The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 02, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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In "rd Unit of Government Irri
When in Full Bearing Annual
Product Will Be Worth,
Cold Million. -
I lation Project Is Ready
; 1 for Settlers, v
ni Til 11 1 AMno
I ' ' ' " , , : : Ll- . , . . .. , . ......
I I J, ':-yy I , , . v A
SdcUI Diapitca to Tb Jnoroal.l
lerrolstor.. Or.. Febi. The twra
h of ths Umatilla government Irrlga
a project will be thrown open to set
ment February 10. Entries will be
Fade at the La Grande land office.
resa than 100 homeateada of 10 to 40
cres each are to the tract, while area
J privately owned Jande will have te
be sold to ' settlers under the reclame
tlon law. Settlers will be. allowed t
lake from 10 to 40 acrea each, only, the
else of the claims being fixed by gov
eminent engineers In accordance with
' the prospective value of the land
.1 A large part of the land under the
lew unit;. are In private ownersmp, nut
lt inder the reclamation law private land
'holders must atoll off all. their holding
,1 Jn excess of 100 acre. Homesteader,
.flvho have gone. Into the. district., since
J he beginning of the work on the Irrl-
f ' option project muat relinquish all aoovo
Kke unit of from 10 to 40 acrea, at
rilch the alee of the Irrigation home.
;7"d la, fixed by the eecretary Of the
' V
'f -I .
J Water rights under the'thlrd unit of
r' tied by Secretary Bellinger the new
4 government . project will coat the
Itlere'ltO per acre. Under the order
'lilor mint hit down 119.20 ner acre.
Inrltidea the maintenance chargea
t' the first year.
v-H H - , ; Ooet of Development.
;!,. whHe private land Interesta operating
1 (CAthe district insist that the estimate
' neiT"too high, the following figures show
I' it government officials consiaer
.! V cost for the development of a 10
v.u tract under thia project. The fig
1 "2 Tla are furnished by H. T. Irvln. who
ot f'teloped 10 acrea less than two years
i V k Here are the figures
ost of fencing, clearing and seeding
acres: .
.'HH.,.'ia .................. v v
J ' i hnnitr nf ltimhr for
'L i J wpt ... ... . . . ,. . n.4o
thousand laths for outlets
trough ditch banks .. 7.B0
'"A J10 hundred and twenty-seven
- t,. founds of alfalfa seed 49.94
' j iree nunarea ,ana ,eixty-nve
J! .' pounds or rye . . .
fthor, irrigating. 71
ir e hundred oosts .
y.. 1 Tina.". !4-Inch poultry
; nd, three barbed wires..
;r.J iior,. building fence
' " If taring lead of sagebrush f JO
."V::-:::::::::::::-:::::: -
, King drops lS.O
days . . 177.50
i iff Total lr,
,, f i average cost per acre -.
. 'tS ' '. "Store riood J
- I
i ora,
i . . ii re
I ' 'I
.....!4?K SI
..... 42 83
,Oj Th- water . for, Irrigation la taken
.J mx the Umatilla river,, almost entirely
d .1 flood .times In the spring. It Is con-
.ryM'by.'a long canal to an immense
ge reservoir, known as Cold
i released' Into the irrigating canals
' the cropping season.
main, canals and : main laterals
dllt by the government, to a point
. y v T -which water can be conveniently
f " ieredth,rough jiublaterals , to., the
I built by the Individual users, acting
t 1 ',y win roup of a few Individuals.
'.jerally these sublaterals are leas than
i''mil tn' length: The government en-
V eTier '&y out the scheme of dlstrlhu-
pn and stake out n the ground the
i jcatlon of sublaterals. which must bo
built In accordance with the plans ap-
VJ rilQ III", wr, A l.C .ailllQI
Keep these sublaterals in good
. - 1 ' . . -
Is not . . i v
Fertility of soil, shown In monster
' .' sags brush. .
condition- so -'that the water
wasted.. .
