
shall perform the duties prescribed
by the commissioner, and who shall
be compensated by the commla
sioner." ' ' ' . 7 ' ,
This - section has , never been
amended or repealed. It is la full
force and . effect. If the commis
sioner does not know of its exist
ence, he should. It gives him fall
power to appoint a dozen or a hnn
dred deputies, and clothes them with
all the power necessary to inspect
dairies supplying milk to Portland,
the sole restriction being that other
than the state shall compensate them
for tfieir services
It Is doubtful if any publio of
ficial anywhere ever took so impos
sible a position. All the city , of
Portland asks of him is to appoint
as deputy commissioners the two or
three Inspectors the city desires to
send out to Inspect dairies supplying
milk to the city, Mayor Simon has
officially assured the commissioner
that the city will pay their salaries
and be responsible for all their aots.
Nothing but the simple act of depu
tising these men is asked. This, the
commissioner once promised to do.
It was on Mayor Simon's assurances
that the commissioner would do so
mistaken, presumably had been de
ceived, when in his letter of exon
eratlen be said that Secretary Bal-
linrer had never had anything more
than a formal official knowledge of
this matter.
Mr. Glavis testimony Is also suf
ficient prima facie evidence that
there was some underhanded and
suspicious, not to say crooked work
going on in which Dennett, now land
commissioner, and Schwartz, chief
of inspectors, were active. And were
1 1.1 A MM.
they maneuvering wunum "j
knowledge, then or since, on the
part of Mr. Ballinger?
The fair way to treat both Bal
linger and Glavis, and all concerned,
before coming to a positive conclu
sion in the matter, is to hear or read
all the evidence and exercise an Im
partial Judgment upon it, But tne
Oreeonlan's mind was made up be
fore any evidence was adduced; Bal
linger la absolutely faultless, and
Glavis Is a scamp and a scoundrel.
2W YORK consumers get their
milk at 8 cents per quart. The
price was 9 cents, but an agl
tatlon by the World rocuaea
attention on conditions and the dlS'
trict attorney began preparations for
proceeding against the dealers und$r
the anti-trust law. Alarmed at the
prospect, one of the big distributing
establishments called a meeting ana
dealers agreed upon the reduction,
which went into effect yesterday.
The milk supply of Greater New
York with its 4,000,000 population,
is one of the wonders of the world.
It has to be produced in a section
where the population is very dense,
and where dairying must be con
ducted - under conditions that
heighten the cost of production. Food
products for the cows are grown on
lands that , are high priced and on
restricted areas and by artificial pro
cesses that naturally render produc
tion exnensive. Much of the supply
is transported long distances by rail,
much of it reaching the city cy spe
cial ' milk trains. The great pron
lem of supplying so enormous a pop
ulation with an unfailing prompti
tude involves an organized system oi
labyrinthlan detail., The surveillance
by health authorities is very searcn-
ing, and the requirements as to pur
ity and cleanliness extremely rigia
These exactions along with the other
sanitary regulations have resulted in
a considerable lowering of the'death
rate ,in the Imperial city.
The' reduction of prices In New
York recalls the doleful predictions
that were made in Portland that the
requiring of a pure milk supply here
would result in a milk famine. It
wan an attemnt to foist upon Port
land consumers the proposition that
they must be . content; with filthy
milk or go without any, a proposi
tion never seriously suggested prob
ably to any other city in the world.
That New York, drawing her milk
supply from a region of ice and snow
in winter and blistering heat in sum
mer, growing her fodder and foods
on high priced soil and in a costly
market, can get sanitary milk for
4,000,000 people at 8 cents a quart,
and that Portland drawing her milk
supply under conditions almost the
opposite cannot get sanitary milk at
a figure considerably in advance of
8 cents is a proposition as unique
as it is amazing. It was a sugges
gestion exceedingly fit to come, and
to come only, from the forces that
held that Portland consumers ought
not to have 'wholesome milk, and
that the "dirtiest dregs in the can"
are the best thing In the world on i
which to fatten children.
Portland la big enough In area, to
double several times' without crowd
ing, even if 'the areas occupied ' by
adjacent towns and settlements are
not annexed, as they should "be and j
that the pure milk ordinance was
passed with Its enforcement depend
ini on Mr. Bailey cooperation. The
whole efficacy of the ordinance de
pends on bis deputitation of the
city Inspectors so they will have au
thorlty , outside the city limits.
