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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1910)
t THE OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2, 1910 10 K XUIANGE REAt ESTATE 21 wif.t. tri! lota for horses, waeon. bar t ti -ft; itiuion preferred. B-S96. Journal EXCHANGE MISC. OU SWAP". COLUMN 23 I lANor.A to exchange for painting, pa- rn-i hanging or cement work. R-301, Journal. , ' ; V I LL. exchange A-l talking machin j for plumbing or cement work. Port Vitid riionogranh Agency. aftO Alder. I i.L tradn lot worth $150 for any -tlitnir of that vatna. U-im, journal - WANTEDFARMS 38 I WANT to buy some cheap land, suit able for reneral farming and fruit located on fiubllo road not too far from I'oi Hand. Ulve XU particulars ana rrh. Owners only. J-$9Q. Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE SI lOU have property for sale or you would not be Interested In thla col umn. Our fall business has been ex- cedent and we have not enough prop erty on our llsta now to meet the de mur of our buyer a. Liberal advertis ing and huatle a pell success la sell- j .1 r. jr you want to seiit au we ana lor la a reaaonabla trial. AH wa charge la regular commission. ,' No sale,- no charge and no extras. Con:e In and talk It over. . West aide property isu- ally turned In ao days, if price la Ngnt CJIAl'lN MJtKliOW, ' 822 Chamber of Commerce AS a result of our recent advertising In the east we bava received many In onirics for farms which we are un ebie to supply.- If your, farm ll for aala unit the uric la right. Please call and list fame m-lth. us and we will ba a; lad to take the matter ud with our cus tomers,- Ses Beckwlth, Columbia Truat ix, 84 4th at. . . "WANTED 100x100 or mora proposed riant of way of O, Joining K. r N. R. R. etween Vancouver carllne and P.. r. & B. R. R.; must be anap. Phone Woodlawn 3 1 4. A sk for Mr. Henshaw. WANTED. LOTS. Cash for good lota. Vernon district preferred. . - v HOWARD LAND CO, , 420 Swetland Bldg. WANTED Not leaa than 160 acrea; , must be on Willamette river; will par $101 to $200 per acre; ownera only. W. H. Morehouse investment Co., 233 Alder. I WILL pay cash for 6 or room bun- aalow; must ba bargain and In good district; ownera only. Room 618 Henry I ; ; , ' WANTED For cash, the beat east aide lot $800 will buy. C-401, Journal. "WANTED A bungato-j must be a barl Rain, not over $2200. X-l!0, Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 In a Fine Ranch ;'r---:;;-;; 35 -Acres ' 4 8S acres, all under fine atate of " cultivation and an elegant loca- tlon; land Ilea level and flna black soil; lft acres of bearing orchard .and I acrea of apple orchard lust it coming-in- beertngr-S-goodrwellr- .and running stream, an rencea and cross-fenced; good barn with " 2 ftood aheds; fine 8-room house, good chicken house and 2 chicken f arks. and outbuildings; IS acrea n crop; 10 acres of timothy and ''clover; balance of land In fine pasture; 1 mile from town and . railroad; 2ft miles from Forest "- Grove and electric line; personal , property, flna team. Studebaker wagon and 3 Beta harness, spring "wagon, buggy, McCormlck binder and mower, rake, 2 plow a. harrow,' cultivator, fan milt scales, hay ,. fork and outfit, blacksmith outfit, . cider mill; all small tools; 2 thor oughbrcd Jersey cows, 4 doaen ' 1 horoughbred chickens, all for - 15700. Terms, $.1200 cash, balance 6 per cent Interest. . . - Thorripson & Swan CITIZENS' NAT. BANK BUXJ..' r VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. and I n 110 2D ST, PORTLAND, OR. 'A Farm Near Newberg With an Income : Five. Minutes' Walk to ' . . Rex Station v Schools, . stores j and church. If .-you .are looking , for something with an ; Income buy $0 acres within 2 miles from Newberg and "five minutes' walk from Rex sta ", tlon. Good house and farm build ings. Just ... enough timber for i wood. ' The very best kind of soil. Nearly all in bearing or , .chard, choice kinds of fruit Paid i $1100 last year' and can be dou-. "bled. Prlco only $6200. , .. , ,, , ; - " " ..." ": -. Also SO , acres same kind of land l'A miles from Newberg, .with 11 acres In Italian prunes, , fulls bearing. Snap price only $4200. , , js Also beautiful 9 acres, 1 mil south o Lenta. Best of soil: no gravel, fine buildings. Only $7500. -v 24$ Stark St Jne of the' Choicest Farm I and Dairy Ranches in I , v Yamhill County j Consisting of 166 acres, of which 95 ores are unaer cultivation, about Z5 crea of oak timber, balance in pasture: t has running- water; all fenced and foss-fenced; . It Is on good road; the nprovements are as follows: Ona new room house, value of about $2600, 1 , I,,,,,.. rvnl !. m h i .head of stock,, and about 26 tons of ay, good granary, and all other necea Hry buildings. 2 hi acres of good or hard; personal property consists of S ood horses, 11 good cows, all neces-(-iry farm machinery, sufficient Jiay for ;e stock this season, several tons of lions and brand; price $13,700; $6000 null, $2000 8 years thereafter at ' 6 per nnt; ' and the- balance on or before 9 ears at S per cent Interest. The place ( situated two miles from town, and 1 miles from Portland.' - .. ?.)tto & Harkson Realty Co. i ' 133 First 81. j v, . ATTENTION DAIRYMEN! ; Wa have for sale i the largest and lest established dairy in Baker City. ros receipts from $800 to $1000 per Miiiin, ' j-urcuaaer steps into estab lied business. Trlc $7600. Will not ft long, - I bakkr' irrigation "Company, Baker City,. Or,, J FOR SALE. " 60 14 acres. 