' Special Cultlvatioa Weeded. .
The district, a vast semi-desert ' of
easily blown volcanic ash. covered with
sagebruah, has- Its problems, but the
settler who will profit by the experiences-
of ' his older neighbors can over
come these , with little trouble. The
soil, being ao fine and free from mols-
ure. blowa easily when stirred up, and
more than one new settler has awak
ened in the morning to find his newly
cultivated field and Its seeds blown
over Into a neighbor's tract. This can
be prevented, by fall cultivation and
seeding or by . heavy Irrigation imme
diately, after the first plowing. The
aoll is lacking in humus or decaying
vegetation and in nitrogen, but this can
be remedied by growing alfalfa on the
land for two or. three years before
planting fruit,, or at least by planting
lfalfa or some other legumeln between
the young trees.
Woaderfal Production Possible.
The productivity of this section has
long been known through the profitable
rope under Small private ditchee. Ag
ricultural experts all 'agree that this
valley haa a most promising future.
From the nature of the' crops and the
character' of, the people who are grow
ling them. It requires no particular gift
Of prophecy to predict the-establishment
in this valley 'of a rural settlement
which will be likened unto many of
those nearly Ideal communltiea which
have grown- up under methods of in
tensive irrigation, in aouthern Califor
nia. The soil Is of great depth, the
summer cornea early and the growing
season Is longer than In most parts of
the west. The truck and fruit grower
on this project can probably place his
crops on the market, in advance of his
competitors and be sure of top prices In
the markets of Spokane, Seattle, Taco-
ma and Portland, all of which are trio
utary by rail or water transportation.
The furrow method seems beat adapt
Dropping water to lower level.
Nas"". - ,
to the roakpile, he refused to' work,
and further refused to get out of bed
in the morning. The Chinese consul
advised Buperlntendent Brlggs to place
the man In the dungeon. After spend
ing two days there, he agreed to work.
Journal want ads bring results.
SoecUl Dlipatca te T" JnoruL )
Milton. Or., Feb. a. It Is estimated
that at least 2000 acres will be plant -1
to commercial orchards this year within
a radius of five miles of Milton. Within
seven years this will mean, , figuring
the annual output'at $(00 per acre, tl.
sum .of $1,000,000 per year. ',
Among prominent men throughout the
valley who will plant orchards of five
to 20 acres each thle year, are; W. A.
Wallace. B. U Bolt, Otto E. Dldion, V.
A. Coplen, K. C. BuHlngame, W. C,
Hopson, H. S. Shangle. S. I). Peteraon.
W. P. Hooper, C. 8. Crews, J. F, Slover.
N. 8. Parr. t
t ! I T)lpiitrh tit The Jnnraal -Peek,
Idaho, Feb. 1. If the farmers
of this section will grow buckwheat,' the
Canyon roller mills, owned by 1, K.
Lakln. will put In the necessary ma
chinery for the milling of buckwheat
and will add to the output of the plant
a' product that Is of large commercial
value. Mr. Lakln also announces- that
during the coming season he will make
much needed Improvements in the mill
and besides constructing a warehouse
will build a new flume a mile in length.
Change Name of Indian 8r hoot.
Special Dttpatrh te The Journal. I
Tacoma, Wah., Feb.'2. The name of
Puyallup Indian school will aoon be
changed to the Cushman training achonl.
in honor of the late Representative
Cushman. The commissioner of Indian
affairs has recommended the change.
and Secretary Bellinger la expected to
Issue the official order early this month.
Covey Motor Car Co.
Seventh and Conch Streets
Principal product of Boil alfalfa grown on orchard land.
ill - v !
nd fr't V
"Sunkist" Oranges
s built
i Jtprove
, -Jmust
4 Jdy Gloved Hands Pick
We use great care in picking the
Each "SUNKIST" ORANGE is picked
from the tree and packed in the box by a
cloved hand. No orange that (alls to the ground is packed
under th,e "SUNKISriabeL
'Sunkist" Navel Orandes Are Seedless
We grow 60 of all the California oranges. Three
fourths of all the lemons. Most of them are sold in bulk,
but the choicest selections of this ffreat quantity are wrapped
in the "SUNKIST label, so that if you would be sure that
you ffet the choicest pick, insist upon the "SUNKIST."
