THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2. 1910. i COMRADE'S LIFE pEKSONK . . . . .. . ' r. i ire Captain Riley at San Francisco " Drags Lieutenant Valente From Certain Death.: fT7nIt4 Pkms Lmm4 Wtn.1 Pn Francisco, Feb. I.-At tha risk of hla own life and with an effort that t , left him mora dead than all, Captain . John J. JUley. of ths local flra depart went resoued Lieutenant .Eugene Val ente from certain death in tha base- t.nint,f Morris brothers' .building at California and Markst street today, , when a flra that for a time threatened to be dleaatroua was attracting, tha at- . tantlon of all their oomrades. ' The fire started In the basement and five firemen were aent through a door " In the sidewalk to fight It The amoke ' was so thick that they were aoon ' nearly overcome. In a panicky struggle tn escane ther fought for the leader. In the excitement both Riley and Valente ,wera thrown , backward Inta tha basement Riley recovered Quickly "i and groping bis way started to ellmb to the sidewalk, when ha Douoea vaj- enta, face downward In a pool or water, (Sortil aw If a dtllr f tur. of Tb Joarttat, Any on wlshlna to luMrt eacb mwi bonld end It drnrd to tb soHttr editor ee t.U. pbooe It bvfare 10 ( clock la the morning.) Mrs. Parish I Willis will leave to night for a visit with ber daughter. Mrs. George Nottage. in Beattle. 8. Benson and Miss Carolyn Benson returned yesterday from a four months pleasure trip through Routhern Califor nia and Honolulu. Miss Benson was reoently a guest at a dinner riven by T. 1L Bnng Pee Tung,, first aocretary to the Chinese consul In. Honolulu. Other - Portlanders Dreeent were Mlsa Helen Van Schuyrer. Miss Huff. 'Mrs. W. J, Van Schuyver and Mr.' and. Mra C K. Henry.' ... -,; . l: ;. , , Mrs. Jamas' Kverlhrton Is being ex tensively entertained In Manila, where her. husband, Lieutenant Everlngtotv Is stationed with the.Jolo regiment Be fore her marriage last December. Mra Everington was Mies -Helen Stever, most attractive ' girl -and a dramatlo reader of ability. Mrs. Everlngton le nieoa or Morraaa Haekett ' tha well Known -aoior. Mrs. WnMara JL Baker will leava this week to visit her old-home Jra Phlladel phis. Mr, Baker will , accompany Jier as -far as Denver,' Colorado. Upon her unconscious. Riley wee nearly over- I return tha first of rAprtV Mrs. Baker coma and tried U Yun n i ' onto. Then his hand fell upon a pieca of rope. He tied It about tha fainting man's shoulders and drarged him to Ha then tied the other end of the rope about hla own shoulder and with a auperhuman effort drew Valente out f the hole. Riley then fainted. , The two firemen were ruehed to a hospital, where they were revived with treat dif ficulty. will movainto her new home on Coun- au creel . .. A ... Mrs. . Sarah Jay has returned : from Seattle, where aha has been a guest of her daughter Mrs. Thornton Williams for two week a " Mies Ada.Doernbeoher left last week for tha east 8he will visit her old home in Milwaukee and later will go to Chicago and New York. Her father, The wholesale" grocery stock of the F.. 8. Doernbeoher. expects to Join her Morris firm and the stock of the iiern atore were badly damaged by smoke and water, but the actual damage from fire was not heavy., Tha origin or tna lire is unknown. POLICE REPOR SHOWS LAND VERY GOOD In January was considered a slow month police circles. The numner oi ar rests HronDed below the average, crime decreased and municipal court receipts fell off $500 The detective branch of the department made a good showing. . In the report of Harry Circle, deek sergeant to Chief of Police. Cox, the number of arrests Is given aa 1338. Laat month there were 1511 persons placed behind the . bars. ; Forty women were arreated as against 1 to December. Only two gamblers were arrested. During - January 4T drunken men - arrested, r For this 1 same offense 3I were taken In during December. The clopartment , oarrled jwar against ""po lice dodgers" in the north end and va granta in general. , There were 365 ar rested. Only two men were arrested , for "cussing.. Three men tried to whip policemen and were arrested.; i f- Out of 11 bogus, check- cases reported uto the detective department. H . were ' cleared up. Thefts