80 in cultivation, balance iftur and timber, 18 miles from Port 5 ud and one mile -west of Middleton, l.F. D. and telephone In house, water J bouse and creek through place, all pessary buildings, plenty of fruit. No, orcliard ? land; price $6000 or $6000 , th stock and implements. J. L Ken, ; -rwood. Or,, R. F. IX 8, B0 62 V' N"B bearing brcbard in th r.ogue river valley Has cash value of over x.OOO. will trade for property tn or r Portland. This Willi pay yo to v OREGON LAND t, ;-?17 Henry bldg. -. Main 7413. Farms t iSSnO acres range and ' alfalfa farm, mtii Oregon, .at $8 per acre. ' . 10W A -DAKOTA LAND CO., lir-- 'and- - Ml F - KIN ranrlv 6 1.4 aores; 3 large i a il houses, good yards, good well, Irit.-iunfintahed: ' pi'lee $2760.v ! ., owner. Uatea station, Gres t Casadero car, . FOR SALE FARMS 8SSSBSSBSS8888080aa msfjiraiffflis S ' 7000 ISO acres, 4 mllea from ti. H 8 R. autlon and boat landing, on 8 8 t'owliti river, main line of N. P. B B R. R.; IS acres In fina atata of cul- 8 8 tivatton, 200 fruit treea, amall 8 8 creek, some, timber, new 7 room 8 8 hotiaa. flrat claaa condition, old 8 s vbcstfrUdS 8 fo?1 rorts0e.;o;n;cpo0wp.,:,- g helfera, 2 years old,. ywlltiM, I (s caivea. aonie cnicaena. mi mnua ui 8 farm machinery, enounh feed to 8 winter atock; , caah, balanca good H terms. e tz c -.v w (0 acres on the North Bank R. 8 R.. above Vancouver: U mil 8 will pay you to investigate thl. ."sa'i'-e ec? r 'nT.fe.fVom Portland; fine location. rioe oniy h 6o per acr. win divida tract 8 Good terms. 8 26600 142 acres: CI acres in H cultivation; 7 acres In bearlnr 8 8 prunes and apples, etc.: Kood 7 81 8 room hours, aood barn and prune 8 8 dryer: team. 1 two year old colt, SO 8 I S bead of cattle, all farm ImDlemehta. Hi flnn coiintv prtnri. ft mllea from R. R. 81 8 station and boat landing, Clarke 8 8 countyincar achool: very best of b son: aiva terms. " . . n I 15600160 acres In Clarke county. 8 b 4 miles from II. R. and boat jani- r 8 Ing; SO acres In cultivation; 80 8 8. acrea bottom land: family orchard. 8 8 small creek, water Dined In house. 8 8 ilS-raWt'KS I h nouse ana large earn: near scnooi, o n it. i. jj.j Deal oi sou; , giva terms.- n 8 SHOO 10 acrea, 1 mile from S 8 Kstitada electric car: 20 acres very 8 easily cleared, not to exceed Izo per H a era. naianca bruan and timner w 8 will exchanaa for city property; 8 S will aasume small mortgage. 8 . , B 1 1420060 ' acres. 1 mile from 8 8 Kstnrada' electric- carllne; SO acres 8 8 In fine state of cultivation, aome 8 8 timber, balance very easily cleared; 8 8 60 acrea fenced with wire, 2 acres 8 8 of bearing orchard, mostly apples; 8 food rustic house 1824. new barn 8 3x44. and all other outbulldlnca: 8 1 8 good spring near house; team, new 8 o iiarm-uH, croam wparaiur, nuwor a 8 and rake, binder, all farm lmple- 8 1 ments and small tools: 6 flna cows, 8 2. heifers. 7 larre bora. Z dozen M chickens. Son bushela oata. 100 8 8 sacks spuds, 60 boxes apples, nouse- m 8 bold fnrnlture: very best of black 8 8 soil.. Terms, $3000 cash, balanca 8 1 h your own terms; will take in ex- a 8 change for city property. 8 S .. . . S c5. k m 8 205 Gcj-llnger Bldg, Cor. 2d and 8 8 Aider. Office, Main 8430; rest- 8 8 dance. Wood! awn 2169. Portland. 8 8 . 8 8SSS888SS8S8SSS8S8S n 60 acres. 24 cleared and enough rood f reen timber on balanca to pay for land; ,i mile to sawmill, Zxk miles to R. R. station and amall town. 1H miles to electric line and only 15 miles to Port land; good, level soil, and 6 acres BEAVERDAM: good 6 room house, barn Xaenced" S'ffi fo'mon SS "fi.?T--? L JVn ! SrnS" 'J? Xl'Viaa Ani 'iwi'h ZZZ: asuua vi(ui tuiui. iiionv n ii enormous profit In a short time, as the electric line Is completed within a short distance and is to be extended through the place within a very few months. iha hnuoit sin nnnnrtnnl ir ts mab a an! The owner has agreed to give rlght-of- mruv TVrma if itnalpAH ('all onH1 m- will convince you of the safest invest ment on the market. CRAWFORD REALTY CO.. 335 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. A BARGAIN IF. TAKEN AT ONCE. 68 acres of fine deen soil, everv foot level, 30 acres in fine' cultivation, 20 acres of A,-l green saw timber, balance slashed, 6 acres of.fina orchard in full bearing; new 2 story 7 room house, mod ern, with large porches: barn 65x60. hog house and all outbuildings; good well ana running stream tne year around, l good team and harness. 4 milch cows. S-year-old heifer, 10 head hogs, 3 dozen cnicKens, wagon, 2 seated spring wagon with top, top buggy, plows, harrow, cul tivator, all small tools, cream separator cans, buckets' and numerous other things to run the place; this farm is 16 miles from Portland, on good road; R. F. D., telephone and milk route, 2H miles to R. R. station; 1 miles from a town, close to good schools and churches. Prica $5600; $2760 cash, balance on time; this Is absolutely a bargain. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. I Want Farms Improved and unimproved; this is not wind, nor Is it a fake; it is an honest f 'reposition and will prove It to you f you call on me; have letters from 268 German families that are contem plating to come to Oregon in the spring to buy farms of different sizes. I have only a few unsold on my list I7,ap peal to you who are willing to sell; give me a chance. I will prove satisfaction to all concerned: will give reference If you so desire, Call or write me, giv ing exact location and all particulars, and will prove myself as above stated. John Dick 626 Henry Building. - AN Ideal country home, thoroughly adapted for chickens, ducks and fruit; tVt acres all In very high state of cul tivation; all fenced with heavy woven wire fence; 100 fina apple trees, 1100 choice berry bushes, containing straw berries, raspberries, blackberries and loganberries; running- stream tha year round; fine new 7 room, modern, plas tered house, with concrete foundation, cost $2000; plenty of lumber for chicken houses; on 6c carllne, just beyond Cap itol Hill; fine view and open, country. Prica $4500: $1800 cash, balance on time. Acreage adjoining this selling for $1250 an acra In the rough. . ,., CHAPIN & HERLOW, ; 832 Chamber of Commerce. 160 Acres; $12 Per Acre The south Mi of the S. W. the N. E. of the g. W. . and the N. W. M of the S. E. hi section 84, township 29 south of range 6 west, W. M., 6 miles from Myrtle Creek, Oregon, on good road; 160 acresi best of level, till able soil, 30 acres in cultivation, run ning water, good log house and barn. Last, but not least 6.000.000 feet vellow fir. Buyers that want to scoop a-bargain go ee this snap, then telegraph us a deposit. ' OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO. ! 64 Sixth BU 359 acres, about 30 miles south' of Port land.11. miles from S. P. station; 240 acres 'in cultivation; 100 acres of bottom and beaverdam land under cultivation; bottom land Is all onion land;. 8 acres last year brought - In $6000 - worth of onions; 25 acres of young bearing or chard, fair buildings, on Jnala county road; must be sold before crop Is plant ed or won't be sold this year. Price $38,000. $26,000 down, balanca long time at 6 per cent Call on or ad dress . C. D. ROBESON, v Anderson Bldg., Oregon City,. Or. IF YOU WANT ORCHARD, DAIRY. STOCK " OR ' FARM LANDS, One Acre or Thousands, lt Will Pay You to See Our Llsf HARTAlAN A THOMPSON, . Chamber of Commerce. 50 ACRES. 6 miles from Oregon City. tn.culUvailoiv-good house,, barn, granary, .etc., fine spring, farm ma chinery and, all stock: price $5000, terms. - ' , . -Farms for sale or trade In. all parts' or uregon. , . .. 401 SWETLAND BLDG... x - IIP! 17 HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES If we had built our large new i on the West Side, where land i values are so very high, our 8 ' f ,' J .,'iff n iiukikijb oitu iu, .owvuttb 8 . , ' ' aa. 8 WOUld , actually be S25.0O0 . , ' r , . S greater eacn year, ana mis 8 1 ' 8xrntiM hava rin an vtra f?v 8 on ouf CUStohierS.; Did VOU 5 ever think about that ?. Who o CA11 iL. rhirAct? s can sen me cneapesif . IR Mnrf hwct ; fftrnpr Hranrl HI . " " Avenue and E. Stark. What Gives More Satisfac- tion Than 'WRE-prTE UNEH LAUNDERED , TO PERFECTION We Make This Class of Work" OUR SPECIAL Ti DO YOU KNOW THAT THAN ANY OTHER MEANS OF ILLUMINATION? WE HAVE THEM 1N VEI PRETTY DECORATIVE EF- -' v For .Furnace or Range POTLATCH, per ton ....$6.50 SUrERIOR, per tun ..v. .$8.50 GIBRALTAR, ton .$10.50 FUEL DEALERS, 363 Washington Street . Star Theatre Bldg, FOR RENTFARMS 14 FOR RENT g acres good land; no rocks or gravel; good 4 room house, pinna t- fln t.a ,.,Un r xir 11 wood, chickens, furniture and 'farm lm- . plements for sale. For particulars see Geo. Hamilton at Gates Station. 15 ACRE farm at Sylvan, Or., 2 miles west of Portland. For particulars In quire Mt. Zlon Grocery, Portland Heights. Main 8495. THREE acres, one acre In strawberries, house, barn, etc.; take Alberta' car to Klllingsworth and 30th st; go V mile east. C. F. Siemsen. HOUSE and barn and ffirms for rent: 35 acres hops. 132 6th st. FRUIT LANDS 43 ''Hither Hood" Apple, Land 80 acres, 7 miles from O. W. P. line; 6 acres cleared, 40 -acres open land; some timber; good buy at $25 per acre. M t Hood Land company, 711 Rothchlld IRRIGATED LANDS 42 IRRIGATED LAND. Our 8 10 and 20 acre auborbaft arm and orchard tracts ara locate nn thn ounnyside of the Baker valley, the most ueauuiui ana productive valley in the northwest We rJnnt nnrl pira fnp m. c hards for non-resident owners for five years for less than nc trn -- ?udns- Trice of land, iberal ,.termm Write us. .. Land Dept BAKER IRRIGATION CO, . Baker City, Or. HOMESTEADS 47 WILL leave Portland Feb. 6 with pfer- un io wale on, isau acre nomesteads in central wregon; location fees. $75; i'L - 55lli?witahnnt8 T adjoining with 6.OOt),0OO feet of standing tlmbei' each, $400 each; locations on coast, $100; other relinquishments $250 up. Nlmme & Runey, 13 Hamilton bldg. FOUR homesteads, vlylng close to good . road, within . miles of good town. 1 rellnqtilshment, 8,000,000 feet yellow fir, some cedar. Wo can locate you In Tillamook, Lincoln, Crook, Lake and Klamath counties. . DAVIS & BUITKAMP. ' i -M - - . : FINE prairie land In Montana, , good grass, no sagebrush, close to railroad; Join us next week. A. UnderdahL room. iv lKum oiqg. , WiE ipiTEl MM' W UCPKIII! M SUPPLY 0. 