The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 02, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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- -5
official business while he wi charfld asked the senator to aid In changing thsj tlon that Hermann would not pass bla
Rear . End ; Collision In Blue
Mountains Delays East
! em Mail Train.
this per diem of IJ-nd therefore wai lieu land law.'.
not paring a aortal visit at tha surveyor. In discussing the unsigned letter to
general's office In Portland. Hermann, Secretary Hitchcock. Oeorge Cottenach
said ha could spend part of tha time; and Sella, which Jieney put In evidence
on social business but h was attend- as showing- tha evident refusal of Her-
Ing to official business all the time. I mann to transmit tha protests, to the
Xteaxd of JTreuds. ' ' j secretary, Hermann denied ever having
x- n.-.. wh i. ,if-n,t-- if seen litem, ue saja ne was in sympeuiy
ha had not found out about , the iM wuh the purpose of the letters Md had
lis would (laoiy amvw
claims.- Hermann aald that when ha ex
plained tha situation to the delegation
(ta members stated they would have
nothing to do with the ease.
Hermann aald he did not hear of the
employment of w. E. Valk and Assist
ant Chief Clerk Harlan by Benson until
i after he had left the commissioner's of
flee. ' : v , , ., ; .
frsuds during his visit to Oregon In "J"'"
1901 and 1901 and HennaniiCsaM he had signea mem.
heard of tham with the reeult that ha Xemory Tails HUH.
bocam more than vrr Hcrious In hla I Hermann aald ha had a very -faint and also because the leuer charred that
effort to secure the repeiU of the lieu remembrance of Emmett Cailahan of one of the land clerks In the department
Hermann said he did not put the
Zabrlskle lettera on the files beoause It
waa marked private and - confidential
A rear end collision between two
iO. IL A N. east bound extra trains at
Olbbon station delayed tha fast mall,
due to arrive here at 7:30 thle morning,
t hours and It minutes. Olbbon sta-
tlon la about 20 mtlee west of La
- Grande. The collision occurred at
'"11:H o'clock last night. No one waa
v Injured, but the locomotlvea were dam-
agel considerably.
W. . Bollona, superintendent of the
Oregon division, with headquarters In
this city.' went to the scene of the ao-
cldcnt and immediately started a search
t' Ing Investigation aa the collision oo
,'curred -within the limits of the blork
, signals, -
;- Kxtra train No. 881. eaalbound. In
.,. charge Of Conductor 8tacey and En
' srlneer Saundora. waa standing bntween
'""the switch's at Gibbon, with helper en
"glno No. S63. in charge of Engineer
Johnson,; at the rear. The train was
,,.,run Into by extra eastbound train No.
,i460. In charge of Conductor King and
Engineer Oettlnga, the latter train mov
-'" Ing at the rate of about II miles an
hour. ' .
The engine of the moving train waa
- that $oO wiil cover repairs to tbe cars,
' damaged to the extent of about 11000
, '"while It la estimated that 225 will re-
f,,,,,palr the damages to enging No. 83 and
t(- TMh , afternoon Superintendent Hoi
Ions wired General Manager J. P.
."O'Brien's off Ico here that he had as
"' certilned that the signal lights were
burning brightly and that Engineer Get
tlnr claims that he could not see the
t block , signals and could not see the
-"-train ah tad, on account of steam es-
caping from bla engine.
land law. I Baker City. He said he had no remem-
t .n.w.r in r,n.M,,n i. aata that branca of having seen Callahan at
he did not remember of having heard waanmgion unui ne lesuuea ai wn-
ot th. nnrtinn t,t Wev erhaauaer. mgion. Me aia not rememDer wnai meir
Smith and other of the eastern timber conversation had been about
kingc In Oregon lands Bnd that they had , He had alwaya conaidered that Maya
helped to aecure the pa. of the lieu create the reserve waa his de-
land law. Oregon was too remote Ml'1"' lo conserve me wawr luw -her
forests were too far from the mar- dld " knw that either Maya or W. H.
warn was imeresiea in me scniwi iwiua.