There is not one reason In the
world why the commissioner should
not do this, and thousand .why be
should. Everybody la Portland wants
him to do It, ' and nobody objects.
The same law that authorises him
to draw bis salary, give him author
ity to deputise these inspectors. The
salary section is no more specific or
direct than the deputy section, ana
if be questions the one be should
doubt the other. His refusal to co
operate negatives the wishes of every
milk consumer in the city. It crlp
nles the effort to .give these con
sumers sanitary mux. u aemoraunw
the clans of the mayor, conncll and
health board for adequate inspection
of milk and dairies. It embarrasses
Mavor Simon who promised that , if
th,e pure milk ordinance were make
contingent on , Bailey's cooperation,
the commissioner would do his duty.
It nullifies one of the important
arms of the pure milk ordinance
and throws out of gear the whole
system that was so laboriously ana
patiently devised for the' protection
nf Portland milk consumers. Ana,
ii that asked of the commissioner
Is that he perform only the simple
act of deputizing the city milk in
spectors as dairy commissioners, so
they will have authority without as
wfiii na within the city limits for In
spection of the sources and means or
Portland's milk supply.
Was there ever, anywhere, in any
In nnr citv or in auj wui-
m unity 1 more flagrant case of will
ful misuse of an official position by
a public servant?
probably will be within the next de
cade. It has about 45 Bquare miles
of territory, but Seattle has expanded
in area in order to increase its pop
ulation, until It has 4 square miles
of land, besides nearly 30 square
miles of water. Since its recent ex
pansion to the sea, Los Angeles has
an area of "86 square miles. Spo
kane has 37, and Tacoma has lately
spread out so far that one can't keep
watch of Its growth. We are all
big cities, all right In area.
USTICE BREWER of the United
States supreme court is unique
In that he talks frequently and
freely on many topics of popu
lar Interest, as other men in his po
sition rarely if ever do. In an In
terview yesterday he declared that
"There is every reason why commun
ities that can control the capital
should own, direct and receive all the
benefits derived from water, light
ing, transit and telephone com
panies." On the subject of the law's
delays, vexations and failures to ef
fect justice, he said that "Too many
appeals are granted when Justice
does not demand It," and rthat
"courts trifle with Justice by per
mitting delay after delay upon mere
technicalities." He thinks states
should allow but one appeal after
the trial. This is now the case In
Oregon, unless a case Is tried first
in Justice's court, but even here the
latitude of appeals Is tod wide. Jus
tice Brewer further criticised law
yers for "quibbling over every de
tail," and advocated the entire elim
ination of politics from the courts.
Some lawyers and even some judges
may not approve of Justice Brew
er's talk, but it sounds all right to
most laymen.
Both the Nationalists and the La
borites in the British house of com
mons are equally with the Liberals
committed to the budget, and par
ticularly Its land tax feature and
this was the crux of the whole con
testso that there is little -doubt
that the bill will be reenacted, the
lords will accept It, and the new
policy will soon go into effect. This
may be the beginning of the end
of landlordism, as it has existed in
Great Britain for many centuries.
Spokane's new newspaper, the In
land Herald, dally and Sunday, win
publish its first issue on February
8. It has been equipped witn a conv
plete and modern plant, and has
gathered a force of experienced and
capable newspaper men, and will be
prepared to publish a first class
newsDaper, such ; as In that rapidly
growing country : can probably suc
ceed. As to the pure milk supply, every
body Ib able to see how. Commis
sioner Bailey Is playing horse with
Mayor Simcui, the city council and
the other health authorities. Now
that he refuses to cooperate, the or
dinance passed by the mayor, coun
cil and health pfficlals on Bailey's
promise of cooperation, makes ; a
monkey out or tne wnoie city estaD-
llshment. . .-
Those asseverations that the' cost
of living is high because working
men Insist on eating the best meat
cuts, have . a mournful v cadence , to
the man who has broken out his teetn
on flank roasts and neck steaks.