43 THIRD ST. MAIN 2311. A-2311. LA, Lumber Exchange bldg. - " GERMANiAMERlCAN REALTY CO. HARNEY county homesteads; best In Oregon, near surveys of two railroads, good soli: locate aoon to get the best J. IX HAYES CO., For two days we ;wlll locate you in central Oregon on 160 acres; fee ,'$25, 206ft 4th st. .... .. ' - . WE ARE locating 820 acre claims, near iJRkevlew, Or., -close to railroad. W. B. - HARTLEY. 411 S well an d" bid g. THE opportunity of a Ufa time for homesteaders: act uulck.. tm land. 4- '4- ..Tx..rr?- 4 - Q09IETEAD3 CENTRAL Oroi;on homesteads that you don't have to live on, located in beau tiful valley; no stumps or rocks; plenty water and - wood; schools, churches,' stores,, v. U, and I railroads now being completed; price- SI. 16 per acre. A woman whether married or single can take on of theaa S20 acre claims. 8oa- clal homesteaders' excursion leaves every two weeks. Write for descrlo tlva book. Central Oregon Development Co.) box 814, Portland, Or., or call 22$ Ahlngton bldg, V - V K cun locate you on 820 acres of rl-h government land in 8. R Oregon, in the section about to be opened up by the Hill and liarrlman lines and afford ing the beat opportunity left In the U. 8. to, get a .homeatead; our agent haa hern on tha 'ground four years, knows the country thoroughly and leaves with a party of locators about February 4; consult Mm at our office. TUB HART LAND CO, ' 146 Hecond St . . )F YOU want a good 820 acre home stead, Bee me at once, I will return to Crook county In about 10 days. Call on ma or address J61 Kast Ankeny st, Portland, Or, y CAN locate son good timber noma steads with from 8.000.000 to 8.000.000 feet of fine yellow fir, mostly relinquish- minii rince ror Claim rrom 3U0 to S100Q. 808 Mi Waah. at, room 26. TIMBER 29 4,000.000 ft. yellow fir timber. In 811etg relinquishment can be scripted; , 000,000 feet yellow fir In Yamhill coun ty, very chenp. ., ,, . DAVIS A BtUTKAMP. - 610 Dekum bldg. . '-"'' ' - ' ItOOMINQ HOUSES FOXt .ALB 63 Everything' But My Wife and Child . VTll trt II 1 fS A t-vnr HAnmln aa V Mil ataa .vkivi u ajv a wi s vuiiinist iivuvni all new, $2200. terms. Also furniture of 16 raoma, $S50, terms. Roth rooming houses In the . vrcnr jikart Of .Portland's business section. Best of trsnslent business; flna list of perma nent a. ' , Long Lease Must ro back to farming. Must dis pose of my intorests .here. Call owner, 843 V, MORRISON ST. $1800 Will buy furniture of a 23-room house ( brick , nice- and clean, well located: urniture in the very best of condition; good carpets; In fact, it i away above the average. Has good patronage. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 1.73 H First Street. Boarding House Eight rooms, fine location, rent only $25; clearlnz $G0 per month, a rare chance to utep in a fine home of nearly new furniture, good reason for selling. If taken at once, $300 cash. or will trade. j Call todn y. .15 N. 6th st. ROOMING HOUSES, swell furniture, S room apartment, snap; $300. I have 2 lots In Argyle Park cheap for cash. Flpe furniture 10 rooms, only f700. Mrs. Koonts, 231 Vi Washington. Marshall 1194. . - 48 ROOMS, plainly furnished: a money maker, rent $66; price $2400. Agents or buyers. . MUTUAL REAL.Tr CO.. 30.1 Washington St., Room S ROOMING houses, any size at prices to suit; we buy, sen and excliange. , PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO.. 313 Henry bldg, TEN room' boarding house, established and profitable, rent only szu; every thing in good condition and a bargain at $600. 206 Allsky bldg- FOR SALE 8 room boarding house In goad ' location; 12 boarders; also transient , For particulars, phono Tabor 4 11. " 's ROOMS for housekeeping, fine furnl- ture, cheap rent; bargain if sold at once. zus'fr 4tn sr. MINING STOCKS 58 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE UNLISTED STOCKS AND BONDS. Before buying or selling any MINING, OII WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL stocks or bonds try us. We handle bargains only. Buy, sell or trade. Con sult us by phone, in pernon or by letter. VVM. . ilAVlKBUW & UU., Lewis bldg. 4th and Oak sts. 7000 SHARES of stock, fully paid and nonassessable. In the greatest mining region In the world: par value 11 per share. M-899. Journal. ( MINING and Industrial stocks; - tele- f'hone and other bonds bought and d. C. 8. Fletcher. 125 Ablngton bldg. BUY Calumet Buena Vista copper stock,' locsnare: notning oetter. ZU9 Allsky. IT you wish to buv or sell mining stocks, call on 3. B. Purcell. 310 Oak. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 Here You Are Light grocery, cigar and confection ery, with 5 furnished living rooms, do ing $25 daily; rent $15; to see is to buy. Price $450; terms. Peters, 16 N. 5th st. 22 ROOM hotel in heart of business . district, oak furniture, everything in good condition; long lease: doing big ef-ess' rnt $140: price $2000. worth $3000. Call for particulars. , Reason, leaving city. Room 8, 862 Washington. GENERAL, suburban store, doing $9000 monthly business, invoice about $16,000, Including fixtures; teams and wagons, best in city. Particulars address Wal lace Miller, 840 Harold aye, ' A BARGAIN Will sell my confection ery and clear business, lona; lease, cheap rent, living rooms, art ideal place ror , man with own Beip. Meo owner. 121 ISt St. CIGARS, tobacco, confectionery and pool room; in good location ajid with established trade; low rent; ror sale below value on account of other . busi pens interests. 