Hermann aald It had been his policy
to checkerboard objectionable lands and
exclude them from the reserve boun
daries when it waa necessary for a re
serve to be created. He had often dla-
kt to make them th object of tlm
ber thievea aa early as 1 8 a 7
About the last ymr of hla admfotatra
tlon of the land offlie, Hermann aaid
he had heard of whole carloads of men
n i.-- k... i, "..h h. mA ouased this question with various men
hesid of 'the actlvltlea of Puter. Krlbs had checkerboarded an Art son a re
or McKlnley. before the time he made rv' Hermann said, because the people
the Krlbs claims represented by 8na- u,er" " ma' ir m
tor Mitchell -special before the land of
What Bailroada Owned.
The railroad owned the odd sections
never I ,n the proposed reaerve, and Hermann
saia ne aeciaea tnti 10 incorporate iime
sections in the reserve would give the
(Continued from Tare One.)
Bliss employed Glfford Plnchot to .make
ail examination of the forests of the
n country, -
About Hyde Decision.
tt Secretary Hitchcock went Into office
: about two years after Hermann became
commissioner, the witness said.
Mr. Heney asked Hermann" about his
decision of the. Hyde case. May, 1898,
asking him If he remembered that he
had "decided It unlawful to appropriate
"''unsurveyed land aa Ilea land. Hermann
'."".said he had so testified.
'", Heney asked to refresh his memory
v., and read from the land decisions,' by
j Secretary Bliss, which rejected It on the
icv grounds given by Hermann as his own.
Heney contended that It had been Bliss
" and not .Hermann who announced the
'''. utiMiirvevpil lAn'rt floctrlniv This waa
"evidently for the purpose of ahowlng
,fii inaccuracy in Hermann s recollection.
tiI - Heney also put in ffvtdenee a decision
' by Secretary Hitchcock reviewing the
'""Hyde case, April II, 1899, for the eame
Hot rrands Until 1897.
Z Honey asked Hermann if he had tea-
"tlfled that the lieu' land act, in bla be
lief, wb the mother of the public
-.i land frauds. Hermann said it waa his
i" testimony. Heney then asked if It
'!'waa not a fact that there were not
mahy frauds until after 1897. Her
mann said yes.
- Heney then asked If Hermann had
. not learned soon after that date that
lands- in Oregon and California had
been acrlpped . extensively., Hermann
aald i hla waa so. .
.,. Hermann aald he had secured an ex
f peime allowance for- trips to tha west
'"teach : year, while In office. Part of
this lime he spent in Roseburg and in
;.'' Portland and be charged this subslst
,'(ilJence to the government.
s,;'j Heney then asked If he was not on
flee for action.
Knew of Thayer ITauda.
Hermann said that he had
heard of tbe Claud Thayer frauds until
r, rt i.n.t nffi nnH that hla railroad company a great advantage
...". r,.rtiruiriw to under the lieu land act. Therefore he
the case a. it passed before his because "cu Luth! 'IhVln.r.l
he had known Thayer and his name ar- I In-.d,,.CU?,n.f ,h ,enl?i
rested hla attention. He aald he re
membered the accusations made by
Father Schell, about the Thayer frauds,
but that nothing waa ever done with
the charges and he had no personal
knowledge of the case.
Heney Jthen began to bore Into the
witness. He asked him If It had been
question of
reserve land, Hermann aald, he had dis
cus sod the advisability of excluding the
school sections. He held, however, that
It would be unjuat to exclude achool
sections, unless fraud waa disclosed. Hs
knew of settlers in Oregon who had
bought school lands and made homea
there, and believed It would be unfair
to abut out the achool land holders
brought to his attention through the from excnlge of ,andlli wWWn g0v
were being perpetrated In lnnd matters,
I fhe would not consider that sufficient
ground to cauae his agenta to make
an immediate investigation. Hermann
aaid that he haA instructed his agents
to show great dlHIgence and that he
had expected both the agents and the
ernment claim holders could exchange,
unless fraud was shown.
' Hermann said he knew of no man,
Maya, Odell or anyone else, who held
school landa for speculation, and he de
nied that he had told Callahan that
these men were friends and should be
was betraying secret Information to out'
aide partlea. He accordingly wrote an
swers to the lettera and did not file the
correspondence. ' .. .