Another grange heard from. The
granges are" all, one way,-and very
nearly unanimous. -- And as go the
grangers so will go. thousands ' of
other Republican voters. , . i
"Tha president - and ' nostmaster
general having represented that, li
casts' the government ! 8 , .cents a
pound te carry magazines 1000 miles, J
the Outlook observed that the -pas
senger rate from New York to Cb
cago, about 1000 miles, was 9 cents
a pound for a. 200 pound man. -So
the railroads receive as much per
pound for carrying magazines as
heavy people. . Perhaps the postage
on magazines should be increased a
little; perhaps also the price paid
the railroads for carrying them
too high, 'v .
-", By Miles OrerWt
The moon no Jong-ar Intaraats tha giiir,
upoonlng twain.
Tha miller way, v ha dipper and the stars
ara on tha wane.
For brlghtar ara tha comets and aomet-
ltaa and uan
That now ara playing hookey up there
amonar tha stare. .
From Yankteyank to Yakima, the com-
te sally rjiay.
They kick tha dashboard off at night
ana ioar around iy aay.
From San Joaa to Sandy Laind aatron
omers by nlarht
Peer closely Into realms of spacerand
set the neonle rlarht
With little bulletins that say: "At half
rvaat six today
Tha comet S will cross at X and meet
tha comet A,"
And he who stays up late at night be
cause no a lost nis Key
Sues many new and wondroue lights
that no one else -ran se.
And men whose ' eyes for forty yean
nave never been in use
See Mars and stars and stripes and
bars and rtlanets that ara loose.
And galloping around through specs and
kicking up their heels,
A few on wings and some on foot while
otners io on wneeis.
They see them everywhere. It seems,
inry see mem au tne lime.
They're flying east, they're flying west.
they riy in every clime. .
Because so many people seem to see
this wondrous nareant
The query naturally advanced is, "Who
in trie press agentr'
In Puyallup lived Hiram Stout who
rvt b mi fmn t ti ravl irrmm
He'd spring 'em unsuspectingly and irri
tate his folks;
Ona dsy he fell Into a well while reach
ing for a cup.
His folks then shouted: "Walt awhile
Shoes are much too high to wear,"
Said Billy Due and then he'd swear
na say, -ir mey aeep on me nse
11 wear 'em lower Oxford ties."
Letters From tlie People
Vrgem 'More Competition.
Portland, Or., Jan. SO.To the Ed
itor of The Journal I would like to put
forth a few, words as to the high prices
of food products In this city at the pres
enttlme which seem -to me, ss tney. do
to others, to be very exorbitant.
Take, for instance, skimmed milk. It
sells for 10 cents per quart Now, the
man who sells It, of course, cla!ms It Is
not skimmed, but, if it Is not. It 'cer
tainly must have been kept out In the
weather and the cover left off the can.
I never before paid over 5 cents per
quart for milk until -coming to Portland.
I know not who is to blame In this
matter, but I am certainly convinced
that I am paying a very high price and
getting very poor milk. . '
. Now a word 1n regard to butter. I
paid 40 cents per pound for butter that
actually should not be allowed to be
sold. I know not whether we have a
milk and butter Inspector in Portland,
but If we have , he Is certainly over
looking some people who are selling
milk and butter In this city.
Now In regard to meat. I should, say
it Is about one-third higher than It
should be, and In my opinion lack of
competition Is the cause of It Now,
let us look at. the conditions that ex
ist and see if we can fix the responsi
bility. In the days gone by, when a firm
went Into business on an extensive scale
they did not confine themselves to Just
their own Immediate vicinity for getting
trade, but would reach ; out Into the
territory of other firms and try to sell
their products. That was In the good
old days of competition., Dp they do
that .today ? - Not so that you can notice
It. S ' '' " .-
Who supplies us with meat in Port
land? . Do yfiu see them reaching out .to
Seattle and Tacoma with their products?
Do you see the firms of Seattle and Ta
coma coming t this city and making
strenuous efforts to peddle us meat?
I have heard something said of certain
gentlemanlyHgreements v whereby" one
firm will not Invade another's territory,
Do you suppose that such could be the
case In this Instance? Now, if such
should be true In regard to meat, I
wonder If It could not also be true In
regard to some other products. We will
take beer, for Instance. Did you ever
hear of a big brewing company In Port
land losing any sleep trying to market
their, products In Seattle and Tacoma, or
the brewers of those cities going Into
eeetacy over the amount of beer they
were, selling in Portland?" If such Is
the case. I have been too busy earning
my 12.00 per day to see it: ' i
I wonder sometimes If this lack of
competition could have anything to do
with the quality of said beer and meats.