206 Allsky bldg.' - DIAMOND REALTY CO. , Room 14. 303ft Washington 8t- $660 buvs a; cleaning and dveintr. shoo, Including horse and wagon. Has a good traae. r . . 8550 buys a good restaurant on Wash lngton street doing a business of $20 per- day. WANTED Man with $6000 for fine established business, guarantee 60 per cent profit on investment yearly; money r u u y secu rea.-. or : particulars , oa e VVBBIUIIBIOII 81. ' '- ;: - ; RESTAURANT. , -" One in the heart of the city, rent $17, doing Al business; well worth $350, but yours for $150 if takenat once, Peters, 15 N. 5ttl sr. , . PARTNER wanted; strictly cash busi ' iness: pay energetic man $4 day: $200 reqmired; experience unnecessary,.' Par- iicuiara mart l, PARTNER wanted used to farm pro- duce; guarantee gooa salary, nlso Fronts; smau investment required, jrar Icuiars 248 ft Stark st. COUNTRY - sloi e, splendid valley town, doing cash business; Invoices $4500; best reason 1 for ,. selling. - Particulars US ft' Stark et CONFECTi6neRY and lunch parlors; live southern Oregon town; $60T; rent $15; fipe climate; good buy. 813ft Washington st, room 30, ? . WANVED Partner for good , paying rtstauiant. VeTy little money re quired. Address. 309 Wash, at, Van couver. Waph. HA VE good ibusineas proposition. Want . to hear Jfrbni party with capital ; to Invest. A-401, Journal. , . . WANTED Neat honest young man with little money, - to .show property and work In office. 225 6th at ROOMING HOUSE wanted for cash; must be In good location. - Room 8, 82 wasnmgton WANTED Lady partner in photo studio ' doing good business. C-408. Journal. FOR - SALE A .buttermilk . route; equipped. Phone Tabbr 440. i JOCfl business cards. $2; 500. $1.25: 200. 76c. Rose City Prlntery. 192 U 3d at GOOD lot. to trade for, auto. - A-1216T lianson. pod i; ". ,i i , and material. A. I'eteison,, Barlow. Or. r;Tv,-T -i-8!?-;!'" .-"?-"" BUSINESS CHANCES FORT GEORGE, laat great metropolis or North America will be one or me largest cities lu the west, and tha larg est In British Columbia, except Van. couver. , Fort George Is the geographical and strateglo commercial center of British Columbia and present supply point. - . Fort George Is on main line of Grand Trunk Pacific (Transcontinental) rail way, now building, and terminus (or on line) of six other.railways projected and ouuaing. ' . - - Fort George Is at Junction of 1000 miles of navigable waterways, on which 9 lines or ateamnoats now piy. Millions acres finest agricultural land, coal, timber and mineral are tributary. The immense tonnage from waterways will ba transferred to railways at Fort George. One hundred million dollara ($100,- 001,000) will be spent In next three years In vicinity building railroads alone. First offering of business lots, $150 each,, for Inside lota apd $200 each for corners, payabla $10' down and $10 per month, no Interest; no taxes until 1811; 10 per cent discount for cash. Title insured and ' auaran teed bv the government, which owns one-quarter of the lota. Write uulck for maps, plans and official data. Natural Resources Security Co., Ltd, 418 Winch Bldg.,' Vancouver, B. C. , ' Must Sell v . ; As I am too old to continue my bust neaa I have decided to close out my moon, ua xumiBDua rooms ann reiu" rant I have a good business. You ran ataV with ma aa Innor von like. to convince yourself. My price Is very. reaaonaDie. uooa lease ana very , rea sonable. Bee1 mo, Cor. tli and Davis, or see my agents, , IOVVA-DAKOTA LAND CO..' Phone M. 7224. 418 Swetland bldg. OLMSTED PARK. . . If you hava seen Olmsted Park you know that it Is worth today at least 60 per cent mora than tha price asked. If you have seen It, you know that It fur nishes every element of an Ideal home site. Prices on this great property ara going up soon; don't ba satisfied with aonwt of the profit get It all buy now. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade fling. ROOMING HOt'SEfl FOR SALfiT 83 rooms, $1800, $1000 cash, . 12 rooms, $650, ,$350 cash. - 14 rooms,. $800, all cash; good buy. 20 zooms,' $1800. $1000 cash. B Ami. SK&O. all caah. Ifau don't' see what you want hers call at trie orrice. we nave,-it. DIAMOND REALTY CO. Room 14, SnsVi WaHhlngion P. WELL .established real estate office, good list, well located and nicely furnished, on east side, will sell cheap as I have other business to attend to. Will spend one week making purchasor familiar with the details. East Side Investment Co., 37th aid Hawthorne. Tabor 1147. ' . FOR RENT. Restaurant with 6 furnished living rooms, depot location, yours ror ifto a month. Also 11 room, nicely furnished house, rooms all rented, everything for iiu a monm. PETERS. 18 N. 6TH. HAWTHORNE GROCERY Worth $2600, and that's what I want foe It; will take $1000 In city property: lo cating, in the heart of the Hawthorne residence dletrlct; a snap 'for soma ono familiar with the business. . BROWN. 