ttt tha- number of 1398 were reported. Investigation of 1 minor reports and gathering of evidence In ' cases In the "municipal , nd , circuit "courts was' also carried on with much Energy by the detectlva bureau., The report from this department shows that more work' Is being accomplished now ' than has been the case in tha past two years. ' The changes and reorganization by Captain Moore are having a splendid : effect : v : '"T-;-.1 - ' ' It cost the city 3339 to board the men in the city Jail and 1150 for those at the rockpile. The municipal vourt took In $1234. AT THE THE ATEES In Chloago, and together they will visit New Torn. Miss Doernbecher will re turn in April. . MTa D. W. Belger. who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. A. O, Chaloupka, in Irvlngton, will sail Sat urday from San Francisco for a ' trip around the world. Mra Belter's trip will consume six months tlma Miss Dorothy Morrison will give a tea Friday afternoon, complimentary to Mlsa Evelyn Wilson and Miss Anita Burns. . .. r - Mrs. Charles E. Rumelln will give a small bridae dinner tonight In her Thirty-second 'street homo. The . table will be' arranged with pink carnations and ferns. The guests will be Mr. and Mrs, W. It Hathaway. Mr. and Mra F. A. Jonea and Mr. and Mra Thomas B. Foster. Mrs. Edwin Caswell will entertain Friday at her hone on Overton street with 10 tablea of bridge. Mrs. Lloyd X Wentworth'gavs a small tea yesterday afternoon In her Irvlng ton street home In honor of Mrs. E. II. Dodge, and,Mtss Pond of 8an Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Dodge have recently come here from San Francisco and are oc cupying the C T. Whitney home on Marshall street while the Whltneys tour southern California. Miss Pond la the guost of Mra Dodge, About fifteen friends called to greet the hostess and meet her guests of honor. . - ." e : Miss Anita Bums will give a lunch eon Tuesday of next week. . ., ,' . ' , . ' The Toung Men's Social club of St Lawrence churoh will give a whist party and dance tonight at St Lawrence hall. Third and Sherman streets. ' The club bas arranged a good program Jfor the occasion. This will bo the last party given until after Lent , ' i ...',. e . , i ,,.,, ', ' . The wedding of Miss Mabel Knowlton and Robert Strong waa solemnised at the home of the bride's mother, Mra Dexter A, Knowlton, In Freeport, 111., yesterday afternoon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Howard B. French of Chloago at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Strong is a sister of Mrs. Frederick Strong of this olty, whom aha visited laat summer, and a Smith .college graduate. - She Is mu sically Inclined, having ' studied with Qodowsky, Reglna Watson 'and Harri son Wild, following this by two yeara as assistant la the musical department of ' Rockford college. iongs. to one here, and for the last three years been manager of 'the Corbett estate. His father was ths late Dr. Curtis. C Strong."1, He Is a brother of Miss Alloa Strong.' Frederick Strong and Stewart Strong and a nephew of Mra. Matthew P. Deady. Mra Edwara ..Falling, Mra George Murch and Mra.. John Cat I In. Mr. and Mrs. Strong will sail February I from New York for Gibraltar on their honeymoon trip, which .-will consume some three months' time. nGIIlYPIID Epidemic Feared and Stringent Regulations Applied Seine Again Within Its Banks. (Cnltea Press Leased Wire.) Paris, Feb. . t.- Several cass' of ty phoid fever . were reported to the au thorities today and , an epldemio Is feared among , those who have used water from tha city's usual supply. This water has been polluted by the breaking of mains and.tronk Beware uae?or he Streets and the health authorities have Issued warnings against lt consump tion. The department of health is urg ing npon the people thenecessity ,of Mr. Strong be- hniMT'ih. w.tar thev una for domestic Of the . pioneer families i numosea. Its asrenta have Placarded has I tv, ,th . ttoatera advlainar' this 0REG0NIANS VIEW COMET A-1 91 OAS IT SPEEDS AWAY 4 ' " (Special toV The Journal) e , Oakland. Or; Feb. t.