How does the average human being
act when be has a monopoly of a thing?
Is he not prone to cheapen his article?
Someone has said "Competition la the
life of trade," but It seems as though
some people make noncompetition the
life of their trade. If I am wrong, will
some meat man or brewer kindly; set
me right? Sincerely yours,
' J. A. MOORE.
Fossil dams Near Forest Grovel v
Portland. Jan. 29.--T the Editor of
Ths Journal. In The Journal of Jan
uary 25 cn the editorial page appeared
the following: "Forest Grove, Jan. 22.
In an article in The Sunday Journal or
January 16, W. Hampton Smith ia quot
ed as saying that this region never has
been under salt water.' If that I true,
how does he account for tha deposits
of petrified clams, mussels, sea snails,
Me.. - In - Soogglns Vallejy, eight mile,
from ' here and . about 40 : to, 10 feet
above the present creek bed? Charles
E. Dixon." v'- -f-
' I must first set Brother Dixon right
In til. quotation from The Journal.
The true wording In vTha Journal Is:
"This section of the globe wa. never
under .alt water in the mlocene period
of the world's ( evolution." . Mr. Dixofl
has only given part of the quotation.
It "'Will v b Seen. -; : v-'l i fy ;. r.
, At tht. meeting of the Academy of'
Science. Professor Ira Purdin had been
speaker , of the evening .on the topic,
"Local Geological : Fprrnatlons. The
discussion 'referred to In -The Journal
The River Seine Is recovering- from
us atiacn or iiiseinuy.
e a.
A bet on the outcome of the Hermann
trial would De rather sure.
a a
Comets may come and go, but ws can
always aepend on Miss Venus,
That comet Is like soma people; It
received a good deal mors attention
tpan it was worm. -
. a : a . ,
A comet that has to be looked for
searohlngly Isn't worth seeing by any
body but astronomers anyway.
a a
Lent will arrive before long, when
It will be easier for a ood minf neo
pie to join the anti-meat crusade, for
u oays. .
t e a
Roosevelt may become so habituated
to shooting eleDhanta that ha can't re
fraln from flrluc soma shots at the Q.
v. . on nis return. . , .
Sneaking of Mav Yohe aettllnar In
Seattle to run a lodging house, the beat-
lie l imes' says,, "JLt us let her. . you
bet you d better let her.
. . . a -
Still If tha would-ha leadnra and of
fice holders and pie eaters and crumb
plotters vois ior me assembly ticket
H will get a good many .votes..'
King Kdward has banished a former
favorite from court circles because she
dances In her bars feet. Has the king
in nis oia age lost nis taste ror artr
e e - .. ,
Sarah Bernhardt' may Coma, to this
country again this year for another
farewell tour. Bhe'll be welcome, if
she makes a farewell tour every year
uu sne is ivv. t
. , a ,
Christian Science church at Kansas
City burned. Or so It seemed. But If
the burning of It was something evtL
and If evil doesn't exist, wasn't the
burning merely Imaginary 1
. a
An astronomer has discovered that
Comt A Is traveling at the rata of 41
miles a second. Not knowing the speed
of other comets. It Is ImDosslble to form
any opinion as to whether it Is likely
to win the comet race.
.... a a -
Among Dubllo men throughout the
land, and people of every view, the
query runs and Is much discussed
What next will Roosevelt do? W1U
he run for president again? Will ha
dlaplacs Depcw? For governor will he
stand" once mors In New York, wherd
the party's blue? He's also proposed
for congressman, to make a speaker
new O, wouldn't ha have a bully time
ruling that turbulent crew? Will he
fly, or dig. or preach, or teach, when
with beast killing he la through? So
the wonder will grow as time goes on
What will strenuous Teddy do?
February 2 in History Candlemas Day
We In America take little recognition
of Candlemas day. Even in European
countries it Is not observed as it was
severs certturles ago, but It Is still
heldas a holiday by the Church of Eng
land the festival of the purification of
the Virgin.