411 yCoucn bldg, FOR SALE Good general business on Coos Bay, the coming city; owners leaving on account of sickness. Also 40 acres bottom land, part will make good Cranberry marsh, G. N, Bolt, Marshfleld, Or. ' BARBER shop for sale, S chairs, doing good business, good lostlon, cheap rent, good reasons for selling. C-394, Journal, ROOMING bouses, 300 up; "grocery ntnrA at Invoice: housea and 'lot j cheap; try us, 1015 Board of Trade HELP WANTED MALE 1 SPECIALTY. PAINT ' MANUFACTURING CO. CAN, USE SPECIAL TY SALESMAN TO TRA VEL IN OREGON; VERY LIBERAL COMMISSION WITH GOOD DRAWING ACCOUNT FROM THE BEGINNING. THE MER CHANTS PAINT COM PANY, CLEVELAND, O. WANTED Salesmen; many miiu $100 to $160 per month: soma even more: stock clean, grown on reservation, far fitM. tlsl .a.h a v.n.. -7 A e ly; choice of territory. Address Waah- mgton Nursery Co., Toppenisn. wasn. WANTED An experienced - Jewelry salesman.' one who does watch repair ing preferred; apply between hours 10 and 12 a. m. and 3 and b p. m. to Gevruts Bros., ' East Burnside and Union ave. ' . MEN WANTED To prepare for rail way mall examlnaVons. Commence ment salary $Sf00. Preparation free. Franklin -Institute,- Dept 308L, Rcchea- ter. is. x. WANTED A live man to drive coffee and tea wagon. Trade Is well estab lished: salary and commission paid; eash bond of $200 required. . C-400, journal. IF you are a salesman earning lee's than $176 a month. It will be to your ad vantage to talk with us. - Must have local reference and furnish bond. Call 220 Com. Club bldg. ' " ; - " WE aid our members to secure em ployment. Constant demand for young men of ability and Integrity. Special Employment. -Membership. Y. M. C. A. WaNTED Ifoung men to study rail . way telegraphy; good' positions; dajt and evening clauses; investigate. Ore--on College, 83 5th, corner Oak. - iUARGE bowl of rice, 6c; coffee or cocoa with snails, 5c; beans, 6c; best bean soup, 6c; clam chowder with crackers. iuc. owl Kice Kitcnen, bb 4tn. ' WANTED Salesman acquainted with architects and contractors, to take a profitable side line on commission, Patek Bros., Milwaukee, Wis. FINE opening for young man, experi ence unnecessary, small capital re quired; must be wide awake. ; Call 326 ft wasnmirton St.. room 417.- MOTION picture operators earn- $25 weekly: easy inside work: learn bust ness In short : time; lessons reasonable. 6ze wasnington. -, WANTED Good sober young man to , learn driving nd repairing automo biles. Apply at once to 62 N. 7th, cor ner Davis. 1 WHEN you want a good tamale call at Mum & Kay tamale parlors: guaran teed the best In the city, 173 ft 11th and Yamhill sts. "' INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOLS. SCRANTON. PA. REED & PIERCY. - . 311 McKay Bldg. Phone Marshall 697. WANTED Honest man f with $200 to taka half Interest in traveling motion tlcture show. For particulars . call 26ft Wash, st. MEN wanted to take rooms at the Vic tor house. 171 Front st. by night ztc ana anc; ti a-ween ana up. STEADY, -sober salesman: , no so- liciting; $25 security reauirecL B-401. Journal. . ' . MAN and wife, without children,, to . work on fruit ranch: stata age anrl experience, ir any. - y-33. journal. GET the Hab a Hab a wool hat, $3 - value for -$1.60. The ' Hattery,; 815 Alder st, N. E. cor, basement - ? - HATS cleaned and reblocked, 60c, The Hattery, 31C Alder, basement N. K cor. 6th and Alder. . -'-t CHEF headquarters and helpers. Call- ( lomia wine jepot, ss Jtamnui. next to" Journal. .- - .. ,. ... v- j- SOLICITOR for" cleaning and dyeliig ; wot-kb; onn witn cuy experience, call 490-Wasfi. St. . WANTED Men to have their shoes ? half soled for 60c. 222 2d st. r CABINET makers: apply Pacific1 Show t... - , . : , ' r-r- : i-ase a? yixtnra t;o.. Btn and Mcolal. t"; w.""-,,rr-'f, rTPalr. "ecPPa clothes. 208 Mala st 20 HELP WANTED MALE wa vpi,MMiKia hw.iAi mn for tha IX , 8. Marine corps, between the agos 19 and 85; raust be nauva urn i fi..t mjinrhlv mv S15 10 additional compensation possible; food clothing. Quarters and-meaiuai ance free. After 80 yeara' service i ....I.- .lk 7S n,nl nf MV Snd SI lowances. Bervlca on board ship and aahora In all parts of tha world. Apply at New Grand Central hotel. Portland, ur, ALL kinds of ranch help wanled; alo 8 lady liousekeeper. inquirn i Madras Employment Office Frank H Pratt, prop, rtnmrmciVpiNG. private tuition bookkeeping given ny an accouniBiiw 1 Merchants' Trust bldg. 6th A Wash. S01 , ,UELP WANTED FESlALi: WANTED -Young ladles to study com merclal telegraphy; good positions l)iiri,inal tnntruf lion: dav and evening investigate. Oregon College, 83 6th, corner Oak. ' ' - WANTED Young lady atonorraplier and bookkeeper; must be willing to work in store slso. 73 Mixtn. MAID wanted for general housework in family or threo, wages i. 29th st Willamette Heights. M. 8563 YOUNG girl for light housework, good home and small wages, (.an gw iv school. H-2096. '-.' GIRL for general housework; sman family. 626 wciaicr; iaae, orotuwn car to 11th. ' . 1 rsifiTTVor 'Piieral housework. 3 in fam ily; Gorman girl preferred; references required. A-3873. bSI waoison. i-iincfll.ATK dinner: , must be flrat class. Call after 10 a. m. Swethvnd's, 268 Morrison st. ' . : HELP WANTED MALE ANl '.. : . FEMALE ' .- 20 1 A AOS POSITIONS For graduates last year; rnen nd wo man learn barber trade In 8 weeks; help nniiiinni: vraduatea earn 81t to $2S cekly: expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalog. Moler Bystaro f Colleges. B N. 4tn St.. rorinnn. WANTKD-r-To meet some ladies .or gentlemen who wlah to take a trip east. urexel norei. za ana nm";i room 828: hours. 3 to 6 and 6:30 8:30, WANTJSD Men and women to learn to dance correctly.