-Last e night waa the first time that e "Comet A-1810" waa visible at e Oakland, It waa distinguished e here at 1:39 p. . m. and at T ' e o'clock the body and tall were e very Plain. As it descended to e ward the horUon tha toll became e . so bright that it cast raya elml- lar to that or a prignt moon. , Albany. Or., Feb. I. With a aky as olear aa crystal Comet A-lllO. waa visible to the naked eye last evening aa early as ;59 o'clook. - Gradually . It became ef brighter until Its head shone FREEZING WEATHER MENACE TO ST OCK Pendleton, Or, Feb, 1 Reports from the Interior of the John Day country say a great number of stock are stair Ing to death. In this immediate vicin ity there are no losses reported, . bnt the cold weather Is entailing great ex pense on stockmen.: Feed Is almost e hausted and If the severe weather .con tlnues sheep and cattle raisers will suf fer heavily. The thermometer reached sero last night Dayton. Wash.. Feb. 2. With snow falling at the rate of an inch an hour, a fierce wind driving It In blinding sheets, and the thermometer standing 15 above sero, the Touchet valley Is In the grip of the worst storm of the winter. A warm rain which continued for two days turned to snow yesterday and the meroury fell rapidly. The storm has abated but Indications this evening are for a continuation of the snowfall. T. Baker City. Or- Feb. E. Very" little uffering is reported In this section as result of the cold speimn eastern Oregon. The recent warm , spell was not sufficient to cause much of a thaw and stockmen are well provisioned. All ths stock In Baker county is reported In fine shape. Joaenh Commercial club has Issued a neat folder about that Interesting and prosperous 'town. placarded the City with posters course, physicians . today are inveatl- gatlng the stricken, districts and ex treme measures if necessary," will be taken' to prevent . a spread of the dis ease. ' . i . . t- Ths Seine Is falling Vapidly and is practically within its banks. The au thorities have permitted the use of most of tha bridges that were' deemed unsafe, and trafflo is fast resuming its nor mal conditions.' - t r Aside from a few minor dlstarhanoes, the police have little difficulty in re straining the. lawless element Ths Apaohes continue their depredations but their disturbances are promptly queued by tha officers.- ' . - t Joseph house. is to build a 130,000 sohool like a star. This Is by far the beat, view: of tha oomet Svs had ; at Albany.' ... y - t : I ' Roseburg, " Or Feb. S. Last night . was clear and hundreds viewed Comet A-1 10. It was di rectly over, the western horlson near the evening, a tar. t. : '..,. '..'..".. .. eye ,. i i . Filing on Klamath IUrer. ;' " 8aem BnrMQ f The JoontL) 1 Salem. Or. Feb. 3.-1L K. Brown made a flllrg on waterpower alt on Klamath. river. yastarday in the. office of the atate engineer. He paid a fee Of $1070. Tha value, of the filing (s represented to be 1280,000. . ' Tide TJncorer Agate. - . (Apeclal Dtupateh to The JoareaLl Newport Or.,- Feb. ,.-The - recent high tldea have .uncovered Urga areas of agate bearing gravel, and. when the weather permits large orowds may be seen on the beaches' searching for the agates, which have made Newport fa mous. '','. ... '" ,'''-" KIDNEY DR BLADDER MISERY GOES IE BACK FEELS FIE OU Several 'doses will make your out-of-order Kidneys . ! ' . M fine, r Hundreds of folks here are needless ly miserable and worried Decaues qi out-of-order kidneys,. backache or blad der trouble. ' . If you will take several doaes of Papa's Dluretio all misery from a lame back. rheumatism, painful , stitches, inflamed or swollen . eyeiias, - nervous headache. " irritability, dizziness.' worn- out alck feeling and other, symptoms of overworked or deranged kidneys wil vanish., .'.