Hermann aald he had approved the
Hyde entries because they had been
paased upon by the department He had
not seen any Benson entries and ao
a eked that It be looked up by Professor
sTerer Saw JLetter.
Hermann aald he had never seen the
"cltlien" letter, charging Hyde and
Benson with fraud, until the letter waa
produced In court
Prevloua to tbe - Zabriakle letters.
Hermann aald he had never heard of
achool land frauds In forest reserves.
He had never heard of aohool land
frauda In the Blue mountain reaerve
prior to hla order of withdrawal. The
first Intimation he had of theae frauda
waa In the Zabriakle letter, which
charged frauda In the Warner mountain
and Caacade mountain reserves.
Aa soon as he received the Halalnger
report on the Hyde-Benson frauds, Her
mann aald he inetructed Clerk Harlan
to auspend all entries In which Hyde
and Benson were Interested. '
' Colonel Worthlngton read thla order,
which waa made special with orders to
rush.. Colonel Worthlngton also read
tbe testimony of Aaalstant Chief Clerk
McGee of the forestry division given at
the Waahlngton trial, regarding the sus
pension order, which aald that Hermann
had ordered t!J reDoru This order was
atlll effective when he went out of of-
flee. - " i -..- "
Hermann took . the Halalnger report
of tha Hyde-Benson frauda to the sec re
Ury. he said, and told him , he reit it
unsafe to file the report in the land of
fice, so ha had brought It to the secre
tary for safe keeping. .. -
Mr. Hermann concluded hla direct
testimony at 4 o'clock and Mr. Heney
began at once on the cross-examination,
continuing until 4:80, when eourt was
adjourned for the day. .
StAamer , May Leare Tomorrow
for Rlparla to Be Overhauled.
Advices received this morning at the
offloes of the corps of engineers, United
States army, from Captain Win alow,
master of tbe government steamer Uma
tilla, which la at Homly Rapids, state
that the ateamer may leave tha latter
place tomorrow for Rlparla to go on
the O. R. It N. ways. She will go on
for general overhauling If the water. In
the Snake river will allow her to reach
Rlparla. ..
As long aa there are pancakea. pota
toes and prunes we needn't starve. '
Come to Ale
and be Cured
When I
Cure You
, . ... ... , , , .v., .. ,v.,. I proiecieo. ne mougni an mo ooiuen
land office of flclala locally ta do their f 8rhoo, 1ndg were nonMt ,n thelr ,.
Appealed to Congress.
He hsd been given vsrlons reports
about the frauds and had appealed to
Preiees Mitchell.
Hermann eulogised Senator Mitchell,
and snld he always esteemed him as a
agenta to Investigate them. The records ,,.,"'. :" C"X
of the land office would show, thla to
congress to give mm more special
t i ' '
- 't?
Give Your Stomach
A Vacation
be a fact He had found that he was
deceived by bis agenta and had called
them to account. Ho was using his
every endeavor to stop the abuses of
the lieu land act In 1901 and 1902.
Mr. Heney then went Into the Mon
tana land cases and asked If Hermann
did not remember that Senator Clark
was Involved In them. He then asked
If the repeal of the lieu land act would
have stopped these frauds. Hermann
said that theae had been a distinct
class of frauds under the misuse of
the timber and atone act
Ot of thla testimony Mr. Heney drew
to the fact that the frauda had been
cases where many individuals had takes
contlguoua landa and sold them aa soon
aa secured, to speculators, lie asked
Hermann If he believed that theso
frauda were accomplished by a large
numhber of Individuals taking claims
Independently, or by their taking them
under contract for a few men and Her
mann said that wps his understanding.
Refers to Wallowa seaerve. .
Heney then went into the withdrawal
of the Wallowa reserve. He asked
Hermann how he knew that the north
ern entrlea In that reserve were fraud-
man. Whenever he had omclal rela
tions With him, Hermann said he had
felt that he waa dealing with an honest
Hermann said that he had alwaya con
aidered both Maya and Jonea to be men
of atanding and integrity. He had not
known Jones as well aa Maya, and knew
him slightly. He did" not remember of
ever meeting H. A. Smith or ucorge
Hermann testified that his relations
with Hitchcock were strained. Hitch
cock waa captioua and suspicious.