- The best achool la town offers half ratea this month. Ring- lr s.Grand ave. and K. Morrison. WANTED Solicitors, mala or female, 233 Market st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 63 , C. R. Hansen & Co. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Main office. 28 N. 2d st, Portland. Ladies' department 7th and Wash. sUu, upstairs, foriuina. 424 Front ave., Spokane. $7-89 ,4th St., Sao Franclsca ' Established 17. HA NLEY TAPLE? KMPIXYMttNT CO., headquarters for K. K. wore IV N. ta at ' WANTED AGENTS SALESMEN wanted to take our cash weeklr aelllna' choice nursery stock. Outfit free. Capital City Nursery Co, eaiem, ur. - SITU ATI ONWANTED MALE 8 JV"" U " MUNICIPAL FIEE ESfPUYKIEOST IF1FM!E 270 MADISON, BET. SD AND 4TH MALE AND FEMALE HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYE MAIN 8666. A-68J4 YOUNG married man with, reference and 10 years' experience in the lumber business as 'shipping clerk and yard foreman would like position with chance of promotion. A-402, Journal. YOUNG man of 18. wants work In wholesale house, driving wagon or plumber's helper. Phono wooaiawn 242. 831 Missouri ave. - ' ; -. . CARPENTER, experienced, desires posi tion in large hotel or office building as maintenance man. ti, journal. CARPENTER and builder; new or re palr work: day or contract. Pnone Woodlawn- 1238. ' FOR excavating, lawn grading, lot clearing, plowing, ate Phono Wood- lawn 2487. GOOD male stenographer wants poni tion; can also . keep books. A-408, Journal. POSITION wanted as meat cutter; mak ket and hotel experience. C-398. Jour nal. - .: ' ' A GOOD caiaenter wants work. Inside preferred. B-400. Journal. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. 4 WANTED By refined widow, stranger In city, housekeeper In widower's home, or for two gentlemen; best, ref erences.. C-407, journal. . HOUSEKEEPERS, .nurses, waitresses, chamber maids, , second girls, cooks, til. IjOuis , Agency, 2i - nouiuiw Main 2039, A1475. WANTED Position in confectionery store, 3 yeara experience.- i-an give best of references. Phones: Main 19.8 A-1938. ' - . . '"." ' - LADY deslrea work- washing and clean ing; $1.60 per day ana carrare. Main 6427, room 10 LADY wants work in private family, mostly cooking and kitchen work. Woodlawn 1285. A LADY who ia very fond of children would like 1 or 2 to care for. B-409, Journal. A GOOD, reliable wofnan wishes work by day. Mrs, mil, rnone Main 3u COLORED lady wishes work as chain bermaid. Call East 4819. WOMAN wants housework by the hour. Phone Main 3297. 189 w. Park st. DRESSMAKING 40 SHIRTWAISTS, 75c;. skirts, $2.60; : Princess, $5.00 and. up; work guaran teed. Main 8776. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 C NTEW ROOMS, gas,4bath, $18: single rooms. 3.60. 190ft Market st. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE V , NICELY' furnished suite of rooms, - si4table for 3 or gentlemen; all modern conveniences. hot running "water,- bath, heat, light, - phone; best neighborhood; rent $20. Phone A-S280. -HOTEL BRESLIN. 422ft Washington, Cor. 11th. Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths, nicely furnished room, $3 per week up; transient rates $75o up. v ; r' ; V FOUR room housekeeping apartments, also two large front rooms, nicely fur nished and steam heat; free phone and light. Vallamont Hotel, W. Park and Vamhlll sts.- - , - - n NICELY furnished , room in modern home, would be suitable for 2. 67 Trinity place, between . 19th and 20th, near Washington. Main-633.7, or A-4744 LARGE newly furnished front ' room, modern; bath and toilet, walking die. tance, $4 per weeK Home Phone A-7336, or call at 427 Montgomery st. -- ; ; ,, FOR rent, In beautiful private, home, nicely furnished alcove for one or two gentlemen, - very reasonable; walklne distance. A-6723. . - . TWO desirable well -furnished. light rooms, $2.50 and $3.50, 812 7th st, corner Salmon. 415 TAYLOR, corner 11th Nicely fur. nlshed front room; private home: sult- CLOSE In, very quiet front room and den. suitable ror or s; beautiful sur roundings. 261 14th. ... NICELY furnished room; - furnace heat bath; walking distance. . Main 428. - - v , . . 3 NICELY furnished outside rooms for . rent; gas, electric ngnts, bath, Piione Ar.7149: 362ft Jackson, corner Park. BURNISHED front .room in modern : n- katr.wWlnw ..mX 1 . 34ft 16th St.. N.-near Washington. Free phone aud bath. Main 7754. FURNISHED BOOMS , - ' WEST SIDE NICE, large, bright and pleasa, for rent; centrally located...!. , or cor. Burnside. fTTiTTclnple. 843ft Yamhill st. o. Hotel Portland; furnished roun a'week up; transient HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND. , European ""lL:---lL-i"ir' BKLVKDERE. European. 4th and . ICOOMS AND OAK1 REDUCTION made on large front If taken by two young ladles or j tlemenf also one sleeping room 1 board and comforts of home, rate; per week, with two meals dally. 