--. - " . ? TTncontrollable.. amartlng, frequent urination (eapecially-at night) and all bladder mieery ends. - This unusual preparation goes ai onoe to tne aisoraerea sjuneys,.' umu der and urinary system, and, . distrib utes its healing, cleansing gnd vitalis ing Influenoe dlrecUy upon tn organs and glands affected, and completes the oure before you realise It - The moment you suspect any kldnsy or urinary disorder, or feel rheuma tism coming, begin taking this harm less medlolne, with the knowledge that there is no other remedy, at any price, made anywhere else in th world, which will effect ao thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic which any druggist can supply. Your Dhvalclan. pharmaciat banker or any mercantile agency will tell you that Pape, Thompaon 4 Papa of Cin cinnati, is a large and reaponaibla med icine concern, Jhorougniy wormy , oi your confidence. Only 'Curative reium cm vuuiw vm taking Pape'a Diuretic and a raw days treatment means 'clean,,' active, healthy kidneys, bladder and urinary organs and you feel fine. Accept only Pape s jjiureuo inty- eent treatment rrom any . oryg wrt -ny where in the world. Do Not Miss This in liXnGElERG-BETTMAN J , CHAMBER MUSIC -r Women of Woodcraft Hall ; r, ' . TENTH AND TAYLOR Thursday Evening, February 3,'1; Seat Sale at Sherman, Clay & Co.'$ ; Sixth and 'Morrison, Opp. Post off ice PROGRAMME Trio in F, Op. 18 ; - 7 Barcaroire, Op. 60 - . - . . Etudt. -OP. 2S, Nd.'jJ4 t Etude, Oo. 25, No.; 7 . .' Scherxo la C Shtrp Minor. Op. 39 Qnartet in O Minor, Op. 25 . - ,' Sainf- Saens Chopin ' , Chopin I V $ Chopin I 'Chopin' prahmi1 !. aieTinrW t!MA fTTTT " Sfeinwgy Pianos" ars gold pn th Pacific Cout only by Snrmn CUy & Co.,, ,-':v- y, - --y - f ' I Wonderful nrosneroua-town. """v-""" - - m tKmr'r:t Toll '& Gibbso Inc. Furnished Complete Morrison at Seventh Housefurnishirigs Sold on Easy Payments 6 Lastlr i These mantles are regular grade. For a limited time will cell : them S5 each, five for 91.00. v This Inrertcd Mantle, grade, 35 each, 0 for fix J ) "yiii' UpriglrtMe,'-Pc,"gr4; 25 each, or 5ior $C G ASO LI N E LIGHTING SYSTEMS PRICES RIGHT GOODS GUARANTEED Phone and Mail Orders and Inquiries Given Prompt and Careful Attention Furniture Upholstered, Repaired and Refinished Estimates Furnished rm WO Mir A I ITRHTIWfi i CO 46 North Sixth, Bet. Davis an4 Couch. Telephone Main 834 . ,T Fun at Pantagos. .;''", I...' .For thff merriest evening's entertain rrtent in town don't fall to see Fantagea this wepk. One of ths feature acts Is -presented1, by Ilarland .and Rolllaon. European, eccentric ; musicians,, who tilng down ths house with their hilar! .'ous comedy and excellent, though eccen tric playing of various musical Instru ments. , ..t . .. . : Orphfum Bill Pleases Everybody, ' It Is a bang up comedy bill .at tha Orplieum this week. Bert Leslie and company top the program In a scream ingly funny playlet called "Hogan in Boclety." , The comedy la spontaneous. Mr. Leslie la a capable character actor and. hlsi lmpersonatlptt cf the Bowery ' saloonkeeper is as artistic as It Is funny. JMatlnee every day. , I . Till , 'm III! ' Mil".'- " ' Brewster's Mflllons Attracts. ' I ' Anything that makes a noise Ilka a million dollars is bound to attract; and In the case of 13rewster's Millions" at tha Baker this week, a record breaking ' comedy , fills every seat at every per forraance. It goes through the throes of spending a million a year legltl- nifttely with a lively young man and Is i rich In comedy situations. . 5. '. Iiast Time Blanche Walsh Tonight, rt ' Tonight "at 8:11 o'clock the last per J 1 ormance of the ; famous and favorite American actress, Blanche Walsh and ; her company, In Joile Eckhert Goodman's k flay, ri'he . Test,", will be given. This I J will ' afford your last opportunity of w seeing this clever drama written by a former Portland er. . J; . ; Louis James xt Sunday. The favorite American actor, Louis James, supported by Aphte James and an excellent company of players, will present Shakespeare's "Henry VHI" at w the Bungalow theatre, nest Sunday and Tuesday nights, February 6 and 8, The Merchant of Venice" February 7 and 9. Dainty Bicycle Girls. ' , Six pretty and graceful girls riding bicycles In a mass of evolutions are the particular attraction this week at the Grand. ' This is the Bessie Yaldare troupe of cyclists. Other attractions ars Lora, the human bird:' tha Craigs, In a first class musical act; ."Politics and Fettleeats," a playlet, and Jackson, the cartoonist Warrenton Man Arrested. . fSiwli.1 lt,Ptch tn Tb Journal.! W'srrenton, Or., Feb. 2. Maud- B. Blake of this city caused ths arrest of tier husband, Albert A. Blake, for threat ening to kill her and her 6-months-old chiht Preliminary examination of de fendant will b held before Judge Eas tatrook. . For nninliilterntcd