After the Spanish-American war the
land office waa required to publish
large cession map, ahowlng the different
land acquisitions, Hermann aald, and be
asked authority to put the lands gained
through the war on the map, and Hitch
cock said it could not be done.
Thought Hitchcock Wrong.
Hermann said he thought Hitchcock
waa wrong, and he appealed to McKln-
ley. McKlnley expressed himself
warmly, and the next day Hitchcock
sent him a note to put the islands on
the map. After that the relations be
tween himself and Hitchcock were very
much arrained.
Hermajnn denied emphatically that at
e pay ne aa yon
gel US benefit of
my treatment.
TUB TOM A OVatS Is lover than any
specialist in the olty, half mat oinere
charge you, ana no. exorpuani marge
for medicinea. ' .
I ana an expert Bpecialiat have had
10 years' practice In the treatment of
diseases of men. My offices are the
beat eaulnoed In Portland. My me' -ode
and modern and up to date. My cures
are Quick and positive. ; I-do not treat
symptoms .and patch up. I thoroughly
examine each caae. find the cau a, re
move it and thue cure the dlseaae.
Z CO KB Tarloose Teint, Oontraeteg
diseases, riles and Speolfie Blood Iol
em and all T ' -eaaes of Men.
irxCIAX DXSXASZS STewly contract
ed and chronic caaea cured. All burning,
Itching and inflammat.jn stopped In ti
nours. cures eirectea in seven nays.
Insures every man a lifelong cure, with
out taking meaicine lnio me siomacn.
M CM Visit Dr. Lindsay's private Mu-
muii aeum of Anatomy and know thy
self In health and dlaeaae. Admission
free. Examination and consultation free.
If unable to call, write for Hat of ques-
Zlheuznatlam is In reality an Internal Inflammation: a diseased condi- 1 i0Jh, : " . .
Hon of the blood cells which'supply the nourishment and strength necessary .jays, 10 a. m. to l p. m. only,
to sustain our bodies. The disease is caused by an excess ot urlo add lnl n t A
the blood, which comes from indigestion, weajc kidneys, constipation, and . Ijl-r LliNlJ-AY
other lrreeularltlea of the system. This urlo acid produces an inflamed -r.Ve -n
and acrid condition of the blood, and the circulation, instead of nourishing 184 cboobd IT,' COB. or AX-Osm,
D2orvciiiAT- Tno curs
A enparallooel tuptrt-r iMrit lor nflcvtng Couf-i
Hmihum and Irrtt-tloa of throat i oi rat bandit
ta Lam Troublu. Bconchius en4 AMhauw ft
Irom opiatM e nr hvmful Inm-lutU '
PrUa, 26 cn, 60 ewiM and $1.00 ft tan- S
Sampi nuUUd en fnt. t '
the different portions of the body, continually deposits Into the muscles,
nerves, Joints and bones, the irritating and pain-producing acid with which
it is filled. Then follow the painful and torturing symptoms of Rheumatism.
We do not claim for 8. 8. 8. that it is anything more than a first class blood
purifier, and that ia Just what is needed to cure Rheumatism. 8. 8. 8. goes
Into the circulation, and by neutralizing the urlo acid and driving it from
the blood, effectually and surely removes the cause of Rheumatism. 8.S.S.
strengthens and invigorates the blood so that Instead of a weak, sour
stream, causing pain and agony throughout the system, it becomes an
roB xhim ajtd bxbtobxo
Oatarrh. lnnr troubles rhan-
lnvlgoratlng, nourishing fluid, furnishing health and vigor to every portion mattsm, nervousness, stomach, liver and
ox me ooay, ana permanently relieving me sunenng cause a dv itneumaium. Udaey troubles, also all private diseases
m. a. a. is nureiv veraiaoie ana win not lniurs me mosE aencate avstem. "
Sook on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all who write. i
Vegetable Garden
First man that sees this nd means
business will buy. ' Fine black soil, ,
sandy loam. . Off of V acre last year
sold over $500 worth of tomatoes.