The popular name Candlemas is de
rived from the ceremony which the
Church of Rome dictates to be observed
on this day, namely, a blessing of can
dles by the clergy, and a. distribution
of them amongst the people, by whom
they are afterwards carried llghted in
solemn procession.
It appears that In England in Cath
olic times a meaning was attached to
the size of the candles, and the man
ner In which they burned during the
procession; that moreover, the reserved
parts of the candles were deemed to
possess a strong supernatural virtue.
A poet notes:
"This done, each man his candle lights.
Where chiefest seemeth he.
Whose taper greatest may be seen;
And fortune to be, - '
Whose candle burneth clear and bright:
A wondrous force and mlghl
Doth In theso candles He, which if
At any time they light,
They sure believe that neither storm
Nor tempest doth abide,
Nor thunder in the skies be heard
" Nor any devils spied.
Nor fearful sprites that walk by night.
Nor hurts of frost or hail," etc.
The festival, at whatever date It took
Its rise and . the date Is unknown. In
Christian history other than that It oc
curs on February - 2 has been . deslg-
Is February 2 Your Birtk3ay, Too)
Curtis Guild Jr. of Boston, who re
cently was governor of the Bay state
and is sole owner of the Commercial
Bulletin, bills of which he collected for
his father years ago, la B0 years old to
day. . He served In the Spanish-American
Knute Nelson, senior senator from
Minnesota In years of life and service.
Is 6t today. A native of Norway, he
came to the United States 80 years ago.
foueht in the civil war, was wounded
and takeii prlsfiner at Port Hudson, La.,
and was elected governor in 1892. He
is an "Insurgent." ,
Robert L. Owen, United States sen
ator from Oklahoma, whose mother was
one of the Cherokee nation or Indians,
was born In Lynchburg, Va., 5 years
ago -this morning. He is an Episco
palian, thirty-second degree Mason, an
Elk; and likes to he called a ''conserva
tive constructive Democrat"
followed this address, and was a "free
to all" talk. In criticism, etc., of the
points made by . the speaker. Among
other point, brought out by the speak
er was the adopted theory that tbe
coast alotfg the Pacific ocean ls, and
has been rising out of the sea for many
ages. This the writer iook exceptions
to, as Indicated by the reporter for The
Journal, of the presence of whom I
was not aware, or a little more care
might have been taken In the handling
of the "stick."
The chief basis of the arguments of
geologist. In general in advocacy of
the emerging xoast ot, tbe Pacific Is
that the Paclflo slope is covered with
a veneering Of the tertiarles and that
these tertiarles must have arisen from
the Pacific sea. Bo far as the veneer
ing of the tertiary is concerned, they
are right, but as to its emergence from
the Paclflo ocean they are wrong. The
tertiary on this coast Is not Pacific
tertiary, but had its origin in' the bed
of the Atlantic ocean. In my remarks
before the Academy of Science I stated
that the Eocene tertiary only was rep
resented on this coast, and that so far
a. I wa. able, to find, Miocene and Pli
ocene tertiarles, except It be fresh water
deposits, did not exist , I held that the
Eocene of this coast was wholy ma
rine and estuarian, except possibly, some
lake deposits, and In this connection I
stated that if there were Miocene and
pliocene formations on this coast, "they
never had been under salt water," , I
did not say that "this region had never
been under salt water," because I know
It has, but not since the Eocene. The
Eocene deposit, were laid down on the
wreck and wreckage of the great catas
trophal tragedy that closed out the life
and terrestrial conditions of the Cre
taoeou. age." Then It was that that-age
went out and the Eocene - came i In.
Brother Dixon's clams, oysters, snails,
etc.", are all, right. : The Eocenes of the
great Pacific west are full of them. They
were born and flourished on the west
ern shore, of the Eocene Atlantic, arose
from those waters and became fixed In
the strata and through the great law
. . .. .
Tails City man's hog netted him- $05.
a a
riftM inn neonla ara talking up a
commercial club. '-.-,
. a a '
Several brick buildings will be built
in, -Springfield this year. t
La Grande is figuring on a big wool
scouring mill, woolen factory and yarn
weraa. ... ' . : '.
. .. . v... attl
roViarS fcW
a a
Clay good for brick, tile and potxry
Is reported to have bean xouna w,u
itay, jacKson coumy.