wines, aged-whls-; Were, phone Spring Valley- tARaiige imt Yoor Home on:Thiity Days' Ftee laB-Aed You Gao Then Pay for It Z Lifeeirall '"rW Terms $'S Dowmj, bhfh Such an inducement goes right to the heart of the woman who cooks it's an offer that paves the way for better cooking and greater econ omy in the home! What more liberal inducement than this could be asked by the prospective range-buyer? The 30 , days' free trialthis in itself a guarantee of tjic sterling qualities of the ranges from which we offer selection, followed by the extremely liberal payment ;terms mentioned above. We emphasize the fact that it U impossible to buy any better ranges for the money than those which make up our line .they're the world's best. We know that you will be interested, in the many modern features of theie ranges that make cooking and baking a pleasure that demonstrate their superiority in every way, ' THE "SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE" It's the range that pos sesses .every quality to fully meet the demand for a high-grade range not the cheapest made not the, most expensive. It is built on honor through and through of malleable iron and bessemer steel in combi nation, and riveted together like a boiler. ' It is practically, indestruct ible will last a lifetime. , , .' THE "SUPREME". RANGE, THE CROWN" RANGE AND THE "CAPITAL" RANGE These make up our line of steel ranges modern and dependable, right down to the last detail of material and construction and with many special features. , They fully meet the, demand for the less expensive xange, embodying a construction that means economy, satisfaction and a saving of labor in operation. All we ask is your inspection we'll be glad to demonstrate the ad van- mmsmmi O CRANKS FIRST OO IN TnL HEART OFIHE H0M& ts grained by placing one of these' ranges in the home. ID)(D)LLAE AND THE HAVE MADE A PERFECT TRACK FOR THE Snokaiie. Portland & " Tbt North Bsnk Cosd " That's the foundation: To it add the best class of engines ' and latest djslgn$ of the car builder for the speed, comf and pleasure of the traveler. f - ' The fast through trains of "The North Bank Road", reach Spokane, Butte,' Helena, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. ! .The Jxlp presents panoramaof the Columbia, Yellow- j stone and Mississippi rivers; the Cascade, Coeur d'Alene, f Bitter Root and Rocky ranges. ' f - ' . ' Lave Portland 9 a, m. and 7 p. m, ' ' i . Passenger Station lllh and Uoyt Stf 122 Third St. City Ticket Offices Third and Morrison Sts- 100 Third St. '.One 5i Piece Silk -Dresses iigg'-Now at $15.00; f I " i " 1 '. ' H-gggSBBg I ..3 - Unusual values and an excellent showing" of these One-Piece Silk Dresses, in striped and figured fou- lards and in the plain pongee, in colors black, rose , ' and natural. Some , are made with fancy lace yokes, others with braided ' net yokes and sleeves. .And there's enough of a color variety ;to interest .the woman who has given' some thought' to a new V silk dressr-black', rose, blue, navy and green. . ' ' 1 - ' ' ' - Dresses for issesNow. at JlSoOO y Regular $19.50 Vak Jhe miss who has loner waited for such an opportunity, as this will not be disap-i . pointed in what is grouped in this special-priced ; lot of dainty f rocks in colored net with square Dutch neGks, trimmed iniifie white lace," Black , velvet girdle. Skirts are iuU and finished at bot- torn with cluster qi five tucks,: ( REMINGTON'S GENfU C lmmortaJJse4 th life of ths plains. -Parslstent f fort and practice vsIod tn anyona ths utmost that Remington accomplished, via.: ths was In him. - s 1 ,' I Tha simple elements of ths art, color brushes, canvas, etc., are , wltnln.the reach of rich snd poor alike and genius ls .no respecter or I . OtTB PiaASURff AND BUSINESS Is to supply -ARTISTS. . ! Ivsry shop ' . eauot do It, , ' iBat vs can. - Nothing like Having Your Pictures ; ; Framed R Old customers know this, but If you do no brlnf vs your pld let vs aliow you how satisfactory it Is to have us do your framing. Our elegant collection of pictures will also be attractive to y-', our una ox aiauoaary. i -..'--. y-;. , SANBORN, VAIL Ci CO. ; VXOXXSAU AJTD XETAZXi BEAXJEX8 ,. ira mar ctbxst. bet w guar ato&xzsox ahd TAsrKxx.Xi .