New bungalow and barn: tlace fenced
and cross-fenced; your produce on
market daily, no better or cheaper
service; sold adjoining property1 last
wcck io unt man mat saw it.
Price, $100 Per Acre
Waggener Real Estate Co.
J 210-212 Abington Bldg. - .
Lot nrlces nosttively AOVAJfQB Im
mediately concrete sidewalks are laid.
This work is now under way on East
47th, 48th and 4th sts., between Divi
sion and Clinton, and belna rushed to
completion. '
Make your aelectlon now and ret all
the profit. Don't 2ely. ' If you buy
now you jtet a
80x100 X-OT.
AM LOW 9450.
ulent. and the witness said that he had any time, or any place, or In any way.
an investigation made In his office and he entered into any agreement with
found that .large numbers of thorn had Maya, Jones, Smith or Sorenson about
been made after the notice of the lm- the Blue mountain reserve, or agreed to
pending reaerve was made public and aid them, or to give them information,
before the withdrawal. He bolieved, Hermann aald that F. A. Hyde's name
however, that theae entrlea had been was very familiar to him, coming down
made honeatly so far as compliance with from the divisions. He had never had
the law of Individual use was concerned, any correspondence or acquaintance
but that the appllcant8 had intended with him, except as coming from the
to use the land as base for exchange departments.
and that he did not consider that fair, m8 relations with John A. Benaon
so worked for the modification of the were unpleasant. Hermann sqid he held
withdrawal order. UD a ciaim 0f jbo.OOO which Benson had
Heney then showed that the geologl- Ulmnat aAcured nmann nm Into the
cal report on the reaerve had been made ,., fln(, Hermann had e.nressed him-
ln June, iu., ana me wunnrawai nau very frecly to hJrni untlj the 8cene
not been made until .November of that becara, - animated that he thought It
year, and aaked the witness If it would ,d n neceBsarv t0 Dut ,,.m out of
not have shut ou the entrlea If the
withdrawal had been made Immediate
ly after the report had been sent to him.
Was Serious Matter.
Mr. Hermann contended that It was
a serious matter to wunnraw so targe
a tract of land from settlement and. that
he had considered the matter of all
withdrawals carefully for that reason.
It took time for thla consideration;
Mr. Heney asked the witness if ho
had ever sought the repeal of the tlm-
the office.
Called Into Conference.
Hermann said he had been called Into
conference while In San Kranclsco, and
had met the California delegation.
where Benson complained to the delega-
Catarrh Will Go
;?.St"'' 'a Sr,JSu'S5i VbTirrS SS R-I'-t in Two Minutes, Com-
Which Digest Food Without
Any Aid.
, A Trial Package Bent Pres.
The stomach should have a rest when
It Is tired out and irritated from dys
pepsia and Indigestion. One should not
.call upon the Btomach In this condition
(Tto do Its full and complete duty. What
:.-. Jjthe stomach needs ia natural assistance
(H and when this .Is given It the stomach
;,responas quickly to the needed rest
. ;., and comes back to its
' - jreshed ana invigorated.
When you feel aa though your stoni
y if :ach were a piece of lead, when gaaes
4" or foul odoi issue from your throat,
' when your tongue is coated and your
. appetite gone, it is high time to send
r- your stomach on a vacation.
The stomach js constantly coming in
,'( .contact with foreign substances, which
y.i-lt mist reduce in form to give strength
and health to the other organs of the
body. It ia the commissary department
h" 'Of -the human system and must furnish
, - ". from , euoli eupplles aa come to it all
j' that such a system demands.
Xt the stoniach becomes deranged and
: cannot furnish all that la necessary, It
io. weakens the entire machinery of man
.:and Is Itself placed out of commission.
'' It cannot cure itself because the cura
, tiva . powers of Nature receive their
, forct from the stomach, so that if the
stomach Issues imperfect nourishment
Jt?' It cannot receive perfect curative means
l, tor Its awn benefit
' ,T Stuart'S Dyspepsia Tablets impart all
i'l.lhe power, vigor and strength necessary
'to the stomach. They do the stomach's
.work and wIth0-t calling on this organ
r'Tor assistance.