Milton Eagls Celebrated Its twenty-
th rd anniversary wltn a special, .
Issue:-It la n excellent local paptr.
a a . - '
The Dalles newspapers.' are at the
lirtu w I vi.w
and personal Hems from all ever
county. ' , , . k:
. -. a .l. tnr liifia local news
a ' 1 a
Greatest dairying country ' on. earni
. it.
r. .nvai nr. Wltnvconme.
Unless It bs soma other wesrern
ivi.ii. ktiiina. hna-a a Klamath county
., - VI. run
ui.iot. ... .ii.Kiiarnit. the charge enter
ing his abdomen and inflicting a proo-
ably fatal wound. ' . ' .
There Is a vast Ouantlty of good land
Irt Jordan valley, says th Express, on
mrhli-h a-raln and feed can b". raised by
dry farming methods and this summer
la bound to see a large influx, 01 "",.., . , ,h. axunin
...w ,
m ?. Vf noma
river for a distance of a mile beginning In her own right f
at a point, less than that distance from! No matter how lavishly ;a bus
rjr.i.1 urn .an niean ud the river bed I mav nrovlda. tha wife wants money
of the gold that has been depositing
mere ror ages, is tne prujwi
cago man stopping there for his neaitn.
On.' of the owner, of a big tract
the utmo.t faith In the hillside land for
a i .1 j i n it 7 have
the raising or fruit ana we are snowing
nnr faith hv our worxs in inn- prenvui
project of planting 700 acres. The
higher land 1. les.liabl. to frost and
produces a superlor quality of fruit
Tha quality of the orchard product,
nr lata cmintv and in uomin uuum
ti.. .iinv ,r. vrajHiiaiiv heoomlnr reel
osnixed. and In a abort time wiu be
came famous, .ays ths Lakevlew K
aminer. Kvery air-anger who r"Tr-
confirms the reports to his friends In
y.pBrt or. the union wnicn cannoi
Immigration to thes. psrts in the near
aaaaaaaie ni iar su si a man in m irnmflnniiiia
future. Indeed, the advance guara or
thousanda headed this way I. arrlv -
Ing every day.
purification of Mary; and tha candle
bearing Is understood to refer to what
Simeon ft!d When he took the Infant
Jesus In lils arms and declared that he
was a "light to lighten the Gentiles."
'Considering the Importance attached
to Candlemas day for many ages, It Is
scarcely surprising that there is a su-
perstltlon throughout Christendom that
good weather on this day indicate, a
long continuance of winter and a bad
crop, and that its being foul Is, on the
contrary, a good omen. An old Scottish
rhvme savs:
"If Candlemas Day be dry and fair,
The half of Winter's to come and mair;
If Candlemas Day no wei ana ' ioui
Tk. h.lf r' Winter-', nna at Yule.
In Germany there are two proverbial
expressions on this subject: 1. The
shepherd would rather ses the wolf
enter his stable on Candlemas day than
the aun. 2. The badger peeps out of
his hole on Candlemas day, and when he
finds snow, walks sbroad; but if he
sees tha sun a-shlnlng he draws back
Into his hole. It la not Improbable that
these notions, like the festival of Can
dlemas Itself, are derived from pa Kan
times, .and have existed Blnce the very
infancy of our race.
February 2. 1848, marks the close of
the Mexican war. It Is also the birth
day of Delia S. Bacon (1811) of the fa
mous Bacon-snaKespeare cuniruTti.j,
and of Nell Gwynn, the popular actress
(1660). Queen Victoria was Dunea on
February 2, 1901.
Emory W. Hunt, who waar elected
president of Denison university eight
years ago this month And still holds the
p ace, IS M6 IS a premier o mm aiiu
was graduated from theUniversity of
8. E. Klser. newspaper man and au
thor, who wrote "Love Sonnets of An
Office Boy," is a native of Shlppenvlllo,
Pa., and 48 years old today. He was a
telegrapher before he began "dishing
up" special sketches 'on the Cleveland
Leader staff.