Beautiful Orange Spoon FREE
Some dealers may claim the oranges they sell are the
famous "SUNKIST," but that they have removed the wrap
per. Insist on your dealer giving you oranges and lemons
in the "SUNKIST" wrapper. I you do this we will give
you a beautiful orange spoon one of Rogers' best standard
k quality. Just send us twelve SUNKIST" orange
or lemon wrappers, with- six 2c stamps to pay postage,
packing, etc., and receive one of these beautiful
spoons by return mail.
The choicest quality of lemons also so under the
"5UNK.I51 " labeU You can easily se
cure a whole dozen c-T these beautiful
orange spoons. Get e dozen "SUN
KIST" oranges or lemons today.
Send to California
Fruit Growers' Exchange
31 dark Sheet, ChicaHL
A r Avid M bVvk -mm
J. I on t Awe expefimental farmers, who put greeo
pcvcBcica on ma cow ana ted ner shavings. . tlia theory
was that it didn't matter what the cow ate so long as she
was fed. The questions of digestion and nourishment had
not entered into his calculations.
It's only a -'tenderfoot" farmer that would try such
n experiment with cow.' But manv a farmer feeds kirn-
f regardless of digestion and nutrition. , Ha mirfht Immt r hav.
for all. tha tnaA hm 4et out of hia fond. Tl I. .,An..k
f.wrs "weak" the action of the organa of ditfeatioa and nutrition are imnaired .
d the man suffers the miseries of dyspepsia and the agonies of nervousness.
tfi6tb9n "tb Btomach, restore f Ae activity ot the or
ymam ot digestion mad nutrition mad brace up the aerres,
ise Dr. PUrce' a Golden Medical Dlaeotery. It la ao na
J talltai remedy, mad baa the confidence ot pbyslclaaa ma
.fi well ma the praise ot theaeaada healed by Ita nee.
ed to local requlrementa and Is general
ly used. By this method water is car
ried along ridges and distributed be
tween each slope In furrows. On a
long slope contour laterals, conveniently
spaced, should be provided, with fur
rows down the slopes between laterals.
Water westing from 4he space between
laterals may be caught in the next
lower lateral, and be properly redistri
buted. '
On the sandy soils, which include a
large proportion of the project, care
must be taken to- conserve the water.
and flumes or pipes will generally pay
for themselves In a very short time. If
It is possible to bear the additional first
cost It Is desirable to immediately in
stall pipes or flumes. At first furrows
should be comparatively short, with
many laterals
Drainage, which Is as necessary to
the success of the average irrigation
project as Is Irrigation Itself, lias been
looked after in a systematic manner on
this project. The government Is con
structlng drainage- ditches ' on the
project, and In order to properly care
for some portions will install pumping
An interesting phase of the develop
ment here is the combination of urban
and rural life; farms are small; many
five and ten acre orchard tracts are
being laid out about the towns and the
owners of many of these have built
their homes In the towns, ao that their
wives and children have the advantages
of society, schools and churches.
In order to aid bettlers. the state and
federal ' governments, acting together.
have established an experimental, farm
near Hermlston. Operations on this
farm were begun last June and already
several experiments of value to the
settlers In the valley have been- made.
Farmers who located In the Umatilla
valley more than a quarter of a century
ago, constructing for their own use
small private Irrigation systems, long
ago proved the fruit growing, truck
gardening and farming possibilities of
the district. Those who have gone into
the district either under those units of
the government project alrsady opened
or under the private projects which
surround it have met with real success.
The main line of the Oregon- Railroa-l
A Navigation company's, railroad skirts
the western edge of the project and the
Spokane branch runa through the north
ern part.