If you would put your meal In a glass
Jar and with it place the correct amount
- of 8tart' Dyspepsia Tablets you could
alt down and watch these little tablets
t digest the meal as perfectly as the most
healthy stomaclu ThJa demonstration
i" haa been made" In almost every state In
r the Union by these tablets, one grain of
i'i single Ingredient being capable of dl--
treating 1000 grains of food.
'' If you have the slightest doubt about
.' ' your stomach, go to the nearest drug
tt stor. and buy a box of Btuarfs Dya
pepaia Tatjlets, price 60c, or send' us
- -. your name and addreas' and we will lm-.
i, mediately send you by mail a trial pack-
r,, ag free. - Aadras . v. : a. , Stuart Co.,
r; .180 Stuart Bid;. Marshall, Mich.
plete Cure Soon.
purpose. He asked ir ne had ever
sought opportunity to address the house
in opposition to the timber and stone Don't go on hawking yourself sick
act, and Hermann said he had worked every morning; It's cruel, It's harmful
against me law, oui naa miroaucea no I and It s unnecessary,
bill. The record would show his course if after breathing Hyomei, the won
ln regard to the law. der-worker, you are not rid of vile ca-
lieney aaicea ir it were not a jact tarrh, you can have your money back.
mat no action was ever taken 'on lieu No stomach dosing just take the lit
mna iaw unui aiier uie. j-uier maici- tie hard rubber pocket Inhaler that
ments and conviction and the Hermann comes with each outfit, and pour into It
inuiuimeim ana nemiann pukj ne aia a few drops of Hyomei. Breathe it ac
not believe that one congressman In 25 cording to directions. In two mlnutea
ever neara or futer. iney were Inter- it will relieve you of that stuffed un
duties re-tested in the indictment of Senator feeling. Use it a few minutes every
Mitchell and himself, however. , dayi and in a few weeks you will be
-r. jieiipy uitni n xiormann naa De- entirely free from catarrh.
8un iu juu wiui --epicjon on tne rew Qet an outfit today; it only costs
men who were seeking to create re- $1.00; 'It's worth $1000 to any catarrh
RHra - 1 flnl nnl 1 A n O . 1 . a. I
...... m iien ne naa sufferer. For sale by druggists every-
heard of the school land frauds, and where and by Woodard, Clarke & Co.,
Hermann said he had. who guarantees It to cure catarrh,
Heney asked if Hermann did not con- croup, ooughs, colds, sore throat and
Biaer ii imeiy iaia tnieves woiUd bronchitis. An extra bottle of Hyomei
trade in school land base, just as they liquid If needed costs but 60c. The lit-
had in timber and stone lands and Her- tie hard rubber pooket inhaler you get
mann said ha most Rssuredly did, and with outfit will last a lifetime. Sample
mat ue w auing au ne could to pro-1 bottle of Hyomei free from Booth
tect the lanas. j-ie had no special knowl- Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
ecige or tne scnooi mna frauds until he
had received the Zabrlskle letters,
though the timber land frauda had been
called specifically to his attention.
Lack of Virility or Vita) Power
Js.ene .of th most depressing and
important conditions with which
physicians have to deal. The nerve
origin being in the lower brain,
the medula oblongatia and medulla
spinalis, and center of the lumbar
enlargement, as well as the glan
dular and muscular apparatus, rem
edies must be used with these
facts in view, and it stands to rea
son that treatment of these im
portant centers should not be en
trusted to quacks or experimenters.
If you have an ailment of the
delicate or sensitive centers, come
and talk your case over with me.
If after a thorough examination
and understanding of your case I
find it to be incurable, I will frank
ly tell you so and not cause you
to spend, time or money. I will
not charge you a cent for any in
formation I may be able to give
you, and if you feel convinced that
I am the right man to handle your
case I will do so on eminently
satisfactory terms to you if the
case is curable.
Young, Middle Aged and Old Men Cured Quickly
X Advertise What X Do and X So What X Advertise.
If you suffer from any Disease or Weakness caused by ex
cesses. Sedentary Habits or any form of dissipation, come and get
my advice FREE. Do this, no matter who has advised you or
treated you, for I have a POSITIVE CURE for every such a
curable case. H is because I have cured my patients that I today
enjoy the largest practice of any one physician or specialist in
Portland. ,
Impoverished health and age go badly together, and the older
you get the more difficult is the task of righting physical wrongs.