881 H 4th St. ' LTUGE. newly, furnished front first class board for two or i' furnuco heat, hath, phone, $2-.D0 month each. 173 16th iiL' , ROOM! and board, cIcimi private I..', ing house: home cooking; $4.50 week. ZS3 N. 18in si. BOARD and room, gentlemen, pi I . ' family, home cooking. $ Ilann St, . Main 7S6H. - - ROOMS with or without board; ino.i, home, .strictly borne cooking. i 6th st. N. . .. . ) BOA Itb ami room for "8 single bath, pnon. parlor, piano. week. 191 lllh. Phone Mam M', EOOMS with, or without boarH boiisekeenina- rooms. andE. Clay. Tt. E. West. NK'ELV furnUlicd rooms. "Tieat.' I Jboard phone, with or wunout JJtti st. . M. 7779. , r.ll nnm627-631 liXDl WWJROOM AND B SMALL room with board, w-bu. 8d.i The iioiiywooo. ' NICE front room with board in p residence, i-none tasv. WANTED ROOM AND ROAR wiNTKti Room and board'by mnji and his little daugnter; famlkr nreferred. A-40. journal. UlcKtLEMAN wants board and rc private family where no can c oine. D-408, Journal. HOUSEKEEPINO K003I3 . . WEST SIDE NICELY' furnlahed bou l rooms. . bath, hot ai liousekeerln J it and cold 1 lights; also : an alcgant phone, gas, electrio HghU rnnmt frnm 12.60 UD! an front room, suitable for two genti.i 208 17th st. 8. Phone Main 7923. I THE SUTHERLAND Newly furnlsi housekeeping rooms, nv uiu cum j. ter. electrio lights, ; gas rangea. f bath and phone. 18th or W. , carl . corner zTtn ana Tnurrain. .a-ih Main 2038 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms. $8 month. I for Iiz: collage, : lower flat, 4 rooms. $16; unfurnisii. house, $10. 364 26th. North, i"W" f from depot Sd or Morrison, .to 2bi block nortn. i 2 NICE, clean, furnlahed front roi . for rent, ana nasemeni snn-n f cooking. 1 sleeping room ana kite i upstairs.- Both furnished for rent. t. at 667 Everett st. ' CLEAN neat connecting suite of hou keeping rooms;, bath, running wav gas; private borne. , 40? 4th, neaf H rlson st. ' 184 Sberptan. South Portland. $ i wk' un. . laroa. clean, furnished br t keeping rooms; parlor, laundry, bat THE COLLINS. 603 ft Alder, i nlshed housekeeping rooms, en suite: phone, bath, central r, neatly I ns, sing al liKiatl' I.ARfiR. lla-ht and clean room. nlshed complete for nousekeepinj Thurman st TWO housekeeping rooms sultab cnilnle oiv two worKiiiB people i reasonable, close in. 88 North 211 NEWLY furnished housekeeping reasonable; free, pnone and K4KU. Wanhinrton st.. near 18th. CAMBRIDGE building, 3d and Mori st.. furnished for housekeeping; A desirable. Apply room as PLEASANT housekeeping suite":, ve reasonable. 482 Washington, oi Portland theatre, THREE large, . sunny housckecplint roonM, walking distance. ( iu.itw St. Phone Main 6075. - TWO and 3 room suites, completely fur nished for housekeeping. g, $2.60 . an.U ii 1181. I housekeeping St, bath. 4:!k - -i $3.60. 246ft N. 17th. Main NICELY furnished rooms; gas, electric light. Hall st. $10 THREE housekeeping roins, .n plate, steet range, cis tn bi. m. ih THREE roomed suites $10 p-r monti each. 742 Savler St., near 23d st. JJL ...L , f j i v.1. 2 room furnished housekeeping suite THREE nicely furnished hoysekeepli rooms; running; water, gas. au rai MITCHELL Housekeeping rooij: llgi gas: moderate. 7tn et ! lander HOUSEKEEPING and sleepi nJT rooii 10th st furnished romp! ete. 166 N. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS EAST SIDE ,4 $1.25- to- $2.00 week, clean furnlslir ; 'housekeeping rooms; laundry, bat heat. 406 Vancouver ave. Phona Eae, 6039 j TWO nicely furnished botisekeeplni rooms, gas, bath, phone; -reasonabl' rent. 881 Williams ave., corner Broad, way. ; TWO nicely furnished housekeepj rooms; water, gas, wood, phone. 1 E. '30th N. Phone East 4056. - 4 two housekeeping rooms, ground n sink, pantry, and phone. 507 Mis sippi ave., jjower -aidi na. ' f -. ROOMw I IDE ' k h FURNISHED EAST SIDE Z9I Crosby, " hear steel bridgeT, room single or en suite, modern, $8 and uf FOR RENT HOUSES WHEN "too mora VouTIl need aew f uA nlture. v Buyi Judiciously and your av lngs will exceed moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us on of the largest furniture houses In th city !n less than two years. Lookers shown same courtesy as buy MORCrAN-ATCHLBY FTJRNITTJRE1 CO. fir. A . -n V Of A1"lr -Mt. i.-.' East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver : Cars - - - pass out oour. , . COMFORTABLE 6 room cottage; nice barn; $10 monthly. 147 Warner s.V Stewart Park. Mrs. Wolf, . Mt Sc Car.' A '.' 'V ;'-..-'"''i-..;"";..;- I FfVM room hnusn and . woodshed,- E,u .1 26th St.. $9 a month. Call 1018 E 11th st. North. - t FIVE room cottage, gas, bath a 623 Salmon. Inaulre of owner. 127 1st st.i or pnone Kast 4B40 Independent Laundry Co PHONE MAIN 6128 SIX room house., in good order. Duto) kitchen and snaaes; in- ww, Mississippi ave. ' r-' - - SEVEN room house for rent, $20 per months 697 Madison st ; Inquire W. M. Mitg, 454 jerrerson FOR RENT 6 room cottage atj North Albtna car- barns, lth fruiC -Pnona Woodlawn 1457. ; ., i LET Noland'a Baggage & Transter Co. move von:- tirompt' delivery: low ratepf S9A 4tn. main aaag, j'sio. . . . . ...... Alfl. A n . I .. FOR RENT 6 room cottage, bath an gas. witn or wunout stable. si Vaughn St.. " j ;-- -:.. -. - --.- i -:.--.v. ENTIRE second floor, five rooms, bat, atable room In connection, at 690 FiftA at., $i5. Main 867r . . . MODERN 7 room house for rent, right In Sunriyslde. Call phone A7149, GOOD 5 room house, l acre, fruit an $15 New, modern '6 room cottage, , morn, in rar, rnont i.aDors. i NINE room: house,- I7th st., $12.60 r ni"nin. imjiiirg pj3 irving sr. 1 f 2 8-room houses, modern, on S carlirl $21 and $ 2 3.' kaln 1410. A $16 7 ROOM house, bath and electrio f l,5LlWh .. A UUUO AMI V dtf. J