Private lands under the portions of
the government project now in opera
tion and under several private projects
In the vicinity are selling at about 1200
per acre. -
Plant With Capacity of 3,000,
000 Trees to Be Built Up
in Columbia Valley.
planting 10.000 trees thla spring. It W
estimated that hundreds of acres of
eagebruHh land will have been set to
orchards by next fall.
Dayton. .Wash., FpD. 2. Stockmen of
Columbia county organized here yester
day to cooperate with the forestry ser
vice in protecting the interests of cat
tlemen in the Wenaha reserve in Ore
gon and Washington. Practically every
stock raiser In the Dayton country be-
(Spaclnl Dlptcb to The Journal.)
Kennewlck, Wash., Feb. 2. Foresee-
Ing that the nurseries in this part of cams , membei, The organlzatlon la to
demand for fruit trees that will come
with the development of the thousands
of acres that have been aold In the Co
lumbia river valley, the Van Holder
beke Nursery company Is preparing to
open a nursery here that will accowK
modate 3,009,000 trees.
The company has i 83 acres on the
highlands Just ' west of the city, half
of which was used as a nursery last
year, the other half having been re
cently purchased. A force of men are
now at work gran Ins scions to the
roots of thousands of apple and peach
seedlings for the new nursery. One
planter has just taken the contract for
. In the strictest sense "Golden Medical Discovery" is a tetnperanoe medV
i ne. It contains neither intoxicants nor narcotic, and is ts free from alcohol
T7as from opium, cocaine and other dangerous drug. AH Ingredients printed on
f J ita outside wrapper. . . ...
i 1 Don't let's- dealer delude you for his own pront. There is no medicine for
stomach, liver and Wood "juat as good" as ''Golden Medical Discovery' :.
(SpeclHl Dtapatrh to The Jon I.)
Pasco, Wash., Feb. 2. Kllbourn A
Clarke of Seattle, have been awarded
the contract for the installation of one
of the largest pumping plants In the
west for the Columbia River Orchards
company at Columbia orchards, near
Wahluke, on the Columbia rfver. The
plant will have a total capacity of 40,000
gallons per minute, and is to furnish
water for a 16,000 acre fruit land tract.
Engineers are now on the ground
making -surveys for the installation of
the plant '
i (Special Dlntch 'to The Journal.
Dallas, Or., Feb. i. Last week the
water at the ; WUlteaker oil' well was
caked off and the drilling Is proceeding
far more .rapidly than at any season
since bdrlnfer was begun; The record run
waa made Friday afternoon, when the.
drill went down 35 feet in five hours.
It Is expected that oil will be struck
before the H 00 fofot " depth, has been
Soan'a Kidney Pills Hare Done Great
Service for People Who Work
In Portland.
Most Portland people -work every day
in some strained, unnatural position
bending constantly over a desk-1 riding
on jolting wagons or cars doing labori
ous housework; lifting, reaching or
pulling, or trying the back in a hundred
and one other ways. AH these strains
tend to wear, weaken and Injure the
kidneys until they fall behind in their
work of filtering the poisons from the
blood. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick
kidneys, put new strength in bad backs.
Portland cures prove it.
A. P. Maney, Hawthorne terrace, Port
land, Oregon, says: "My work subjects
me to much Jolting and as a result my
kidneys became disordered causina-
aharp. knue like pains In my back. This
trouble bothered me a great deal while
working, and being desirous of ridding
myseir or tne misery, I decided to give
Doan's Kidney Pills a trial, procuring a
supply at me Laue-oavis company, t
found quick relief front their use, and
finally a complete cure. Although this
was over three, years ago there lias nev
er been a return of the trouble since,
clearly showing that when Doan's Kid
ney Pills 'cure, they cure permanently."