A man of words and not deeds is like a garden full, of weeds If
you need help get THE "TODAY HABIT."
When a man commences to get old at 40 or 60, you know he ieoif
!he,-Jiror,J5 lr?r and mthlng unnatural Is behind the case. By
methods distinctly my Own I cure to atav curod fr -r-w-n.i
. T5i.l t' "" ", aiiooa ana sun Diseases, Kldaer
and Bladder Disorders, Vloers, Bore. Fatnful Swelling, Burning, xtoi
tnjr and XnfUiwnatkm, Berroasness, oss of Strexrtband VitlJy 3od
all Bpeolal and X-elloata Dlaoiiim at r- '
Bpeolal and Delloata Dloiam at r-
I am the oldest and moat successful specialist in diseases of inen
on the coast and my fees are very much less than you would pay for
Inferior aervlce. Medicines furnished from my own laboratory. $1.60
J.!2 . -P.-Kfr'5; vIf you anot ca-ll. write for parOculars. ManV
cases are curable at home. Hours a m. to p. m. Sundays 1 to 11.
2ICi TambUI St
Brubaker & Benedict
Boa HcBay Bldg., Third and UtMk.
Tou will miss it Jf you let this pass.
Oregon Land Co.
Main 741S. 116-817 Henry Bldg.
40 acres, bearing peaches and apples,
and 60 acres fruit land adlolnlna: ji sac-
Most of the remedies that he ore-1 .ii- . 4oaw.
...Ik.. V.I. .1 .- J.,J -- k 9M.t3.VWt
in the form of eas, compounded from One third down, balance 6 per cent
Koois, MerDS ana uarKa gatnerea rrom
the utmost quartera of the world. Taken
In this form, the system rapidly assim
ilates the medicinal nroDertlea In the
prescriptions and a noticeable relief Is
very often apparent within a few hours
after taklna the first potion. In the
more chronic cases that he is dally
called upon to treat, the medicine may
not show such quick beneficial effects,
but it at once attacks the cause and
the ravages of the disease are checked.
He baa obtained from Pekin, China. It
is safe, sure and reliable.
If you live out of town and cannot
call, write tor symptom blank' and cir
cular, inclosing- 4 centa in stamps.
Open Evenings and Sundays.
The C Gee Wo Chiriese Medicine Co.
lean rim UU Cor. -Corrisoa, BOrtiand.
The well known Dr. B..XC
OXAB, with their Chinese
remedy of herbs and roots.
cure wonderfully. it naa
cured many sufferers when
all other remedies have
failed. Sure cure for male
and female, chronic, private
ui senses, nervouanes ,u., f
blood poison, rheumatism
asthma, pneumonia, throat, lung trouble,
and .diseases of all kinds. Remedies
harmless. Wo operation. Honest treat
ment. Examination for ladles by UBS.
X. CHAW. Call or write to
Lot 100x100 on 15th Street
Portland Trust Co.
S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts.
Lots in bulldlns- restrictions' 3 to B
and,Udl.Pea.e; 'of'flJJi.iS b,ocks trom Kllling.worth av... and good
car service; graded streets and -cement
walks, Bull Run water, aome snlendld
river views, lots 60x100 and 60x110,
get in on the ground floor and buy be
fore advance Of prices; for a limited
time we will sell lots from ,1460 up,
easy terms. Call or phone. Woodlawn
226). Morrison St., Between 1st and 2d
.Portland, or.
Mlseh arses, iaflam
'mat Ions, Irritations . or
r ulceration of mncoas
'membmaes. Contains ao
I alcohol, which is aa irritant:
for narcotic, which affords
at temporary relief. :
Bio G Cdbbs
itM, or i botttti, .js
TI Erui Cinlctl Co.
. I. A
Continuing his testimony at the after
noon session yesterday, Mr. Hermann
said he had suspended all further ac
tion on the Blue mountain reserve after
the temporary withdrawal had ben
made, pending the final report of thO
geological survey. This report had nr vet
come to mm wnue he was commis
sioner of the land office.