Ot the famous dead whose birthdays
fell on February 2 were: John C. Dal-
tnn MR25). American physiologist and
for six years president of the College
of Physicians ana surgeons or new
York; Nell Qwynn (1850), English ac
tress, who "stamped the smallest foot
in England on the, boards" and became
. mi,Msi of Charles II. She swore
when the house was not full.
of mutation of continental areas.
tjt,. niron finds them In the hills
of his tSastures, oiv their way to take
io.Hr nliina-e beneath the
waters Of tne great reu;
I fear many of our present day geolo
gists will follow if they don't get out
An a. little investigating for them
selves. The parrot-like repeating of the
opinions of pioneer investigators
never advance any brancn or science.
' ' ": Cost of Living.
(..won. Or.. Jan. 27. The Editor, of
The journal Sir; Your editorial of
T.n.,.rv lit. via. 'Patronise . xour
Neighbor," Is well stated, but until we
get at the, root of the evil there Is
liable, to be -but little change. People
Will buy where they can do the best
Tha trust Is at the bottom of It all,
. .-,.. nanuf-n'tiirera.' thrnus-h
iiuih 1",
commission , i.uv.
down to the retail mercnants, wno
nnmhlna amdncst themselves to raise
and hold prices against nhelr own cue-
tnKun.i tha -whole arrangement Is al
get-rich-quick , scheme, from Start to
riniah witn tne consumer io oav ma
bill." Henoe the high coBt of . living
that congress is supposed to be.inquir-
ing .Into. "Extortion is robbery . ' A
merchant, wholesale or retail, 1. sup-
posed to turn , hi capital over, a" few
times ; a ,iyear, a consequently a small
profk (or interest) repeated win net
him a comfortable, living which is all
the middle man is entitled to. Instead
of this the retailer ask. from 25 ; to
150 (and even; more) per cent for. the
privilege of sending ; money, out of the
country . instead ; of , the J consumer.
"Merchandise well bought Is half sold.''
Let the retail merchant cut down his
profit, and sea to It -that tha whole
saler outs his down to a living margin.
This is the only way to. hold trade at
home. ' Meanwhile , everybody should
look r up home . and Chicago ' supply
house prices, and' ' in .' every Instance,
when you can; "buy at home." '
-.- ; ' ANTJ-TRVST:
The Money Question. A
ND of the problems which t
majority of women have
solve In their lives is the m'f
difficulty.. Some of them ,
It one way. soms another,
. ; ,.. ,...i .i r ,
airuggir wun a nan aviuuvn
never see even the suggestion of i
I iutlon. The sort of money referr
I Is . not the money to have enoug
n to wear or io aeep a -rooi uni
good hard cash in the purse for
lady to do with as she pleases.
There is a necullar trait 'In t
men's disposition which makes
loath to give their women folks rv
money. 'They are willing to 'pay
household bills as well as the bills
all clothing and such, but not i
ready money, why should they? W.j
do the women want with the mm
. i I
the anyway? Are not "all
and -can't they go to
their bills pi
the stores a
I vui ko nil
charge anything they need?. Whr
. , ,h nn,ultv , tn , mflnew?
I --
So the men argue and so they !
lleva. They ara good men and gen j
ous. too. They will spend any amou
upon their families and thry are
slrous of 'their having allthe thli
that other people have, but the head
the house wl.-rhes to handle, the moi
without any assistance from the won
It la not unreasonable to suppose t
this might easily be the ,tock
whl many homes might wreck. 1
i anm. i m. hanti wart earner
self and known the feeling of m
I can te Jingls if peed be, and
I has a right to have It Bha has a i
. . nf tn4
Tnnnev re I
of for her effort. In th. P
inin ana ix mim uucs siw - i
feeling that she U working, for bj
ana ciotnes is noi ununtij w yiir
1 Wnman dA not snioy aSKllllf a
or eVery cent; they have and age,
, M t b vtong t0 ,urmi,e
keepg mMy women , th, bui
world rau "n lu'
i . i .
Women who ar. fortunate .nou
- 1 have an allowance given them .J
- 1 general approbation of the plan. V
an allowance the woman doe. not I
. .v(pv .,,. w.nt. I
. - --- - - - - - .
i auu wa nun !"" w - i
I the month and govern, herself ar
ngly with the comfortable ieeun
1 sna. vn0w. Just how much she hit
say nothing of the reeling or m(
.n. which uch an arrangement
It has been demonstrated, too, tnsi
nhn ..finH tier hnuaa on a
lowance and pay. the bll'f, herselft
a. - V . am aa.a aa.aaiS - the All Mat 1
better advantage han whentha t
! oi inr miuwiuv-B svw
hand attends to all of ths finance.