For sale by all "dealers. Price 60
cents. Foster-Mllourn company, Buf
falo. New Torw, sole agents for the
United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
be known as the Columbia County As
sociation of Stockmen, and It proposes
to protect the Wenaha ranges; to se
cure top market prices, to prevent as
far as possible cattle rustling; to co
operate with the forestry service In se
curing maximum legislation and to re
new interest in the stock raising in
dustry. Officers were elected as follows: Ver
non McLarry, president; Sterling Llt
teral, vice president; H. A. Fletcher,
secretary; H. Hanson, treasurer; 8. Llt-
teral, Dave Barclay, William Renne
wans, Joe Abies, governing committee.
From a letter received from Francis
Marks, acting forest ranger at Pomeroy,
similar organizations are to be made
In Garfield, Asotin and Walla Walla
counties in Washington, and in Union,
Wallowa and Umatilla counties In Oregon.
Indicating one of the greatest 4
advances In the history of the
Portland postofflce and signifi-
cant of the general prosperity
prevailing in the west, the state-
ment of receipts submitted by
Postmaster John C. - young for 4
the month of January shows an
Increase of 23.11 per cent over
the same month In 1909.
"Receipts for the month of 4
January are significantly flat- 4
terlng to Portland," said Post- 4
tnaster Young. "The Increase 4
per cent over January a year 4
ago Is shown to be 23.11 per cent. 4
with an increase in dollars of
$13,382.81. 4
"Furthermore, the growth dur- 4
Ing the last month waa healthy, -
and though more than normal, 4
was not artificial. Portland la 4
growing, as shown by postofflce 4
receipts, beyond the wildest 4
dreams of Its friends."
The statement follows: -
Receipts for Jan., 1910. $71. 295. 67 ' 4
Receipts for Jan., 1909. 67,912.7s i
Established 1847.
Wherever there
Is Pain. V
Paine In the Back Pains In the Side
AUcock's Plasiert hare no equal. Allcock's Piasters relieve promptly
Strengthen Weak Backs and at the same time , .
as nothing else can. strengthen side and restore energy.
Allcock's Plasters can always be distinguished , by ;
their fine balsam odor; this c6mes from the Frank
. incense, which has remarkable curative qualities.
When you need a PHI
take a Brandrcths Pill fi.ui
INDICATION, I to. FUrel, Vegetable . .
Oregon Eleclric Railway Company
February 2, 1910
Increase .........
Increase per cent.
, .$13,382.81
Chamberlain's . Cough Remedy is a
very- valuable, -medicine for'throat""fcnd
lung troubles quickly relieves and cuto
painful breathing and a dangerously
sounding cough which Indicates con
gested lungs.' -iu : ,. -
Luro Torig. a Chinaman, who was re
leased Monday from the rockplle where
he had served 30 ' days . for stealing
awning ropes, was arrested last night
for the same 'offence.- - He goes out late
at . night, and will cut an armful of
ropes. For 'several weeks the.- police
have Jiad reports from downtown mer
chants In whicli they complain of hav
ing their awnings cut. ' f .
When the Chinaman teas flraK nl
to " "
Woodburni Oregon
Construction of the branch line connecting Woodburn with West
Woodburn has been completed and passenger service .will be inau
gurated on the above date with
Connection made at West Woodburn with all north and south bound
Portland-Salem: train except the 8:40 p. m. from Portland and the
, 8;50 p, nf, train from Salem. : . . ' '
Condensed Schedule Between Pcrtfand and Woodburn
Leave Portland
Leave Portland
Leaved Portland
Leave Portland
Leave Portland
Leave Portland
Leave Portland
6-30 a. m.i -Arrive Wcnodburn 8:05 a.
: 7:50 a. tn. Arrive Woodburn 9;.f: a.
' 9:15 a. m.-7;Arrive VVoodburn 10:3C a.
11:00 ,a. m.-Arrive Woodburn 12:40 p.
2:00 p., m. -Arrive Woodbunii: 41l p.
'3:50 p. m.--Arrive Woodburn . m
6:30 p. m. Arrive Woodburn T" 8.10' p. tn.
reached. . '. ; ; . ;