Explains tetter. i
Hermann explained the Podson letter
of protest by saying that the secretary
had complained at the opposition of the
public to the creation of reserves. Her
mann had written the letter to explain
away the belief that a reserve would be
hostile to raining interests'. Dodson
was writing aa a representative of the
mining interests. ,
Hermann aaid he did not remember
talking to Hays ana Jones about the
Blue mountain reserve while in OiWmt
in 1902. He bad talked to Senator
Mitchell ati different times afcout th.
lue mountain reserve, and the reserve
ouesuon generally. He had
My special treatment will completely
cure your ailment so that it will never re
reputation as the leading specialist in men's
diseases is firmly established by my work
of the past.
Mfliasl AK yanr m-mrgLmt tot
Cklhator'a lHiod ZtmdA
fills ta Bed and M mUV
bswi, tamled with BIu ' Ribboa. f
Take aiW. Hnrtflnr V
Ir(r1t. Ai k foe t II I- ITE (.TEETS'
iuv., mMPtu ri-oua, lor as.
-r kaowm u Bett, 64 ft, Alwmvl Rallabla
sou by waiooiSK amwm
t i
" If troubled with indigestion, constipa
tion, - no appetite or feel bilious, give
Chamberlain's' Stomach and Liver Tab
lets a-trlal and .you will be pleaaed with
alwHvnltha result. TheaA tablets Invlcnrsta tha
I taken occasion, when opportunity offered I stomach and liver and strengthen the dl-
to protest against the lieu land act. He'aesUon. . - - -
My Specialty Includes:
Varicose Veins, Obstructions, Specific
Blood . Poison, Contracted Ailments, Kid
ney and Bladder Troubles, and ALL
Bing Chong
cures all diseases of
men and women by
use of , the 1 famous
Chinese herbs.
orx-icx BOtrxta
8 to 11 a. m,,
S ' to 6 p. m.
Office, room 11,
aasK Alder st
or 133H 1st St.
l l a. m. to z
p. m., to' li p. to. S8S rianders Bet.
eta ana ou v
12th and Glisan Sts.
Portland Trust Co.
S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts.
100 feet.
1 The property" 60 by
northwest corner of :
Tbe XVeadlng Specialist, '
candid advice costs you nothirfg. I cheerfully give ybu the very best
opinion guided by years of successful practice. Men out of town in
trouble, wrke if you cannot call, as many cases yield readily to
proper home treatment. My offices are open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.j
Sundays, 10 to .l only. ;
'. "A.' v-.' -x.
... ,
Every IVcmah J & Washington Sts.
la Interested and should
know about the wonderful
MARVEL Whirliol Spray
e new vacinai nynnce. -
staatly. , .
A air vnnr rirnaraiat for
Ik. If hanamuitMtiDulT
tha MARVKL. aocent
nn nth-, hnt mmnA itamn
t for lllnntrated book sealed.
! RtTOifnll parties lars and dlreo
Uons Invaluable U ladlea,
, auBTnco-MiertSMSunw
i ' .... ...... ........ .. r -a
for aai by Bkidaiare - rras Co.t Weodtrd,
Clark Co., and Laoe-Oavla Drag Co, S itorae.
XCnowa as tha Balslrh Block.
Submit offers in writing 'to
Alf. It. Kelly
Hotel Portland, Portlaad, Or.
Pile Remedy
I have 'a pile remedy
which is a certain cure.
j i naa .curea mousanas i
and can 'do-the- same fof f
you. Bee Maior A. Wood
Is, Civil War Veteran,
manufacturer, 267 Jef
ferson st., room t, ' v
.Journal Adlets Pay Biggest
R.eal Estate Sales
men Wanted
' Special commissions ' allowed active f
agents. We have an addition that will
make money for you. .
717 Board of ' Trade bldjr. '
Lowest tates and terms tb suit - Sneolal -rates
for business prooerties. Fupds
loaned for private investors. ' -
M.'E-. Thompson Co. r. s
" Xeal Estate and Hre Insnranoe. '
Place Tour Fire Insurance With US.
Cor. th and Oak. Main 60S. A-3327.