If some of the men wno object,
giving the women money couia
placed in a similar position so
they had to ask for every penny
nendina: money, even if their
jre i" , t k! T i 7ndlmr
they would not be long In
were all paid, it 1. safe to .uspeot
why the women want ready money
anv nf them have any doubts on
aublect. their wives i might try it
them for a montn ir possmie ann
that time all doubts would b. thins
he psst
Rice Cutlets.
VW-ftTTAnTTCT nound : Of C
meat finely chopped, ow , I
onion, two ounces of, rice, 1
quarters of a pint of stock or I
one .. ounce of breed crumbs, I
quarter teaspoonful of chopped
ley, salt pepper, ana a aasn or i
meg. wasn tne rice ana oou unui i
fectly tender In the stoclq stir., cf
and cook until the rice ha. absof
ty and mince fine. Add the meat,(
minced, and , little off us , owi
with It. the bread crumbs, pai
nnlnn and seasoning to the rice
stock: mix thoroughly and cookl
two or three minutes, then tiirrf
onto a- plate to cool. When cold t
Into small outlets, egg and erumb fl
and fry la hot deep fat until a tf
bfown. This quantity maite. auoui;
cutlets. - f , ' . I
a. aa aa f
To Renew Nickel Vlate.
PRY often, when nickel" plated
cles have become tarnished or
lost their luster by poor clei
methods, they are put aside as
less. A very simple process will
i ---- " .1 f. "i-i,-, nlatlng hL
the lusteetf th .
been destroyed. Prepare
so narts of alcohol and one part c
phuric acid. Dip the article In thir
tion for exactly 10 mlnutee--not
then rinse with clear water q ,
and thoroughly. Wash once mor
Dure alcohol, and then rub with a;
cloth until dry. It Is surprisingly ' f
cessful. .'"?.
St St St
Lemon Pie With Two Crusts
NE HALF pound brown sugar (irj
sugar is better), cup waver.l
B-mtprt rind of one lemon. 1 t
spoon vinegar, a little salt all the
vou can hean'onto a tablespoon,
scant third of a oup before sifting
a large teacup for measuring), tne
of 1 lemon, 1 egg. neat until si
then Btlr It Into the other lngrei
Use a custard pie plate, and afte
ting on the top crust take a sti
cloth about an Inch -Wide, wet It
cold water, put around the pie and
firmly to the crust to keep It from!
nlng out The inside should bei
Jelly when cold. - r9
a a m v,;
A Thotight for Today. -
VERY temptation that in res!'
every noble .aspiration tW
couraged,- every - sinful
that is repressed, every bitted wf
Is .withheld, adds its little iteni
impetus of that great movemen
Is bearing humanity - onward - to
richer life and higher characters
The oroun
I (Contributed' to fTha' .Jonrnl by' Walt 1
tha famona Kanaaa poat. Hla proae-imrn'
rpruiar feature or inl coiuina. in iun
The groundhog needs no goosi
no instruments or brass, no ' we.1
flags or other rag or doodads mau
i Eiass, ue is n viuimhui,, . i
"specs' upon his nose; he doesn't stn
with chart and map. Or talk of "his J
and "lows.'4 He doesn't fill the paj1 1
with yarns, forevermore, about Tthe . J
1 of wind and nan aiong in si. An i
obtrusive prophet,: the, groundhogs j
his chores; today he'll rise and ba, 1
eyes, and squint around outdoors; c
If he sees his shadow, all summer
last-r-though lesser propnets scorn.
nets scorn.
Ing yintel
s'll i stroll I
d the lov .
if he sees no shadow, Kir
the soup, and forth he'I
sheltered hole, and sound
whoop. .. All Other seers are futlu
blind, and vain, and dumb; the sr
sons of mantled ones are all up
bum: the groundhog is the sp
whose work Is sure and clear; nq
er-guys are half so wise he-worlf
once a year! , . " ; .
tCopyrlcht. 1909, by flK ' Jhn '